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Court of Protection & Personal Injury Awards

2 | Court of Protection and Personal Injury Awards

Receiving a lump sum payment should not be a burden, we are here to help make that money work for your clients consistently and reliably, over the long term. This is the key to giving them the true freedom from financial worries.

This is what Charles Stanley can help you achieve.

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A commitment to financial care that lasts a lifetimeProviding an investment management service for long-term protection demands a special kind of dedication. As well as offering a proven high level of expertise, the investment partner you choose must be comfortable working closely with clients who may be relatively inexperienced in matters of investment, and who may also be subject to ill health or considerable personal stress.

For over 150 years Charles Stanley has developed and refined a way of working that is focused on, and acutely responsive to, our clients’ needs. By delivering a quality of individual service that often continues over generations, we build relationships that have created our reputation. Indeed, our client-friendly approach has contributed much to our growth by prompting personal recommendation.

We are wary of superficial or ‘off the shelf’ solutions, and spend time understanding the requirements of your client, before developing a bespoke investment strategy with you. As fellow professionals, we have the experience to work closely with you to make your own task easier. Just as important, our breadth of experience means we have assisted people at all levels of award and in all walks of life. So you will find us both knowledgeable and sensitive when meeting your clients or their representatives. We are always aware that everything we do is aimed at securing their welfare.


Our Court of Protection and Damages Awards Team manages over £500 million on a discretionary basis as at 30 June 2018.

Portfolios range from £250,000 to over £11 million, but regardless of size, all portfolios benefit from our full expertise and personal commitment.

Charles Stanley takes a team approach, combining personal service with continuity of investment thinking. Our team is composed of eight specialists.

With over 30 years of continuous investment experience and over 20 years experience working as a Court of Protection Panel Broker, we have developed excellent working relationships with the Court, Ministry of Justice, and associated lawyers and other specialists across England.

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Specialist expertise in portfolio managementCharles Stanley specialises in creating and managing long-term investment portfolios. We are able to understand and address all the key issues you raise on your client’s behalf. Indeed, we may also be able to identify a number of potential future complications with which you may not be so familiar.











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Our focus is to build a detailed, comprehensive understanding of each client’s situation, including the welfare of other family members, and extend this analysis into the future, testing various scenarios. Along with your client’s financial and personal circumstances, we also give full consideration to their attitude to investment risk. We then analyse and present the most appropriate investment options, showing how we could maximise returns and establish financial peace of mind for the years ahead.

Each portfolio is constructed individually, to meet individual requirements. We also discuss how we can incorporate maximum flexibility and tax efficiency into the plan.

When we manage the portfolio, all investment decisions are made within mutually agreed guidelines.

We never take our focus off your clients. Our strong commitment to delivering bespoke portfolio management leads to truly responsive investment management.

To monitor progress, we carry out an overall review of each client’s circumstances and needs annually. This ensures that our agreed investment strategy remains best placed to deliver each client’s lifetime needs and aims.

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Moving forward togetherInvesting for a full lifetime involves a special level of commitment and trust. This is why, in addition to our present duty of care to your client, we also assume a continuing involvement. All we ask is that you notify us appropriately of any material change to your client’s circumstances, requirements and objectives; we will then accept continuing responsibility for the suitability of the investments you have entrusted to us.

At every stage, we work hard to help you plan for the future with confidence.

We begin with full attention to detail, when we look into every relevant financial aspect of your client’s circumstances. This includes checking all documentation – we do not make assumptions.

Next, we discuss the balance between your client’s need for present cashflow and the long-term capital preservation that can protect future income. As part of this we will analyse and agree your client’s risk profile, and consider tax issues.

Looking ahead, we consider the impact of potential economic scenarios on various portfolio strategies. We can then devise contingency planning to manage any potential shortfalls, seeking to provide the optimum standard of living throughout your client’s lifetime.

At all times, we watch the progress of your client’s portfolio carefully. We arrange regular meetings to check that our strategy is still on course. As your client’s life and needs change, we re-balance the investment strategy whenever necessary.

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An enduring commitmentWe continuously review whether there is sufficient income and capital to maintain an appropriate standard of living for your client throughout their lifetime. Whenever necessary, we plan the most effective way to meet any potential shortfall.

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Making the complex simpleTo ensure you have a clear and comprehensive overview of your client’s investments, we provide regular reporting tailored to your specific needs. These reports are issued quarterly and, in addition, we encourage an annual face-to-face portfolio review.

We handle all administrative and cash management issues relating to the accounts, fees are calculated according to a simple and agreed formula, and clients receive comprehensive records, complete with tax information where appropriate.

In addition, clients can securely access investment information about their portfolio at any time through our online client portal ‘My Charles Stanley’.

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Long-established, leading independent firmWhile strongly focused on providing tailored and individual service, Charles Stanley also has the full expertise and resources of a well-established investment house. Our focus on clients has endured since the foundation of Charles Stanley in 1792 and has helped make us one of the UK’s leading wealth management firms.

We are also independently owned, so the advice you receive will always be impartial. Because we are not tied to any other financial institution, we can offer all our clients the products that best suit their needs, selecting from the entire range available in any market. Our guiding philosophy is therefore simple: our interests lie with you and not others. While independent, we also offer our clients the reassurance of financial stability. Charles Stanley has over £24.9billion in group funds under management and administration as at 30 June 2018.

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We are happy to discuss our Court of Protection & Personal Injury Awards service with you at any time, talk through all the key decision points, and answer any questions you may have.

We think you will be impressed with the level of flexibility we can offer. After all, we are offering an investment service that should be strong enough to last a lifetime.

For more information, please speak directly to your Charles Stanley contact. They can then put you in touch with our specialist Court of Protection & Personal Injury Awards Team, or call us direct on:

T | 020 3504 3452

E |

Your open invitation

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Our commitment to youWe promise to focus on you. To put your interests before any opportunity to promote our services to you. To listen carefully and provide what’s right for your situation and goals. We promise to work with you in whatever way suits you best. And we promise to keep on supporting you over the long term, doing everything we can to safeguard and help you achieve your financial objectives.

This is the Charles Stanley promise.

We are here to help, please visit us








The value of investments, and any income derived from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each person or entity and may be subject to change in the future.

Charles Stanley is a trading name of Charles Stanley & Co. Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. A member of the London Stock Exchange and a wholly owned subsidiary of Charles Stanley Group PLC. Registered in England No. 1903304. Registered Office: 55 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 3AS. Tel: 020 7739 8200.

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