five at home remedies for snoring

Post on 10-Aug-2015



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Five at home remedies for snoring

Remedies you can do at home for snoring

In trying to stop snoring for yourself or your spouse, especially if you are first dealing with snoring consider trying simple remedies. The advantage of the simple remedies is they can be done in the privacy of your own home, they are non invasive and are relatively inexpensive. For these remedies no doctor appointment or prescriptions are required.

Know what causes snoring

What snoring is can be summed up into one word “vibrations” it is the vibration of a part of usually your oral caviety that causes snoring and what causes the vibrations to occur is restricted air flow. When sleeping the muscles in the mouth throat-larynx relax which restricts the flow of air as you breathe when sleeping. This restriction typically causes the soft palate-tissue on the upper jaw behind the upper teeth to vibrate as well as the uvula the skin flap that dangles down from the top of the throat. Other factors that can affect this are breathing through the mouth instead of the nose, which causes air to come in at a different angle.

Remedy #1 Saline solution and acupressure

A very simple solution to nasal congestion is to use a saline solution from sea salt and distilled water. Put ¼ of a teaspoon of sea salt to a cup of boiling water cool and put into a sanitized spray bottle. An additional technique you can do with nose spray is to do acupressure you apply gentle pressure with the thumb and forefinger at any of two pressure points above the nostrils or below the nostrils. A third point is below the earlobes, which can help with nasal congestion.

Remedy #2 Nutrition based snoring aids

For nasal congestion and general heath, these nutritional aids are an option. For nasal congestion essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus and coconut oils can help to clear the nasal passages. For overall heath which can help with snoring mangosteen juice, blue green algae and spriulina can help to build the immune system and help with snoring.

Remedy #3 Simple home remedies

Very simple home remedies are: sleeping on your side rather on the back which causes the tongue to fall away on the side of the mouth, removing a potential obstruction. Some simple nutritional items that may help you to get an edge on snoring, melatonin can help you to reduce stress, while robotics of yogurt can help strengthen your immune system.

Remedy # 4 Local exercises

Local exercise consists of exercises for the tongue, jaw and mouth and the purpose is to firm up the muscles so that they are firmer causing less air obstruction. A couple of common ones are tongue stretching stick your tongue out and hold for 3 to 5 seconds repeat 5 times. Jaw push push out our lower jaw and hold for 5 seconds repeat 5 times as well.

Remedy #5 General remedies

These are general remedies for snoring: lose weight, if you are overweight and/or have a large neck width losing weight can help the muscles in neck and chin to firm up. Avoid consuming alcohol or dairy products close to the time you rest. By combining these remedies can get you closer to reducing or eliminating your snoring.

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