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Post on 28-Jun-2020






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The brand identity and reputation of the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry, also referred

to as the “PT Outcomes Registry,” “the Registry,” and “the profession’s own registry,” is

one of its most valuable assets. To foster national recognition, it is essential that partners

and participants present a consistent image of their relationship with the registry. This

consistency—from stationery to websites—will reinforce the benefi ts of participation in the

registry, which include enhancing patient care, demonstrating the value of physical therapist

practice, and providing a platform for physical therapists to meet regulatory requirements.

The logo guidelines contained in this manual represent APTA’s commitment to maintaining a

strong visual identity for the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry.


PARTNERSHIP MARKETINGPartners of the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry (integrated electronic health record vendors and developers of outcome tools and registry modules) simplify successful delivery of the Registry infrastructure and aggregation of data to inform best practice. Partners of the Registry are encouraged to identify their organization as a Registry partner and must use the “Registry partner” logo. Partners also are encouraged to promote use of the Registry to physical therapists (PTs), physical therapist assistants (PTAs), employers of PTs and PTAs, practices, and health systems.

PARTICIPANT MARKETINGParticipants in the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry (PTs and PTAs who are registered end users) are the backbone of the Registry, contributing the clinical outcomes data that when aggregated has the power to improve the lives of patients. Participants are encouraged to identify themselves as Registry participants and must use the “Registry participant” logo. Participants are also encouraged to promote use of the Registry to their PT and PTA colleagues.

PT OUTCOMES REGISTRY LOGO ELEMENTSThe generic Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry logo consists of 2 parts:

1. The symbol (the nested gold, blue, and yellow chevrons).2. The logotype (the words “Physical Therapy Outcomes RegistrySM”).

The 2 parts of the logo must be used together, and the logo may never be redrawn or modifi ed in any way. The logotype always must be in the same proportion to the symbol. Neither bit-mapped nor artist’s renderings of the logo are permitted. Use of the symbol without the logotype, and use of the logo as a design element, is not permitted.



Partners wishing to promote their partnership with the Registry must use the “Registry partner” logo, and participants wishing to promote their contribution to the Registry must use the “Registry participant” logo. The partner logo must be used in accordance with the full terms and conditions outlined in the Appendix: Marketing, Graphics, and Logo Guidelines for the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry.

The Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry partner and Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry participant logos are available in these electronic formats: JPG, EPS, PDF, PNG. Print and web versions of the logos can be downloaded at

SIZE RESTRICTIONThe standard size for the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry partner and participant logos is 3 1/2 inches wide. These logos should never be smaller than 1 5/8 inches wide, to ensure that all elements of the logo are clearly legible. Use the small version when print area restrictions do not allow printing of the logo in its standard size.

1-COLOR VERSIONWhen only 1 color is available, it is preferable to print the entire logo in PMS 314. If this color is unavailable, print the logo in black, or the darkest color available. One-color versions may not be used on digital media such as websites or emails; the full-color version should be used whenever possible.



LOGO USAGE—STATIONERYThe letterhead, envelope, and business card samples below depict proper use of the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry partner logo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sem nisi, tincidunt id eros sed, imperdiet condimentum erat. Fusce vestibulum, tellus effi citur feugiat mollis, erat justo tristique ante, eget porta dui ligula fi nibus nibh. Aenean et sem mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et ipsum id magna effi citur ultricies quis eu felis. Cras facilisis erat sed nibh laoreet posuere. Integer effi citur mi sit amet risus eleifend commodo in in sem. Nullam velit odio, sagittis vitae est a, aliquam lobortis nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Ut magna leo, placerat sed lacus vel, vehicula maximus nisl. In molestie, purus in fi nibus accumsan, enim eros dictum justo, eu bibendum eros quam a lorem. Praesent porttitor nunc vitae bibendum aliquet. Donec at lectus sapien. Mauris rhoncus rhoncus turpis, a vulputate nisi.Fusce fi nibus, tellus in pharetra eleifend, mi turpis bibendum augue, vitae vestibulum augue arcu sed lectus. Nullam turpis elit, consectetur vel consectetur non, imperdiet quis arcu. Praesent suscipit, ipsum eget elementum tincidunt, quam risus posuere metus, vitae commodo sem sem quis turpis. Vestibulum mattis est dictum justo facilisis, quis maximus nulla vulputate. Ut cursus est eu nisl volutpat, ut vehicula erat tempor. Proin varius mauris risus, id cursus odio consectetur sed.

Phasellus nisi metus, fermentum eu erat sit amet, interdum porta lacus. Nam lobortis cursus consectetur. Fusce et tempor dui. Maecenas pharetra orci in effi citur ornare. Nunc pharetra laoreet congue. Nunc iaculis felis eu quam pharetra aliquam. Donec fringilla arcu at velit vehicula convallis. Nam id nisl arcu. Sed ut magna posuere, pharetra lacus sed, varius nulla. Nullam libero justo, suscipit ut sapien a, aliquam ultrices metus.Duis ornare arcu nec arcu porta commodo. Proin vitae diam nisi. urna. Nunc condimentum urna non ante varius dignissim. Morbi ullamcorper augue ac lorem faucibus mollis. Mauris quis mattis enim. Integer tempor dapibus odio, id accumsan nisl maximus tristique. Nulla suscipit sapien mi, in ullamcorper orci lacinia nec. Nunc facilisis lacus a urna rhoncus posuere.

LOGO USAGE—WEBSITESThe website sample below depicts proper use of the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry partner logo.



LOGO USAGE—STATIONERYThe letterhead, envelope, and business card samples below depict proper use of the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry participant logo.

LOGO USAGE—WEBSITESThe website sample below depicts proper use of the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry participant logo.


USE IN MARKETING MATERIALSMarketing materials using the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry logo or the name “Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry,” ,“PT Outcomes Registry,” or “the profession’s own registry” must be submitted to the American Physical Therapy Association for prior written approval. Send all marketing materials to

• The Registry logo and graphics, or the names “Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry,” “PT Outcomes Registry,” or “the profession’s own registry” may not be used in any manner that may possibly disparage, bring into disrepute, or derogate the American Physical Therapy Association or its members, or the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry, in connection with any marketing materials, websites, advertising, products, or services that, in APTA’s sole and absolute discretion, may possibly diminish or damage the goodwill of APTA or the Registry.

• The appearance of the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry logo may not be altered. The logo must stand by itself so as to avoid unintended associations with any other objects—including, without limitation, type, photographs, illustrations, borders, and edges. The width of the blank space surrounding the logo must be equal to 1/3 the size of the symbol that is displayed (eg, if the symbol is 30 pixels across, it must have 10 pixels of blank space above, below, and on each side). The logo or its elements may not be used as a feature or design element, or be incorporated into any other logo. The symbol may never be used without the logotype “Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry.”

• The logo or the name “Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry” or “PT Outcomes Registry ” may not be used in any manner that implies sponsorship or endorsement.

• The Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry may not be referred to by the acronym PTOR.



EDITORIAL STANDARDSIf the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry or the Amerian Physical Therapy Association is mentioned only once in a document, spell out the full name. If either is mentioned more than once within a document, on fi rst reference spell out the full name, followed by the abbreviated name in parentheses. On subsequent mentions, use the abbreviated name.

For the Physical Therapy Outcomes registry, the abbreviations are either “PT Outcomes Registry” or “Registry.” For the American Physical Therapy Association, the abbreviation is “APTA.” When referring to the American Physical Therapy Association simply as “the association,” use lower-case letters.


“The Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry (PT Outcomes Registry) has issued a logo usage manual to partners and participants. The PT Outcomes Registry hopes the manual will ensure the correct use of its name and logo. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) developed the PT Outcomes Registry to infom best practice in physical therapist care. APTA developed the PT Outcomes Registry to inform best practice in physical therapy, and the association looks forward to its use by partners and participants.”

“Partners and participants that display the logo of the Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry (Registry) can use the templates included in this Logo Usage Manual, which outlines requirements for including the Registry’s logo in their marketing and promotional materials.”


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