floe final

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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  • Background

    Live Brief Deliverables

    Floe pronounced fl is an independent, underground record label representing musicians and bands in ambient / alternative music. Starting as a record label, Floe hopes to expand into films and other entertainment in the future. The label currently has 10 artists signed to their label in the Leeds area and hope to expand globally with their impending success.

    To design and produce a typographically driven, simplistic logo that represents the Floe brand. It should encapsulate a young, fresh and alternative vibe that is contemporary. Consider the history of music and how it can be visually represented in a modern way.

    The logo should be transferable across print and digital media using green and monochrome within the branded colours.

    LogoBranding guidelinesAlbum ArtworkPromotional MaterialOffice Space

    FLOE Records01 Concept

    Taking influence from old vinyl and cassette artwork to generate a design that speaks to an young adult audience through bold alternative artwork.

    Create a branding system that can implemented through to the album artwork of their artists music, tickets to gigs and merchandise to generate brand awareness and consistency.

    Jnae SaundersGraphic DesignLevel 06

    Extended Practice OUGD60322.05.15

  • Logo

    Logos subtly represent the music and entertainment sector. Some designs take elements of music distribution such as casset wheels to inform the design of the logo.

    Brand Identity

    Research into existing record labels, generated influenced for the deisgn on the further proposed outcomes for the brand. Qualities such as album art, CDs cassets and music production equipment was a consideration on the development of the brief.

    Visual Research02

  • Typography

    A collection of logo experiments that use simplistic and clean typography as desired by the client. Bold weights where considered due to the possible mass scale and distribution of future items such as t.shirts and tickets to enable it to legible across all platforms.


    Sourcing influence from previous research, the concept behind the logo development was to incorporate features of a music distribution through a casset tape. The O letter forms would exoeriment with the wheels of a casset as well as other subtle hints of casset film through the rounded typography.

    Design Development03

  • Logo

    The final design replicates features of a cassette in a simple typographic way to link to the production and history of music. This is demonstrated through the bold outline around the type to represent the case of cassette tape, in a modern and non clich way. The thick letter forms are highlighted and the spacing creates clarity for the audience to read the logo.


    The photography within the branding is alternative and stylistic, that stays away from the generic imagery of album art with the artists on it, to fit into the genre that FLOE records is representing.


    Helvetica bold and regular is used for the content of the promotional material and album art details for readability against bold imagery and is web safe, to maintain the clients brand identity.


    Specified colours of green and black were selected by the client for the design. A tonal range of dark green to light was considered to execute the fresh and young vibe that the label evokes. The monochromatic colours were are also introduced to balance out the content and to work for typographic elements.

    Branding Guidelines04

  • Photography

    The photography is implemented onto artists album artwork with photographic representations of what their song is about or the lyrics it entails.

    Album Label

    A branded system is set in place that transfers across the album artwork through an F shapes flag that details the artists name, song and the labels logo. This design represents the label making their mark in the music industry and creating a cohesive brand identity that is recognisable.

    Album Artwork05

  • Promotional

    FLOEs printed presence takes form through tickets, posters and flyers to highlight and promote the events an gigs the artists do. With the company being independant all of their promotional material will be designed in house and will have the companies logo at the forefront to shine light on the new company


    The branded guidlines are maintained throughout the promotional images with the alternative photography at the forefront of the promotional material, that has been used for the artists album art. This will allow audiences to connect with the imagery and the artist and identify them through this.

    Print Presence06

  • Promotional Wear

    Additional material for the FLOE record label has been generated such as T-shirts, badges and tote bags for audiences who love the artists and want to support the label that represents them.

    The promotional material is transcended through the promotional material with the logo being at the forefront of every promotional piece to generate brand awareness.


    The distribution of theses items would take place at music events and the artists events to create brand awareness. The items will be sold at the concession stand at a concert and also made available through their website.


  • Location

    With the record label being based in the Leeds the proposed office space would be situated on Call Lane where there are a selection of idenpendant music shops and bars. This creatve community is the perfect hub for the FLOE records studio to meet new artists and clients.


    The FLOE studio would take on a clean and minimal aesthetic to match the brand, a collection of their artiststs viynl covers would be stacked in the studio to reflect on the companies and artists success. Alongside a viynl player to keep a fun,carefree and music orientated vibe within the space.

    Office Space08

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