flower farms in kenya

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Compiled from: Desire Flora



How to choose different flowers for different occasions There are different types of flowers that can be used to decorate or to give someone as a gift. Those

who have complete knowledge of flowers know that different flowers have different meanings while

there are specific flowers that are only meant for a specific occasion. Some flowers convey

thoughtfulness; others convey love while others convey cheerfulness. There is however a challenge for

anyone wishing to use flowers for any occasion. They usually have a problem going about how to choose

different flowers for different occasions.

This should not be an uphill task though because small florists know the different kinds of flowers and

are knowledgeable on the different occasions they can be used for. It is therefore advisable to use their

insight on the choice of flowers whenever you need one. Here are a few flowers that can be used in

different occasions that we may have:


We all love weddings, the pomp and colour that come with weddings not forgetting the joy and

happiness it brings. The best flowers to use would be chrysanthemum in its bright colours of mostly

white and yellow. Chrysanthemum also symbolizes fidelity for those who know flower meanings making

it just perfect for weddings.


Funerals and Memorials

These are usually quite sad moments for everyone involved but it does not mean that flowers cannot be

used. You can use two types of flowers; one that resembles the feeling of the moment and that is

gladiolas. You can also throw in some white daisy flowers to cheer up the grieving as that is what should

be done. Daisies symbolize cheerfulness.


Surprise is the key when it comes to anniversaries. The most important thing however, is to select

flowers in colours that depict the receiver’s personality so that the impact can be felt. These are the

times you can settle for rose flowers. They seem to be flowers for every season and are perfect for




Re-unions are characterized by parties and happiness as everyone is happy to see each other after a

while. You therefore need flowers that depict just that, happiness. In the party spirit, you can never go

wrong with daffodils because they indicate joy and happiness.


Birthdays have no specific flower as anything bright and beautiful can be used, bearing in mind the

favourite flower or colour of the person celebrating a birthday.


Valentine’s Day

Nothing speaks flowers like Valentine’s Day. This is the day that most florists can confess to making the

highest sales. Rose flowers symbolize love in its entirety. The colour you choose to use will however

depend on your relationship or feeling towards the receiver. Red roses are unmistakably an expression

of love and devotion, white symbolizes purity and innocence, yellow symbolizes friendship while pink

roses symbolize gentle emotions like admiration and gratitude. There are several other rose flower

colours to pick from.

Mother’s Day

One of the typical excitements of Mother’s Day is children giving gifts to their mothers and flowers are

usually a part of this famous day. The perfect flowers for Mother’s Day, whether you will be decorating

your mother’s house with them or presenting them to her as a gift is the carnations preferably in white.

This is because the white carnations are usually seen to be having certain typical virtues of motherhood

like uniqueness and endurance.



Graduations are merry making moments, time to be joyful for a graduate’s achievements. The flower

decorations for the graduation party can be lilies, arranged in different colours preferably red, yellow

and blue. These can also be tied into a bunch and presented to the person graduating.

Get Well Soon

When someone is unwell, the only thing that we wish for them apart from them regaining their health is

that they don’t feel low. We try hard to cheer them up. Sometimes words fail us and we are left to

express ourselves using our actions. This is the moment we can allow flowers to speak for us. Select a

bunch of bright cheery flowers, mostly in shades of dark red and yellow, and put in brightly coloured

vases. These are likely to cheer up the patient. The best flowers should either be daisies that symbolize

cheerfulness or freesia that symbolize thoughtfulness.


Christmas Day

Christians across the world celebrate this day on 25th December of every year, as a day to mark the birth

of Jesus Christ. The mood at this time is usually jovial and cheerful. Perfect flower decorations for this

day should be iris, in all shades. This is because iris represents purity and can symbolize how pure virgin

Mary was when she conceived Christ.


For more information visit www.desireflora.com

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