for the love of the money

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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written story turned into a visual story by using image sequences.


The End


In the final assignment we attempted to successfully produce a visual story. I arranged my images in sequences in order to capture the visual story. Our first step was to develop a written story. The story needed to contain empathy for a certain character. The character wants something badly and needs to make a change in order to achieve it. In our story we were to show emotional impact and audience participation. The conclusion of the story was for it to come to a fitting ending whether it is good or bad. In my story I described the situation of a single women named Michelle. Michelle was what one would consider a “gold digger”. She only wanted men that could please her and take care of her financially. Michelle moved around a lot due to short relationships. She met James Harrison and falls in love with his wealth. Mr. Harrison and Michelle get engaged and move to Texas to Mr. Harrisons house. After a few months Mr. Harrisons oil business fails. Michelle is no longer in love with Mr. Harrison due to his loss of wealth. When Mr. Harrison realizes this he kills Michelle. This ending is not necessarily a good ending, but it’s fitting because Michelle died for her love of money. The next part of the assignment was to photograph individuals that would be in our visual story. I photographed my roommate and girlfriend to represent James Harrison and Michelle. This process took the most time. I tried to find the right pic-tures to clearly show what was happening after each sequence. I wanted the viewer to be able to clearly understand the meaning of the titles after seeing my image sequences. The downloading and editing of my pictures was the next step in this assignment. I used Adobe Bridge and InDesign to edit my photos size and picture resolution. I didn’t edit the color of my pictures, because my quality of camera had low quality pictures. After changing the images sizes that I would use for my visual story I put them into the grid. In the grid I gave a basic black background for my pages. After entering the visual story onto the grid the last part was to upload it to This process didn’t give me any trouble I created my account, verified my email, uploaded my story, and saved it. The final assignment challenged me in both aspects of using photography and using digital media. Overall it took what we’ve been practicing for the semester and put it into a published product.

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