florida comprehensive assessment test what every parent/guardian should know nancy e. brito,...

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Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test

Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test

What Every Parent/Guardian Should KnowWhat Every Parent/Guardian Should Know

Nancy E. Brito, Department of Assessment


561-357-7521, PX47521

A parent is a child’s first teacher, and the home is a child’s first classroom.

Did you know that what you

do or don’t do, say or don’t say,

to your children, has an IMPACT on their academic


What is the purpose of this presentation?What is the purpose of this presentation?

To provide parents/guardians

with information on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)

to ensure that

No Parent or Guardian is Left Behind

To provide parents/guardians

with information on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)

to ensure that

No Parent or Guardian is Left Behind

What is the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)?

• The FCAT is a test given to Florida students to measure what they know and are able to accomplish in Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and Science.

What is the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)?

• The FCAT SSS measures how well students are meeting the Sunshine State Standards in Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and Science.

FCAT Details

• Scores relate to student performance on content in the Sunshine State Standard (SSS) benchmarks

• Measures achievement in Reading, Mathematics, Science & Writing

– Reading and Mathematics assessed in Grades 3-10

– Writing assessed in Grades 4, 8, & 10

– Science assessed in Grades 5, 8, & 11

• Question types: multiple-choice, gridded response, & performance task items

FCAT Details

• Mathematics measures a wide range of skills and problem solving methods.

• Reading measures vocabulary & literacy skills.

• Writing measures knowledge of four writing elements: focus, organization, support, and conventions.

• Science measures science concepts and scientific thinking.

Who takes the FCAT?

• Students in grades 3-11


3 X X

4 X X X

5 X X X

6 X X

7 X X

8 X X X X

9 X X

10 X X X

11 X

What is the duration of the FCAT in minutes?

School Type

Grade Reading Mathematics Science Writing


3 120 120

4 160 120 45

5 120 160 120


6 120 120

7 120 120

8 160 160 120 45


9 120 120

10 160 180 45

11 150

How many questions are on the FCAT?

School Type

Grade Reading Mathematics Science Writing


3 50-55 45-50

4 50-55 45-50 1 prompt

5 50-55 55-60 55-60


6 50-55 50-55

7 50-55 50-55

8 50-55 55-60 55-60 1 prompt


9 50-55 50-55

10 50-55 55-60 1 prompt

11 55-60

Retake 55-60 55-60

What types of questions are in the FCAT?

• Multiple Choice (Reading, Mathematics & Science)

• Performance Tasks (Short and Extended Response)

• Gridded Response (Mathematics & Science)

• Essay Question (Writing)

What types of questions are in the FCAT?

Multiple Choice - Students choose one of four possible choices– Reading, Mathematics, Science – Grades 3 - 11– 1 point each

Sample Reading Multiple Choice Question

What types of questions are in the FCAT?

Performance Tasks - Students answer Reading questions in their own words or show their solutions to Mathematics and Science questions– Reading (Grades 4, 8, 10) – Mathematics (Grades 5, 8, 10)– Science (Grades 8, 11)

Two types:– Short Response

• 2 points maximum

– Extended Response• 4 points maximum

What types of questions are in the FCAT?

Sample Reading Short Response

Sample Reading Extended Response

Performance Tasks

What types of questions are in the FCAT?

Gridded Response – Gridded-response questions require students to solve problems and "bubble," or mark, their numerical answers on an answer grid.

– Mathematics (grades 5, 8, 10)– Science (grades 8, 11)– 1 point each

Sample Mathematics Gridded Response

What types of questions are in the FCAT?

Essay Question - requires students to write a response to an assigned topic (prompt)

– Writing– Grades 4, 8, 10– 6 points maximum

Grade 4 students respond to a prompt that asks them to either explain (expository writing) or tell a story (narrative writing).

Grade 8 and 10 students respond to a prompt that asks them to either explain (expository writing) or persuade (persuasive writing).

Sample Narrative Writing Prompt

How many questions, by type, are on the FCAT?

ElementaryGrade Reading Mathematics Science Writing

3 50-55 MC 45-50 MC

445-50 MC

5-7 SR & ER45-50 MC 1 prompt

5 50-55 MC

35-40 MC

10-15 GR

5-8 SR & ER

45-55 MC

5-7 SR & ER

How many questions, by type, are on the FCAT?

Middle SchoolGrade Reading Mathematics Science Writing

6 50-55 MC35-40 MC

10-15 GR

7 50-55 MC35-40 MC

10-15 GR

845-50 MC

5-7 SR & ER

30-35 MC

15-20 GR

5-8 SR & ER

40-45 MC

3-6 GR

5-7 SR & ER

1 prompt

How many questions, by type, are on the FCAT?

High SchoolGrade Reading Mathematics Science Writing

9 50-55 MC30-35 MC

15-20 GR

1045-50 MC

5-7 SR & ER

30-35 MC

15-20 GR

5-8 SR & ER

1 prompt


40-45 MC

3-6 GR

5-7 SR & ER

Retake 50-60 MC25-35 MC

25-30 GR

What are the cognitive complexity levels?

• FCAT questions have three levels of cognitive complexity:

– Low - requires to solve a one step problem, recall, recognition, basic facts

– Moderate -requires more than simple recall,

or to apply skills and concepts that are covered in low complexity.

– High - require analysis and synthesis of information, heavy demand on student thinking, abstract thinking and reasoning

Example of Cognitive Complexity in FCAT Reading

Maria’s dog Spot almost knocked her down as she entered the door. Maria quickly noticed that all bowls were empty and she had forgotten to leave food out. Spot could hardly wait for Maria to fill the bowls as he hurriedly ate his food. Later, Maria returned to the kitchen, she could not help but notice the smile on Spot’s face as he slept.

Low - What was the name of Maria’s dog?

(Read the Lines)

Moderate - What was Spot’s problem?(Read Between the Lines)

High - Why was Spot MOST LIKELY smiling in his


(Read Beyond the Lines)

Example of Cognitive Complexity in FCAT Reading

What are the FCAT achievement levels?

FCAT Achievement Levels

• Describe the success a student has achieved on the Florida SSS Reading, Mathematics, and Science portion of the test

• Range from 1 to 5 with Level 1 the lowest and Level 5 the highest

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

• Level 1 This student has little success with the challenging grade-level content of the Sunshine State Standards.

• Level 2 This student has limited success with the challenging grade-level content of the Sunshine State Standards.

• Level 3 This student has partial success with the challenging grade-level content of the Sunshine State Standards, but performance is inconsistent.

• Level 4 This student has success with the challenging grade-level content of the Sunshine State Standards.

• Level 5 This student has success with the most challenging grade-level content of the Sunshine State Standards.

How do levels describe student achievement?

Developmental Scale Scores (DSS)

• Range from 86 - 3008

• Are used to determine a student’s annual progress from grade to grade

• Are used in Reading and Mathematics

What are Developmental Scale Scores?

On the Student Report the Developmental Scale Score is called the FCAT Score.

Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

3 86-1045 1046-1197




4 295-1314 1315-1455




5 474-1341 1342-1509




6 539-1449 1450-1621




7 671-1541 1542-1714




8 886-1695 1696-1881




9 772-1771 1772-1971




10 844-1851 1852-2067




Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

3 375-1078 1079-1268




4 581-1276 1277-1443




5 569-1451 1452-1631




6 770-1553 1554-1691




7 958-1660 1661-1785




8 1025-1732





9 1238-1781





10 1068-1831







FCAT Achievement Levels and Developmental Scores

Scale Scores

• Range from 100 - 500

• Are used to determine a student’s FCAT Science result

What are Scale Scores?

On the Student Report the Score is called the FCAT Score.

What are Scale Scores?

Science Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

5 100 – 272 273 – 322 323 – 376 377 – 416 417 - 500

8 100 – 269 270 – 324 325 – 286 387 – 431 432 – 500

11 100 – 278 279 – 323 324 – 379 380 – 424 425 - 500

Rubric Scores

• Range from unscorable to 6

• Are used to determine a student’s FCAT Writing prompt result

What are Rubric Scores?

On the Student Report the Rubric Score is called the FCAT Score.

Writing Rubric

What are Rubric Scores?

Points Description

6The writing is focused on the topic, has a logical organizational pattern (including a beginning, middle, conclusion, and transitional devices), and has ample development of the supporting ideas.

5 The writing is focused on the topic with adequate development of the supporting ideas.

4 The writing is generally focused on the topic and demonstrates a sense of completeness or wholeness.

3 The writing is generally focused on the topic, but may lack a sense of completeness or wholeness.

2 The writing may be slightly related to the topic.

1 The writing may only minimally address the topic.

unscorable The response is illegible.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Tests reflect the overall achievement of your child. The more often the child is in a learning situation, the more likely he/she will do well on tests.

1.Make sure your child attends school regularly.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

A child who is afraid of failing is more likely to make mistakes.

2. Encourage your child. Praise him/her for the things done well throughout the year.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

A healthy body leads to a healthy, active mind.

3.See that your child has a balanced diet.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Homework supports classroom instruction and can help your child increase his/her comprehension of the classroom work.

4.See that your child completes homework assignments.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Parents and teachers should work together to benefit the child.

5.Meet with you child’s teacher(s) as often as possible to discuss your child’s progress.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

School is not the only place where learning takes place. You can help your child improve his/her understanding of school work.

6.Ask your child’s teacher(s) to suggest activities for you to do at home with your child.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Students need a time and a place to focus on their homework.

7. Provide a scheduled time and a quiet, comfortable place for studying at home.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Children who are tired are less likely to pay attention in class or to handle the demands of classwork and tests.

8.Make sure your child is well rested on school days.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Too much emphasis on test scores can be upsetting to children.

9.Try not to be overly anxious about test scores.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

10. Ask your child’s principal and/or counselor to provide you with a schedule of testing for the year and explain the use of the tests.

It is your right to know which tests your child will take and for what purpose.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

11. Make sure your child arrives to school on time.

Students need time to prepare for the day’s lessons.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Students should wear clothes that are comfortable and appropriate for the weather.

12. See that your child is dressed comfortably.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Test performance also depends on listening to directions and being able to read the test.

13. If your child wears a hearing aid or glasses, be sure he/she remembers to use them during all testing sessions.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

14. Make sure your child receives appropriate test-taking accommodations.

Your child may be entitled to

• receive extra time to complete the test;

• assistance with translation;

• be tested in a separate room;

• visual magnification; or

• other accommodations.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! It is the body’s fuel that gets you going in the morning. Kids who eat breakfast do better in school, are more likely to participate in physical activities, and tend to eat healthier overall.

15. Make sure that your child is well rested and has a healthy breakfast on the day of the test.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Worrying about tests may make a student forget their chores and arguments may result.

16. Make sure that your child is not burdened with too many demands during testing time.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Test performance depends on thinking clearly and focusing on the task at hand.

17. Make sure that you don’t create additional school and non-school related pressures.  Students need to focus their energies on doing well on the test.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Preparation and organization help to have a smooth day.

18. Make sure that the morning of the test is not rushed.  Help your child to organize everything he/she needs the night before the test, get up with plenty of time to have a good breakfast, and get to school on time.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Emotions are significantly related to student motivation and academic achievement.

19. Make testing days happy days free of negative emotions.

How can parents/guardians help students prepare for the FCAT?

Testing is part of our educational system. Talking about the test with your child can relieve stress about test taking.

20. Keep a positive attitude about tests.

Where can parents & guardians find information about FCAT?

http://fcat.fldoe.org/fcatpub3.asp (click here)

http://fcat.fldoe.org/pdf/ufr_08.pdf (click here)

Where can parents & guardians find information about FCAT?

Where can parents & guardians find information about FCAT?

http://www.palmbeach.k12.fl.us/drea/pro_devel/index_pro_devel.html (click here)

Palm Beach County Learning Tools

http://www.palmbeach.k12.fl.us/learning_tools/ (click here)

Toolsfor Parents

Tools for Students


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