fitness and exercise total health october 4, 2011

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Fitness and Exercise

Total HealthOctober 4, 2011

• “That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of the mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4: 22-24

• What did God show you this week?

• What versions of the bible did you use?

• Was there a particular word or phrase that was impressed to you this week?

• Did anyone have another scripture that you thought of in connection with this one?

God’s Power to Change

• “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” 2 Peter 1: 3 - 4

Lecto Divina Meditating on Scripture

• Remember to really think about this verse this week;

• Let your meditations turn into prayers, talking with God;

• Ask God to reveal and show you special things about it;

• Write down what you think He may be telling you about this verse.

Heaven is for Real• Your assignment:

Write a reaction paper to this book.

1. What was your overall impression of Colton’s and his family’s testimony?

2. Support it using the actual text of the book and scripture(s) to back up your comments.

3. You need to include at least 3 points to support your paper.

Paper is Due

October 18, 2011

Suncoast Communities Blood Drive

• Tuesday, October 11, 2011

• 8:15am to 1:15pm

• Sign up is posted on the LAF website

• Our goal is to have 20 actual donors!

• Remember Scholarships for Seniors!

Ditch the diet: My top 6 Nutrition Tips!

• Instead of being on some crazy diet that leaves you feeling like you could chew on your arm, follow these 6 simple tips and ditch the word diet (and the headaches associated with them) forever:

• 1) Eat breakfast within 1 hour of waking up – this kick starts your metabolism

• 2) Drink 64 ounces of water per day – you should be going to the bathroom every 1 to 2 hours

• 3) Eat every 2 to 3 hours throughout the day including healthy snacks mid-morning and mid-afternoon

• 4) Limit your portion sizes – no seconds

• 5) Limit yourself to one soda per day (ideally zero) and no coffee after 12PM

• 6) Limit yourself to 1 dessert per week:

• Going from 7 to 1 dessert per week decreases calories by 3,000 (500 per dessert) per week. 

• 3,500 calories burned (more than consumed) equals 1 pound so this one move alone could lead to 45 pounds of weight loss in 1 year.  Yes, I am serious!

• Follow these 6 tips and you will be pleasantly surprised how much this improves your energy and health (never mind what it will do for your weight loss). 

• Good luck and have fun never being on a diet again!

What is Fitness ?

• Fitness is the ability of the whole body to work together to the highest level possible.

1. Cardiovascular fitness,

2. Muscular strength

3. Flexibility

4. Body’s fat-versus-lean relationship

Cardiovascular Fitness

• This is the most important because it is the fitness of your heart

• Your heart muscle never gets a rest! It pumps life-giving blood that is filled with oxygen to supply the body.

• Heart and lungs work together.

Your heart muscle needs exercise!

1. As your level of fitness increases, your resting pulse rate and the rate at which your heart beats during exercise will decrease.

2. These are signs that your heart is improving its performance.

3. Cardiac output (the volume of blood pumped by the heart in one minute)

4. Stroke Volume (the volume of blood the heart pumps at each stroke)

5. Both improve with consistent exercise

Finding your Heart Rate• Now, practice finding your pulse point

and calculating your heart rate:Place one or two fingertips (not a thumb) on the opposite wrist, just below the base of your thumb. (Or on your neck.)

• Count the number of heartbeats you feel in 10 seconds. Multiply that number by six to get your heart rate per minute.

Neck Pulse

What is a normal pulse?

Age Group Normal Heart Rate at Rest

Children (ages 6-15) 70-100 beats/minute

Adults (age 18 & over) 60-100 beats/minute

Complete Your Fitness Activity The goal here is to increase your heart rate, so

choose an activity that's going to get your heart pumping.

• Go for a brisk walk or run around the block, jump rope, use an elliptical trainer, or do any activity that will increase your heart rate.

• While you're exercising, check your heart rate frequently. You're aiming to hit your target heart rate from the chart above.

• Once your heartbeat is within the target range, stop exercising and write down two measurements:

• Your heart rate immediately after stopping

• Your heart rate 2 minutes later

What is maximum heart rate?

• The maximum heart rate is the highest your pulse rate can get. To calculate your predicted maximum heart rate, use this formula:

• 220 - Your Age = Predicted Maximum Heart Rate

Calculate Your Heart Rate Recovery

• Subtract your 2-minute heart rate from the heart rate you took immediately after exercising.

• The faster your heart rate recovers -- or slows down -- the fitter and healthier your heart.

Muscular Strength

• The muscles in your body are made up of a fixed group of fibers.

• Each muscle works by contracting its individual fibers.

• A contraction is a shortening or pulling of the muscle that causes movement to occur.

• With consistent exercise you muscles will

become adapted to the added stress.

• They will become more efficient in their use of energy (stored glucose), stronger in their ability to support weight and able to endure longer periods of training.

• Muscles burn more calories than fat. So as you build muscle strength and even at rest, you will burn more calories.

• Muscles even improve your appearance.

Flexibility• The importance of flexibility of muscles,

tendons and joints allows your body to move with ease and helps so that you will not injure yourself.

• Some people seem to be more flexible than others. As you get older it is important to continually stretch and be agile to perform daily activities as well as sports.

Fat vs. Lean Body Weight

• It is not how much you weigh that is the key, but how much “muscle weight” and “Fat weight” you are carrying.

• Muscle weighs more than fat, so an obese individual carrying 35% body fat may weigh less than an individual with 25% body fat.

Is the scale getting you down?

• Toss the bathroom scale out !

• With a change in diet and exercise, you can decrease your % of body fat and increase your muscular fitness.

But How??

• Decrease the amount of fats in your diet.

• Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats.

• When you exercise, get your heart rate elevated.

• Include weight training in your exercise program.

How Fit are You ?Pages 100 - 101

1. A good place to start is to look in the mirror.

2. Fat-skin fold measurements3. Body Composition4. Flexibility5. Cardiovascular Test6. Muscular Strength7. Resting Heart Rate

Professional Fitness Evaluations

• Underwater Weighing

• Doctor’s Physical Exam


Skill-Related vs. Health-Related Fitness

• Skill-Related Fitness: Endurance conditioning is important, the main concern is not your health, but your skill at the sport.

• Examples: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed.

Health Related Fitness

• Your fitness level is not measured by how far or how fast you can run. Running is an example of one test of muscular and cardiovascular strength.

• Some people are better suited for running than others.

• It takes both skill and health fitness to enhance your athletic performance.

Health Related Fitness

• Choose a Lifetime sport: one you can participate in throughout your life.

• Tennis, golf, swimming, bowling, biking, fast walking, dancing

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic• When your muscles demand more oxygen

than normal, the activity is called aerobic.

• Aerobic exercise is the main ingredient for overall good health.

• Benefits include improved cardiovascular system, weight loss, improved mental outlook, and a longer life expectancy.

• Every exercise program should include some consistent aerobic activity.

Anaerobic Exercise

• Is short burst of energy, without the use of oxygen, such as sprinting or weight training.

• The benefits to anaerobic activity are not as great as those from aerobic activities.

• Improved muscular strength is the main benefit and should be included in your personal exercise program.


• Means to gradually do more than normal to improve your performance.

• Examples: swimming for longer distances to increase endurance.

• “No pain, no gain” is not a safe motto


• Starting with a little and adding to it regularly as you improve

• As you improve in various aspects of your program, you can increase the time, weight or speed at which you train.

• Examples: Running


• Is a principal of exercise that you must do specific kinds of exercise to develop certain parts of the body.

• Examples: Jumping/weigh training

Cross Training

• To vary your exercise program.

• It is important to work different kinds of muscles in your body to gain balance and strength.

Exercise and Weight Control

• If you want to gain weight, the best kind of weight for your body is muscle.

• A healthy diet and a consistent exercise program will help you put on the pounds you need.

A diet without exercise…

• The results will be temporary and your body will not reach its optimal level of fitness.

• Exercise increases your metabolism so that calories are burned, not only during workouts but for hours afterwards.

• Regular exercise increases your lean muscle mass and since muscle burns more calories than fat, you will be burning calories more effficiently.

A Personal Exercise Program

• Your body will look toned and fit

• You will feel physical and emotional improvement

Misconceptions Concerning Exercise

• You can always find an excuse for everything!

• Look on pages 106 - 108


• Read Total Health: Pages 108-120

• Answer questions: 9 – 13

• Keep an Exercise Journal for this next week starting today Oct 4 through Monday Oct 10.

• Begin writing reaction paper for book “Heaven is for Real”

• Prayer Journal

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