first phase fat loss: lose up to 20 pounds in...

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Copyright DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this guide is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given in this guide are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given in this guide are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided below. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Introduction From Dennis...

Have you ever heard the quote...

“Everyone has a first, first day.”

This is one of my favorite quotes for a few different reasons... However, the main reason I enjoy this quote is because it shows that everyone at some point has been right where you are.

Michael Jordan had a first day of basketball. Bill Gates had his first day writing computer code. At some point, that really lean man or woman at your gym had their first workout or first day on a new diet.

I still remember my very first time lifting weights... I was in high school and went to the YMCA with my mom.

We decided we were going to bench press. I got under the bar with 10 pound weights on each side, and struggled to complete a few reps.

My mom was next... All 5 foot 4 inches of her... And she OUTLIFTED me!

I couldn't believe it... Needless to say, things are a lot different now... However, I will never forget that first day at the gym when my own mother was able to lift more weight than me.

I tell you this, because on the pages that follow, these are the beginning steps you need to take in order to take back your health and get fit. Whether you have tried to get fit before or this is your first time...

I am going to give you a blueprint on exactly what you need to do in order to lose your first 20 pounds of fat.

I will show you what to eat, how to workout, and what lifestyle changes you need to make (don't worry, these are the easiest part).

All I ask is that you give it your all. Push past that “first day”, first week, first month, …

The more consistent you are, the better results you will see on this plan.

Putting this program together, I kept one thing in mind...


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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

I've made this program as easy for you to follow as possible. This means the foods you eat and the workouts you do.

When on this program, you won't need to count calories or weigh your food. In fact, you can eat all the sweets you want each and every week and still burn fat.

Plus, for your workouts, you don't even need a gym. You can do them right at home in a 5X5 space.

Once again, all I can ask is that you follow through and stick to the plan. If you can do that, you are going to see some amazing results on this program.

Now let's push past that “first day” and get you started off right.

Dedicated to your fat burning success,

Dennis Heenan, MCTTMaster Certified Turbulence Trainer

P.S. Don't forget my other sites... Blog posts, videos, motivation, free gifts, free content, and more. - #1 Ab training System designed for immense fat burning in as little as 4-minutes. Oh, and you don't need equipment! - The best progressive system on the market taking you from bodyweight to weighted exercises in under 12-weeks. – 6-week sprint and bodyweight combo plan designed to blast fat utilizing the most underrated and under used exercise on the planet: Sprints! – Discover how to lose 22 pounds of fat in the next 30 days without counting calories while still enjoying the foods you love.

Join us on Facebook at

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Table Of Contents

Tips Before Starting............................................................................................ Page 6

First Phase Fat Loss Nutrition Basics..................................................................... Page 7

Example Meals................................................................................................... Page 10

Two Minute Breakdown....................................................................................... Page 13

3 Lifestyle Changes For Faster Results.................................................................. Page 14

First Phase Fat Loss Workouts (Part One)............................................................. Page 16

First Phase Fat Loss Workouts (Part Two)............................................................. Page 19

Exercise Descriptions.......................................................................................... Page 22

Moving Forward................................................................................................. Page 39

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Tips Before Starting

1. If you are unsure of how to do an exercise, be sure to get instruction from a certified trainer.

2. If something hurts or feels off, don’t do that exercise. There are plenty of alternates that you can add in. Please feel free to email dennis (at) fatburningnation (dot) com for ideas or see the Exercise Library manual for alternative exercises.

3. Because this is a new program, be sure to start slow to avoid injury. Pushing too hard after not working out for a while will only lead to injury or being overly sore.

4. If you find you need more rest in between exercises, take it. Over the course of the program, you should work on shortening your rest periods.

5. This program is demanding so if going three days per week is too much, start by going 2 days a week with your others days being “active rest” days (walking, hiking, etc.).

6. Always warm up properly. Be sure you are fully warmed up before starting your workouts.

7. Use a foam roll and stretch consistently. This will greatly help with eliminating soreness throughout the program.

8. Get good rest. You must allow your body to recover from your workouts so be sure you are getting good sleep.

9. Drink lots of water. This will keep you hydrated and allow you to lose fat more easily.

10.Have a cool down period at the end of each workout that includes stretching and foam rolling.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Nutrition Basics

When it comes to nutrition, it is always best to keep things very simple and that is exactly what we are going to do on this nutrition plan. Below I will break down everything you need to know when it comes to getting fit and feeling better than you have ever felt before.

Below are the guidelines you should follow while on this program.

Nutrition Rules:

Rule One: Eat Real Food

When you think of the words “real food” think of this: Would a caveman eat that? If the answer is yes, then it is a safe bet that you are eating real food. The concept of eating real food is pretty simple in that you are eating food that is not manmade or processed. Instead, you are focusing on eating foods in there most natural state.

Focus on getting great sources of protein, healthy fats, and tons of vegetables with each meal.

Protein: eggs, chicken, grass fed meats, wild fish, wild game, …

Fats: coconut oil, grass fed butter, nuts, seeds, avocado, …

Veggies: broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale, cauliflower, …

No matter what your goals are, the foods above should always be the staple in your diet. These are the foods that will give you long lasting energy and help keep you incredibly healthy. Each meal should consist of the foods above. This means a good source of protein, good fats, and lots of vegetables.

Rule Two: Properly Time Your Carbohydrates

Carbs Sources: beans, sweet potatoes, yams, fruits, …

There are two prime times that you should eat your carbohydrates: within 30 minutes of finishing a workout and on your cheat day (more on that in a second). Eating your carbs within 30 minutes of working out will have little effect on fat storage and will greatly help in recovery and lean muscle growth.

On this program, within 30 minutes of working out should be the only time throughout the week that you incorporate your carbs. The rest of your meals should be focused on the foods from number one.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Nutrition Basics

If you focus your meals on eating the foods from number one and properly time your carbohydrates, results will follow.

Rule Three: Do Not Expect Perfection, The Cheat Day

On this nutrition plan, you will be able to eat all the foods you love each week. They will be perfectly timed to help maximize results and help burn more fat. Each week after eating the foods from numbers one and two, you will get to enjoy a cheat day.

A cheat day is a day where you are free to eat anything and everything that you want with no restrictions. By doing this, you are actually boosting your metabolism and fat burning back up, hence helping your body to burn more fat.

After restricting certain foods for a short period of time, your metabolism will start to slow down so adding in foods like pizza, pancakes, and muffins will help in boosting your metabolism back up.

Now one thing to note here, you cannot expect a cheat day to work if you are cheating on your meals throughout the week. You must stay strong to eating healthy throughout the week and properly timing your carbs for at least 6 days to get the full affect of the cheat day.

Also, in the beginning, don't go overboard on the cheat day. Going out and eating 5,000 calories of junk food is not what we are trying to do.

Simply eat when you are hungry and enjoy some foods that you have missed.

Rule Four: Do Not Drink Calories

Drinking calories is something you will not be doing on this nutrition plan. And although some drinks may be labeled “diet”, “zero calorie”, etc. those are also out on this plan. Your drink of choice will be water and lots of it. You must make sure you are hydrated so you can allow your body to recover from your workouts.

You should not be drinking sodas, lattes, sports drinks, juices, mochas, alcohol, diet soda, etc. unless it is on your cheat day. Each of these drinks are loaded with sugar and most times (if not always) will be stored as straight fat.

Aside from water... black coffee and unsweetened teas are also ok in moderation. Just be sure you aren’t adding any flavor shots, tons of sugar, or milk to them.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Nutrition Basics

If you simply cut out all the calories you are drinking on a daily basis and focused on drinking water, you would start seeing results almost immediately!

Rule Five: Eat When You Are Hungry And Until You Are Satisfied

Starvation diets are one of the worst things you can do to your body. Not only will it absolutely kill your results but it will hurt your overall health as well. On this plan, you will be eating when you are hungry and until you are satisfied.

A Few More Nutrition Tips:

• Try and eat 4-8 meals per day. Having more smaller meals each day has brought better results in terms of fat loss than eating a few larger meals each day.

• Eating the same few healthy meals over and over is the easiest way to eat healthy. Find 2-4 that you enjoy and stick with them. (see examples below)

• Prepare meals in advance and cook in bulk. This will always ensure you have incredibly healthy foods on hand and will make you less likely to go out and eat junk food.

• Remove all the junk food from your house. If there is no junk food to eat, there is a 100% guarantee you won’t eat it!

Next we will cover some example meals...

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Example Meals

Below are different meal options you can choose from. These are just a few of the many examples of meals you can eat while on this plan. Take any combination of the foods from rule one above and get creative. None of the meals below include carbohydrate sources, so you should add those in when needed.

Note: These are example meals that I personally would eat. Feel free to adjust how much food each meal has to fit YOUR needs!


Option 1: 4 whole vegetarian fed eggs, 2 cups of spinach, ½ cup asparagus, ½ tbsp grass fed butter, 4oz grass fed ground beefCalories: 565Protein: 53gCarbs: 7gFat: 39g

Option 2: 4 whole vegetarian fed eggs, 1 tbsp grass fed butter, 1-cup asparagus Calories: 413Protein: 27Carbs: 9Fat: 30

Option 3: 4 pieces of organic bacon, 4 whole vegetarian fed eggs, 2 cups of spinachCalories: 452Protein: 38gCarbs: 4gFat: 35g

Option 4: Protein Shake (2 scoops) Calories: 315Protein: 50gCarbs: 10gFat: 6g

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Example Meals


Option 1: 8oz Chicken Breast, 2 cups of broccoli, 1 TBSP of coconut oil Calories: 440Protein: 59gCarbs: 12gFat: 16g

Option 2: 8oz Chicken Breast, 10 spears of asparagus in ½ tbsp of butter, 2 cups of spinach, homemade salad dressing (1 tbsp of olive oil, spicy mustard, spices)Calories: 460Protein: 57gCarbs: 6gFat: 22g

Option 3: 8oz grass fed ground beef patty, 1 cup of mushrooms, 1½ cup of brussle sprouts, ½ tbsp of butterCalories: 500Protein: 53gCarbs: 19gFat: 24g

Option 4: 8oz grass fed beef steak, 10 asparagus spears and 1-cup broccoli (steamed)Calories: 490Protein: 45gCarbs: 10gFat: 32

Option 5: 6oz Salmon, 1 cup of green beans, 1 tbsp of coconut oilCalories: 404Protein: 36gCarbs: 11gFat: 25g

Option 6: 8oz chicken breast, 1½ cups of broccoli, 2 tbsp almond butterCalories: 508Protein: 63gCarbs: 16gFats: 21g

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Example Meals

Option 7: 8oz bison steak, 10 asparagus spears, 1-cup shitake mushroomsCalories: 481Protein: 60gCarbs: 25gFat: 18g

The meal examples above are simply there as a guide. You should determine the amount of food you need in order to best attain your goals. Each person is different so find what works and stick with it. Remember to add your carbs in when needed.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Two-Minute Nutrition Breakdown

We have just covered everything you should know when it comes to how to eat while on this program. The combination of workouts and the nutrition plan above are going to bring you incredible results. Below I would just like to give a quick two minute run down of what we just went over:

• Rule One: Eat Real FoodFocus on eating good sources of protein, fats, and lots of vegetables at each meal. Stay away from the manmade and processed foods. If a caveman wouldn’t eat it, you shouldn’t either!

• Rule Two: Properly Time Your Carbohydrates Add in good sources of carbohydrates within 30 minutes after weight training workouts. For those looking to add more muscle and size, you can incorporate more carbs throughout the week.

• Rule Three: Do Not Expect Perfection, The Cheat DayOnce per week you should enjoy a cheat day to eat the foods that you enjoy. This includes pizza, pancakes, muffins, etc.

• Rule Four: Do Not Drink CaloriesDrink water, simple as that. Black coffee and unsweetened teas are also ok in moderation.

• Rule Five: Eat When You Are Hungry And Until You Are SatisfiedIf you are eating the right foods, you should eat when you are hungry and until you are satisfied. No need to count calories or weigh your food.

Keep you carbohydrates within 30 minutes of finishing a workout and on your cheat day. Other than that, all other meals should consist of good sources of protein, healthy fats, and vegetables.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

3 Simple Lifestyle Changes For Faster Results

Really quick, I want to cover three different lifestyle changes that you can start implementing right now into your day for faster fat loss results.

All are recommended as part of a healthy lifestyle...

Lifestyle Tip #1: Walk 30-minutes daily

The more time you spend walking, the less time you spend sitting. New research has come out and made the bold claim that “Sitting is the new smoking.”

On average, people sit close to 9 hours a day and this is a huge problem when looking at health.

The dangers of sitting cannot be overlooked, however, let's focus on the benefits of walking. To name a few, walking...

• Boosts brainpower• Prevents weight gain• Reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease• Improves digestion• Boosts metabolism• Improves sleep

And much more.

In short, try to walk at least 30-minutes every day.

Lifestyle Tip #2: Sleep better

In a world that brags about going on 4 hours of sleep while gulping down 50 ounces of coffee, we sometimes forget that our bodies and brain NEED sleep. I understand that often times sleep is hard to come by, however, that's why I am challenging you in IMPROVE the hours you do get.

You can do this by:

• Shutting electronics down earlier• Going to bed and getting up at the same times everyday• Taking a hot shower before bed• Dimming the lights in your house

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

3 Simple Lifestyle Changes For Faster Results

• Reading for relaxation

The better sleep routine you develop, the higher quality sleep you are going to get. And in turn, the healthier you will become.

Good sleep allows your body to produce positive fat burning hormones, the kind that keep you lean, healthy, and fit.

Lifestyle Tip #3: Have more fun

Research shows that those who laugh and have more fun live longer, healthier lives.

Get outside and play frisbee, go on a hike, laugh with friends, watch The Office and laugh your face off.

Whatever you can to get more out of life, DO IT!

You will thank yourself later and so will your body...

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Workouts

Below are the workouts that you will be following for the next 6-weeks. The first 4-weeks you will do the same three workouts with at least a days rest in between, then the final two weeks, you have 3 new workouts.

Below are the workouts for weeks 1-4, followed by the workouts for weeks 5-6.

Day 1 - Workout AFor each exercise below, you will complete 30 seconds then move on to the next with no rest. Between full rounds, rest 60 seconds then complete one more round for two total rounds. Once you complete two rounds of the circuit, move to the next!

Circuit 1Bodyweight Squats: 30 seconds Push-Ups or Knee Pushups: 30 seconds Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds Burpees: 30 seconds Rest 60 seconds and repeat one more time.

Circuit 2Squat to Toes: 30 seconds Spiderman Climbs: 30 seconds Sprints in Place: 30 seconds Rest 60 seconds and repeat one more time.

Circuit 3Cross Body Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds Split Squat: 30 seconds each side Planks: 30 seconds Rest 60 seconds and repeat one more time.

Day 2 – Rest Day

Get outside and be active.• Walk, hike, play frisbee, have fun, ...

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Workouts

Day 3 - Workout B Complete each circuit below in a 20-10 interval fashion. After you finish the first circuit, rest 60 seconds and move to the next circuit! (each circuit is 8 minutes)

Circuit 120 seconds on, 10 seconds off of the three exercises below for 8 minutes. Move from one exercise to the next.

Push-Ups Bodyweight SquatsOutside Mountain Climbers

Circuit 220 seconds on, 10 seconds off of the four exercises below for 8 minutes. Move from one exercise to the next.

Alternating Low LungesClose Grip Pushups Split Squats (20 seconds each side)Sprints in Place

FinisherComplete the exercises below in order as quickly as possible (only ONE time):

Squat Jumps: 10 repsCross Body Mountain Climbers: 15 reps each side Burpees: 20 reps

Day 4 – Rest Day

Get outside and be active.• Walk, hike, play frisbee, have fun, ...

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Workouts

Day 5 - Workout CFor each exercise below, you will complete 30 seconds then move on to the next with no rest. Between full rounds, rest 60 seconds then complete one more round for two total rounds. Once you complete two rounds of the circuit, move to the next!

Circuit 1Bodyweight Squats: 30 seconds Side Plank Reach Through: 30 seconds each side Outside Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds Burpees: 30 seconds Rest 60 seconds and repeat one more time.

Circuit 2Squat Jumps: 30 seconds Sit Throughs: 30 seconds Electric Hops: 30 secondsT-Pushups: 30 secondsRest 60 seconds and repeat one more time.

Circuit 3Push-Ups: 30 seconds Alternating Reverse Lunges: 30 secondsPull-Ups or Bodyweight Row: 30 secondsSprints in Place: 30 secondsRest 60 seconds and repeat one more time.

Day 6 – Rest Day

Get outside and be active.• Walk, hike, play frisbee, have fun, …

Day 7 – Rest Day

Get outside and be active.• Walk, hike, play frisbee, have fun, …

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Workouts (Part Two)

Below are the workouts for weeks 5 and 6 of the program.

Day 1 – Workout A-Do three TOTAL rounds on each superset in a 45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest fashion.-After each superset, if you need to rest, feel free to do so. -After all supersets are finished, rest at least 60 seconds before the finisher.

Superset 1Prisoner Squats Push-Ups

Superset 2Outside Mountain ClimbersAlternating Reverse Lunges

Superset 3Swing Through LungesBurpees

FinisherPerform 5 repetitions on each exercise below and complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes.

Squat JumpsClose Grip Pushups Plank to Pushup Spiderman ClimbPull-Ups or Bodyweight Rows

Day 2 – Rest Day

Get outside and be active.• Walk, hike, play frisbee, have fun, …

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Workouts (Part Two)

Day 3 – Workout B-Do three TOTAL rounds on each superset in a 45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest fashion.-After each superset, if you need to rest, feel free to do so. -After all supersets are finished, rest at least 60 seconds before the finisher.

Superset 1Bulgarian Split Squat or Split Squat (45s each side)Half to Full Pushups

Superset 2Spiderman Push-Ups or Spiderman ClimbsSuperman Jumps

Superset 3Ice Skaters Quick Feet

Finisher: Punisher SquatsPerform 20 seconds of squats followed by a 10 second hold and repeat for the duration of the 4 minutes.

Bodyweight Squat: 20 secondsSquat Hold: 10 secondsRepeat in that fashion for the 4-minutes.

Day 4 – Rest Day

Get outside and be active.• Walk, hike, play frisbee, have fun, …

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

First Phase Fat Loss Workouts (Part Two)

Day 5 – Workout CYou will be doing 7 reps on each exercise, and trying to complete as many rounds as possible in 15-minutes. Rest only when needed. Once finished with the 15 minutes, you will rest for 60 seconds and move to the finisher!

Circuit 1Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes!

Alternating Lunges (7 reps each leg) Pushups (7 reps) Squat Jumps (7 reps) Outside Mountain Climbers (7 reps each side)Ice Skaters (7 reps each side)

After you finish the 15 minutes, rest 60 seconds and complete the finisher below:

FinisherDo as many rounds as possible of the exercises below in 6-minutes.

Burpees: 5 repsCross Body Mountain Climbers: 6 reps each side Squat to Squat Jump: 7 reps

Day 6 – Rest Day

Get outside and be active.• Walk, hike, play frisbee, have fun, …

Day 7 – Rest Day

Get outside and be active.• Walk, hike, play frisbee, have fun, …

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Low Alternating Lunges

1. Start with your feet together, core tight, and knees bent in a quarter squat position.

2. Step out with one leg, taking a larger step than usual into a lunge. Return to the starting position keeping your knees bent throughout the entire exercise.

3. Repeat on the opposite side.

Alternating Lunges 1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

2. Step backward with one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step.

3. Plant your back toe on the ground and use it to help keep your balance.

4. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.

5. Keep your upper body upright with chest proud.

6. Push back to the start position and switch legs.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Alternating Reverse Lunges

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

2. Step backward with one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step.

3. Plant your back toe on the ground and use it to help keep your balance.

4. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.

5. Keep your upper body upright with chest proud.

6. Push back to the start position and switch legs.

Bodyweight Squats

1. Start with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart and arms placed straight out in front of you. Place your feet in a comfortable position facing straight forward or a little outwards

2. Slowly lower yourself down, as if you were going to sit down in a chair. Your weight should be on your heels with your core tight. Once you have reached the bottom of your squat, pause then return to the starting position. This is considered one repetition.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise DescriptionsBurpees

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Drop down onto your hands and feet, then thrust your feet back so you are in a push-up position.

3. Perform a pushup (optional)

4. Thrust your feet back up and then stand back up.

5. Add a vertical jump at the end (optional)

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Bulgarian Split Squat

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Place one foot on a bench. Step forward with the other foot, taking a slightly larger than normal step.

3. Keeping your core tight, lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.

4. Push up to the starting position.

5. Stay in a split-squat stance and perform all reps for one leg and then switch.

Close Grip Pushups

1. Get in a push-up position with your hands forming a diamond below your chest. Keep your core tight and your back straight.

2. Slowly lower yourself down to the floor keeping your core tight and back straight. Once you have reached 2-4 inches off the floor, pause for a second then push yourself back up into the starting position.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Cross Body Mountain Climbers 1. Start in the push-up position with your core tight and back straight.

2. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to your opposite elbow. Do not let your hips sag or rotate.

3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Electric Hops

1. Start in a squat position with knees bent and core tight.

2. Jump up exploding through the floor. In the air, you are going to make a 180 degree twist so when you land you are facing the opposite way that you started.

3. As soon as you land, jump up again and do a 180 degree twist back to the starting position.

4. Repeat in this manner.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Half to Full Pushups

1. In the pushups and maintaining a straight line with your body, lower yourself until you are 50% of the way down, then push back to the starting position.

2. Then immediately perform a FULL pushup. This is one repetition.

3. Repeat in the half to full fashion.

Ice Skaters

1. Starting in an athletic position with your knees bent and core tight, you will jump laterally to one side landing on only your outside foot.

2. Once you have landed safely, you will jump back landing on your other foot. You will continue in this fashion for the duration of the given time frame. Be sure to start with jumping at a comfortable distance. As you get stronger you can work on jumping further and further.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Mountain Climbers

1. Start in the push-up position with your core tight and back straight.

2. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to your chest. Do not let your hips sag or rotate.

3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Outside Mountain Climbers

1. Start in the push-up position with your core tight and back straight.

2. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to the outside of the elbow on the same side. Do not let your hips sag or rotate.

3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Plank to Pushup Spiderman Climbs

1. Start in the plank position with your core tight and back straight.

2. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to the outside of the elbow on the same side. Do not let your hips sag or rotate.

3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

4. From the plank position, push yourself up into the pushup position. Perform ONE pushup and immediately return to the plank position.

5. This is ONE repetition. Repeat as necessary.

Planks Place your elbows on the floor with hands going straightforward. Place your feet on the floor as though you were to perform a push-up. Keep your back straight and hold yourself up in the plank position by keeping your core tight. You will hold this position for the allotted amount of time!

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Prisoner Squats

1. Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart.

2. Clasp your hands behind your head. Keep your elbows back and shoulder blades pulled together tightly.

3. Start the movement at the hip. Push your hips backward and act like you are sitting back into a chair. Make your hips go back as far as possible.

4. Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position.

5. Do not round your lower back.

6. Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position


1. Take an overhand grip on the bar with the palms facing forward.

2. Pull your body up until the chest reaches bar level.

3. Slowly lower yourself keeping control of your body the entire time.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Punisher Squats

1. Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart.

2. Start the movement at the hip. Push your hips backward and act like you are sitting back into a chair. Make your hips go back as far as possible.

3. Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position.

4. Do not round your lower back.

5. Repeat this movement for 20 seconds.

6. Once the 20-seconds is finished, you will then HOLD in the bottom of the squat position for 10 seconds.

7. This is one cycle. Repeat for the allotted amount of time.


1. Place your hands just wider than shoulder-width apart.

2. Slowly lower your chest and body down to the floor, keeping your core tight and back straight.

3. After you hit the bottom of the movement, push with your arms & chest to get your body back up to the start position.

4. If it is too hard, drop to the knees or perform pushups with your hands on a bench.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Quick Feet

1. Keeping your core tight throughout, patter your feet as quickly as you can as you pump your arms in unison.

2. Repeat for the allotted amount of time.

Sit Throughs

1. Start in the pushup position with core tight and back straight.

2. Twisting in your core, drive one leg through to the opposite side until you are seating on the floor with one arm on the ground and the opposite arm in the air.

3. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Side Plank Reach Through

1. Start in the side plank position with your core tight and back straight.

2. Using your core to twist, reach your hand through the plank gap until you cannot go any further. Return to the starting position and repeat. Be sure to keep your core tight throughout.

Spiderman Climbs

1. Start in a pushup position with your core tight and back straight.

2. With your core braced, fire up one foot to the hand on the same side of your body.

3. Once completed, fire back into the pushup position and repeat on the opposite side.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Spiderman Push-Ups

1. Starting Position: Start in a push-up position with your core tight and back straight.

2. As you lower yourself down to perform a push-up, you will bring one leg up (keeping it close to the ground) to the elbow on that same side. One the way back up, your leg will return to the starting position. On the next repetition you will use the opposite leg (the leg you didn't use on the first rep). You will continue in this alternating fashion for the duration of the time.

Split Squats 1. Take one big step forward as if you were going to do a lunge. With your feet split, get balanced then drop your back knee straight to the ground.2. After dropping your back knee to the ground, return to the starting position and repeat the allotted number of reps. Once finished, switch legs and repeat on the opposite leg.Note: You will stay in the lunge position throughout the entire exercise.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Sprints in Place

1. Run in place, bringing your knees high, alternating steps, and pumping your arms and legs as fast and as comfortably as possible.

Squat Jumps

1. Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down as though you were performing a bodyweight squat.

2. When you reach the bottom of your squat, drive your feet into the ground exploding into a vertical jump. When coming down, be sure and land softly the repeat.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Squat to Squat Jump

1. Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down and perform a bodyweight squat.

2. Immediately drop back down and this time perform a squat jump by driving your feet through the floor and jumping as high as you can.

3. Land softly and move back into the bodyweight squat. Repeat in this fashion.

Squat to Toes

1. Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down as though you were performing a bodyweight squat.

2. When you reach the bottom of your squat, drive your feet into the ground exploding onto your toes as though you were going to do a vertical jump.

3. Quickly return to the starting position and repeat.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions

Superman Jump (or Rocket Jump)

1. Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down as though you were performing a bodyweight squat.

2. When you reach the bottom of your squat, drive your feet into the ground exploding into a vertical jump reaching your hands as high as you can to the sky. When coming down, be sure and land softly the repeat.

Swing Through Lunges

1. Do a reverse lunge for your left leg by stepping back with your right leg.

2. Then step forward with your right leg so that you do a forward lunge working the right leg.

3. Continue for all reps moving one leg then switch.

4. This can be done with dumbbells or just bodyweight.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Exercise Descriptions


1. Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes to shoulders.

2. Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

3. Slowly lower yourself down until you are 2 inches off the ground.

4. Push off to return to the start position.

5. As you come up, rotate to one side and point that arm towards the ceiling.

6. Alternate sides with each rep.

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First Phase Fat Loss: Lose Up To 20 Pounds In 6-Weeks

Moving Forward...

After sticking to the plan, following the workouts, and eating the right foods, you should be feeling AND looking better than ever.

Going forward, you can easily redo this complete program again and continue seeing great progress, or definitely go and check out some of my more advanced programs. The links to those are below:

NOTE: I recommend starting with the Superhero Body as this will help you progress into doing weighted exercises! - #1 Ab training System designed for immense fat burning in as little as 4-minutes. Oh, and you don't need equipment!

(Recommended) - The best progressive system on the market taking you from bodyweight to weighted exercises in under 12-weeks. – 6-week sprint and bodyweight combo plan designed to blast fat utilizing the most underrated and under used exercise on the planet: Sprints! – Discover how to lose 22 pounds of fat in the next 30 days without counting calories while still enjoying the foods you love.

I would love to hear from you on how this program went and what kind of results you saw. Please feel free to email dennis (at) fatburningnation (dot) com and let me know.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask. I am hear to help and look forward to connecting more with you.

In good health,

Dennis Heenan, MCTTMaster Certified Turbulence Trainer

First Phase Fat LossCreated By: Dennis Heenan, MCTT


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