fmicifs u.^. orders action to remove beleaguered janet...

Post on 13-Jul-2020






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fmiciFs- I L P M•DRomB

..WftacerTugwell and'A'dvisers^ EotiiU lor Parley oa

... •Para-Aid , ,


; Bftlaa; Ea»e PUgbt of South'. AfrlculturiBta: Midwest

' . Losses Galii'


Tbc "hlffti commancl” of the rov- emmrnfs iJrouth' relief expedition tJ tlio mWJio Vcat !a returning hcatlquartcra hero to, confer ti'cw meoflurM for nIdtnK the thous- amis of farmers whoao llycllliood

"has been destroyed by the sun. .■. ReaclUewent administrator Rex- ; ford o: Tupj-cll is cxpcetud toilay r'ond eecretary of agrlcullure Hen­

ry A. Wnllaco totnorrow. Both hnvc

Guard Rescues Janet Gaynorj

:in-tlie. north,.ccnlrttl-droulli -Burveylnc damaso to crops.'• ........ Klvfl~<Q«n‘-----------)jeeis. . ..

,o ..- -h -..... future droulhHdliCUBslnK the.poalhlllty of

> . low:-lcnn reclamation ot the•; "Just bowl," where crop failures

'bave become chronlc.-MelHodi OtefBed

The .upcclflc means of drouth] ■ rcllet-to bo Uken by the rovcm-

... laent—direct pranta lo tho hclp'• leas, provision of work nnd the

r, .•. buying nnd shlpplnff of cattK ...............................

Discipiinnry Actioii'by Va:trcaTi| NoTOMtSmpIafcarAssert^ '

n dctcrmlncd.. So'far i' learned tho Rovemraont hofl

in-wind no additional panaccas.• .Tbo ouestion to bo decided by Wal- : lace, TuBpv.-ell.nnd their ns.Mclotc8 ■ .Is.lo what.extent tlicso relief

■ mewures must, bo carried—that ■V. la. how many persons will be

>.pUtcd on the relief roll., for how .■V- long and how much'the. Bovcm- ;V'. aitSt must plan to spend on Ibem-I

?• 'South’* Plight Eased f-^:lnformcd-oplnion ln:the 0[ r^ .’culturftl deportment U that tho :'s.. cent Tuins havo rosterlally eased

pllBht of tha.Boutb.-, But re-' (CqhUnued oa Pag;-2>. poluiiyn ,C)

HOLLWOOD, July ajML'.Pi— Janet Gaynor waa conflncd •to"' bcr hotrio today recovcrinff from shojlt-ot.a narrow cacapo from drownlac — an cacnpu her mother credited lo a' life .guard and former Olympic team Wjtcr‘“ Tlie'mtU.'^d^alrSr oclT ^ ^ wna bcfnc carried out to flca in a alronK undertow yesterdily when nick Daubenspeclt. tlio Ilfeguanl.Taccd lo ber roscuc. The incident occurrcd near Miis Gsynor’s bcach home at Playa dc! Rey.

Caynor waa. only aiignuy iipirom effecU of nalt Bci walcr. She did .not appear ior work loday, however.

U.^. Orders Action to Remove_ Beleaguered :^mericans-at—Madrid as-Rebel Forces Slip

Will Try to Ail’ange for Safe Train

By Ii:STEIl ZtFFIlEN )—(CoprrigfttrioaorPnitoarnnia)-1 -

MADIUI), July 2 7 '(UP) — Witli tho ■ government claiinitig wido,s

loshiiig -'drivo ngniu. t .rcbols ou nil front.s, the Ui'iltod jSlatos cmlmssy wns iu.struolcdj Iiy WnsliiiiKlon lodny to co». .'tifJer JJie pasviWJilj’ o f remov- iii|j jiiore tlinn 100 AmcricHu citizcn.s who have taken refuge ' I ihe ctnl)a«.sy.

Tho atate departrtent cabled lo 1C embaasy tbat If It could

range for nitraio to-ValencIa 'the (•ovcmmcnt would glvo i. rjuatc Ruaraatees of safely.' Ibd Amerfcana -may-bc-Informed -tjiit

.they can leave Madrid oh " ' ‘ lowirVci^OnslBlIlly aiiU risk.'' Over IS,000 Catualtlc)

estimated that

VATICAN' CITY. July 2T <IU!I— Poulblllty of Vftllean disciplinary 'action against Falber Charles ,Coughlin faded loday.I Bishop Michael J. Oallagher. De­troit, bis Immediate ccclealaatlcal superior, announced nfter n con­ference wllh Monalgnor Guiseppe Pltxardo. Popo Plus' politi­cal ndvlser, lhat Plrsardo had not ao much'M heard of Father Cough­lin until* the recent ecnsatlon ot

,hla calling Prcaldent Roosevelt liar carrlcd lils fame across I Atlantic. I

Bishop CillaBher described hla „ l l on Monsignor Pizianlo aa n courtcsy call-' Ho InalsU he Is In IVaUcan Clly on a holiday, not to contcr with Vailcan offlclala about jFathcr Coughlin. -

‘Romo holds mo rcsponnlbl'(,Father Cougliirn’s ' acUvItiei.'

Senoritas Turn Amazon In Defense Of Madrid

thero have been mor n J5.0C

might 0(

It acquainted!

i:'V. 8, .M.BjOTrfttdnff .Improves - V inT oV - . I

p ' f : . y r s te ta gig^w»y;';

rie-'i-.. Iniprovcn'iiitW'lStTiW. »»-»>«-twem here.anU Jerome-w m ,com- plewa ovff tjio week-end. ll:mllM

mdway-belng-re^urfwed.5 w|Ui.ft waUngr-pf^llBl BTlvol by ■'Ola juto burifftu of highways.- • , :v p ^ # for tJiB.bettermeni o f the wad waa e ^ rw cd hero-by S. A.

;VDc*tt auwr-CRagsdalC.-Of.DMert .- Center. Calif.;-en routa.bouw.trort ;• WWU Pish, Mont, wcnt : -la coimeetloa wltb tb#. »cli«duled ■: flanual mettUm.of the Int«natlon- ?-jU.£’our..SUtc«;hl«tiw»y.fc iS o ffiS fiS S ,

, & c ______|u»Hun *r8ta;idlnff fact t^ t mony.Aro wllh:cii&Pl»>W. -.'V ., - • •- •‘‘Actually,-', Monsignor Kaarrdoliifaka /the. 4jproar rogardlng 'Father CdughUn-reptcscaU.a good IJoHe, sponsored'Bolely lor political

Oaliagtiei1#' Pops, complali_____ . . ,ent 'later a^nst headlines In

American -newspapora which, bo saia, l»pUea l^ t bo oppoaed Pres-'

- ‘AiJi maltisrjif fact the bishop prefers Pres^ent Rooaovelt's atti­tude on tho money Oov; Alf M. tandoa’a. gold atan- dard pcbposftl,” the alateracait said.

eluding 3.000 In Bareelona moro than 1.000 here.

The Spanish government pcared canfldcnt that Uio re tlon Is crumbllDg. It woa announc­ed that Toledo, whero ed a terrible maaaacrc had aurreaderod.

I,oyal nlrcrntt bombarded' Cor­dova. where tho rbbels wore b«Id- Ing out, and tho fleet bontbanleaj ,Meima.-Morocco. whero Uio up- ;rlslns started,

• 'Four Province* Surrender A government radio atation

Iported Ihe four Galician provlr.- - norUiwest Spain had surrend-

d to tho loyallslfl.. k. dccrcc v,’oa published declar-l the cruiser Almiranto Ccr\-ini.l

which went over to the rebels,'-' rnt^BllfiJ'-wiUiout- thc-rlghl~t tho Sp.mlsh f l a g . , _____-Thfl dotoallon ot the crow on 1

high oeaa or at nny -port waal aulhorltcd. lo bo followed by thclr) trial for jlracy under JolomaUon- anaw. •


AU Fronts

_ ......................... .. -........vnr that liaturned Spain inW u batllefleld ore many of Iho eoimtrj--* prctUest senorltaH. This NBA Scrvle radiophoto BhowK two spirited glrb, armed with rifle, naber and plslol, leading a column of cltltens mllllla Ihrough the slreeU of Madrid Ip n Btint for rebel adherents.

SpnnlsU .revolution:• MAORID—Government forcc.? on tho offcnalve on all fronl;i; airplanes bomb seven icbel ceu- terji.

WITH LOYALIST ARMY NORTH OF MADRID—I'lftcell airplanes nnd ten batleric.i of nrtlllcry bombard rebcln lu

REBEL ARMY — Schcdulu of Rebel army goes wrong; nttacic on Madrid may bo repulsnl un­less reinforcements and arms arrive. ,

TOLEDO--I.ett wlDg mililia- nen threaten maa-iacre rc

bcl, soldiers, police, prlcsu. nun (1-elvillnn woman and- chllJrc



Roai Will Outliuc Necessity « f Added Social Security and • Departmental Funds

r.OISK. rdalm. .Tuly 27 (UI‘ )' Lv;!i-'tnlnr.-i imurcil into tlio

st.-ite vapitnl Imlay fur the (liinl i-.vfr,inni;iinr.«' Ac.wi'fift o f llio 2:ii ii slalP louisilatiiro which ci|ir-ii al iifum toniormw. '

Ue/ore Lieutenant Governor G.P. Mix r.ips hLi gavel In the sen­ate and Speaker Troy Smith of Cualer coimty calls Ihc house of rcprrnentatlve.i lo order. 103 leg- lalators will be gathered In Bolsa.

Three Mnjnr Subjecls .............. niallfi's arc-pend^------

..... n:.The annual mceUnff is te ba bcUJ5'..:‘Sept. 10 and a largo attendMSCO M fenbdafi-sought-ln ftn effort-to-brlag ^if-:»nmutKlJmprovemcat of tao-^S

lA tut btnTlopzuent 'r.-'

Sails for Qampobello to Scan} OKiclal fffattors Before


■aboard" S O T W ^ L iB E lt : TT- WITW-ROOSEVELT FLO- TILLA, • July- 3T-0J£) — Prcaldent

lodsy to terminate flap<!ban-v4ca- ---------weeks ap> wlthi

ireloument-ln the 1.............^ {S-e*

......... . y j S t a S S S - V Srtbs-eonstrucUoa.

^ - t i5 .^ n ':p ,cefltn>, B( e.


“ ^ f f c b t e . ^ d S hold. lhc Se-

before nlBbUall. - . '- -Tliere,'-Mrs. Boosovelt nndiraairgroup' otfritndfl;wtU.'bp onhand U> toe.chlcf, execu-UvB 'aadr tha-threfl boya,‘ 3aiacB, Franklin. Jt,'.wid'Jotui. tho latter thTcrtW of lh» yaoW that:*allcd Uom Pulpit harbor, Maine. July.l*.

6» tbo nulot-of the Wff Tambllog boS'e o'n®a -cUrf.-oMri«*Mng; the

— I'l woariDg "gas'


Flaming Gasoline Sends River Of Fire Down Street; 2 Victims Die

OTTAWA. Kan., July 27 (URi — I Mopo-thj^ 3,OOO.KalIons ot blazing ignsoUne from an.overturned truck ma a river of flro through .-the main atrcet of -tUU town yester­day. kUllog two,, destroying nt I least llvo hom 'Q ^d spreading shade treas. '

MIU Post Tho two who.died In tho^lames

lot tho- truck wcro tho driver, Joe 'C, Durec. 25,~T6kc'pii, Kan and a woman thought to bo Loueltd

[■Francis, 22, of Detroit who had been visiting , her family peks.

dSveiopmnnta - b e ^ IW •• procecdaJuly 30 to'Quebec-vbore; on the;foU>>wing.d«rl«'. WUl-cotlf?r>l& iLort Tweedsmuir, Can» |aor;.gojerat


cottrtfBUsTo!; Jl*!?

iNorthom Army’s Madrid Drivo May OoUapso Without


Dy REYNOLDS PACK/\R» (Copyright, 1030, Uniled ProM) FIELD H EADQ U ARTERS,


Something has gt?ne wrong '^ Ih tho echcdale of Uio norUiem

ibel army. Unlcas tt la able eoon ■find reinforcements, its,drive

Madrid, already delayed, may bo wholly repulsed. - -..

Gen. EmUio Mola’a m<aSwl” . o f . ^ : * ^ ' ’^U iw anr torMadrld-whlch they had hopedtttlie-yestehlay.---------- ---------- ‘ ,

Tho rebel army apcnt yesterday in nn exchange of.artillery fire.

Pau Bt PfogrM*.—I--watehed-lhe-ilu«l,-whlch-wjfor ..tho mouataln .paaaeo'Icadldg

,to Madrid. It -wan inconolusivo. Iwhlch meant tbat tho'rebcls faU-

Uireat tb-Madrld waned..It »4ema .neceasiry'-for.the rebels UJ With- draw.: aomewhat.. to reform . their Unos. -TIiua U»o haa played'Into tha Kovemrnont'a bonds; laourgenl dflMrt totd mo, that.U tho ffov- cromcnV had more alrpUmea oould dislodge roBels entirely fr tb,

ReporU rcMbed members o f^ e geacraf alaff today'that TBbcla at Oviedo.-the. important-city OT tb'o oorthem cos4t,.ore being hardS n c ^ Md.-rarmerit'riBbUag- un­der the .rcd.flag ,ot tho .left .vrbg, 'whahavo'eurroundedthe city, a - ' |Invltcd.tho.rebela:io surrender

no altuatlon exists tn thoj

Tho truck swerved from the street a fow hloclu from the lius- ineas-secllor),-struck a poat nnd tipped over. The gUBollno caught fire wllh a roar nnd pourpd down

i-.*'TOts, automobiles, garages and ‘bomoB,-8oma moro ttmn. a .block from the truck, were dwlt^yca. Datnftge was estimated at (Cli.OOO. Tar eovcrUiffTlie streets wWraeJt- ed. ' . •

Hundreds wbo gathered oftar Uio accident helped to flgbt-the flro. It was brought under cDntroU

OIDRALTAR—ForelKnTlecion— nlrcs and workers'. mlUtin clash In hand to hand fighung; loy­alist losses heavy,

WASHINGTON — Slate de­partment calls on Spanlali gov­ernment lo provide safe conduct for 'American refugees la Ma­drid emhiaay.

^HENDAYE. FRENCH-SPAN- -ISH FRONTIER—USS Quincy speeds along c'hst coast.'of Spain lo rescue Americans uV Malaga , and Valencia. •

HELP IN DRflUIH’aboul 6 p, m. ycalerdiy, hours-ader It fltarted.

“ . Bodle'a Unldeatlfliiblo It WOA houra beforo the bodies

of lbo eouplo' could be taken from 0I« truck by llrcmen. Coroner W. L. Jacobus, who owned ono home In tbo path of the fire, said It was imposslblQ to identify tha per- •Ml*. Offlclala of tha Kak VaUey Oil Co. of Topokn. <ald Dureo was lbo driver. Tho girl ' bad told relatives sbo was drlWng to Cha- ouU, ttaa., wllh Dureo. ,- II waa Ihe second such accijJeat Idi A month in Ottawa.

-C- ■iBcn.-JtoM^ii'S- aa1<cd_-„ .hat 5350,000 bo provided for full . jperaUon of Iho stato social secur­ity prograiii—$50,000 a month for seven months, Tho money will iclllier be nllucalcd from Ihe gen-

fund surplus or elso leglsla- wlll ftulhorlie taking a larger

,...... from the onk-a tnx fund for[old'age penslona, Rorj haa prom- 'ised inal the school fund, will not be disliirlioil.

In<>perlloii Funds AiMllIonal funda must be pro- lied for Ihe Inopectlon bureau, e fish and gnmo department

and the bureau of occupaUonal licenses budgela nro prac-, Ucally depleted.

Leglslalora. must (Iraft a bill to .protect Idaho employers and em -.

--1 so Ihe'stato will receive Ita of the foleral excise tnx on ycra cmploylng-cight men or

Hw e'Vpected that tho irpecWNoiifriee Turn's froia Campa^jR^jion

les'-'Frotti Here-.. Aiiiid There


(Uni — AutboriUea-considered 'disciplinary a c t io n .today agijaat a lO-year-old boy who analhllatcd nearty half the pop- ulatkin of •HogltfrGanlens *oo. Steadying.hla,gun:on a strand of fence wire, tha-, youngsWr plckcd off 37 <Jucka and one goose with a high-powered uir rifle, another boy lold officers. All tho poUco have aow Is tb find tho laarksman. ^

; BUROLAir~ ~ ■ CLEVELAND, Jidy 27 d',!?)—

I Mlehael,Kh3caJc,'B3, awoko lo l-^flnd-o-bursl^enUrlng-hU:aec<- ' ond-aloW .bediwm.' Tbe two

grappled. Durliig'the'flght .tho fatrud»r:sevcrely,blt Jiflscak'fl left bda . Thnt wfis enough, for Kascak..Ho .aelfcd-bU odver- aary,bodlIy,,aiitl UircwJitm-out- T O D A Y ’S g a m e s ]

10 AL'


tUDber'lMtweea'^Ohsmpton Jmea J:-»riuWodc;'.iwd:MaxlB -SfitoeUng

S - M d the 20U i,C sn^ Cla .

Former Head o f Terronsts.and|>^i^p;aang'S6nt6Me4:?<>^

. aT^PAui,'-July.2T tliEi-^yln KaJtW. ' • ftJpncr. Ur^fltia^gang

, S S . f E « rsameT crime..® ^ e b -" under-i-que»tlonlnK -by]tbat John P.-poKf?r,,St PauV.......• ■ •.Banagor who ,waS-eon’.....

<or tba


,2 7 '(Uiy—Miss .Grace Quigley, campaigning for county aupcr- indcndent Ot schools, told a W. C. T. U.'-meeting she would In­sist,. lf,c'eelod, lhat "the pri- vate Uvea of tcachcrs bo Inves­tigated. 1 will want to know Juat »h a t . they do over tho

LEAPBIW ..............- PASADENA. Calif,. July 27<i.up_ lh» TTtta -rlctim <if “suicide bridge," a abort Colorado street spiui here. The maa, not Idcntl- ■

..flodr-:eaped..lo.'-]iU-<i»atb -short­ly after police plpkcd up anoth­er who waa .-roady to Jump," acoordlog to the reporU. they- received. • •• - • • •


• ; Dy UaltM Pro** NAnOWAL LEAatnE

Plttaburgh vL i_ l.~ .00 3 001>-^' iBrooklyn- 810—' 6i' RIaoton.'Hoyt and Paddec. Fin-, iney! Frankhouse' and-CBUtrcaux,j

CinctnnaU at'New-York, post-”pb‘u^clph!’a, :post-

--------; rain.' • ... . V......-ji^MEtllbAN LEAGUE' '. - <. . . . . . . . . . - .... n,lolpbla .i_‘.___ _.:.._X00.-2—d

■Chicaro.:::_.:_i.-_-.i:..;.r.„..O05'OT ..--KoUey and'r.:Hayca:-Kennedy ,and-8ewclJ. .

Twonty-Two Slightly Hurt as; Driver Hits Hillside to

Avert P l^ g e

JOHNSTOWN, Pa., July 27 (•A. Greyhound bus. plunging

of control down a steep ^ad. was turned ihto'a hillside early today leas Uion a hundred feet from -' 250-foot precipice,• Twenty-two of tho 23 passei gers, .who became frenzied', when IbT hlg't bus'plungMl.-toward- tha cliff, wero tahwi to hospitals with minor injuriea. . • ._DrivetJ3ay_WorthiaglQa..33^Qt ,Gerry, Pa., turned hla machine in- to the'roadsldo'«mbankmfcnt'-when iho found ha eoiild not'brlng It lin- Ider control'before reacblng tho

WorUilngtoh turned off Uio Ignl-! tlon and kicked out Uie windshield.; WlUi the. help of suite TrooperWilliam Tevclln,. 38,' ' --------burg, Pb..' barracks,

[he look out 22 men,- "chlldren.

— jrUilagUw , then raa n half-____Into Johnatown'and sumi.ed-poUce and--an; ambulance, -

Soveatecn paasengeta bad. lajur- .. a dre5sed’ Bt-bospHals',(iBd.wore jdIsebarBed.'-:,-'.rivB -.otber*.'., wer«

.Henry .Md R. ITerrellirAndflryrfl and;;Olu)|aal. • '



To Ootting U, S.-Aid for Sirfckon Farmers

TOPEKA. July 27 (ttBi—Gov. Alf. M. fjmdon turned frora prcsslBil campaign problems today to work: with stato-and federal offlclala on tbo atlll more vlUtl tank oC rcllefi

[for drouth-alrickea .Kansas farm: reaa. ' . IW'hlle prominent parly figures

from tho east and for west waited outside the governor's door ho| studied tho results of a survey of|

scorched, farmhinda andi sttung. Into motion a plan for| emergency, relief. . . [

“A* survey has (been undcnvay[ ice last week," Landon told re-|

[portera in a brief press contcrenco 'at the door of bLi,office when bo interruplcd his work for a few minutes.

Want Emergency Bates "Wc will renew our request,for nw f/.cy ranroad rolM for feed.]

got them,■•Wa also havo bad a fine re­

sponse, from oil companies w i ' ' ,wo asked to provldo pumping ap-[ paratus--to old in filling water[ 'tonka on farms in tho drouth coun- Ues nnd the l.lOO farm poada-bullt during the l&3i drouth upon my suggcsUon to .the emergepcy. relict orgahlzntlon aro proving a great aid nt present."

[tho week-end. More lhan half lbo Icglsators arc candidates- for olUier state or counly offlecs and munt.rtturn to tho political wars

Newly appointed logislatora ,

(Continued on .Page 2. Co1u m '4>

J ‘D O M

LAUNEA; Spain. July’27.10%

[in:b!ttofa<£ u>cbrdlDg;to;'nUabl(i In fon n itlon -.todS y .-^ r- '"-" '’ ‘ ',TO»i»d:.:a?ft8B:; ..... ,

OrftCk-«p of Larfi:e8t ’ Sin6lo| Motor Plane, PiyiDff O w r

Queen Mary, Kills i : . .

NAMTUCKBr-'.iloisv J*dy. 27: (UEt—Tho' craok-up at aea'. of-lhS .largest alnito-iftOlored'alrpUho fn' jthe cation, .n:mltiiig.ln',oao''<le(iUi [ aiid Injiiiiea :or., aboek' lo 'elgbt , vivora,'wa« attObti(»d today to tbel

rtul downdraft la toe—

STRIKES BARRIER IFederation, Onco Supporter,

Eetoses Speech and May, '. Drop Backing

SEATTLE, .Wash., July 2T..01B ... •Marion-A. Zloncheck.„Waahlng- • •

ton's qubcotlo congressman.' tod^ struck a anag. W'bis campaign- for

[ro-olecUon after too liberal Waali Ington'.CommonwealUi-.-FcdeTal^ . / 'formerly.bia ardent• sponsor,:re*. .fused lo lot bis.apeak at.a;»laW'.'V coavenUnn. Tbo.fedecaUon Indtca,t- - ~;'

.' Recently: returned from a tbrea weeks hjmting ojid,-; nortocra-Wa«hlngton._lba ja>proi_ ..iat'lhi* '

m on c^ l^ h ^ S S !S -lS W ; v ^ -,UaiB -Nadeau',■ aalto4'CbaIha61^^■:a •' a Woodwarrf »'-.6uaw.'tb6''c~’^

in whicb check .abouW 'b*..... ' i r ^ ^ ;a ^sa iM ,ir

. ■—- .y orihtm-Army^ft-Mftdrid-PriVft May Collapse Without

Reinforcements 1

(Continued From Page One)San Sebastian rep Inn farther cast.There thc government ban con­trol exccpt /or one army bar­racks. In which there nrc believed

■ <>ls wlio reached hcadquai today will! they had I lodged from Co-ipo. Iict cu t c£>a«l and Znru|;ozJi, by rov- I

i 'N;he column mov-|Molhpt > Zaragoza from, MnI „ / c HlncU

Catalonia. ' .hero foe u week's \Tho rebels said that after llLv]noa.|n-lttw and daug

ln:lging them. - Ihc government |^r„ ,Mi j j^crr.forces rcgntheftd, allocked again, i ------- .

pushed farther "" .....

honored by nn Invi’ artlctpau...............

monlnl dances' ml which she has adapted

"concerts this summer.

Government Gaining It Is Indlcatod by reports

rebel tslaff that tli lias succeeded In n at Its weak points in ino uuuu- urramas which were lo be the points of rebel attack, nml bj winning-ground to thc nouth ot Madrid tho government .gained a new food supply and fccnetf no longer feared possible starvation by a rebel siege.

Despite setbacks, rebels believe ttiMr fortune* will turn and that nlothcr week will find them In the capital, masters of thc country] under on army-Fasclst dictator. Gen. Mola l« able to sPlrc n,tn. lo try to relieve tbo pressure «■'

— the rebels-ln-—avcimic-


dlowlng a wccli |fi*hlng trip to Sal .Yankee Fork, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert] Kvhltiel have returned

attack the village of Oyanunj on the French frontier.

From Oyarzun Holahopcn men can- control railways and roads to tbe south, cutting com-] munlcatlons to Madrid, and take Irun, nearby, and San Sebnallnn.


Rebels from Morocco, advancing! on Malaga, defeated governmentlorcea at San Roque today. The ____loyalists retreated to the m°uiy]tl|a u[Jclc F tains to await reinforcement,. <, tflD

. e~revtrr~caULcrC-of-tbenympiwny-or- eompanled by their daughter, >or*.Centra is a sell-out and Ihe old ma Itnd non. Ralph, arc BpendlnR|maaters nrc interpreted In a man-

wcel^s vacation in Salt Lalie,nj r that reflects credit on conduc-| ilng mllltlajfcity. [tors and players alike. . .

- ---• ’ -------- - 1 A typical summer evening InJ'Hlblya park will find the orcbcs-j tra playing Mendejssohn, Metart and Dvorak. The cement nad| graveled walks, rower-lined, nrc thronged with muslc-lovers on their way to Hlblya hall. There arc some foreigners, but mostly, they are klmonoed Japanese.

Girls Are Usher*Inside thc hall girl uahcrs scur-'

ry about. Japoneso students, in their blue uniforms and peaked caps arc smoking a final dgarct before bursting to their seats with a great clattcr as the curtains

with Cyril Wells a* her partner.l

'J " .J! r.?.r)’._w,i!cl? ^ . j In addition to thc treat offered [by the dancing and rengaequences.|atrarencei~wnr‘nn(rthit---it‘s-fc<7TT!.Again" contalntf^qne of tbc most;irresistible eomedybstorles of the!

io-San .Sebastian]

•eks’ trip to; arc Mr. nnd I _nc! Mr. and.

Ilnnic From Co: Home from

California const Mrs. Paul H. Gord< Mra. J. O. RolilnsoiCondnde Visit .: Following n visit with relatives In Marymrlllc, Cnllf.. Mr. nnd Mrs. Helmer Fonley Bnd family have re-

AT STATE HOUSEIdaho Lawmakers Reach Boise

For Opening of Session Tomorrow

Leave* for Dakota I Leaving for Rapid City, S. D.,I Saturday was Mina Aimcda Avant, | Jwho will vlnlt friends In thc Jilack; plllln region for about two weeks.

Iowa Boys Hen Three Iowa boys, Richard Byers,

iMapicton, Lorry Leonard: Dca1.......— Rohlf. Maple-

"-jcntn nt the home of, , Miss Grace Iiell and|

filled to capacity, isle begins. Thc applause orchestra Is surprising lh

Its Intensity. And the hcarero know Ibclr music, with the rpffult Uiat conductors are not annoyed by premature applause or clapplngl of hands between the movcmentn| of n symphony.

prising civil guards, carlblncersi nnd civilians,, arrived In San Booue this morning and gave anns to all civilians there, Including! Britishers, who ~muccccdc<l in reaching Gibraltar In a battered nutomoblle-after tbo. battle.

'To Lnl<e Louise1 Misses Helen and.Irene Parrott,

:companled by Miss Mario Le „|onc, Brooklyn, N. Y., left yes-1 terday for LnKc Louise and Banff. They will visit friends In HpWmne


Hero From___ .: Mr. and Mr*. Kmory Fralley and. Ifamlly, Illtnols. ' '*■ ‘ICcnc I3rcvrcr, J

California Couple Havo Eetrcat] To Which 1,000 Pai

Oomc Aimually

pANTA.ANA, Calif. <UEI— Alof Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Iirewcr andlhummlng bird sanctuary where Mr. Mid Mra. Raymond Dunabcolncarly l.OOO t>air« rf ' huramlnrthin week. , • f*-’ - '*-

•Pcrmaiwiit Jobs in Privnto( Industry Being Filled

At C,C00 Wccltly

SAN rttANClgCO rur.l - Cali­fornia Is making greater strides toward normlncy than at ony time since the depression begtm. ac­cording to surveys completed by various national and state agen-<l?n agriculture, which has be­come an Industry more profitable to tho state than the .golil for | which It originally became famous,, this year’s brops are Ml'matcd nt J034.000.000 ns against $104,000,- 000 for last year.The State Chamber of Com­merce also reports that the gen- Trrilcv f of prices received for arriculturnl products averages per ccnt higher than in 1832 when priced were at their lowest level-! - ........... Mors -Jobs .

The - national re-employment service reports that permanent

" Jobs In private Industry aretilled now at the rate of 6,000 ai

____ wcftlt. cxclii’ lvc of all W I‘ A_cother gcrvernmental work.

, During the peak of W P A opcr | • allfliu: about 100,000 persona

employed by "Uiat agency i This number bos now beet duced to 100,000. .Frank Y. MeUughlln, • ledcraJ W P A administrator, reports that

_____for_Ul0J>ast 20_cot&ceutlvc weeksthat wot-k rolls andthe state relief odminlstraUonhave shown a steady reduction.

Thc total relief load of both, agencies now Is 150,000 "" against 280,000 a year ago.

opiKlccsbury's drug M---

for business in its new liome, •, removal of most of the nx-|

tires and merchandise having ' ice over the week-cnd.|

nuw location or Jie »l«*“ nt iifl Main avenue south, only < few doora from Its former site.

- The building formerly wrin, oc- \,y the Varrey confection'

. Vm-alcd was tlic building at 120l Mola avcnuct south, whUh Is held hv lease by the 'F. W. Woolworth| Vv. if j.‘ Vollton, local manager of t o concern, stalcd'today that the room I* to bo remodeled to per-t

-mlt-iwSuialon-of-UJ* prcsenLstore, Varney's confectionery bits o « ni

removed to Buhl.-------• ,- — — - ‘

Tw>n$ Born Sunday Succumb During-DayTwin daughters of Mr. and Mrs.

L*<rn Barnett' Buhl,-died a few hours after -birth yesterday at ttrt Tvrln' Falla county, hospital, ma­ternity borne. The bodies rest lit tho JiVhito. mortuary, ptn.dlng:.fu.-

‘ neral arrangeraexiU.->:.;_Th0..t«Ui of-Ueer shark* »iro ofl '..perfect ivory. . ....

Concludes Visit IFollowing a vacation visit with!

Mr. and Mra. A. J. Undcmer, Mrs.. Sarah Stclnwcg, San Francisco, re-1 tufned to her homo ycstcrdny.l

•, and Mrs. Llndcmcr accompan-l ied her to Wells, Nev. Mrs. Linde-

and Mrs. Slelnwcg are sisters.Granted Decrw

In district court today, Judge Adam D, Barclay granted a de-

o of divorce to Mrs. Fern Tay- from William E. Taylor. C. A.|;

Bailey appeared ryi attorney fori - plaintiff.On Duslness Here

Capt. Goorgc S. ilamey, Craw- rdsvllle. Ind., on official of thc

Indiana state registration depart­ment, plartfied to return lo his home today after a “visit here look-

lfter his farming Interests. u * i a quarter section in the ! district.m to Itakerter nn pvemlght stop at tie I

Carl J. Domrose home Mr. and! Mrs. Fount Cundiff and .Mrs. Guyer and son, Randall, all of' Baker. Ore., left Saturday for their homes. -Mr. Domrrwo Is the fother ot Mrs. Cundiff. The vacationists I

relurtilng from.Yellowitone park..IlclaUve* Here

Arthur”E]arM,-daughter. Elalne,- and Frances Thomas, Wallace, ar­rived Friday to visit nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Eldred.-They spent tho week-end visiting Mrs. Kldred's uncle and aunt, Ur. and Mr*- Atf-SmtthcnrSalt-Lnlto-City; Arthur Eldred Id tbc son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred, and Frances Thomas Is a grttuildaughter.Couple Better ' Rev.-Macliey J. Brown reports

iat Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Henricfts, Sacramento, Calif., who wero seri­ously injured when thclr car plunged over a high embankment at Forsythe, Mont, arc slowly im­proving at their home. Dr. Hen- rlcks is now. pastor of tbe First Narjircne church at Sacramento.

pairs of ' bumming birds'made their seasonal head- quarUrs has been developed byl Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tucker,Long lieach, at thclr mountain

Thc task began nine years i ben Uio Tuckers found th

Ipaira of. humming bird*, In U 'canyon.

By tying red ribbons around the stalks of flower and then arrang­ing, to keep the latter filled with] a syrup of sugar arjd water, Mr. “ ................ .. . ..............!>«■

Dramatic Feature ------Showing.- a t -idaho j

Showing today at the Idaho theater la 'The Crime of Dr. Forbes/' with Gloria Stuart, Rob­ert Kent and Sara Haden. It Is the story of a young doctor who is charged with the murder of ,n noted physician, who died from aa overdose of poisoning and whose wife Is In love with the young doc­tor. 'The pro&nun Is completed with a comedy, novelty, and news.

Beginning Wednesday the Idaho theater presents as its regular ild-vreek return hit ''Road Gang." :lLh Donald Woods and Kay Lln-

(Continued From Page One) I Islature opens. " • :

Opening Jay plans were chang-1^a Jolr . senate-at 3 .p.

tomorrow. House and Donate com­mittees will be chosen Wednesday morning.

He will outline purposes of the special scsnlon and propose Icgls- ' "vo methods. Thc governor nkld_would also show Hie "strongifinandol standing" of.the state.

Tho chief executive's message Tuesday will, be hln last to the 'ntnlo legislature. After serving three consecutive terms as gover­nor, Ross l« attempting to get In­to national politics. He Is seeking

senate scat now held by Wil- i E, Borah.

M l !

of sugar for this mixture. , IVET TAYS RELIEF DEBT

OROVILLE,* Calif. IUI!I—When Ira Eddy received his bonus his first act was to go lo the county auditor and repay five {2 grocery

juniors received In 1934 when things weren't going so well. ■

nftnmiomc uf~Mm»nd-MrB--Gr-foi [McElwfiTn following her nttend- ‘ ' a national sorority conven-

White Sulphur Springs, W. id visiting In Washington,

D. C-, Atlantic City, New York, Boston, Cleveland, Milwaukee, and Billings, Mont. Miss-Smith was one ol tho three who.represented Chi Omega from Stanford Univer­sity.— - -------------------------

Fence? Near-Bridge -Provide Protection!

On account of the number ofl tourists visiting the toll brldgcl north of hero tho brtdgo cotnpa— 1 has sccurcd the cooperation ot t Twin Falls county board of eo ralgsloncrs In- the erection of wir* ‘fencing atorii; the canyon rim for a, dlsUmco or about 20Q fed on;.both sides of tho south ;jrroach. , . . , I • Visitors may now view Uie deep) I canyon from tho brink of the Ipredplec without ilanger of fall- ■Ute over, ..................


developments Planned byU.B. Japanese, Australian-


SAN FRANCTSCO dLTl — Th< ifighl among Japan, Australia and! 'American.Interests for exploitation! of oil ln thc Dutch East-Jndlcs hasj lassuraed new proportions today a result of tho Standard Oil co pony of California announcing aj concession from the government of, the Netherlands Indies of 1,482.000 acres for exploitation on the Island | of Sumatra.

As tho fight now stands. Japan .id Australia Insist they are *■ 1

gaged In an effort to develop n1 by supplies of oil that would make, them self-sufficient for defensive] purposes, while thc American cvh- pony takes the position It Is mere­ly seeking to Incfcase its sourccs in tho Far East.

. L a rry (Buster) C rabbe. Marsha ' Hunt and Raymond Hatton are featured ta the now Zane Grey frontier story, "Ari­zona Ralden,”_at__Uncl«_.Jo«.K's Roxy today and Tunday,

(Continued Frpm Page One)In the middle west roust oe.

icontlnued on an even lorger scalcj tlian wa.i anticipated a fortnlglxi

Hence the total relief buu-i iay be expected to expanu:

during the next few weeks. “ | The government's cattle buyingj

program, for,, which afrangcmenUi1 have been made but which h i not actually started, may bee today. Tlie agricultural adjust­ment administration has sent nn agent to Fargp, N, Dali., to start] purchases as eooa-as I neccssary.

' ' Depends On Mi .Whether buying- la to bc 'ln to­

day, It' was sold, will depend on iIhe conditlon-of the cattle market.. ;TlxusJar.prlvale_dmand_baa kept] pace with the desire of ranchmen] to sell. There has been no glut in]

• deems I


Joseph Dr Peeler, shown with his young son/ fought this q!- Qantlo tworded antagonist off Santa:Catalina-Island until af­ter dark before brlngln'o him to' gaff, climaxing "a spectacular battja which lartcd 2-heur* and 14 minutes. - The brosdblll, scientifically known *s the xlph-

'las'al«dtu»,'or-“ purp(o-5lsdr^-

Old Indian Bemcmbers Seeing Famous Massacro from I

Hilltop os Youth I

WINNIPEG, Man. AID — Sixty] years ago a young Sioux Indlan|

tood on a hill and watched » terrible sccnc as tho tribesmen of' thc plains cut down the soldiers of| Gen. George A. Custer. Today Charlie Cmvlyukoo, 75, la a re-j spected citizen of tbc Indian re-'

rvo-at-Plpestone, Man.\ ;Clearly, as an often recalled eno, Cuwiyukoa remembers the.

day when tbe throbbing tom-toms called the'braves together In their feathers and war paint' Ail through tho night war dances roused their frensy against tbc ! white roan who had stolen their lands, killed their gome and run "iron .horse" across tbc hulfoJo range.

EVpectcJ Attach Cuwiyukoa recalls that the At-, ck on the Indians by Generali

Custer did not come aa a surprise. The Indian warriors awaited Uie attack near the headwaters of thc little Bighorn river.

At daybreak tho United States! troops crossed thc river and Im-I mediately there waa pandemonium] aa Indians am' soldiers elosed In

|cambaL Tbe battle Tagci) uatil ] afternoon.

Cuwiyukoa says that hla father, Chief Ktcumanl, and his‘brothers,

IKai-yo-za, and two cousins, Oi-j ,]ay-san and Jcsso Wakpa, all fougbt that day and escaped. Walcpa later became the consta­ble of tho Pipestone reserve. '

price. So long as conditions ec linue thus, qfficlals mid, there no noceaslty for the government; to enter the market. ,


Detectives Uncover Possibilities] Of Murder and Suicide

” At Portland-

PORTLAND, July 21 O l —De- tectlves found both murder nnd suicide ' possibilities today In the death of a 00-year-olil woman| whose garroted body «vna found | In a little frequented area In Wash-1 tngton park.

Tbcro were blood stains on her neat plaid sports coat, but no. signs of a struggle in tbe dirt near her body.

Wire Around NecU A rusted balling wire had been

|wound tightly around her neck. Ichlef of Detectives John Keegan believed it possible oho might ' done It herself.

Not the least puzzling, aspoct of thc case was the Ideality of the] woman. Aside from a cataract on | ono of-her-eyas-and a fresh p ancnt wave, apparently obtained! abortly before her death, there waa little to' aid In Identifying her.

Tho body woo found Sunday by Felix J, Walsh, Portland, while hla way to feed park'dccr.

Pair Sentenced on . Petty Theft Charge!

Stanford Dsvis - and Whltey Davis, Twin Falls young men, to­day \ver6 sentenced In tbe jusUcc court of Guy «T. Swope, to serve 10 days each and to pay costs, or conviction of petty larceny Involv­ing charges of theft of merchon-, dlae from the car ot James Mays, Wendell.

Allegedly stolen from the ma­chine here Sunday morning were

-v an Indian blanket, a shirt, a pair "fcf trouacra and some secktics. 1

Johnston o n fhooram ■Mayor Duncan McD Johnson,1

candidate In tho primaries for nomination ns second district eon-, grcssman, will go to Pocatello this evening to speak before the Young Democratic organisation, lie ap­peared before a senoion of tho Bonneville county Democratic cen­tral commlttcc at Idaho Falls, Sat­urday. He reports that an unoffi­cial poll of tlic committee showed, him leading as personal choice of' thc 24 members present ‘

Thirteen spocles of migratory birds have been exterminated dur­ing the last 60 years.

islands of the'Duth East Borneo. Java. Sumatra and New Guinea—oil fields that might pos­sibly equal those of southern Call- ifornla.: According to the winounc.. .| by thc Standard Oil company of|Califomia,.Uie-Eoycrtiment_a_f_tbo {Netherlands Indies granted to Uio Netherlands Pacific Petroleum company, the stock of which is controlled by tho Standard, the, new concession on tho cast central! coast of Bumalfa, abcut half way between the present dll-pftaixclng region of Atjcb, at tho north end! of the Island, and tbo prolific fields, of Palcmbang and DjoraW, near Iho south end. ''

Should the,exploitation of tho ust tract develop In tha discovery 1 new oil fields they would be !o-

|cated sufficiently closo to tho coast' to mako tho problem of transpor-; tntion to tbo oil steamers compar­atively cosy, It is pointed out

C A T H E D l l Y

l VRETUX, France (ILE)- Tho old athedral here is known to many ‘ n’cricana os ono ot tbe flncstj rehitoctural adjlevemcQta In

.rnuwo— It.llltowlse. Js_)cnown as itfcr French ^athedral with tho de- fcritue- organ"'pipes. --The - mayor! lof Evreaux'in altemptlfig to1 re-! jnlaco the faulty organ with tho « - . 'cellcnt ono'formerly belonging to the Trocaderff In Paris:- • ,

Tbo -Trooadcro has been dls- marwUed - tn maka. rooii lor .the 1037'exposIUon bnd It tr probable that tho cathedral bere aoon will bo equipped' wlU>: new pipes. Church •■ftuthorlUeo 'havo offered to meet the transportation and Installation-----------

. S. A."Desert Steve" Ragsdale. |of Desert Center, Calif., booster, for tha Intematlooal Four Slates! Highway association, Bald today he! was struck by the many scenic at­tractions ot Idaho, Montana and Canada. Here .today en route bomo from a conference to chart ]tho annual meeting of Uie assocIa-| tlon,-ha carried .large .banners — his car advertising the route.

He Is engaged in bualncaa Desert Center, which place founded and serves a largo trade: la tho desert country providing auto.-hotel,.eating, and other ac-: commoilaUons,' keeping open 24 hours a day ond employing 40 per-

Tho human brain is exceeded In so by only those of elephants and!


Los Angeles, on ltd dairies and farms; Hiu SO,000 cows within IU|| metropolitan confines.

“It** Love Again”Storrlog' , ‘

JESSES "MATTHEWS r.-:. (Itie Dasctag'DlvlnUy)- uy|. EOBEBT YOTOO

?/\ —gone to

BARNARD'S"Evetybody nas hls upa and downs," says Ccorgc, “ but values' in Barnard’s used

~tara~io‘e~ntwsya- om fie ''up ' and upl’’ i

1D3J CHEVROLET Sedan,- <1

.... ... § 4 2 5jOMJfMh 6eian,-low' inrifjigo ______


Eyes of Europe's ststeomeu are fixed mete days on Aus­trian Chancellor Kurt Sehuseh- nlflg, shown above,--solullno.- Eff?ct of iho recently announc­ed Austro-Gcrman pact l» being closely watched, as It may mean a new lineup of continental pow- co , vastly Increasing the In- fluen«o-of—Austria,— Germany, and Italy In eastern Europe.

Seen- TodayBaby too small to walk being

taught <o swim Jn Harmon plunge, and vastly enjoying the process. . . r Motorist puzzling over how to signal for a U turn and finally deciding to Invent an appropriate "handle." . • • Young matron distressed be­cause her bird bath seems to have attracted no customers, even though she carefully filledII In-t .Saturday .nlrht. ----- ---Timid outolnt^backing severalhund red “ -ards,—part- of—them—up-hill.,io avoid a bridge mark­ed "condemned." . . . PlCnldicnt, bemoaning the fact that they didn't plug thclr watermelon, after 11 lurried out green. . . . Sunburned official, who stayed too long at thc softball games yesterday, finding surcease from his' bllstcra with liberal applications of white rlnc oint­ment. . . . Reminder that this la thc anniversary fit tho In- auguration of wireless commun­ication between Japan and IhoUnited Slatro In 1015___ Bug-bespattered windshields,'reveal­ing the cars which have been on long trlpB. In contrail to

which ntayed

SEES ONE UPSETBlnnton MuA Undergo First

inoff-in 0arcer> - .Othcrs on Top

. -DALLAS. Tex., July 27 H'..I The Mato ot Texas today recorjl- led one of tha quietest Democratic I primaries In Its history, with only

rtoiKr'major-upset to go-on u-.<- ; hooks, ' 'I Rep. Thomas. Blanton, returns to tho house by tlio state for. 18.

•years, faced hla first runoff pr|. 4mary, to' be held Aug.-22,Jfi 1>;1 long career. A newcamcrr Clyde L. Garrett Eastland county JiidKe, lopped. Blanton's vote power'fc' thu primary held Saturday,' "

Incomplete returns from the17th dlstricl'ahowcd: -------- —

Garrett 22,453.Blanton, 17,1)75. ■ -Fred O. Jaye, 0,402. .* .9

Olbera Lead Blanton wos tho only national

represcntntlvc~who-trailed an op-—I ponent for the nomination. Maury Maverick of San Antonio wan SS3 votes short of a majority in hln district and probably will meet Lamar Sccllgson In the run-off, Sam Rayburn of Bonbam lei) In thc fourth. .Wright Patman of Tex­arkana and R. Uwbig- Thomas un of El Paso hod no opposition In their districts, the first and Klh, respectively.

With Democratic nomination tantamount to re-election, returns apparently made certain that vot- — a clear majority approv-

ndmlnlotraUon of tbe no- youngest governor, James

Allred. ’__United 8totes Sen. Morrls.Shep-.pani, a member of congrOss since1002..-.was renominated-with -aiore- than 400,000 votoo’ compared'wiih his nearest opponent’s less than100.000. •

Socialists to Meet In Convention Here

IDAHO FALLS, July 27 (Spec­ial)—Tho Socialist parly nomina­ting convention will bo held ItV. I Twin Falls, Aug. 11, according to announcement ma'do by‘Dr. George A. Auppcrlc, .state chairman. It had formerly been scheduled for Boise. »

George A. Nelson, Wloconsin, candidate for vice presidenf, may be a speaker, he said.

CORN-IIOO CllKCHS n w n :Thc second payment of thc corn-

hog-checks under the benefit pay- _ njent of the A A A for ltf35 w ill-I be distributed tomorrow and.Wed­nesday at Uie Twin Falls county- fairgrounds office, Filer, Thursday nt tbe city hall In Buhl and from then on In the county agent’s o: flee In Twin Falls,' according t Thomas Parks, chairman -of tho com-bog commlttcc.

Wednesday and Thursday■“ B O A D G A N G "

. withDohU Woods



40E-K HAY8:—

; vKewr -BaWa.Ow'jPrtoe* :^|

It’s The Truth!

< 5 » .

i* dltUac* ssJn

Modern equipment ln Cur up-to-date ehop enables u« to rocoitdttlon our Used.Can.

Conje In, and let us provp it! 'JO Ford V-8 Touring

Ford V-8 Victoria____ *305 ,'34 Ford V-S^Scdun T<nv.'2(1 .5225 I'34 Ford V-8 Coupo__;___fiCO'29 Wymouth Coupo > v yatft •28-CUfvacr~Beaiu~:------r’ ^ T‘30 Cadillac Sedan U^]'30 Ford A' .Tudor'28 Pontiac Sedan___ - $inn'80 Graham Sedan '20 Pontiac Coi • -----'VS Chevrolet Coach J <10.,*S0 Durant-Sctlan .......’31 Ford A Town Scdanu.-424fl ■20 Ford Std. Coupe_,..,.,_Jl&0

[ ■429'-Foni-'Roadster:•'30 Chftvrolet. Coupe >140'20 Durant C Sedan ___;.*ioo'2B Chryulcr Sedan'39 Ford A Tudor -----

.'29 Easox- Sedan ...'29 Essex Coach ..'29 Ford*A Coupo -*20'A Tudor. .....'34 .Chevrolet Pickup isrik.■*20.-Ford -A- Pji-knp--—-----} iw ‘•SS Ford. V-8. I*lckup-_,...,.S175' 'fS4 Ford :V*8 Picltup-^iJM78,'36-Ford V-8 Truck ;_____KS3,'26-Fort AA Truck-<81 Ford AA Trcqk __j_J225'•as Ford.V-S Tryfic . j

UNIONMOTOR COi'^ '^ “ Soor. tro^j

' Monflay, July 27; 3D30 IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Pago Thre<

TO HOT ELECTION• Throo-Wny Piglit for Senate : iNorflDtttlon Tops i'nmary

Voting Aug.’ 1

■ FRANKFORT, Ky., flit!* • thrcc-comcrcd content for ■DcmocraCla ocnatorial nomination •will enliven Kentucky's 1030 pri­mary election on'AUg."!.'

Tho incumbent, Sen.• Mills' Logan, of Bowling• former chief Justice of U . or appeals anil undefeated In any

political contest,, will be. opposed for renomlnalton by J; C. W. Beckham, of Louisville, former gof/ilor. and senator, nnil Jolin Young Brown, of Lexington, "

' dynamic, youthful figure who I "comC'lo'tlie'rront politically tn-• ccnt years. .

-• ■ Carried Banner-fOx years ago when tho Demo­

cratic couso In Kentucky appeared ' doubUul, Logon. then r

—-wtHtngly-ramed-lhc-partj ' when others were more skeptical

of Democratic chancca; Ho won in that election and thp Democrat* havo not lost a major state battle.^Beckham, backed bj\ the atato administration of Gov. A. B. Chandler, long ban been a familiar figure in atato politics. Ho was tho Bto4,o'» governor, having nucceedcd to tho governonihlp In1000 when William Goebel1 ----

> ossaaslnated. 'Defratcd'for Senate

Bcchhum served almoih-. eight ' years as governor nnd, in 11*08,

was Democratic caucus nominee for United States, senator

T senators .were .selected J>y. the _lc£-lslature. Ho waa defeated.

— Tien,-in 1014, tha-firs „ Donators "were cle'etiffl-ljy-populnr

-vote, he was nominated and elect­ed. Six years later lio was re­nominated by'hla party, but lost tho election to Rlcfmrd P. Ern3t, Covington Republican.

Lost Aguln Seven years loler Beckham

tamo a candldato for the Demo­cratic nomination for governor,

‘the nomination, but lost In


Pacific Group Intoads to Ask LtranrtJnclrSam und- !


of-tho-irwtimtB-or:-PBctfiG Relations which will bo held from Aug. 10-10 In Yoacmito national

While every major country, cither In or bordering on the

hem Pacific, with tlio cxccp- of Mexico, will participate In

tho meeting, tbo four countries to bo called upon to cxpinlr. ln detail their national policies us -regards the Pacific area are tbe -United States, Japan, Clilna and Soviet Russia. - •

Carefully Prepared «* result of two ytfars of In­

tensive ttluily cf tho national policy

all other participating cptm-___ will orrlvo with u curefullyptpparcd ngenda.' and Hat of quc..--------t0 jUJJt wbut they want i

i regard lo Undo Sam' intentions.

Tho preliminary questioning. a is been prepared In advance, wl.

bo especially directed ngalnat the New Deal and will be a definite effort to find out whether the ideas and Intentions of the Tscw Deal policy vary in any way from the traditional Far East policies of Uio United States In the past. First of all, other nations In the conference will want to Unow. as they have already Indicated. Just

effect the recovery program iad,-not-only-on-tho United: i, but what Its repercussions'

nrc_tm Pacific nrra~ rnnntrlea. ~


King Ed\ynr(l and'Quwn Grant alatcrfl- or'Mr. Tc.iter. — -A'pprofcittou tu WSir-fi

Windsor Memorial


WINDSOR. Kng. n'JS — Plfimi for the monument lo King George1

the town from which' royal family's prca-,"";.1 ’ X ‘ w!Tim'er Is reco - hnvc-ircclvcd np--;£--T- „ nttack of rieurltLi King Edward and; Glcnn i3Utlcr. who has find

ployment ot Fairfield, visile the home of liLi parents, Mr.Mrs. John Butlcr.'Frldny, He left Saturday for Moscow' nil will Join his brother, Ro.i left last Monday to work

o I’ruhle

Allen Jones, former opera singer Svlio rose tnclcoricaliy ln mo­tion picture", was too busy tolling tests for a new screen rolo to nppear at tho Lai Angeles county lieenoo liureail ullli pretty Irene Hervey, .screen uctrcs* nnd bride-to-be. So Miss Hervey apprartd alone, filed‘a nollco ot intention to «ed and Rent It uroimd lo Janes' nludlo, where ho signed It. The happy pjiir nro shown ntjpv<v out tor a ntrolL

t of aA

tucky house In 1932 when a soles •tax first was proposed. Ho opposed tho tax and was clected congress- raan-nt-large on that Issue. Two years tater he lont In tlie primary

.for ^nomination.


TUESDAY, JULY 28P.M.0:00 Jfsrek Weber anti Ills Or­

chestra0:10 Richard Crooks, Vocalist 0:30 Tommy Dorsey ond Ills 1

chestra • ■ •'0 :4 3 Victor Arden and Phil Oil­

man. Pianists •' 7;00, Pinto Peto and his Ranchi-. 7:18 RubfnoH and his Violin

7:30 World - Wide Trans Radio Nows Flashes

8:00 "When Memories Call” with Dick Foster and Joe^Day

• 8:30 American Family Robinson D;00 Ambassadors from ' Radio-

10:00>Bvcnlng Request Hour 11:00 Staling Off Tlmo »


. 0:00 Farmers’ Breakfast Club 6:15 The Goldman Band Concert

' 0:30 . Farm and Homo Flashes ’• 6:40 General Market Quotations

7:00 Morning Devotlonals \ 7:15 World * Wldo Trans Radio

News Flashes 7:30 Boswell Sisters 7:45 Skaters Band

; 8:00 Jlmmlis Grier abd-hia Or- •’ ehestra - - . -

.' 8:13 Argentina Typlca Orchestra "8 :50 Jock Teagarden Popular Vo* ' --fcolist-'

2:00 Henry King and hli Orches-J2:15 Alfred Cartot, Pianist j. 2:30 Evening Times news flashes 2:43 Closing Sheep Market QuoT

tatlons 13:00 Afternoon Request Hour

•4:00 Enrico Caruso, Vocalist 4il5.Victor Salon Orchestra 4:30 McKenzie Orchestra S:0H Organ Sentiments 3:15 Band CoriOTr- y t- 3:30 Times and Trans Radio news

Flashes3:43 Kama and Salaicr Hawai- 6:00 Eddy Thomas Popular Voca-

ad ministration's mom policy has affected banking Investments locally; the volume of currency nnd crcillt circulation and the volume of iQ.insTthil new capital Issues In private banks and credit Institutions.

“ icn, even more, .npcclflcally, Instituto will eo Into - ‘

»ayi high crowns will—lis-lmportant-thl> tall,__Here's-

.1 striking felt model, seen at ^the_n3flflo6K_at^Uonaclinmn3..

trimmed with feathers and wlth-nn nnklo-lonQlh dreet Ho crepe with brown girdle which, hano* a long sash.


RUSSELLLANE fMr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Lovelncc

nnd daughter, Catherine, DeiRhtoi Kan., ana Mra, George Bundur.m Ness Clty.'Knn., are here vLnllln nt the homes of Charles Tenli and P. A. Tvatcr. Tha ladles ai

lio-Coiitriiet— met—Friday afternoon with Mra. P. o. Conant. Prizes for high score went lo Mm. Charles Tenter nnd Mr*. K. M. Pnttenion. Mrs. P. A. Tenter re­ceived the traveling prize. At the close of the nfternoon refresh-

party Wednesday evening at Rocl creek. They also went swlmmlnjJ in thif-hot wells. Their leaders Mrs. Charles Hawley, accompanied

The Run.iell-Lano school house tl being renovated nnd redecorated for tho coming school term. .

o selected the royi nt^Bumamo-—' ha

proval from Kinf (Jl’ en Mary.-

A tender for execution of tho! work hns been ncccpicd nnd the memorial should be rchily for un­veiling next spring when King Kdwnrd Is expeeted to preside ut tho ceremony.

Sir Ea*ard’Lulycns his'defitgii" ed tho memorial so that tho ccn-

I'feature -Is-n-stono-ccnntnpli massive dignity, yet iilinnle in

ornament. On the u>p ta a carved representation of tho royal eni- ■ lems resting rfn a cushion.

Upon the steps lending up ta the

Nino of the Busy

scrlptlon:■ ' Georgo V

Firdt Sovereign of tho IIouso of Windsor

nelow and'In front of tho monu- inn will be a rectangular basin : water, wllh two raised foun- 1111ono on each Bide, The site ol in memorial la directly below the nun of Windsor cruillo nnd in the •nier of tbe town.

UTAH FARMERS TO MOVE .SALT LAKH CITY (I'Ml—More mu 100 families ntrnmled on the•outh-slrJJicu farms and nimble

cum a livelihood snon will be oved to more productive land by

_.e y,tnh brunch of the mra) rc- s'ctllcmcnt admlnlatraUon.


Cau*ed by T^red KiJney»•. and Mrs. Trevor Low Cenc, Nez Perce, are visiting

At tho home ot their sun, Lloyd . - Lowe, nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. Many of tlioso ffnawlnjr. nnci-lnrrtailed study of what financial.Trevor !>j\vc are former Hollis- painful backaches people blamo ot measures have been taken that 1 ter rciEilcntii I colds or strains aro often causcd b>directly affect other members of] Mrj‘ Tclj gtalcy and infant son;l1rc,J kl3n«y»—and may bo re"......

^turned to their homo f r o m j n r o oni'Vf No Falls hospital. chief ways of t.iklnff ocij„' ’ Slseem had an In-, wastes out of Iho blood.

Institute. rivei this conpcctlon two specific',';',; T

questions have been prepared us; wr, follows: '

.. Music" 01

Surprise Given byFiler Residents

FILER. July 27 (Special)—Ulas Minnie Simon was nurprlsed Thursday evening by friends who eame to her homo to celebrate ber birthday. A welncr roast was held and was followed by games. Re­freshments were served later

ie evening,-' • 'Those present were Joe Simon

and family, Mr. 'ond Mrs. E. P Poison and son, Mr. and Mrs. R Long'arid family and Ur. and Mrs Harvey Gartner and daughter.

SIDNEY. Australia tl’ Pi—Rut); her roads loom as the result of experiments now being carried □ Queensland.

The rubber being used Is i ’rom Papua, New Guinea.

To dale. It lias proved loo costly or'gcncral road us*; but new cx- icrlments Aro'now being mode. If hey provo succcssful, rubber rosds will be extended 1 inrts of Australia.

iincrniions . w, e Involved In Ihe American all- * „ .aversions. Re-purchase program* • - .


falo completed Its first jail Just in time. • It was completed ono afternoon. That night .six pctgona

- - put behind •*-*

8:lJ'Openfng"-4Ifirket Quotations; ■ 8:00'Arthur Pryor's-Bond

PU5 Lawrence Tlbbet Standard • .Vocals

• 8:30 Evening Times newS flashes 0:45 Morning Meloily Contest

, 10:00 Market Program ~ 10^niotr-McOlmscy—Old-FavoS• -. Ites

10:30 Nelson Eddy Standard . Vo- . callst

. 10:45 Fat's Waller and Ida Orclies-r-il:00"RemlnlacUig-wlth-the-Cow-

' boy • tl:lB^Twin FalU Markets 11:30 Greta Keller, Vocalist 41:19 XavJtr • Cujnt- and lifs Or*

"• r■ '■ ehestra . ■ ■—• ••'‘ P.M.*

lfl:00 Henry Burr Favorite Vocals 12:15 Sol I f Brighf and hla Ha*

” , ,t dvwallanasCSO' Ray .Nobla and Uls Orchestra

..12:40’ Closing Market Quotation, . .13:45 World • Wide Trans Radio ' .• • * Ncws Flashea• ' i:00 'Latest Daneo Relcaaea •

'-•n:15 Tho Revelers- .............- 1:30 Tito Schlpa. Vocalist .■ ■•lils-Blgc Rldgo.Mountain I

> bars,

'j - What has-been the-effecl of this program on tho financial situation


barking on a refunding program

:t rid ot rr... latler.

to coll In $1,470,000 of h/gh inter- ' rate bonds and refloat the debl.. a 354 to 4 per cent rate. I $ 10 from

tresnmem.'. were served. three guests Wero present-- - tho body and may becomo polsonou

------------- ;--------------- lit may ntart nacslnB backaches, lc„CROONING BANDIT HUNTED : g ? t e « X “ .d® eW d c 5

----- htsJaches and diulness.8t It lay y<sr. lo u is — roiico

stfeltlng a youthful hinging bandit who waltzed Into .a tlcvffcrooning "givfl me the do. re, i,T. . <0vp, _ Tl,

;Stlll humming, he escaped With lnJ wtl) help ta 0u?li out tli ' ? cash register. , '»f Uldnoy tube*. Oct Doin'.

used b1*4 FIJI* orb for y rellsf

Iranian language havo been found on tbo rocks of the Mogol-Tau- Mountain, In Northern Tadjikis­tan. One of theso Inscriptions dates back to the year B03 ot out ear arid constitutes the most an­cient Inscription oa roclis la Con-

Help Kidneys.'

Dwur'irrntrlpitniCnincUIlM'C ystcx ,


^EWROSIVEON wucnc Sloe


course. That is, hi came to having his engine over- liaulej periodically — his brakes, steering gear and lights cheeked regularly. Hut ho never gave tho lircs a cecond thouplit until iianc', . . . A Mow-outl Ho couldn't steer!' He couldn’t stop. Another accident thnt might havo been prevented.

Luckily, this motorist was not hurt,. But doca It pay to gainWo when blow-out* kill or injure tliou- nands every year? Dora it pay to bo unconcerned about tires, when, by equipping your car with tho new Goodrich. SalQty_SUvertowns, you

can enjoy rrnl blow-out protection

That's because Silvcrlovns aro tho only tireo built with tho Life* Saver Golden Ply—a layer of spe­cial rubber and lull-floating cords, scientifically treated to resist tho heat generated iniide the tins by toifa/a high speeds. By resisting heal, this amazing Golden Hy keeps rubber and fabric from separating. It Iteepa blisters from Xorming. And when you prevent the blister, you prevent tlie high-speed blow-out.

Isn't it better to bo aafo than sorry? Especially when Golden Pi/ Sllvertowns cost no more than other Btaadard tires. Como in today.

BUV;THESE D O tD E N ;;P iy :.S IiyE R T O W N S AT-



W. C. T. U.'s earliest Ohio monu­ments Is no more. An ,elght-ton ornamental drlaklng fountain, erected by tho o'rganlzaUon 30 years ago as a symbol of Its dry

- has" collapsed,

THRIFTY SERVICEL b .se Flat-Work FinishixS

Weariog Apparel Danlp PARISIAN, IKC.

. rilONF. 850

& •


Antl. HIa-Rnnch- Boy*' :■ :(Oo» at tha. most mioewaful:

" .“fTOgrems-eTBp-brwidcMt)—

• 'P rog r a m s E a c h •• T u e » . a n d T h u r « .v 7«'i

7 :0 0 p m . f

t o c a L K T F I S ta tio n•r^C*-..'8p«WOMd'by *|-yOw'a Paiat * Vnnitvi* ^ n -v-V-BA.Mlfur; (Mm. 06

. . *ad - r^Bocbtea PtewMt-mABU*

TUESDAY SPECIAL.....................................................i?

■s p


JLi--^-£ullJilUourlwlicela.laJnspcsCunI«.— 1______2. Inspect complete brake mechanism • for looss1 cotter pins, bolts, -

springs, cte.3. Clean brake drums with special

A ilont Cleaning Solutloa.“ t Cleon brako~1tnlngr^L‘movIng

etc.” - - . . • ;

L - 0. Buff tips of bralte shoes to "prevent (k . • "groan” and ''cbattcr.'* V

: a. Inspcet front bearings to insure of proper grease.

7. Roplaco four wheels. :8. Set Anchor Pins properly.. "9. Eouallze all brakes on Electro Dy-


foot pounds of pressure when 11 ’ Is applied to drum-.;'Ualce selentUio road tcsL

& $ t o n e a u t o m n v a n b j m v K t - s r a i t t t -

410 WA1K so irn i

13 ! ! rCLl’iT H f :

5 l iO r .v '

T n " " i N - ' " !===1

- ........ ......... . t' * ;..TIV : ! i i : ----------------


m e .. .w hy a re th eyMILDER... w hy do thety


W e H 7 fir s F o lF ,^ a l l 'a g a r e f fe s 'a f c

n o t a lik e . . i n o t b y a lo n g s h o t .

___N o w G h e s t e r f i e j d s , . .t h e y a r e ____

m i ld e r b e c a u s e th e y a r e m a d e .

o f m ild , r ip e t o b a c c o s . . .b o t h v

h o m e -g r o w n a n d T u r k is h .

T h e y a g e t h e s e t o b a c c o s f o r t w o

y e a r s t o t a k e o u t a l l h a r s h n e s s

T h e s e t o b a c c o s a r e n o t o n ly

b le n d e d h u t c r o s s - ^ l e n d c d . . . t i u s

— ' b H n g s _'c m t ■the_ b c t t C T t a s t c o {

• e a c h t o b a c c o . I t w e ld s th o d if­

fe r e n t f la v o r s in to \ o $ 4 b e t t e r

fla v o r* I t h e lp s to ifn ak e G h e st*

.e r fic ld s t a s t o b c tte r * '

Whenyoti smoke a Chesterfield ' you realixe-they’re not Uko

others. . . They Satisfy.

t> tfKSTr* Ut Ui .Touao Co..




Tuii. Tails uill (al; riili iiiiiiiKiiralifiii of ;

SI.'P f-.rvvar. liri.h.m- s-,;v



P o t

S J ijQ T S -The Gentleman in

the Third Row

for ‘ '

'“4>It is I(. Ih- lhal llie !>rov,

it u ill iiiiilic- mure LTi'laii. fiivlh.'r iraii-lKirHiti.n. ikveloin.iioit, {(I'l-al.T in ic

■ . lU'ov.-rm-iii o f llie aii'i'ort. mid a.liijiioniil .•uHii". if ims-iliK not oiilv airiyni! III.' Inmsr.mlin.'mal imss,ni-<T aii'liiie,--.■ Tlie I'apitiil Air J/men (if iV.iM' is imdcr.sKXMl l.i l.e \>r<>- Vi.lin^ eNi'clleiit e<|ui|iiiieiit for llu! liiif aii.l lir>i>es (c> iiu-- itic'iii llic service just a« raiiiilly as ccniililiniis will jusiify,

Tiic- Twill I'lillH ChamliiT oLCoiitiaer.'c is askiiit; liia.l ilie ••itiOTirynira out a i tiu- fieid nl a. iii.'lnai<a‘row

, 10 uelc'uinc Uie first visit of the plane. ■ .- — " - Jn a ^ •7lr (lie evratMrill l.c-liirdoric an.! fiioiil,! ,_U____ ticiiialvil.iii. l»y everyuiie at .all interested iti. local pmtjrcss.

■ Tlie .Ii-velopnienl imiiO;ramitli('r'Hti-p liere frciiii ‘ (lie transpat'lalimi iiiutliods wliidi KtarieO with (lie Mli^ooniK'ii aud lias -OIK! siK'cessively-ii]) to our preM'iit slreaiii of

HQ1[JSE~QT~gH]roDWg~"You sure Ihnl'a whnl ho snid,

Suilc?” eriHed Dan Dallnr. Ifc suddenly m x from his chair nnd sUIItcd over to her.

’Wliy.Dan—" she began wllh n icltlfilt jTlCBlc. -,Wliy. g.m. hovsL

CHAPTEn XI” n-;trv eoumlnc mimbcrB rn'pliJK-. Uioush Clntrc's cry hndM..I So I tried It I.vit niRlil. JJiit I: brouBlit him back from n very

■ Mliln't Rct nny .•Iccp- nl- nil—and; long dislancc. Pat’s cyea fluttered

The (dan i-vic: will r.peii a iie iir.s will he i>f iner*


■ field and one which tsing eoniiiicn-ial itii-

K i:fiG E IlX K S « IN A M K liIC A The KiiKlisiiina'tt l.s fiiiiioiiH for tukiiiR jonj; walks he-

Mi]'-, his rclchratoil lakes, (lit; Gefniaii for"plautliis him- (•elf ( oaiforlalily jn a hiersdihe anil inhaling sjtiiw l-eer, the Kallitn for gatlirriiiK in jmlilie sfiiian holteriiiK “ ICviva II nuee!’ ’

And the American Ik liej;innin" lo itc<niin! an eijmilly -di}.titi};«iHhi»g'-nntional-hal.i(; he lik w -(o -n e t - in to -the

c.'ir, und drive out inlo the open coutiiry, whenever lie kcIk a chance.

Cousideniig the awful bealiiiK lhat hiw climate gives liitn, lie :v slroii};, .ini'raiiicd love o f jiature lo do Ihis. For lie docs not live in a kindly laml.

Ill wiiilei- it freezes Jii.s hones, and in sttmnior it hakes bim to a crisp. U drowns him in floods nnd dr ii]> in drouths. It .miiilcs him with dnst storms and torna-

lad now and th.-ii it -ive.s liini the Jar ofinake.

Ami lei; in H'i(e ol jrand .'oiintry knew itj wln'ii

•ami, fevei

.rvihin^. he know.s that il a man lo live in. The earliest

y I,ail iridians ami tajifrled for- contend with; their, itp-lo-datc

theeiidants know it. and wlieel the family hus .1 cmmti'y roads on Iht- .slijjhtest excu.te.


open.Susie ran to net water which he

rfr.mJf f.i/icrJj’. In .i sJiorl.llme lie s able to make » up the steps,

witli Dallas’ stronc help. As (hey came out Into the open air, t| shnrp penl ofethunder roared nbout (hem, ond'splashes of rain fell.. Oncc more In tlie shelter of house, Pnt.rapidly recovered.

- ............ ........ - __ , ,— — "You tan-C~down-«nJtlthmaa: Kcl nny lon irM. either, ivithouf n t!j!ht,” he (old Clalrc

.......... . - r, he finished recllinG aU Ihati-hats -hnppencd to )i‘'■ D.w DMss been Jlslenlnff closely. Now he lennwi Jorward. •Tlicji this Euy who pushed . .

-ciown (ho Shaft evidently followed to ■ make sure you- were dead. He mu.<il be ttic one who shot nt MlM Fosdick’s Inmp.’'

Pnt Jerked around in aslonlsh- mtnt. "You were Uicre, Claire?'

■'T heard you tapplnR, Pat—Ihe fame sound (ha( roufed mc up Icj Undo Lymnn’s room that niglit Later I heard J( ogaHT in (he U- brnrr.”

•’Du( I was situ In circulation (hat night you wcn( up cupola,” Pat reminded her.

••And so was Eb.” added Dallas. “Bu( sincc (hat side ot (he house seems (0 be (he one where (he noise Is nJways heard, (here be tome connrrtlon'betwecn it and (he eCUar."

Susie glanced al Dan wilh . new expression in her eyes. Then she snid, VI told Eb I kept hear- Ing queer things Dt night, but he only laughed at n'.?. Said I had

Just wlmt ccmfs after trillions

. MUSTACHIOS Whenever 1 ollmpse a manly lip

Dljgulsed behind undergrowtti,I think there mus( a blemliti

I, and (here.

W e seMnni i-<-a!ize just liow effectivclv our laiH!>cape aiul 'onr eliiuilie nti.i.l onr national character. AVe take iifliT them. so .to speak. If. we are vastly unlike-<inr ICuro- jiean aiiccslor.s, it i.s hec.TUsc onr land is j-o vastly unlike lin rope.•• Evcrylhinf; is hnill lo a la t-er Kcah: ov.-J here; it is more spncions, nmre nmanieil, more hoisi.aons and

■An l-n^li.sli liver is an oilier.

—fiowinffplnciriJr-hctwceivT^Tn^f (aiiotis r,t tnan’ like Wadsworth.

‘ X n Aniericair nver is sc)jneihiii{;-(!iat will ' fooSisliai'sK and doesn't know what iieatnc.-.s means. 1(

will hoil over lieriodicatly’ in (nrhiileni floods,'or chan;:e "'liK cDursi; overm^hl. ' J r lfir-*" ;t \dld~aitd—iiiimrTniiled

To Jhlw (tie for growi

Se, miller, ir you've a mustachlo I write this to deride ll! ,

—Princeii PatriciaTHE FltTY-CENT answer' on

low to keep cool waa BUhmlltcd aal week by Praressar Pill, one if our first contribs who eomea

back to Ihe fold after n long ab- c. And the hoaomble menllon Includes two former prize

winners and one ncwcomer whose conlrtb waa so pecuUir our board of advisers decided It must b« wblmilr^, and. therefore u-orUiy of mention. The first two wer< Ann Teek nnd Senator Snoiile: Uic latter, Clifford PraK. _ , |

• DOING OUR NOBLEST to brine on cool weather, wc will continue the •how lo keep tool" coolest for nhother week.. We cnn’t umlcrstand why the hottest! day of the year camc during thel first wcclt of our conlcst- Usually we cnn scare the weatherman Into sliifllnK by priming somcthlnBl nncl givlns him n chrincc to crosn, ll up, or by wearing or forgetting lo wear our raincoat. However,' ;we give you nnother week to in- iform us jusl how to keep cool. You

have IM.wordfl. to say It In pcrchniicc you'U help deplete Pot Shots • treasury by Ml

it. 'We-^wc weren't never mnr- ried." She vlped hcr tears and looked up dcnaotly at Clalrc.

routli j'ou'are all of a sudden!"

17011 answer Dallas slretchcd out his hand, Jihowing hcr. the om-

cial badge ho held, ' “Yes, Susie, maybe I am rough. That’s my. business, When your biUithcr found tlint .Fomeone. hacT been chlppina nt the stone foundation of (he house—you know you found i( when your clothes blew o(I the line—he Kot the law (0 step in. Figured things had got out of his control. Now you'd better com« across wllh wh.-\t you Imow, or—’

A blinding flnsh of'lightning crackled through (lie room, fo' lowed aImos( slmiiltnneously by deafening clash of thunder. Then,

Everyone rufiicd to the window. Just as the rreat twin-topped pine tree swayed violently oncc or twice.

titanic shriek of de­spair.

For a stunned second no on( moved or spoke.

Then n voicc broke in from lh( doorway. "Tlicrc! I saw liin coming in the library window!' Bob Stcclc swayed weakly and clutched the door for rupport.

••Dobl" Pat ran to his side and eased him into'n ehnir.

Dnn Dallas did not wait, bul snatched hls gun from his pocket and ran nlong the hall and threw open the library door. 'The rest followed.' Tlie room waS empty, but tlic window, was wide, open, Iclllng'in n blast of winH-di-ivch min which had crcatcd.hnvoe In ,thc_usiially_Jmmaculalji room.CUSIE Bavc one look at Uic place,,

then collapsed into the nearest' chair. "Oh, whnt would Lyman say If he could see It now!" sht sobbed. "His own room (hat m loved. And I promised nlwnya tt Keep It as It was."

Dan had. cucceeded In getting the window closed. Now lie nnd ruslied Into the lull to scnrcli for (he Intruder. ' CLiire walked over to Susie aAd Inid a Arm hand on her shoulder.

"Susie, tell me, why did Unele Lymnn want this room kept so? He miist hnve known Uiat sojnc- time it would bo changcd.”

"He snid If il was and I dis­obeyed him, he'<rflnd,a w.iy tc punish me. Thai’s why he'always left mc home."

"But why shouldn't he leave you bomc, Susie?-" Claire's grip r- thc"\voman's shoulder lightened.

.For a minute Susie did cot a swer. TTien she suddenly broke down.' “I was his wifo-JiU com­mon law wife. I guess you'd call

rlE e:iCTTtl

her. ' ■ ''CWre,, are you all rigjlt?

Wliat’s happiaicd? I wa» delayed in the village, so I decided to come back here for (he nigh(. The tree!"

He held born hcr handa (cndcrly ; she eipialned, apparenUy ob­

livious to anyone else In tlie room account of his onxiety for hcr.

Dallas nnd Pnt had relumed from Uieir search, and Pat halted in the ardent sccna be­fore him. The girl turned, witli n sliclit tinge of embarmtsmcnl in her mnnner. and niade the ncccs­sary introductions.

"I, didn't khow you hndintruded," Nick s.iid coldly,‘ "Of courscj Nick. I’d hnve fell

badly. if you hndn’t," she nn- rercd. '‘Susie can get you aome-

As though glad to cscapc, the houickcepcr started for the door. Dan Dnllns went after wood, but when Hannnh would have fol­lowed, aaire mntioncd her lo n chair near the window.

'•All of our friends scera to come here on account of arcliScnt, Nick. 'Mr. Hngan nnd Mr. Stetlc were going nlong the road in their far Uie night I came nnd heard mo almost wreck myself ag.-iinit a log that was across the road. Tliey turned back nnd tjrcught me here.”

•'And of coursc stayed on, Haw coyld nny man himself nw.iy, Ctnire?“ -smiled Nick-Baum easily.-

••nighlo,” remarked Pat. His eyes swept the o(hcr man’s facc.' “Haven't I » « ( you belorc.'Mr. Baum?” He asked the question abruptly. • '

"Afraid not. Sorry." Nick Baum took out a cigarct ond oflered (lie package to Pat

Just Ihcn 0 piercing scream came from the hallway, followed by (ho crash ot a trayful o f‘dishes. Evco’one 'riahed to the door. There stood Susie in tlie middle ot the broken di. hes, staring with blanched fnce at the ema­ciated ilgure of Eb, coming in from the porch outside. He tow­ered to an uncanny height above ber. His hair was matted, with mud, as were his clolhcs, and across his forehead ran a wound whiA had been' dressed wllh n white bandage, now ns tolled niid disreputable ns the rest of him.

"You— you belter be scared, Suslel" He pointed a.thin, shaking /Inflcr at the cowering woman. •The vengcance ot Heaven is about to <atcb up wlUi you and your wicked waysi"

• (To Be Concluded)

Behind The Scenes

in Washington

nho have liiBpect«d tho'UnicU'

If the e*pcrltnen(a prove tuc ccssful, such houacs ought lo ! come, oa you micht say,, "oirt 1 chcai’ .'' .

The mnterlnt thua far uscO h-a been. duB- frpm- the immedlst'o premUea anil (he thnt lo.

ny llODNEY DL'TCUER ErenlnR Times Wnnhlngton

CorrWponilcnt WASHINGTON, July 27-1 ,

posUlon of young Sen. Rush Holli of Wc.1t Vlrglnln Is ns peculiar os I It Ifl Burprifllng.

Nomlnnted and electcd ni liberal boy wonder while atlll ilcr the required ncnnterlnl age of 3, Holt found the whole cnplUl friendly when he camc here. ,

nu( liy bin own a>.>lduouii ef- forOi he hnx (|iieered hiniHelf with Ihc nnllonal • o*nlnhi(ra- (lon, tbo DemocrnUc mncblno >»hlfh domlttn(ci. West Virginia, the imlnii mine workers who helped elect him, und other clc- menlH, unlll be Ih pcrhap» (ho


prolmble cost yet, The Urst ■ ,.u to be flnlflhcd will cost be- vccn $2,300 and $2,700 apiece

But lhal cove™ heavy cofite of experhne;itaUon and, >\hen (he technique Is pertected, n mmnied euHh buuso might not cofit moro (hnn Imlf mucli.Careful records of cost arc be-

In/: kepi to determine that pomt.(Copyrlghl, lose, NEA flervi.e,


n m r f Kl ’.-«ronnge Ilou’It sinrted In n pntronnKC row, -----------------

with Sen. Mnt N'rely nnd somcl■cfmnriattrrr’s-iwiitieai-Mw.dfttesr^Dircctor-Asiicrts -RedracD-Now-- -

own'party— by fillbusierlni: the, Hy KKIJ.Y WOOLl-EIlf'Bccomi Guffey conl bill (o dcntlij HOLLYWOOD (CP)—The Am-

• the end of the .ifsalon. :crtc.m InJInn lan't wlinl he !;>n| gob of h(fl f(liliu,?lcr spcodi, to be.

;n(ly lirinlcd In nn appendix | rnct. the-Rcdmnh, in kctp-the CongTcaslonnl Recoril nnd inp; pacc with modern clvllza------

full of fables from Aesop, gives lit- tion. liaa become quite a birrmn *--* - .... . •- __Indication of whnt keep compcllns for

unpopular man" prise.Bnt there's same point

fnble lnterpola(ed by Sen. nell Clark of Mlmoiirl, uho

- c f - ’thfl-fnmous-tcnderfoot i\en( out to hunt l>ears, upon whose (oinliBtone Itivritlen: ..................... .......

- 'He nhiblled for (he gr and (lio gristly emne.” ’

H I S T O R Y of Twin Falls City & County

and.neal sort .if sdvam, -h a n k s ,-fit foi-(he-iiiedi-

im lfo r 1

heauly thiK in iihvais jiis( a lillle rrighteniiii;. r

Tlie con(f:is( Is (he'sam e all Ihe way down ihe line. ' O'ln-Vuounfains sj)i-7iwl iu iimihtod IhonKind-miie chainn,-

fcldeiidiil hevoiid words nnd nlway.s'a hit harsh .-nui llireat- • eniiiK. Onr "n-nt inlnu.l farm belt rolls qh- and on for

league njion Jcii"iie lo swallow all Knglaiid wilhout notic­ing it.; i(«i wheat fields ripple in the smi like a great gold­en oireaii, it.-j corn b c in s n limillcsH green wilderncssf.

A ll Ihls has dnnc things to iis. It is not for nothing thal our iieme.s of folklore .ire brawling gianls like Mike

; Fink and I'niil liiinynn; ttial onr national game,is tinged wilh ruwdyisui; that while we are gwierons and

• j^'Trlcmll.v, wc alw) ai'o-capiihle n( lowering .Tnger-and liecd- less eriielh'. These tilings have grown ont of.-our country-

admit that.4. The three Ill-advised young

.ladles—who- paraded—jround Oewntown In lono flowing party dresses -galurtfay.- S.- Superelllou* co-workers' about to take vacntion In the hills while wa slay here and

G. People who don t believeXT,VS'

7. Hot weather.

And a grand, grand coiintrysidc it i«. W e love it with a vast and inarticulate, lovp.

• • We Seldom hulher (0 say iniicli aliout I I b u t from cnr-• liesl hprliig lo hifOst fall we crowd the roads with ■ iiig lines O f cars, look at onr cndle.^s eartli, '

. -nwi-driftiiiK.£C-a.ot_)t« W’iiKvliki’ nir — nnd «ndei;slaad — ajieiv'. tliaf..wi‘.are Jords.of.jrgreut laud,, on .whicli ':hii.l>c

built maiikind'H fairest' society. ’ ' ‘ . ........

B3> Olive Roberts Barton


1 Don't forget lho book dcpart-l Over twelve years, but nol nee- 'mcnt when you nre shopping for essarilj: "Book of Notural Woa- j vacation needs. UnUiln/r aulta and dera,': by Ellison Hawks (I/jring InUons won’t be of the least Inter- and Uuasey); ••World's Messen-

fesl (0 (he children on rainy dnys, sera," hy Hanson Hart Webs(er, -whro-lhey are ftll fed up with (Houghton): "Head- Wind," '

•scenery. How many mothcrti Hi

kOniIng *„ .j.i; u . __of thnt rarest of -crops.'’ mdlum.-^>‘ « nre- indicated by disco\-ered anil] preparntlonfl for development of] radium fleldfl In the far •oulbwest-l ejTi comer of the counly at thel hc-ad nf Cedar crcek. The fields! aiV said to be rich in both radium!

janil aluminum. j— ~' i,J

‘S rr",port ls_ the assayer'e statement! •• For Eight nnd Under thnl the-ore nlao runs 25 per cenii -For yoiinpiters up-tto-rlght (ae- aluminum. :iually (hero is no age to n book)

.pecl*"of'''IwVFMlfl eounlylfFirwffulIy then that they wl5h - - •’- front na a produeer!p''>' »“ “ Fht of soran,books to

(air llltle city.” X Top- ' -

avemgothe-woods being ao. fnr from llbr-■“ "ro mmt?on all of the excellent books for children, It would eanary to go In for poundage u la mctropolllan telephone directories; but thero arc always some new

so thfs-wflJ

(Harper): •'Beowulf," by Ernest Uwis. (Dulton).{Copyright, lOJC. United Tress)

Discovery ot the mdliim deposit occurred by accident during a storm in JBIO when A. A. Dlcgel, DuhL driving °Hc observed a curious sutistanco in

• Hide nnd sent a 'specimen to nasayer later.

3t Shooter:After Severn] teelh-gnaahing ex-

pericricM .with this new fad, ■'handles,•■ In which you make pe­culiar motions nnd expect Oit oUier fellow to linow what yog’rt depleting, I give you a picture of - man playing "handles’ ':

Qoen to n party nt the home of conjtenliu friends.

Klgures il’ll l>e swell evening.Greeted uproariously by doxe

peopJe who see new matcrin/ In • 'm *nrt -wife.

Stares dazedly ds Uiey make lunntlc moUons -with hands.

More dazed when they demand: 'Whr‘ -’ - ......

Stares suspiciously, wondering If he'B Rotten Inlo asylum by mistnke, when he. finds out Uiey'd tieen reprcRCnllng n JnekaAS look­ing through Jail bars, n flah oul

in iijiii iii.vm.- Of water, garilc on n plate, etc.,, „ ,„ i i ,r « t i ,c

.waves-hla hnnda In despair. -Som#bo<ly Bee»-iho.moUon,«».lt's-new-';handy.". ......... ...Tlicy crowd nrouad him.- He dtcldca this popularity is

One riiidwoslern fiirin wife KavcH some o f h'.T.laih's( ■ corn KlfillcH by pressing them holw'een book'loaves.

'A nuiiH?, Mo., jdy-hician CBlimales lie lias saved ?S00 ' by not having'had n shnvc in 52 yearw. I t scenis ren- Eonablo; consider wliat he has Haveil in ^fes nlone.

' . never rciilim l-how ticarec crime was hi la. this, coiintry tijitll j v c ..rend lliat tlie_ m ‘re inycfitigntlng (Jic. Gnuen.

Makes ■ up "hnndles" . for next two hours,

Nenriy wrecks car going hooic waving hls bonds in new comBlna':

And fo to bed, Mill wavmg hands.

—E, Plurlhus Unum . FAMOUS LAST-LINE

••Elephant Twins,'Inez Hogan. (Dutton): "Over In the Mendow," by John Anthony Hnrtell. (Harper); "Billy '


Mondny nftemoon a numl>er of citizens met In the elub rooipr-t» listen to Senator Bums. Lincoln, Neb'. ,who la owner of the water- worJtfl oystem of tliat clly. Mr. Buina of(er a careful Investigation ot the new well and the water sup­ply from ll, slated to the citizens at thc meetinB that two such wells could supply 0 cltyr ot 12,000 and that tho cost of puttln .ln 18 miles of mains nnd installing a pumping system operated by electric niolorB would be in tbe nelghtiorhood JC5.000. _

mlllan): "How Pcrclval Caught tho TlBcr." by Pcrclval Stnithen). ^ I ld a y House): ••A Day at ^hool," by Agnes McCroady, (Dutton); • •■The Wimp nnd the -Woodle."— ABsemhloa—IlIusT—b]' 'WIHIe Pognny. (Sutlonhouse) ','Duttona — Six Gay Stories,'' '

Tiic totul npprojiriiitiou for tlic mamininniice ' of ' llie state department of puhlic welfare iu Idaho for

_JJtg_lli«afliimi— j j :.l!)34- was $47,81(1, or about G ccnts per cnpitn por ammm ns coinpnrrd lo an nvcrngc


Geo. and Doris Halman, (Macmil­lan); •'The Farm oa the Hill," by Madeline D. Ham, (Sccibncr); •■Stop, Look and Usttn," by B. and .E. Hsder, (Lon^ans); "Old John," by Uilrla Cixgan, .(Mac­millan). '

•More and more aro wo weaving music and art, crafts and hobbies into tho stoiy interest. There Is, for inslnnce, 'The Peter Itabblt Music," composed nround tho ’ llghtful lltlle stories known tctrix Potter, first immoflallzed Pet­er himself,-tWnme).—And-F!nvift Gag's "Sing a Song of the Sea­tons," (Coward): "Ch'cr in the Mendowi" (Hartell).

For Older Children F'rom eight lo anywhere

these: "Jock the King's Pony." -by Rowland Johns, (Dutton); '■Cir­cus Boy," by.Harriet F. Bunp, (Macmillan): "More Thingn n Boy

. . . . ... (An-Make.”vby Jos.T,«iinlne,(Ap7 ofhlred labor•mnl‘ ahnncrea8b''in pleton-Cehtuiy):~"Now for Cren.

rato of wages paid this sum- lures,” by Shelby Shackelford, compared wiUi n year ago la (Scribncrji "B»ck to'Trcaaure lii.

reported by lho bureau of ugrlcul- land," by H. A. Calahan, (Vnn- lural economics. The'"bu r cn if gunnl); •'VVhlsUcr’fl Van," by-Id- anticipates, n coDllDuiuice.. o f wai .Jones, (Viking); - "Lls Sails.........................uic_ Atlantic," by U's Anderson,

(Dutton): "The Donkey Goes VlslUng." by Potricia Lynoh, (Duti ton):'."A PnradB of .Ancient Ani­mals," by H.' O, Whitnnll, (Cro­well); "Ol' Paul the Mighty Log’- gen“ by ■Olen Rouml*,’ -(Holiday Houso): "Mars'ti, Island Mystery," by UojHston Cbapmao,-'(AilpletoD• rf• turv)■ ' "LItttn'House on,’ the

higher levels of CBplo>-racnL_ond wages through (he summer. .

.During thd epringr • monthly fnrm wages with board, nverageil J20.8ythu' country over, cotnpnr- etl wllll ^10.11 laTKiril a year ago.

; There Is'usuallyan- advancen,, JS". "Saverage

ft month the country over Ia.l920 10 $16 io 1033. -Ebo average for 1033 was about |10. •*

Century);’."LIttlo’ KOuso . Prairie," by .J.ailrtt IagalJ« Wilder, (narpcr). '

wtih crocks about tho ■•Kaiftas-hom con-

-rildatc" for the prfSidtncy or' Ihe "naUve aon of Kansas" Who is running against Roosevelt.

Tbe only auch presidential "nsplrnnl" Is Earl Browder, nominated hy the Commun- lat party, wbo was bom In Wlchltn. Govemor Landon was bom In Pcqnaylvjinia and lived for some years in Ohio.

ia.MlTU HOUSES One of Ihe resctUement admin-

tratlon's closely guarded secrets for many months has been the

, it waa experimenting wKh construction ot houses :arlh.

/{esulta of (he experiments have j c c n sufficiently encouraging, lowever. to take- away some of the boshfulnesi. There Isn't anj publicity ballyboo about ll yet but Administrator Ilexford G Tugwell has gone down to look a' oevcn earthen houses built on i aubslstcnee homestead p r 01 e c - -X rirrnlngbam, Ala.

Ttirougta o*e of a ••rammed ' earth," a mUture of sand, cUy,

and grnvel pounded together iri(hlo board fomw undl It be- cotocii virtually rock, rei.e((Ie- ment ofllcUts think they may be starting i^meUilng revolu- Uonary In tvral housing. Sensllivo to criUdam that'fol

ows New Deal mWnhe. am Ifeorful of being accused of bulld-

accordlngm no IcM an nuthorlty ihnn'

Chlcf Thunilrny. formerly known p motion plcturea ns King Vidor. The chief, ndopted na a full- eilced • member of (he Pueblo ibc-ln-New-McxICdrfetciilly-T."-" irniHl to Hollywood after six'

\yecks of shooting on location...............Explains Chanfl*'— --------

After a guttural ••How!" to iill . the' studio, he resumed film- g of the picture, "The Ytxns

Rangers," explaining b e t im e s the changes wrougiil nnying thecountry's alftriglncs. ' ...^ "

He told of ooe •'deal" which hla companv wag forccd to make In New Mexico -before' they coiiM photograph a war danco In which EOO Navajos participated.

"Wo bad to do quite a lillle bartering. , Finally "we provided two fat steers for ihc hungry danc-

atid pul up *75 lo prliea for trlbcamen' entered lo the ticsta horse races.

'Then, to clinch tho deni, a consignment of factory blankets, which the Indiana prefer to Uielr • homespun variety, was forwarded to rare tribal leader." ;

Dicker* For Steers Chlcf Thunzlnvy-Vldor said he

WIUI forced Into collectlvo bargain­ing wltb numerous cattle oiTncrn lo obtolo o herd of steers for use in scenes of Uio picture.

"I finally TOonaged to gather a Arrd of about J.CKKT, gatluring ixvo steers trom this man, three from another, and eo on. At the conclu-

the sequences all the own- le dow-a to'Uie location and, . le minor feat of magic,

IdenUfled their own stock wilh practically no squabbling."

Hardships, tbo - bng*boo of nil locnliona, were not misstng from bis New^lexieo trip, VHor soH.

•The%ioRt seriooB handicaps proved, to-be the weather and sightseers.

Dust and Snow •'The weather treated ul to n

display of tcrrific dust storms. snt>v In blizzard propot'tions and

bonlei Hoiwthome, (Uacmluan)'; lo is 'New ■Deii'“mWnk“e»;' n n V n o 'l iK L ''" ’"For Keeps, by Gertrude E. Mal- fearful of being accused of build- -Wo had to - construct sevcroV

‘-’ K rehabilitated!,nterior'«V\rdSrfaUi.f a” lDeath, by A1ex_ Key.lfamllles. they stlU wnnt 11 undcr-jverse weather condlUons Ihnt wo

-----* stood Uiat they're only expcH- might conUnuo ahooUng whenmejiting. • Iwork cn exterior locntiona was

it Its nn old technique which|impossible." he declared, kii own and (hen shelved, per-: The chief adraltted he was

bullding15iMeria“s™wc're'To'pr "ful and cheap in earlier dnys.Tiicrc’a...n .rammed..earth_houael here In Wnsblngton which haJil been stnndlng for 100 years. I ----------SHOUU)TIE-LOW” ------

You May Not Know T/mt-

anniiiri cspcndcd .hy Ihc olhcr 47 sinlfis of Jlic tion.


Device to Tako Placo ___ O^.Thlrtflcn Men

S E A T T L E .(HTX- Bill Prelsz. Yakima, Wash., aophomorc/nt the University of Washlngiori, thlnjis hU new elce,trically bpei tcd range fiaaftK.wm'-nad',-favfli.:.-jvlUi- the

Kited’ BUt'ca.- poaat Artillery. Prelsr’ .devlco woulil ellminato ho ot the 13'men now required lo

compute •an'arilllery firing prob- ilcm snii.reduce,thp elcmeot of cr-

ly by tho machlne Instantaneously with • the lighting of. the tele- BCopes.

Ho han submitted plans for In­specUon by Capt.-B.-ir.- Gregory and Lieut. Cbl,-E. Woodbury of Uii nniiy who boUi agreed the idea waa JiracUcoL . It-will be tested by the cwMt artillery corps'fot- pos­sible approval.and BceptaDce.'.

|a Pueblo chief who had observed [him gazing apprehensively a t . the —- n«irly every minute of •- the

(hick wall*, big wlndci:onere(e foiindajlons. cx- It is caUiaated that ' in’ ' 1935,lerior ana interior «-nU» tavc B,7fi0,000 ciira carried 35.000,000

,lh^ ard surfaces. Those Americans on, long or short trips,



lileN rTD D fiM O H t?'-. -6a«x)L frrsiX-*:!-To



,:• BRCWH HMttieuUEeveSr-' -

• AWrfUMONlAUsdcfte* . 0 — 0 . ___

Monday, jtiljf 27, 333Q V:.IDAHO' EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO' I • 'faffo FiT4 •

HELP SURGEONSY«ung-Weraanifl-Skotoho6-Oivfl

Dootore pctnlla Missed By Camera


young woman, dail In stiff while apron nnj miuilt, -Stands unobtru- Mvely ln n comer of an operating room In a hospital here t - — tlentjs brought, in. ""'The aneathetist ndjunta

over the patients’ face and the op- iratlun follows, But aa the — gcon sarta to worlt, the young man move*.closer. .She holds [ ..

• cil ana paper and makes nketchea and notes nn the delicate work In a difficult or unusual operation jn-occcila. • ——— — — —

Tho young medical artist Dorothy Sturm, In a few mlnuli *!ic rushes to her basement studio In the Medical and Dcnlat building .'■nil begins a drawing that looka Jlh* n'ntccl engrav!n£.'"Shc'hrfn'Ka (.ut Uctalln of organa a photograph would not show. "

Use Natural Colors

infection ta gangrene or oliu I chances the color, I

the .drawing-in natural, colors. Miss,Sturm is a mcoical. illustrator, doing .frco-l/Uicff- xvnrtt. * Her drawings arc used In mcuical. journals anil with articles written hy physicians. Some of her worn illustrates textbooks, ^and others arc mndq' Into lantern slUIca and used for lectures am] teaching jiurposfs.

Doctors who have rare or un­usual eases call on:Miss_Sturm. Jnutldition-to watching operations,I he,works froiu' specimens. Some­times her tiny studio will be slock-.

-ed with-bottles-containing-unusualorganisms which Bho draws.. - |

Miss Sturm occanloEBjjy uses a • microscope In her drawings.

Trained aa Illustrator Memphis doctors, who say Mias

Sturm is one of the best llluatra. lora (n the business, first suggest­ed medical Illustration to her when phe was graduated from Et Mary*a college hero and attended James Lee Memorial Art academy.

But II was not until ahc attend­ed Columbia university that she began doing sclentiflo drawing. She bccamc assistant medical LI: lustrator at Columbia and studied i:t the Art Students league In New Yorlj. i-

Miss Stufm, attractive, with black, curly hair and blue eyes, had to study anatomy aa well, aa art for ber profession, Although foraetlmes a bit gruesome, her drawings have a certain beauty.*

For her hobby she does book II- Jusiratlcna. Sbe uses oo individual type of halftone drawing she per­fected beraelf.

Japan-Worried Over AlarmingGain in Youths Unfit

Por Service

HANSEN STurrOAtiT, ......J kansao county officers r Wg tho thief ivfto i

t Hack and cb!ldrcn,|Jew*J. Gold wrist watch Into theBull!, spent th» past week vtaltlngi*1*® bouse of a farmer living n at the home of her altscr, Mlii!,lcrc- . The farmer discoveredhome of her altscr, Miss here.. The farmer discovered the Allco llrannc. [watch on Ihe floor of his hen

Excelsior Social club hcldi{>ou*c-


Voshlngton pulp millrt arc now Helling the liquid \\aale rcmoMlog after the manufacture of paper from hemlock to eastern highway departments for use In "binding" materials for highway shoulders, State Forester J. tt'. Ferguson linn discovered.


When a tiro on a 20-ton truck ioatletl wlUi toodilu/ta blew-out,'’ lie rutihcr began to-bum because if the bent generated by tho blow- iut. The smoke 'affected the load o mch an extent that tho food fas condemned by Dr. Louis J,

Dumnal, superintendent of health.

nony, birth, was untied in marriage Antonio, Tex. Tbe Brighton, Kng., KlaroeMi twins, Violet, lit a

• dmrmlng.u cd din g_ gown,.and ..her sister, In street etolliCH, art -pJrtBrerJ-wilh tbe-brJilejfroom,-iui-Jhe-rtcvr-Hehry-Mayj-Mc(li6dlsl

minister shown In foreground, performed Ihe ccrcmony, Tho hap­py couple were temporarily uncertain nbout their honeymoon, but,

-|i»Tvh8terer-plana-they concurred, DaUy-wllI go along.

Harney, July 30.Miss Allcc jlranac has been

fering for the past five' week* nn incea-iant earache. Sho la

TOKYO—1The national health of under a doctor's care.Japan, particularly fn- connection: TJie mtmbcra ot Ibc Latawah with tlio young men of military | club met Tuesday nftcmoon age, la causing concern among homo of Mra. Hoy Ourk with 15 government and civic leaders. • nicmbera present. The revision of

Minister of War Iilsalchi Tc*; the constitution wna discussed and raucftl prcrented the problem fo. following the August meeting tho eahlnct and luiggeatlons have there will be only one meeting a been made, for reatabllshmenl of a [month. Mrs. Several had charge new government department to of the program on Grammar. Mrs. deal with public health problems ("Harold Koenig nnd Mra. LaCotirsc

'The results of physical examl-jwere Aoatatnc-i. nations of young men for military I The' Council .met .Thursday of- service In the lost few days have ,tcrnoon nt o luncheon with - 10 shown an alarming Increase in the guests pre.-fcnt. The group dcclded

-;numbct_of.-those_pliyaJcMly__lnrll-;:toj5cmlJ>arri'ln of fruit and vcp jglble for service," Tcrauehi tul'l i otables to the Children'll home ;hls colleagues. "A greater number'and to Gooding college. Devotion- ■ la afflicted with eye disciwc.i and-aii were in charge .of Mrs. A. r (tuberculosis, in comparison will).Scott. Koll call waa responded t

. statistics from other countries, i by children's sayings. Mrs. llni h— "WainnKt trilto lllll lUUt of l'tH'"vey torinwalt h“nd chare of the L physical ilccllnc. Whnt wc do n^proirrani and aecurcd aa guest 1 understand is the fact that many spcai!Cr, Mrs. Smithson, Buhl, who

young men of tbo farms nr© even Ui^ed on ' the McCiusky Health wore frail than Ihe sona of urban- can/0. Mins Qorothy l-'omwalt. Ites. although Uie farmers- sons wir attended the camp last year, look robust and healthy." ' aLv> gave nn account of her stay

The nVwspapcr Yomluri, dls- there. Only one representative (cuusing the question, Snld: (from Hansen. Owen Johnson, Is at-. "The deplorablp tendeney of lhe.,(l3t(to„ t)ji, yenr, y})c MSi general decline -in the health 0‘ |ty>g will be election -of officers, conscript* haa called urgently for| Mrs W- P|crcc Moscow, la a solution, nnd the present cabinet vbltlnp thli week at the homo of

going to study Uie question. (i,cr parent*, Mr, ond Mrs. M. I*.Exemption* Gain , Kf tvorUiy. Dr. Pierce, has- been

"According lo tho war office,(vl.iltlng but returned to his home, ose exempted from military scr-j Mr. nnd Mra. Hairy Bean left ce have intrensed from 250 lo,Friday for Uurley, where Mr. Bean

350-per i.MO. during the ...period’has rmpleymcnL — between 1025 ami 1932. mounting *• — .. . . t . . . . - to 100 last year.

"Diirli LSlJiQ LUP '!

I SHOSHONE'Francis McCaahln and Julia

Brtoks, both ax Hailey, were mar­ried by Probate ‘ Jutlg* ncas E. Haddock.

Francis. Grooac returned Wed­nesday from a vacation trip to California.

Kenneth P. McGuire has return­ed Irlp to New York City where he visited the home offices of tbe World Books Co. Mr.-Mc­Guire Is salesman for that com­pany in the northwestern stales with headquarters In Shoabonc.' Tlpp Strunk, local plumbtr'nnd tltctrlelan. hos leased the first rnxiT'.ot ihe Custer buDdJo/r nnd will move hla stock there In the

Lawrence Chapman, BoLsc, is visiilng with friends In Shoshone.

fuse food. Tlie baby who lacks 1 certain essential substance* ' diet such os vitamins or c»

" and orange juice, will not grow aatUfaclorlly.

l to begin


—George B. Haddock went to Boise last neck where he was ad­mitted to ihe aute-bar, having re­cently passed the state bar ex-

—amination_Ur._.Had (lock..will!OMoelated with his father in the

practice of law In .-Shoshone. He] practlccd 'iaw 'for ‘ several years In Washington, D. C.. before re­luming to Idaho.

By DU. MORRIS F1SUREIN I A baby who gels loo .. Editor, Journal of Uie American eat may become nauacated Medical Association, and of f""- ,n,v, ^ hnhv

llygtla, tho llenilii Magazine When a mother is feeding a

baby with artificial milk mix­tures, ehe will have difficulty In determining whether to lncreaae the food or to diminish it. whether to change tbe food becauac of rlous reasons, and — adding other foods.

It the baby aoema bealthy and continual to I" weight regu­larly, there would ocero to bo no reason for Increasing Its diet

The main reasons for Increasing the supply of food are that the faetcrily, and that It aeenla to be hungry. »

It is not well to eBUmatc the necessity for ln creasing the food by the weight curve alone. If mother doefl this, she will be creasing the amount of food all the time, because mothers like see the baby gain weight.

A baby’s gain b weight Is r always continuous. Many-healthy babies will remain stationary ln weight for a week or two without any visible cause.

On the other hand. It la fairly easy for any intelligent moUier to know when, the hungrjvlf he drinka grtedlly and rapidly,^* be cries for more, if be gets fret­ful long before feeding time, the baby • n tods - more. food. . . .

Remember, however, that babies sometimes ery miroly because they are spoiled. Furthermore, a baby who ls'hungry and does not get- ’enough ' food will keep on sucking and swallowing air, and ibla will be -associated with re­gurgitation and vomiting.

Overfeeding of-tho baby .may occur with artificial milk m ix­tures, na well as in breast feeding.The baby who eats loo U>ng or too much will lead'tt regurgitate or vomit. Tlie doctor can tell whether

' .. - , , i "No lesa deplorable,•• ItFor this reason, the doctor lsj>inuei] — -«•- -• - likely to recommend a formulaj' '• which will have Just

STAYS FOR REAKFASTSYRACUSE, N. Y. <UE)—Sy... ise claims the coolest bouse burg­

lar in the country. After the man ransacked the home’ of David Walsh from cellar to atUc, bo went into the kitchen and ate breakfast. He apparently finished tbe meal just before Walsh retmicd home.

cries- tfie-iChild-ta--rfcaivlug .JXT day, In relation to his weight

The growing babv la it little i chine. He can handle just so much fuel dally with a certain output of enrrgy.

mm A-v ^ H E N 'T IM E

Stands Sttll- ...— IifaJl"'onr ]ivcff."tlirrc.-comes-n-tiino wlien—•

tlie liolplulness and nnilcrKtmiilme Stll‘- er« nru oar yrcntt'St nectl.

'I f wc. who nro here to serve, ean give thnt - hclpfulnew.-ftiyl lmdcrBtnnflinfe'i wo can /epj tlint Mir veara-of expcnoncc-aniV .

■ training have born iv«U u p c n t . -



ichool children Jii v tcrlorntlon In weight, chest girth night and teeth, only gaining (r height, the education ministry au­thorities say. There are 1,200,000 tubcrcular patients, being i to 50.

"Establishment of an Indepen­dent department for the promo-

’ °,Uon of national health should he ‘""studied."

Raps Methods Kokumln SWmbun. also com-

‘ Imenllng editorially, urged a pro- grcsatvo attitude, declaring

Afra. film Mlitn/cli spent Sun------ ICetehum nt the Camp

with. ..........E'iriy..Buhl....................................tman- -Dailey returned last

week fro ma two weeks’ visit with friends at Filer.

Miss Janet McMaster In spend­ing several weeks visiting at the home of her aunt, Mra. Mdttle Flemings at Stanley.

Mr; and Mrs. W. K. Thomas, St. George, Utah, arc visiting nt the home of .Mrs. Thomas’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R- Bunch.

Mr. nnd lira. George Burkct, Watson, Utah, returned to their home Friday Spllowlng a visit at

'lorae of Mrs. Burket's pnr- Mr. and Un. Z aneasti


Michigan Anti-Saloon league t launched a drive to Taloo its pro-

K l Fn 2 S H>o Ory era to the United states.The slate's .goal Is J500,00'squeezed out by hard labor condl-

'.The procUcal -application of studies on ^nutriment nnd provi­sions 1 f o r ' tnedical treatment should .receive consideration." -

The newspaper Miyako placcdj the health question as among the vitally Important Issues facing the Empire. , • ' ,i

'm ts Is a Question," it sald.jj "which concerns the destiny of the nation.’ ’ - . .

thsiat, FDE STOEAGE For Tour Floe Cbats PARISIAN, INO. '


T^IIE Rocky Mountain stales . . . from the Canadian border to M e x ic o o f f e r scenic

attractions as interesting as any in the world.

While you are away the telephone can help you enjoy yowr vacation. It will keep you in personal touch with hom e. . . save .you tim e. and inconvcniencc hy getting information or arranging accommodations ahead.

L O N G D IS T A N C E rates a rc r ed u ce d every n igh t a fter 7 o 'c lock a n d a ll d a y e v e ry S unday

The Mountain Stales Telephone & Telegraph Company

Those w h o enioy the goodness of Camel's mild,

ripe, costlier tobaccos w ith meals and after say: _

.. One o f life’s most enjoyable experi- - - races is tbe pleasure Camels add to

taaag. Etch-Camel helps to lo- . create tbe flow o f digestive fluids

. . Alkaline ;digcstivt fluids • • * B* necessary to digestive well-being.

Enjoy Camels. Experience (lie

r being that Owaclsbnng.'— " ' Carael^dondtgctoayournervcs

—o r raip yout throat. Camels ret • yoa dght—tbo 'wtiolc (lay thnraghl

i rr.t'ftge Six

-■ IDAH O EVENING. TIME S. TW IN FALLS. TnATTO_______ — ........................ o . K » i i v * " . • 27» 1938


t o t * * 1Sluggers 01out.28 Four-Baggcre]

On Sunday Program; Gehrig . Leads with SO

Uy FRANK MURPHY :\V YORK, July 27 n la

ut'Umc the major league hurl-' got together ruij formed a »o- • for taking Bairto of tho '-'rab-

FSaw a©

In v

,'fltl figure In the Garden's ..... tlve conwilttec. 11 the contr:i • are hot signed today, there prob- -ably will he.a ceremonial signing! tomorrow. - I' /The promotion partnership Svllll

I bo for this one fight and not thel |-:four-year joint1 agreement th: ' ' I Garden originally demanded.

^---------- Three 2Vr Year_.J_acoba has a contract' Ib'slfk'ge!

[three flghLi — *...... .......o Yankee stadium.

( . ly'one ao for this year. the Joe. I/ouU-SchmclIng mntch. He pul&j ,'on tho sccond, bctuwn Louis

"3ttclv-Shiirltey.'A«R.-18.----- -The roost Important clnusc of]

tho contract provides that m SehmellnR nor Braddoek wl

forced to defend the info i____Garden promotion, which nfennsl

that Uic Eighth avenue corpora- 'tion loses control of the hcavy-l weight champion for. the first time] since T « Rickard became naso-' elated with the Garden.

Max Come* Aug. 10 . Sehmellng will arrive In New [ York afcout Aug. 10 to begin train- ling- Braddoclt already has begun! J-workouts nt Lnch Sheldrake, N.1 B.^Y., and has worts cd-Uown to 202j l.'pounds—just five Above flfthUntrJ I .-’weight. He boxed five------*-

Barely Noaes Out 13-12 Win! .As Foes Uncork Strong

. Late Spurt

Tuen., July 28- Xvvln I-'jiJW .Wiley Itrug: t.ecotld gauie. Vui Kngrlen'H vi. Jerome C o - (ij

July 20—FirsFreight;JEROME, July1 27 (Special)—A

strong drive In the Inst five In­nings barely failed to tie the score

jhero Sunday, and Jerome's fast- Improving baseball team lost a 'narrow 13 to 12 decision’ lo Good-|.

Southern Idaho longue.; Consolidated fcreigbt . . j C »-<>!' Crranwry;iu nc uu*eu u*c wi«ij Q^,|infr Wrjn out when the final; game. Furd-Vlco v». I’" 1

spurring partners y e s te rd a y .„cr3tc j et0mo push was halted cilwi and I’altU. «•___________ _______ - - is in the last hslf of thci. . .--------------- ----------

Tluin*., July’ SO—First game, Utah Chiefs vs. Wiley Drug; second game, Vnii Engctrn's vh. Idaho l ’lmer.

I''ft., July SI — Fint garni:,

4. ON ALL-STARSFootball Chomps Tap

List for Game. Against Detroit Lions

* vl.fltora piled np n J2-1 e first five frames. (cut;

.. attack with a seven-run rage In tho third. Tn the laiit

tho 'sixth, however. Je: n’ Into stride nnd scored s

tallies pn seven lilts. Tlio !' added two mortis the eighth then Another nalr lr ninth to fall just\>nb run shoi

.deadlocking matters. •| Shawver, who relieved-

major league purlin this season._ \estorilny, 2B circuit blows wc;., mmied out—f31if them In llioTflM tionnl nnd 10 ln the American] Lou Gehrig ctouted out No. 20 aiidj

..»> 10 hold ft la American league llcailciahln . In thnt ■ department.!........ iy Voxx hept■ right behJnJJ

with a brace that ran to 20. Frank Dcmarce of .

Cuus and Joe Medwlck each bloat-] t a pair.

They’ro Wny Ahpad lrlg, Foxx jui<I Hal Troskyl i! Cleveland Indians, who al­

ready has 20 homo runs, nro vlr- ch.1i cIndies to eurpsss JVw.r nniS lirernlMrg's 1035 mark of 30. The i7C American lenjjuc homo runs so Alt aro an Intrense’ of 5S.jjver| July 27, 1D35. The .400'In tho'Na­tional arc 10 below last yoar'n Julyi 2T mark' but' thu-lolnl for both| leagues la IS.over the SM tvMcli. had been hit In tlio same 1D35Iperiod?1 -------]

The ChlcagO'-Cubs-hi'ld—Uieirl , tliree-|;amo Nc.tional Icaguo I¥y caiiiThgTjrietrtjruiitirthrt'.... ,adelph|a Plillllc.i, 18 to 0, fitter W n f shut out, 4 to £>, by Ducky. Walter's, tv^^hi^-jiijiklng in thel

“Elglit miles over- llii;~Till]£at,i’ian border, .the torch sputtered, omolctil, then went out.

Ono of the officials saved the digging Into his rmelict | end reJlghtlnff the torch iFJISir

0!yjnp(o~Toroh-<Ioea-Ou{-Birtj Match Bolights It

BEl^IRADB, Jugoslavia, July 27 (tint — Tbe,Olympic flame, \vhlch was solemnly kindledJasE week by the nun's ray a atop Mount Olympus, Greece, today Is Just an ordinary, ftro lighted by a match.

The original flame,, Jo have been carried by torches through flcven countries to light thi> •'eternal fire" which will burr.In Olympic stadium ln Derlin during tho 10 days the games last, went out while being re­layed through Jugoslavia yes­terday.

Autographs Banned TAffdOJympfaii^Bt

Hard Work Orders'

Olympic FieldDraws Throngs1

Mrs. Jarrett to Act A's Reporter

BERLIN, July 27 rUW—,M«. Eleanor Holm Jarrett, 1032 Olympic. backstroke champion wljo waa dismissed from the American team for Attending too many cocktail jisrtlcs, will

.-remain In Berlin throughout iho g’hmra, covering Diem for nn .American news agency,

"I’ve always had a ycn-to-tw- .a r«j)0ttcr.l'_!illon!d today, "and now I’m going to be one,*' ' ~

j----- lisa-isad.was a clor.ed affair today.* Both MMT Jurrflt—imil Olympic of-: flclals agreed lo let the matter

B.r 8TUAHT OAMEItOS United I’ress Sports Editor

HKRCiTN, July 27 (UP) — Demi Cromwell of Suutliern Citliforniii, asHMunt cottcii ©C Uw Unitcvl SUtcs track mul iirlil, trnni, today plriccd n l>nn tm tlie Olympic athletes, particularly Jesse Owens, sipiiug outoffwplw.

l?or tin; first -lime- -niiicc'j' they rcniilied'- Hfrliu, -Croni-, well’s clmrges, the sprinters,

''Imii T T w o r k o u T In Ur5)ir- well’fl \rords “ the boys vork* ctl oat 'for a change instead.ofj sii’ iiinK their nnincs.”

— B'tvcmRiipjiJOtoathat^wraJn tho sprinters are going to buckle down to thtlr worli R3 VV.otime is short before tho start of Itho games next Sunday. Tho first 'event on tho Olympic prognxm is Uio 100-motor dnsh, in which heats •■•‘ 'j bo run at 10:20 a. m. Sunday.

Train In Earnest ■From now on Owens is rM K) train In earnest," sflltl Croni*.

ll; ‘ 'anil not utop every aeeondj 'atrtde to sign an autograph, and; every third to have ids picture!

Twin Falls Squad’d Berger for Bo;"Hhe first game, 4 to 3. The]Pontcllo oa Gruelling:

Final Clash............— tho second game S to5 as life Cincinnati Iteds .came back <o win the aceond gnme oil

„ • I a do'ublo header, 5 to 2, afte 'n Falls and Pocatello tennis ing nosed out, 3 to i, by tho

piayer.i ' broke even In a nine- York Giants, irr the opener. Man-! mnlch-engagement Sunday nt Po- agcr Chuck Drcnaen ot the Reds catillo when the laat doubles on- protested. Ihe first game, nrgulngi counter was lyilted at one set till .the umpires ruled wrongly In call-!

three hours of p'.ay under n'tag Lomlinll out. ULi players ran. ing sun. tlie bags and were caught in a|formers for the new Twin] triple play.

TcnnU ctub won four; Tho Brooklyn Dodgers knocked! nml ilrnnnn 'I'h*'H)e piUsfourgll PlratCS OUt of “ ‘

place, with a twin killing, I

reft asJccd. 'They w/thdrcv,- my entry. There's nothing I can do now and the commltteo can not alter Its decision."

Mrs. Jarrett said her Journa­listic cureer would not affect her status as an amateur nwlm-

-UrclU.TN !,tlv_27 (ITPl—myn?.

tn-up, owe

pie notes: Thousanda flocked to Olympic nUOIum nnd vicinity yesterday, a warm sunny day . . . beer faacots In tho stadium restaurant were kept running all nftcmoon . . . Harald An* dcrrsoa of Sweden, holder of the world discus rccord. had an operation on a boll on his throw­ing arm, Physicians aay ho

■needs* 10 days of rest and no practice.Newest arrivals in Uie Olym­

pic village were Canada with 27 athletes and Sweden with 22 . . . Juan.Carlos Znbola, the little ^gcntine who won fcomarathon ln 1032, bas moved out of Olympic village . . . .

,_clalms_ihe airplane jrom two nearby flying fields rniilic' too' “

"I'll i paid space r <-• iw any frce-lanci she said.

a the

result htnge-i on the decisive .fi­nal doubled match In which I. E. Daniya and M'ay/ie illnnick c.niie from behind to tie tbo score before!

te match was finally called.The matches were held at ....

railroad court of the Pflcatello!

jmoundsmuji, bJanked Jerome e Ithe first four frames, but was in;

.. ............ Wtum cact> succeeding stansa’

f:,SSr-team boasted four*1 rcprcsen-[“ —P1 f^ ’cnl11' fNatives loiloy on the "all star" col- f °

•Jeglate team chosen to play the GpopnvC— ,/.wofeislonal 'cbaoiplon D e tro U !5 u,!lfir*orili « ......

• Ltoas here Sept. 1. • Campbell, lh ........C Balloting through newspapers Wterson, 2U........

Twin Falls Softballcrs JJownlthe tlili lI pitchcii Oghc' ball there'. Union Pacifica after. Dean Johnston. Gooding . ' Burley Wins

U. I. S. I courts.Tho Ke.ildti

Rbsulbj Included:


tuid 4 toNeur-Hlof at Chicago

The New York Yankees Increas­ed the/r American league leader­ship by whipping the Chicago] White Sox 12 to 3, and 11 to 8. A decision at first base In wjilch Rlpl Rndcllff was called out nearly pre-1 clpllsted a riot, and Umpire Sum-

Twin Fails All-Stars softball ] iearn yesterday downed the Unloni

" [Pacific Roundhouse squad Of Po-| AB R H EiMteUo 5 to 1 In tbe first garaej

,,'eoacd . Saturday eight. Wesrly® l, a' ' .‘ eoaplete tabulations indicated the J'arhcrry, 3b ..VJMJoJvlng wlnnors: . ouniap. c .......'s.- • Ends: A till nor,1 Notre Dame; Top- {^caster, cf ..-ping, Stanford; I>ocbs, Purdue; ">7ant, r f ....jotor*,' Notre Dame. jJohnslon. p .

Tackles: SmIUi. M lnncs •;apaln, Southern itethodjst;__ _____ Total ___

f'B&d*,’ Stanford; Pfefferle, Notrei- JEKOmE—. )&««•;• r f ...

I . . -/.Guards:. Oech, Minnesota; Tan-.y1 - r* .......■VKora.-Northwestern: Knrcher. Ohlo;“ ^ on’ 3“, - l':Qtate; Fortmfinn, Colgate. ■ '■■^-G»at«rsL_Renneboliia...Mlnncso- ■"•mam.1 - tti-Jone*. Ohio Slate. Tbhaw\« •

-^Quarterbaclm:-Smith, Alabama;’’BeJdel, Minnesota.’ fTInlfbaeksrBmrongerr Chicago;

Ii-Skflknpearc, Notre Dame; Roscoe,. - itHinneiota; Wilson, Southern P (-

Tillbacba:— Dclte,— llnaeagta; :I Crayne>-I w 1 TBta"

l-Ca&ting Champion i Score■ ---^ooo.

. • . Real Fishing-Trip

. Proving that a »allonnJ east- log-champion Isn't necessarily

f --tlocal > easting; championships.* 8J .trea!ed <o a good ducking

Silver creek when he and AI ifiyos*, Orlando, Fla, also n title

is;SJ»M*f. wero. getting in’E$ailjiho fishIng on Wood rtv<^tovriMSgld-asffl;- - .- - 'O .... ^8 >;- Draddoc and Fn.i.i are bound

for'r’o'rUaud,. Ore.. when! Brad- Son'.wtll competb In the Intema-

Jtfopai.'caatlng tournament. Aug.

a triple header nt Lincoln field > • 1 1 jiHurley softhalier trounced tho

. 5 ■* ileal Brunswiclc team 9 to 2, \vl ...r's X 2 o j Utah Chiefs won-over-pord-V -..Q 3 3 2123 t0 S’ a reptay of a p.... 3 i j lUested game......5 1 I o ' 7l,e roundholise lean'was £.... 3 3 -2 o'scorelesa up to the last inning*!....5 i 2 o'whlle Twin Falla counted four In'_— __ 'tho third nnd ono in the sixth.

13 17 7'F.lmore Haglor limited Pocatello to AB R H E'ftve hits; Knapp or Pocatello held)

.....5 0- 0 1'Twln to nine. Rex Davis... I o o o'JIm Ballard banged cut triples fori

1 3 0ilh® local} with "DeLato uncorking —.15 2. 1 o:a double for Pocatello. The .All-]

1 3 ojStars made on error, with three!1- - 2-.-0.X0r_F.Ma.teUo._____

’ Weitor Start»“TRRi5»“With Wosier banging ont a horn-

q or In the first, Burley tallied five l,in Uie.fifth and three in tho sixth, oiwhllo Brunswick was able to

icounter only one each the third land fourth. Powers, Burley , mouniismnn. nlloived seven hits*, wiille Paf.tirucal- whs “ nicked-f or- 10. Brunswick eounied three cr-

. It. E.'rors,-Burley, two ;100—13 17 71 Smashing out nine runs in the

opening canto, Utah Chief gntnedjc a long lead over Ford-Vlco, who were able to counter three

Margaret Browno, Twin FaH3.l">ers wa.s flattened by a pop defesteil Ruth Traughber, Poca-i11' thrown by a fan. Comml*' “llo, i>-3. 0-1. I cr Landis offered a $5,000 rev

tox Hook. Pocatello,'defeated/0r u’ nnd conWcllon of the! yno Mlnnlck. T -ln Falls, 4-e.lbotltc hurler. I«-j. .ThS-.ClcvelatliLJpJl#tl,1 retaincd]

second place by winning the s c ‘ ond game of a.doublo header, to S. after being shut out 13 to Oj by the Philadelphia Athletics in.

Uhc curtain raiser. The Boston Red] Sox gained on tho Indiana by .whipping tho Detroit Tig* <

Mrs. Alberta Graves, Pocatello, defeated Mrs. Lfsa Molony,Falls, 8-0, 1-G, G-4. •

Jimmy MuUca, Ttvln Falls, de- fcatM Homer Groves. Pocatello.-•5, 0-4...... : :------

Women's DoublM Mrs. Alberta Graves and Ruthl

Tmu&her. Pocatello, defeated Mar- .garct Browno nnd Mm. Lisa Mo- 'tony. 7*ivln Falls, C-2. S-0. ,

Joe Sebestn, Pocatello, defeated! Henry Molony, Twin Falls, 8-0, G-S, - 0. '

Henry Graham and I. E. Jaslyn, Twin Foils, defeated Les Crowttiy

id "Red" Huff. Pocatello, 7-5,I. E. Jaslyn and Wayne Minnlclc,

-Twin-Falls^playrJ tn a..tin qgalnat Joe SebasU nnd Mox Hook, Po-i catelio, 3-0. 13-13. (Match called after throe hours). 1

Scores Yesterday j1NATIONAL • LKAGUE

Philadelphia 4, Chicago 0, • Chicago 13, Philadelphia-5 (:

md game).Uwton 4, St. Louis 3,"• Louis B. Boston '5 (second!

Ralph Metcalfe, Frank 'wyltoff!Mack Robinnon, Bobby PacliardI and the other sprlntcra begnn 'practicing starts to tho German,;Dlartlng.-command—of— Aut-dlel plactze—fcrtlg.” .followed by gun'oj ’ ’WnfT ‘ATT the Sprinters-Eccnno“ o accustomed to the German!.artlng command, nnd nre not|

likely to be left In their otnrtlngl California polo vaulters' weru , trying lo converse u-tih a Ccr-

Other A lilclen Gape man youth . . . Graber attempt-usual when the American cd to tell tlie Gcrmnn be (Gra-

jppcar.for practice, athletes1 ber) lived on an orange grovo other nations g u th e rcd l In Ontario. California . . . not

[around the starting line to gape at [ knowing tho German won! forino heralded o world's greatest j orange—Apfel.ilno_Bill drew astars. Some ol the olllcltiln Ihfnkl -picture ... , )®ier the Certnan ■the foreigners aro overdoing their youth wna telling friends that I hero worship act. and fear that Graher. lived on a "coose ecr*' the American athletes may eon-' farm, fwti-t a Acrlous case ot over-i 1 —

Many times the foreign athletes nd to be w.-imcd toatuy bar):, es­

pecially the Inevitable three Jnn-I athletes, with their cameras.I

. Lnij’ Workout I< Torronce. world’s

holder In the shot-put, bad a lazy/ •■•orkout. On«e "Buby Jack" 109S-

J the Iron bail over 51 feet/ Am- erlcan coaches said this was, t,he|

made In practice]

Plftco and Gain onTirst By Splitting B ill'

Baton Rouge, l j . ‘ pl'aln "cTtftiiesI policeman had made a throw of 01 feet, considerably beyond his world's /record of 57 feet. 1 inch. I

-------- Glenn Morris, the Denver, Colo.,1By United Press * autrfmoblfe salesman who- broke

The Portland Beavers moved to }b0 world’a rcoord for the decath* .within striking distance of their i ” , , tbe tryouu, ca-Isecond-place opponents, the Oalts, El!??- P S,™*., 'vorl<out, devoting •uid the league-leading Seattle ® , , a, , . D to sfiot-pultlng .quad by breaking even In a Sun- ana PoIe-yamttog:.

day double-header with tbo Oaksas the Indiana were losing twice v ®tlrran

the reviving Sacramento Sen- i , ™ iif»SS^r™ Arnerlcas No.! cars ■-• i'nan la the 2,500 meters, alarraediNearing tho endX the longest 0<

The Japanese, Filipino. Am­erican Mid Itnlian nthicles have gained the distinction of being tho most BerSous workers jn Olympic village. . .

• Japs Work Hard The Japanese wbrlt out twice

record, every day—even If it's raising - '— . . . Wnshington'a eight-oared

crew had. Its first workout on_the Grueaau course yesterday . . r Coach AI Ulbrlckson said the^boys were overweight but that n couple of strenuous ses­sions would hrlng them down •'. . "it’s a smoother coursa than our home layout on Lake Washlngion." he snld. "Jfj ivell protected and the water Is •light’ which should result la ' fast times : . . " Tho slnglo sculler* predict ifs going to bo a three-way battle T>ctwccn Daniel Hubert Barrow, Jr., of Philadelphia, Emc.« itufll 0t SwluerUnd and I. F. Coulsoii of "Canada . . . .

lglried-Wf.1 PfrroH-lo->ilB.Jlth,iL-lr.lwon.thc opener 7-0 and droppedLV.ff~i SSL1? . Champion,Il aldcd-Wes Kerrtll-to-hls-Hth-; of tho year.1 The Washington..Senators. and| the St. Louis Ueowns split a pair,'

Senators taking tho first, 9-i<}■% as Kress homered, while!tho Brownies....................tho finale. 0 t'

Most oi America's Best ®ry| For Honors at Annutri

I—1s---S cab right E ven t---

. . . , ................. ....... nnd fourtll.l Cfeelnnatl 3, New York 2Ray Frols-held Ford-Vica to fourjond game).

--bile Utah Chiefs nicked 22) Bwohlyit t. Pittsburgh 0. res Durbin and Weiner.1 Brooklyn *■ Pittsburgh 3

Chiefs were held for three errors.ond game;, htle Ford was counted'for seven.1 — —w c banked outvs triple for Ford.1 AMERICAN LEAGUE •Scoring: | k**' l’ork^2, Chicago 3.

PinSTGAMG I New York 11, Chicago 8 (secondR. H. E. fame}. . • •

Pocatel!o'':::;..000- 00i)1 i - s --ai - I’ lilladcIpUla 13. Cleveland 0. |Twln Falls ....004 001 x— 3 9 1; Cleveland 8, Philadelpjila 3 (sec I Batteries: Knapp nad Llday:0"'Hagler anil Davis. * j

, SEABRIGHT. N. J., July 27 (UR) jThe 40th annual Scabrlght Invl-' ilalional tennis championships be­gan here today with rao3t of . Uiej nation'ii outstanding n

en sl.-irs competing.Notable exceptions were Wllmerl llison. national champion, and

(scc-|,,fyiln ,,5IU>’> .CrAnt of Atlanta,

the afternoon game T^mioTearin] have played 10 games and Port­land has won six times. They meet! again In a double bill tonight ,to( •vlnd up their 'program. 1

' SeoaCort Win Sacramento scored Its first win

iver' Scattlo with a tight S-7 jcoro, oiammlng pd Wells and Don Osborn for 15 hits while the In-| illans were nicking Johnny Cham­bers for 12. The Routhcr men knotted the score In tho seventh., but the Solons broke It up In their

With Fay Thomas and Sem Glb- n deadlocked In a mound bat-j \ Lqs Angeles filially won a hec­

tic. ll-lnnlng first game from SanlFrancisco, C-5. ' ........' '

Tho Angels,repeated In the id game, winning 11-4 on rcugth.of IB hits garnered f

Kenny siieebao and Lou McE The Missions won the first!

,.imo from San- Diego, 4-1, then lost the second, 3-1,

SMp£3M r f K #Ur 01W"P><? champion,

Archie Williams'of CaUfomla and JlnjDjy LuvaiJe ol U. C. L. A., the two star Negro quartor-mllers, engaged in-: a leisurely practice, jogging around tho track together.

Tho .Canadian track,andifield squad o f 27, including Phil Ed- words, former'Ncw York Univer­sity Xfeffro who has participant in .two previous Olympics, watched Itho American team practice and

in its first.workout

battery Charging ~ 60c ’ . . . Onamnteed Cittorlc*—

ftM and up, Ercfi. •. ,..Radiator - Tiro - Battery

and Bleeirle Serrioe 'E. O. HAVENS BATTERY CO.

VhBBa Mg 340 atata Hart

■ SECOND GAME -Boston 10, Detroit 3. Washington 9. St. Louis 2.

—St^Laiihi-P. Washington 3 (scc-d game;.Utah Chiefs 035 BOO'1—23 22 3

Ford-Vlco .... 003 001 1— 5 4 7i -Batteries: Freto and Vcghtn;: PACIHC COAST I.EAGUE

Durbin, Weiner luid UarnanJ, R.1, ,^ * '>n6u!ta 0, San FranclocoWells. -I’ 11 Innings). ^ __

THIRD GAME ' ^ Angelea JI, San*Francl5CoR. f f E I’’ 1 <*eeond game)..

Burley ..........100 033 0— O 10 21 1>urt!and 7,.Oakland 0.;Brunswlci» ....001 100 0— 2 7 3 Oakland ' .1

Butteries:'Poifcrs and Manning: ',' Portland 2 (second1

Parkhurst and Davis

. Paul Lesue snulei after win. . nmo th# WestenyAmateur oeif | cfiampionjhlp by defeating Bob Frartr, - -home-arown player,..-, 5-1, M iht JiHSl /natch; tn llf, -j 20-year-old reiident of Jetfer. ■on City, Mo., and pre-medical ....... ...................... State Uni- ‘


Missions 4. San Diego I.I—Sun Dlcso.3, Missions 1 (secondgame).- ••......... ‘ 1I Sacramento 8, Seattle 7.

. 1 Sacr.imejjlo JO, Seattle 4 (sec- PcL 'lot>lJ ~

. • X-new aafety . bcltrfor 'pcdea-, . lv, — BItMaiiai-Btudiled-wltli-rcflectQr but-l- Idaho .MaltoBi; wtU *o- - . 1 -the market.-.Van.Engelen’

h chief*''...... — .4- 1 .800 Italians Going Stroneier-Dru0 HKW YORK — Jn iddltlon-tp!••-Paint ....... ......2 4 433 tbelr strengtti .in. tho American.“ •Vito ...... .0 , 6 .000 nine players of Italian descent are

'7 ., _____ noV. performing In tlm -NatlonallAMERICAN DIVISION league. They. arc. Lou, Searsells

Pct._ Reds; Tony Cucclnollo, Bees; Phfil -687 CdvurroUa,- Cubs; Joe- OUtiirart; .657- Bees;-Lou CJilozza and DSIph Ca-, •.S00 ml! 11,- P hi H ies ; Qua Mttneuso I •M0. Olanta; Kmle Lombardi. Reds: and .167-Art Garibaldi, Cardinals.. - .- 'j

Jerome-Co-op......■Sontal. -Haloht__Troy Laundry

ness.Donald Budge of California,

seeded No. 1, plays Gene Smith, [Santa Monica, Coflf., in the flrstl round, while Sidney B. Wood. Jr., ithe No; 2 seeded man. raeeti " " '

Senior of L*js Angeles.. 1 landing Junior player of thel year,.Bi>b Riggs of La? Angeles.. |was the third choice to capturi1 jtho-Seohrlght-houi'

Other Rankings Other scedlnga were'in the fol­

lowing order:Gregory Mntfgin, Frank Parker,,

.Wllmer Hints, Cehe Mako and) Hal Surface, ■ . 1 , I

In the womeu's division. Corolln [Bnb’ :ck of Los Angeles drew the

1 spot ond Allco Mnrblo, W»o Californian,- waa rated No.

■Marjorie-Van Ryn was No. 3.

Saturday Score;

ASfCfttCAN" LRAatfENew York 0, Chicago 3.- •

• -Sotfion.Jfl, Detroit 3, ■ ......• Washington'9. SL LOuls 1.- ... Philadelphia. 15.- Cleveland • 12.'/ - NATIONAL 1EAOUE - •- Chicago 17, PWlsdefnhfa 4,.' NeW1 York'S. CtnelntiaU —. Pittsburgh 7, Brooklyn 4. , :Bostqa 3, SfLauls 2 . .........READ T im a WANT ;AD2r:j|

But England Oup Team Needs] Only One Singles Match - - To Oliocb Trophy •

ning' fortho_Dai'is-cup: t... ..I defeating tho defending Engllslil Idoubles team In a four-set match which paroJ England’s lead to two matches to ono ln .their five-match tennis scries.. . .. -Jack; ..Crawford nnd Adrian Qulst of Australia beat Charlcsl

[Tuckey and Pat Hughes, Wimble- idon’a doubles cliamplons, 0-4, 2-0,17-8, 10-3. . ' . . .

England won both of Saturday1 perilng" single*'inaleh'cA'flnacai.

.Ilnch possession of the cup for Its fourth straight year by .wtaalcjg cither of torrforrws two conclud­ing singles, to wWeb Qulst plays H. W. "Bunny" Austin, and Craw- [ford meots Fred Perry.,

. SEIBTis yiillBH ED, " '. JftjXacU. yl^lti-PamUE Btrndlo—

m im t u s /• Our now 1938 edition ’ ’Hunllng JCnta**

booUet'ifl now being prepared (or froo dlstribulionert till Pep 86'andvico ottrtlona ' c.uriiij tho loU huizllng soccsoos. ’ 11

Y I I IJ■ w o cordially Invilod -now lo Mnd la

tray queallons about hunting which you , dsairo to bo tmsworcd In Iho booklet.

Uso this coupon aa a eo^yonlenco

• irow nH G ED rroa.^---^Oe*o Stato.Oll Co. ’ .T>vln Fails, Idaho . ' .',


j * . .

Gem State. Oil Co. ‘ Service

'.Won ilny,July; 2f,.JJW0‘


Tho marriage of Miss Blanche^ Mc~and

Mrs. C. D. Detwiler, and K. Dunne " 'JiMgc.-Bon — —

York, waa solemnized Saturday evening nl tho Presbyterian mnnsc ivlth Rcv. G. L. Clorlt officiating. Attending tlio cercmony were Mr, end Mra. Dotwllcr. Mr. anil Mrs. C. L. Smith anir^Ilas Emmy Lou EniHh.. Thc;firidc wa» { jwnetTJlp h lw-o-pluco afternoon froclt'of em­broidered pale'green georgette anO lincl a corsage of rosea and sweet pens.

Following a brief wedding trip Mr. and lt/s. Hodge -are making tliclr home In Twin Falla. Mr.1 Hodge Is associated with tlie Or- i

. phcum theater and Mrs. Hoil^o la ' cashier ot tlio Purlsian laundry.


\V£D3 GOODINO MAN - . Friends here of Mrs. Mildred'

Melton, "Gooding, formerly llls-i Mlidren Holman, Twin Fall*, will;

" marriage July 18 to L. S. Ferris, Gooding contractor, nt Kctcljum. Jlev. Smith, Presbyterian pastor of Eoda Springs, officiated, Thc btidc •wore a blue eyelet georgette model and carried Cecil Brunner rotes.

r .Attending were Mrs. Louis Cood- Jng Schubert and Clem Pridmorc, Gooding, Following the ceremony t wedding dinner was given at Kctcbum Kamp hy Mrs. Gooding.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Kerris .will makc| their home nt Lincoln Inn, Mrs, Ferris rccenlly resigned "tlon of director of th 'ichool of tho'Western Pennsyl­vania School for the Blind nt Pills- tourgh nnd a year ago she wj student nt the Harvard graduate of-Cduci\tlon,_Shc_!sa mem­ber, of the’ Pittsburgh Authors1


m -A T IO n n r M I M n T’ TMITO -*ru7T\i p a m p m i n n


The customs and schools of the Philippines wero discussed by Mrs.

' C. T. Burtt at n meeting over the week-end of tho Knull Home Bet-1 (jrmcnt class held nt the liomo of Mrs. Frank Johnson. Mrs. Burtt| Illustrated her talk with a display cf native costumes of tbo Inlands.; The. business session was con-

"ducUd by Mrs. R. K. Afidcrson and roll call was answered with mem' hers' pet economics, It was decld' « ! to continue llio group as

" fcclnl clulj rather than a ho economics class and to changc name lo the Emarfon club.. Refreshments were served

thc hostess, assisted by Mrn. Roy ' 'Jones at\d~ Mre. D, R. Calhro.

Guests —wero Mrs. Burtt, Mrs. Mack Knull, Miss Beth Rolhen- hoefer. ScatUo; -itlBscfl Gertrude and Hollic Welch, Clinton, Mo.; Mrs. E. J. Colbert, Mrs. Carol Hol­loway, and Misses Audrey and Vir­ginia Waddell. ■PARTY GIVEN FOlt MISS TERRY „

’A lawn p'Srty was given recent­ly /or Mlsa Peggy Terry, who leaving soon for Salt Lake City enter nurse.-,’ training, by Mlfsl Florence Craig. The -honorto ,re 1 eelved a number of ttttractiv gifts.

, . Guests were Miss Terry, Miss Anna Mno Molbcrg, Miss Daisy Dene Thomas, MUft.MUdred Sweet, Miss Helen - McKay, Miss Merle] Jfelwn, Miss Veronica Thomcy and! Miss Dorothy Gould, Buhl.

BY WM. E. McKENNEY | N£A Service Stair Correspondent

•‘Counting the bands," that is, determining thc .distribution of a- ■■■“ In all four hands. Is /onoi

ho things in wjilch! beginner finds difficult, Cand1 ■ which even Ihe expert stVm- frequently, when tbe count'll,

of vita] importance ln making or'' defeating the contract. - --

No attempl should be made to determine suit distribution • on every hand. Often it Is Impor-,

Jt js a good habit to form, a you need nn accurate:

•count, It Is well to know how to 1 nke it. . ;

Toduy'a hand is an example; here- declarer, by using tho;

means at hls'command, was able to.count his opponent's hands and,! Instead of guessing a finesse, make* the hnnd with mathematical

FAREWELL EVENT ■PETES MRS. WELDO.V • A group. of her friends i

hoslesscs- thin aftemoon:.;a;-—, luncheon given at the-Phrk hotel j fcr Mrs. O.-* E. Weldon, . leaving the-first of August lo wiako her homo In Burley. Covcrsl were laid for eight. nt a. lablo| dainty with yellow nnd white The ccnlerpleco was a .low Containing floating'' yellow'-and

•” wliltc 'Ua&y' liloisoms anil yellow I|M» nrnl yellow and, while. can-

, djes completed the recoratlcn.v

Cdendar.. Community. Ladies' Aid so-

__Jfly will have n pot-luek^Ujner'Wcdncfl<Jay‘ at"TTp. .m, at' [Tie churih. Mrs. Peterson wlll .bo' hostess.

B. and H;.Club Has Regular Meeting

' HOLLISTER. Jyly 27 .(Special)" -.The’ 8: nnd H; club.............. “ *'ram* of Mra. JJecky f ...............

■Tlrfy, afternoon, .with'Mrs.-.Velma, :.'.miidcr*ori . asslaUng.t.S yetoleen1 •/itrtmbeni responded'- r\i&h their favorite cool drink. Tbe •• ax.-rinn wn.-nwaWct) OVCr

0 be./mw

The iollowinff. projraml SH* presented by the leader, Mrs, -J&ie Parrott.-

•VDueta-were sung by Misses Bts- . afo acd.Ruby Frye,' Itecltatlbnwaf -^•cn-by^PaUyiKy bji: .: AJi»f stto |- t«s was a feature of the afternoon

and-each- member -had been- re-i. <il)ost«d to brlna a.tjaby plcture of • MBemttlve*. and n guenlng contest] ' wMhtl<Mo ilttirmlae’ .tiielrJdW''. ' iJ3uest».ot.tb8.dub.w«o;M.lMea.- Virginia, and GoIdl« J3ot>bs,. Beuioi aid Rdby, Frye. ’Jian Brody; Dora] *-------vJmaJ-arsen.,.IUittuF<rrt

. . . . ___ vwlQ m «tJn.... ris^ p. m;'-to-

jtUerj-jPrtslde nt," S » . : E ^ th*|ei)u«»

Mode for fnri an'd freedom, from ' tbo points of its trim collar right)

*• down lo the.hem of-its smnrtlyjwaist frock, Pattern DIJ38!' You’ll like thc original touch of thc point­ed bodice panel, twin pockets, and cholco of slccvo length! ‘Marian! Marlin suggests thnt you maltoup n mld-scanon . version in striped] shirting with short sleeves—afailI

-then.stlUh up oncmodcKwlth-Jond sleeves in a wool-nppcnrlng cotton I or chnllls for Fall. Ue sure to sc-1 led gay buttons for accents! The Complete, Diagrammed Marian Matrln Sow Chart, accompanying] the pnttem, shows you everything! there Js t« know, in Iho way of enny. cultlnc nnd alllclilng.

Pnttem 0938 may be i only in sizes H, 10. IB, 20,— . . . . lniL_u__-leijulre.i 3>-j yards 3D inch fabric.

Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins! or stamps (coins preferred) fori each Mnrlwn Mnrtln nn.1sure to write plainly your name, ndilre.Ss, and style plumber.

DE SURE Tt> STATE 'SIZE , Send for your copy of our Mar­

ian Martin Pattern Book today! ’ • shows how lo have style with

Week's Outing Inaugurated by Groups •from Southern

Idalio Towns

Over 150 Cump Firo girls w lartlng clns3cs_thl3_momlng.

|tho week’s ca m p in g session Eisley, following arrival of

Iglrls from Twin-Fnlls, Buhl, ShO- :shone-and-Cnstleford-nt-tho-cnmp yesterday. Two bus-losds of girls nnd their pousesslons and n number' of private cam provided, the trans­portation yesterday. A number of parents wero guests nt'tho camp.:

Thd campers havo been housed, tents nnd Ihe camp lodgo nc-

irdlng-to-groups-nncHodny- nt-mates aro choosing names

their tents and for the camp, D......... eek they-will tnlco tu

-anty una~\nii~taitir?

Transportation Wift Bo Ready|___To-Hdp.BooaLiCrowdlat

Plano’s Arrival

leaving the Chai rooms at .D:<5 to O. T. Kostcr, enlertntnuient 6

turnout of Tw iir^cfT

Mnyor Duncnn' give nn nddress airport nt

Itrglntnitions M”tctl f;tstratlon at Ihc cam]


or a movie career, charming Stewart, above, sf Stock-

ge, Mass., has snubbed a,—;— ------------------- 1—a™imorou*-rol«-lrt-soolety.—Heir—

group, Shoshone; Mrs. Fryer, „ » to a hu0e fortune amassed (fuardlan; Winifred Fryer, counse-j by her father, nobert G. Stew- lor; Evelyn Sova. Marjorie Good-; art Standard Oil executive and ing, Catherine.Duncan, Betty Lou; her grandfather, James Stewart, Lockie, Marjorie Murphy, Joyce, pioneer oilman,'she was sinned Butterfield, Eileen Wilkin, Made-! L a fi|m producer after she lino Terry, Irl.i Coldstrough, Doro-, tride a hit In an extra role she thy Thomason. Aokya group,; played at a Joke.

explained by I An ... Uotec, general;;.

service.-!of the line will Harry J. Crcswc manager.

------- 'StnrtirnTiiiirsa.T5'-------The regular' schedule of 1 me will go Into operation W ndny. Plans are under wny for: provements nt the local

port nnd efforts nre betng irmil contract. 1 Portland, Or.

. Mrs. S. C. Orr. Mrs.........Wilson, counselors; Billie Lou Van

jlllper, Harrietts Holmes, Doris I Venter, Bess Webber. Marjorie

del pictured Is {he easy-U .. surc-to-fit kind that you enn up (n no time! Tho latest b<•outfits, house dresses, vacation nnd j Ring, Dorothy Allen, Marlon \Vil. party clothes, children's clothes,! non,-Kathleen Orr, Billie Amoa, special slenderizing fashions, fa- Tllilcum Twin Falls- Gladys brlc' news. Book Fifteen Cents. Smith and Iva Margaret Evjins. Pattern Fifteen Cents. Twenty- counselors; Verna Slncmn, Mar- five cents for both when ordered garcl Vasquez, Loreen Fuller, together. [Frances Reams, Mary Jean Shlp-

Send your ___ ., _____• Times patlem-depnrlment.------ ■

CONTRftCT BRIDGEBy William E. McKonnoy

Solution to Previous. Contract Problem

Duplicate—None vul South West Nortli ti ♦ 2* - “ s * - r3 A Pass 1 * — -T Poes • Pass * Opciilng ;!cad—«M0.

take nil the remaining Iricks, ta fulfill his contract. ' ^

Tliis was not n difficult task, If Ihe diamond queen could - be placed. Thc finesse could be taken, tlllier way, but fortunately de­clarer had a chance to bo a little more certain.

Four rounds of irumps were necessary to exhaust West, and on these' cards East discarded, two

I'hearts and two ((fainonds. -Ee-j Iclarcr dropped a diamond from [dummy; .Thus, there remained

—^5t“ lCd‘ tB(Tt?irorTlUtE—ThC first tv)o tricks were won with tho king, and ace, and Uie third club round wan ruffed by .East. Thc klng-of.hearts took Lbo.ucxt tr!ckr nnd It wm accessary for North toj


Twin-Fall*-dOREGON JJmJBt UNB . . > . ..EflitlJeuDrf,..... ..

lo. fiM. leaT<U'~-^-fl:M cu t*. Ia." 672, Iehve».- UZ.;U- 2:18“ p.” n<'

-671,.leaves —-^^.10^00 i l au -aja, I w f c r ; , , 1:90 p; m-

v: Siuthbound -.’"-" . .DallrExcrpi fiohday ..•

839.' to WcUa. lv. _-i.CJ0 p. a.' . - Northbound '

;00 p, U.'No: 310. from .Well*, u UNION* FACOTO

Eajthouad '• ■Arrives — ■.....• 6:10 a.

........ ....................^laas-fc:AnlfcVvia'tarthsJdo'-

® S = z i - r = i S y .

I.nclle 1/ihir. counselors! Mnrtnrieij^

T oda/eC onlrflct FroBlenTWest is tlayin* thc contract

ct four spades, doubled. Soulti must make up bis mind, at Uio first, (rick, how he should defend the hand. With proper defense, the contract can be defeated two -tricks. -

A None

A A K 3 . . »S B y ♦•AMH'3

! * 8 4 3.2 All vul. Opener— ♦ K.

Solution in next i;suc.

ino Tliomctz, Mary Lod Gilb.'flUlla McBride, Cracc I3ru!ey, Francos Thompson. Alice Harral, Louise Barr, Virginia Campbell. Joan Be­noit. Mary Alice Buchanan, Joan Lo Clair, Zellla Hankins, Genevieve -\vnlkcr

cfilck, Twin Kails; Elaine Dudley, colin.iclor; \Vnnda Hankins. Mlr-I inm Walker, Mary Haney, Bcckyl Victor, Margaret Van Engelen,1 Louijo Campbell. Delores Camp* 1*11.

Pongo, Twin Fnlln; Mrs. J. E. Warner, guunllnn; Helen McKay, counselor; Aidn Quint, Beverly Woolcy, Patsy Warner, Shlrloy: Hutchinson.-Helpn- ’Louise IviKrengel.

ctty Rac

irons'Durbin,'Doris I

Gamble, counselor; Gwendolyn lllelfrecht, Mary Jane Hawley, jDorls Ann Sherwoood, Dorothy :Va'n Engelen, Patricia Graves, Beth Cryder, Lucllo Thomas, Pa­tricia McCargar, Shirley- Aabby. Koyako, Twin Kails; Barbara................. iclor; Geraldine Gas-

•. Sccord, Dora Jean; Irene Durbin, Char-i

lottc Miller, Jean Nicholson, Mari­lyn Webster, Vcrginia Allen, j Wullssa... Twin Falls; Helen] iSwopc and Ethel Smith,,counsel- jors; Virgil Jean Knight,' OUlmae [Knight, Alice Murphy, Eugenia lEIder, Enrlqueta Vasquez, Virginia1 lAnn Chase, Janlcc Faye Gibson,! |Thclmn Anderson,\Edahow, Twlnl

■ [Falls; Florence Lusk, counselor;: \|Ann Peavey,^Lucllo Tinker, ’

ounflelor,_ Doris Harvey, Dalirl

Green, Edna McCarthy, Joyce Mil­ler, Jane Douglas, Gcrtrudo Mad­ding. I’hyllio Hoover, Ruth Chas­tain, Arlene Porter. Tclahl. TwIn Falls; Mary - Prlcbe and Mabel....... lunnelors; Dorothy Kren-

Ua—Shinn;—Ann—Parry; Ruthnnn Hayes, Olive Fern Sccord, I Valerik Gates, Gayle Ricks, Cracel Wegener, Lillian White, Bobble) Jean Douglas, Shirley Grccnhnlgh.' Edahow, Buhl; Mrs. William Cant- Ion, guardian; Emmallno Berry, Muriel Berentcr. Betty Zlbenden, Jean Atwood, Betty Jess, Muriel! Moss, Marion Fuller. Botly Ring.

In addition there a«j eight girls! from the Castleford Aklyuhopll group. Their counselor Is Maximal Miller.

Stnff mc'mVra- include:;FIoyd Campbell,’ director; ___'Anna Sweelcy, assistant director: Mrs. Im Wynn, head cook;

; - Mrs.

Wiley, Lob Nordllng. Wetomo- Goes Interstatei TOLEDO IHO—Speaking of longl jdrivcs, Toledo golfers can knock

diamonds In thc hands of thc dc-Jn ball all tho wny from Ohio Into' fending players. • (Michigan. It Isn’t ao fnr. The atatel

Dcclarcr could not possibly go line cuts through the north portion I WTong, If Jio took tho. trouble tojof No. 17 green nt tlio Sunning-' .. . . >..r,» • ......jujj, golf course, and parts of "

Fourth. Victim of Auto W reck . •IirOuuuty in lOSCMfflit— 7-—

Be Buried Tuesday

ilccsTorTJoiiaW I fc - ' jjulil, fourth vlctlni .- automobile accidents 1 county, will bo held

10:30 n. m. at tho' and Johnson'funeral G. G. Goldlhwalle, pastor, will officiate.

injured Friday . •nlng wlifcn his ctr Ortrtumed .the Banbury grade 12 mile*

•IhwcM—of— Buli!r-Hr—died here - — - — ..luiunlny morning at the hospital . . , . i without regaining consciousncna. g true. . ][1.1 companion, George Depcw,.. _______ Hillil. 1< rorovrrlnf from minor


r-l Mr.

Passengers 011 the Inlli:III include Postmaster Harry ait, Boise; Austin Anson, Nani- 1, secrctnry of Iho Idnho Ship- rs’ association; Waller Yprk.i

president of thc Uolsc Chamber of! Commerce. I

> King, Boise, regular pilot,! make the flight. The plane!

will stop here for. nbout 23 mln-!

Gov. _Blpod_ Joins ervices—for—Soi Of'Brigham Young;SALT LAKE CITY, Jdly 27

(Ul:i — With Gov. Henry H. Blood abandoning his cxccutUe capacity'to speak an a chmWi -itfJclnl, funrraL --Col.. Willard Young, S(. 'son of the fampd Mormon pioneer Brigham Young, will bo con- ducted«hcro tomorrow noon.

Relatives announced pallbear­ers would be grandsons of Brig­ham Young and Col. Young’s

Col. Young, a graduate of tho U. S. mlllUiry acodemy nt West Point, had a notable ca­reer as a civil 'engineer nnd os on educator. He wns a for­mer president of Brigham Young university and of Ihc I* D. S._collcgc.

He died late Saturday of n paralytic 'stroke. He had been 111 several months.CITY MAY BUY AIRPORT TOLEDO H'X)—Purchase by U

city of Toledo’s .Transcontinental; airport, Is being considered. 1

* Services Conducted \ X ’ F °r William F. Irishj j rs ! Service;! fur William F. Irish. 52, ' ' ’ who died Thursday, were held Snt-

urday afternoon al thc Twin Falls ininrtuiiry chapel with Rev. H.-’J.

n re- Reynolds, Christian minister, offi- ’ Cityjciatlng. -n in-j Music wns provided by Mrs. U.

; N. Terry, who sang "Nearer My . lias Got! lo Thee," and "Abide With I To- Me.” ‘ I’allbearciH were J. D. Mai-

I Sklllman R< P. Robln- \. Wlnstrom

Norcnilst's parcnls, Mr. ai C. E.'Grelser.

Mrs. E. A. li. turned Friday from Salt La where Mr. lteem attended surancc convention.

Mi&l LlllLs Antliony w :en the. guest of relatives itollo, has returned, 1Mrs, T. D. Wilson cnterlalncdjnon, J. W. M001 . a dessert luncheon Thursdnyjand G. E. Sogn.>norlng Mrs. R. Stuckey. Lewis.I Interment wus in Twin Foils'Wn, Mont.. rind ~Mfa, H. Wll6on,|0cinctcry, ___• _ ___hlciiiro; Tvi’elve \v>rK pr^i.l -----1-'- ' ".it. Mrs, E. Moreland received | The Prince of Wales Introduced

high scoro at brldgo and' Mrs.-Fijand made popular 6uedo:shoos for Munyon received low, !men,»«_ j j ra Gforge Erhardti

guests, Mr, nnd Mrs.]---------------------- . "*1...., of Iowa, are touring-" ............... ...

Yellowstone park. .B. Carlson, Famhamvllle, la.,

. .. Mrs. C. R. Fo^'A . B.'Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. A. E.Scholtcn motored . over Gnlena

!nummlt yesterday. 1

Licensed Sanltono Clean era PARISIAN, INO.

MONEY TO LOANHuiU] thiit home mow wliilc niimey is avnilablp.We lmv« a number of gmxl lots aiul « furnish

lonev In build your bouse. Low rate nt iiilrrest nml ]> me repayment privilege.


All he'nccdcdand ruff thc last heart with - his] last trump. Now lie knew that West could havo only ono dia­mond, flinco ho still held two clubs.

Tho’nce-wns laid down and tbo. finesse taken-wlth-full certainly that It would win, nn assurance that could not be had If thc hands|.c.t-Jhc iopponcnl-i_had .not__been)ountcd.

four cards In hearts and four lo|copyrlsht, 1936, NEA Service,

: other holes nrc In Ohio and Mlchl-


vas^sllghtly busier here during1 , 'the month of brides" this year jthci^ie was in 1D35, statistics 1 'snedoy tlio cily clcrk reveal Dur- (Jng_ June._820_ marxlngca_..wcrc. performed, compared with-787 In. June, 1035. ' I

anct--Mra;-Wj. Pnrkit, .■ 3:(fe K

v i Drt-Oess is 'parlieiilarly- adapted - to ."y ou r^ a e tt dresses and-^vnsh Buita.-1

-It', innkcs..clean., d o tliw i*tay. clean-Jongcr.-And it ^4»jlU-BotuaUJ--i£«reftserttter

wear.- b e c a u s e Dri-Cm puts fi'.proleotivo coating"

• around eacli thread o f the- •-fabric.-.. .*.■ " . . . .-

Glean .Clothes Are Cooler, Smarter and W ill Give Much Longer Wear!

.• Light eolora anil light weight fabrics rc- <luiro frequent eleiming in . order to be smart looking.• Hut moro .(ban.that, clean

. elothia ' actually, nro cooler than . soiled- - clothea. Dirt and. gnmo is . completely rc- 1 moved, allowing nir to circulate through

tho pore# in tho fabric, Tests show that clean' C tmc-nwrm^V " 'Clir °n^°r ^CCAUSC BiarP'



D e t w e i l e r


You'll Find Real Opportunities in the


to wreck. r*ratnr Auto Supply, Una Part* Dept rbona •Model T .coupe, 1920 or l«27.

• Good body. Dave Cherry, Amster­dam. ‘ ’ •


_4QQ_MANY_Cars .on hand. Buy now.

•25 Ch’ev. Coupe, good motor, fair tires. '30 Keen**, M3. •23 Bulck (ouring.^Tum good. •SB license, *25.’27 Dodse sedan. fair motor, 2 nearly new tires. ’30 lic­ense. *50.'20 Chav, sedan, good motor, •SOMleense, *50.•27 Chev. couch. good motor, •SO license, good tires,, good paint. $80.•28 . Graham % to:'SO license, *50.Will trade 4 trucks for cai

Sec us beforf-you buy.

RATES PER LINE PER DATSix daya, per line per day___ 4cThree daya. per tine per doy_.Sc! One-dayi-per-Hne M 8c

Minimum Two Lines - Minimum Charge 25c

Classified- Display Rates on Re­quest.

accepting copy, (or clam)' fled advertisement* for jmbllca- tloa la the Idaho Evening t iwh tha • .Imti Publishing

, truck.


Company ajr.ica to avoid errors aa far aa ponlble, but when a typographical error dot* occur In on advertisement, the re*' sponslbillty of tho Tines Pub* Ilahlog Company cease* *'•*“•' * *>llcatlon If the a-----

■ oot call Its 'attention

APARTMENTS FOB BENTNicely furnished apt. down­

stairs. Adylts, Oarage. Ph. 444W

■ unfurnished. 2821

S-rooro lent house, comfortably .'built. Will sell reasonable. """

Washington s t r e e t .______- FOR RENT—ROOMS

CABINS FOR RENTVacation Id tho Sawtooh Hla.

. Ciblns, saddle horses, pack trips. ■ fishing. Call 507 Twin FiU1-.reservations.


" H o i r a n r T o io A K - '

MONEY TO LOAN On Twin Falls dwelling*.' Lowest rates. Long -terms.

Quick Service.--------0ANGER-JONE8---------

Real Estate — Loan*123 Ualn E. ' Phone 427 •

alfalfa seed get [market right flow,1 GLOBE SEED AND FEED CO.

16TDB-........All Classified -Ads ....

striclcd to their proper classi­fication and the Idaho Evening Times., reserve* tbe right to1 ehang# the wording of an -■* vertlsement U by doing 8 clearer meaning will result "Claaslfled Ads which carry a]

letter and box number Instead I o: the name of the advertiser! must be answered by letter., PleaM do Dot ask for tbe camel of tbe advertiser which Is obso-'i lutely confidential la such cases. i



Address our cards. Earn $23. Dignified easy work, istamped addressed envelope. Dept

Zabel Insurance. Arlington. Cal.'


. FURNITURE FOR SALEr-Ncw; land used furniture' ot all kinds.1 I Coal ranges,’ electric faigcs, cool stovcSr-circulsUirs and. other. Uoyso._ 'bold fuminhlnga Moon's. Pnone 0, Stare No. Il Phans 810 StorojNo. 2.


New and Used Ca?b or Terms

t We save you money.T <00 Main South Phone

F a u n ’S an d " v e g e t a b l e s

• MOVEQ.Dr. J. l'\ Johnston hns

moved his offirc-from thc SmUlj.Kice building tu thc Central b u i l d i n g over Woohvorth'a ^ODrc.


_____ ____ doeas Firm*■ad Professional Office*

ot Twin Falls

r livestock i PRICE OF WHEAT


Today’s Markets and Financial News

DENVER LIVESTOCK,800; steady to strong: beef oleersl

.9 to *3.76; cows and heifers *41 lo *0; calves *5 to *8; feeders andl

[stock Jl .to *0; bulls *4 to *5.20.Jfogs, 2,200; steady to 25c lower;

top *10.00; bulk *10.00 to *10.75; packing sows *8.25 to *3.76; pigs

Vermanentfl *2.60, *3.00, *4.50. Two for the price of one. Over I ,Roxy theater. Mrs. Beamcr. 1, Special Oil Permanent, *1.00. |*C.OO Oil Persment, *2.00. Klaas 'Beauty Shop, 230 Gib Ave ”

FOR SALE — Semi rles. Hcyburn Avc. Wiseman.


Chinese apricots, *1.25 per bu. «LJ. Dlllon'n, 1 mile north and

• caiit of Washington school. Bring containers. Another loa l ” icsday morning. James Agen-

oad. Nnmpa.FOR SALE—A carloaa of Mu-

.jsco in bulk. Buy what you bring back what you

Warehouse for rent. 15.000 sq. (eet-wlth trackage, loading plat­forms. and office facilities, etc.

■ [». O, Box 310. ____________EELP WANTED—KALE

. Experienced Car S a lesm an .LL-__Steady_work^Ciive_nce. ruid .ref-

ertncco. Sale3 , Mgr., Box 417, Gooding. Idaho. i________• Reliable man to run case hi

orator. Must have experience grain and beans. Rt. i Hatelton. UjuI* Ulrich. • _________


O pul Ite'lefL-We

UcMurtry House Enamel, Floor and Linoleum Var­nish ‘trj1* In two hours. We also nave a large stock of Wall Paper! and Linoleum Rugs. Why pay price. Phone 6. Moon'*. /LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY


LOW RATES for new construe- liun or on not-too-old modem residences, well located ln Twin Falls, for varying periods up to 200 mot. *is. Some of ' tills bual-

-nfss-wlll-quallfy-forpft-rolft-oN OCr, NO. COMMISSION. Rates ,vm’y.".Bomcwhat with'the loca­tion, character of thc property and margin of accurlty.

Building contractors, material men, prospective homo builders and others ore Invited to get details of our loan set-up, which

-U—going—lo~.cacouragu—MORE— and BETTER BUILDING IN TWIN FALLS. , _ '

We offer nlmlinr rates on good Inside business properties In Twin Falls and on Improved farms on the original Twin Falla tract nnd much of the Norths Ide.




-WANTED—Pointing—nnd—Kal- somlnlng with guarantee. 032 Bluo Lake*::-------- . -- ------ - -

InMng, kalsomlning and ci .. r work. Call 1690-W. J. '

Adamson. 137 Fourth North.

grade workmanship. Also : Pbone- 0M^Brw;iiUbarr:



<r*tr.i:Sheep. 10,000; steady •; fat lambs *0 to *9.76; feeder*

1*7 to *7.05. .CHICAGO LIVESTOCK '

CHICAGO. July 37 llU:>—Hogs: 1,000, . Including 4,000 directs;

ktlrSjr—aetive- -on—wwr^3ti^-lb».j down; around steady with Fri. but kinds; lop *11.10; bulk 180 to 210 lbs. *10.85 to *11: few -~ '1 to 300 lbs. *11.25 lo *11.75: s

latcAdy; bulk *0 to *9.35.' . Callie; 10,000, calves 2.' .about 0,500 northwestern grassers la-ccop. miilnly—killlng-CQSYfl-Jiad and stock cattle; • beat weighty steers early *0.35; light yearlings at same prices; strictly 800 lb. heifer* up to *9.10; a new high on crop: hulls *0 down; vealers *8.50 down.

Sheep: 10.000, Including 12,1 directs; slow; better grade fat lambs steady; others and sheep weak, tending lower; better grade native iamhi *9.75 to Jl0.00 lo paekirs;'few *10.75 to city butch­ers: t^rowoutn *0.50 to *7.50; mcd. Montanas *9.50 sorted: few fat ewes' *3 to *3.50; holding best above J3.75.


10,500;, to shippers; mostly steady to 10c lower than

I'FriTTBMntncnntercstir'Eolng slow; top *10.50; IJQ to 200 lbs. S10J0 to *10.10; a few 140 to 170 lbs. *10.35.

Cattle: 13,500, calves 1,400: fed steers, yearlings and heifers open­ing fully steady; asking stronger: early sales of cows steady to I

ik: moat bfda 16e to 25c low choice veatcra'50c_]<wer;'lov.' grades steady; stocker* and|

feeders steady; fed steers anil yearlings *7.50 to'J8.50; mod. wt .*8.70; practical top vealers JO;, Istockers and feeder steer* SI.30

*5.75.Sheep: 70,000; early

iambs around a quarter lower;!

. j . i NEW YORK, July 27 (UPJ—The] I Llnnfhui'tlwed hi)'III Alaska Juneau.

CHICAGO, July 27 (DJT*—Wheat prices advanced today on tbe Chi­cago board of trade In a moder­ately active market'tn response to bullish week-end news from tbo North American Jiprlng wheat belt.; At the cIom wheat was up IS I to 1 4 , July 1.0414 cents, com wf I up 2 to 2«4. July 03 cent#,' oai '—ere up li to %, July 35«» cents.. Tracers moved to the -buying I [rtde-cf wh«»t »t-ihe npmlnc,.iinil the market held a strong tone1 throughout the »esalon. Good ■ mission house buying waa a lure on the early rally. Strongl Independent strength at-Liverpool | In recent sessions, where futures: Ireaehed new seasonal high levels, waa a factor In the upturn. Week­end weather and"crop Btwii rejiort- ed Uttlofhange In ct>ndltlbns in the northwest spring wheat territory; and no important rainfall In tbe Canadian wheat belt Reports from Russia whlob' stated that harvesting was going on 24 .hours a day to avoid heat and drouth] damage, attracted considerable tentlon.

GRAIN TAttLECHICAGO, July 27 lU.Rt—Crain

Open Ulgti Low Close Wheat: '

I July ..... .t.0*i,i 1.051,; 1.03’ i 1.01 V4'SepL _._.1.0Hi 1.05% 1.01 *"*-cc. ......1.05 1.00>j 1.04

Corn IJuly-.___ 93 ....01 ..—02. — 33',i|fieiiL

Allied Chemical....Allis Chalmers....American Can.-...'American Radiator.—....American. Smelting:........American Telephone......'American Ttobaceo B-----Anaconda Copper.......—Atchison. Topeka & Santa IAtlantic Refining-------------Auburn Motor*— ,—.....—Baltimore * Ohio—.....

iDcc. .

WANTED—To trade new Crane plumblfig fixtures for your old bathroom fixtures. Krcngcl'a Hardware.

Modern 0 room house with oak floors, furnace, fireplace. Price!*3150. Also odjolnlng lot .... .abundance of flowers and s

'150. 151 Walnut ntrcet.

WANTED — Upholstering, Re­pairing, Furniture Reflulsblng. Window .Shado worlt. Crrss & Brulcy Furniture Co. Pbono 055, ISO Second St East- .

Priced for quick sale. Six- room modern house. Good

‘■'location. New heating plant, stoker. 703 Main avc. West. Phone 1130.

WANTED TO BUY—About 200| tons -et choleo bay. Phono 10241

0:50 p. m. 1WANTED —Junk batteries nnd

radiators. Call 325W. We come and get them. IdaTio Junk House,

Wont to Sett That Homer Ualte It known In tbeae column*. You'll ;^pd a buyer promptly.

WANTED—Carpenter work.F. McGlashan. carpenler. Phone)

t 93J.' 237 8th street North.-

Trunk between TwiiTTnlis iiiVd' Hulllster. *10 reward. Call Hud-


Phone 0488-Rl.

r Bed,, dresser, writing'desk, p»lat-| tf* saddles; misc. 120Z\Klmbertya**d.- ■__ \ 1■ FOR SALE V-Crane ptimblag

rixtures and plkmbtng *upplle* of «ilL kinds. Krenjel’s Hardware.

Heavy Umbers, bridge plMk. couch lumber. Woodlawn Lumber Yard, opposite Swift h Oo. Phone


Flvu - room modern home. Washington school district Garage. Full concrete, base­ment Concrcle drive. Furn­ace. Hardwood floors. *3250, *750 cash, balance F. H. A.“

s u d m :ii w iio x e u c o .



WANTED—Guernsey. Holstelns, 1 any good Kprlngcr milk cows, hone 11:28. No Jerseys. C. O.


News of Record■ Marriafro Liccbiei

Sept..........74\, 73 V> IKoutbcm Pacific--------------Dee--r..... ---------Z4V»-7 —_I^.'djsLamlsutl Brands...... *

Standard Oil of Calif.... I Standard Oil of N. J....'Texas Corp................Trans-America .

,73 74 li 73 Harleys ' ’

July.........02*4 BI Sept.......-.G214 ir~ .S3 B


38 »i 30? 38*5


.„ 23%

.... 87 H.

....171V4...... :,..101V4_____ 80S

.. 28T.I

.. 3CH

.. *1S I - 20*i

-.123%- U 2

J. 1. Case Co—........ — •j Chi., MIL. St. P * Psclf.[Chrysler Carp......... - ....I Coca Cola— ......... . . . .!Commercial Solvents.....— Commonwealth St Southern.... 33, g©nt. Oil of Delaware. , 7-

[Com PrpdulM----DuPont 4® NemoufrrEastman Kodak..Electric Power 4 Light—General Electric....... - .....-General Foods— .—Y.......Ocneral Motors....- ............, Goodycae-Tire—.— .•——•• llnterDBtlonal'Harvcsler.— International Telephone......Ijohns Manvllle....- .........—'ifennecott Copper-----------I/jew's Inc........ .................Montgomery Ward-....-......

iNash Motors.......- ............National Dairy Products....'New Yorjt Central.............Packard Motors......... ......Paramount Pictures.........J.,C. Penney Co.—......—Penna. R- R-..... ........ —Puro"-OH__

174^ 17% 43% 30S| 72% I 21%

.Radio - Corp.....I Reynolds Tobacco B— ISafeway Stores....-—Scars Roebuck.....Shell Union Oil.....—•

ISlmmor ~

,e dating a

NEW YORK, July 27 OtO — Stocks advanced,'to the highest | leVela In several un-

best market leadership la .|several months. ^

Profit-taking appeared at Inter- 'I vals, but made only temporary Ira- Iprcwton.1 Many new highs, » far back at 19».

.the entire list surged forward. The Dow~JonesHndustrfal average-wentH; to o peak »lnee- April 14, 1031, 'While the railroad and utility aver* ages were at tbe best levels sinceItho bull market in 1935. The com- .I posits average was tbe best alnco 1931. . 'Dow Jooes preliminary cloalnjf[averages .ahowed-lndn*tri)ll_160.92L_'up 1.36, railroad 81.01 up.0,72 and' utility 35.7D up 0.42. oU new hlgb*.. Sales were 1.820.280 shares com­pared with 1.320,950 shares Fri­day, curb sales were 418,000 share* compared with 381.000 share* Fri- Iday.

Markets at a Glance-By United Pre«»............

Stocks at new five-year high; [trading fairly actlvc. j Bonds Irregularly higher under [load of domestic.corporate Issues; trading quiet 1 Curb stocks higher.

Call money 1 per cent.Foreign exchange easier agalnss

idoUar. -............z.:.7—v . '__Cotton_»U(idy_to_fhjn._________Rubber up 1 to 0 points.

j Local Markets


1 red *1.08-1.08>». 2 *1.07>,i-1.07»i,1 hard *1.10*5-112, 2, Jl.03U.ji.-

3 *1.03%. 4 *1.08’ i. 3 hard| rk S 1.11-1.11 *3, 1 mixed *1.00-

*1.08‘i, 2 *1.05-1.00’,4, 3 *101- 1.00%, sample, Jl.Ot. .

Corn: 3 mixed..03%, 1 yellow 01%, 2 .01-.91*.1., 3 .030-01, 4 .02%-' .93%. 5 .02-02%, 1 white *1.03, 2 1*1.03%. 3 *1.03. sample -80?i-.62.

Oats: 2 mixed 38 bright. 1 white ,38?• -.29%. 2 .37?i-'2f. 3 .30(5- ,37%, 1 -31*j-30'l, sample .33-.35.

Rye: 1 part car .00.Barley: sales .91-1.01, feed .40-

.Ctf, malting .71-1.01.. Tlmothysced: C.25-0.55, CiovcrsecU: *<*<'•«or1.50-19.2:

.JULY 25liter V. Legg and Helen J

zger, both of Twin Falls.

[NOTICE of application to appro- 1 prlote. water In accordance with

the. provisions of House Bill 293, l935TcMlo'a'1aws.“

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on the 20th day of June.

19J0, Raymond J. Huff, whose ad- .dress Is Seattle, King County; iWashlngton, made application No, |25570 to appropriate 200 cublci

*__ ,fttt-- of water per second fromlRock Creek, trlbutnry to Snake; River, for pumplhg purposes.

______ That thc point of diversion Is toCanvas. Tents, Awning*. All[be located: N. 51* 39' E. 1157 ft.

..inds Canvas repairing. Tbomet*, from the SW corner of Sec. 8, T.Top-fi-Oody-WorUa.-' -------lft_s.r.IL-17-E^-B.-M.,-and-U-i:>1 - -------------------------------------- ’ the 8W% SW%. Sec. 8, T. ,10 8..

R. 17 E., B. M.. County of Twin;Falls. ..... .......... - - •-, That the point ot use Is to be llocated: 1510 .ft. distant from thc NW corner of Sec. 33 T 0 S., R. 17 E.. B. M.. In the SWH NW\i. Sec. 33, T. 0 S., R 17 E„ Ti. M.

That the point of return ' ‘

To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mingo, la daughter yesterday morning at: 'their home at 435 Fifth av----- 1

sheep steady: feeders strong 15c higher jcarly bids 00 native and range lambs *9 to *0.50: best] htld higher: ewes *2.50 to *3T" range feeding Iambs *7.50 to *8.BAN FRANCISCO LIVESTOCK

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. July .27 CJIi—Hogs: 1,400. dlrcel 1,100.Fairly nctlve, mostly steady; top and bulk 100-215 lb. butchers J11.- 30, part load 238 Ibn. *11.40: few lllght-llghts 511-11.10: load 203-300

. weights *10.50-10.00; built pack- g sows J9.-0.25.Cattle: 1.000, direct 120, Large- steer run, slow, opcnlng/steadyi

. weak; two loads med. 1025-105S,..j. Calif.-steers J0.50-0.76,. load, around 1050 lb. shortfeds did *7.25, j

loads held higher;...............steers J5.00-5.75:

....... eifers scarce, stc' .grass heifers *0.00, load welRbts *5.85; few beefs ..

S5.25. low-cutters-cuttcrs *2.50-|„.„0. few *2.00: few bulla *1.75-0.- revolt ot> a national scale'[25. Calves: 100 No early action,|confercnec In Detroit Aug, 7, thei chojpo vealers quoted up to *9.50. United Press learned today, oi'abovc. ' I Tlie meeting.Is being promoted!

-Stieep.’ - 3.200, direct 1,250 nndjby former Sen. James R. Ilcctl o/l four dcclis’ to tticol'feed 10trLatnb»iMlssouri-nnd Sterling-E.-Edmunds, farily active, mostly 25c iower.'SU Louis attorney, it wajs report- bulk med.-good 05-79 lb. Callfor-jed. Former Gov, Joseph B. Ely of

and Oregon woolcd limbs J0-.[ Massachusetts plans to attend, ...J, sorted 10-30 per cent; deck'and Bainbrldge Colby of New med-good 03-lb. ahorn lambs *8iO,|York, secretary ot sta sorted 25 per cent *7.00; otberjWllson cabinet,-also han»acccptcd' classes about steady, yearlings un- ftn Invitation, It was ' 1sold, few med-good ewes SZ.50-3.-; — ■“1. (Moose ^ejion Meet*

■ -I Announcement Is made thatlPORTLANO LIVESTOCK |Moose Legion, comprising the

PORTLAND, Ore.;iJuly^27-Oi)lodge*rat Glenns Ferry, Jerome,

Union Carbide * Carbon....Union' Pacific... ............United Aircraft ....... .....United Corp..............- ....-'.'S. Steel, com...............

./orncr Bros.—j.............—jWcstern Union...'...............Iwostlnghouse Elec..........IpT W. Woolworth Co.........American Rolling Mills......Armour ..

Democrats PlanOpposition Revoltj

(Copyright 10J0, United Pm i) BOSTON, July 27 lU.r»—Pron

'Inent Democrats opposing Prcsl-

To Mr. and Mrs, N. Stinnett. _ win Falls, a son Saturday at the Crnft_maternlty_ home. _

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collins,___. Falls, a son Saturday ot tholCruft maternity homo. '

. B*Um«e* gladly- given < I kinds 'ot Job printing at ofl Idaho Evening Time*.

Ciutom lilUlog. curing and jtmoklng raeata Phone 23. Indc- pendent Packing Plant

CARBURETTORS — Carburetor ukrts and service. F. G. f t Motor iServIce. 230 Sbosbons SL West I Twin Fill*. ____

Ed Splticr, on appcol from rdgmenflQ ‘Tustlce or ths~Peace

... M, Holler’* court of small claims last June awarding C. H. Lowe *30 on a claim for labor. W. L. Dunn Is his attorney.

' Grain sacks .lumber, doors and • windows, belting*, wiping rag*:

•toe and fitting*. Idabo Junk ......... ' *2 JflfLfiOUlh.'

located: N. S’ SS1 E. 400 ftl Ifrom thc NW corner of See, 33, T. 9 S.,’ It 17-E., B. M.. In the SWK

,SW%, Sec. 28. T 0 8., It 17 E. Attentton Fruit Crowera. A n. M, ' .

lighter, stronger picking ladder.! That any protests'agalnsl the Order here and save money^J approval of Uils application should._v. — _______ money/O »

The Village Blaeksmllh Jfaop 1^ fUtj ;[ReoUr

W. H. Hunger, to add two room*] , . j a dwelling on lot 11. block 3, New-School addition, at a cost of *150.

A. Kennedy, to' enlarge a igarage on tots 4 and 5, btock 3, East Lawn, .at a cost ot *100..

District Court


ISofl wheat ........................ .....7toOats, a hundred-----------------1.00Barley, a hundred .1.00

BeansAll dealers out of the market

Poultry Colored hens, 0 Colored hens, uLeghorn hens.-....Colored roasters, <I Leghorn fryers...

PIBoeing ...........Briggs Manufacturing Co..Curt 133 Wright.^..... ........NatU Distillers.-C..............North American Aviation..Elec. Auto Lite........ - ........Schcnley DHtlllera.............Studebaker... ...................Swift * Co....a...... ..........— ito Motors-------•.—r—.r:

N. Y- CURB EXCHANGEAmerican Super Power........Cities Service, com...............Electric Bond & Shire.......... -Ford Motor Ltd.... - .............

. 23',

SPECIAL WIRECourteay ot .

8tidier. Wegener A Company Elks BMg. — Phoo* OH*

...r 4 1U3.....m-lcr 4 lbs...


S...12C__n_.........v............ .....100Leghorn brokers, 1% lbs. up....l0cColored broilers............1.I Colored fryers, over 2 lbs. lOld CocksISlags ...........................-Capons —------------—

Produce1 Buttcrfat .............

.. . . 2.Buttcrfat------------Effgs, a pedal.....— ------Extras -

—360 —S30

....... medium—Standard <1[Batcers _______—Pullets--------- - -

INVESTMENT -TUUSTSFund.' lnv............................ **“Fund. Trust. A.... - .............* <»

I Corp. Trust.......... .....— ....* 2'Quar. Inc............... ..... ...... * 1Maryland Fund......... ...... ....*11

Underweight Butchers, 125 100 pounders . _ _ _ _ — * 0.7»

Packing sows, light - ........ * 7.50Packing sows, heavy__— * 7.25'Steers r-T-r— ;-.;*4.0a.O,00—Helfera-______________*4.00-5.04Fat Cow* _ *" ■“ 'I Veal — -3~

Hlli Feed*Bran. 100 lbs.________Bran, 500 Ibi.___1____


10c under week ago. Good , . choice 105-210 ib. load lots mdst- session. lv *11.35. Drivc-lns *11.25 nnd| •down--230-260-lb,-welghU *10.75.------WHISKERS-SAVE-WOO-----Few llght-llghts *10.78-11. Pack-| HUME, Mo. IL'J!'—Dr. W. D. ling sows *8.60-8.75. Good to choice,Vint, veteran physician, estlmat- feeder pig* up to-*ll-23. led ibat be bad saved *801) In thel1 Cattle: 2.500. Calve* 200. Low.52 ye*rs he went wllhoutkBhavIntf.1 grade co*s strong to 25c higher.) While a young physician In Chi- Better cows and heavy sleerslcago,. Dr. Vint had a shave - In slow. Other classes about stcady.)183l. He didn't' get another until Several loads low grade steers]he celebrated his 82nd birthday! 10.25-7.25. Besl held around S7J50.iherc. 'Com'rilgKl stccrt~down _to_*t73:

BONDSinour2^rp«c.'-.—— -.-.-.-*101-60IFFMC 3 pet,... .—'.4103.75-103^75 1 MINING tiTOfiw

Silver King Coalition..Sunshine Mines-.......ITlntlc Standard-------

Bail ding Permits

Good heifers largely *5-0, cutter* idown to *1' Low cultcra and cut-|'ter cow* *2.75-3.75, Coro, to mcd.l *1-1,75, Good beef cow* quotable

<r -sn • ;census return*- -completed here.Hh«n- S700 including 7 4 3.Th“ « show that there oUll remain B , i *t|only 00,000 full-blooded aborigine*

M u ^ h ^ ' k a ^ b l i , o* .wbb» • aloo*

Aborigines VanishingCANBERRA a'.R) — Aborigine*

are becoming aa scarce In Aus­tralia aa Indiana In tbe'United

tower.,„lly o u tu ju d ■ M y « d*nSSiWwi dih.r In ■ .^ y m Y u o F

___ _____drive-ins ond-load iota warning M,000 are nomadic.held higher. Med. yearlings. *5.80.|. • . ■. /y'nw*? ■ ■

OGDEN; July 27-at.Cl (USDX)jYork. .1% per|*375. 3 I. graces down to *TPyTWCELES~O VESTOCK- LOB ANGELES, July 27 'UP*-

Hogs 250: slow to etcady:' grain! feds *1035-11: some her locals *9.26-10.76. .

Cattle: 2^00;. mostly steady;* lo choice fed steers S8JM-I

short, fed steers 50.75-7.50i I



..... _..*13.CI5..........*6-5.10

’ LONDON BAR .SILVEIt LONDON, July 27 mr.i—Bar sil­

ver was.fixed at 10 9-18 pence an ounce today (*4.23 cent* an Amer-finVOuneOr BaturdayaTirice___19 11-10 pence an ounce. For­ward ailver was quoted at 1# 0-16 pence, off % penny. China *>la small offerings In'a quiet market

bAJt SILVERHEW YORK. July 27 tORi—Bar]

| iliver held *t 44»i cenU a fine [dunce today. |

SAN FRAN CISCO SAN FRANCISCO, July 27 tU.EJ . •Butter. 02 BCorc 36%c: fil scors*

|33%c; 00 score 32%c; 89 score 31«.| Eggs, large 20%c; tne-3 23%c;.

Cbeese, fancy flats 19c: triplet*iBHo. _____


Butter: extra 27c: prime first* |35c~*t»nd»rd*"35c^'unaergrftd*— '-■le.

Egg*: large 28c; med. 21%;;

•f MONEY MABKCT NEW YORK, July 27 (tm —

.Money rales remained unchanged 'today. Rediscount rate, at New

:>*rly t

CHICAGO CHICAGO, July 27 (G-Ei-Egg*. .. . .

market firm; receipt* 9.992 case*; >- [fresh graded flrsta 22%c: current ’ [receipu 20%c; dirties lS};c; estra iflnta 22%e;-check* 18«.1 Butter, receipt* 11,558'. tub*;' market steady: extra 38%c; extra.- firsts 33 to 33V,c; firsts 31£ to |32%c; special 31% to 31^e; staa- . ' Idards 33i.'.e: centialiied 32c,

iTOR BALE — Large Chemetaft irt and extra equipment Excel-;

‘ lent condition. Original price *10.■ Sale price *4 ca*lb Bee Ribot Vail*

i 80 7tbATt.No.. . FOR SALE — Repairs fo* Ue-i

" Cac'micV.'DeerlaffrJohn Deere, Mo-] ' llae, .Ullwaakee. Dala and Em*r-i "•oa-mowem All guiranteed parts.

tCrentel'* Hardware.

SPRING FILLED. MATTRESS­ES MADE FROM- YOUR OLD] ONES. Mattresses renovated and recovered. Wool carding. Twin] iFall* Uattrcas Factory.,61-W.

iAtrtO' O o o f Glaa*. • Windshields - — Glass. No charga (Dr

Ortaz la your sash c*r lo.; Protect , your

- •'Kdrlgeration — Air condition* • ’ xMvUisn Jlgr. Nat l, organl-

a men to wprojIng.

Start at the bottom -work up to clean h Cfssfully. We’ll cle furnace and clean We’ve a fair price exc<'H|*nt service,




days o f the date of this notice; such protest shall state;the namo and address of the protea toot ond shall clearly set forth bis objec­tions to the. approval of the said application.Dated this 30th-day ot June, 1936

• - R. W. FARIS. Commissioner of Reclamation

Date ot first publication: July 13, 1030.

iDale of Last publication: July| '27,'1030; - ...... -,--------------:Last date for protest: August

S, 1936,8ervlce o f tbe foregoing.

;opy,‘ Is hereby admitted this 8th lay of July. 1930, ‘ '

RAYMOND J. HUF.F,. - —Applicant;

best'local butcher*; rolxedl^SOiffuW. 'jUty j / OLS-.i—Ti-»dej kind* *10 to *10.80: lacking »owa| was Very. slow ln the Boston wool|

Kallspcll-. ICansu Cli

.—48 ..80-.,.......... City’______ 84 100 :Los Angeles ---------..08 .78Miles Qly - — -04 '92 :Mlnneapoll* —00 81 .|New Y ork-------------08. 80Omaha' .................... 78 110

' - —.64 • DO

••--ueeL them: muA be reliabIe..6«Kl.' faiCT fo(.*iiort.Ih.twslve

..VitoiiKVPliooc' • w w ’-wrUe-.Hr< on i**rx

SEED A2TD FEED nOSWTAL KEEPS NO. 18MEMPHIS, Tenn. (OB—Ho*pltai 8 -.. - — -------- ■■■ .

attendonts-here are uncertain why. San Francisco ------ 52but'only One hospital has a roomlSeattle ..

Pocatello-- Portland ._. St.. Loul* . Salt Lake ..


Feed:’ Bf«nd, stocle food,' wlieait, 1

alitU, >tabto«v dust black Ittf. 40, lwapltal ha* room 413 for Patlra^ j ----------- 5‘rf* Hatchinj. who believe. JS l* lucky. •• Yellowston*

igood lo choice fed steers .00|9,10;..Bh' • - - •,00 gratis stc......................30 5.75: cutter grades *3.‘

to *8.75; calve* 700; *lo--------------vealen *8.25-10.00; Texas, calves

*7i5-7£0---------•'.1Sheep:.2.800: very .slow to lOcj


Charged Neglect'On - charge* . of neglect Mra.

Zelma Dow today , fUed' *ult la idUtrlct court aeeJdng. divorce fro tn Wallace H. Dow vhom-. ahe. mar.- ried April a,. 1631-at JUvenldc. Califsjpiaintiff who is'represented by Ray D. Age«, a*lca tor.r**teta'« tlon-of her former M meef^elmn Poultoa,' ',•">

Csttle: 220; fairly active,;abou( steady; good ateers'scarce; early 1 -‘ ia limited to few lot* plain feed-

at *4.23 to *3-501 tew lots med. good -local- heifer* *3-&0-to " - -- good Idaho oows efiS'Ibf

*7,80 to S3.80T.' • • market and the.undertone of aea-- ••• — . . . . . . WM fairly firm despite tbent dullness, tbe U. B .. sgrl- re • department reporteditUred moderjile Increase* in

*0.w” car good Idaho oows' MS'Ibs. purchiie* of greasy wool* and > *8.15. with fou rout at *4J5; med. order* for wool top* have, given

$4.30 to sotne-encouragement to Use..wool wb:'.few men who h»ve been;anticipating

bull* *4.23'to *5.l0: veal'alveA, an impwementln-tbe-re.arkpt ai good aad Choice *7.80. to *8.75; tbe fall wa*on. approaches,- Quo- -im. and med.'mostly *5 to *7.25, tattaai were unchanged from last

SbeepV 23,800. includes .21,400 week on *pot Otferlnga . In’ :tbl» for market : and 5,400 through; market The slow- demand that-------• lot*: trucked-la lamb* has'-been .experieneed.U the-pa*t

*8.50 to JS.flOj-.few.plain moath.Wi. becn . quite generally down to *8; weighed Sunday acceptetTa* A seasonal tendency,

car 80 lb.' Idaho iambs'-wlth,good n- . ~i‘ ,freight ben'efH* *9JS0; 28 headout -Sntlte* :are;.lcnovra for 'their - ;- a lba: under »verage at.*7A0; gluttony; A..7ft-pound python, re-

B0- lb..:Idaho*';ns» sorted; ceatly ate.a JA-pound ptg:la bne |tbmiiai|i^SX^J)i..'4l«aluaiJ>>-U.Mrte»M:Ym>-.«n.-ctt4<«^lMt WPty.'CtH;)*aak*^ruit«Mtgv.' [t«4»r.*wrage.%t'»TJM . . «... »or»:4b«n,*iyyat

. t'heeae’ lwlan8%" to"'lK^C-'diP sie* 19 .to I9%c;.ioagbom* 19 tft. ' ‘» « c . . - .


CHICAGO, July 27. (UE*—Pota­toes, supply moderate; • demaniJ itow; ' market steady, to etroog] CaliTi-White-Roie *3)06 to'W aB;:- Idaho Bliss Triumphs *250;-U *2.70; Nebraska and New Jemej I Cobbler* *2.05; Missouri •CObbtctt Jl.M. . . -. 'Arrivals 90; oa track 207; tfhlf

|menta^23..-.-. . _ ’ •ONION MAKKBT

CHICAGO, July .27' (Uf>—Onlfl) , price* .(80-lb., aack*):.'Iowa yel lo^rSOc; Iiliaol* yellow*: Mo tic . '.7fc....;.. _ > _vttpAo z a a * . w a n t, ADa>'*r

v : PageTen IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO ironilay, July 27,' 1S38

10 BE JUDGEDCommittee Schedules Visit to

His Face is M ournful,So “Slim” . Summerville Became Funny Man

Fields of Contestants Tor Prizes

As the initial step In (Mcrmln- Ihg the winner of th6 S225 sugar beet growing eontwt sponsored by

' Twin Fa)Is business mendent* with beet projects, - ----inlttee of Judges with tcachera ot agriculture from Murtaugh,

•: berly, Filer. Buhl find Twin Falls and other ctudents 'plan farms of those competing day. Records anti the growing Twin will be inspected. Tho tour Is

‘^ 'to-Btart at Milner- and end ot r'. ‘ 'sob!.

Prlics offered are: First, J75: .' - - aecond,- S60: third. JlO; fourth.

J30: llfth. $20. The score car-1 r ;.,upon which the awards will be

_10_f w nmirncv and cpletcncss. 15 per ccnt. for Cliff

. . project book; for the crop, appear- ' 4mco of field. 10 per ccnt; tonnage,1 20 per ccnt; cost of production per

•. ton. 15 per cent: utlllr-atlon of '• by-products, 2r per

•— project,-10 jKT-oont.--------- --------" Our* Project

Rules KovcmlnK tho contest ‘••require that Ibo project must be.... 'osvnoil and managed by tho boy nl'

-though If Is expected that the ■" boy will Mil and recclve. advice

from hla. father, the sugar beet field roan, the agricultural In*

■ atruetor nrd successful beet grow- ■’ era of the community. It is orm

' able that tho boy sign his or 'contract with tho sugar company

-r«».*mt that-he-tin *» much of. Urn ' work as Is practical ’•

— •-riff-ticct projcct “ Of IMS than X?~ two acres Is txbe considered In tbi

contest, judges


HOLLYWOOD—Slim Summer-!lo—linflrrt-l>ot!iercd—to—-flguroat a philosophy of humor. Ho :U according to a simple formula -plays his role straight and takes

them very seriously. Tho milonlih- Ini' result Is that fans whoop In hiph glco and movie makers offer more and bigger contracts for his signature.

so marvels liavo bccn^taking /or 2.1 years, alrfco - the

Ing Summerville squeezed la- } uniform of a Keystone cop

and-ambled on-a a«t to meet v - flrst pie. He accepted tho pie just another of tho rude* buffetlrira of fate. •

"o wiped away tho mess and fed at the director through'

large eyes (injjed with custard ana ao Ineffable.melancholy. "Great!” yelled the director. "You get tue

,a comedian woa born. Sum- illu allll doubts that he is

funny, and seldom Is sure whether h^oHwtrtHbutlng-fl-teftr-or-n-Uolly laugh to n scene, Sometimes, • -

TAKES OWM-tlFEWoman Ambushed in Cellar,

Bhbt in Back As Sbo , v Flees Up Stairq

a bullet.Into his , ambushed

SALT LAKE CITY, July 2j —Police entered a murder-iuldde

• report in department records to- - day. concluilloS'B brief Invfillffa-• tloa of a Saturday night tragedy

In which Charles B. Malin, Cl. shot, .his wife to death, then-ended his" own life by firing........ . l-‘ ‘ 1‘ ' '

; bmln. - ■ ' OfficeM ,si!d 1

bis wife, Dorothy,• tercd the basement ot Ihelr

here; Seelnff her husband bran­dishing a revolver, offlceir said, Mrs. Malin attempted............. * '*

’ spiml stairway.: Two slugs tore Into her back.

•, She died, shortly later "route, to. o hospital.

. ; Police said Alalia had been ' drinking heavily for several days.• Previously, he lud been committed

to a-mental hospital on three oc ajona, they said.

i f i f i i l E -. < <

kuowa, of course. He contributed one of the most hilarious lines In1 “The Country Boctor"—when the fourth brand-new quintuplet woj broi/flht Into the room. •_ ' “ ''Doc'7 'buM Coiulablo-Summer- •illo anxiously, "ypu got to stop

this!"Ooein’t Feel Very Fanny

laughs alou chuckles—a

mere wistful flashes

Son of Beer Parlor Owner Sncctnnbauf 'Injuri*

■ In Fight

EMERY, Utah. July 27 (UP)— Injuries suffered Us.'a fight he en­tered to protect bis father tctt Robert Duzctte, 33, dead, today.and two youths In custody while' of­ficers sought additional details of the fatal bratol.

The fight occurred Friday night, pollco reported.

Sheriff W. L. Black said Paul Aballne,'20. and 1 Royal' Nielson. 19, .were drinking beer in Du- zetto's .establishment when they becamo- disorderly. Edward Du­zctte, tfio ;Victim's father, ordered the youths to leavo and ji fight ensued, pollco said.

Black.nald bo could not con­firm earlier reports that the younger Duzetto was struck onthe head with a clialr .during the briiw'. Aballne and Nielson wcro booli- d.atahc Emery county Jail pend­

ing additional Investigation.

Slim Summerville, rl^bt and another great comedian. Gay Ulhbre. accompany Shirley Temple In the Sextet from Lucia. Hut— sh-h—If you amv tlic picture, that wr-"'* c “ — lie's tone deaf, and his part was dubbed In.

TURTLE 8TAD8ER ’HUNTEDTOZ.EDO" m?) Zoo 'ollldati

offered JCOO reward for Informa­tion as to the Identify 6f'thq_f>er- non who atabbed a Galapagos turtle in tho buck with a steel rod,

Slim you heard, scvordy wounding the turtle.


Holden Will Help Administer Motor OoiTiora Act

Cyclist Pedals to ' Top of Mountain

. UAJlTexmii, Conn.' (VJS—Jataea B. Armando, 58/ of. this city, • I

WASinNCTOK, July 27 (OTJitpmfntn rflmnill. >i1m ntt

today appointed two joint boards to aid in administering1DS5 motor carrlors net In tho states of Montana and Idaho.

Iforry Holden, Boise, a member [ tho Idaho public' utilities com- lUslon, and .Thomas E. Carey,

.Jelena, Mont., chairman of the Montana board of railroad corn-

named to assist In administration of tbo act in both states. . I

At tho same Ume, Carry who: named (u h one-man board to an-1 .. . In administration of tho act within Montana.. 'I

mountains during. Which h o t a bicycle up tho clgbt-mllo ai mobllo road to tho top of Mount Washington In 2.houra.20.minutw.

Twice, ho nays, tbo wind* blew

. England Is nald to bo sinking Into tho sea at tho rsito of nln« inches ovcry 100 years.

Y o u r l a u n d r y ’. And Clothing Are Folly

Insured When Sent to tho 'PARISIAN, INC. •

AlONE 830

A former..Fargo,, N. O., In»ur« ante man, John Nystul, above, will direct the campaign of" Representative William Ltmko for tho presidency on the Union party ticket Nyitul li a for- -----chairman of the - -

LAMPS USED 30 YEARSLONDON.'O/it fU» — ‘ t hTfty

yeaVs ago, Charlca Taylor inntallcd hn clcetrlcal lighting syitem ,_ his home. Ho la still using twi the original carbon filament lamps • - bought at that time..

Office Opens Augiifet .lAccount ot nilalortune ot being lu tlic'Cald'niH'jboBpltnl*

wo linvo been unablo To opon our offico hero in T^vin Ji'aifa. —but wo cxpect to be pn tbo job tlics first of August, and will bo in the market for Triumphs and " ’ill contract for fall-Husscts. •....... ...... ....... ................____________


that add a few more cont faco which even In repo»u iuo«o( IlHe a relief map of the High Sler-

_..s pouchy eyes make y__ think of a sau mastiff. His baggy checks look as though they con- t&lncd twin qulds of cut plug, and lila chin Is that o f,a man v ' hfts Just sent bis upper plate

vulcantzccf.Summervlllo is 43, and would 0 feet 3 Inches tall'If ho ever

straightened up. Ho looks older becaune his hair and beard .arc praying, and ho has worn an tin- kempt stubble In his last four pic­tures. Ho hates to shave, and pleaded for permission to retain hla beard Id "Public Nuisance No.

-Takes And GivesLately he has been just about

the busiest' funny .mnn m town. Mnken. a lot of money, these daya, buns'i\~seir=ncknowloclKed sucker for oil-stock salesmen, cadging acquaintances," and ordinary bog-

He lives by the sea and spends moat of his spare time casting fu- tllely but happily Into the surf. He reads only detccllvc stories, fers Fred "Alloa oa the radio alpiost never goes tq tho ir unless there’s a Mickey MoU;.

HfS best friends Rto hit doctor nnd-lU&-dentlst. He'll .wnllt around

golf course with Bing Crosby,1 Andv Devin, or Dick Arlen, but' won’t play. He likes to cook Itnlian dishes, but is the only one

dares cat the rcnult.-Sloppy Dre»»er

Ja_lhit_aloppleat_drcsscr__[ntho film colony, and almost never attends a . party. 'He Stamps •hlto hofscs, and spits In his hat ,-hen lie sees a cross-eyed man. Iraputofvc, ho may dccldc at

. o'clock some morning to fly to San Francisco. So he routs out Paul Mantz. a-stunt pilot "who

i been trying to kill mo for ira", and tboy're off within an ir in a chartered plane. Once, started for San Francisco

captain and. first mffto much that -lie remained aboard, for threo successive round trips.

Not His Voice j f • Slim-is tono.deaf, and ter­

rified when ho had to sing In

I VIMY. France, July 2T (UT.l — ■ Two granlto shafts roso above this ' quiet French vlltago today .Canada's tribute fo her World

______ ___i. and President Al-; bert LeBnjtv of Franco officially

' ~ the monument yeater-•.<Jedicatca thi ;• ^Speaking a

wasn’t his volcc; liosvevcr, that you heard in the Sextet- from-Lucla business in "Captain January." It was dubbed In.

Tho most fun Slim boa had in a long tlmo came on tho day tho radio tarried a prcmaturo — nounccmcnt of his deal)]. Ho. by tlfe telephone for 12 solid hours shouting ‘ 'Bool", at the callers.

Now Shipment Women's Pure Silk

Mesh Hose,

9 8 £Full 'fashioned.' Popular Shades. - Sizes 8>/j to 10'/2. Got ,'yonra todayl

.Women’s Rayon


Smartly s t y le d , long wearing p a n t i e s and bloomers at a Bivingl

Jsciel -Facial


1 9 $Thoy 'ro '1 a r g o sheets, soft but firm! Stock up nowi

Girls’ Summer


White, p a s t e ls , dark shades. Plain or figured tops. Sizes 5 to 9.

GETS ICommissioned as a occond llcu-

tenanf; Robert E. McCluaky, Buhl, hiui been (ufilgriM-CWUuty with tho BuW-unit-of-tho Idaho na­tional gtianl, word received by Capt. Ralph S. Reyn- o m commshiSeK who wn* notl* fled by the adjutant general' flee.

-Muzry for Yours! Just 70 Left!

Staff "sergeant and . member of Company D, .Vl6th engineers, L t McClusky lias been S' commission­ed officer of tho ormy reserve

........................................ .......... ... corpa Btncc hts graduation fr—hip, but enjoyed the company of tho University of Idaho,

dominions bcyot ward citolled tho memory of the

’ men who died not only at the fam- i .bus'.battle of Vlmy Ridgo on . Easter Sunday, 1817, but also otall

Canadian troops who • sacrificed

WRAY AND STONE AGAIN 7- r'Pete Wray and Freddie Stone. £ V whose verbal fireworks havo ob- U Vicured .tEe1 fact, that they'vo done i.? '* lot of real Rolf pmctlelng'in or- :,U^d«.10JrlnLnlLcha!lengenLot_Twlnj.v Fall? country club, won another ; -i '• match yesterday when they dowh-

ed Cfiarles Casey and Jimmy Sin- five,strokes.' Wray card- 6d d 38 and Stone a 40, Casey liad

'‘ f.-fW and Sinclair *2-

!;> .7 . d k rn im phovxs7'- .WASHINGTON, July 27. (UTJ — • ■‘•^Sccrotiwy of-War Gcorgo H. Dcm

Via rfported considerably Improv- ^y,r itd today by physicians at Walter 7-,7-'Re«d'hMpllnl wbero -tho cablnct p i; ijfflceri* fecuperaUng frtm effccta

’■ ot an Influonza' attack suffered j'a \ laat'spring. - Fbyalclans sold Dem VJ' 'good progress towardy ; 1 wvTOraf-iii»-fiHi-gtr«Dgtiu——


Fr-i rtOOd-.rtUl for residents - of this ............. whtn'tlie dock' In tho court-

Orphaned at 5 a a child of adversity,

moUicrleAj at S. Afler living Jn New Mexico, Canada, and Okla­homa with little formal education,

i was graduated at tho age of 10 > tho nomadic fellowship of theHe worked at'pretty "nearly ev­

erything. There was n period of apprenticeship In a coffin factory.

San Francisco next, with Sum- mc&vlUo tacking ’em in n pool hull, Ho was bandy with n cue, too, and! with quiet guile would allow blm-| self to bo drawn Into games wlthj avaricious slickers. He did so wcitl there that, to this day. he loves! Sah'Francisco' above any other- spot , i:

" 'amo to’ Los Angeles to looki up an uncle, and found Instead a| Mack Sennett comedian who cs*i corted him to the studio. The dour, angular youngster hadn’t thought of -acting, but ho proved so apt at -taking a ple” ‘ that ho became the first "guar.yiteod'extra" 1Hollywood.-------------------------------

Seaoett assured him tour day. ork a week at the magnificent

total of {12. Slim accepted. 1 Then came contracts with varl-

js studios, and some year* os a director.. It was his role as Tja- den, in “All Quiet on tho Western Front," that lifted him but ot

^ x m \ v s x m \ v \ » N W N ,v \ s s «


-PLYMOUTH Deluxe 00UPE, fully- equipped,i c r .... :..... ......... ............................... ........................ .^$550

’34—FORD DoLuio’ COUPE, V-8, tan finish, gbod rubber,*30 license’ ...........................17..7.„___ ..........<.... ..... $ 4 0 0

F I X - I T

S H O PNow OpenHardwood' ‘wprli ,_pn._ cars, Borcfln doors atnl windows, •1G wire tiscd . only, cabinet work aucl fumUurp .repalmR. crpcrt work. Saw -filniK- and RiimmlnR,: farm work ' o il ..combinea n n d tlircphing-. machinery, uiill work. ■’ _

S B- HARDJBOIf, Prop. ‘

: 420 South Mam

; '34— FORD DcLtixo TUbOR7~lQW mileage, tan Im'ieh, ti-ply. tires, '3C liccnso........:......................' ................ $4 7 S

’34— OESV. COACH, Master Six, 1(3,000 miles, ncarty nowtires, ’38 liconso ...... .......................... 54 75

. ’35— CHEV. TOWN SEDAN, Master Six,'trunk, heat­er ......................... .........................................................$600..

’31—FORD COACH, sido mounts, ’30 liccnso...........$ 2 5 0; ’33—CHEV. MASTER SEDAN, tan finish, •writte'n guar- \

antee, ’36 license .. ...................... -..$435 *.’31— CHEV. COUPE, new finish, good rubber, ’30

license ..... ...................... ....J5300’31—FORD COUPE, now finish, -sido mounts, ’30

license .................. ......................... $ 2 5 0•30—FORD SPORT COUPE, new finish, ’30 liccnso..$22S ,,

-•29—FORD COUPE, fully, equipped, .’3C liccnso___ .$ 1 2 5 £’30—FORD TUDOR, new maroon finish, good rubber,

• for .......................................................................... -.....$ 2 0 0’29—FORD-COUPE, fully, equipped, ’35 license.......S125’27— CHEV. COACH,'oxtra pood, fully equipped__.$ 7 5’28—CHEV. SEDAN, Kari-Kcen trunk, '30 license..$ 2 2 5 ’31—NASH SEDAN, light 8, new finish, side mounts,

written gnaranteo........ .......... .........S5300’31—NASH SEDAN, light 8, runs good, ’3D liccnao..$225 ‘28^BUI0K SEDAN;“ extra- ffoodr upholstery loola - liko-• now, just repainted ..................‘ ..........................$ 1 6 5

. [27—PAIGE; COACH, runs good, leather upholstery,'3G liconso .......................... .... ............................. .$ 7 5

’28—STUDEBAKER SEDAN, fully equlppei'.._.....S 5 0’26— CHEV. PIOK-UP, runs gqqd, ’30 license.............$ 2 5'20— CHEV, BEDAlf, fair condition, ’36 license.........$ 3 5

TRUCKS - ' TRUCKS ’34—Q.M.G. l i /2 TON, long wheel...gTiaraatoa"..................... :....... ................. ..................... . —’31—STUDEBAKER 2-TON, long wheel baso, duals, .stake

to d y . ........... .... ........ I..........i ..................... ....$300i- -'31— FORDlVa'.TQN.llotlg_wli60Uag9, dualfl, 32x0 10-

ply, ’30 llefmso ........................ ......... ........................$ 2 7 5’30—FORD iy 2,-157 dual truok .. .... '79—yORD lVa-TON,'4’ new tires .. , ..$1 00

I .’27—GRAHAM 2-TON, '34x7 tires, ’30 liconae...::......-$l2S’30-t-CHEV. TRUCK, l^ -T O k , run less than 19,000. miles,.• 2 sew 10-ply tires, prain body, .'30 lidenso.-___ .'.3 2 5 0

•32—CHEV. TRUCK, l 3/a,'TON,"factory Btalw body..$200 ■ ’34— CHEV. PICK-UP, good.condition, ' ’30 Iiccnse_$37S. ’34r-CHEV, PIOK-UP,'1 motor' just, rebuilt, new paint, ’30

liconso ....„.„,-$39B_•31—FORD: P10K;UP, now finish, good m otor ,' '30 . license .'.............. '.................... ..... .-....'-.$200


Glen G. Jenkins

top related