for entertainment purposes only. not to be flight lesson

Post on 19-Dec-2021






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Flight Lesson 12

Pilot IRL and Course Designer

For entertainment purposes only. Not to be used as a substitute for professional instruction.

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Flight Lesson 12

Instructor Students Airplane Airfield

Cessna 152 N67991 KPAE, Everett, WAMicrosoft Flight Simulator

Community Manager



All graphics and sounds are original or royalty paid. These lessons are made specifically for Jayne @Microsoft by Howard Forder.

Pilot IRL

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Flight Lesson 12

Ensure you grab your student training materials kit with the links in chat. Includes your checklist for the 152.

One link for a group of materials: !studentkit

The URL of the important flight training material online: !material

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Skills to learn in the eleventh flying lesson:

-Cross-country planning and execution

-Pilotage and Dead-reckoning

(Instrument navigation will be covered in a different module)

Navigating, using fixed points of reference , usually with reference to an aeronautical chart to obtain a fix of the position of the aircraft with respect to a desired course or location.

Always using visual references to the ground and following the rules of obstacle and aircraft avoidance.

“Always looking outside the plane”

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The process of calculating current position of your aircraft by using a previously determined position and then incorporating estimations of speed, heading direction and drift over elapsed time.

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Aviation Flight Plan software makes it easy to prepare flight plans.

In the early days, we used paper maps and drew lines. Then we used calculators for wind drift and flight planning.

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A VFR Flight Plan involves these elements:1. A departure airport.2. A destination airport.3. The weather at both locations.4. Airport diagrams at both locations.5. The winds aloft.6. Magnetic headings of each leg of the journey.7. Noted visual landmarks along the way to ensure we

are on track.8. Your aircraft speeds and fuel requirements.

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Our VFR Flight Plan:

The navigation log for us to use while flying.

The flight plan to be filed so they know where we are.

(for practice in the simulator, use clear skies and no wind for now)

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Our VFR Flight Plan:1. A departure airport.2. A destination

airport.3. The weather at

both locations.4. Airport diagrams at

both locations.

(for practice in the simulator, use clear skies and no wind for now)

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For each leg:

-look at ground features and make notes-look for rivers, railroad tracks and roads.-note halfway distances-look for highest point elevations or obstructions

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Example Notes:

Leg 1: -avoid port of Everett military area.-cross highway and railroad before KAWOLeg 2: -follow railroad and watch out for towers





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Example Notes:

Leg 3: -straight down over an island (visualize)Leg 4: -mind control zone altitudes and radios

Be high enough over water.





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Have your POH handy in the airplane at all times:

Rule of thumb is 1.5 NM per 1000 feet

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VFR Altitudes:Your track, not your heading!For each leg of your plan, pick the correct altitude:

Leg 1: 002° - 3500’Leg 2: 282° - 4500’Leg 3: 165° - 3500’Leg 4: 121° - 3500’

A wind change on the day of the flight could change this. We could stay under 3000 for this flight.

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It hooks into your MS Flight Simulator database to extract your airplane and terrain data.

Little Nav Map:

Can be used with your flight simulator to make flight planning easier.

File your flight plan before departing with estimated departure time.

Your initial radio call includes “on a flight plan”.

Have your map printed or electronically available for reference.

Have your leg-notepad with all your notes.

Have your airport diagrams with com frequencies.

(do not file a Skyvector flight plan. That is for real-life flying)

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-Time each leg and make notes along the way. - Compare to planned time.

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Using Skyvector, you will notice it has both true heading and magnetic heading for each leg.

We had to calculate this manually in the past.

We fly magnetic headings.

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One last calculation: Fuel Burn estimates for the journey

(add 1 gallon for runup/takeoff)

The Cessna 152 has 24.5 gallons of usable fuel when full.

31.9 minutes at 6.1 gph will use 3.24 gallons of fuel plus one gallon for runup/takeoff

This trip: 4.24 gallons of fuel

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Weight & Balance at the time of your flight.

You need to ensure your plane is not too heavy and that you are balanced properly.

In Microsoft Flight Simulator we have a convenient visual tool for this to save us complex calculations.

If Center of Gravity is out of limit, we will have pitch control problems in flight.

MAC=Mean Aerodynamic Chord

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Weight & Balance at the time of your flight.

You can experiment with the sliders and see the effects.

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Other things to consider for your flight:1. The Weather

2. Passenger Briefing

3. Lost Procedures

4. OBS/NDB to aid in navigation (future lesson)

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Flight Lesson 12

!Manual (FAA online docs)

-Planning a Cross-country flight-Pilotage and Dead-reckoning

Chapter 7: Air Navigation

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Flight Lesson 12

1.Why do we need to practice without GPS?

These are directed

questions at the 6

student pilots in

this session.

Chat questions

will be addressed

after this.

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Flight Lesson 12

2. Why do we have to plan so much before we go on a cross-country flight?

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3. What are the basic rules of VFR flight?

Flight Lesson 12

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4. How will you determine if a destination airport requires a short or soft field technique to land?

Flight Lesson 12

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5. How do you calculate fuel needed for your trip?

Flight Lesson 12

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6. What are VFR cruising altitudes and why do we have them? Are they based on heading or track?

Flight Lesson 12

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7. What does the expression: watch to map to ground mean?

Flight Lesson 12

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If you have access to the book: “From the Ground UP” (used in ground school)

Chapter 7 covers Air Navigation

Flight Lesson 12

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1. Study Aviation Chart symbols

2. Use Skyvector to try sample plans.

3. Use LittleNavMap to make flight plans and to track your flight with the plan loaded.

Flight Lesson 12

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Flight Lesson 12

4. Practice VFR altitudes in your plans if distances allow.

5. Use Live Weather if VFR conditions favor it.

6. Next lesson: Weather, passenger briefing, lost procedures & FLY the PLAN!

Ref: From the Ground UP

Chapter 7: Air Navigation

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Flight Lesson 12

Come join the discussions and continue the conversation on the student hub for this lesson series with Jayne and Forder.

Add your thoughts, your knowledge and your enthusiasm for learning a deeper understanding of flight using a flight simulator.

We welcome CFIs, real-life student pilots, flight enthusiasts and those new to flight simulation.

Flight Lesson 12For entertainment purposes only. Not to be used as a substitute for professional instruction.

Pilot IRL and Course Designer

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