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Post on 07-Aug-2018






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  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports



    QWL is a comprehensive, department-wide program designed to enhance the

    work environment by improving employee satisfaction, strengthening work

     place learning and helping employees better manage change and transition.

    Quality ! W"# li!$ %"&"a'( has become important in the work place for the

    following reasons:

    Increased women in the workforce

    Social integration in the company

    Increased responsibility for elders

    Increased demands at work 

    Loss of long term employment guarantees

    The need for enhanced work place skills

    reater competition for talent

    T)$ *$+t"al i,$a ! QWL i( t)at -ala+*i+& ."# a+, %$"(+al li!$ i( +t

    '$"$ly a 'att$" ! %$"(+al *)i*$ -ut a *"%"at$ "$(%+(i-ility i+ t$"'(


    Improving employee satisfaction

    Strengthening work place learning

    !etter management of on-going change and transition

    The concept of QWL in India manifests itself in a variety of operational

    systems. There is a need to probe deeply these operational systems. The

    available data on these aspects is scanty and superficial which has prompted us

    to undertake this research.


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    Study of the impact of work environment on the "uality of work life of

    employees in a garment e#porting company.


    To understand the present work environment in the company.

    To study the impact of work environment on the personal effectiveness of 

    employees in the work place. To e#amine the employee satisfaction level.

    To find out if the satisfaction of employees in independent or dependent

    on the "uality of work life. To find out areas of weakness and provide constructive suggestions.


    The nature of research was e#ploratory as well as diagnostic because the study

    was aimed at e#ploring the impact of work environment on the "uality of work

    life of employees. This research is also aimed at recogni$ing the areas of

    improvement for %Theme ports'.

    Sa'%l$ (i1$: ( total number of )** employees were selected to elicit the data

    re"uired for the study.

    Sa'%li+& t$*)+i2u$:

    The respondents were chosen on the basis of (i'%l$ "a+,' (a'%li+&3 Simple

    +andom Sampling is also known as probability sampling or chance sampling.

    nder this sampling design every item of the universe has an e"ual and fair

    chance of inclusion in the sample. (ll choices being independent of one another,

    it gives each possible sample combination an e"ual probability of being chosen.

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    Data *ll$*ti+ a+, a+aly(i(:

    ata used in this research is primary as well as secondary.

    I+(t"u'$+tati+ t$*)+i2u$(:

    Qu$(ti++ai"$: The primary data has been collected through

    "uestionnaires which were administered to employees and personally

    filled by them. /$"(+al i+t$"4i$.: This was re"uired for classification of any

    ambiguous answers from the employees.


    This study pertains only to employees of %Theme ports'.

    The study is limited to the work environment and facilities provided by

    %Theme ports'.

    Some "uestionnaires that I received were incomplete as a result could not

     be included in the tabulation. It is assumed that there is no influence of any person, for e.g. a colleague

     peer while filling the "uestionnaire. (s the perception level of the respondents has not been tested, it is

    assumed that all of them have perceived the "uestions in the correct way.


    To gain insight on the present level of "uality of work life at % Theme

    ports'. To familiari$e myself with all the domains that contribute to the over-all

    assessment of "uality of work life.

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    The male employees are found to be more prone to stress compared to

    their female counterparts. The reason can be attributed to the fact that

    most men suffer from peer pressure from their female counterparts, as the

    work involved is usually considered to be of women/s domain. !oth the male and female employees feel that work environment has an

    impact on their performance. The employees are found to be content with the present work

    environment in the company.

    The satisfaction of employees is dependent on the "uality of work


     Quality ! W"# Li!$:

     0or most employees, going to work is a necessary evil, something that has to be

    done every day. 0or a select few, however, their careers are their calling. They

     believe in what they do and it gives them a sense of purpose. In their search for 

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    these 1super employees,1 companie s are looking for ways to provide a better 

    "uality of work life.


    1. 2uality of work life as the e#tent to which employees can enhance their

     personal life through their work and their environment.

    To businesses, this translates into how their staff3s professional responsibilities

    affect their personal lives. The "uality of life has become a ma4or focus as

    companies reali$e the effect professional stress has on the "uality of work and


    T)$ A((i&+$, Ta(# 

    ). In assessing the "uality of work life, it is important that the employee feel

    that the task assigned is valued within the organi$ation. The task should fit his

    skills and abilities, allow the employee to supervise the progress of the task and provide a way for the employee to reach his ultimate goal within the company.

    /)y(i*al W"# E+4i"+'$+t

    5. The physical work environment centres on the physical space that the

    employee is working in or a space that will be used in the future. The physical

    environment should be safe and healthy, and provide the resources necessary tocomplete the assigned task. (n ideal physical environment is mentally

    stimulated with all of the necessary 4ob tools present and ready for use.

    A,'i+i(t"ati4$ Sy(t$'

    6. The administrative system refers to how the organi$ation is managed. (n

    employee with a healthy "uality of work life will feel supported andencouraged to do well by the administration. The aforementioned study

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    suggests that employees are looking for work environments where they have

    access to fair assessments and feedback, and the ability to advance within the


    (lthough employees want to be fairly compensated for their roles, more

    importance is placed on the perception of 4ob prestige from internal and

    e#ternal sources

    W"# Li!$ V(3 H'$ Li!$

    7. This element is a little harder for businesses to affect because it is rooted in

     personal perceptions. &very employee is different and that brings a different

    view on the perfect work and life balance.

    In attempting to create a fair work and life balance, organi$ations should

    consider the effect of the 4ob on the family, the level and type of stress the 4ob

     produces, and the ultimate career goal of the individual employee. Some

    companies have addressed this by allowing telecommuting, fle# schedules or

     4ob sharing in lieu of longer hours or increased responsibility. quality of

    work life as the extent to which employees can enhance their

    personal life through their work and their enironment.

    I8T+9TI98 T9 ;

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    regardless of the type of organi$ation, government, business, education, health,

    recreation, or social action. etting and keeping good people is critical to the

    success of every organi$ation whether profit or non-profit, public or private.

    Those organi$ations that are able to ac"uire, develop, stimulate and keep

    outstanding workers with both effective =able to achieve their goals> and

    efficient =spending the least amount of resource necessary>. Those organi$ations

    that are ineffective or inefficient risk the ha$ards of stagnating or going out of 

     business. Survival of an organi$ation re"uires competent managers and workers

    coordinating their efforts towards an ultimate goal. ?hile successful

    coordination cannot guarantee success, organi$ations that are unsuccessful in

    getting such coordination from managers and workers will ultimately fail.

    To look at ;+< more specifically, we suggest that it is process consisting of 

    four functions @ ac"uisition, development, motivation and maintenance @ of 

    ;uman +esource. In less academic terms we might describe these four 

    functions as getting people, preparing them, activating them and keeping them.

    Hu'a+ "$(u"*$(  is a term with which many organi$ations describe thecombination of traditionally administrative personnel functions with

     performance management, employee relations and resource planning. The field

    draws upon concepts developed in Industrial9rgani$ational Asychology.

    ;uman resources has at least two related interpretations depending on conte#t.

    The original usage derives from political economy and economics, where it was

    traditionally called labor, one of four factors of production. The more commonusage within corporations and businesses refers to the individuals within the

    firm, and to the portion of the firm3s organi$ation that deals with hiring, firing,

    training, and other personnel issues. This article addresses both definitions.

    The ob4ective of ;uman +esources is to ma#imi$e the return on investment

    from the organi$ation3s human capital and minimi$e financial risk. It is the

    responsibility of human resource managers to conduct these activities in an

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    effective, legal, fair, and consistent manner. ;uman resource management

    serves these key functions:

    ). +ecruitment Strategy Alanning

    5. ;iring Arocesses=recruitment>

    6. Aerformance &valuation and

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     4ustifies a bargaining position and a general view that 1human resources1 are


    ( significant sign of consensus on this latter point is the IS9 F*** series of 

    standards which re"uires a 14ob description1 of every participant in a productive

    enterprise. In general, heavily unioni$ed nations such as 0rance and ermany

    have adopted and encouraged such descriptions especially within trade unions.

    9ne view of this trend is that a strong social consensus on political economy

    and a good social welfare system facilitates labor mobility and tends to make

    the entire economy more productive, as labor can move from one enterprise to

    another with little controversy or difficulty in adapting.

    (n important controversy regarding labor mobility illustrates the broader 

     philosophical issue with usage of the phrase 1human resources1: governments of 

    developing nations often regard developed nations that encourage immigration

    or 1guest workers1 as appropriating human capital that is rightfully part of the

    developing nation and re"uired to further its growth as a civili$ation. They

    argue that this appropriation is similar to colonial commodity fiat wherein acoloni$ing &uropean power would define an arbitrary price for natural

    resources, e#tracting which diminished national natural capital.

    The debate regarding 1human resources1 versus human capital thus in many

    ways echoes the debate regarding natural resources versus natural capital. 9ver 

    time the nited 8ations have come to more generally support the developing

    nations3 point of view, and have re"uested significant offsetting 1foreign aid1contributions so that a developing nation losing human capital does not lose the

    capacity to continue to train new people in trades, professions, and the arts.

    In the very narrow conte#t of corporate 1human resources1, there is a

    contrasting pull to reflect and re"uire workplace diversity that echoes the

    diversity of a global customer base. 0oreign language and culture skills,

    ingenuity, humor, and careful listening, are e#amples of traits that such

     programs typically re"uire. It would appear that these evidence a general shift to

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    the human capital point of view, and an acknowledgment that human beings do

    contribute much more to a productive enterprise than 1work1: they bring their 

    character, their ethics, their creativity, their social connections, and in some

    cases even their pets and children, and alter the character of a workplace. The

    term corporate culture is used to characteri$e such processes.

    The traditional but e#tremely narrow conte#t of hiring, firing, and 4ob

    description is considered a 5*th century anachronism.

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    effect on the recruitment of employees. The e#ternal factors are those out-with

    the powers of the organi$ation and include issues such as current and future

    trends of the labor market e.g. skills, education level, government investment

    into industries etc. 9n the other hand internal influences are easier to control,

     predict and monitor, for e#ample management styles or even the organi$ational


    In order to know the business environment in which any organi$ation operates,

    three ma4or trends should be considered:

    emographics @ the characteristics of a populationworkforce, for e#ample, age,

    gender or social class. This type of trend may have an effect in relation to

     pension offerings, insurance packages etc.

    Di4$"(ity @ the variation within the populationworkplace. hanges in society

    now mean that a larger proportion of organi$ations are made up of 1baby-

     boomers1 or older employees in comparison to thirty years ago. (lso, over recent years organi$ations have had to become more diverse in their 

    employment practices to cope with the lower work ethic of the newer 

    generations. The service industry for e#ample, has embraced those 1baby-

     boomers1 desiring to reenter the workforce. Traditional advocates of 1workplace

    diversity1 simply advocate an employee base that is a mirror reflection of the

    make-up of society insofar as race, gender, se#ual orientation, etc. Theseadvocates focus on the social engineering theory without understanding the

    more important points: diversity of ideas to prevent stagnation of products and

     business developmentH e#panding the customer base through 1outreach1H and

     profit. (larmists and advocates of social engineering theory cite a 1rise in

    discrimination, unfair dismissal and se#ualracial harassment cases1 as an

    indicator of the need for more diversity legislation. ?hile such measures have a

    significant effect on the organi$ation, they effect little or no real change in

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    advancing diversity of ideas in the workplace. (nti-discrimination laws and

    regulations do re"uire businesses to undertake a cost-benefit analysis. The result

    of this analysis is often to adopt an approach that generally recogni$es gender,

    racial, and se#ual orientation diversity as a cheaper alternative to fighting

    endless litigation. In summary, diversity, based on social engineering %is about

    creating a working culture that seeks, respects and values difference' without

    regard to how diversity increases productive and unity of effort.

    S#ill( a+, 2uali!i*ati+(  @ as industries move from manual to a more

    managerial professions so does the need for more highly skilled graduates. If 

    the market is 1tight1 =i.e. not enough staff for the 4obs>, employers will have to

    compete for employees by offering financial rewards, community investment,


    In regard to how individuals respond to the changes in a labour market the

    following should be understood:

    G$&"a%)i*al (%"$a, @ how far is the 4ob from the individual The distance to

    travel to work should be in line with the pay offered by the organi$ation and the

    transportation and infrastructure of the area will also be an influencing factor in

    deciding who will apply for a post.

    O**u%ati+al (t"u*tu"$ @ the norms and values of the different careers withinan organi$ation. , organi$ation career 

    =promotion through the firm> and unstructured =lowerunskilled workers who

    work when needed>.

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    G$+$"ati+al ,i!!$"$+*$ @different age categories of employees have certain

    characteristics, for e#ample their behavior and their e#pectations of the


    ?hile recruitment methods are wide and varied, it is important that the 4ob is

    described correctly and that any personal specifications are stated. Gob

    recruitment methods can be through 4ob centres, employment

    agenciesconsultants, headhunting, and localnational newspapers. It is

    important that the correct media is chosen to ensure an appropriate response to

    the advertised post.

    M,$"+ *+*$%t ! )u'a+ "$(u"*$(

    Though human resources have been part of business and organi$ations since the

    first days of agriculture, the modern concept of human resources began in

    reaction to the efficiency focus of Taylorism in the early )F**s. !y )F5*,

     psychologists and employment e#perts in the nited States started the human

    relations movement, which viewed workers in terms of their psychology and fit

    with companies, rather than as interchangeable parts. This movement grew

    throughout the middle of the 5*th century, placing emphasis on how leadership,

    cohesion, and loyalty played important roles in organi$ational success. (lthough

    this view was increasingly challenged by more "uantitatively rigorous and less

    1soft1 management techni"ues in the )FC*s and beyond, human resources had

    gained a permanent role within an organi$ation.


    ;IST9+J 90 T&KTIL& (8 (+

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    technologically impoverished. Independent India saw the building up of te#tile

    capabilities, diversification of its product base, and its emergence, once again,

    as an important global player. Today, the te#tile and apparel sector employs

    6B.* mn people =and is the 5nd  largest employer>, generates )Bth  of the total

    e#port earnings and contributes 7 per cent to the A thereby making it the

    largest industrial sector of the country. This te#tile economy is worth S 6D

     bn and its share of the global market is about B.F* per cent. The sector aspires

    to grow its revenue to S EBbn, its e#port value to S B*bn and employment

    to )5 million by the year 5*)* =Te#min 5**B>.

     T)$ T$5til$ a+, A%%a"$l Su%%ly C)ai+

    The Te#tile and (pparel Supply hain comprises diverse raw material sectors,

    ginning facilities, spinning and e#trusion processes, processing sector, weaving

    and knitting factories and garment =and other stitched and non-stitched>

    manufacturing that supply an e#tensive distribution channel =see 0igure )>.

    This supply chain is perhaps one of the most diverse in terms of the rawmaterials used, technologies deployed and products produced.

    This supply chain supplies about D* per cent by value of its production to the

    domestic market. The distribution channel comprises wholesalers, distributors

    and retailers selling garments and te#tiles. It is only recently that large retail

    formats are emerging thereby increasing variety as well as volume on display at

    a single location. (nother feature of the distribution channel is the strong

     presence of Magents/ who secure and consolidate orders for producers.

    It is estimated that there e#ist CB,*** garment units in the organi$ed sector, of 

    which about EE per cent are for woven cloth while the remaining are for knits.

    ;owever, only 6*@7* units are large in si$e =as a result of long years of 

    reservation of non-e#porting garment units for the small scale sectors @ a

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    regulation that was removed recently>. ?hile these firms are spread all over the

    country, there are clusters emerging in the 8ational apital +egion =8+>,

    is around +s.5**@5B* bn. (bout 7* per cent of fabric for 

    garment production is imported @ a figure that is e#pected to rise in coming


    The weaving and knits sector lies at the heart of the industry. In 5**7-*B, of the

    total production from the weaving sector, about 7C per cent was cotton cloth, 7)

     per cent was )**N non-cotton including khadi, wool and silk and )6 per cent

    was blended cloth. Three distinctive technologies are used in the sector @ 

    handlooms, powerlooms and knitting machines. They also represent very

    distinctive supply chains. The handloom sector =including khadi, silk and some

    wool> serves the low and the high ends of the value chain @ both mass

    consumption products for use in rural India as well as niche products for urban

    O e#ports markets. It produces, chiefly, te#tiles with geographical

    characteri$ation =e.g., cotton and silk sarees in Aochampally or Paranasi> and in

    small batches. ;andloom production in 5**6-*7 was around B7F6

    mn.s".meters of which about E5 per cent was using cotton fibre. ;andloom

     production is mostly rural =employing about )* million, mostly, household

    weavers> and revolves around master-weavers who provide designs, raw

    material and often the loom.

    ?eaving, using powerlooms, was traditionally done by composite mills that

    combined it with spinning and processing operations. 9ver the years,

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    government incentives and demand for low cost, high volume, standard

     products =especially sarees and grey cloth> moved the production towards

     powerloom factories and away from composite mills =that were essentially full

    line variety producers>. ?hile some like (rvind

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     progressively grown to *.C*7 mn and *.76D mn respectively. Spinning sector is

    technology intensive and productivity is affected by the "uality of cotton and

    the cleaning process used during ginning.

    The processing sector, i.e., dyeing, finishing and printing is mostly small in

    scale. The largest amongst these would dye and finish about B*** mday. The

    remaining are independent process houses =or part of composite mills> that use

    automated large batch or continuous processing and have an average scale of 

    about 5*,*** m of cloth daily. (bout E5.B per cent or )*,6FD units are hand processors who dye cloth or yarn manually and dry in open sunshine. 9f the

    remaining =and these use automated and semi-automated e"uipment>, 5*DC are

    independent process houses.

    otton remains the most significant raw material for the Indian te#tile industry.

    In 5**6-*7, 6**F mn kg of cotton was grown over D.DEB mn acres. 9ther fibres

     produced are silk =)BD75 tonnes>, 4ute =)*FEB*** bales>, wool =B*.D mn kg> and

    man-made fibres =))**.CB mn kg>. otton grows mostly in western and central

    India, silk in southern India, 4ute in eastern and wool in northern India.

    Significant "ualities of cotton, silk and wool fibres are also imported by the

    spinning and knitting sectors. =cept for garments, all data in this section was

    obtained from 9T 5**7 and Te#min 5**B.>

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    India is one of the few countries that owns the complete supply chain in close

     pro#imity from diverse fibres to a large market. It is capable of delivering

     packaged products to customers comprising a variety of fibres, diverse count

    si$es, cloths of different weight and weave, and a panoply of finishes. This

     permits the supply chain to mi# and match variety in different segments to

    deliver new products and applications. This advantage is further accentuated by

    cost based advantages and diverse traditions in te#tiles.

    Indian strength in spinning is now well established @ on unit costs on ring yarn,open-ended =9&> yarn as well as te#tured yarn, Indian firms are ahead of their 

    global competitors including hina. Same is true on some woven 9& yarn

    fabric categories =especially grey fabrics> but is not true for other woven

    segments. India contributes about 56 per cent of world spindles and C per cent

    of world rotors =second highest in the world after hina>. 0ifty five per cent of 

    total investment in technology in the last decade has been made in the spinningsector. Its share in global shuttleless loom, however, is only about 5.E per cent

    of world looms =and is ranked Fth  in the world>. The competitiveness in the

    weaving sector is adversely affected by low penetration of shuttleless looms

    =i.e., ).CF N of Indian looms>, the unorgani$ed nature of the sector =i.e.,

    fragmented, small and, often, un-registered units, low investment in technology

    O practices especially in the powerloom, processing, handloom and knits> and

    higher power tariffs. There is, however, a recent trend of investment in setting

    up hi-tech, stand-alone mid-si$e weaving companies focusing on e#port

    markets. India also has the highest deployment of handlooms in the world

    =handlooms are low on productivity but produce speciali$ed fabric>. ?hile

     production and e#port of man-made fibre =and filament yarn> has increased over 

    the years, Indian industry still lags significantly behind S, hina, &urope,

    Taiwan etc. =Te#min, 5**B.>

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    Indian te#tile industry has suffered in the past from low productivity at both

    ends of the supply chain @ low farm yields affecting cotton production and

    inefficiency in garment sector due to restriction of si$e and reservation. (dd to

    this, contamination of cotton with conse"uent increase in cost =as it affects

    "uality and re"uires installation of additional process to clean and open cotton

    fibres before carding operations>, poor ginning =most e"uipment dates back to

    )F7*s>, high average defect rates in production process =which also leads to

    increase in effective labour and power costs>, hank yarn re"uirement, etc. and

    its competitiveness gets compromised severely. Similarly, processing

    technology is primarily manual and small batch oriented with visual colour 

    matching and sun drying. This leads to inconsistency in conformance "uality.

    Lead times across the sector continue to be affected by variability in the supply

    chain @ defect rates average over BN, average N of orders on time is about

    E*N, variance in order si$e across firms is high =e.g., the coefficient of 

    variability of average order si$e for spinning firms is about 5.C>, and on an

    average, )C days of sales as work-in-process inventory =the highest for garment

    firms> and an average of 6* days of sales in raw material inventory =the highest

    for spinning firms> =handra 5**7>. Some of the hurdles =eg., reservation in

    the garment sectors> including tariff distortions between the organi$ed and

    unorgani$ed sectors have now been systematically removed by policy initiatives

    of overnment of India and have opened avenues for firms to compete on the

     basis of their capabilities.

    Trade data of post- during the Gan-(pril 5**B time period. . =India is still a relatively small yet

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    growing player in the global apparel market.> It is e#pected that India will soon

    replace is an important sector of the national economy and

    en4oys some factor advantages. India ranks among the top target countries for 

    any company sourcing te#tiles and apparel. Indeed, apart from hina, no other 

    country can match the si$e, spread, depth, and competitiveness of the Indian

    te#tile and apparel industry.

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    It is one of the few companies which have its own production units in both

    ?ovens O Qnits set up in !angalore and also have a network offices in Tirupur 


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    in South India - Salem, &rode O oimbatore where it has fabrics 2.3s locally

    stationed for follow-ups O inspections.

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    To cater to the best labels with professionalism and be able to offer 2.A.

    =2uality, Arice O elivery>


    ?e follow four simple rules.

    Hu'a+ "$&ulati+(:

    overnment Laws for labour minimum wages, 9vertime, &SI, A0, !onus O

    Incentives and clean environment for working.

    Hu'a+ Sa!$ty:

    Areventive maintenance on e"uipment to ensure the e"uipment doesn3t in4ure the

    operators, e#cess lightning to reduce strain and fatigue in the eyes, minimum

    two e#its in every building with broad passages in between batches for easy

    movement regularly and in times of emergency, fire e#tinguishers for all types

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    of fires, evacuation plans, first aid kits, fire alarms, all factory wiring with

    circuit breakers,

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    The fabrics consists of 7 technical and down the line with e#perience0rom

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    In-house F color 5* head Ta>i'a computeri$ed embroidery machine. The

    company speciali$es in complicate computeri$ed as well as hand embroidered



    Stlkate of (rt direct drive machines, lock stitch, button machines, !artac,

    ouble 8eedles, 0using, 0orm 0inishers, Snap !utton (ttaching, 0eed of the

    (rm, B thread over locks and a lot more.


    onsists of 7 masters with )B machines with assistants for a "uick turn around

    of perfect samples.


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    ( humble capacity of )7 batches each headed by a batch supervisor, (sst.

    supervisor and 5 "uality controllers in between to ensure perfect parts attaching,

    then there is a final batch "uality controllers at the end, goods move to the

    finishing section which again is headed by the finishing in-charge who has

    assistance in all areas like !utton hole, !utton (ttaching, Trimming, Are Ironing

    inspection, Ironing, Aost Ironing I& 0inal Inspections, 0olding, Sorting,

    !undling O arton making.


    The company is decentrali$ed into the following departments, .

    &ach department has a head of the department and a group in each department

    which compliments each other in times of absence. The atmosphere is more like

    one family with a feeling of no matter who hoots the goal as long as our team

    achieves it.


    To set a precedent in the global garment manufacturing industry through

    continous innovation, e#ceptional products, focussed services and enhanced

    customer satisfaction.

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    Qeep a sharp eye on product "uality and put in all efforts to raise the


    (ugment and maintain a logistics infrastructure that adheres to the highest

    levels of efficiency and seamlessly blends with our customers own supply


    2uality Aolicy:

    2uality leading to lient satisfaction shall be top priority. omplying with the

    re"uirements of the "uality management system and continuously improving its

    effectiveness shall achieve this.&mployees shall be trained and motivated to enhance the "uality of their work 

    and skill.



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  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    In T;&

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    ,P9 P+&/*,,9-


    /&)P&,T* )'',: ,T6

    '&* ;**T, 6 6&)*,T/



    /&)P*TT&+, &+)T&?



    hugh3s 8avyug

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    o Smart

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    1Soft1 elements, on the other hand, can be more difficult to describe, and areless tangible and more influenced by culture. ;owever, these soft elements areas important as the hard elements if the organi$ation is going to be successful.

    The way the model is presented in 0igure below depicts the interdependency ofthe elements and indicates how a change in one affects all the others.

    Let3s look at each of the elements specifically:

    • St"at$&y: the plan devised to maintain and build competitive advantage

    over the competition.

    • St"u*tu"$: the way the organi$ation is structured and who reports to


    • Sy(t$'(: the daily activities and procedures that staff members engage in

    to get the 4ob done.

    • S)a"$, Valu$(: called 1super ordinate goals1 when the model was first

    developed, these are the core values of the company that are evidenced inthe corporate culture and the general work ethic.

    • Styl$: the style of leadership adopted.

    • Sta!!: the employees and their general capabilities.

    • S#ill(: the actual skills and competencies of the employees working for 

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    3 SKILLS:

    The steps taken to impart necessary skills on the 4ob and off the 4ob.

    A+9T (T&9+J: esigning and developing flat knit sweaters,

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    9ST (8(LJSIS:

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    ?(ST& &LI

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    The total work strength is of F** workers. 0urther, the management,

     productionO office team comprises of C* staff members.

    The management comprise of managing director,vice president , vice president

    =commercial>, fabric sourcing manager, finance and accounts

    manager,operations manager,marketing manager, technical staffs, embroidery

    e#perts, cutting e#perts,fabrication e#perts and supervisors

     Technical e#perts: Trends forecasting, +O and conceptuali$ing collections for 

    each season.

    fabric e#perts: eveloping knitted fabrics like double 4ac"uards, lure# plating,

    various te#tures etc.

    fashion designers: evelopes collections for seasonal fashion shows giving the

    label a distinct identity for innovations on wool blend fabrics.

    losed the

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    • (bundant +aw

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    • Lead times across the sector continue to be affected by variability in the

    supply chain @ defect rates average over BN, average N of orders on


    • There is an acute shortage of trained operators and supervisors in India.• These firms need to develop the managerial capabilities re"uired to

    manage large work force and design an appropriate sup


    • ompetitive strategies are developed by sector level firms and it/s their

    individual and collective initiatives that secure higher market share in

    global trade.• The 0ree Trade (greement with Singapore and Thailand will allow

    overseas producers to meet the aspirations of domestic buyers with

    "uality and prices that are competitive in the domestic market.

    • Three distinctive technologies are used in the sector @ handlooms, power

    looms and knitting machines. They also represent very distinctive supply


    This supply chain is perhaps one of the most diverse in terms of the rawmaterials used, technologies deployed and products produce



    Te#tile policy has come long ways in reducing impediments for theindustry @ sometimes driven by global competition and, at other times, by

    international trade regulations.

    • Some of the hurdles =eg., reservation in the garment sectors> including

    tariff distortions between the organi$ed and unorgani$ed sectors have

    now been systematically removed by policy initiatives of overnment of

    India and have opened avenues for firms to compete on the basis of their


    Page 44

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     Theme exports

    • few areas of policy weakness stand out @ labour reforms =which is

    hindering movement towards higher scale of operations by Indian firms>,

     power availability and its "uality, customs clearance and shipment

    operations from ports, credit for large scale investments that are needed

    for up gradation of technology, and development of manpower for the



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  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    Arimary data is that data that is been collected for the very first time. In this

    study, the primary data was collected by administering a detailed "uestionnaire

    to the sample employee

     population .

    Secondary data is the data that has already been collected by someone else for

    some earlier research. In this study, the secondary data is collected from the

    internet and literature published by the organi$ation.



  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    nder this sampling design every item of the universe has an e"ual and fair

    chance of inclusion in the sample. (ll choices being independent of one another,

    it gives each possible sample combination an e"ual probability of being chosen.


  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    It is assumed that there is no influence of any person, for e.g. a colleague

     peer while filling the "uestionnaire. (s the perception level of the respondents has not been tested, it is

    assumed that all of them have perceived the "uestions in the correct way.


    This study pertains only to employees of %Theme ports'.

    The study is limited to the work environment and facilities provided by %Theme


    Some "uestionnaires that I received were incomplete as a result could not be

    included in the tabulation.

    It is assumed that there is no influence of any person, for e.g. a colleague peer

    while filling the "uestionnaire.

    (s the perception level of the respondents has not been tested, it is assumed that

    all of them have perceived the "uestions in the correct way.

    Page 4$

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    ). Satisfaction of employees is dependent on the "uality of work life. T(!L& S;9?I8 T;& +&L(TI98S;IA !&T?&&8 S(TIS0(TI98 90


  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    Total 5E D5 )**



    0rom the analysis we can say that the satisfaction of both male and female

    employees of MTheme ports/ is dependent on the "uality of work life. There is

    high rate of dependency between "uality of work life and satisfaction of


    I8T&+A+&T(TI98: 9ut of 5E males in T;&

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    T(!L& .


  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    I8T&+A+&T(TI98: The analysis shows that almost EEN of female employees

    are satisfied with the welfare measures provided by the company and among

    male employees DEN say that they are satisfied with the welfare measures. This

    shows that the ma4ority of the employees are satisfied with the company welfare


    CHART @


     (*,A #"B

    &A 13B


    ;(+T 5

    ?9+Q&+S3 S(0&TJ

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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     (*,A #"B

    &A 13B



    ;(+T 6

    T+(8SA9+T 0(ILITI&S

     (*,A #"B

    &A 13B



    Page 54

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    ;(+T 7

    A+9PISI98 09+ (&2(T& +&ST ;9+S, L8; !+&(Q &tc.

     (*,A #"B

    &A 13B


    ;(+T B

    I8S+(8& S;&

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    ;(+T C

    A+9PI&8T 08, +(TITJ O A&8SI98:

     (*,A #"B

    &A 13B



    ;(+T D


    Page 5!

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     (*,A #"B

    &A 13B



    6. ;9? 9 J9 +(T& T;& ?&L0(+&

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    *xcellent ,atisCed 9ood Poor T&T'

















    are dissatisfied with the number of responses

    for MAoor/ being null.

     7. (+& T;& ?&L0(+&

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    +(A;I(L +&A+&S&8T(TI98 (SS&SSI8 I0 T;& ?&L0(+&

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    B. 9 J9 0I8 T;& I8TI98 O T+(I8I8 A+9+(

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    useful. The training programmes may not be meeting the re"uirements of the


    C. ;9? 90T&8 (+& T;& &

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    i.e. )CN, feel that the surveys are conducted twice a year. &mployee satisfaction

    surveys enable the management to decipher the morale and contentment of the

    employees with their 4ob, which is directly related to their work productivity.

    D. T;& I

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    E. ;9? IS T;& +&L(TI98S;IA !&T?&&8 T;& &

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    of the employees find the relationship with their boss strained. Aositive

    relationship between the superior and subordinates is conducive to productivity.

    F. ;9?

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    work for more than )5 hours. It should be noted that the "uality of work is more

    important than the time spent in the work place.

    )*. &KT&8T 90 A+9!L&

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    employees face some kind of problem with their peers. isharmony with

    colleagues is one of the causes leading to stress in the work place.

    )). 9 T;& &

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    )5 .9 T;& ST+&SS I8P9LP& I8 ?9+Q 


  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    work place. The remaining 65N are relatively stress-free. (s a result, they

    e#hibit greater concentration at work.

    )6.T(!L& S;9?I8 T;& I

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    environment is not related to productivity i.e. work environment does not

    increase the productivity of the employees.

    )7. T(!L& S;9?I8 T;& +&L(TI98S;IA !&T?&&8 ?9+Q


  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    )B .T(!L& S;9?I8 T;& I

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    good "uality of work life. ;owever, ma4ority of the male employees i.e. ECN,

    feel that , to create good "uality of work life, we need much more than 4ust good

    machinery technology.

    +(A;I(L +&A+&S&8T(TI98 &A&TI8 T;& 8&&SSITJ 90

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    )C. T(!L& S;9?I8 T;& &SS&8& 90 ;

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    )D.T(!L& S;9?I8 T;& I

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    are linked to conditions of work. The remaining )CN of the employees are not

    sure as to whether or not the behaviour and morale is affected by the physical

    conditions of work.

    )E. T(!L& S;9?I8 T;& I

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    favoritism or influence on the work envir nment in the company. ;owever, no

    employer disregards the possibility that favoritism corrupts the work 


    )F.T(!L& L(SSI0JI8 T;& I

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


     Theme exports

    interested more in getting them to do their work than getting to know them

     personally. The remaining 5EN of the employees are sure that their boss is

    interested not only In work but also concerned about them.

    +(A;I(L +&A+&S&8T(TI98 &AITI8 T;& ?9+T; 90 0&

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    5*.T(!L& S;9?I8 T;& I

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    freedom of free e#pression, which is very essential to come out with innovative




  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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      E to )* hours is spent in the work place, with very few employees

    working overtime. There is greater emphasis on the "uality of work 

    rather than the "uantity of work.

      Aroblems with colleagues is minimal, however efforts can be made to

    improve the relationship among employees.

      (round E*N of the employees feel secure in their 4obs. The remaining

    5*N of the employees feel insecure and hence it reduces their 


      The male employees are found to be more prone to stress compared to

    their female counterparts. The reason can be attributed to the fact that

    most men suffer from peer pressure from their female counterparts, as

    the work involved is usually considered to be of women/s domain.

    The causes of stress are attributed to factors such as work timings, work 

    environment, 4ob security and relationship with the superiors.

      To combat stress, the employees confide with their family and friends

    and some even practice yoga and rela#ation e#ercises.

      The work environment influences the behaviour of the employees in the

    work place.

      9penness and Innovation at work is encouraged by the organi$ation.

      The employees are found to be content with the present work 

    environment in the company.

      The opportunities for growth and promotion in the company are



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      The employees are found to be content with the present work 

    environment in the company



    • ontinuous feedback to the employees should be encouraged. 0eedback 

    to supervisors from subordinates should also be encouraged.

    •  The company should modify its organi$ation structure in a manner to

     promote communication between people who need to work together. (s

    Page #%

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    in a hierarchical structure it is very important to keep in mind that there is

    enough room for 

    • communication, without which there would be no common platform to


    • o-ordination and co-operation among employees must be encouraged in

    order to cultivate team spirit.

    • Supervisors should be encouraged for creativity and innovation.

    • The organi$ation should consider employees as ;uman (ssets and make

    them feel wanted and value their opinions. There should be greater 

    involvement of workers in welfare policy decision-making.

    • If the employees are always monitored they would detest their work 

    environment. Independence should be given to some e#tent, if not for 

    ma4or decisions.

    • Suggestion schemes should be encouraged with constant response given

    to the employees This will motivate them to come up with more

    innovative and constructive suggestions.This should be rewarded instead

    of mere appreciation letters.

    •  The welfare measures should be provided by the management out of 

    concern for the employees and not as a compulsion.

    •  The employees are de-motivated because the organi$ation culture does

    not encourage openness and risk taking. They should be allowed to take

    calculated risks at their 4ob in consultation with a supervisor.

    • The company should compile a specific report on employee satisfaction

    as well as dis-satisfaction. This will enable the company to develop

    measures to improve the "uality of work life of employees and

    conse"uently their productivity.

    • Thereby people should be i.e where possible the people should be

    allowed inspect their own work, thereby learning from their mistakes and

    Page #1

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    redesigning the number of communication links across departmental


    • Induction and training programme must be encouraged to improve

    employee performance.

    • Incentive scheme should be provided to employees to encourage them to

    work overtime.

    • &fforts must be made to provide 4ob security to employees which in turn

    will increase their morale and productivity.

    • Information systems should be so designed as to provide information in

    the first place to the point where action on the basis is needed.• The systems of social support should be designed so as to reinforce the

     behaviours which the organi$ation structure is designed to elicit.

    •  The causes of stress should be identified and efforts must be taken to

     provide employees with in-house counselors and psychologists.

    • 0avoritism and nepotism should be eliminated so that the employees can

    trust the intentions of the management.

    •The ob4ective of organi$ation design should be to provide a high "uality

    of working life to its members

    '*+9 *7P*+*/*?

    QWL is a comprehensive, department-wide program designed to enhance the

    work environment by improving employee satisfaction, strengthening work 

     place learning and helping employees better manage change and transition.

    The involvement of employees in the welfare policy decision making is found

    to be substantial. The top management participates in the employee welfaremeasures provided by the company, but does not make an effort in improving

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    the employees welfare. It is found from the study that, to a certain e#tent the

    welfare measures are provided only as a statutory compliance and not out of 

    free will. The management e#hibits a positive attitude towards the suggestions

    offered by the employees. The employee satisfaction surveys are usually

    conducted on a "uarterly basis. !oth the male and female employees feel that

    work environment has an impact on their performance.

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     b> ?orkers/ safety measures.c> Transport facility.d> Arovisions for ade"uate rest hours, lunch break etc.e> Insurance schemes such as health insurance etc.

    f> ;ealth and medical benifits.g> &conomic services such as provident fund, gratuity O pension.

    6.;ow would you rate the welfare measures provided by your company

      cellent Satisfactory

    ood Aoor 

    7,(re the welfare measures provided only as a statutory compliance

    Jes 8o 8ot sure.

    B.o you find the induction and training programmes conducted in yourompany useful

    Jes 8o

    If 8o, why do you think so...........................................................................................................................


    C. ;ow often are employee satisfaction surveys conducted

    2uarterly half yearly

    (nnually other, please specify..............................

    D. Is the work environment at MTheme ports/ conducive to better


    Jes 8o

    Page #4

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    E. ;ow is the relationship between you and your boss

      0ormal Informal Strained

    F. ;ow much time do you spend at your work place

      E-)* hours )*-)5 hours

    9thers please


    )*. o you face any problems with your colleagues

    Jes 8o

      If yes, with regard to

    what ................................................................................

    )). you have 4ob security

    Jes 8o

    )5. oes your work involve a lot of stress

    Jes 8o

    )6. oes the work environment help to increase productivity

    Jes 8o

    14. 6oes any relationship exist Fetween work enironment and

    work FehaiourG

      (es o

    15. 6o you think that proiding good machinery H technology

    alone is suIcient to create good quality of work lifeG

      (es o 

    Page #5

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    f yes: why do you think soG.....................................................................................................


    1!. you think 0uman +esources is the Fasis for good


      (es o )ayFe

    1". 6o you think Fehaiour and morale is aJected Fy physical

    condition of workG

      (es o ot ,ure

    1#. 6oes faouritism H inKuence spoil the work enironmentG

     (es o ot ,ure

    1$. ;hat do you think your Foss is concerned aFoutG


     (our work

    =oth (ou and (our work

    2%. 6oes your company encourage openness and initiatie

    towards innoation

    nd (our workG

      (es o



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    /&)P( +*P&+T, 6 6'( /T

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    Page ##

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    • (bundant +aw

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    • Industry has large and diversified segments that provide wide variety of 


    • Industry has

  • 8/20/2019 Final Project WEB


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    • Lead times across the sector continue to be affected by variability in the

    supply chain @ defect rates average over BN, average N of orders on


    • There is an acute shortage of trained operators and supervisors in India.• These firms need to develop the managerial capabilities re"uired to

    manage large work force and design an appropriate supply chain.

      9AA9+T8ITI&S :

    • ompetitive strategies are developed by sector level firms and it/s their 

    individual and collective initiatives that secure higher market share in

    global trade.

    • The 0ree Trade (greement with Singapore and Thailand will allow

    overseas producers to meet the aspirations of domestic buyers with

    "uality and prices that are competitive in the domestic market.

    Page $1

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     Theme exports

    • Three distinctive technologies are used in the sector @ handlooms, power 

    looms and knitting machines. They also represent very distinctive supply


    • This supply chain is perhaps one of the most diverse in terms of the raw

    materials used, technologies deployed and products produced.


    Te#tile policy has come long ways in reducing impediments for theindustry @ sometimes driven by global competition and, at other times, by

    international trade regulations.

    • Some of the hurdles =eg., reservation in the garment sectors> including

    tariff distortions between the organi$ed and unorgani$ed sectors have

    now been systematically removed by policy initiatives of overnment of 

    India and have opened avenues for firms to compete on the basis of their 


    Page $2

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     Theme exports

    • few areas of policy weakness stand out @ labour reforms =which is

    hindering movement towards higher scale of operations by Indian firms>,

     power availability and its "uality, customs clearance and shipment

    operations from ports, credit for large scale investments that are needed

    for up gradation of technology, and development of manpower for the


    • ;igh retail property prices and high channel margins in India will restrict

    growth of this market.

    • Spinning sector is technology intensive and productivity is affected by the

    "uality of cotton and the cleaning process used during ginning.

top related