first italian ets workshop - · first italian ets workshop bologna 6-7-8 october ......

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First Italian ETS WorkshopFirst Italian ETS WorkshopBologna 6-7-8 October 2010Bologna 6-7-8 October 2010

Chairman: Stefano Chairman: Stefano Badiali MDBadiali MD

PreliminaryPreliminary ProgramProgram

Programma PreliminareProgramma Preliminare

Organizing Committee:

Hanna van Oven MD (

Enrica Pasquali RN (

Valerio Venturi RN (

Laura Lorenzini MD (

Hotel Calzavecchio - Casalecchio di RenoHotel Calzavecchio - Casalecchio di Reno (BO)(BO)

GECAV 118 - Marzabotto (BO)GECAV 118 - Marzabotto (BO)

AimsAims, , GoalsGoals, , ObjectivesObjectives

Scopi, Risultati, ObiettiviScopi, Risultati, Obiettivi

AimsAimsThis three days workshop has been planned in order to gather the professionals involved

in using Emergo Train System worldwide, allowing them to share experiences and to

discuss the state of the art of this training tool.

ScopiScopiIl workshop vuole riunire gli utilizzatori del metodo Emergo Train System a livello

internazionale per confrontare le esperienze fatte, sviluppare nuove proposte e fare il

punto sullo stato dell’arte di questa tecnica di formazione nelle maxiemergenze.

GoalsGoalsWe believe that it will help ETS Senior Instructors and Educators to cope with the main

training related topics in a common way.

RisultatiRisultatiCrediamo che questo permetterà a tutti gli utilizzatori ETS (Senior Instructors ed

Educators) di affrontare in modo condiviso le principali problematiche connesse con

la divulgazione e l’utilizzo dell’ETS.

ObjectivesObjectivesWe hope that the workshop could lead to create a network of users sharing common

training and educational quality level.

ObiettiviObiettiviLa riuscita del nostro intento sarà misurata dalla nostra capacità di creare una rete di

formatori in grado di utilizzare strumenti e metodi omogenei e condivisi per una

formazione di livello migliore.

The two first days will be dedicated to roundtables and discussions about both

methodological and technical topics; the third one will have a more pratcical feature (see

program). A special session will be dedicated to training problems in the developing

Countries. Some colleagues from abroad, reporting interesting topics to share, but unable

to attend the workshop, will participate through videoconference.

Il workshop si articolerà su tre giornate, di cui due dedicate al confronto ed alla discussione

degli aspetti organizzativi e metodologici; la terza giornata avrà un taglio maggiormente

pratico (vedi programma). E’ prevista anche una sessione dedicata ai temi della

formazione nei Paesi in via di sviluppo.

Per alcuni colleghi di altre Nazioni, impossibilitati ad essere presenti al workshop ma che

hanno segnalato temi interessanti da condividere, sarà disponibile la partecipazione in



RegistrationRegistration and Welcomeand Welcome

Registrazione dei partecipanti e discorso di benvenutoRegistrazione dei partecipanti e discorso di benvenuto

Local Authorities


Roundtable: Has ETS influenced (or changed) the approach to in- orRoundtable: Has ETS influenced (or changed) the approach to in- orout-hospital disasters?out-hospital disasters?TavolaTavola rotondarotonda: L: L’’ETS ha ETS ha influenzatoinfluenzato (o (o cambiatocambiato) ) ll’’approccioapproccioospedalieroospedaliero allealle maxiemergenzemaxiemergenze intra- intra- eded extraospedaliereextraospedaliere ? ?moderators: Laura Lorenzini (Italy), Hanna van Oven (Italy)

Roundtable: differences between countries: why?Roundtable: differences between countries: why?TavolaTavola rotondarotonda: : differenzedifferenze tratra paesipaesi diversidiversi: : perchéperché??moderators: Liliana Copertino (Italy), Roberta Colonna (Italy

ETS organisation - ETS organisation - OrganizzazioneOrganizzazione delldell’’ETSETS

Lunch - Lunch - ColazioneColazione didi lavorolavoro (13:00-14:00) (13:00-14:00)

Roundtable: Are the critical points emerging during ETS the sameRoundtable: Are the critical points emerging during ETS the sameas those emerging during real time simulation?as those emerging during real time simulation?TavolaTavola rotondarotonda: I : I puntipunti criticicritici cheche emergonoemergono durantedurante ll’’ETSETS sonosono gliglistessistessi cheche emergonoemergono durantedurante unauna simulazionesimulazione in tempo in tempo realereale ? ?moderators: Alessandro Galvagni (Italy), Maurizio Pirina (Italy)



Coffee break - Coffee break - PausaPausa caffècaffè (11:15-11:30) (11:15-11:30)


ETS experiences of a military nurse school in Korea and a HealthETS experiences of a military nurse school in Korea and a HealthCare Department in JapanCare Department in JapanLL’’esperienzaesperienza didi unauna scuolascuola militaremilitare per per infermieriinfermieri in in CoreaCorea e del e delMinisteroMinistero delladella SanitàSanità in in GiapponeGiapponeContribution from Myoungran Yoo (Korea) and Yoshihito Horiuchi(Japan) presented by Enrica Pasquali (Italy)


Disaster management and the role of ETS in Sweden, Germany,Disaster management and the role of ETS in Sweden, Germany,Australia, the Netherlands and ItalyAustralia, the Netherlands and Italy

La La gestionegestione delledelle maxiemergenzemaxiemergenze eded ilil ruoloruolo delldell’’ETSETS in in SveziaSvezia,,Germania, Australia, Germania, Australia, OlandaOlanda e Italia e Italia

Johan Hornwall (Sweden), Jürgen Meister (Germany), Caren Friend(Australia), Nicole Schaapveld (Netherlands), Stefano Badiali (Italy)


IIntroduction to the workshopntroduction to the workshop

PresentazionePresentazione del workshop del workshop

Stefano Badiali (Italy)


DAY ONE - 1° GIORNO (6/10/2010)DAY ONE - 1° GIORNO (6/10/2010)


ETS: a hobby or a job ? - ETS: a hobby or a job ? - ETS: un hobby o un ETS: un hobby o un lavorolavoro ? ?

Presentation of the solutions for SudanPresentation of the solutions for SudanPresentazionePresentazione delledelle soluzionisoluzioni proposteproposte per per ilil Sudan Sudan

ETS in the developing countries - ETS in the developing countries - ETS ETS neinei PaesiPaesi in via in via didi svilupposviluppo

Shuttle back Shuttle back toto the hotel - the hotel - Rientro in albergoRientro in albergo21:30-22:0021:30-22:00

DinnerDinner - Cena (19:30-21:30) - Cena (19:30-21:30)

Shuttle Shuttle toto Bologna and Bologna and guidedguided tour tour toto Archiginnasio Archiginnasio LibraryLibrary((includingincluding the the ancientancient AnatomicAnatomic TheatreTheatre) and ) and climbclimb on Asinelli on AsinelliTowerTower (97 m (97 m heightheight, 498 , 498 stepssteps))Trasferimento a Bologna e visita guidata alla BibliotecaTrasferimento a Bologna e visita guidata alla Bibliotecadelldell’’Archiginnasio (incluso lArchiginnasio (incluso l’’antico Teatro Anatomico) e salita sullaantico Teatro Anatomico) e salita sullaTorre degli Asinelli (97 m, 498 Torre degli Asinelli (97 m, 498 gradinigradini))



Coffee break - Coffee break - PausaPausa caffècaffè (15:45-16:00) (15:45-16:00)

Brainstorming in 3 groups: possible solutionsBrainstorming in 3 groups: possible solutionsBrainstorming in 3 Brainstorming in 3 gruppigruppi: : soluzionisoluzioni possibilipossibilimoderators: Valerio Venturi (Italy), Massimo Mantovani (Italy), GinoCalzeroni (Italy)


Difficulties of a Senior Instructor in the developing countries: briefDifficulties of a Senior Instructor in the developing countries: briefoverview sent to us from Sudanoverview sent to us from SudanDifficoltàDifficoltà per un Senior Instructor in un per un Senior Instructor in un PaesePaese in via in via didi svilupposviluppo::sintesisintesi invitaciinvitaci daldal Sudan SudanContribution from Mohamed Ismail (Sudan) presented by Hanna vanOven (Italy)


Discussion: Is management of ETS the main profession or is itDiscussion: Is management of ETS the main profession or is itsecondary to another occupation?secondary to another occupation?DibattitoDibattito: La : La gestionegestione delldell’’ETSETS è è ll’’occupazioneoccupazione principaleprincipale o è o èsecondariasecondaria ad un ad un altroaltro lavorolavoro??moderator: Stefano Badiali (Italy)


DAY ONE - 1° GIORNO (6/10/2010)DAY ONE - 1° GIORNO (6/10/2010)


Roundtable:Roundtable: Beyond health care. Should ETS be extended to otheremergency agencies needs, such as Fire-Brigade and Police, incase of disaster?Tavola rotonda: Oltre le cure mediche. L’ETS dovrebbe essereesteso anche a coprire i bisogni formativi di altri Enti di emergenza,come Vigili del Fuoco e Forze di Polizia ?moderators: Johan Hornwall (Sweden), Stefano Badiali (Italy)

ETS and practical problemsETS and practical problems - - OrganizzazioneOrganizzazione delldell’’ETSETS

Lunch - Lunch - ColazioneColazione didi lavorolavoro (12:30-13:30) (12:30-13:30)

Roundtable:Roundtable: What could be the best way to collect data in order toproduce a report of the training and improve follow-up?Tavola rotonda: Quale potrebbe essere il modo migliore perraccogliere i dati relativi alle iniziative ETS e migliorare laformazione continua?Moderators: Gaye Hudson (Australia), Tore Vikström (Sweden)



Coffee break - Coffee break - PausaPausa caffècaffè (1 (100:30-10:45):30-10:45)

Roundtable:Roundtable: Is it worth to amplify the ETS with materials related toNBC-R disasters?Tavola rotonda: E’ utile ampliare l’ ETS con materiale relativo ascenari NBC-R ?moderators: Theo Vullers (Netherlands), Piergiorgio Cavallo (Italy)


RoundtableRoundtable: Is ETS itself enough? Or do we need integrationsystems to provide any situation?Tavola rotonda: L’ETS è sufficiente di sè stesso per coprire tutti itipi di scenario? Oppure abbiamo bisogno di una integrazione conaltri strumenti didattici ?moderators: Enrica Pasquali (Italy), Gaye Hudson (Australia)


DAY DAY TTWO - 2° GIORNO (WO - 2° GIORNO (77/10/2010)/10/2010)


Shuttle Shuttle toto Bologna and Bologna and guidedguided tour tour toto Ustica Ustica MemorialMemorial MuseumMuseum and andunderground tour underground tour organisedorganised byby Vitruvio Vitruvio AssociationAssociation..Trasferimento a Bologna e visita guidata Museo Trasferimento a Bologna e visita guidata Museo dellladellla Memoria di Memoria diUstica e gita sotterranea organizzata da Ustica e gita sotterranea organizzata da Associazione Vitruvio.Associazione Vitruvio.


DinnerDinner - Cena (19:30-21:30 - Cena (19:30-21:30))

Shuttle back Shuttle back toto the hotel - the hotel - Rientro in albergoRientro in albergo21:30-22:0021:30-22:00

Roundtable: Is the triage accuracy a main performance indicator inevaluating simulations and exercises?Tavola rotonda: La correttezza del triage è un indicatore principalenella valutazione delle performance delle simulazioni?moderators: Pierluigi Ingrassia (Italy), Gino Calzeroni (Italy)


Roundtable: What evolution should be useful for the ETS tools(markings, symbols, data, etc) ?Tavola rotonda: Quale evoluzione sarebbe utile per gli strumentiETS (simboli, icone, dati di riferimento, ecc.) ?moderators: Stefano Badiali (Italy), Johan Hornwall (Sweden)

ETS and TriageETS and Triage - - ETS e TriageETS e Triage


Coffee break - Coffee break - PausaPausa caffècaffè (1 (155::000-15:15)0-15:15)

Roundtable: What are the current problems with the triage systemin use and how can we resolve them? (i.e. different types of triagefor different situations or the same type of triage for all situations)Tavola rotonda: Quali sono i problemi osservati con il sistema ditriage attualmente in uso e come possiamo risolverli? (es.: diffrentialgoritmi di triage per differenti tipi di scenario oppure un unicoalgoritmo per qualsiasi tipo di situazione)moderators: Piergiorgio Cavallo (Italy), Kim Pasini (Italy)


Roundtable: What are the experiences with the different types oftriage?Tavola rotonda: Quali esperienze con i vari algoritmi di Triage ?moderators: Andrea Finelli (Italy), Steve Photiou (Italy)


DAY DAY TTWO - 2° GIORNO (WO - 2° GIORNO (77/10/2010)/10/2010)


Training Triangle: Dutch exercise.Training Triangle: esercitazione olandese.presented by Frank Vertsraeten & collegues (Netherlands)


Senior Instructors and Educators at work: ETS simulation of a disaster inBologna.Senior Instructors ed Educators al lavoro: simulazione di un disastro aBologna.Instructor: Stefano Badiali (Italy)


Field lunch - Field lunch - PranzoPranzo al campo al campo12:00-13:30

Shuttle Shuttle fromfrom the hotel the hotel toto the Workshop the Workshop venuevenue in Lama di Setta in Lama di Setta

TrasferimentoTrasferimento dall dall’’hotel alla sede del GECAV a Lama di Settahotel alla sede del GECAV a Lama di Setta08:00-08:3008:00-08:30

For those NOT interested in techincal skills, it will be available aroom in order to summarize the main results of the WorkshopColoro che NON sono interessati al programma di attività pratiche,avranno a disposizione un’aula per produrre una sintesi delleconclusioni raggiunte dal Workshopchairwomen: Hanna van Oven (Italy), Laura Lorenzini (Italy)

DisasterDisaster relatedrelated simulationssimulations and and skillsskills

EsercitazioniEsercitazioni e e tecnichetecniche pratichepratiche per per casicasi didi maxiemergenzamaxiemergenza

Shuttle Shuttle toto the BLQ the BLQ airpoairportrt or Bologna or Bologna railwaysrailways station station

Navetta per lNavetta per l’’aeroporto o la stazione ferroviaria di Bolognaaeroporto o la stazione ferroviaria di Bologna

Closing and farewellChiusura del workshop e commiato dai partecipantiStefano Badiali (Italy)



For those interested in being involved in some techincal skills, itwill be possible to be enrolled in the following activities:• Smoke room trial• AMP buildingNOTICE: All participants must certify/state their good healthcondition, since the above listed activities require some physicalwork to be faced.Coloro che sono interessati, possono partecipare ad attivitàpratiche connese con alcuni scenari di maxiemergenza:• Percorso con autorespiratore in camera fumi• Allestimento di un PMANOTA IMPORTANTE: Coloro che scelgono di partecipare alle attivitàelencate, devono certificare il proprio stato di buona salute. perchéle attività previste richiedono un certo lavoro fisico da afrontare.Staff: Maurizio Pirina, Valerio Venturi, Danilo Righi, Carlo Sciarretta


DAY DAY THREETHREE - - 33° GIORNO (° GIORNO (88/10/2010)/10/2010)

Informazioni generalInformazioni generalii

La lingua principale sarà l’inglese.

Al momento di pubblicare questo programma preliminare non abbiamo certezza di poter

fornire un servizio di traduzione simultanea.

Per chi arriva da fuori Bologna esiste la possibilità di pernottare presso l’Hotel

Calzavecchio, sede del Workshop (Tel.: 051571226) che offre camere da 30, 35 e 40 euro.

Specificare che si partecipa al Workshop Emergo Train.

La quota d’iscrizione è di !.45 e comprende i coffee break, i pranzi di lavoro ed i

trasferimenti serali in centro città (A/R) e va versata…….

Le cene non sono incluse.

Gli eventi organizzati per le sere del workshop sono invece compresi ma abbiamo bisogno

di sapere quanti saremo; chi vuole partecipare è pregato di comunicarlo all’organizzazione

entro il 15 settembre (Enrica Pasquali 3336832111 oppure spedire via fax questa pagina

al numero 0516757745 all’attenzione di Stefano Badiali).

! sì! no

Partecipo alla visita alla Torre Asinelli

! sì! no

Partecipo alla visita guidata al torrentesotterraneo Aposa

! sì! no

Partecipo alla visita guidata al Museo dellaMemoria di Ustica

! sì! no

Partecipo alla visita guidata alla Bibliotecadell’Archiginnasio e al Teatro Anatomico

! sì! no

Partecipo alla sessione pratica dell’8 ottobre

! sì! no

Partecipo alla cena del 7 ottobre

! sì! no

Partecipo alla cena del 6 ottobre


Only for Italian


Only for Italian


SPAF 9344

RinunceRinunceOnly for Italian



About, Aposa undergroundAbout, Aposa underground

creek,creek, Asinelli Tower,Asinelli Tower,

Archiginnasio Library, UsticaArchiginnasio Library, Ustica

Museum andMuseum and GECAV GECAV

The Aposa underground creek (no links in english)

The Aposa is a 10 km long creek that from the southern hills of Bologna crosses the city and meets Reno

river channel, one of the several artificial channels that make the urban underground water net of Bologna.

Aposa creek is the only one natural watercourse crossing Bologna town.

Since the antiquity, the creek had an underground course through the city; from 2000 a section of this

underground course (about 500 m.) has been made accessible and equipped in order to allow guided

tours and to provid a set for cultural shows (usually related to the Bolgna’s history) as well.

Mainly for foreign


The Asinelli tower (

The Two Towers, both of them leaning, are the symbol of the city. They are located at the intersection of

the roads that lead to the five gates of the old ring wall. The taller one is called the Asinelli while the

smaller but more leaning tower is called the Garisenda. Their names derive from the families which are

traditionally credited for their construction between 1109 and 1119.

It is believed that the Asinelli Tower initially had a height of ca. 70 m and was raised only later to the

current 97.2 m (with an overhanging rock of 2.2 m). In the 14th century the city became its owner and

used it as prison and small stronghold. During this period a wooden construction was added around the

tower at a height of 30 m above ground, which was connected with an aerial footbridge (later destroyed

during a fire in 1398) to the Garisenda Tower. Its addition is attributed to Giovanni Visconti, Duke of Milan,

who allegedly wanted to use it to control the turbulent Mercato di Mezzo (today via Rizzoli) and suppress

possible revolts. The Visconti had become the rulers of Bologna after the decline of the Signoria of the

Pepoli family, but were rather unpopular in the city.

The Garisenda Tower has today a height of 48 m with an overhang of 3.2 m. Initially it was approximately

60 m high, but had to be lowered in the 14th century due to a yielding of the ground which left it slanting

and dangerous. In the early 15th century, the tower was bought by the Arte dei Drappieri, which remained

the sole owner until the Garisenda became municipal property at the end of the 19th century.

It was cited several times by Dante in the Divine Comedy and the The Rime (a confirmation of his stay in

Bologna). The Two Towers have also been subject of an homonymous poem by Giosuè Carducci as part

of the Barbarian Odes.

AboutAbout Asinelli TowerAsinelli TowerMainly for foreign


The Archiginnasio Library (

The Library of the Archiginnasio seeks to preserve, increase and promote the documentary patrimony

gathered over the ages in the Palazzo of the Archiginnasio. The Library offers specialized information and

research documentation and is involved in cultural promotion.

Due to its historical importance and collections, the Archiginnasio is among the most important municipal

libraries in Italy. A testimony to Bologna's culture, it has been considered a privileged place for the

preservation of the city's memory since its foundation.

Various sections are dedicated to the documentation of Bologna's culture through its antique and modern

printed works, chronicles, maps, photographs, etc.

The Library houses a vast collection of antique and modern manuscripts and rare books considered to be

indispensable source material for a wide range of cultural phenomena and the study of human sciences

from a historical point of view. The principal bibliographic themes that are represented consist of the

historical, philosophical, political, literary, artistic, biographical and bibliographic disciplines.


Archiginnasio LibraryArchiginnasio LibraryMainly for foreign


The Ustica Memorial Museum (

The Christian Boltanski’s permanent setting of the Ustica Memorial Museum in Bologna wraps the

wreckages of the DC9 shot down on June 27, 1980 while flying to Palermo. Liner wreckage is shown

within an impressive setting realized by the French artist for the city of Bologna. The memory of the 81

slaughter victims (64 adults, 11 boys, 2 childrens and 4 crew members) is committed to as much lights,

slinging from the Museum roof dimming and shining as a breathe. On the skywalk around the

reconstructed aircraft, 81 black mirrors reflect the image of visitors, while from behind of each one mirror

81 loudspeakers whisper words, maybe the simple and common thoughts the passengers had, in order to

outline the tragedy.

9 big black boxes are set around the DC9 wreckages: each one contains dozens of personal belongings

owned by the victims. Shoes, scuba equipments, and clothings that should witness the death of a human

being, are made invisible to the visitors sight. Only their pictures were gathered in the "IH 870 flight

passengers belongings list", a booklet that, directly involving the visitor, makes him a protagonist of the

inquiry for the thruth.

For decades, the inquiry was unable to find evidences about the disaster: on late August 1999, the

attorney was able to state: “The DC9 accident was due to a militar intercepting operation”, but a blanket of

secrets and silence is still covering the disaster.


Ustica MuseumUstica MuseumMainly for foreign



GECAV is the acronym of “Gestione Emergenza Cantieri Alta Velocità e Variante Valico” (High Speed

Railways and Motorways Yards Medical Emergency Service), the branch of 118 EMS system that in

Bologna area provides special medical coverage of 2 huge yards opened since 1990 in order to bore

about 180 km of tunnels between Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany.

The GECAV team also is trained and equipped to cope with disaster situations and provides several

training courses on such a topic.


Mainly for foreign


A: Archiginnasio Library

B: Asinelli Tower

C: Aposa creek tour entrance

D: Aposa creek tour exit

E: Ustica Museum


G: Hotel Calzavecchio



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