flash fiction and mini stories

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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Flash fictions... maybe but Mini stories certainly.have fun!


He trolled her with the vehement loyalty that comes from a son when his parents are victimized in his eyes. He made it his life's motto to stalk and troll her, till she shuts up or dies.

He never even guessed it was his parents who were the predators, and she was their innocent victim.

Ruined beyond repair by a pair of monsters….

He called his parents and wholeheartedly adored.

She looked at the creature cowering like a terrified fawn, he was hideous in one word, must be a twin that went wrong somewhere inside the womb. She looked at the mob gathered around him, eager to lynch.

"What has he done?" she demanded.

"He steals chickens and goats from the barns..." one of them roared.

"I will handle that." she answered, "he won’t steal anymore.... now get lost before..."


"Come sweet sailor..." the girl pouted, her red mouth was like two rubies, burning...

"Nice shade of lipstic... hon!" he smiled and showed her his wedding ring.

"Wifey wont know...." she smiled saucily.

"Then let's go...." He giggled, his head was light from drinking too much.

An hour later when dawn arrived his body was found.

His mysterious seductress was snoozing, in a deserted coalmine a little distance away, hanging from the ceiling.


"A song will rise from those lips luscious, and will drown you." he smiled at the fortune cookie. He whistled all the way to his ship, a mighty beauty ready to cross the ocean to venture into new worlds.

Her emereald eyes, luscious lips and seductive song made him forget that she was sitting on a rock in the middle of nowhere... middle of ocean.


She thought everything was fair in love, so with help of her friends she convinced her target prince that the woman he loved was a witch, she painted her vile- top to bottom, and married him. Few years passed in silk and satin and then her mask fell off. Her husband divorced her.

She vowed vengeance and started to stalk the woman he loved, waiting for another chance to destroy her.


"Envy often looks like hatred... but I guess there is a slight difference, envy wants to be like the person it envies... openly or in secret." He said. "But hatred, if given a chance to be like the target of hatred won’t be like that..."

"But envy often pretends to be hatred... so it is hard to tell, mostly it is possible if it is churning inside your own heart..."


"He lost me twice... first time he befriended me, hiding who he was, scared that I may be a golddigger." She said, "He fell in love, liked what he saw in me... but lo! How could he tell me that he has been testing me? So he took a break."

"Then he returned with true identity, but I rejected him, because he could not explain why was he hiding it when we were together before!"


"I will let the rest of you go. If you let me have the one I want." The creature said.

"Why don’t you come inside and try." The kids cowering inside the room retorted back, perspiration covering their tired faces.

"You lose.. told you not everyone cowers." second creature grinned. "I told you there are people who won’t let others slaughter innocents to save themselves, or for personal gain, profit...."

“Yeah… yeah whatever…” the first one snarled. “I will do your gate duties for three days…happy now?”

Together they vanished in thin air.

The kids came out one after the other after the dawn showed up, they ran as fast as they could, leaving the haunted slaughterhouse after them, forever, vowing to never return.


"I will answer one question by you, and you will have to answer one by me." The sphinx said, "If you answer my question you can go, or else I will eat you."

"Who will ask the first question?" He asked in return.

"You..." was the answer.

"Okay, then tell me where is the treasure hidden." He asked.

The sphinx gave him the perfect guidance.

"Now my turn..." it said.


"I will grant your wish." The goddess said in a loving voice. "But will that make you happy?"

"Oh yes..." she said, her eyes brimming with tear, she wanted him so much.

"As you wish..." she smiled and disappeared.

"She did not deserved that rascal." an angel said a little sad, "She deserrved better."

"Ah... I guess at the end people marry the people they think they are worthy of."



"He is my mentor." the young man with face full of beard and head filled with unruly hair mumbled. "They say that aliens kidnapped him....because he knew they were in earth."

"When did that happen?" he asked, trying to suppress his grin.

"Hundred years ago, right on this date."

"How did you know?"

"He told me, last night..."


"Yes..." The painting answered. "I am on short visit to earth.


"He was my grandfather." Alberto said. "He was obsessed with treasure hunt, one took him to some wild island in Caribean sea, when he returned, he was raving mad."

"All he babbled that he has stolen their God and is holding it captive inside earth... it is cursing him driving him insane. Only thing he had with him was that cursed globe."

"Where is that globe now?"

"Heaven only knows!"


“A few more moons… then you will be able to fly back to your realm.” She gently stroked his mane.

Hiding a foal is a real job if someone asks her…

She discovered this tiny foal in the meadows a few months ago, she was returning home, the full moon was shining, she noticed something white, thought it was a sheep, but it was not… at first she thought it was a deformed foal then she realized what it was, the second it touched it.

A sense of absolute peace filled up her troubled mind, she forgot that her husband has left her just the night before, left with her daughter, his step daughter… the pity or glee that she has been noticing ever since in the eyes of everyone that came around her to console…

Last two months have been dream, everything except that ruined relationship has fallen in place, her small farm was overwhelmed with orders, happiness and peace was the environment there now…

“Will I be miserable again once you are gone?” she asked him.

He shook his head… God only knew whether he agreed or disagreed.

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