finding art in a trailer park: welcome to freeman high school!

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Finding Art in a Trailer Park:Welcome to Freeman High School!

Classroom stats:

•Length -56 feet long

•Time it takes to cross from one end to the other: 24 seconds

•Width of classroom: 11 feet(1 short student + 1 tall student)•Amount of time it takes to get from 1 side to the other: 0.45 seconds

•Amount of humidity: 90%Amount of humidity: 90%

•Amount of time it takes a painting to dry: 4 days and counting!

We are feeling a bit squashed.

So are these people.

Although quite often we come home, looking like this…

Most of the time we are able to see the art in the trailer park.

See our trailer park as a work of art

The Water Bearer

Water bearer #2

Our Visionary Art Installation.

Francis Bacon would be proud.

View from Bonnard’s window

View from Chagall’s window

View from Rebecca’s Window(that’s the potty)

Decorative door accessories

lots of creative ideas for these…

And two beautiful art teachers.(posing with some favorite students)

Did we mention the 90% humidity?

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