flipped lassroom sced663

Post on 06-May-2015






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Lesson ItineraryLesson Itinerary❖ Pass in Graphic Organizers

❖ POP QUIZ (5-7 mins)

❖ Flipped Classroom Pres. (8-10 mins)

❖ Assessment (5-7 mins)

❖ FLUBAROO (Google Script)

❖ Differentiated Instruction

❖ Pass in Graphic Organizers

❖ POP QUIZ (5-7 mins)

❖ Flipped Classroom Pres. (8-10 mins)

❖ Assessment (5-7 mins)

❖ FLUBAROO (Google Script)

❖ Differentiated Instruction

Advanced TrendsAdvanced TrendsELEM/SCED 663ELEM/SCED 663

Drew LloydGreg Welch & Nick Davis

Drew LloydGreg Welch & Nick Davis

The Flipped ClassroomThe Flipped Classroom

Pedagogy of the Flipped ClassroomPedagogy of the

Flipped Classroom

❖ Classwork is better than Lecturing

❖ Pre-Teaching Replacing Homework

❖Student Centered Learning

❖ Self-Regulation

❖ Classwork is better than Lecturing

❖ Pre-Teaching Replacing Homework

❖Student Centered Learning

❖ Self-Regulation

“The Flipped Classroom is not a methodology. It is an



History of the Flipped Classroom

History of the Flipped Classroom

❖ Eric Mazur in 1990

❖ Peer Instruction

❖ Led to the Flipped Classroom

❖ Eric Mazur in 1990

❖ Peer Instruction

❖ Led to the Flipped Classroom

❖ Salman Khan in 2004

❖ Khan Academy in 2009

❖ Salman Khan in 2004

❖ Khan Academy in 2009

❖ Aaron Sams in 2012

❖ Wrote the Book “Flip your Classroom”

❖ Aaron Sams in 2012

❖ Wrote the Book “Flip your Classroom”

Applying the FlipApplying the Flip❖ Assign a ‘Pre-Teach’ Lesson

❖ Online video and Podcasts

❖ Formative Assessment

❖ Differentiated Classwork

❖ Assign a ‘Pre-Teach’ Lesson

❖ Online video and Podcasts

❖ Formative Assessment

❖ Differentiated Classwork

Benefits From the FlipBenefits From the Flip❖ More Time Assessing

❖ More Time for Guided Learning

❖ one on one

❖ Peer Learning

❖ Empowers the Student

❖ Happiness Through Autonomy

❖ More Time Assessing

❖ More Time for Guided Learning

❖ one on one

❖ Peer Learning

❖ Empowers the Student

❖ Happiness Through Autonomy

Drive Daniel Pink

The 4 T’s of AutonomyThe 4 T’s of Autonomy

❖ People are Happiest when they Control❖ People are Happiest when they Control





❖ People are Happiest when they Control❖ People are Happiest when they Control

How We Learn

When We Learn

Who We Learn With

What We Learn

Limitations and Pitfalls

Limitations and Pitfalls

❖ Technology Dependent

❖ Tech Literacy is Required

❖ Not ALL Lessons need to be Flipped

❖ Become ‘The Guide on the Side’

❖ More Work for Teachers

❖ Keep Lessons Short (~10 Mins)

❖ Technology Dependent

❖ Tech Literacy is Required

❖ Not ALL Lessons need to be Flipped

❖ Become ‘The Guide on the Side’

❖ More Work for Teachers

❖ Keep Lessons Short (~10 Mins)

The Results Are In!!!The Results Are In!!!

❖ Flubaroo

❖ Free Google Script

❖ Auto Assessment

❖ Data Used for Differentation

❖ Flubaroo

❖ Free Google Script

❖ Auto Assessment

❖ Data Used for Differentation

Differentiated Activities

Differentiated Activities

❖ Low

❖ Activity 1- Direct Instruction

❖ Activity 2 - Card Game

❖ Medium

❖ Activity 3 - Quizlet

❖ Activity 4 - Peer Learning

❖ High

❖ Activity 5 - Extension

❖ Low

❖ Activity 1- Direct Instruction

❖ Activity 2 - Card Game

❖ Medium

❖ Activity 3 - Quizlet

❖ Activity 4 - Peer Learning

❖ High

❖ Activity 5 - Extension

Q & AQ & A

❖ Check your Email!!!❖ Check your Email!!!

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