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London Borough of Lewisham

Fire Safety Policy & Management Plan (Arrangements, Procedures & Guidance Notes) For Lewisham’s Public Buildings Work Place Law Clive Raybould and Gary Callaghan ISBN: 978-1-905766-38-3 Adapted for Lewisham’s Public Buildings by Ken Platt Head of Property Services London Borough of Lewisham

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

Page 1 of 54

Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

Change Control

Ref. Reason for Amendment Version Supersedes Author Date 1 First issues subsequent to

draft version 2 Draft V1 K Platt 25th April


2 2.1 Examples of Fire Safety Log Book and Emergency Evacuation Procedure added as Appendix 8 & 10 Personal 2.2 Emergency Evacuation Plan(PEEP) Evacuation Procedure added as Appendix 9

3 Version 2 K Platt 1st July 2008

Amendment Table Ref. Reason for Amendment Amended by Date 1 Appendix 9 revised.

Appendix 11 added. R Aldridge 16th November 2009

2 Appendix 9 revised. R Aldridge 12th April 2011 3 Appendix 8 revised.

R Aldridge 26th September 2011

4 Appendix 9 revised. R Aldridge 25th November 2011

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

Page 2 of 54

Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

Fire Safety Policy Compiled by Clive Raybould, Fire Safety Training Consultancy Ltd Adapted for Lewisham’s Public Buildings by Ken Platt, Head of Property Services

Contents………………………………..p1 Foreword............................................................................................. p3 1. Policy statement ............................................................................. p4 2. Fire Safety Policy – the aim of the policy ....................................... p4 3. The Responsible Person ................................................................ p4 4. Assignment of Roles and Responsibilities ..................................... p5 5. Fire Risk Assessment..................................................................... p5 6. Recording the fire risk assessment ................................................ p5 7. Review of the fire risk assessment ................................................. p6 8. Training........................................................................................... p6 9. Notifying employees ....................................................................... p6 10. Notifying non-employees .............................................................. p7 11. Notifying other employers............................................................. p7 12. Young persons at work................................................................. p7 13. Dangerous substances................................................................. p7 14. The principles of prevention ......................................................... p7 15. Cooperation and coordination ...................................................... p7 16. Consultation with employees........................................................ p8 17. Contact with the emergency services (Fire) ................................. p8 18. Duties and responsibilities............................................................ p8 18.1 Executive Management Team....................................... p8 18.2 Heads of Service ........................................................... p9 18.3 Head of Property Services............................................. p9 18.4 Premises Officers ........................................................ p10 Appendix One – Fire Safety Order Article 9(2)................................. p13 Appendix Two – Fire Safety Order Article 9(5)................................. p14 Appendix Three – Fire Safety Order Article 10 .......................... …..p15 Appendix Four – Flow Chart Roles & Responsibilities. .................... p16 Appendix Five – Premises Officer for Catford Complex................... p17 Appendix Six – Management Guide. ................................................ p18 Appendix Seven – Work Place Law Licence.................................... p21 Appendix Eight – Example of Fire Safety Log Book Appendix Nine – Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan Guidance Appendix Ten – Example of Emergency Evacuation Procedure


Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

Page 3 of 54

Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

General Note

This Fire Safety Policy relates only to Lewisham’s Public Buildings that are included in the corporate public buildings maintenance contract and all reference within this policy to premises, part premises and multi-occupied sites should in all cases be taken to denote Lewisham’s Public Buildings that are included in the corporate public buildings maintenance contract.

Note to Section 17

The duties and responsibilities described under the heading ‘Head of Property Services’ relate only to those public buildings contained within the corporate public buildings maintenance contract.

The Head of Property Services in particular and Property Services in general provides no support or service to any premises, part premises or multi-occupied sites not contained within the corporate public buildings maintenance contract.

The Head of Property Services in particular and Property Services in general holds nor accepts any legal or other responsibility for meeting the requirements of any aspect of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 or the general duties conferred by the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the various regulations made there under in relation to the protection of life from fire for any premises, part premises or multi-occupied sites not contained within the corporate public buildings maintenance contract .

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

Page 4 of 54

Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

1. Policy statement The London Borough of Lewisham is wholly committed to its statutory and moral obligation to comply with the requirements of:

• The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005;

• The general duties conferred by the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the various regulations made there under in relation to the protection of life from fire; and, where necessary

• The Building Regulations 2000 (as amended).

This Policy applies to premises occupied by the London Borough of Lewisham and supports the statements contained within the Council’s General Health & Safety Policy Document.

Where the London Borough of Lewisham occupies premises or part premises on multi-occupied sites, those premises will be made the subject of a suitable assessment in order to determine and evaluate, so far as is reasonably practicable, the risk to which relevant persons are exposed to from fire.

Where necessary, the London Borough of Lewisham will make and give effect to such arrangements as are considered appropriate and necessary for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of all measures put in place to ensure adequate fire safety measures exist within all premises occupied by the London Borough of Lewisham.

This policy is formally accepted by the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will do all that is reasonably practicable to comply with its requirements, and will make the necessary resources available. Signature


2. Fire Safety Policy - the aim of the policy The aim of the Fire Safety Policy is to explain how fire safety will be managed and communicated within the London Borough of Lewisham. Where necessary, it will identify those personnel who have been assigned specific duties or responsibilities and it will indicate what those duties and responsibilities are.

The Fire Safety Policy identifies all procedures that must be followed by all employees and other relevant persons in the event of a fire emergency.

This Fire Policy Document will be made available to all employees of the London Borough of Lewisham. Where necessary, the method of communication will take into account the relevant and specific needs of the employee.

3. The Responsible Person The ‘Responsible Person’ as defined by health and safety legislation is the employer. In the case of Lewisham the employer is represented by the Chief Executive together with the Executive Director’s. These persons are collectively described as the ‘Executive Management Team’ (EMT). EMT are collectively and individually responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and its supporting regulations and ACoP’s are applied and implemented and to nominate one or more persons to act on their behalf to discharge their responsibilities. For the purposes of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the general duties conferred by the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the various regulations made

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

Page 5 of 54

Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

there under in relation to the protection of life from fire the responsible person shall be the Chief Executive together with the Executive Directors i.e. EMT. The named ‘responsible person’ shall be the Chief Executive.

4. Assignment Of Roles And Responsibilities 4.1 The Chief Executive and the Executive Directors have nominated the Head of

Property Services to discharge their responsibilities as ‘responsible person’ for Lewisham’s public buildings in respect of the technical and physical aspects of fire safety and for the preparation, maintenance and publication of the necessary records and registers .

4.2 The Chief Executive and the Executive Directors have further nominated their Heads

of Service to discharge their responsibilities as ‘responsible person’ in relation to the occupancy and use of the buildings occupied by their staff and to liaise with the Head of Property Services to ensure compliance with fire safety regulations and management of related risk.

4.3 Heads of Services have nominated a senior member of staff in each building to be

responsible on their behalf for fully implementing their nominated duties. These nominated officers shall be designated the ‘premises officer’. In the absence of a ‘premises officer’ being nominated the Head of Service takes responsibility for fully implementing the nominated duties.

5. Fire risk assessment The ‘Executive Management Team’ will make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to which relevant persons are exposed for the purpose of identifying the general fire precautions the ‘Executive Management Team’ need to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on them by or under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

6. Recording the fire risk assessment The ‘Executive Management Team’ will ensure that once the assessment has been carried out or reviewed, the following information will be recorded:

• the significant findings of the assessment or review, including the measures which have been or will be taken by the responsible person to remove or reduce the risk from fire.

• any group of persons identified by the assessment as being especially at risk.

This will be done as soon as is practicable after the conduct of the assessment or review

7. Review of the fire risk assessment The fire risk assessment will be reviewed by the ‘Executive Management Team’ at the conclusion of a 12-month period as a minimum.

In the interim, the assessment will be subject to periodic review where:

a) there is reason to suspect that it is no longer valid; or

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

Page 6 of 54

Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

b) where there has been a significant change in the matters to which the assessment relates.

Where changes to the fire risk assessment are required as a result of any such review, the ‘Executive Management Team’ will arrange for them to be made.

8. Training The Executive Management Team’ will ensure that all employees are provided with adequate training in relation to fire safety measures within all premises occupied by the London Borough of Lewisham. To support this aspect of the Fire Safety Policy, account will be taken of the points listed under Section 18 of this document, ‘Duties and Responsibilities’.

The London Borough of Lewisham undertakes to provide this training to its employees in accordance with the following frequency:

• at the time when they are first employed; and

• on being exposed to new or increased risks because of:

o a transfer to a new task / job or a change of responsibilities within the business;

o the introduction of new work equipment into, or a change regarding work equipment already in use within the business;

o the introduction of new technology into the business; or

o the introduction of a new system of work into, or a change regarding a system of work already in use within the business.

o significant changes in the law and subsequent fire policy.

The Executive Management Team’ will ensure the training referred to above will:

• include suitable and sufficient instruction and training on the appropriate precautions and actions to be taken by all employees in order to safeguard themselves and other relevant persons on the premises;

• be repeated periodically where appropriate;

• be adapted to take account of any new or changed risks to the safety of the employees concerned;

• be provided in a manner appropriate to the risk as identified by the risk assessment; and

• take place during working hours.

9. Notifying employees The ‘Executive Management Team’ will ensure to provide employees with clear and relevant information on the risks to them identified by the fire risk assessment or review and will include specific information about the measures that have been taken to prevent fire and how these measures will protect employees should a fire break out.

10. Notifying non-employees The ‘Executive Management Team’ will provide non-employees (i.e. temporary staff or contract workers), with information on the risks relevant to them, and provide them with information about who the nominated competent persons are, and about the fire safety procedures in place within the premises.

11. Notifying other employers

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

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The ‘Executive Management Team’ will provide the employer of any person from an outside organisation who is working in the premises (i.e. agency providing temporary staff) with clear and relevant information on the risks to those employees and the preventive and protective measures taken to protect them.

12. Young persons employed to work The ‘Executive Management Team’ will not employ a young person before undertaking or reviewing a fire risk assessment in order to determine an acceptable level of risk to which it is anticipated the young person will reasonably be exposed.

Before employing a young person, the ‘Executive Management Team’ will take particular account of the matters set out in Appendix Two of this Policy.

The matters referred to in Section 6 above, ‘Recording the Fire Risk Assessment’, will be provided to the Parents or Legal Guardian of any young person employed.

13. Dangerous substances Where a ‘dangerous substance’ is noted to be present in or on the premises, the risk assessment will take account of those matters set out in Appendix One of this Policy.

14. The principles of prevention The London Borough of Lewisham recognises the hierarchy of control necessary for the adequate prevention and control of fire risk within its undertaking. Where the London Borough of Lewisham implements any preventive or protective measures, the London Borough of Lewisham will, so far as is practicable, ensure the principles specified in Appendix Three of this Policy Document are applied.

15. Cooperation and coordination The London Borough of Lewisham recognises the need for adequate cooperation and coordination between all parties or persons who occupy premises in buildings.

The ‘Executive Management Team’ will provide information to other ‘responsible persons’ who occupy premises in buildings where the London Borough of Lewisham occupies premises, in order to notify them of those ‘significant risks’ identified during the fire risk assessment and which may affect the safety of its employees. The information provided to the other Responsible Person(s) will include information on the measures that will be taken in order to control or reduce those risks.

16. Consultation with employees The ‘Executive Management Team’ will consult with all employees (or where appropriate, their elected representatives) before nominating persons to carry out particular roles in connection with fire safety and where appropriate, about proposals for improving fire precautions.

Before nominating persons to implement measures in connection with fire safety the ‘Executive Management Team’ will ensure those persons nominated are considered competent for the task and that the number of such persons, their training and the equipment made available to them are adequate, taking into account the size of, and the specific hazards involved in, the premises concerned.

17. Contact with the emergency services (Fire) The ‘Executive Management Team’ will ensure adequate procedures are in place in all premises occupied by the London Borough of Lewisham to facilitate all necessary contact with the Fire Service, particularly as regards fire fighting and rescue work and providing them

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

Page 8 of 54

Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

with information on any particular hazards or dangerous substances contained within the premises. This procedure will constitute part of the Emergency Plan for the premises and will include the arrangements for summoning assistance and those persons nominated to carry out this task.

18. Duties and responsibilities The General Fire Precautions Programme at each premises will include:

• measures to reduce the risk of fire on the premises and the risk of the spread of fire on the premises;

• measures in relation to the means of escape from the premises;

• measures for securing that, at all material times, the means of escape can be safely and effectively used;

• measures in relation to the means for fighting fires on the premises;

• measures in relation to the means for detecting fire on the premises and giving warning in case of fire on the premises; and

• measures in relation to the arrangements for action to be taken in the event of fire on the premises, including measures relating to the instruction and training of employees; and measures to mitigate the effects of the fire.

This programme will be administered for each premises in accordance with the following structure:

18.1 Chief Executive and Executive Directors (Executive Management Team)

The Chief Executive and the Executive Director’s acting together as the Executive Management Team are jointly the prime responsible persons responsible for ensuring the implementation of this policy in all public buildings occupied by the London Borough of Lewisham and for regularly reviewing compliance with The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the general duties conferred by the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the various regulations made there under in relation to the protection of life from fire.

18.2 Heads of Service

Lewisham’s Heads of Services nominated by The ‘Executive Management Team’ are responsible for all fire safety matters within the premises or part premises occupied by the London Borough of Lewisham.

In discharging these responsibilities the Heads of Service will :

1 Nominate senior officers in each of the buildings occupied by their staff or from where they deliver their services to undertake the role of ‘Premises Officer’. These nominated Premises Officers will report directly to their Head of Service

2 Where deemed necessary and in consultation with the nominated ‘Premises Officer’, the Heads of Service will nominate additional persons to support the ‘Premises Officer’ in carrying out the duties of the Premises Officer described below.

3 Ensure that the duties described under Premises Officer are being addressed and administered by the nominated ‘Premises Officer’ and other persons nominated to support the ‘Premises Officer’.

4 Ensure the competency of the nominated ‘Premises Officer’ and those persons nominated/appointed to support the ‘Premises Officer’.

5 Liaise with the Head of Property Services to ensure that both parties can address the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in relation to the public buildings within the corporate public buildings maintenance contract.

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

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Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

6 Ensure that no structural alterations are carried out or to allow any change of use for any premises without prior consultation with and the agreement of the Building Surveying Manager within Property Services

7 Coordinate all fire safety matters and report progress to the relevant Executive Director on an appropriate and agreed frequency.

18.3 Head of Property Services

The Head of Property Services has been nominated by Executive Management Team to be responsible for appointing and performance managing the contractors and consultants required to implement the physical aspects of fire protection and a number of the specialist fire safety functions required by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 on behalf of the Heads of Services for those public buildings contained within the corporate public buildings maintenance contract.

These responsibilities cover the following areas :

1 Commission fire safety risk assessments and subsequent risk reviews and publish to the Heads of Service for issue to all staff

2 Develop, publish, update and maintain an appropriate fire safety risk register and publish this to the Heads of Service for issue all staff

3 Provide specialist fire safety advice on behalf of the Heads of Service

4 Implement the physical fire protection works that are advised by the fire risk assessments

5 Implement the maintenance of the physical and structural elements of fire protection

6 Commission the servicing and maintenance of fire alarm systems, emergency lighting and fire fighting equipment including the maintenance of service records

7 Liaise with Heads of Service to ensure that the specific responsibilities of the Head of Property Services are coordinated with the overall responsibilities of the Heads of Service so that the Heads of Service can address the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in relation to the public buildings within the corporate public buildings maintenance contract.

8 Review regulatory compliance for his/her area of responsibility on a monthly basis and notify Heads of Service of any outstanding, new or emerging risk.

9 Publish an annual statement of regulatory compliance to the Executive Management Team in relation to the above duties.

The Head of Property Services has nominated his Building Surveying and Engineering Manager to administer these duties. In administering these duties, the Building Surveying and Engineering Manager will appoint competent persons to fulfil a number of these duties.

18.4 Premises Officers (In the absence of a ‘premises officer’ being nominated the Head of Service takes responsibility for fully implementing the nominated duties.)

The nominated ‘Premises Officer’ is responsible for fully implementing this policy and all associated procedures and for ensuring that maintenance is undertaken on a regular and systematic basis for all passive and active fire precaution measures, services and equipment fitted within the premises which have a direct implication on fire safety.

The nominated ‘Premises Officer’s’ duties are as follows:

1. To liaise with the Building Surveying Manager in Property Services in relation to the planned maintenance of the physical and structural elements of fire protection within the premises and to report all items of day to day maintenance to Property Services maintenance support desk

2. To ensure no structural alterations are carried out or to allow any change of use for the premises without prior consultation with and the agreement of the Building and

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

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Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

Surveying Manager in Property Services.

3. To liaise with the Building Surveying and Engineering Manager in Property Services so as to ensure :

fire alarm systems are regularly serviced and maintained and for keeping accurate records of these activities.

emergency lighting systems are regularly serviced and maintained and for keeping accurate records of these activities

fire fighting equipment is regularly serviced and maintained and for keeping accurate records of these activities

the regulatory documentation related to the maintenance of the physical aspects of fire protection are kept up to date and are available at all times should the emergency service have need to access them

4. To advise on the type, location and adequacy of portable fire fighting equipment in premises occupied by the London Borough of Lewisham

5. To develop and produce the ‘Emergency Plan’ for the premises that will include measures to ensure the safe evacuation of any person identified as being especially at risk.

6. To develop and produce a suitable site plan of the premises.

7. To ensure an adequate number of employees have been trained in the identification and use of portable fire fighting equipment and to ensure the number of such persons, their training and the equipment available to them are adequate, taking into account the size of the premises, and the specific hazards they could be exposed to in the premises concerned.

8. To ensure all staff participate regularly in fire safety training and fire evacuation drills and for keeping accurate records of these activities.

9. To prepare and arrange the fire safety training programme for employees and for keeping accurate records of this activity.

10. To be responsible for the coordination and direction of all members of staff nominated and deemed competent to undertake specific duties in a fire emergency.

11. To arrange for the investigation, reporting and recording of fire incidents.

12. To ensure that all fire doors and fire exit doors are inspected on a frequency (minimum weekly) appropriate to the level of risk related to the occupancy, use and service function of the premises, and to ensure they are the subject of a programme of planned maintenance

13. To ensure that Contractors are made aware (before commencing work) of the fire procedure for the premises in which they are working and to ensure all necessary ‘Permits to Work’ are issued.

14. To ensure means of escape routes are monitored regularly for obstructions (minimum weekly).

15. To report to the appropriate Head of Service for remedial action where items are found to have been stored in escape routes, near fire exits or fire fighting equipment and to ensure that corrective remedial actions are subsequently implemented

16. To arrange for the regular removal of all combustible waste both inside and outside the premises as necessary.

17. To arrange and/or undertake fire safety inspections on a frequency (minimum weekly) appropriate to the level of risk related to the occupancy, use and service function of the premises or when required to do so as instructed by the appropriate Head of Service. Please see appendix eleven.

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

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18. To ensure all relevant fire safety inspection reports have received the appropriate action and have been brought to the attention of the appropriate Head of Service.

19. To attend all reports of fire to ensure all fire safety procedures are being adhered to and that procedures employed are both efficient and effective.

20. To report to the appropriate Head of Service or in their absence to the appropriate Executive Director on a frequency appropriate to the level of risk related to the occupancy, use and service function of the premises.

21. To consult and cooperate with Local Authority Fire Brigade Officers as necessary during their involvement with the London Borough of Lewisham.

22. To consult and cooperate with other relevant bodies who have mandatory or advisory fire precaution responsibilities [i.e. Health and Safety Executive, Local Authority]

23. To monitor changes in staffing levels which have potential to affect the operation of the Fire Policy and associated procedures and to report to the appropriate Head of Service and the Head of Property Services where those changes will have a negative or detrimental effect.

24. To ensure that all new or transferring staff are instructed immediately in the fire procedure applicable and relevant to their place of work and include information on the location of fire fighting equipment (and where appropriate instruction in its use), fire alarm call points, fire exits and escape routes.

25. To carry out routine and regular fire safety audits of all fire safety measures within their immediate area of responsibility to ensure all measures are in good condition and fully functional.

26. To ensure that portable items of electrical equipment display PAT labels to indicate they have been subject to routine maintenance.

27. To ensure upholstered furniture and furnishings are in good condition.

28. To ensure all contractors are signed in to the premises on arrival and signed out on leaving.

29. To ensure all contractors are issued with information on the risks relevant to them, and provide them with information about who the nominated competent persons are and about the fire safety procedures in place within the premises; in particular, information on the location of fire alarm call points, the location of fire extinguishers and how they can be used in the event of emergency, and the location of fire escape routes.

30. To ensure all visitors are signed in to the premises on arrival and signed out on leaving.

31. To ensure all visitors are issued with information on the risks relevant to them, and provide them with information about who the nominated competent persons are and about the fire safety procedures in place within the premises; in particular, information on the location of fire alarm call points, the location of fire extinguishers and how they can be used in the event of emergency, and the location of fire escape routes.

32. Cooperate and coordinate with other ‘responsible person’s who share premises occupancy with the London Borough of Lewisham in order to notify them of those significant risks identified by the fire risk assessments and which may effect the safety of their employees and so that they can take action to control or reduce those risks

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

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Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

Appendix One

Fire Safety Order Article 9(2)


The matters are:

a) the hazardous properties of the substance;

b) information on safety provided by the supplier, including information contained in any relevant safety data sheet; and

c) the circumstances of the work including:

(i) the special, technical and organisational measures and the substances used and their possible interactions;

(ii) the amount of the substance involved;

(iii) where the work will involve more than one dangerous substance, the risk presented by such substances in combination; and

(iv) the arrangements for the safe handling, storage and transport of dangerous substances and of waste containing dangerous substances;

d) activities, such as maintenance, where there is the potential for a high level of risk;

e) the effect of measures which have been or will be taken pursuant to the requirements of the Fire Safety Order;

f) the likelihood that an explosive atmosphere will occur and its persistence;

g) the likelihood that ignition sources, including electrostatic discharges, will be present and become active and effective;

h) the scale of the anticipated effects;

i) any places which are, or can be connected via openings to, places in which explosive atmospheres may occur; and

j) such additional safety information as the responsible person may need in order to complete the assessment.

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

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Appendix Two

Fire Safety Order Article 9(5)


The matters are:

a) the inexperience, lack of awareness of risks and immaturity of young persons;

b) the fitting-out and layout of the premises;

c) the nature, degree and duration of exposure to physical and chemical agents;

d) the form, range, and use of work equipment and the way in which it is handled;

e) the organisation of processes and activities;

f) the extent of the safety training provided or to be provided to young persons; and

g) risks from agents, processes and work listed in the Annex to Council Directive 94/33/EC on the protection of young people at work.

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

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Issued 1st July 2008

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Appendix Three

Fire Safety Order Article 10


(some of the wording below has been changed from the actual wording in the Fire Safety Order)

The principles are:

a) avoiding the risks;

b) evaluating the risks which cannot be avoided;

c) combating the risks at source;

d) adapting to technical progress;

e) replacing the dangerous with the non-dangerous or less dangerous;

f) developing a coherent overall prevention policy which covers technology, organisation of work and the influence of factors relating to the working environment;

g) giving collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures; and

h) giving appropriate instructions to employees.

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

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Duty Holder – Overall

Executive Management


Property Services

Head of Property Services

Building Surveying & Engineering Manager

Head of Service

Competent Assistants

Premises Officers

Corporate Maintenance & Specialist Contractors

Responsibilities as Instructed

Day to Day Responsibility

Chain of Command


Competent Assistants

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

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Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:


The Catford Complex comprises :

o Lewisham Town Hall

o Laurence House

o Civic Suite

o Town Hall Chambers

o Capital House

o 1 Eros House

Where Heads of Service have staff operating from the Catford Complex buildings, the Head of Property Services will provide the following duties of the Premises Officer’ for these specific buildings on behalf of Heads of Service.

3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29, 32

Heads of Services retain personal responsibility for all other aspects of the Premises Officers duties and are responsible for responding to advice and/or instructions received from Property Services when carrying out the duties of the premises officer on their behalf.

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Issued 1st July 2008

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Appendix Six Management Guide 1 Definition of ‘Responsible Person’ Section 3 of the Fire Safety Policy acknowledges the ‘responsible person’. The definition and determination of ‘Responsible Person’ is taken from Article 3 of the Fire Safety Order 2005 which states the responsible person will be: a) in relation to a workplace, the employer, if the workplace is to any extent under his control; b) in relation to any premises not falling within paragraph a):

o the person who has control of the premises (as occupier or otherwise) in connection with the carrying on by him of a trade, business or other undertaking (for profit or not); or

o the owner, where the person in control of the premises does not have control-in

connection with the carrying on by that person of a trade, business or other undertaking.

2 Definition of ‘relevant persons’ The Fire Safety Policy makes reference to ‘relevant persons’ at a number of locations throughout the policy. The definition and determination of ‘relevant persons’ is taken from Article 2 of the Fire Safety Order 2005 which provides the following definition: ‘relevant persons’ means:

o any person (including the responsible person) who is or may be lawfully on the premises; and

o any person in the immediate vicinity of the premises who is at risk from a fire on the


Fire-fighters or other fire and rescue service employees who are carrying out audits, inspections or other similar information-gathering functions within the premises are classed as ‘relevant persons’ for the purpose of this policy. However, this provision would not extend to fire-fighters who may be engaged In fire-fighting or other emergency work within the premises. 3 Definition of ‘significant change’ Sub paragraph (b) under Section 6 of the Fire Safety Policy refers to ‘significant change’. The term ‘significant change’ Is defined as any case where: a) the premises, or b) any special measures identified as being necessary, or c) any technical and organisational measures, or d) organisation of the work undergo significant changes, extensions, or conversions. 4 Section 7 — Training The statements included under Section 7 of the Fire Safety Policy — ‘Training’ — are based on Article 21 of the Fire Safety Order 2005 (which is also entitled ‘Training’). There has been

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some slight adaptation of the wording as it appears in the Fire Safety Order 2005 to enable a better ‘fit’ into the Fire Safety Policy. 5 Section 11 — Young person Section 11 of the Fire Safety Policy refers to the ‘young person’. ‘Young person’ is defined as any person who has not attained the age of 18. 6 Section 12 — Dangerous substances Section 12 of the Fire Safety Policy refers to ‘dangerous substances. The definition and determination of ‘dangerous substance’ is taken from Article 2 of the Fire Safety Order 2005 which provides the following definition: ‘Dangerous substance’ means: a) a substance or preparation which meets the criteria in the approved classification and labelling guide for classification as a substance or preparation which is explosive, oxidising, extremely flammable, highly flammable or flammable, whether or not that substance or preparation is classified under the CHIP Regulations; b) a substance or preparation which, because of its physico-chemical or chemical properties and the way it is used, or is present in or on premises, creates a risk; and c) any dust, whether in the form of solid particles or fibrous materials or otherwise, which can form an explosive mixture with air or an explosive atmosphere. ‘Approved classification and labelling guide’ means the Approved Guide to the Classification and Labelling of Dangerous Substances and Dangerous Preparations (5th edition) approved by the Health and Safety Commission on 16th April 2002. ‘The CHIP Regulations’ means the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002. 7 Section 13 — The principles of prevention In Section 13 of the Fire Safety Policy — ‘The principles of prevention’ — the terminology ‘so far as is practicable’ has been used. This terminology implies a higher standard of care should be applied to a process than can be given by the term ‘so far as Is reasonably practicable’. 8 Section 15 — Consultation with employees The following guidance on the application of the law is applicable to Section 15 — ‘Consultation with employees’. The source of this information is acknowledged as Health & Safety Executive Information Leaflet INDG 232 10/02. The Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations (SRSCR) 1977 If an employer recognises a trade union and that trade has appointed, or is about to appoint, safety representatives under the SRSCR 1977, then the employer must consult those safety representatives on matters affecting the group or groups of employees they represent. Members of these groups of employees may include people who are not members of that trade union. The Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations (HSCER) 1996

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Any employees not covered by trade union safety representatives must be consulted by their employers under the (HSCER) 1996. The employer can choose to consult them directly or through elected representatives. If the employer consults the employees directly, he or she can choose whichever method suits everyone best. If the employer decides to consult his or her employees through an elected representative, then employees have to elect one or more people to represent them. If the employers’ arrangements already satisfy the law then there is no need for change. 9 Section 17 — Duties and responsibilities 9.1 The first paragraph of Section 17 —. ‘Duties and Responsibilities’ — lists the general fire precautions that will be put in place at premises. The wording of the paragraph Is taken from Article 4 of the Fire Safety Order 2005. 9.2 The identified ‘Responsible Person’ and the associated hierarchy of nominated and competent persons, together with their specific duties, are listed in Section 17. 9,3 Item number 15 of Section 17 ‘Duties and Responsibilities — Checks would be carried out on a frequency of Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc. as necessary. These duties could be incorporated as part of the ‘Fire Marshall’ responsibilities (where such a system is In operation within premises). 9.4 Item number 16 of Section 17 — ‘Duties and Responsibilities’ — Should it be necessary to issue ‘Hot Working’ permits, they would be issued on a daily basis commensurate with the nature of the work being carried out. 9.5 Item number 27 of Section 17 — ‘Duties and Responsibilities’ — The instruction referred to will be a combination of verbal instruction and practical demonstration as is considered necessary to achieve the required level of competence.

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On next page

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London Borough of Lewisham

Working for a Safer Lewisham



Records of Tests, Training and Inspections


This log book is provided by London Borough of Lewisham. Occupiers may copy additional text pages as required or alternatively provide their own log book.

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Occupier:……………………………………………………………………………… Property Address:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name of Person Responsible for Fire Safety:………………………….


DIAL 999


Useful Telephone Contacts: - London Fire Brigade Fire Safety Centre Portable Fire-fighting Equipment Emergency Lighting

Fire Alarm Building Maintenance

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GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AND THE PREVENTION OF FIRE Good housekeeping and sensible fire precautions will reduce the possibility of a fire occurring. Poor housekeeping will not only make the outbreak of fire more likely but will inevitably allow a fire to spread more rapidly. It is the duty of the occupier to ensure that: - • There is adequate means of escape in case of fire by which all are able to reach a place of safety without being overcome by smoke, toxic gases, heat or flames. • Escape routes and exits are available for use, unobstructed, and that doors can be easily and immediately opened from the inside. • The means for fighting fire with which the premises are provided are maintained in efficient working order. • Persons employed to work in the premises receive instruction on what to do in case of fire. Check List A checklist should be drawn up to ensure that: - • The means of escape is clearly signed and kept clear of obstructions. • Where fire doors are provided to safeguard against the spread of smoke or fire, a regular check is made of the self-closing device to ensure it functions correctly. The use of wedges or any other device to hold open fire doors is not allowed. • All fire exit doors can be easily and immediately opened from the inside without the use of a key. • There is no accumulation of rubbish, waste paper or other materials, which could catch fire. • There are no obstructions, apparent defects or damage to fire alarm call points, fire detectors or alarm sounders. • The firefighting equipment is in order, unobstructed and in place. • Material which could readily catch fire is not left near to a source of heat. • There are adequate facilities for the disposal of smoking materials and that cigarette ends are not left smoldering.

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FIRE PLAN It is important that a plan of action in case of fire is drawn up. This should include the steps necessary to ensure the safe evacuation of persons from the premises and shutting down processes and mobilizing employees for specific duties. A responsible person should set up, manage and run the fire plan and should be in overall charge of fire precautions training. Fire procedures should include the following: - • Raising the alarm • Calling the Fire Service • Evacuating the building • Use of portable firefighting equipment ensuring no personal risks are taken. • Assembling at a pre-selected assembly point • Calling the roll The routine should become so well established through regular practice that employees react automatically on hearing a fire alarm and would act rationally if confronted with a real fire. It is essential, therefore, that all personnel are fully trained in the procedures to be followed in the event of discovering a fire or hearing the fire alarm. All staff must be made aware of fire procedures as soon as they commence employment. It is advisable to give each employee written instructions on the fire procedures. One person, with a deputy, should be made responsible for calling the Fire Service. They should be trained to dial 999 immediately the alarm sounds or they discover a fire and should practice giving clear, relevant information over the telephone. Staff should be encouraged to bring any potential fire risk to the attention of management.

NOTES FOR GUIDANCE ON COMPLETING RECORDS When completing records, ensure correct procedures as per manufacturer's instructions and frequency of tests are observed at all times. Indicate whether a visual or full test was done. Enter whether the test was done by a member of staff or a recognised engineer. Where faults are found, indicate any remedial action taken and upon what date the fault was reported. Ensure all logs are completed in full stating all action taken and date of completion.

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Frequency of Tests Interval Action Daily Check means of escape clear and unobstructed.

Induction training of any new staff. Fire alarm indicator panel for normal condition. Indicator lights in emergency lighting units.

Weekly Test fire alarm. Monthly Test emergency lighting (completed by engineer).

Open doors fitted with emergency devices.

Quarterly Night staff fire instruction. Fire alarm test by competent engineer.

Six Monthly Day staff fire training and drill.

Annual Test fire extinguishers and hose reels - obtain certificate. Test fire alarm - obtain certificate. Test emergency lighting for full duration.

Five-yearly Fire alarm wiring test.

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INSPECTIONS BY THE FIRE OFFICER Date Inspecting Officer Signature Comments

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MEANS OF ESCAPE - REGULAR INSPECTION Daily and monthly check. Any faults found are to be recorded below. Inspection is to include checking that all doors forming the means of escape are easily and immediately available, that all escape routes are free from obstruction; all signs are clearly visible, self-closing devices on fire doors function correctly. Monthly check of doors fitted with emergency devices that the lock and door function correctly.

Date Inspected By Faults Found Extent of Inspection Whole Building/Zone

Action Taken

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Date Inspected By Faults Found Extent of Inspection Whole Building/Zone

Action Taken

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A responsible person should be nominated to supervise the system and should carry out routine testing, arrange for any maintenance works necessary and keep records of all faults, tests and maintenance in the log book.

Procedures are to be laid down for dealing with alarms of fire, fault warnings and for taking part, or all, of the system out of commission. All such procedures must be approved by the Fire Authority. The responsible person is to ensure that all users of the system are instructed in its proper use and that a clear space is preserved in all directions below every detector head, and all call points remain unobstructed and conspicuous. In sleeping risk premises, an engineer should be on-call at all times, and any faults must be dealt with promptly, and, in any case, repairs are to be dealt with within 24 hours. ROUTINE TESTING Arrangements must be made to prevent unwanted signals being transmitted to the collecting station or to the Fire Service whilst testing or servicing the system. DAILY: - Check that the panel is showing normal operation. If not, record fault and action taken in the log book and check that any previous faults recorded have received attention. WEEKLY: - At least one call point, detector, or end of line switch is to be operated to test the warning devices and the indicating equipment. A different call point is to be used for each successive test. Where possible the batteries are to be checked to ensure that connections are in good condition and that electrolyte levels are not low. All doors fitted with smoke operated electromagnetic closure devices to be checked to ensure proper closure. Any printers to be checked to ensure that reserves of paper, ink or ribbons are sufficient for at least 2 weeks normal usage. All tests and faults to be recorded in the log book.

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QUARTERLY: - The responsible person should oversee all aspects of the system to ensure that it remains in full operational order and that log book entries have been made and faults have been correctly dealt with, and a certificate obtained from a competent person to that effect. The result of the quarterly examination is to be recorded in the log book. ANNUALLY: - A competent person is to carry out the tests as above, followed by a test of each detector head in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. A full visual inspection will be made to ensure all fittings are secure, undamaged and adequately protected. A certificate to be obtained from the competent person and an entry made in the log book. N.B. Some manufacturers may recommend more frequent testing of detector heads. At intervals not exceeding FIVE YEARS, the system, and all wiring, is to be tested by a competent person in accordance with current IEE regulations, and a certificate to that effect obtained. The result of the test is to be recorded in the log book. The above procedures are listed for guidance. More detailed recommendations are given in BS 5839.

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The fire warning system is to be tested weekly by the operation of a different call point for each successive test. Automatic door releases are to be checked at the same time. Where these are fitted in residential establishments, this test should be completed whilst the occupants are assembled in one area, e.g. during the lunch period, to avoid any resident being injured by the door closing on them. Automatic Fire Detectors should be inspected/tested regularly (recommended at three-month intervals). Historical data relating to events, which have occurred on the system, including fires and false alarms, are also to be recorded.

Fire Alarm

Automatic Door


Automatic Detectors


Call Point

location or


Satisfactory Yes/No

Satisfactory Yes/No

Location or


Satisfactory Yes/No

Remedial Action


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Fire Alarm

Automatic Door


Automatic Detectors


Call Point

location or


Satisfactory Yes/No

Satisfactory Yes/No

Location or


Satisfactory Yes/No

Remedial Action


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Fire Alarm

Automatic Door


Automatic Detectors


Call Point

location or


Satisfactory Yes/No

Satisfactory Yes/No

Location or


Satisfactory Yes/No

Remedial Action


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EMERGENCY LIGHTING Testing To ensure that testing and maintenance are properly carried out, the occupier or owner of the premises should nominate a responsible person who will keep adequate records of the installation details, test reports and maintenance records. The following test methods are recommended by British Standard 5266 which also recommends that testing which involves extensive discharging of the batteries should, wherever possible, be undertaken at times of least risk, as it is conceivable that an emergency situation and mains failure could occur immediately after a test period. For example: - on a 3-hour system, a 1-hour test could be carried out first thing in the morning when the system has the rest of the day to recharge, whereas a 3 hour discharge may have to be made within the start of a period when the premises are unoccupied to enable the system to fully recharge before the premises are re-occupied. Where this is not practical, i.e. premises having a night shift or providing sleeping accommodation, the test could be timed so that the full duration test is carried out first thing in the morning during the summer months when the recharge period is given the maximum amount of time before darkness. A fully discharged self-contained unit normally takes 14-16 hours to recharge. All tests, other than the daily check, are to be recorded in the log book. However, if the daily check is unsatisfactory, an entry should be made in the log book, together with the action taken to effect repairs to the system. British Standard 5266: Part 1 recommends the following test procedures: - The tests consist of both: -

A) A monthly short operational test; and B) An annual full rated discharge test.

Self-contained fittings must always be tested by simulated mains failure. As this is not always practical, it is recommended that a test facility key switch is provided. The above procedures are listed for guidance. More detailed recommendations are given in BS: 5266.

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Yes/No Remedial Action Signature

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Date Satisfactory Yes/No

Remedial Action Signature

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Hotels and Residential Establishments - Night staff - 3 monthly Day staff - 6 monthly

Factories, Offices, Shops & Railway Premises - At least once a year, preferably twice. Schools - Once a term. Induction of new staff Name: Person Giving Instruction: Date:

Name: Person Giving Instruction: Date:

Name: Person Giving Instruction: Date:

Name: Person Giving Instruction: Date:

Induction of new staff Name: Person Giving Instruction: Date:

Name: Person Giving Instruction: Date:

Name: Person Giving Instruction: Date:

Name: Person Giving Instruction: Date:

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Portable Firefighting Equipment and hose reels are to be examined/tested at least once annually by a competent person. Also to be logged - Any faults or discharges of equipment other than on annual inspection.

Date Location or


Examined or discharge tested?

Satisfactory Yes/No

Remedial Action Taken


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Date Location or


Examined or discharge tested?

Satisfactory Yes/No

Remedial Action Taken


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FIRE SHUTTERS Details of System: -




Remedial Action


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Remedial Action


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Appendix Nine Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan

What is a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan ? The aim of this plan is to provide individuals who can not evacuate safely from a building unaided, with the necessary information, to be able to manage their evacuation to a place of safety. This plan will also ensure that departments have the necessary information to ensure that correct levels of assistance are available.

When is a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan required? A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan should be completed when it is known that an individual has a disability that would affect their safe evacuation from a building in the event of an emergency. This could include short-term injuries e.g. a person with a broken leg, a pregnant woman or any impairment that might affect a persons ability to safely evacuate a building. It’s purpose is to provide a step by step, comprehensive plan that documents the procedures and equipment in place for ensuring that a person is able to safely evacuate a building if needed. The Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan should cover all buildings and areas where the individual commonly works, visits or uses and therefore it may be necessary to complete a separate Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan for each area. If your building is used by members of the public that have a disability, then you may need to develop a range of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan’s which should be made available. This could also be applicable for elderly persons or people with young children What should be documented?

Whether the means of raising the alarm is consistent with the individuals needs e.g. can they hear the alarm ?

Is there adequate cover, if a buddy is out of the office? Has appropriate training been provided to the buddy? Is signage adequate when considering the individuals needs? Can escape route doors be easily opened?

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Who is responsible?

The manager is responsible for identifying staff that require a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan. They need to ensure that Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans are in place and that they have been completed in consultation with the individual concerned. The individual will need to be confident of any Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan or alternative arrangements that after consultation. As part of your consultation exercise you will need to consider personal dignity.

Managers are responsible for informing Property Services 0208 314 7752 of any staff that have a disability or special requirements and require additional assistance during an emergency evacuation.

Where the public regularly use the building, the Manager of the services being accessed is responsible for ensuring that a range of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans are produced for those members of the public that have a disability or special requirements.

Evacuation equipment Appropriate equipment should be used for the safe evacuation of those whose

mobility is impaired.

‘Evac’ chairs are commonly used for evacuation purposes – companies who supply ‘Evac’ chairs provide training in their use. If the equipment is used it must be safely stored in suitable locations, must not obstruct escape routes and must be regularly maintained.

Any equipment provided for evacuation e.g. alarms, visual beacons should be regularly tested and maintained.

Refuges Refuges can be used to accommodate people that have a disability or special

requirements, whilst others are being evacuated. A refuge is a place in which people can wait for assistance. Individuals should not be left alone in a refuge area while waiting for assistance to safely evacuate a building. Where refuges are provided, they should be enclosed in a fire resisting structure, which creates a protected escape route and leads directly to a place of safety. Refuges should only be used in conjunction with up to date risk assessments and effective management rescue arrangements.

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Where a refuge is to be used - adequate means of communication must be provided in the refuge, to ensure that those who are waiting in a refuge along with their ‘buddies’ can be informed when to evacuate and of changing situations. It is not recommended that people that have a disability or special requirements are evacuated up or down stairs during a drill. Therefore they must be informed that an emergency evacuation drill is about to take place and receive adequate updates via the communication system in the refuge to reassure them and their buddies. All other systems however should be practiced during an emergency evacuation drill.

Buddies The use of the ‘buddy system’ is to ensure that people that have a disability or

special requirements are assisted during an evacuation either to a refuge to await further instructions or to be led to a place of safety. In the event of a real emergency all individuals should be evacuated to a place of safety. ‘Buddies’ can be selected and appointed from either the individual who requires assistance, colleagues or managers.


Practical training will be required for example in the use of any equipment provided e.g. ‘evac’ chairs, communication devices, etc

Initial training and refresher training should form part of the Personal Emergency

Evacuation Plan.

Reviewing The PEEP A completed Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan is a live document and will

need to be regularly updated. It will need to be reviewed : After any changes in the evacuation arrangements. When there are any changes in the individuals health etc Where the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans is no longer needed Where there are any concerns ( individual/ evacuation marshal / buddies ) On an annual basis

Completed PEEP

Once a PEEP has been completed, copies should be sent to: Payroll Administration Town Hall, Town Hall Kathryn Cooper, Property Services A copy should always be held by the manager and employee

Further Information : A Guide is available from HM Government Fire Safety Risk Assessment/ Means of Escape for Disabled People ISBN – 13:978 1 851128747

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QUESTIONAIRE: To Be Completed By The Employee & The Manager

Place of Work Do you need to use any other floors within the building? Yes / No If YES give details:

Do you need to access other buildings in order for you to carry out your job? Yes / No If yes what buildings ?

Do you require assistance when evacuating the building? Yes No Is anyone designated to assist you in the event of an evacuation? No Yes If yes please give Name(s) and location(s)

Category Of Impairment: Visibility Mobility Audibility Is your Impairment:

Permanent Temporary Intermittent Examples :

Visibility : Other workers assist to fire exits and to a place of safety Audibility : Other workers alert that alarm has sounded. If working alone a

flashing light or pocket vibrator may be required. Mobility : You should be able to get to a refuge point and await assistance

from Buddy.

Managers must ensure that staff, if visiting another location other than their normal place of work, must make themselves aware of the evacuation procedures for that building. It is advisable that, if they require assistance in evacuating they should where applicable not access a building above ground level, unless they are confident in being able to evacuate safely in an emergency.

All staff must comply with health and safety instructions provided for their own safety and for taking reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions

Surname : First Name(s):

Department : Section :

Location : Male / Female

Brief Description of Duties :

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

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Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

To Be Completed By The Manager Employee Details:

Surname :

First Name(s):

Building : Floor :

Department : Contact No :

Action Plan : Methods of Assistance : Equipment Provided : Designated Names of People Giving Assistance ( Buddies)

Any Further Action Required :

Managers Name : Signature: Date : Review Date :

To Be Completed By The Employee : I have received my Personnel Emergency Evacuation Plan in : Print Large Print Braille BSL On Tape

Staff have a personal responsibility that when they visit other buildings that they are aware of the evacuation procedures for that building. If individuals have any special needs regarding evacuation they must ensure these are addressed before they stay in the building. In the event of an Emergency / Evacuation, this is the identified procedure that I will follow.

Name : Signature Date / /

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

Page 51 of 54

Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

Appendix Ten EXAMPLE OF EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE On Discovering a Fire • Sound Alarm (operate nearest fire call point) • Evacuate Building • Ring Fire Brigade • Go to Assembly Point as indicated on fire action notices Staff • On hearing the alarm evacuate the building quickly from the nearest exit • Staff with mobility issues must have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) • Do not attempt to return to collect items • Ensure that any visitors evacuate the building with you • If any department is likely to have visitors with a mobility impairment, they should have a

generic PEEP • Go to Assembly Point as indicated on fire action notices • Remain at Assembly Point until further instructed Controller • On activation of the alarm evacuate building • One controller only can take charge • Ensure that the Fire Brigade have been summoned • Ensure that the Evacuation Marshalls are effective with clearing the building • Liaise with the Fire Brigade informing them of any concerns and location of fire if known • Take control over re-entry of the building Evacuation Marshals • Responsible for ensuring that all people within their designated area leave the building in

a quick and controlled manner • Check toilets, meeting rooms and any other appropriate areas if safe to do so • Once area is cleared evacuate building • Report to Evacuation Controller advising Controller of location you have evacuated from • Report any concerns to the Controller First Aiders • Evacuate Building • Report to the Controller • Assist where required DO NOT PUT YOURSELF OR OTHERS AT RISK, IF IN ANY DOUBT EVACUATE THE BUILDING Legal Responsibilities In order to comply with various legislation Lewisham is required to carry out a minimum of twice yearly Evacuation Drills and all personnel must participate in building evacuations

Building Name:

Weekly Check Date Checked

Can all Fire Exit Doors be opened immediately and Easily?

Are Fire Doors clear of obstruction?

Are internal and external escape routes clear?

Is fire alarm panel showing any faults?

Are all fire extinguishers and Fire Signage clearly visible?

Do all Emergency Lighting appear fully functional with LED lights lit?

Is the floor free from tripping and slippage hazards?

Are there any obvious faults to electrical equipment?

Are Hose reels visibly damaged?

Are all Hazardous substances stored away?

Date Checked

Can all Fire Exit Doors be opened immediately and Easily?

Are Fire Doors clear of obstruction?

Are internal and external

Is fire alarm panel showing

Are all fire extinguishers and Fire

Do all Emergency Lighting appear

Is the floor free from tripping and slippage

Are there any obvious faults to electrical

Are Hose reels visibly damaged?

Are all Hazardous substances

Appendix Eleven

Fire Safety Policy for Lewisham’s Public Buildings

Document control number 4

Issued 1st July 2008

Supersedes Draft Issue V2

Page 1 of 54

Fire Safety Policy Workplace Law Network 2007 All rights reserved Tel: 0870 777 8881 e-mail:

escape routes clear?

any faults? Signage clearly visible?

fully functional with LED lights lit?

hazards? equipment? stored away?

top related