food for brain-indo (ocha, slide 21-23)

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  • 7/28/2019 Food for Brain-Indo (Ocha, Slide 21-23)




  • 7/28/2019 Food for Brain-Indo (Ocha, Slide 21-23)


    Sudah hampir 1 tahun sejak medscapemempublikasikan mengenai makanan untuk

    otak, untuk melihat apa yang kita makan

    mempengaruhi mental dan kesehatan saraf.

    Sejak itu, pengertian kita mengenaibagaimana diet tersebut memberikan efek

    terhadap otak telah berkembang secara

    signifikan. Slide sekarang, berdasarkan

    berita Medscape coverage, mengulangstudi tahun lalu mengenai nutrisi dan

    kesehatan otak.

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  • 7/28/2019 Food for Brain-Indo (Ocha, Slide 21-23)



    Penelitian dari beberapa tahun sebelumnyamenduga bahwa konsumsi asam lemak

    monosaturasi (ditemukan dalam minyak zaitun,

    alpukat, dan kacang-kacangan), asam lemak

    poliunsaturasi ( PUFA, ditemukan di kacang-

    kacangan, rumput laut, ikan, sayur berdaun hijau)

    dan suplemen yang mengandung asam

    eikosapentanoik mengurangi risiko depresi. [1-3]
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    Untuk itu, mengikuti pola diet Mediterania--yaitu

    diet kaya buah-buahan, sayuran, kacang-

    kacangan, biji-bijian, ikan dan tinggi lemak tak

    jenuh- dikaitkan dengan penurunan 30% resiko

    depresi, dibandingkan dengan daging dan susu,diet berat dan diet tinggi asam lemak trans yang

    dikaitkan dengan peningkatan resiko depresi dari

    waktu ke waktu. [4]

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    Sebaliknya, rendahnya tingkat

    PUFA dapat meningkatkanresiko terjadinya depresi

    postpartum, menurut sebuah

    tinjauan 2012 yang diterbitkan

    dalam Canadian Journal of


    Perlu diingat, bagaimanapun,

    meskipun ada bukti kuat ada

    hubungan antara diet dan

    depresi, kebanyakan studi

    sampai saat ini belum terbuktisecara kausalitas, mendukung

    kebutuhan untuk percobaan

    pencegahan primer secara

    acak. 6]

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    Dibawah pengurangan risiko depresi, asam

    lemak tidak tersaturasi banyak pada diet

    Mediterranean mempunyai banyak

    keuntungan untuk otak. Ulasan tahun 2012mempublikasikan pada laporan pediatrik

    berdasarkan bukti yang berhubungan

    dengan defisiensi PUFA terhadap defisit

    atensi atau gangguan hiperaktifitas, sepertiyang ditemukan pada percobaan dimana

    lemak tersebut telah berhasil digunakan

    untuk mengatasi gejala ADHD.

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    Studi lainnya menunjukkan bahwapeningkatan konsumsi asam lemak

    omega 3 meningkatkan kerja memori

    pada dewasa muda.[8]

    Studi sebelumnya memiliki hubungan

    dengan diet Mediterranean yang

    mengkonsumsi tinggi minyak zaitun

    dengan risiko stroke iskemik yang

    lebih rendah, gangguan kognitif

    ringan, dan penyakit Alzheimer, danparticularly the latter two whenassociated with high levels ofphysical activity.[11,12]

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    Berminyak, ikan air yang hidup di air dingin sepertisalmon, trout, and ikan sarden mengandung sumber

    baik berupa PUFA, yang dinamakan asam lemak omega

    3. Menurut studi 2012,[13] dua penyajian setiap

    minggunya berhubungan dengan a modest namun

    secara klinis memperlihatkan penurunan signifikan padarisiko stroke.

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    Dari catatan, suplementasi omega-3 tidak

    berhubungan dengan pengurangan resiko,

    penemuan studi dengan pengarang Oscar H.

    Franco, MD, PhD, Professor dari obat-obatan

    pencegahan di Pusat Medis Erasmus(di Belanda),attributes to "the interplay of a wide range of

    nutrients abundant in fish."

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    Sebuah studi 2010 menduga bahwa

    mengkonsumsi minyak ikan dalam jumlah sedang

    dapat sebagai proteksi terhadap resiko gejala

    psikotik; bagaimanapun juga, asupan dalam jumlah

    banyak berhubungan dengan peningkatan resiko.[14]

    huThis J-shaped relationship between fish or PUFA

    intake and mental health problems has also been

    suggested by other studies and is consistent with

    the importance of a balanced diet.[15,16]

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    However, concurrent work fromrandomized controlled trials hassuggested that fish oil may helpprevent psychosis in high-riskindividuals.[17]

    A multicenter, randomizeddouble-blind study is under wayto determine whether omega-3fatty acid supplementation canhelp prevent the onset of

    psychosis and improve symptomsand outcomes in those at highrisk for schizophrenia.
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    Analisa dari ilmu kesehatan keperawatanmenemukan bahwa mengkonsumsi tinggi

    flavanones, yaitu subkelas flavanoid yang ditemukan

    dalam konsenterasi tinggi pada anggur dan jeruk,

    yang berhubungan dengan berkurangnya risikostroke iskemik pada wanita sebesar 19%.(18)

    Studi Finnish dipublikasikan dalam laporan

    Neurology yang mengatakan diit tinggi lycopene,

    antioksidan potensial yang ditemukan pada tomat,yang mungkin dapat mengurangi risiko stroke pada


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    Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa polyphenols, yang

    dinamakan anthocyanins, ditemukan dalam buah berri dan buah-buahan dan sayuran yang berwarna gelap membuat penurunan

    fungsi kognitif melambat dengan menginduksi autophagy (suatu

    proses dimana setiap sel (a process by which cells clear

    proteinaceous debris linked to memory loss) dan mengurangi faktor

    risiko penyakit jantung dengan mengurangi stres oksidatif dan

    menghambat ekspresi gen.[20-22]

    Setiap studi ini menunjukkan pentingnya diit tinggi plant food dan

    Each of these studies points to the importance of a healthy diet high in

    plant foods and low in processed foods for a range of health

    outcomes, both physical and mental.

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    2012 saw more evidence that coffee might be the

    original wonder drug. A new observational study[23]

    to be presented at the American Academy of

    Neurology meeting in March shows that people who

    drink 4 cups of coffee a day are 10% less likely todevelop depression.

    Those who opted for 4 or more servings a day of

    diet soda or fruit punch were 30% and 38% morelikely, respectively, to develop depression.
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    Past work also suggests that the

    world's most widely used

    stimulant cuts depression risk,

    possibly by altering serotoninand dopamine activity and

    through its antioxidant and anti-

    inflammatory properties.[24-27]

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    The Greeks touted "nothing in excess," a refrain thatstill rings true: Low to moderate* alcohol consumption

    has been associated with numerous potential

    physiologic benefits with neurologic implications,

    including improved cholesterol profiles, beneficial

    effects on platelet and clotting function, and improvedinsulin sensitivity.[28]

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    Last yearwe reported that limited alcohol use is

    associated with a lower risk for dementia[28,29] and

    that moderate alcohol -- especially antioxidant-rich

    red wine -- intake may protect against

    cerebrovascular disease.[30-32]
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    A new study published in Circulation Research found

    that dealcoholized Merlot reduced blood pressure by

    approximately 6/3 mm Hg in a sample of 67 men at

    high cardiovascular risk, suggesting that the beneficial

    effects of wine consumption may not strictly be due to

    its alcohol content.[33]

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    However, the health costs to the brain of alcohol

    consumption can quickly outweigh the benefits, as

    heavy and long-term alcohol use can lead to

    alcohol abuse and dependence, impair memory

    function, contribute to neurodegenerative disease,and hinder psychosocial functioning.

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    *The US Food and Drug Administration defines "moderate alcohol consumption"

    as up to 1 drink per day for women and up to 2 drinks per day for men. Onedrink is equivalent to 12 fluid ounces of regular beer, 5 fluid ounces of 12%alcohol wine, or 1.5 fluid ounces of distilled spirits.

    *US Food and Drug Administration mendefinisikan "konsumsi alkohol sedang"sebagai minum sampai dengan 1 gelas per hari untuk wanita dan hingga 2

    gelas per hari untuk pria. Satu minuman adalah setara dengan 12 ons cairanbir biasa, 5 ons cairan anggur alkohol 12%, atau 1,5 ons cairan suling.

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    Many recent studies have added to the already robustbody of evidence suggesting that dark, flavonol-rich

    chocolate may have cardiovascular benefits.

    Banyak studi terbaru telah ditambahkan ke tubuh yangsehat dari bukti dugaan bahwa gelap, flavonol kaya

    coklat mungkin memiliki manfaat kardiovaskular.

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    A meta-analysis published in Cochrane Database of

    Systematic Reviews reported that individuals who

    consumed 100 g of dark chocolate every day -- a

    standard Hershey bar weighs 43 g -- saw an average

    blood pressure drop of 2.77/2.20 mmHg compared withcontrol participants.[34]

    Sebuah analisis Meta dipublikasikan dalam Cochrane

    Database of Systematic Reviews melaporkan bahwa

    individual yang mengkonsumsi 100 g coklat tua setiap

    hari Hershey batangan standar dengan berat 43g

    telah melihat rata-rata penurunan tekanan darah dari

    2,77/2,20 mmHg dibandingkan dengan peserta

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    A study out of Finland[35] published in Neurologyreported that

    individuals who eat at least 52 g of chocolate per week have a17% lower risk for stroke, compared with those who eat less

    than 12 g a week.

    Sebuah studi dari Finlandia [35] diterbitkan di Neurology

    melaporkan bahwa orang yang makan setidaknya 52 g cokelat

    per minggu memiliki risiko 17% lebih rendah untuk stroke,

    dibandingkan dengan mereka yang makan kurang dari 12 g per

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    The flavonols in dark chocolate likely contribute to the

    reported benefits by scavenging free radicals and

    improving endothelial and platelet function. But always

    check the label, as some processed chocolate contains

    trans-fats, which should be avoided.

    Flavonol dalam coklat tua mungkin berkontribusi

    terhadap manfaat yang dilaporkan oleh pemulungan

    radikal bebas dan meningkatkan fungsi endotel dan

    trombosit. Tapi selalu periksa label, karena beberapa

    coklat olahan mengandung trans-lemak, yang harus


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    Various 2012 studies further clarified how overlysweet, unhealthy foods affect the brain. An animal

    study[36] out of UCLA found that diets high in

    fructose can impair cognitive function, which is

    reversible with omega-3 fatty acid supplementation.Coauthor Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, PhD, told

    Medscape Medical News, "High fructose

    consumption can induce some signs of metabolic

    syndrome in the brain and can disrupt the signalling

    of the insulin receptors and reduce the action of

    insulin in the brain."
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    Other work[37] published in JAMA suggests that fructose

    consumption modulates the neurophysiologic pathways

    involved in appetite regulation and encourages

    overeating. An October 2012 study[38] published in the

    Journal of Alzheimer's Disease reported that a diet highin carbohydrates and sugar raises the risk for mild

    cognitive impairment in the elderly, while a diet high in

    fat and protein may reduce this risk.
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    Lead author Rosebud O.

    Roberts, MD, an

    epidemiologist at Mayo Clinic

    in Rochester, Minnesota,

    commented to MedscapeMedical News that an

    "optimal balance" of

    carbohydrates, fat, and

    protein may help "maintainneuronal integrity and optimal

    cognitive function in the


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    Mounting evidence in 2012 reinforces that highconsumption of red meat increases stroke risk. The

    largest meta-analysis to date[39] looking at the

    atherogenic effects of red meat found that the risk

    for total stroke increased by up to 13% for each

    increase in a single serving of fresh, processed,

    and total amount of red meat consumed per day.

    Earlier in the year another study[40] found that

    processed and unprocessed red meat is associated

    with a higher risk for stroke, while poultry wasassociated with a reduced risk.
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    A study by Snchez-Villegas and colleagues[4] found that

    a diet high in fruits, vegetables, grains, and fish led to a

    30% lower depression risk compared with a meaty diet.

    But, as we pointed out last year, meat quality might be a

    factor: Moderate consumption of unprocessed, free-range red meat may actually protect against depression

    and anxiety.[41]

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    Mental health nutrition expert Dr.Felice Jacka, a research fellow atDeakin University in Geelong,

    Australia, comments in thisreport that despite the growing

    locavore movement, much of thelivestock in the United States israised on industrial feedlots,which "...increases saturated fatand decreases very important

    good fatty acids...pasture-raisedanimals have a much healthierfatty acid profile."

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