font analysis – horror thriller

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Orphan is a film orientated around a young child who has been adopted by a family – they later on find out she had mental issues. The font used suggests a childlike, messy handwriting which is associated with children –giving the main character and possible plot away. The use of this, with the use of the cold blue colour in the back ground suggests a possible synopsis of the film - the idea the film will orientate around a scary child.

In the title ‘saw’ the ‘w’ is presented as a pitch fork which are usually associated with the devil. It is an iconic item that the devil is seen to have. This evokes thoughts of pain and hell, the idea that the film will include death and danger.

• The colour red is used commonly in horror –thriller titles. The colour red connotes danger, aggression and can portray energy which is important as it portrays the energy of daemons the may occur during the film. Red is associated with blood and gives the audience the idea that pain and death will occur within the film. It helps foreshadow possible events that may occur during the film and helps the audience understand what there about to watch.

Film titles are usually displayed on dark colours. One of the most commonly used colour is black . Black is often used to portray something evil, scary and even depressing. When other colours are placed on black they stand out, which explains why it is so commonly used In horror. The Film title is made to stand out because of the black , leaving the audience remembering the film title.

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