fire pits buyer’s guide 2017

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Fireglass Fire Pits and fireplaces have sizzled this year as one of the top additions to many restaurants, hotels, commercial

offices and residential homes.

If you desire one of these fantastic additions to your home, then there are a few things to know first:

Three main kinds of fire pits. Two kinds of fireglass used in fire

pits/fireplaces. Three kinds of fire pits depending on use Three kinds of fire pits according to material

used to construct them. Six kinds of fire pits based on types of fuel

used Fire pits depending on size.

The three main types of decorative-cum-utilitarian structures are permanent and portable.

Fixed fireplaces, the one Santa Claus comes down during Christmas, are more expensive.

Portable fire pits, as the name suggests, are portable in nature. These are made to be as lightweight as possible out of ceramic composites or lightweight concrete deposits.

The third fire application is the fixed fire pit. They are built to be permanent with a number of different materials such as brick, concrete, rock, and a number of geological sediments such as flagstone or slate.


You can have your fire pits to be made from a wide variety of materials such as aluminium, copper, cat iron and fireglass. Here are the benefits of each of these materials:

Aluminium: Aluminium is affordable, light in weight and durable. If you have children and pets at your home, having a fire pit made from this metal may be your best bet.

Cast Iron: This is a good conductor of heat, is sturdy and quite cost effective.

Copper: While it is more expensive than cast iron, the fact that it develops a patina over time and has a nice color. Copper mixed with Exotic Pebbles Copper Reflective Fireglass creates a winning combination if you decide to go this route.


In choosing a suitable fuel, you may look into environment concerns, your monthly budget, the type of fire pit and safety issues. Here are different fuel choices for your pit.

Wood is the tradition choice for many reasons. First of all, it is easily available. Secondly, it is more economic than other sources of fuel. Thirdly, it gives off a lot of heat, a fact that makes this a prime choice for those long winter months. The downside is that burning wood is not exactly good for the environment.

Propane gas as fuel for your fire pit is cost effective, but you still have to watch out of its current market price. In addition, propane gas tanks need to be taken to refilling stations to ensure that they are safe or not.

Six types of fire pits based on fuel

In choosing a suitable fuel, you may look into environment concerns, your monthly budget, the type of fire pit and safety issues. Here are different fuel choices for your pit.

Natural gas as a fuel source is indeed more expensive. It costs considerably to lay a natural gas pipeline just for the fire pit.

Charcoal: This is also a cost effective fuel solution for your fire pit. This fuel works best over fire pits which you may want to have a barbecue.

Flammable gels are easy to apply. These are highly portable and therefore ideal to work with your portable fire pits.

Bio fuels: This can be the cheapest of the fuel sources and is easily available. It is not used much but is still a viable option.

Six types of fire pits based on fuel

Depending on the space around your home, especially in your backyard, you can have a fire pit built or bought. These come in various sizes. Needless to say, if you want a portable fire pit you don’t want to go with a huge one.

Good thing Exotic Pebbles and Glass has a huge selection of fireglass and fire accessories that are easy to install your propane or natural gas fire application.

Fire pits depending on size

Whether you are planning to install or develop a fireglass fire pit at your home, hotel or commercial office, there are some basic safety tips to keep in mind at all time.

When lighting a fire, know which way the wind is blowing. When it comes to lighting a fire, wind direction can make the difference in safety and harm.

There are two things you must never use in the vicinity of fireglass fire pits, or fire or any kind. These two things are flammable liquids and flammable clothing. These catch flames very fast.

There is a reason why people use old hardwood when it comes to lighting fires. These burn easily and nicely for a long time. In addition, these do not throw sparks. Always avoid softwood which does throw sparks that can prove to be dangerous to anyone sitting nearby.

Disposal of ashes is an issue. You need to do it safely each and every time.

Important safety tips for fireglass fire pits and fireplaces


Outdoor fireglass fire pits can be a visual delight to the eye. It can act at one of the most attractive feature of your home, office or hotel.

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