five movements of photography

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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The five movements of photography


Abstract photography is a long process of using various colours and patterns combining to create an image with no meaning or clear single explanation involved. Abstract photography is also art which has a different meaning to everyone else.

Paul Strand

Paul strand was an abstract photographer until his death in 1976 one of his most famous works was his porch shadows which was a variety of shadows crossing over each other making strange patterns. Paul Strand has the same kind of style as Otto Steinert but they have two very different styles Otto takes pictures of faces and people in many different poses and forms were as Paul Strand works with shadows and inanimate objects and shadows.

Otto Steinert

He was a photographer until his death in 1978 he was an abstract artist and has made a few pieces his most famous is pedestrian footprints a simple floor with what seems to be a blank floor with a few footsteps. He has the same idea as Paul strand although they both work with two very different things such as Otto uses people and locations and Paul uses shadows and inanimate objects.


F.64 is a group of people who shared a common photographic style characterized by sharp focused and carefully framed images seen through a viewpoint. One of the primary members of this group is Ansel Adams who is a well know photographer.

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams was a great photographer and even when he had access to colour cameras he still preferred black and white pictures and he thought they were almost as good as coloured pictures if not better. His work is a lot different compared to Edward Weston as Ansel does nature and Edward varies from adult images to nature.

Edward Weston

Edward Weston was an 20th century century American photographer before his death in 1958. He was a member of f.64. He did many images from simple pictures of rocks and trees and also began and has done more mature images. Edwards photographs are a lot different to Ansel as Ansel’s photographs are pretty much all nature based and Edward does many different styles.


Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s. The whole thing is a confusing picture like a hand with an eye in it or a open mouth with mouths inside of the first mouth.

Man ray was an modernist American modernist he was a vital part of the surrealism movements throughout and he was a into portrait photography and fashion photography. His surrealism photographs are different to Laszlo Moholy-Nagy as he uses people with objects more than either alone.

Man Ray

Laszlo Moholy-Nagy

Laszlo Moholy-Nagy was a Hungarian painter and photographer up until his death in 1946. He was known for his surreal photographs and his contribution in the integration of technology and industry into the arts.


Naturalism is a literary movement tendency from the 1880s to 1940s that used detailed realism to suggest social conditions are an inescapable force in a shaping human character.

Peter Henry Emerson

Peter Henry Emerson is a British writer and photographer his photographs are early examples of promoting photography as an art form. He is known for taking photographs that show a natural setting.

Social documentary photography

Social documentary photography is the recording of humans in their natural condition just living day by day with a camera it also often refers to a socially critical genre of photography.

Walker Evans

Walker Evans was an American photographer up until his death in 1975 he was known for his social documentary photographs his goal as a photographer was make pictures that were literate authorities transcendent. He took most of his famous pictures during the depression-era which are some of the best photographs of today.

Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange is an influential photographer up until here death in 1965 her most famous work is when she took humanized consequences of the great depression she took photographs from children pledging allegiance to the flag to pictures of children with their grandfather.

Pop Art

Pop art is an art movement which happened in the 1950’s and was a cartoony style of imagery and looked like comic book art from old comics like batman comics from the 1940’s.

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was a famous pop art artist and one of the first artists who helped it reach the popularity it has now. He was referred to as pope of pop due to his strong contributions to it and also being on of the most successful of the pop artists.

Richard Hamilton

He was known for his contribution to pop art and was known for making one of the worlds first pieces of pop art and was a famous artist and got recognition due to his pop art works and won various awards due to his work.

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