foodwatch infographic new · 2 days ago · temperature of food. equipment status and corrective...

Post on 19-Aug-2020






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FoodWatch Connect

Introduction ����� The FoodWatch digital platform from Dubai Municipality has enabled all food establishments to maintain digital paperless records to manage food safety within their facilities.

Checking at the beginning of the shift

FoodWatch platform enables the Person In Charge of the food establishment to document his daily operations through paperless digital records using the FoodWatch Connect App. Food businesses can now monitor the safety of their food handlers and facilities, and also contact directly with the pest control companies through the App.

Checking daily operations

Persons in charge of food safety can carry out temperature checks of food equipment as well as preparation processes and can also record obser-vations with the corrective actions taken directly through the App.

Food transportationvehicle monitoring

While receiving foodstuff, the Person In Charge will verify the permit status of the food trans-portation vehicle using the interface designated for that in the App. He can also verify the safety of the delivered food and will communicate with suppliers directly through the App in case it does not meet the safety requirements and can refuse to receive them.

What can be recordedthrough the App

Temperature of food. Equipment status and corrective actions. Food Suppliers and food transportation

˜°˛˛˝˙ˆˆˇ ˘ˆ��� vehicle management. Pest management. Cleaning and disinfection. Training of employees. Food permits.

Remote Inspection

The latest ‘Remote Inspection’ tool in FoodWatch connect helps the Person in Charge connect with the Food Safety Department and discuss any issues face to face using video conferencing tech-nology. The PIC can connect with the Food Permit Offcer and discuss any issues they have with approval of design and layout, anytime from anywhere in the world.

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