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Steve Gray
Steve Gray
Steve Gray
January - December 2010
Steve Gray
Steve Gray
Steve Gray
Steve Gray
Steve Gray
Steve Gray


Page Minutes of the Annual Meeting January 30, 2010 1

Minutes of Special Congregational Meeting May 2, 2010 2

Clerk’s Report of Membership 6

Roster of Officers and Committee Members 7

Report of the Council President 11

Report of Historian 13

Report of Christian Stewardship 14

Report of Finance Committee 15 Summary Financial Data 16 Proposed Budget for 2011 17

Report of Endowment Income Use Committee 19 Endowment Income and Use 20

Report of Outreach Committee 21 2010 Outreach Contributions 22

Report of Building & Grounds Committee 23

Report of Caring Committee 25

Report of Children’s Ministries Committee 27

Report of Director of Children’s Ministries 28

Report of Director of Youth Ministries 29

Report of Adult Education Committee 31

Report of Men’s Ministries 32

Report of Women’s Ministries 33

Report of Worship Committee 35

Report of Director of Music 37

Report of Human Resources Committee 39

Report of the Open and Affirming Study Group 40

Report of Associate Pastor Search Committee 41

Leadership Development Team 42

Nominations of Officers and Committee Members for 2011 43

Report of the Senior Pastor 47

ANNUAL REPORT January – December 2010

Members of the Staff The Rev. Laura Lee Kent, Senior Pastor The Rev. James K. Boodley, Interim Associate Pastor (January - August) William Cowdery, Ph.D., Organist and Music Director Stacy Wilder, Director of Children’s Ministries Diane Beckwith, Director of Youth Ministries and Junior Choir Director Cathy Dawson, Church Manager Jane Broadfield, Church Secretary Jim DuPay, Custodian


Minutes of the Annual Meeting First Congregational Church of Ithaca, New York

January 31, 2010

Gather Us In (v1-2) was the opening hymn. Patricia Pagliarulo, Council President, offered prayer of invocation, celebrating the lives of 6 who died and 4 who were baptized in 2009; names as listed in the Report of Membership were read. Patricia Thonney called the meeting to order. Ardyth Gillespie nominated Dexter Kozen and Sandy Hudler the Inspectors of the Election; approved by voice vote. George Pfann nominated Tricia Pagliarulo as Moderator; approved by voice vote. Patricia turned the meeting over to Tricia. Tricia received a motion to accept the Minutes of the 2009 Annual Meeting as presented in the Annual Report; motion seconded; approved by voice vote. A motion was made to accept the Reports of Boards, Committees, and Staff as presented in the Annual Report; seconded; approved by voice vote. Report from Church Council President. Tricia presented the Church Council Plan for Growth, Leadership Development & Staffing for 2010-2011; copies of the 4-page document were provided; additional 10 pages of appendices. On behalf of Council, Tricia thanked everyone who participated in its development. Tricia presented a chalice made by artist and FCC member, Tom Roach to Steve Gray in thanks for his wisdom, calm, steady, and deep devotion as Vice President of Council. With PowerPoint slides, Steve walked everyone through the Plan. In conclusion, 6 Council members provided statements of support. Discussion followed with questions and comments about music program, environmental concern, staffing, and need for associate pastor. Presentation of Budget. Walt Cottrell, Treasurer, referred everyone to page 15 of the Annual Report to review the proposed budget. He continued with PowerPoint slides showing (1) 2010 Budget Key Assumptions; and (2) 2011 Budget Impact. Walt noted that pledges are $19,000 short of Stewardship goal and that some members are unable to increase pledges; the gap could be filled by others who increase by $100 to $200. Discussion followed with questions and comments about music program, decline in pledging units, staffing/Plan. Walt presented motion to approve 2010 Budget: On behalf of the Finance Committee and Church Council, I move approval of the 2010 Budget presented today; and approval of a stewardship effort beginning immediately to balance the budget. If the budget is not balanced by May 1, 2010, Council will convene another congregation meeting to decide on further actions to balance the budget. Call for vote. Motion passed by hand vote: Yes: 57; No: 10; Abstain: 7. Nominating Election Report. Bill Heffner, Chair Nominating Committee, asked everyone to review the list of Nominations of Officers and Committee Members for 2010, as printed in the Annual Report. It was noted that the Historian position needs to be filled; Gene and Ann Erickson were thanked for their service. Bill moved that the slate be accepted as presented; motion seconded and approved by voice vote with no dissentions. Laura Lee Kent offered a closing prayer. The meeting adjourned at 12:55pm, with coffee, tea, and fellowship to follow. 128 people attended the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Patricia Thonney, Church Clerk


Minutes of Special Congregational Meeting First Congregational Church of Ithaca, New York

United Church of Christ May 2, 2010

The worship service Benediction opened the Special Congregational meeting, which began immediately after the Choral Response. Laura Lee led an Opening Prayer, sharing emails with blessings for the congregation that she had received from Doug Green and Catherine Taylor.

Walt Cottrell, Church Treasurer, called the meeting to order at 11:25 a.m. and welcomed everyone. He asked for approval for Cathy Dawson, Church Manager, to act as Alternate Clerk due to Pat Thonney’s illness. Approved by voice vote. Cathy explained that according to our by-laws, a quorum shall consist of 10% of members qualified to vote. Our current membership is 547. Since there were more than 55 members present, Cathy declared a quorum for the meeting. John Zollweg nominated Jim Fogel, Gibson Gilmore, Steve Gray, and Rachel Rosenberg as meeting inspectors; approved by voice vote. Mike Billing nominated Tricia Pagliarulo as Moderator for the meeting; approved by voice vote. Cathy turned the meeting over to Tricia. President’s Opening Remarks - Tricia Pagliarulo, Church Council President, explained that Council had voted to have paper ballots for both motions. She expressed her hope that in the future the church would be in a place where this would not be necessary. She asked Doug Cross, Council Vice-President, to be parliamentarian and Robert’s Rules of Order will govern if needed. There will be no other business introduced or conducted except for the two publicized motions. Tricia stated that the ONA journey has been going on for over 18 months. There have been many opportunities for discernment, education, and reflective prayer. Council members along with many of the congregation have been part of these opportunities. The Church Council has devoted much of three meetings just since January of this year on ONA. They have listened to recommendations from all the committees and from members who spoke to this issue in the January and February meetings. It has been a long and thoughtful journey. Some have thought it has been too long and some have had a difficult time with the journey. We have done a thorough job of exploring this issue and an amazing job at addressing the questions. It is time to move on. She explained that many of us love the existing welcome statement. Regardless of the vote today, it will still be spoken just as it is now. The “Welcoming Philosophy” is an elaboration of that statement. Its wording satisfies the required wording for us to be designated as an ONA church within the UCC. Tricia further explained that the 2nd vote is specifically for FCC to declare ourselves as an ONA congregation. This will authorize the President to process the necessary paperwork to be listed as ONA with the UCC. It allows anyone to know we are a safe and open congregation and have so designated ourselves. We are all together the body of Christ and are able to share our views even when we prayerfully disagree. Let us do what God asks of us.


Liza Burger thanked the people who took on the task of exploring the possibility of becoming an ONA congregation, who organized all the talks, movies, opportunities for exploring and those who spoke from their hearts and shared their ideas. She is proud to be part of this church where people encouraged each other to share and listen no matter where they were coming from. Vote on Recommendation #1: For the First Congregational Church of Ithaca, United Church of Christ to adopt the following Welcoming Philosophy: No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. Abiding by the principle of Christian love, our church embraces people of all races, genders, ages, sexual orientation, gender identities, faiths, nationalities, ethnicities, marital status, economic circumstances, and those of different physical and mental abilities. We welcome all into our full life and ministry. Tricia read the recommendation. Discussion followed with a two-minute time limit on each speaker. Ann Erickson read a statement from Gene and her and asked that it be included in the minutes (see attached). The following people spoke in favor of adopting the Welcoming Philosophy as stated: Barbara Foote, Michael Pagliarulo, and Steve Gray. Leslie Howe and Hank Watson expressed the belief that by trying to include everyone in a statement we implicitly exclude everyone else and they are, therefore, opposed to adopting this statement. Tricia read the statement again. The meeting inspectors passed out and collected the ballots. After the votes were counted the results were presented: Vote #1 – 79 Yes, 28 No The motion passed. 74% in favor. Vote on Recommendation #2: For the First Congregational Church of Ithaca, United Church of Christ to be designated as an Open & Affirming Congregation (ONA) in the United Church of Christ. Bill Heffner moved and Karen Knudson seconded. Discussion followed: Bill Heffner, Diane Cross, and Michael Pagliarulo spoke in favor of this motion to let everyone know that we are inclusive and welcoming to all. Vote #2 – 85 Yes, 21 No, 1 Abstention The motion passed. 80% in favor.


Tricia thanked everyone for the hard work the church has done. She stated that we still have much work to do in determining what this means to the future of the church and how we can be welcoming to ALL. It is now our responsibility to implement the church’s Plan for Growth, Leadership Development & Staffing. We need to define and work on what this means to us. Tricia invited us all to get involved and be part of this journey so everyone’s voice will be heard. Laura Lee offered a closing prayer and the congregation sang verses 1 & 3 of “Gather Us In”. Tricia declared the meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m. 112 people attended the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Cathy Dawson, Alternate Church Clerk (An audio-recording is available from the Church Historian.)


Statement read by Ann Erickson Attachment 1 Gene and I have served as Church Historians for the last 7 years. It is a task we have enjoyed. As we have searched the files for answers to questions many of you have asked; we have become acutely aware of the need for documentation. This contentious issue before us today is no exception. The March minutes of the Church Council state that the two motions we are asked to vote upon today were passed by the Council members unanimously. That is correct if you include the provision “of those present and voting.” The March meeting was the first time the ONA issue was presented to the Council with a motion following which there would be discussion recorded in the official record. Neither Gene nor I were present at the March meeting and had we been there the record would have shown at least one negative vote on the ballot we are asked to vote on today. Therefore, it would not have been recorded as unanimous. A proposal had been presented at the February Church Council meeting but since it was not a motion for consideration, there was no recorded presentation of the suggestion nor was there a discussion in the minutes. This proposal would have given each of you a choice between the proposal as stated in today’s ballot and another, which would have allowed you to select the Welcoming Statement as it is written in our church bulletin. We are assured that we are among many of our membership who feels strongly that voting against today’s motion is misleading since it infers we oppose the choices made by those who call themselves Gay or Lesbian. We make no such judgment. Our church’s more generalized Welcoming Statement makes no such negative judgment either. Therefore, it is with reluctance we will be among those who strongly oppose both motions before us today. Since these minutes will appear in the church records, it is important to state that we are assured that many who could not be in attendance today oppose the action proposed here. For the record.


Clerk’s Report of Membership January 1, 2010 – December 31, 2010

Losses By death…………………………………………………………… 4 Ralph Berghorn Helen DeGraff

Dorothy Everett Ernest Hardy

By transfer………………………………………………………… 2 Girard Oberrender Jr. Martha Oberrender By removal from roll……………………………………………… 0 From Active to Inactive membership………………………………0

Total losses………………………………………………....6

Additions By reaffirmation of faith………………………………………….. 6 Bonnie Edwin Ray Edwin Betsy Nicholson

Andy Poshadel Maria Rabb Sarah Scheiber

By letter of transfer…………………………………………………2 Norman Hingkeldey Rosemary Boanni-Hingkeldey By association………………………………………………………0 By confirmation…………………………………………………….0

Total additions…………………………………………… 8 Active members as of January 1, 2011……………………… 549

Full members…………. 506 Associate members……. 43

Baptisms – 2010 Andrew Breen Eliza Rose Wilder

Eva Jade Wilder Isabella Scarlet Wilder


Council President Council Vice-President Church Clerk Historians Treasurer ADULT EDUCATION Don Hinman 2011 Bill Jewell 2011 Jeffrey Prince 2011 BUILDING & GROUNDS Renée Akers 2011 Karlis Musa 2011 John Zollweg 2011 CARING Joyce Billing 2011 Charlotte Bosworth 2011 Jane Dieckmann 2011 Ann Erickson 2011 Betsy Nicholson 2011 Sue Warner 2011 Charlotte Young 2011

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Diane Cross 2011 Cindy Marschner 2011 Brian & Jennifer Wansink 2011

Patricia Pagliarulo Doug Cross Patricia Thonney, Alternate - Robin Stedinger Gene and Ann Erickson, Barb Taylor Walt Cottrell Jim Fogel 2010 Carolyn McPherson 2010 Diane Shafer 2010 Rob Kent 2010 Sarah Scheiber 2010 Fred Warner 2010 Jeanne Yarussi 2010 Jeannie Cottrell 2010 Ray Gozzi 2010 Susan Pesco 2010 Pat Thonney 2010 Jean Wentworth 2010 Enid Zollweg 2010 Greta Dewey 2010 Myla Strawderman 2010 Kate Supron 2010 Nancy Weislogel 2010 Melody Wilder 2010


FINANCE Mary Flinn 2011 Eric Taylor 2011 Eugene Yarussi 2011 HUMAN RESOURCES NOMINATING Marlene Jewell 2011 OUTREACH Janet Devlin 2011 Sandy Galbreath 2011 Sue Hamilton 2011 Sandy Hudler 2011 Nancy Stewart 2011 Barbara Taylor 2011

STEWARDSHIP Bill Paleen 2011 Stephanie Roach 2011

Walt Cottrell 2010 Joanne Wietgrefe 2010 Joanne Wietgrefe 2010 Tove Hammer 2010 Carolyn McPherson 2010 Dick Shafer 2010 Bill Heffner 2010 Madeline Estill 2010 Susan Lewis 2010 Andy Weislogel 2010 Danny Fox 2010 Scott Hamilton 2010 Paul Viscuso 2010


WOMEN’S MINISTRIES Liza Burger 2011 Andrea Gerding 2011 Annette Spearman 2011 Sarah Scheiber 2011 Nancy Stewart 2011

WORSHIP Laurie Hultberg 2011 Fran Kozen 2011 Diana Nathanielsz 2011 Devan Musa 2011 YOUTH

Note: Terms are through calendar year 2010 and through calendar year 2011. PROTESTANT COOPERATIVE MINISTRY

Bobbie Schneider (June) George Schneider (June) Scott Hamilton Sue Hamilton Carolyn McPherson


Renée Akers 2010 Elizabeth Gray 2010 Amy Stoll 2010 Linda Yannone 2010

Mike Billing 2010 Jeff Christen 2010 Cyndi Slothower 2010 Cindy Milner 2010 Ally Rooks 2010


ENDOWMENT INCOME USE COMMITTEE Walt Cottrell Gene Erickson John Hays Ann Prince Diane Shafer INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Laura Andolina Walt Cottrell Guy DiCicco John Hays George Schneider Eric Taylor

SENIOR PASTOR PASTORAL RELATIONS Marcie Bishop John Hays Barbara Schramm Cyndi Slothower Andy Weislogel Jean Wentworth ASSOC. PASTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE Liza Burger Brad Buchanan Caroline Estill Andrea Gerding Laura Lee Kent Eric Taylor Kara Taylor Renée Zonder ONA STUDY GROUP Karen Knudson Ellie Kraft Sanders Rose Mandl Michael Pagliarulo George Pfann

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TEAM Mike Billing Ardyth Gillespie Rhonda Gilmore Steve Gray Bill Heffner Mary Heffner Laura Lee Kent Cyndi Slothower Dick Shafer Tricia Pagliarulo Joanne Wietgrefe

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January – December 2010

Dear Friends of FCC, I continue to be amazed at the blessings of this church. During this past year we have had over 80 people who have served on committees and Church Council or represented us in the wider community. We also enjoy a devoted and superb choir. In all our committees and on Church Council we have been finding our way forward with much enthusiasm. At our best we have sought to regularly identify the richest and most life giving of our past and present experiences here in order to use the characteristics of those events or activities to help us discern how we might strengthen the ministry we want for our future. With the goal of strengthening the work of our church leadership, for this entire year all committees have asked the following questions of their programs and activities: 1) Is there a way we can make this activity or event multigenerational? 2) Are there ways we can involve other members or committees? 3) Are there ways that we can use this program, activity or event to invite others from the community? For many this has been a new way to think about what we do here. I invite every member and friend of the congregation to ask those same questions about the activities in which you participate. As I have reviewed the programs of each committee I have been humbled by the commitment and hard work. So many in our congregation have contributed their time and their talents generously! We are most grateful for the blessings of our excellent staff and our Senior Minister, Rev. Laura Lee Kent. The exceptional collaboration and cooperation of all our amazing staff supports us all in fulfilling the mission of our church. I am personally extremely grateful for the work that they do every day. This has been the first full year that Rev. Laura Lee Kent has been our Senior Pastor. I have been impressed that as our sole full time pastor she been tirelessly dedicated to discerning how best to minister with us and to us. The journey of this past year has included new decisions such as our vote in May to declare ours an Open and Affirming Congregation, the fulfillment of our decision to seek a full time Associate Pastor with the Associate Pastor Search Committee recommending that we call Manda Adams, and the challenges of how to communicate and grow together into a future ministry we can all share. We on Church Council imagine finding more ways to hear all of your dreams and desires for our beloved church. I think we are ready to move forward with the things we all said we wanted to do. We want to use 21st century communications to reach out to new people and current members of all ages. We are ready to imagine and implement ways to reach out to and minister with and for students, faculty, staff and retirees at IC and Cornell. We are eager to expand our involvement as a congregation in welcoming and hospitality. This will help our church grow and expand how we include others from our wider community. We are eager to move forward with stronger ministries for our children, youth and their families. We believe it is vital to offer greater pastoral support to all members of our church. We think it is time to consider new ways

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of understanding stewardship. We are now ready to further implement these initiatives that we embraced in our Plan for Growth at our annual meeting one year ago. We are excited and hopeful that we will be able to call Manda Adams as our Associate Pastor so that she might join us in fulfilling these and other dreams. Our church is blessed with wonderful, talented, spirited and faithful people. I have been fortunate to be among you for 30 years! I have been honored that you entrusted me to serve as your Church Council President for these past two years. Blessings to each of you, Tricia Pagliarulo, Church Council President


Annual Report HISTORIAN

January – December 2010

In 2010 Barbara Taylor took over the duties of Church Historian mid-year from long-time historians Gene and Ann Erickson. Barb is taking time to familiarize herself with the files and where things are stored. She has been working with the Ericksons to make the transfer of records smooth and seamless and will continue to do so in the upcoming year.



January – December 2010 Council decided to take a low key approach to stewardship in 2010. A stewardship letter was sent by the Senior Pastor to the congregation in November suggesting that a 3% pledge increase was needed to balance the 2011 budget which contained the full year cost of a new Associate Pastor. Tricia Pagliarulo and Doug Cross made stewardship presentations on two Sundays in December. By December 31, we had received only 113 pledges and most had no increase. The resulting budget deficit at that point was $77,000. In early January, a team of church leaders was organized by the Senior Pastor to make follow-up calls to the 46 families who pledged in 2010 but had not yet pledged for 2011. The team included Bill Heffner, Brad Grainger, Marlene Jewell, George Schneider, Dick Shafer, Gene Yarussi, Jim Fogel, Steve Grey and Walt Cottrell. Stewardship presentations were made on 1-9-11 by Tricia Pagliarulo, Liza Burger and Walt Cottrell describing the benefits of having a full time associate Pastor and the stewardship results needed to balance the budget. An AfterWord following the service was held to listen to suggestions by members of what was needed to gain congregational support for the budget. At the Church Council meeting the following Tuesday the consensus was that a balanced budget should be presented at the annual meeting containing the cost of the full time associate pastor and prioritizing which items had to be reduced to balance the budget. Suggestions were made to consider using endowment income to help balance the budget on an interim basis. A letter was sent to the congregation the following week containing the presentations and outlining the need for further pledge responses. The congregation’s response to the presentations and calls was very positive and the projected deficit was reduced to $24,000. Council will meet on 1-25-11 to develop a budget to close the $24,000 shortfall and this balanced budget will be presented at the annual meeting. Respectfully submitted, Walt Cottrell, Treasurer


Annual Report FINANCE COMMITTEE January – December 2010

The members of the Finance Committee for the year were: Walt Cottrell (Chair and Church Treasurer), Joanne Wietgrefe (Assistant Treasurer), Mary Flinn (partial year), Eric Taylor and Gene Yarussi. Cathy Dawson, Church Manager, attended monthly meetings regularly as did Senior Pastor Laura Lee Kent. The committee met with the church’s auditors, Ciaschi, Dietershagen, Little, Mickelson & Company, LLP to review the results of their audit of the 2009 financial statements. The church received an unqualified opinion. A copy of the report is available in the church office. The Congregation approved the budget for 2010 which initially had a deficit of $19,000 but this deficit was reduced to near zero by April through increased pledges. The search for a new Associate pastor has taken longer than anticipated so the results for the year are expected to show a $30,000 surplus. The committee has recommended to Council and it has approved carrying these funds forward into 2011 to help balance the 2011 budget. The committee received quotes for repaving our half of Country Club Road and negotiated with the Travis Group to pay for repaving their half. The project was approved by Council and the work was completed in July. The project was funded by the Capital Reserve Account in the Endowment Fund. The Finance Investment Subcommittee met quarterly to review and manage the Church’s Endowment Funds. The committee was chaired by Guy DiCicco, with members Laura Andolina, George Schneider, trustee, Walt Cottrell, John Hays, trustee, and Eric Taylor. At year end, Guy DiCicco retired as chair of the committee and George Schneider became chair. As of 12-31-2010, the Endowment Funds totaled $1,118,716 and had a return for the year of 13.0% compared with our bench mark return of 12.2%. Disbursements of income from the Endowment Fund are recommended by the Endowment Income Use Committee and approved by Council. That Committee’s report is listed separately in this annual report. During the year, rental contracts were renewed with a number of organizations which conduct programs in the church. These groups include: the Community Nursery School, The Nest (toddler care), Music Together, NEKidsCount, Cayuga Heights After School Program and the Ithaca Concert Band. Throughout the year, the Treasurer, or in his absence, the Assistant Treasurer, met weekly with the Church Manager to review day-to-day financial issues and sign checks for expenses associated with church operations. Respectfully submitted, G. Walton Cottrell, Chair Finance Committee


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17 1/29/2011

COUNCILLine Current Est. Actual $ Diff. % Diff. PROPOSED $ Change % ChangeNo. INCOME 2010 Budget 2010* + or - + or - 2011 BUDGET + or - + or -

1 Pledges $396,900 $385,875 ($11,025) -2.8% $339,068 ($46,807) -12.1%2 Non-Pledge Income $9,500 $8,757 ($743) -7.8% $9,500 $743 8.5%3 Plate Currency & Coin $8,700 $6,713 ($1,987) -22.8% $8,000 $1,287 19.2%4 Other Contributions $800 $400 ($400) -50.0% $600 $200 50.0%5 Investment Income $2,500 $1,607 ($893) -35.7% $2,000 $393 24.5%6 Associate Pastor Reserve $0 $0 $0 0.0% $30,000 $30,0007 From Sabbatic Reserves $0 $0 $0 0.0% $6,000 $6,0008 Restricted Endowment Funds $5,825 $0 ($5,825) -100.0% $7,180 $7,1809 Unrestricted Endow. Income $0 $0 $0 0.0% $21,000 $21,000

10 Contrib. For Bldg. Use $19,000 $21,896 $2,896 15.2% $22,000 $104 0.5%11 TOTAL INCOME $443,225 $425,248 ($17,977) -4.1% $445,348 $20,100 4.7%


12 Pastoral Staff $107,005 $83,728 ($23,277) -21.8% $115,660 $31,932 38.1%13 Program Staff $71,754 $71,714 ($40) -0.1% $64,383 ($7,331) -10.2%14 Support Staff $68,780 $69,991 $1,211 1.8% $73,036 $3,045 4.4%15 SUBTOTAL $247,539 $225,433 ($22,106) -8.9% $253,079 $27,646 12.3%

Personnel Expenses:16 Retirement - Pastors $13,916 $10,941 ($2,975) -21.4% $15,042 $4,101 37.5%17 Health Ins. - Pastors $16,235 $9,567 ($6,668) -41.1% $15,821 $6,254 65.4%18 Health Ins. -Staff $2,597 $2,668 $71 2.7% $3,001 $333 12.5%19 Travel $3,845 $2,638 ($1,207) -31.4% $4,100 $1,462 55.4%20 Prof. Advancement $3,500 $2,618 ($882) -25.2% $3,975 $1,357 51.8%21 Sabbatic Reserve $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0.0%22 Payroll Taxes & Ins. $15,183 $14,141 ($1,042) -6.9% $14,405 $264 1.9%23 SUBTOTAL $55,276 $42,573 ($12,703) -23.0% $56,344 $13,771 32.3%24 TOTAL PERSONNEL $302,815 $268,006 ($34,809) -11.5% $309,423 $41,417 15.5%

Program Expenses:25 Susquehanna Assoc. $4,710 $3,900 ($810) -17.2% $4,500 $600 15.4%26 O.C.W.M.** $18,060 $18,060 $0 0.0% $17,060 ($1,000) -5.5%27 Outreach - Local $21,650 $21,650 $0 0.0% $20,650 ($1,000) -4.6%28 Total Outreach $44,420 $43,610 ($810) -1.8% $42,210 ($1,400) -3.2%29 Christian Education $8,050 $5,070 ($2,980) -37.0% $6,850 $1,780 35.1%30 Historian $0 $0 $0 0.0% $100 $100 0.0%31 Worship $1,625 $1,364 ($261) -16.1% $1,625 $261 19.1%32 Music $5,950 $5,966 $16 0.3% $5,950 ($16) -0.3%33 Caring $1,250 $1,223 ($27) -2.2% $3,250 $2,027 165.7%34 Welcome & Hospitality $300 $284 ($16) -5.3% $500 $216 76.1%35 Stewardship $300 $270 ($30) -10.0% $300 $30 11.1%36 Finance $3,350 $3,350 $0 0.0% $3,850 $500 14.9%37 Communications $2,600 $2,212 ($388) -14.9% $2,950 $738 33.4%38 Office $13,650 $11,772 ($1,878) -13.8% $12,650 $878 7.5%39 Human Resources $0 $0 $0 0.0% $150 $150 0.0%40 Misc. Expense $1,000 $621 ($379) -37.9% $1,000 $379 61.0%41 Assoc. Pastor 2011 Reserve $30,000 $30,000 0.0% ($30,000) -100.0%42 SUBTOTAL $82,495 $105,742 $23,247 28.2% $81,385 ($24,357) -23.0%

Property Expenses:43 Utilities $25,740 $19,669 ($6,071) -23.6% $21,240 $1,571 8.0%44 Building & Grounds $17,625 $16,637 ($988) -5.6% $18,125 $1,488 8.9%45 Insurance & Taxes $14,550 $14,485 ($65) -0.4% $15,175 $690 4.8%46 Capital Exp. & Reserve $0 $0 $0 0.0% $0 $0 0.0%47 SUBTOTAL $57,915 $50,791 ($7,124) -12.3% $54,540 $3,749 7.4%

48 TOTAL EXPENSES $443,225 $424,539 ($18,686) -4.2% $445,348 $20,809 4.9%

49 NET EXCESS REV.& DISB. $0 $709 $709 $0 ($709)

*Note: 2010 figures are unaudited.**OCWM is Our Church's Wider Mission

2011 Bud.vs 2010 Act.2010 Budget vs Actual



January – December 2010

The members of the Endowment Income Use Committee for the year were: Gene Erickson, John Hays, Ann Prince, Diane Shafer and Walt Cottrell. Laura Lee Kent served as the advisor to the committee. The committee was established by Council in 2006 to recommend the best alternatives for utilizing income from the church’s endowment fund. Council approved the following projects recommended by the committee during the year:

1. The income from certain endowment funds is restricted in use by the donors. During the year, $1,303 was distributed from the Foote Lecture Fund.

Total restricted projects: $ 1,303 2. FCC Capital Repair/Replacement Reserve (funds remain in the Endowment Fund until needed) $ 7,000 3. Honduran Cornell Water Project (Aquaclara) $ 2,000 4. Biloxi, Mississippi Back Bay Mission-Housing $ 2,000 5. Church Members’ Mississippi House Rebuilding Trip $ 4,658 6. Haiti Relief-Match Congregation’s Gift $ 3,560 7. Church Computers and Printers $ 392 8. Search and Moving Expenses for New Associate Pastor $10,000 Total Disbursements and Reserves $30,913

As can be seen from the above project list, a major focus was to set aside funds to conduct a search and relocate a new Associate Pastor. Another focus was on providing housing for people in low income areas such as Mississippi and Haiti and providing clean water in under developed areas of Honduras. Finally, funds were set aside in the endowment fund as a capital reserve to finance future repairs to our church’s aging facilities. During 2010, $9,900 of this reserve was used to pave our half of Country Club Road. As of 12-31-10, the reserve totaled $34,273.


Respectfully submitted, G. Walton Cottrell on behalf of the Endowment Income Use Committee


20 GWC 1/29/2011]

2008 2009 2010 2011Actual Actual Actual Budget

Endowment IncomeRestricted $5,000 $5,062 $7,825 $7,180Unrestricted $35,000 $32,800 $29,610 $37,000Total Income $40,000 $37,862 $37,435 $44,180

Endowment UseRestrictedChurch Operations $4,382 $4,486 $0 $7,180Restricted Projects $640 $576 $1,303 -$

Sub Total Restricted $5,022 $5,062 $1,303 7,180$

UnrestrictedChurch Capital Repair/Replacement Reserve $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000Church Computers and Printers $8,500 $950 $392 $1,500Church Sound System,Choir Riser Carpet and Dishwasher $3,484Honduran Cornell Water Project-Aguaclara $2,500 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000Guatemalan Education Project-Education and Hope $1,638Movie about water crisis: Flow for Love of Water $135Biloxi, MS Back Bay Mission-housing $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000Church Members' MS House Building Adult Trips $4,000 $1,000 $4,658 $342

Youth Trips $5,000Lesotho Evangelical High School Water System $1,500Ithaca College Ethiopian Water Project $2,000Zambian Children's Funds for Aids Orphans $1,000Kenyan Nomad Charities for Aids Orphans $1,000Honduran Sand Water Filters (Pure Water for the World) $1,500Haitian Sand Water Filters (Pure Water for the World) $2,000Water Projects to be chosen by Church Youth Groups $3,000Search and Moving Expense for New Senior Pastor $15,350Search and Moving Expense for New Assoc. Pastor $10,000 $5,000Stephens Ministry $1,650Haiti Relief (UCC)-Match congregation's gifts $3,560Potential Outreach Projects $10,508 a.

Sub Total Unrestricted $34,757 $32,800 $29,610 $37,000 est.

Total Uses $39,779 $37,862 $30,913 $44,180

Net Endowment Income / (Uses) $221 $0 $0 $0

Endowment Assets $771,000 $1,002,357 $1,118,716

a. Not yet approved by Council



January – December 2010 The Outreach Committee thanks the congregation for their generosity during 2010. Hunger continued to hurt our community during the economic downturn. Outreach felt compelled to respond by focusing much of our giving to organizations who helped the hungry. At the request of the congregation for more hands-on opportunities, we shared a meal with the Loaves and Fishes community and improved the playground of the former IACC (child care center). Later we introduced the concept of the Fifth Sunday. First, we held our service in August at the Water Front park for a garden clean up. Then when the CROP Walk was reconfigured, Outreach along with the FCC children still raised funds. In addition, we jointly gathered household items and made lunches for the homeless at the Friendship Center. In addition, we raised funds for military chaplains to comfort the overseas troops by serving coffee at the Holy Joe’s Cafés. The Giving Tree project offered the congregation an alternative gift giving to others in our community at Christmas. Along with the Endowment Committee we sponsored the meaningful Back Bay trip to help with rebuilding from Katrina. Already we have a FCC team ready for Back Bay 2011! We again thank you for sharing. We look forward to other opportunities to serve in the coming year. Respectfully Submitted, Sandy Galbreath, Chair Outreach Committee




One Great Hour of Sharing 3,513DESIGNATED MISSIONS: Haiti earthquake relieft 9,782FOOD $9,119 Nurses Fund 2,687Kitchen Cupboard 4,119 CROP Walk 2,784Loaves and Fishes 2,000 Christmas Fund (UCC) 1,442Tompkins Co. Food Dist. Network 1,500 Family Reading Partnership 778FoodNET 1,500 Child Dev. Council scholarships 671

CHILDREN/FAMILIES $3,000 Child Dev. Council Scholarships 2,000 YOUTH* $3,876IACC 1,000 Pancake Breakfast (worktrip) 410

Strawberry Shortcakes (worktrip) 130EDUCATION $1,000 Sub Sale (worktrip) 191Cornell Prot. Cooperative Ministry 500 Worktrip Sponsors 2,310Ithaca College Protestant Ministry 500 Pasta Dinner (Heifer) 305

Equal Exchange (Heifer) 530DISCRETIONARY $8,534 ACT 200PB&J-IACC 470IACC workday 81 CHURCH SCHOOL* $151 Love Knows No Bounds 500 Ithaca Children's Garden 50Back Bay Mission 200 Lansing Playground 35Jesus Has Left the Building 201 Thanksgiving baskets 66Giving Tree 330Food Bank of the S.Tier 1,000Pastors' Discretionary 2,000CROP 1,000 OTHER DONATIONS $2,951 Christmas Fund 1,442Tompkins Cty Food Dist. Network 555 Women Swimmin' 100FOODNET 555 Kitchen Cupboard 280TOTAL DESIGNATED MISSIONS $21,653 Back Bay 50

Loaves & Fishes 100TOTAL BUDGETED/ACTUAL $43,595 Susquehanna Assoc. scholarship 411OUTREACH SPENDING Holy Joe's Café 310

Christmas Shoebox Project 40ENDOWMENT OUTREACH $12,218 Thanksgiving Baskets 20Agua Clara 2,000 Jesus Has Left the Building 100Back Bay Mission 2,000 Other (PB&J) 250Back Bay Mission trips 4,658 Lansing Sch. for Girls-Giving Tree 125Haiti Relief matching gift 3,560 Back Bay-Giving Tree 215

Drop-In Center-Giving Tree 375*Non-Cash Contributions: Heifer 575Friendship Center lunches,IACC workdayJesus Has Left the Bldg. workdayWarm Woolly Tree/Mittens, hatsGiving Tree Gifts-Fam. Reading, Drop In,

TOTAL SPECIAL & OTHER $30,120 Family & Children's, Learning Web, Back Bay, Lansing Sch. For Girls TOTAL BUDGETED & Family Reading Partnership books ENDOWMENT OUTREACH $55,813 “Christmas Shoebox Project” - 42 shoeboxes-Middle School YouthThanksgiving food baskets ALL CHURCH OUTREACHKitchen Cupboard food CONTRIBUTIONS IN 2010 $85,933



January - December 2010

The members of the Building and Grounds Committee were Renée Akers, Rob Kent, Karlis Musa, Sarah Scheiber, Fred Warner, Jeanne Yarussi, and John Zollweg. The committee held two work bees during the year. The spring bee was held on May 8, the fall bee on October 23. Volunteers performed a number of essential tasks including cleaning windows, painting, removing and installing storm windows and air conditioners, doing special cleaning inside the church building, and sprucing up the grounds with weeding and pruning. Special attention was paid to the forsythia on the bank between the parking lots. George and Lana Pfann continued that project after the fall workbee. New stackable chairs for the parlor area were purchased after reviewing a number of samples. The committee is still looking at replacements for the folding chairs in the fellowship hall. The committee continues to oversee improvements to the building. A new door was installed on the closet in the pastor's office. It and the bathroom door were painted to match the rest of the woodwork. At year's end, fixtures were removed from the women's restroom on the main floor in preparation for installation of a new vinyl floor and effective toilets. In June, a leak was noticed where a stack goes through the roof above the north end of the balcony and youth room. A temporary repair was made that has stopped the leak, but it was noted that the nails holding down the roofing shingles below that area had rusted off. Repairs were made, but the roofing material was very brittle. Replacement of the main roof will be on our agenda for next year. Other improvements included removing the sink and water heater from the sacristy and filling the hole left behind in preparation for an upgrade to the church's sound system. Also in the sacristy, new outlets were installed and the monitor for the computer that is used for audio recording was mounted on the wall to free up countertop space. In the area by the lower entrance, the repair to the roof drain system that requires a heating tape was completed. In early July, the reflector on the organ screen that is part of the sanctuary smoke detector system fell to the floor. It had been glued in place for seven years. When it was put back up, it was secured with wires that should prevent it from falling again. Lighting upgrades continue. All of the lights on the arches in the sanctuary now have high-efficiency ballasts and bulbs. Only the lights under the windows remain to be upgraded. We also attended to needs for lighting outside the church. New motion-sensitive lights were installed by the weekday entrance and the lower entrance and we arranged with NYSEG to install area lights that illuminate both the lower and upper parking lots. Some more incandescent lights in exit signs were replaced with LED units The valve in the heating system that controls heat to the sanctuary failed during the summer. Our heating contractor replaced it. Also during the summer, the parking lot was patched where NYSEG had dug it up to repair a gas leak, then sealed and stripes were repainted. Although this committee didn't play a significant role in getting Country Club Drive repaved, it is relieved that it no longer needs to patch the street.


On the grounds, a tree fell out of the woods onto the lawn in May. It was cut up and removed. The paint on the steps to the playground and upper parking lot had started to peel after only one year, so they were repainted. A portion of the playground fence was replaced with chain-link material. The ad hoc committee that took responsibility for the weekly cleaning work that needs to be done to make the church look good on Sunday mornings has disbanded as a committee, but several members of the congregation still help on a regular basis with cleaning pews, windows, and accumulated cobwebs. The Building and Grounds Committee is a very active group planning, overseeing, and carrying out necessary projects and maintenance. We thank those involved on the committee and also give a thank you to all volunteers. Although they don't have official committee affiliation, we also thank Cathy Dawson and Madison Wright for their assistance which has been crucial to meeting our responsibilities. Respectfully submitted, John Zollweg, Chair


Annual Report CARING COMMITTEE January – December 2010

During the past year, our Caring Committee continued to provide the amazing and consistent support that we have come to expect and which we deeply appreciate. This ongoing ministry is described in detail below. We also worked with Laura Lee to develop some ideas for providing pastoral care. Special thanks to: Pat Thonney, Joyce Billing, Jean Wentworth, Jeannie Cottrell, Liz Gray, Betsy Nicholson and Barbara Taylor for their help in imagining and planning for our committee. We have created a good system for tracking prayer concerns and insuring that pastoral and church follow-up occur. AND, thanks to Cindy Marschner for her willingness to offer training and leadership so that we can begin a Stephen Ministry pastoral care support program early in 2011! In May we were introduced to a website, Lotsa Helping Hands, which sets up an on-line community of friends to help support a person or family in need/crisis. Many church members responded to the invitation to join a community that was assisting Patricia Thonney with meals and hospital rides. Finding this on-line site extremely beneficial and convenient to use, Joyce Billing set up two additional communities of helpers to support Sharon Gunkel and Jane Hardy. In addition to this new work, our Caring Committee also organized a reception following Laura Lee’s Installation in February and a Senior Luncheon held in the June. The annual Progressive Christmas Dinner was held this year at Betsy Nicholson’s, David and Mary Flinns’ and Jeannie and Walt Cottells’ homes. The Lunch Bunch was revitalized last year and hopefully will begin anew in 2011. Memorial Receptions were held following Carol George and Ernie Hardy’s services. Our thanks to Karen Jackson who continues to see to the seasonal change of flowers in the narthex planter. The Caring Committee under the loving direction of Jean Wentworth with assistance from Diane Nathanielsz and Jeanne Yarussi, provided the stunning sanctuary arrangements of Easter Lilies and Christmas Poinsettias. Caring Committee members distributed over 50 lilies and 60 poinsettias to church members who are or have been on the Prayer Tree and to those who are home bound. Our every Sunday responsibilities are rotated monthly among committee members. Delivery of flowers following Sunday morning worship, note writing to visitors and those mentioned in prayer requests, preparation for the coffee time, and securing coffee servers are among the regular weekly tasks of the committee. Committee members Ray Gozzi and Jean Wentworth with assistance from Linda Yannone faithfully offer individual prayers following the Sunday morning worship. Our Prayer Ministry includes not only the Prayer Care Tree, but also a weekly prayer group that meets at Kendal to address the prayer concerns of the congregation. Prayer Shawls so wonderfully made by the Yarn Group were given to those in need by members of the Caring Committee assisted by Yarn Group Members.


I would like to thank the committee for the continued efforts of behalf of the Caring Committee. Those serving this year Charlotte Bosworth, Anne Butler, Jeannie Cottrell, Jane Dieckmann, Ann Erickson, Ray Gozzi, Betsy Nicholson. Susan Pesco, Elizabeth Thonney, Patricia Thonney, Sue Warner, Jean Wentworth, Charlotte Young, and Enid Zollweg. Joyce Billing, Chair Caring Committee


Annual Report


Committee Business. Our primary task as the Children’s Ministries Committee is supporting the Director, Stacy Wilder, providing feedback and “willing hands”. During 2010, we held monthly meetings to discuss the changes in the Sunday School format and to plan service projects and special events. We added three new members to replace several members who moved up to the Youth Committee. Service Projects. An important focus for the Sunday School is to teach children to care about the larger community through several service projects tied to their lessons throughout the year. Children’s Ministries worked on several mission projects including the Warm Wooly Tree on which we collected 20 hats, 25 mittens and 10 scarves that were donated to the Salvation Army. We donated 8 heaping baskets of food to local families for Thanksgiving. We sponsored “Souper Sunday” and collected soup for the Kitchen Cupboard. Special Programs. These events are geared to include children from our larger community and to provide fun ways to introduce our Sunday School to visiting families. We hosted Family Movie Night during Lent as a way to have a time of fellowship with each other. We took our concept of Christmas crafts and applied it to Easter eggs for our multi-generational Egg-stravaganza event. Celebration Sunday was our chance to thank all of our volunteers and we decorated the sanctuary with child made decorations and made gifts for the volunteers. Our Christmas Crafts event was a huge success! We had over 100 people attend (around 60 kids) and everyone had a wonderful time. Many people from the community came and we developed a follow up system to be able to invite them to other church events and worship. Respectfully submitted, Myla Strawderman Children’s Ministries Co-chair



January – December 2010 Children’s Ministries had another busy and successful year! We had a mix of traditionally sponsored events, but also tried some new programs.

We started the year following our traditional Sunday school format, but joined the 3 age groups into one multi-age group. This helped alleviate our need for so many teaching volunteers and gave the children an opportunity to work with children of other ages. The big program change happened in September! We welcomed back our families to a new Children’s Worship program. This program happens during the same time frame Sunday school occurred, and even has all of the elements of a Sunday school lesson, but in a much different format. Children’s Worship is designed for children in pre-K through 5th grade to experience and learn about God in a way that is meaningful and engaging. The worship service takes place in a specially designed worship center in rooms 1&2. Children attend the first part of adult worship with their parents and then are dismissed after children’s participation. Our approach uses a sensory motor style of storytelling as a primary means for encountering God. Other elements of worship are also practiced including songs of praise, offering, prayers, and response to God’s word through art. Our goals for Children’s Worship are to:

! Give children a context to experience and praise God ! Introduce children to the meaning and actions of corporate worship ! Teach children about God through Bible stories ! Allow children time to reflect and respond to God’s word

Children’s worship has been a huge success so far! The children are very engaged and focused during worship. They enjoy the art response time and have a chance to express their faith and what they are learning about God through their art work. The program has been a solution to the problems we have traditionally faced finding enough volunteers to staff 3 classrooms. I have been the leader each week, with one other adult helper. This gives the children a consistent adult leader and enables me to connect more fully with the children and develop a deeper relationship with them. Children’s Ministries also sponsored several events and mission projects this past year. Please see the Children’s Ministries Committee report for more details.

2011 will be a year to continue to grow our new Children’s Worship Program. As always, we aspire to attract new families to our church. With the installation of a new Associate Pastor, we will be ready to add more programs, develop existing programs even further and to find new ways to minister to the families of our church. I am looking forward to another blessed year! Respectfully submitted in faith, Stacy Wilder Director of Children’s Ministries



January – December 2010 The Youth Ministries Committee of Cindy Milner and Ally Rooks have served our youth throughout this year. This committee has struggled with finding adequate membership and leadership and has operated without a Chair for this year. We have provided youth programming to approximately 12 Sr. High and 13 Middle School students. My position continues to be that of directing both the Middle School and High School fellowship programs and the Middle School Sunday morning program. J.K. Boodley, Interim Associate Pastor, led the Confirmation Class of seven 8th and 9th grade students. The students identified an adult sponsor with whom they did the majority of their confirmation studies. The class used Zondervan’s Guide to the Bible to complete two projects, watched the Frontline video series, From Jesus to Christ and worked toward creating their own faith story. The class concluded with a convocation reception May 21 with Confirmation held on Pentecost, May 23. The Confirmands were invited to consider full church membership in their 10th grade year. The make-up of active Middle and High School youth led us to combine most of the youth programming for these groups. Approximately every 6 weeks the youth serve as ushers or greeters on Sunday morning. They met with J.K. several times for Sunday School class in the winter. Other Sunday morning programming, accompanied by bagels and juice, included a three week program on Lent, going to the Cornell Climbing Wall, games of “Would you rather…..”, discussions on choosing our charitable donation to a Clean Water project, a two-week unit from the Faith in Motion – 7 Things Christians Believe curriculum, a Cornell Univ. nutrition project, a two-week program on Cults, a study of Pentecost and participation in the Pentecost service and participation in Celebration Sunday. The Youth Band played in worship twice in the Spring and on Celebration Sunday. We also baked cinnamon rolls for the Sunday School and once again provided coffee and cookies between the two Easter Services. The Spring Celebration Sunday Service included 12 Middle and High School students serving as scripture readers, musicians and ushers. Both Middle and Sr. High youth participated in the Super Bowl Sub Sandwich Sale, the Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast and the Strawberry Shortcake Coffee Hour on Celebration Sunday, all of which were Work Trip fundraisers. With plans underway for a work trip to Back Bay Mission in 2011, there was no work trip this summer. Fall programming included continuing discussion of clean water projects, learning about Fair Trade and Equal Exchange, making cinnamon rolls, working on Christmas Shoeboxes and discussions of current events over juice and bagels. Youth Fellowship fall activities included a pizza and games night, Newark Valley Corn Maze, an Oct. film night watching Jesus Christ: Superstar, and providing an All-church Pasta Supper in conjunction with the Children’s Ministries Christmas Crafts Night, as a Heifer International fundraiser. Also as part of our Heifer project we started an Equal Exchange coffee, tea and chocolate sale, taking orders and selling products after worship. We raised $530 for Heifer. Our Christmas Shoebox Project was again in cooperation with Catholic Charities of Tompkins/Tioga. A special need this year was for teens. We collected toys and gifts for 42 boxes for needy youth in our community. The Youth Band played in worship three times this fall, including at the Christmas Eve family service. Twenty


Elementary, Middle, High and college students participated in the service as musicians, singers, scripture readers and ushers. I am grateful for the guidance of the Youth Ministries Committee, all the great collaboration with J.K. Boodley, insightful guidance from Laura Lee and the unfailing humor and support of all of our church staff. Respectfully submitted, Diane Beckwith Director of Youth Ministries


Annual Report

ADULT EDUCATION January – December 2010

There is much activity in the church: book groups, men's breakfasts, men's and women's retreats, Bill Cowdery's programs on musical subjects, bible studies with Laura Lee and with Carolyn McPherson - that are outside our role but which would be categorized as adult education. The main focus of the adult education committee for the past several years has been on the hour after Sunday services. During David Kaden's ministry, we regularly enjoyed a very popular Sunday series on the history and theology of the New and Old Testaments. Since then, we have brought in a variety of speakers from within and outside our congregation on subjects of religious content or secular content with ethical implications. We have been very fortunate to have a series of distinguished speakers on timely topics. Topics included homelessness in our community, racial progress in South Africa, powerful tools for caregivers, Cornell's energy sustainability goals, Darwin and evolution, climate change, and Renaissance art. Several of the after church programs this Fall were mainly tied into our commitment with Back Bay Mission, with programs on home rebuilding in New Orleans, the effect of Katrina on the Mississippi coast, and the ecology of the Gulf following the BP oil spill. A presentation on Kristallnacht on the anniversary of that event was a stimulating event shared with a group of high school students, and a history of the Salvation Army in Ithaca shed new light on that organization and on local history. The Foote Lectures in May were stimulating and well received. They featured poet and theologian Mark Burrows. Much of the committee's discussion has centered on re-evaluating adult education. AfterWord programs have been attended by full houses, but also by less than a dozen. The format may have become stale, and we are considering a change in emphasis. In addition to the lecture format, we plan to present a three part video program, "Living the Questions" in February, and a Lenten program centered on "Unbinding the Gospel", anchored by the book by Martha Reese. The time of events is a determiner of attendance. Early morning appeals to people who have to be at work, evening programs to young families, and weekday mornings to retirees. We consider having Lenten studies spread out over these time periods. A really revolutionary concept would be the old system of both adult education and church school at nine and church at ten. This would be inclusive of all the age groups, but implementation would involve considerable discussion by Council. Jim Fogel, Chair



January – December 2010

Men's Breakfast Discussion Group Most of this last year a group of the men of the church have been meeting on alternating Wednesday mornings at 7:45 in the morning for an hour at the Ithaca Bakery in the Triphammer Mall (location formerly Hope’s Way). The group is open to all men at church who can make it. We discuss everything - forbidden topics such as politics and religion, things we know little or nothing about, topics one of us are expert on, old stuff and the latest hot topics in the news. Topics from the last year: Getting Things Done - A System Why Are Professors Liberal? The Geezers’ Crusade Personal Resilience Spirituality and Health Hydro-Fracking Why I am a Christian We need a moral recovery AND an economic recovery Immigration Reform Litigious America Religion in our Constitution Child Abuse & Neglect The Women's Crusade Who Defines You A Vaccine for Stress A Community Discussion - Healing Ithaca Newsweek-World's Best Countries America's Moral Crisis Genteel Nation-The British Disease The Tea Party Last Time America, The Crossroads Nation NY Times Budget Puzzle Moral Choices in Solving the Budget Puzzle Parenting Styles Join us if you can spare an hour before work.


Annual Report WOMEN’S MINISTRIES January – December 2010

Women’s Ministries creates and coordinates opportunities for women to experience spiritual encouragement, education, support and community in the life of our church. All women in our church community are warmly invited to participate in any and all of our activities (childcare is available). Laughter, support and networking are a part of all events. Women’s Ministries has continued their efforts to create more of a community feel in all of our programming. We have stayed dedicated to the following 3 areas when planning any activity on behalf of WM: 1. How can we make the activity more intergenerational? 2. How can we personally invite/involve church members in this activity? 3. How can we reach out to community members to involve them in this activity? The following areas highlight those programs carried out by Women’s Ministries in 2010: Personal Connections – *Ongoing scheduling of welcomers each Sunday. Liz Gray has done a wonderful job at heading this important piece to our church. *WM participated in the Festival of Ministries for the month of October. We also completed the updated version of our brochure. *We began a successful frozen meal program, “Comfort Food”, which keeps frozen meals on hand for anyone to deliver to someone in need. *FCC Featured Artist Gallery was initiated this year with Sharon Gunkel’s photography & poetry. Our plans are to continue this with other members of the congregation marking special occasions or life moments. Spiritual Growth – *We held 2 retreats this year during the Spring & Fall. The spring retreat focused on spiritual treasure mapping. The Fall retreat was “Releasing our Inner Worries” *Advent Garden-was a great success thanks to the help from many of our church members. We were able to make arrangements with Glenwood Tree Farm for boughs since Moore’s was going to be expensive & labor intensive. Meal Sharing – *Monthly pot luck/game nights were started this year to support our commitment to creating the community church family atmosphere. We plan on continuing this with the possibility of inviting people to bring their instruments to play together. *We combined a pot luck luncheon with the Strawberry shortcake fundraiser by Youth Ministries for Celebration Sunday. *WM hosted the ice cream, lemonade & coffee for JK Boodley’s good-bye party.


SMALL GROUPS: A number of small groups meet on an ongoing basis. These groups have their roots in Women’s Ministries. Today these groups function independently and no longer give us formal reports. The present small groups provide opportunities for women to network, study and deepen their spiritual life together. These small groups include: The Yarn Group - an informal group which meets every other week in each other’s homes to work on personal handwork projects or prayer shawls; beginners always welcome. At least 43 prayer shawls were distributed in 2010. Prayer Shawl Ministry - a joint project between the Yarn Group and the Caring Committee. Prayer shawls are given to those who would benefit from comfort and caring during a time of illness, bereavement or other needs or celebrations. Women’s Study Group - a weekly morning gathering to pray and share thoughts on specific readings, chosen by the group. Dinner-and-a-Book – has been meeting monthly during the summer, and it has been decided to keep this schedule for the time being.

2010 Women’s Ministries Members: **All women are invited to attend any WM meeting! We meet the first Sunday of each month at 8:45. Please join us and share your ideas! Liza Burger Andrea Gerding Elizabeth Gray Annette Spearman Nancy Stewart Amy Stoll Linda Yanonne Respectfully submitted, Annette Spearman and Liza Burger, Co-Chairs



January – December 2010 On behalf of the Worship Committee I would like to begin this report for 2010 by thanking all the members of the congregation and staff, who have participated in our worship services in many different ways throughout this year. Some of the more visible weekly or monthly tasks include ushering, reading, serving communion, singing in one of the choirs or playing handbells, while the less visible supporting roles are weekly planning, bulletin preparation, audio recording and projection, and preparing the worship space for weekly and seasonal worship. Each of these has been critical to creating our worship experience here at First Congregational Church. The major seasons of Lent and Advent had themes set by worship planning sessions involving a number of members of the congregation. Following the model described in “The Worship Workshop: …” by Marcia McFee[1], the planning began with an overall theme setting meeting where we looked at the scriptural texts for the season and employed what she refers to as the “IRIS” technique for developing the seasonal theme. This seasonal theme and other ideas spawned at this session were used in subsequent meetings to create the visuals for the worship space, the music, and the prayers. For Lent our theme was "Walking in the Way", focusing on our personal journeys of faith; while the theme for Advent 2010 was "Find Your Way to the Wonder" and will lead into Lent 2011’s theme of "Share the Wonder". We feel these latter two themes both should set a tone for our faith journey as a worshipping community, looking forward from now through the coming years. This year has been a time for some experimentation with different variations for worship and planning. Planning for the weekly worship services unites the scripture, music, prayers into a over-arching theme and this has occurred throughout the year at least one month in advance of the services and was a team effort with Rev. Laura Lee Kent, Bill Cowdery and Pam Swieringa. Our committee’s perspective has not been simply to try different approaches or formats for their own sake, but to learn how to incorporate different worship styles into each week’s worship experience. The model we are using for this was described in workshops held at the church and led by Robin Lunn, a church development consultant, as four distinct worshipping perspectives by congregants. In her workshops with us, Robin has called these worshipping styles or outlooks 1) the Shaper, 2) the Hanger, 3) the Thruster and 4) the Swinger. These relate to the visceral ways we engage in worship. Each member of any congregation fits into one or more of these categories and is particularly 'fed' or touched by elements of worship that are highly-structured and predictable; more contemplative; triumphal or flowing. Our view is that as we look forward to becoming more hospitable to potential new members, walking through the doors into our worshipping community, we need to be mindful of how every one of our worship services contains some parts that are particularly meaningful for each person by providing these different worship styles woven into one unified fabric. We had also tried some different formats for worship during the Summer of 2010 and then followed up during the Fall with a survey of the congregation. One change tried during the summer was to move the time of the service earlier on Sunday (9:00 a.m.) in order to hold the service at a cooler time of day, to allow families to end worship earlier in the day providing more time for other summer events. The results of the survey implied that although people did find the sanctuary cooler and the extra time beneficial, there was a general preference to keep summer


worship at 10:00 a.m. The summer services also incorporated more contemporary music and the projection of the words for the music onto a temporary video screen. The results of the survey on these matters reflect our congregation fairly generally: There tended to be strong views in both directions on all of these subjects. This implies that various members of our congregation find meaning in different modes of communication and expression. Looking forward to our future as a church, for us to be hospitable to our present and future members, it is important for us to find ways to blend all of the different styles of expression and communications into our worship services. As we begin 2011, we have started the year by installing the new audio mixer for the Sanctuary sound system, which had been procured in 2010. Although we expect a few transitional effects from the changeover and we realize this one component will not address all of the longer-term sound system issues, the improvement to the sound clarity is already quite noticeable. Using the Appreciative Inquiry methods from the Gathering Team, the Worship Committee will begin some conversations with the congregation early this coming year to discuss what is most meaningful in our shared worship experiences. We will expand our use of the Worship Workshop model to plan the experiences for Holy Week, Pentecost and Advent. Over time, we will have a way to plan all of our worship through a team approach. Although I have refrained from thanking individuals for their assistance this year, since so many members have helped with so many different talents, there are a few who have provided assistance well beyond the norm: Pam Swieringa (music planning), Joanne Wietgrefe (communion table covers and antependia), and Dave Wickstrom and John Zollweg (sound system support.) I would also thank Jeff Christen (Chair) and all of the members of the Sound System Task Team, who have been examining plans for not only the immediate future but also for long-range sound and projection needs for our Sanctuary. Finally, I would thank Rev. Laura Lee, our Senior Pastor, and Bill Cowdery, our Music Director, for the outstanding talents and leadership that they provide to our church week after week.

- Respectfully Submitted by Michael Billing, Chair of the Worship Committee

Worship Committee Members for 2010: Michael Billing, Chair Diana Nathanielsz, Secretary Jeff Christen Fran Kozen Laurie Hultberg Devan Musa Cyndi Slothower The Rev. Laura Lee Kent, ex officio Bill Cowdery, ex officio

Reference [1] McFee, Marcia, “The Worship Workshop: Creative Ways to Design Worship Together”, Copyright 2002 by Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN.


Annual Report DIRECTOR OF MUSIC January - December 2010

The congregation has continued to support the music program generously this year. We have been able to fund elaborate music on several occasions and we have brought in many fine local musicians for special services. It remains my great personal joy to serve our warm and responsive congregation. The church staff provides invaluable support and encouragement, and an environment full of humor, help and strength. As always the teamwork of members of the choirs has been a constant source of energy and inspiration. Handbell Choir. The Handbell Choir has provided music for services every three to five weeks, including Easter and Christmas Eve. The Handbell Choir numbers about fifteen members, with ten to twelve taking part in any given performance. We have experimented with our set-up in various locations this year, finding that the sound projects better from in front of the arch (on the main sanctuary floor) than back by the organ screen. We are still searching for an ideal placement. Junior and Youth Ensembles. The Junior Choir held practices on specially designated Sundays immediately after the worship service. They sang at selected services: Scout Sunday (Feb. 7), Celebration Sunday (June 13), and the early service on Christmas Eve. Our singers are quite young but sing with vigor! We have enjoyed the excellent leadership of Diane Beckwith, who combines the position of Junior Choir Director with her work as Director of Youth Ministries very effectively. The Congo Youth Band played on four occasions: Celebration Sunday (June 13), World Communion Sunday (Oct, 3), the Rita Root’s visit (Nov. 14) and the early service on Christmas Eve. In addition they played for an interfaith youth Thanksgiving service (Sunday, Nov. 21) at St. John’s Episcopal Church. They number about ten, including Mr. Shane Henderson who lends a professional touch on drums. Music for the Longest Night service (December 16) included a visiting youth brass quintet with trombonist Joel Beckwith. Flutist Katie Kidder played for the Advent Garden organized by Women’s Ministries. A Christmas Alumni choir of six sang three numbers at the early service on Christmas Eve; they included Sarah and Adam Beckwith, Chesna Mandl, Ben Roach, and guests Eliza Van and Jeremy Pletter. On three Sundays our youngest instrumentalist, Sophie Viscuso, played numbers on the violin. Senior Choir. The Senior Choir numbers about forty-five; they sing regularly on Sunday mornings, except during summer weeks, with a typical participation of about twenty-five. The choir presented two special music Sundays this year. On May 2 they sang Schubert’s Mass in G with an ensemble of six strings and organ; soloists were Pamela Swieringa, George Ridenour and Melzar Richards. On Nov 21 they performed Handel’s Jubilate (written for the 1713 Peace of Utrecht) with a group of five strings, oboe, trumpet and organ; our guest soloist was Lisa Frank.


Throughout the spring, a choir committee held regular meetings on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:45 p.m. Diana Nathanielsz served as secretary and liaison with the Worship Committee. These meetings lapsed in the fall, but will resume with the new year. Many members have made special contributions to the functioning of the Senior Choir. Siu-ling Chaloemtiarana has continued to serve with wonderful artistry and cheer as assistant conductor and piano accompanist on Sunday mornings. Alice Colby-Hall, Anne Rodda and Susan Pesco have put in many hours of work as choral librarians. Diana Nathanielsz, Pam Swieringa and Mike Billing have coordinated a number of procedural details. Don Hinman has minded the teakettle, and numerous members have brought in cookies and treats for Thursday evening rehearsals. Events. On Epiphany Sunday (January 10) we had special music for the three giant king puppets with clarinettist John Greenly. On seven consecutive summer Sundays (July 11 through August 22) we had praise music sung by an informal group of singers, and accompanied by guitarists Dexter Kozen and Steve Ungberg; our guest leader was vocalist/guitarist Chris Woodard. On the Sunday before Christmas (December 19) we had music by the Ithaca College brass quintet, including Frank Campos, Kim Dunnick, Alex Shuhan, Kai Johnson and David Unland. On Good Friday (April 2) several members of our community participated in a performance of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion in Cortland. In conjunction with that, I gave two Lenten talks on the St. Matthew Passion on consecutive Thursday evenings, April 18 and 25, just before regular choir rehearsals; the talks were repeated in Cortland as a run-up to the concert. Our own Good Friday service was suspended so church members could attend the performance. Organ, Pianos, and Facilities. Our organ and two grand pianos are in excellent condition, having received regular routine maintenance. In the summer we replaced the aged circuitry for the organ’s chimes; there is still some touch-up work to be done. There is some interest in refurbishing a system for broadcasting the chimes through an existing steeple speaker, ancillary to the overhaul of the church’s public address system. We also refurbished the lead footings of some very old wooden bourdon pipes taken from the downtown church. We were given a piano for classroom 1–2, an historic Wegman upright made in Auburn, New York, in excellent condition; we disposed of a previous upright from that room. William Cowdery Organist and Director of Music



January - December 2010 This is the first complete working year of the Human Resources Committee whose members are: Richard Shafer, Tove Hammer, Carolyn McPherson, and Joanne Wietgrefe, Chair. The Committee began the year continuing working on the Strategic Plan: BECOMING “The Village Church for the Global Village”, a plan for Growth, Leadership Development and Staffing for 2010 - 2011. Richard Shafer worked tirelessly to shape the proposal presented first to Council and then to the congregation. During the first months of 2010 there were additional meetings with various groups for clarification and constructive dialog. Our committee was charged by Council to survey area churches of comparable size in regards to their staffing patterns. The data were collated and presented to Council which resulted in changes for the Director of Music, Children’s Ministries and custodial staff as part of a two year plan. Council supported the proposal for change in staffing hours and responsibilities. In the spring, our attention turned to staff evaluations. Forms previously used, but always seemingly inadequate for the task, were set aside in favor of interviews between all staff members and Senior Pastor, Laura Lee Kent. This enabled her to learn about each job description and staff member. It was a lengthy but effective process for all participants. Culminating this dialog, our committee members met with individual staff members alone to also gain insight into their jobs, future goals and possible revisions. We discussed future plans for professional (career) development which should be revisited in the 2011 performance reviews. Again, it was valuable time well spent for both staff and committee members to share and understand our working relationship. The job descriptions of all staff have been updated to reflect their current expectations. We also gave input in the job description for the new Associate Pastor position. All staff cooperate and collaborate among themselves at a high level of achievement. They support each other and work diligently towards the mission of our church. As a culmination of the year’s work, on behalf of the congregation I attended the last staff meeting in June to present small tokens of appreciation to everyone thanking them for a successful year. Our last task before “Jesus Left the Building” was to again conduct a survey of area churches to determine if our fees for weddings and memorial services were commensurate. This is a diverse and complex set of circumstances depending on the occasion and how it is followed in each church. The data were presented to Council and no further changes were deemed necessary. Respectfully submitted, Joanne Wietgrefe, Chair



January – May 2010 The ONA Study Group completed its work during the first half of 2010. After more than a year of programming with the congregation that included several events and open discussions, the Study Group forwarded a draft of a Welcoming Philosophy statement to the Church Council for consideration at the close of 2009. The Council revised the draft, adopted the revised version, and established a procedure to bring it to the congregation for action. At a special meeting conducted on May 2, 2010, the congregation passed two motions by overwhelming affirmative votes to: 1) become an Open and Affirming Congregation in the UCC, and 2) adopt the Welcoming Philosophy. This concluded the activity of the Study Group. Respectfully submitted, Michael A Pagliarulo Rose Mandl, Co-Chairs, ONA Study Group



May-December 2010 In May, the Church Council charged the Associate Pastor Search Committee with finding a candidate who would strengthen our staff team and who would help us live into our Plan for Church Growth and Leadership. This person would naturally be expected to assist with and participate in our worship and provision of pastoral care. More particularly, we were seeking someone who would focus on growth in membership by: • Providing Pastoral support for our families with children and youth and for our Children's & Youth Ministries' programs; • Providing primary leadership for our new initiative to develop effective 21st Century Communications tools; • Providing primary leadership for developing creative partnerships with Cornell and \ Ithaca College, and; • Working with the Senior Pastor to develop ministries of Hospitality and Welcome. The support and prayers of the congregation have been very much appreciated by the Search Committee, and we thank you for your confidence in us! We have been meeting regularly since June, working to create a detailed church profile, wading through 20+ candidate profiles, contacting references, and personally meeting with 7 prospective candidates for the Associate Pastor position. We realized that this charge required a very special blend of maturity, theological & intellectual depth, passion for local church ministry and specific skills, experiences and imagination that would lead to success for our church and for the Associate Pastor. We are pleased to have found someone who feels called to do this work with us and with whom we feel enlivened and blessed. Recently our committee made the enthusiastic recommendation that the congregation extend a call to Manda Adams as our Associate Pastor. Manda participated in the worship service and delivered the sermon on Sunday, January 23, 2011. A special congregational meeting was held at the end of the service to consider a call for her to serve as our full time Associate Pastor. Associate Pastor Search Committee Brad Buchanan Liza Burger, Chair Caroline Estill Andrea Gerding Laura Lee Kent, Senior Pastor Eric Taylor Kara Taylor Renee Zonder

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September – December 2010 Beginning in September, at the request of the Church Council, a team of people have gathered to consider how we might best support and prepare individuals in positions of lay leadership to listen to the hopes and dreams of FCC and to develop plans for activities and actions and habits that will help us move in directions we envision for our future. The first two meetings were entirely brainstorming. During the third meeting we formulated several plans for action. One decision is to plan a Diaconate Leadership Retreat as we “Leap into 2011.” The results of our first planning meeting for that retreat included choosing the date of February 28th (snow date is March7th) for that meeting to be held between 6 and 9pm with a soup supper. We are excited to be planning activities of inquiry, dialogue, and reflection. For this retreat we are especially eager to have all diaconate attend as well as all other members of the congregation who are interested in the leadership of our church. Please sign up and join us! Thanks to those who have participated on this team: Mike Billing, Ardyth Gillespie, Rhonda Gilmore, Steve Gray, Bill Heffner, Mary Heffner, Laura Lee Kent, Cyndi Slothower, Dick Shafer, Tricia Pagliarulo, and Joanne Wietgrefe.


Council President Council Vice-President Church Clerk Historian Treasurer ADULT EDUCATION Ray Edwin 2012 Jim Fogel 2012 Diane Shafer 2012 BUILDING & GROUNDS Rob Kent 2012 Jeanne Yarussi 2012 CARING Jeannie Cottrell 2012 Ray Gozzi 2012 Cindy Marschner 2012 Susan Pesco 2012 Pat Thonney 2012 Jean Wentworth 2012

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Greta Dewey 2012 Kate Supron 2012 Nancy Weislogel 2012 Melody Wilder 2012

Doug Cross Ardyth Gillespie Robin Stedinger Barbara Taylor Walt Cottrell Don Hinman 2011 Bill Jewell 2011 Karlis Musa 2011 John Zollweg 2011 Joyce Billing 2011 Charlotte Bosworth 2011 Jane Dieckmann 2011 Betsy Nicholson 2011 Charlotte Young 2011 Diane Cross 2011 Cindy Marschner 2011 Myla Strawderman 2011 Brian & Jennifer Wansink 2011


FINANCE Walt Cottrell 2012 Joanne Wietgrefe 2012 HUMAN RESOURCES Joanne Wietgrefe 2012 Dick Shafer 2012 NOMINATING/LEADERSHIP DEVELOP. Madeline Estill 2012 OUTREACH* Susan Lewis 2012 Andy Weislogel 2012

*Cindy Marschner – Religious Task Force Living Wage

Eric Taylor 2011 Eugene Yarussi 2011 Marlene Jewell 2011 Janet Devlin 2011 Sandy Galbreath 2011 Sue Hamilton 2011 Nancy Stewart 2011 Barbara Taylor 2011


WOMEN’S MINISTRIES Elizabeth Gray 2012 Amy Stoll 2012 Linda Yannone 2012

WORSHIP Mike Billing 2012 Jeff Christen 2012 Laurie Hultberg 2012 Cyndi Slothower 2012 YOUTH Cindy Milner 2012 Ally Rooks 2012

Note: Terms are through calendar year 2011 and through calendar year 2012. PROTESTANT COOPERATIVE MINISTRY


Liza Burger 2011 Andrea Gerding 2011 Annette Spearman 2011 Nancy Stewart 2011

Fran Kozen 2011


ENDOWMENT INCOME USE COMMITTEE Walt Cottrell Gene Erickson Diane Shafer Kara Taylor INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Laura Andolina Walt Cottrell John Hays George Schneider Eric Taylor SENIOR PASTOR PASTORAL RELATIONS Marcie Bishop John Hays Barbara Schramm Dick Shafer Cyndi Slothower Andy Weislogel Jean Wentworth ASSOCIATE PASTOR SEARCH COMM. Brad Buchanan Liza Burger Caroline Estill Andrea Gerding Laura Lee Kent Eric Taylor Kara Taylor Renee Zonder LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TEAM Mike Billing Ardyth Gillespie Rhonda Gilmore Steve Gray Bill Heffner Mary Heffner Laura Lee Kent Cyndi Slothower Dick Shafer Tricia Pagliarulo Joanne Wietgrefe

CHURCH CLEANING CREW Jeanne Cottrell Diana Nathanielsz Ellen Rowe Leslie Ungberg


Finding Our Way....... to WONDER 2010 Senior Pastor's Report In many ways, the Apostle Paul speaks to the churches about living in the 'between time" - between the "once was" and the "not yet." Theologian Mircea Iliade calls this "liminal time or sacred time." For me this year has been such a time. As our Advent theme reminded me, the journey of our common ministry is one toward the wonder of Christian discipleship. It has been a sacred time of past, present and future that confirms our acclamation in communion: "Christ was born, Christ is with us and Christ will come again." Honoring Our Past

Throughout the year, I have learned more of our church's story - those things that we hold dear and those things we want to cherish and move into our future. I have also learned about some of the things that have been painful or are no longer helpful to us - things that need to be left behind. AND, I have been truly blessed by learning more of your personal stories - I am always touched and changed when I hear about your families, your histories and your love for our church. Celebrating & Shaping Our Present Throughout the year, we've continued to engage in those programs, activities and ministries that make us strong. Each week has been filled with enriching and renewing worship, programs and activities for people of all ages and ministries of prayer and caring, which are the heartbeat of our common life. I have been continually been amazed by the dedication and energy of our members. It has also been a present filled with assessing and discerning and working to strengthen and those things we hold dear and changing those that may not be meeting the needs of our membership or community. Finding Our Way Into the Future We have also truly begun to live into our Church Council Plan for Church Growth & Leadership Development in some dramatic ways and in some quiet ways. The journey is not always clear or smooth, so we've tried some things. Some of them have worked well, especially our seasonal theme-based planning and shifting some of our programs like our new Children's Worship format on Sundays. Since May, I have been deeply engaged in our search for a new Associate Pastor. I have been blessed by the time spent with the members of our committee - especially Liza (as chair) and by the caring ways we have worked together to find a person who can lead us into a new chapter of sharing our witness. It has been a year of settling-in and of exploration, of challenge and affirmation, of blessings and grace. I am feeling like we have a good beginning together, while knowing we have much more to do to strengthen our faith, to build on our solid foundations and to find our way to the Wonder of Christ. I am grateful to be doing these things with all of you. Blessings, Laura Lee


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