fit physique formula workouts

Post on 17-Apr-2022






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Fit Physique Formula Workouts A 4-Week Strength Training Program For Women Who Want To Look Like They Lift

This workout guide is designed to accompany the Fit Physique Formula protein guide. If you don’t have it yet, you can

download it HERE.

Do you want to look like you lift? Yes, me too, and there’s no shame in this game! We want our hard work to show. That’s why we have to take care of the three most important things:

1) Eating enough protein and the right amount of calories2) Lifting heavy weights regularly3) Getting enough sleep and downtime so the muscles can heal and grow.


It’s impossible to get leaner, fitter and stronger if our diet is off: Most common mistakes are eating too many calories or not enough calories, and not enough protein. You already learned about the importance of protein, so now it’s time to dial in the workouts. This is what the Fit Physique Formula Workout Guide helps with.

Workout Equipment Here’s what you need:

Mini bands, like this (but other brands will work too)

Dumbbells. It’s best to have at least 2 different sets on hand, one heavier and one lighter. The more different weight options you have, the better.

Barbell is optional. If you have access to it, use it! You’ll see that many of the exercises can be done with either dumbbells or a barbell (marked with DB or BB in the program). A barbell is preferred.

Physio Ball (also known as a balance ball or Swiss ball), like this (but other brands will work too).

Muscle Activation Each workout starts with a short circuit, designed to activate the muscles that are going to be worked the most in that day’s workout.

Duration Each workout takes about 45-60 minutes to complete. These are not high intensity, fast, metcon style workouts that are done in 15 minutes. You need to set aside some time for them, because that’s what it takes to build real strength. It will be worth it!


You will be doing 4 workouts a week, and resting 3 days a week. I encourage you to walk 45-60 minutes daily on both workout days and rest days, but additional cardio, HIT or metcons are not needed to see great results from this program. Foam rolling, stretching and yoga are great ways to complement these workouts. Do them as often as you like — just make sure that they are restorative.

How to Do The Workouts Each workout consists of 1-2 foundational lifts and 2-3 supersets.

The Foundational Lifts should be done as follows: Complete all 4 rounds of the Foundational Lift 1, before moving on to Foundational Lift 2 or supersets.

Each Superset consists of two exercises. Do these back to back with minimal to no rest between the two exercises. Rest 1-3 minutes after both exercises are completed. Repeat the same for total of 3-4 rounds before moving on to next superset.

Rest Periods Rest 1-3 minutes between the sets. If you feel like you didn’t need that much rest, and if you are tempted to move on to the next exercise quickly, you need to use heavier weight. You should feel like you need this 1-3 minute rest to be fully ready for the next set. When doing supersets: Complete the first exercise and then immediately move on to the next exercise that is paired with it. After both are done, take 1-3 minutes off before repeating the same superset.

Slow Down! These workouts are not to be done fast. You’ve probably done bootcamps and high intensity workouts where you complete as many reps as you can in a certain amount of time.


This program is different. Slow down your reps, go through the full range of motion, feel the muscles squeezing and connecting. Moving through a full range of motion and doing so at a slow or moderate pace is always better than rushed reps. So get as low as possible in your squats and push ups, even if it means that your reps are slower or that you won’t be able to add quite as much weight to your exercise. The bigger the range of motion, the more muscle you use, and the more you benefit from your exercise!

Weight Selection Choose weights that make you work. Use the “leave 1 rep in the tank” method, which means that after you finish your prescribed reps, you should feel like you could do one more rep, but you’re not going to — you leave it in the tank. So, the last rep should feel quite heavy. If it doesn’t, or you feel like you barely did anything, you need to use a heavier weight.

Note though that on days when you’re feeling a little less energy, don't push yourself too hard. Listen to your body, your intuition, and trust them when they say that you probably have to go lighter today.

What To Expect Combined with the nutritional guidelines in The Fit Physique Formula protein guide, you will start seeing visible changes in your physique — you’re going to look leaner and have more muscle definition. You will also start building strength, as you notice that you’re able increase your weights at least by week 3 or 4.You will also speed up your metabolism, as a result of increased muscle mass. You’ll likely also feel more energetic and your sleep may improve as well. Perhaps most importantly — you’re making better choices in the kitchen and in the gym, because you love how great you feel!


Workouts You’re going to do 4 workouts every week, for 4 weeks.

BB = BarbellDB = DumbbellBW = Bodyweight

Complete all sets of the Foundational Lift, before moving on to the next exercise.

Superset exercises should be done back to back, followed by rest, before repeating the superset again.

Day 1: Lower Body, Leg Focus

Muscle Activation:

2-3 rounds of10-15 Knees In & Out10 Banded Squats10-15 Banded Glute Bridges


Foundational Lift 1: 4x10-12 BB Squats or DB Squats

Foundational Lift 2:3x8 DB Single Leg Deadlifts (8 per side)

Superset 13-4 rounds10 Single DB Sumo Squats24 DB Walking Lunges (12 per side)

Superset 23-4 rounds8-10 BW Split Squats (8-10 per side) 20 BW Side Lunges (10 per side)

Day 2: Back Focus

Muscle Activation:


2-3 rounds of 12-15 BW Y-s12 BW Back ExtensionsOptional, if you have a band: 12 Band Rows


Foundational Lift: 4x10 BB Deadlifts or DB Deadlifts

Superset 13-4 rounds10 DB Bent Over Rows or BB Rows10 DB Pull Overs on the Floor or Pull Overs on the Bench (preferred)

Superset 23-4 rounds10 DB Single Arm Rows (no bench) or Single Arm Rows on a Bench 10 DB Bent Over Flyes

2 rounds 30-50 meters (32-55 yards) Farmer’s Walk - use 2 dumbbells or kettlebells, one in each hand; the video shows with one kettlebell only

Day 3: Lower Body, Glute/Hip Focus

Muscle Activation:

2-3 rounds of10-15 Knees In & Out10 Banded Squats10-15 Banded Glute Bridges


Foundational Lift 1: 4x10 BB Sumo Romanian Deadlifts or DB Sumo Romanian Deadlifts

Foundational Lift 2:4x10 BB Hip Thrust or Single DB Glute Bridge

Superset 13-4 rounds10 DB Shin Supported Deadlifts (10 each side)10 Fysio Ball Hamstring Curls

Superset 23-4 rounds10 DB Kickstand Squats (10 per side)


15-20 second Single DB Split Stance Hold

Day 4: Shoulders & Chest Focus

Muscle Activation:

2-3 rounds Arm circles, 10x in both direction10 DB Overhead Presses with very light weights10 Push Ups (knees down or hands elevated if needed)


Foundational Lift 1: 4x10 DB Bench Press or BB Bench Press, or DB Floor Press (bench version is preferred)

Foundational Lift 2:4x10 DB Overhead Press or BB Overhead Press

Superset 13-4 rounds10 DB Seated Lateral Raise 10 DB Front Raise

Superset 23-4 rounds10 DB Seated Single Arm Shoulder Press10-15 BW Push Ups (no need to use dumbbells!) or Hands Elevated Push Ups



This workout program is meant for healthy individuals. Please don’t start this program if you have symptoms of overtraining, eating disorder, hypothalamic amenorrhea, or any other health problem that will be made worse with this exercise plan. This program is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I will take no responsibility for the choices that you make regarding to your health. You alone are responsible for any action you take regarding your health. If you have any doubts, and before starting this program, please consult a board certified medical doctor.

Note: This program includes affiliate links. If you purchase a product using the link, I earn a small commission, with no extra cost to you.


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