fireworks and the law you should only have fireworks at the age of sixteen you are not allowed to...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Fireworks and the law

• You should only have fireworks at the age of sixteen

• You are not allowed to sell fireworks to people under the age of sixteen

• Do not use fireworks in the house

Where do fireworks come from

• Fireworks took a while to reach Europe. In the 14th Century, Italy and France were the first European countries to have fireworks.

• The first recorded fireworks in Britain were at the wedding of King Henry VII in 1486.

Fireworks Night

• In the UK, we mainly associate fireworks with Bonfire Night, but fireworks have been used in many different celebrations for centuries, all around the world.

Why fireworks

• Fireworks are as popular today as they have ever been.

• A firework display brings people together and they are used to celebrate religious, political.

So what causes fireworks to explode?

• An explosion is caused by very fast burning.

• Super-hot gases push out at speed in all directions, forcing the air out of the way and causing a shock wave that you hear as a bang.


By Crystal Mc Laughlin 9Y

• A ghost is the soul of a deceased person. The spirit of a ghost lives on after the death of their body. Ghosts inhabit a shadowy netherworld between the living and the dead. They are able to return in the likeness of living people.

•Witches are women claimed or popularly believed to possess magic powers and practice the art of sorcery.

• Witches often use the aid of spirit-helpers or familiars.

• Spooks

There's a goblin at my window,A monster by my door.The pumpkin at my tableKeeps on smiling more and more.There's a ghost who haunts my bedroom,A witch whose face is green.They used to be my family,Till they dressed for Halloween.

• It is against the law to carry fireworks in public if you're under 18.

• It is against the law to throw or set off fireworks in the street. • Fireworks must not be sold to anyone who is under 18. • Keep naked flames, including cigarettes, away from

fireworks. • Never return to a firework once it has been lit. • Don't put fireworks in pockets and never throw them. • Direct any rocket fireworks well away from spectators. • Never use paraffin or petrol on a bonfire. • Make sure that the fire is out and surroundings are made safe

before leaving.

• Trick-or-treating

• Ducking for apples

• Bonfires

• Fireworks

• Dressing up

• Parties!!!

Halloween Story

By Lauren Greene

• On an isolated road, around midnight, somewhere not too far from here, a man and his girlfriend are driving. Suddenly a car approaches them from behind.

• "Pull over!" he says. The man shrugs and turns in a dirt road. He gets out and talks to the man. "What is it, “the girlfriend asks, but she gets no answer.

• She shrugged and continued to browse through the different radio stations. Then she heard a crash

• "Babe?" she said hesitantly. She ran out of the car and saw her boyfriend's head bouncing back and forth on the radio antennae.."

• The back lights were smashed in. Screaming, she goes to get her cell phone out of the car. As soon as she opens the car door she hears, "No use. . . No one will answer you

HalloweenBy Jack Turner


A ghost is a person that Wants to stay on this earth some ghosts can only be seen in photos as orbs.


• Witches entered Halloween in the 19th century.

• One of the most important witches Sabbaths was held on Halloween.

• Witches were alleged to fly to these meetings on broomsticks, accompanied by black cats, who were their constant companions.


• Pumpkins were scooped out of turnips with skull-like faces carved into them.

• This may reflect the ancient custom of placing skulls around the tribal fire to keep evil demons away

Happy Halloween


• A vampire is a person who lives in a coffin years ago he has lived for about 200 years and he might have big fouls teeth and black hair

• Vampires have to drink blood to stay alive.

Trick or treat

• Trick or Treat, is a Halloween custom where kids go round to people's houses on Halloween night, dressed in some kind of costume, and cry, "Trick or Treat?" to get candy .

• The householder then chooses between a trick -- having some kind of practical joke played on them by the kids -- or buys their way out of with a treat like sweets or chocolate.


• Skeletons are the remains of humans or animals dead thousands of years and they are very scary, people would be afraid and frightened



A Skeleton Story

• A stormy night two people were setting flowers in their Fathers grave when their fathers soul and skeleton appeared out of nowhere.

• As soon as they saw their Dad again they ran for their lives. Then they saw the gates of freedom.

• They kept on running for the gates of freedom. Then they where in front of a coffin, when a skeleton popped up.

• The skeleton got out and stared at the two people and they stared back. The skeleton took a leap in to the air and jumped into the ground.

• They were that scared that they just stood their, they it went twelve o’ clock and the skeleton came back up.

• Then his soul was sucked up and every one else's who was dead.

• The two people never went back to the grave yard on Halloween night.


At HalloweenThe witches fly

Across the sky,

The owls go, "Who? Who? Who?"

The black cats yowl

And green ghosts howl,

"Scary Halloween to you!"



Haunted House


Spider’s Web



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