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Post on 13-May-2018






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Venue: PAM Sarawak Chapter, Kuching, Sarawak Registration fees: Member of PAM FREE Non-Member RM10 (incl. GST) Seminar programme: 8:30 am Registration 9:00am Seminar Start 11.00am Q & A session Light refreshment will be provided LAM CPD Points have been applied

Capacity is limited to 70 nos. Thus, registration is based on first come-first-served basis with priority given to PAM members. Registration closes on 3rd Sept 2015 (Thursday). Any cancellation of registration must be notified by 3rd Sept 2015 (Thursday).

NOTE : At times, due to unforeseen circumstances, the scheduled events may have to be cancelled or rescheduled for which PAM Secretariat would normally inform the registered attendees/participants accordingly. In order to avoid causing any inconvenience to members due to any last-minute changes, we strongly recommend that members to call PAM Sarawak Chapter at 082-457182 or Fax 082-451180 or email for confirmation of the scheduled events or visit PAM website at


CPD Seminar Talk 2015 PAMSC, Kuching Date: 5th Sept 2015 (Saturday) Time: 9.00am – 12.00pm Topic: BIM: In Theory and In Practice Speaker: Nora Khalid    CPD Seminar



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CPD Seminar Talk 2015 PAMSC, Kuching Date: 5th Sept 2015 (Saturday) Time: 9.00am – 12.00pm Topic: BIM: In Theory and In Practice Speaker: Nora Khalid      

CPD Seminar 2015

Synopsis This is a two-part session on Building Information Modeling (BIM); the first being a talk to cover the fundamentals of BIM and the latter being a conversation among peers on the reality of its implementation in our local industry.

There seems to be quite a few uncertainties and misconceptions when it comes to BIM, in which these sessions aim to clear the air. No biased opinions, no hidden agendas – just seeing BIM in light of our day-to-day operations.

Presentation framework:

1. Changing our mindset 2. BIM – What’s important and what’s not? 3. BIM – Part of the office culture 4. Learning from other countries 5. Is BIM for me?

Speaker’s Biography

Nora Khalid

Back in 2011, I was first exposed to Building Information Modelling by attending a Revit course at the AEC Systems Training Centre while working in Perth. Since then, I have applied BIM from design to construction stages within commercial, residential and healthcare projects. I recently joined the team of architects at JKR; which like many offices in Kuching, are not using BIM. Well, not yet. Soon, perhaps? I shall leave you with a quote by Einstein, simply because I’m a strong believer in doing; “Theory is when you know everything, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.” So while you may need some theory to get you started on BIM, don’t wait too long to get practicing. You don’t want to end up with nothing working and nobody knowing why!

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