food pyramid emmi

Post on 19-May-2015






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This is what a healthy food pyramid DOESN’T look like!

Cereals• buckwheat (trigo sarraceno)

• oatmeal (avena)

• barley (cebada)

• rye (centeno)

• corn

Fruits and Veggies (Vegetables)

broccoli (brócoli)

spinach (espinaca)

cabbage (col/repollo)

cauliflower (coliflor)

eggplant/aubergine (berenjena)

artichoke (alcachofa)

green peas (guisantes)

chickpeas (garbanzos)

apricots (albaricoque)

cherries (cereza)grapefruit (pomelo)peaches (melcotón)pears (pera)plums (ciruela)raspberries


Dried fruits and nuts• hazelnuts (avellenas)• pecans (pacanas)• peanuts

(cacahuetes)• almonds (almendras)• walnuts (nuez)

• fig (higo)• papaya• raisins (uvas pasas)• dates (dátil)

Types of meat• MEATS: ham (cured pig), pork (not cured pig), beef (cow),

veal (a young cow), lamb (a young sheep), mutton (an adult sheep)

• POULTRY : chicken, duck, goose (ganso), turkey

• FISH: codfish (bacalao), haddock (eglefino), salmon, herring (arenque), trout (trucha)

• SHELLFISH: lobster (langosta), mussels (mejillones), octopus (pulpo), oysters, shrimp

• CANNED FISH: anchovies (anchoa), clams (almejas), sardines

Food Idioms and Sayings• a bad egg/a bad apple (also: a rotten apple)

→ a bad personJohn is a real bad apple, he’s always spreading rumours about his neighbors.

• to be in a pickle → to be in trouble, to be in a messSally found herself in a pickle when she forgot to attend an important business meeting.

• put all one’s eggs in one basket → to risk everything at onceI don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket and apply to only one university.

Discuss with your partner…• Who usually cooks in your home? Do you usually cook

for pleasure or due to need?

• Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?

• How do you like to prepare your meals? (E.g. on the grill, in the oven, barbeque, steaming, etc.)

• What is your favorite starter/main/dessert? What makes those dishes so wonderful?

• Do you have a favorite foreign dish? When did you try it?

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