first refresh boston meeting

Post on 01-Sep-2014






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Slides from the first Refresh Boston meeting back in 2006, covering who the organizers were and what we'd like to do with the group;


Refresh BostonWhere do we begin?

Who am I?

Mark J. Reeves

Circa 1977(

What is Refresh?

Started with Refresh Dallas

Bringing designers and developers together, away from the computer

And Refresh Boston?

Getting together offline with peers

Sharing ideas and opinions

Bring value to meetings

Refresh logo design

Refresh Boston website

Lining up meeting topics

Refresh-related projects

So What’s Next?

What Would You Like to See Happen?And back to that in a moment...

SXSW Interactive ‘06

Patrick Haney, Harvard

What is SXSW?A quick recap by Patrick and Stefan

It’s All About the People

Meeting your peers


Sharing ideas

Get the creative juices flowing

And the Panels...

Pick and choose your topics of choice

Focus on creative ideas and learning by example

Learn from the best

And the After Events...

More opportunities to network

Meet and greet in a less formal situation

Having fun

And... Bowling?

Team Refresh triumphs!

Refresh Boston, D.C., Dallas, Houston, Austin come together to win the Avalonstar Bowling Extravaganza

Wide Variety of Panels

General web design

DOM scripting



User Experience

How To Be A Web Design Superhero

Andy Budd & Andy Clarke

General overview of web design and best practices

How to Create Passionate Users

Panel hosted by Kathy Sierra

Keep your users happy and interested (like the audience for this panel)

Holistic Web Design: Finding Creative Balance

Combining efforts from multiple disciplines

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Shaun Inman, Jason Santa Maria, Eris Stassi, Carl Sieber, Garrett Dimon

Plazes Before...

And After.

Design Eye for the List Guy

A redesign of craigslist

Similar to the Holistic Web Design panel

Ryan Sims, Paul Nixon, Andrei Herasimchuk, Cameron Moll, D. Keith Robinson

Stefan Hayden, Sconex

Making Money With Your Blog Design Skills

Tons of clients looking for designers

Blogs quickly turn into larger projects

Dogma Free Design

Don’t design to a checklist

A-B testing only works to a point

Standard Deviation: Hacks and Dirty Tricks for the Web

aka. F*ck standards

Cool web apps break standards


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