firefox os - hive pilani 2015

Post on 03-Aug-2015






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Alternatives: Microsoft Windows, UNIX, Linux, MAC OS

Goal – Pursue the goal of building a complete, standalone operating system for the open web.

By Web Developers. For Web Developers

Motivated by a desire to demonstrate that the standards-based open web has the potential to be a competitive alternative to existing single vendor app dev stacks offered by the dominant mobile OS

Why a new OS?

Apps Make or Break an Mobile

OS Platform

Code Name – Boot 2 Gecko (B2G)

For Smartphones and Tablet Computers (as of now)

Uses completely open standards and there’s no proprietary software or tech involved

Active development forums and community.

A new Revolution



A First Look

GONK - platform denomination for a combination of the Linux kernel and the HAL from Android.

Gecko - the web browser engine and application run-time services layer

Gaia - an HTML5 layer and user-interface system.

Core Technologies

A Closer Look at the Architecture

Primary Bootloader

Then, the OS is loaded

Bootloaders get strapped on is succession till,

Execution is handed over to the OS.

The bootloaders usually display the first splash screen seen by the user during device startup; this is typically a vendor logo.

The bootloaders implement flashing an image to the device. Different devices use different protocols

By the end of the bootstrapping process, the modem image is usually loaded and running on the modem processor.

Bootstrap Process

Gonk layer based on the Linux Kernel derived from the Android Open Source Project.

Executes init.rc (initial process) succeeded by init.b2g.rc (B2G essential process loader)



Can be thought of as Firefox browser without the chrome.

Provides interfaces to APIs , IO Services, Rendering and Content Layout

Implements Secutrity Framework

Rendering – OpenGL 2.0 to draw GL context wrapping hardware frame buffers.

Provides support for the trifecta of open standards – HTML, CSS, Javascript, XUL, (eXtended User Interface Language)


Gaia – The User Interface Layer

Set of applications that run locally on a B2G Device.

Its only interface to the underlying operating system and hardware is through standard Web APIs, which are implemented by Gecko.

Gaia be run on Firefox OS devices, but also on other operating systems and in other web browsers! – Write once … Run Everywhere

Basic Apps – Browser, Calendar, Calculator, Camera, Email, Radio, Gallery


All Device makers except Google has inked a deal with it to protect themselves against the possible patent infringement suits.

Moreover, some members of the Android ecosystem are more equal than others.

Google has “preferred” partners who get a “sneak peak” at Android during development modifying the “level” playing field.

Our Beloved Firefox OS has NONE of that.

Why Again??

Get the Codebase from

Study the Codebase with help from Mozilla MDN -

Follow Bugs on Mozilla’s BugZilla (Issue Tracker) -

Easy Beginner Bugs -

Do QA by Testing Bugs reported on BugZilla and earn rewards!

Starting Development


Apps Make or Break an Mobile

OS Platform

Facilitate Developers

Development of Firefox OS is App Developer oriented

Use of Open Web Standard => No Extra knowledge needed to get started.

Vey Easy to use Web API

Established and enthusiastic community developers like us!

Marketplace Design







Firefox OS – Emulator

Firefox OS Simulator

Text Editor

Development Tools

App has a File system associated with it.


Index.html (landing page)

And so on…

Advantage – Simpler File System than Android Apps.

Faster Agile Development Cycle.

App Dev File System


"name": "Hello World",

"description": "Hello World App",

"launch_path": "/index.html",

"icons": {

"128": "/icon.png"


"developer": {

"name": "Nilay Binjola",



"default_locale": "en"


An Example Manifest



<h1>Hello World!</h1>

<button id="alertButton">Make an


<script src="./alert.js"></script>



Simple Hello World Markup


entListener("click", popAlert, false);

function popAlert() {

alert("Hello World! Alert!!");


Alert Pop-up Javascript

Local/Packaged Apps – Like the Hello World Apps. (Lack Dynamic Customization)

Hosted Apps – Cannot exploit rich Interfaces provided by devices

Hybird Apps – Mixture of both to get best of both worlds.

Used by many App designers and companies like Amazon

Firefox OS is ideal for this.

App Design Paradigms

Plain Packaged – No permissions needed. No sensitive API used.

Privileged Apps – Special process of evaluation in Marketplace.

Access to sensitive APIs

Include them in “permissions” key in your Manifest.webapp

Certified – System Level Permissions.

Type of Packaged Apps

AJAX – Async Javascript and XML

Known as SystemXHR (Cross Origin Anonymous XHR)

For privileged apps.

Most Widely Used Permission


Let the Hacking Begin!

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