fire resistant landscaping it makes a difference · 2019. 1. 10. · the basics of fire resistant...

Post on 20-Aug-2020






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Fire Resistant LandscapingIt makes a Difference

But all plants will burn

The Basics of Fire Resistant Landscaping

ü Implement DEFENSIBLE SPACE.ü Remove DEAD or DYING vegetation.ü Break up CONTINUOUS

vegetation.ü Eliminate LADDER FUELS.ü 30’ around house is LEAN (less fuel

load) and GREEN (watered where appropriate).

ü Keep up with regular MAINTENANCE!!

5’ non-combustible zone around house foundation

Don’t put foundation plantings under windows

(or have them at all)

Forget about window boxes

Use Landscape Mosaics

Consider Zones• Consider water

needs and fire safety as you plan/revitalize your landscape

• High water zone - “Oasis” closest to home

• Moderate water zone (i.e. lawn as buffer, noncombustible paths & driveway)

• Drought-tolerant plant zone furthest from house

Choosing Plants

• Realize that plants are NOT fire-retardant; they can be fire-resistive. Every plant will burn.

• Know your elevation and microclimate when making your plant selection. Healthy plants fare better.

• Irrigation and maintenance are key factors in your choice of landscape plants. Dried up plants are just fuel!

• Replace or eliminate flammable plants

Characteristics of Fire Resistant Plants

• Moist & supple leaves• Tend not to accumulate dry, dead material

within plant• Sap is water-like and does not have a strong

odor• Sap or resin materials are low• Influenced by plant age, moisture content,

total volume

Fire Resistant Trees

• Fruit Trees• Maple• Oak• Catalpa• Ash• Sweetgum• Locust• Hackberry• Smoke Tree• Redbud

Use deciduous trees, not conifers

Fire Resistant Shrubs & Vines

• Chokecherry• Barberry• Butterfly Bush• Spirea• Rose of Sharon• Oregon Grape• Lilac• Flowering Quince• Forsythia• Potentilla• Mock Orange

Fire Resistant Groundcovers

• Bugleweed (ajuga)• Creeping thyme or

phlox• Wild Strawberry• Snow-in-summer• Sedums• Hens & Chicks• Vinca

Avoid Highly Flammable Plants

• They contain fine, dry or dead material

• Contain volatile waxes, terpenes or oils

• Have aromatic leaves• Loose or papery bark• Sap is gummy,


Examples: Artemisia, incense cedar, broom, juniper, pine, arborvitae, bay, Douglas Fir, manzanita, CA buckwheat, rosemary, dry annual grasses

Landscape Layout to Help Firefighters

What if “evacuators” and strike teams & arrive in the dark?

ü Have good address signage

ü Adequate clearance & turn-around space for large vehicles

More Considerations

ü Follow guidelines that propane tanks and wood sheds are a minimum of 30’ away from the house, add noncombustible zone

ü Don’t “disguise” propane tanks with fence or vegetation

ü Mark firefighting water supplies with blue reflective dots

ü Recognize that PVC faucets will melt, may drain water supplies

Time for Exterior Prepü Move combustible

material away from house & deck (lawn furniture, firewood, etc)

ü Attach hoses to spigots

ü Fill buckets with water & place around home

ü Place ladder against house

Fire is Coming – Time to Leave

ü Implement evacuation plan

ü Have a list & box of valuables

ü Close & latch windows, remove flammable window coverings, close metal blinds

ü Close interior doorsü Turn on lightsü Shut off propane

Stay FireSafe

• Questions?• Next up –

community fuel reduction projects

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