for week beginning e (22) - · if you use pint or quart jars. seal hot and...

Post on 18-Sep-2018






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e (22) WEEKLY

Elvia Allman:

She Wants An Unscented

Farmer See Page 8


10 Excising Years On Lux Radio Show

Jack Haley Will He Play At Berchtesgaden?

See Page 30

z, '

6) Z7)), 4:AA

Mrs. R. A. Sedwell, 639 Magnolia Aene, San Bernardino, Calif.

Sirs: Thanks so much for the ar- ticle about my very favorite news caster, Glenn Hardy.

San Bernardino, we find, is a dif- ficult place in the matter of radio reception, so we were happy to know we can hear Glenn on KFXM. He and Fred Shields are a wonderful








It's Easy To Make Anytime With This Simple Recipe

6 Medium Sized Oranges (2 lbs. Sliced)

6 Cups Water t 2 Cup Lemon Juice

(.41 t b Lemons) 1 Package M.C.P. Pectin

9I Level Cups Sugar (.Measured ready for use)

Cut oranges in cartwheels with very sharp knife to make slices thin as possi- ble. Discard the large flat peel ends. Sliced fruit should weigh 2 pounds. Put aiiced fruit in 8-quart kettle. Add the water and lemon juice. Bring to a quick boil: boil gently for I hour (uncovered). If peel is not ten- der in 1 hour. boil until tender. Measure the cooked material. Due to boiling. the volume will be reduced be- low 7 cups. Add water to make total peel and juice exactly 7 cups. Put back in kettle. Stir in M.C.P. Pectin: continue stirring and bring to a full boil. Add sugar (previously measured). Stir gently until it has reached a full rolling boil, and BOIL EXACTLY 4 MIN- UTES. Remdve from fire; skim and stir by turns for 5 minutes. Pour into jars. If you use pint or quart jars. seal hot and invert jars on lids un- til Marmalade begins to set. Then, shake well and set jars upright. This keeps the peel evenly distributed throughout.

NOTE: This recipe works equally well with Navel Oranges or f'ah-neias. When either rariety is toter -ripe and peel is so /t, use 94-cup Le Juice instead u/ !'2-cup. (Be sure to discard any seeds.) This recipe makes 7 pounds of prize -winning Orange Marmalade. Page Two

combination. both of them with "smiling" voices. We especially like Glenn's opening and closing phrases.

Another personality I hope to see written up in our magazines some day is Johnny Murray. I enjoy his fifteen minutes every morning.

Can you please tell me if the San Quentin program is off the air? We greatly enjoyed it. And, as a gripe, what is the matter with "Guiding Light" and "Little Rusty," or "Ricky." He sounds to be about fif- teen years old and really ruins the program. Also, "Sammy" on "When a Girl Marries" needs a good old - fashioned paddling. and to be count- ed out for awhile. Too much time g i v e n to his tantrums, and not enough to the real story.

The "San (Menthe- show left the air at the end of its series. There is no definite news of ils rrlurning, but it is very likely goat will be hearing the program again before very long. Just keep listening'

Miss J. M. Maloni, U. S. Veterans Hos- pital, San Fernando, Calif.

Sirs: I want to tell you how much my family and I enjoy your maga- zine. We never miss an issue. Our radio favorites are Bob Hope, Lux "Radio Theater" and "Maxwell House Coffee Time."

What program is Fanny Brice on this season? Could you tell me on what program John Conte will be heard? He has long been one of our favorites. I hope he hasn't given up radio work for movies.

Fan,., Itriee is nom heard on "T'uus-


Mildly Laxative Breakfast Food


ties Time." over CBS. at 7 :90 p.m. each Sunday. Jahn Conte is currently acting as emcee on the "Screen Test" show. heard aver Mutual, KIIJ. ut i; :1.5

Monday through Friday.

Charles C. Zimmerman, 542 North Alexan- dria, Los Angeles, Calif.

Sirs: 1, too, am a fan of "The Johnson Family" on KHJ five nights a week. Having understood from the

*regular announcement that it is transcribed from its eastern release, I have urged friends back home in Maryland and New York to listen and enjoy it. But no one back there can find it on the Mutual stations. Why?

Please try to get a story on Jimmy Scribner, who does the show. He's great.

.44eurvliny to our for . "The Johnson Family" is heard on n full Mutual network ul 'i:I:i p.m East- ern tt'ur Time. It lay through Fri- day. Your friends ,hurl,t he able to tune it in at That rme.

Mrs. G. F. B., 1524 Hellman Street, Long Beach, Calif.

Sirs: Radio Life is an excellent magazine to give you knowledge about radio programs and people. I like to see pictures of the people whose voices are familiar to me. However. I'd like to give you my opinion of the daily soap operas. In my estimation, the writers had bet- ter get wise and change their ideas. I can only see where they would ap- peal to children. old people with no


Packed air -tile to keep this Perfect Pop Corn in Perfect Popping Condition. Look for f Jolly Time ; I in its gay t 44, new label.




?99 1

social life, neglected wives, or in- stitutions f o r the feeble- minded. They dramatize little problems that many people encounter every day. When they do get a fairly good idea, it is dragged on and on for months.

The worst programs, in my esti- mation, are "Mary Marlin," "Ma Per- kins," "Lady of the Press" (which is absolutely absurd), "This Changing World" and "Our Gal Sunday," to name a few. The "Guiding Light" and "Mary Marlin" have good ac- tresses and actors in their casts, and should have good writers to show them off.

The "Dreft Star Playhouse" is pi- oneering in good daytime entertain- ment.

Maybe the sponsors do sell their products by promoting this trash,

1 but why can't they give the public something educational and cultural.

R a d i o Lifers have certainly been voicing hearty disapproval of the .o- called "soap operas" of late. Perhaps your unified condemnation of current daytime shows will lead to more day- time programs of "night -time caliber."

* * RADIO LIFE * * October /5. 1944 Volume 10, Vumber ti

Published Weekly nt Inns Angeles 15, California. Rosiness Offices: 1029 West Washington Blvd., Phone Richmond 5262. Editorial Offices, 1MB North Vine, Hollywood 28, Phone HEntp- stead 2025. Northern California Affiliate, RADIO FAN FARE, :Cie Montgomery Street, Nan Francisco 4. Phone Sitter 8187.

Radio Life was entered as Second ('lass Matter May 8, I942, at Los Angeles, under Art of March a, I$79. Postpaid Subscription, 52.75 )ear, l.stl six months. Single ('optes on suie at leading Independent Growers in Southern California at Sr each. Reprinting in whole or In part will t permission st rcftly forbidden.

l'uhl fisher, Carl M. ltigshy; Editor -in -Chief Radio Life and Radio Fan Fare, Eaelyn A. Rlgsb) Editor Radio Fan Fare, Hehtne Peters: Rusi- nea, Manager, Vinson Vaughan; Office Man- ger, Georgia ('aywo.,d; Art Director, Allen Ricks; Log Editor, Pearl Rail; Editor- in -the- Ser,lee, John F. Whitehead.

Ad:ertlsing Representative of RADIO 11F'E and RADIO FAN FARE: Southern California. ('ulhreth Sadler. Northern California, EIw,s,d Carey, Hal Jackson.

All material used by Radio Life is specially pre- pared by Its Iwo staff writers, and reprinting in whole or In part without publisher's per -

mission strictly forbidden.

with a hearty breakfast of

instant - cooking

whole wheat cereal

Listen Mon. thru Fri. Blue Network to:

Fisher's Radio Parade with Bob Nichols. 1:15 p.m.. F.W.T. James Abbe Observes, 7:30 a.m., F.W.T.

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Ten Excitill

Years L, Oyl

By Grace Wilcox



eir 401 "Ll'aflifiaga


In Pictures and Story We Look Backward On a Decade of Amusing, Amazing, O f tti rues Alarming Events

Monday. r; p.m. CBS-K \'X

N OCTOBER 16, Lux Radio Theater cele- brates its tenth anniver- sary and thus becomes a tradition. As the only one -hour dramatic show

to have included in its cast every celebrated star of stage and screen. it is also the only show to have received every award, prize a n d medal offered by magazines, news- papers and educational foundations for its meritorious and outstanding radio entertainment.

Cecil B. DeMille, producer of the Lux Radio Theater of the air, looks backward on ten years of amusing, amazing and sometimes alarming events and situations. For instance, there was the time he was ma- rooned on his San - Fernando Valley ranch by a five -day rainstorm, which washed out bridges and high- ways, making it impossible for him to reach the theater by automo- bile. Imagine, -then, the consterna- tion of the cast in rehearsal to see him ride up on a horse, with his pretty secretary behind him, hang- ing on for dear life!

Again recovering from an opera- tion, DeMille's physician ordered him, in no uncertain terms, not to leave his bed. He almost didn't. Interns moved him from his hospital bed to a cot and into an ambulance, transport- ed him to the theater, where, flat on his back, he carried on, heard clearly by his 30,000,000 listeners.

Even Ad -Libs The genial producer remembers

also the night when Mrs. George Arliss, appearing on radio for the first time, not realizing she was be- ing heard by millions of people, ex- claimed: "O h, my goodness gra- cious, I've lust my place!"

Then there was another night when Bette Davis thinking she was off the air, hissed: "I've just taken poison!" She was feeling ill from the effects of a dose of medicine from the wrong bottle; fortunately not poison!

In February, 1939, A l a n Ladd made his first appearance on t h e Lux hour, in "The Return of Peter Grimm." He was unknown, his part was small and he was paid $59.00 AFRA rates. His voice, with its vi- tal, compelling quality registered as something special and the next time he appeared on a Lux pro- gram, as the star of "Coney Island," his check was approximately 100 times larger than the first.

When Grace Moore starred in a Lux version of "M a,d a m e Butter- fly," everybody backstage was pre- pared for prima donna tempera- ment, as she was then at the height of her motion picture and operatic career. She asked frantically for a

TO NAME THE FAMOUS who have appeared on Lux would be list - ing the top personalities in Holly-

wood. Shortly before her death, Carole Lombard appeared on Lux (June, 1941 )

with Bob Hope in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

k CECIL B. DEMILLE, recovering from an operation, was ordered to stay in bed, but managed to appear a+ Lux by

coming to broadcast in an ambulance. (January, 1939, when Janet Gaynor and William Powell played "Myerling ").

POPULAR STAR TEAM was Marlene Dietrich and Clark Gable, performing in "The Legionnaire and the Lady."

You guessed it from Marlene's costume- picture is eight years old. Famous "firsts" on Lux include Barbara Stanwyck, who has starred sixteen times. Brian Aherne has appeared fifteen times.

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DECADE 1936 -June 1: (first show from Hollywood).

"Legionnaire and the Lady " -Marlene Dietrich, Clark Gable; June 8: "The Thin Man " -William Powell, Myrna Loy; July 27: "Chained" -Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone; August 10: "The Jazz Singer " -Al Jolson, Karen Morley; October 26: "Saturday's Children - Robert Taylor (first). Olivia De Havilland; November 2: "The Virgin- ian" -Gary Cooper (first), Helen Mack; Decem- ber 14: "Madame Sans Gene" - Jean Harlow (first), Robert Taylor.

1937 -February 1: "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" -Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur; April 5: "Farewell to Arms " -Clark Gable, Josephine Hutchinson; April 12: "Dodsworth " -Walter Huston, N a n Sunderland; May 17: "Another Language" -Bette Davis (first), Fred MacMurray; June 21: "Mon- sieur Beaucaire " -Leslie Howard, Elissa Landi; June 28: "Front Page " -Walter Winchell, Jose- phine Hutchinson, James Gleason; October 25: "Arrowsmith " -Spencer Tracy, Fay Ray; Novem- ber 8: "She Loves Me Not" -Bing Chosby (first), Joan Blondel!.

1938 -January 31: "The Green Light" -Errol Flynn, Olivia DeHavilla,nd, C. Aubrey Smith;

March 7: lioppy" W. C. Fields, Anne Shirley, John Payne; March 28: "Naughty Marietta" -Helen Jepson, Nelson Eddy; May 9: "My Man Godfrey" -Carole Lombard, William Powell, Gail Patrick, Mischa Auer; June 13: "Theodora Goes Wild" - Cary Grant, Irene Dunne; June 27: "Jane Eyre" -Helen Hayes, Robert Montgomery; October 17: "Seventh Heaven "-Jean Arthur, Don Ameche; December 26: "Snow White" -Walt Disney cast.

1939 -March 6: "One Way Passage " -Wil- liam Powell, Kay Francis; March 20: "It Hap- pened One Night" - Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable, Walter Connolly, Roscoe Karns.... May 1: "Lady for a Day" -May Robson, Warren Wil- liam; May 8: "Life of Emile Zola" -Paul Muni. Josephine Hutchinson; July 10: "Ruggles of Red Gap " -Charles Laughton, Charlie Ruggles, Zasu Pitts; September 11: "The Awful Truth" -Cary Grant, Claudette Colbert; November 20: "Good- bye Mr. Chips " -Laurence Olivier, Edna Best.

1940 -January 8: "Dark Victory" -Bette Da- vis, Spencer Tracy; January 15: "Sing You Sin- ners" -Bing Crosby, Ralph Bellamy, Jacqueline Wells, Elizabeth Patterson; January 29: "Inter- mezzo"- Herbert Marshall, Ingrid Bergman, Gail

(Please turn ro huge 3.í)

V, HIGHLIGHT OF JANUARY, 1938, was appearance of now - knighted C. Aubrey Smith with Olivia dc Havilland and

Erroll Flynn in "The Green Light."

ANOTHER LUMINOUS TRIO -la Dietrich, Lionel Atwill and Doug Fairbanks, Jr., who played in air adaptation

of "Song of Songs." Herbert Marshall, Edward Arnold, George Brent, Claudette Colbert, Loretta Young, Bill Powell and Fred MacMurray have all appeared more than a dozen times on Lux.

ROSES FOR ALICE FAYE are admired by her air partners, Edward Arnold and Vic Mature who broadcast in October, 1940, with "Lillian Russell" as vehicle.

"CONVERSATION PIECE" was a brilliant production of November, 1936, with Adolphe Menjou and Met opera star, Lily Pons, in chief roles.

i tir

THE ONE AND ONLY MAY ROBSON faced the Lux mike on May 30, 1938, with Henry Fonda and Joan Bennett in "I Met My Love Again."

stick of gum, as she said her knees were knocking together like cas- tanets. A sound effects man finally dug up a bar of spearmint, which she frankly stated saved her life.

Ronald Colman was approached time and again before finally con- senting to appear in "The Prisoner of Zenda." "Frankly, the microphone frightens me to death," he used to say. After his first appearance on Lux, he played nine other starring roles and finally had his own air program.

Famous "Firsts" Famous "firsts" on radio include

Barbara Stanwyck, who, after her initial appearance on the Lux Radio Theater returned to star in sixteen different productions. When Brian Aherne made a fairly recent appear- ance as the star of "Phantom Lady," he marked his fifteenth role on the Lux hour.

Having appeared more than a doz- en times are the following stars: Herbert Marshall, Edward Arnold, George Brent, Claudette Colbert, Lor- etta Young, Fred MacMurray a n d William Powell.

On the opening night of the elev- enth season for Lux Radio Theater -September 4, 1944 -Jeanette Mac- Donald and Nelson Eddy appeared in "Maytime." In an effort to keep her script and music separate, Miss MacDonald misplaced two pages of dialogue. Registering fright, dismay and bewilderment, the singing star looked vainly for help, as she wild- ly scrambled through a confusing whirlwind of loose pages. Finally, seeing her dilemma, the producer handed her his personal copy and Miss MacDonald proceeded on cue. Listening audiences may have heard her audible sigh of relief.

A Serious Note On this same night, there was a

note of seriousness backstage. Al- though nothing was said about it, each person felt the absence of Daniel Danker, known to the Holly- wood world as "Danny." For the first time he was not present at the open- ing performance of a Lux Radio The- ater show, after its summer vaca- tion. In July, "Danny" had suc- cumbed to a heart attack and left desolate hundreds of friends, As the motivating spirit of Lux Radio The- ater "Danny" had been responsible for moving the show from New York to the West Coast.

With imagination, enthusiasm and executive ability, young Daniel Dan- ker had come to Hollywood in 1936 to "put over" Lux soap for Lever Bros., through the J. Walter Thomp- son Advertising Agency. Not long out of Harvard, he dreamed in terms of the future and lived to see his dreams come true in the most im- pressive radio show ever presented on the air. His inspiration contin- ues to influence and animate the Lux Radio Theater staff, which car- ries on in the Danker tradition and with the Danker ideals as its guid- ing star. His widow, Lorena Danker, has become one of the staff of the Lux Radio Theater, in somewhat the same capacity as that held by the

=Sir BRILLIANT BACKGROUND MUSIC may be credited to

ou Silvers, who conducts orchestra 3r the weekly theater of the air.

dashing "Danny." who dramatized a cake of fragrant soap and saw in it the possibilities of a great and lasting theater of the air.

Others Have Passed The stars come and go is indic-

ated by the number of famous per- sonalities who have appeared on the Lux Radio Theater and who have left the Hollywood scene, never to return. It was in 1936 that J e a n Harlow made her first appearance on the Lux hour, with Robert Tay- lor in "Madame Sans Gene." Crowds blocked traffic to such an extent that an extra cordon of police was ordered to keep the mob in the vic- inity of the theater in line.

Carole Lombard appeared in "My ;Man Godfrey" in 1939, her bright and sparkling personality dazzling studio audiences, as well as mil -

_'lions of listeners, with ears glued to their radios. Her former husband. William Powell, played opposite her.

In 1938, M a y Robson, who ap- (Please turn to Pap, 36)

BING CROSBY, frequent guest star, always wears his hat and smokes his pipe, usually sports a garish shirt, but not in this picture, taken when he palyed in "She

Loves Me Not" with Joan Blondell. Note Joan's coat, ultra style for November, 1937. i ANOTHER WELL- RECEIVED LUX STAR is Joan Crawford, who made one of her early appearances in July, 1936,

alien she emoted in drama, "Chained."

MADELEINE CARROLL, now overseas entertaining and doing war relief, lent charm and talent to ''Beloved

Enemy,- in which she played with suave Brian Aherne in July, 1936.

Vie Most Insulted Qalin Radio!

By Shirley Gordon ACK CARSON sneered across the microphone at Elvia All- m a n. "When you were a girl," he scoffed, "Gravel Ger- tie was just a pebble!" "That's the way it goes," said Elvia later, with a philosophi- cal shrug of her shoulders, "I'm the most insulted gal in

radio. When I ask a man, 'Would you like a lock of my hair ?' he an- swers, 'You couldn't spare it!'

"My mother -bless her heart -is always saying, 'If they really knew you, they wouldn't say those things!' " smiled Elvia, "but I tell her I don't care what they say, as long as they pay!"

The only thing about her "insult" roles that displeases Elvia herself,

is the fact that they seldom allow her any chance to characterize. "They're just caricatures," she frowned. "Seldom do they develop into real characterizations."

Nevertheless, radio - dialers have come to respect the inimitable Miss Allman for her tricky portrayals of lovable comedy characters on Hol- lywood's top airshows. Listeners love her as "Tootsie Sagwell" of CBS' Burns and Allen show, as Mrs. Dith- ers" of the "Blondie" cast, as the screeching anathema of the Jack Carson and the Moore - Durante shows, and as "Cobina" of the well - remembered team of Brenda and Cobina.

Brenda Still Ill "Brenda," Elvia informed us, "is

is AllrnarigillIPPIPavei Show, Some Straight Dramatic Roles -And a Modern, Unscented Farmer!


GARBED IN SLACKS, Elvia Allman 'cuts capers at the mike. Her only complaint against the comedy roles

she enacts is the limited opportunity they afford her for genuine characteriza- tion. She is hoping to bring to the air - lanes her portrayal of "Hedy Heart- throb," an old maid with a heart of

gold who writes a lovelorn column.

still in the hospital. She's been there almost two years now, with a knee injury that won't heal." Elvia told us that she is hoping the doctor will allow her ex- partner to come home soon under the care of a nurse.

"Then, perhaps, we could work together again, even if it were neces- sary for Brenda to work from a wheel chair." Elvia went on. "We could clown around and no one would ever know the difference. I know it would do her a world of good."

Elvia is hoping that Brenda (in real life, actress Blanche Stewart) will be allowed to do, at least, some "G.I. Journal" shows for the soldiers, on which Elvia appears regularly.

"Most of the boys who heard us as a team during the many months we were on the Bob Hope show, don't know that Brenda is ill and that the team is temporarily out of existence," explained Elvia. "They'd love to have her back.

"The other night, when I was do- ing a show at the Canteen," she told us, the boys shouted, 'Where's Brenda ?'

"I answered, 'Oh, we went to the beach this afternoon, and somebody covered Brenda with sand.'

" 'So what? Why isn't she here now -' the boys wanted to know.

"Welllll," replied Elvia, in the rasping voice of Cobina, "I forgot to mention. The sand was mixed with cement!"

The boys loved the gag, and most of them still don't know about

(Please Turn to Page 28)

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WELL, IT'S ALL over, folks - all but the shouting! Diggin' Discs' big poll to find the most popular platter spinner, according to the votes of our readers. Here's the way the boys stack



RADIO: West * National and International

Huston on Cavalcade "Radio scares me!" exclaimed Wal-

ter Huston, creasing his forehead into a deep frown. "I don't like to be on it. I'd rather just listen to it."

Chatting with Huston in his dress- ing room after the third of his eight - week series of appearances as narra- tor on NBC's "Cavalcade of America," Radio Life found him to be a genial, earthy gentleman with silvery - gray hair, twinkling eyes w r e a t h e d in laugh wrinkles and a hearty, habitual chuckle.

" 'Cavalcade' is a fine show, though -a fine show," Huston went on. "It's both entertaining and instructive. It does good. I like doing things that do good."

Huston also expressed his pleasure at having the opportunity, in his role as the program's narrator, to watch other top -flight actors in action. "I seldom have the chance to observe the work of others so closely," he pointed out. "I'm learning a lot. They're all very good -very good."

"I'm sure l e a r n in g my American history from this show, too," he chuckled. "Radio makes it a lot more Interesting than it seemed in the his- tory books at school."

Huston's objection to the medium of radio is its magnitude. "Yes," he contemplated, raising his head and squinting his eyes toward some un- seen point beyond the room, "I think it is the magnitude of radio that frightens me. Then, too, it's so inti- mate, as well.

"Another thing," he stressed. "Radio is so quick. There is no time for an actor to familiarize himself with the part he is to play. On the stage, I played 'Dodsworth' for a year before I felt I knew him."

Huston went on to reminisce about the beginning of radio, telling us of the afternoon that he, Max Gordon and beloved George M. Cohan were discussing the effect its advent would have upon show business.

"Cordon," rememhered Huston, "warned -us that radio would mean the end of show business as it was then. But Cohan was more optimistic. 'Nothing,' opined the showman, 'would keep an American guy in a room ex- cept a dame!' " Relating this anecdote, he slapped his knee and doubled for- ward in another of his hearty laughs.

His jovial nature and en e r g e ti c

sense of humor led us to ask him if he had made any appearances on com- edy airshows. "Yes," was his reply, "and I greatly enjoy them. But," he added with a smile, "my friends don't seem to like me as a comedian."

Huston told us that he was in vaudeville for twelve years before be- coming a legitimate actor. "I did com- edy acts and songs then," he related. After that, the theater and motion pictures claimed all of his attention, save for infrequent guest appearances on the airlanes, a dozen or so of them in "Cavalcade" dramas.

As much time as possible nowadays, he spends out on his 8,000 -acre ranch where he raises a large herd of white - faced Here:ords. "Steaks that thick!" he chuckled. "We have a great time out there," he went on with enthus- iasm. "My brother -in -law runs t h e place. I'm just a dude, but I'm learn- ing!"

Life at the Huston ranch, he pointed out, is fairly primitive. They have no electricity, burn oil lamps and use a battery -set radio. "I do quite a bit of cooking," the actor chuckled. "I can whip up a fine d e s s e r t -a dandy peach or berry cobbler.

"I often wash the dishes out at the ranch, too," he said then, the smile lines in his face deepening again. "And with my hands in the dishpan

NEXT WEEK For next week you may antici-

pate a candid story on Hedda Hop- per, whose new air show recently debuted on CBS. There will also be a yarn on Nelson Eddy, who has returned to the air in a regular pro- gram. NBC's "Pacific Story" which may have missed your listening at- tention, will provoke your Interest of ter you read Malcolm Boyd's article on Arnold Marquis and his stimulating program. Then, we have a story on Larry Smith, who has called his shots in the Pacific. Mirandy posed for a cooking lay- out and actually made fried chick- en, buttermilk rolls, and buttermilk pie of which we'll show tempting pictures. And to round out this bulging issue, you'll discover a spread on KGFJ, the busy local sta- tion which is doing so much to bring listeners information and en- tertainment.

up: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Stuart, on the Lamplighter program at the time of the contest, led by over a thousand votes. Carl Bailey had 750 and Schooler 490, mostly from co- workers at the Douglas plant.

That's it, folks, and we hope feel the best ?ran won.

STANDARD RECORDS has pu a new disc and a new album are worthy of attention today. Fo features "easy -to- listen -to" Kay raffle with Harold Grant and hi chestra. Tunes are "Hanging in Hock Shop Window" and "Philon

comprises three records b fredo PAendez and his orchestra, known for their treatment of L American rhythms.

BACK FROM THE European ater of war, Spike Jone tells the culty his Bluebird Recording City ers had keeping up with. the s advance of Allied troops. Five t they were set up, only to have army move on just before show Spike hoped to play "Der Fueh Face" Unter der Linden.

VICTOR SONGSTRESS Dinah S proved potent medicine for weary

overseas who, returning battle with ragged nerves, were re,

as sleeping well for the first after listening to a session of Di discs. It comes under the headin musical therapy.

s s s

WOODY HERMAN, heading way for a Palladium date, has an pair of goodies in "Let Me Love Tonight," Americanized Spanish with vocal by Billie Rogers, and " Dat Up Dere?" hot novelty feat Woody's light baritone. Bing Cr sang the first one under its on title, "1` o Te Importe Saber."


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or scrubbing out a pair of old ails, it's mighty nice to have the r handy and listen to some of t morning 's o a p' shows. They r 'ally keep me interested."


,00aoOO("at 66/woe

*This month alone, CBS Net-

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more than $1,000,000 worth

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I LOVE A MYSTERY 8:00 p. m. Doc Long and Jack Packard, owners of the A -1 Detective Agency, receive the most exciting and mysterious sleuth- ing jobs ever assigned to a gumshoe. Hear all about it- Monday through Friday.

FANNY BRICE 1:30 p.m. Baby Snooks, radio's best loved brat, is now a SUN- DAY feature at 1070 on your dial. Listen while explosive Hanley Staf- ford answers the inevitable, "Why, Daddy ?"

AMERICAN MELODY HOUR 4:30 p. m. Lovely Eileen Farrell sings songs that made 42nd Street famous and some that are destined to make musical his- tory for 1944. Tunefully supported by Evelyn MacGregor, The Knights- bridge Chorus and American Melody Orchestra.

NELSON EDDY 1:30 p. m. America's favorite baritone sings the nation's favorite songs and ballads from light opera and musical comedy. Robert Armbruster conducts. A different guest star each week.

MAJOR BOWES 6:00 p.m. Round and round the wheel of fortune spins while another group of talented, aspiring amateurs reaches for stardom with Major Bowes' kindly assistance.

Stay tuned to KNX for News

including the all -star

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THE ALDRICH FAMILY 9:00 p. m. That plaintive cry, "Coming. Mother," means a lot of excitement and fun is coming your way when Henry, Homer and the Aldrich Family pay you a visit Friday night,

KENNY BAKER 5:00 p.m. Thetup tenor greets his big name guests with a glad hand and glad songs when they drop in for their regular appearance un the KNX airlanes.

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music» Forty -five minutes of good music...familiar melodies


9:15 a. m. to 10 a. m.


KMPC -710 BARKER BROS. Seventh Street, Flower and Figueroa

; °r t Gi1rr

e St°dlurn

S Nts o O r c°n 1 A a fO°tbal


Hollywood Rangers rs.

Los Angeles Wildcats


2:30 P.M. Sponsored As A Public Service By

CARE BEER Bohemian Distributing Co.

NEW SHADOW John Archer, young winner of Jesse

Lasky's "Gateway to Hollywood" radio contest, is now portraying Mutual's "The Shadow."


Sunday, October 1S -"Your America," KHJ -DLBS, 1:00 p.m. (30 min.) For- merly KFI, Saturday, 2:00 p.m.

Sunday, October 15 - "Musical Por- traits," KECA, 5:00 p.m. (15 min.) Formerly KECA, Thursday, 7:15 p.m.

Sunday, October 15 - "Hollywood Mystery Time," KECA, 6:15 p.m. (30 min.) Formerly KNX, Friday, 6:00 p.m.

Monday, October 16 - "Joyce Jordan, M. D.," KNX, 11:00 a.m. (15 min. Monday through Friday. Formerly KNX, Monday through Friday, 11:15 a.m.


Monday, October 16 - "Two on a Clue," KNX, 11:15 a.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. A new daytime mystery serial.

Monday, October 16 - "Michael Shane," KHJ -DLBS, 8:30 p.m. 30 min.) A new series of comedy - mystery programs.

Saturday, October 21- "Results, Inc.," KHJDLBS, 10:30 p.m. (30 min.) A new mysterycomedy series starring Claire Trevor and Lloyd Nolan.

J ariety Sunday, October 15-- Charlotte Green-

wood, KECA, 12:00 noon, (30 min.) Heard during the summer months, Miss Greenwood brings her come- dy show to the Blue.

Sunday, October 1; -"Rhythm Inn," KNX, 5:30 p.m. (25 min.) A new variety show starring Britt Wood, Kitty Crawford and Ted Straeter's orchestra.

Friday, October 20 -"Tom Breneman Highlights," KECA, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) An evening show featuring comedy highlights transcribed from the top morning program, "Break- fast at Sardi's."

Thursday, October 19 -"Side Show," KECA, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.) A new show starring Dave Elman, for- merly of Hobby Lobby.

Corn menfation Friday, October 20- "Today in Holly-

wood," KNX, 6:00 p.m. (15 min.) News of Hollywood and its person- alities by Erskine Johnson.

Public .1 Hairs Monday, October 16 -"School of the

Air," KNX, 1:30 p.m. (30 min.) Mon (Please turn to Page 28)


12:05 to I2:30 P.M. KMTR, Mon. thru Sat.

11:00 to H:30 P.M. KFOX, Dairy


9hc4. Y qimin C `,

KF1 "Noah Webster Says," the popular

quiz show which tests the ability of contestants to give correct definitions to words appearing in the dictionary, goes for a new ride on the NBC Pacific Coast network starting October 16.

Each Monday thereafter via KFI, "Noah Webster Says" will be heard at 9:30 p.m.

Haven MacQuar rie, originator and emcee of the pro- gram, asks ques- tions of the contes- tants and Professor Charles Frederick Lindsley, Ph. D. of Occidental College judges the an seers.

Here's the way the contest works. Listeners submit a list of words, for the first word de fined correctly a contestant receives $1, for the second $2, for the third $3, and for the fourth $4 -a total of $10, if the contestant is 100c", right.


If they wish, the contestants may stop at this point, or they may try a fifth and more difficult word for a grand prize of a $50 war bond. Listen ers who send in words used on the program receive $5 for their list.

It really seems like Fall is in the air when you dial KFI on Thursda; mornings at 10 a.m. and you hear the "Standard School Broadcast." A n d, starting Thursday, October 19, this popular schoolroom feature launches the FallWinter 1944-45 season.

Here is a program which goes right into the school room and with the aid of printed material furnished to the schools, the medium of radio Is utilized in an instructive and con structive manner.

Well established, the "S t a n d a r c

School Broadcasts" are earning mor( and more acceptance by educationa leaders throughout the West Coast.

# s

We've been listening to the neu "Reveille Roundup" show heard or KFI each Monday, Wednesday anc Friday morning at 7:30 and must ad mit we like it very much. Have yot heard it lately?

Just recently the Golden Gate Quar tet was signed up to do the show anc will continue to be featured for th( next 52 weeks. If you like good quar tets you're bound to like the Golder Gate boys because they are, but, good

-Ad t;ertisemen



Sunday Morning R'ortlrP

KFWB 7:30-8 AM

r *KMTR -News, Fannie Rein- hart.

KPAS- Slavic Program. HWKW -Hungarian Baptist.

10:05 -HGER- Fullerton Foursquare.

8 K11 -The Eternal Light. *KNX, HPAS, HGER -News.

KECA -AAF Symphonic Flight.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Wesley Radio League.

*KMPC-News, Maurice John- son.

KFWB -Uncle Ge and Aunt Ge Ge.

*KMTR -News, Voice of Prophecy.

KFAC-Country Church. HRHD -Ranch Program. HWKW- Tabernacle of Holy

Spirit. KFVD -Tempo Tunes. KFSD- Pursuit of Learning. KFOX -Rev. Dean Reed. KGFJ-Arm Chair Concert.

8:05-KNX-Blue Jacket Choir. KGER-Kingdom Within.

$:15- HPAS -Immanuel Baptist Ch. KFXM -Sunday Serenade.

{:30- KFI -Successful Gardening. KNX -Invitation to Learning. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Voice of Prophecy. KE('A -Hour of Faith. KMPC -Wesley Radio League. KFWB-Unlon Rescue Mission KMTR -W. B. Record. HWKW-Church of the Air. KFAC- Strollin' Tom. KFVD-Church of Christ. KGER-Dr. Lowman. KFOX -Res'. R. E. Reid.

{:45 *KFI, KFAC, KRHD -News. HGFJ -quiet Moments. HFSD- Caroline Gilbert.

9-KFI, KFSD- Chleago Round- table.

MilX -Salt Lake Tabernacle. *KECA -Blue Network War

Journal. HHJ, KGB, HFX1r, KVOE-

Pilgrim Hour. *KMPC -News, Dolen's Musical *KMTR-News, Swedenborg Hr.

KPAS-Judge P. E. Gardner. HWKW -Little Halo. KPPC- Studio Devotional HRHD- Sunday on Ranch. HFAC- Liberal Catholic Hour KFV1)- Waltz Time. KGFJ-Mid-Morning Melodies.

*HGER -News, Dr. Springer. 8:15 -KECA- Master Radio

Canaries. HMTR -Pastor K. G. Egert-

son. KFAC -Concert. HPPC- Prelude to Worship. HFSi) -News In Advertising HGER -Rev: J. A. Lovell.

11:30- KFi -St rad i ca rl Orch. *KNX -Transatlantic Call.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Lutheran Hour.

KECA -Dr. Ben Sweetland. KFWB -Swing Session.

*KMTB -The World Tomorrow. KFAC-Popular Melodies. KPAS -Church on High. KPPC- Sunday Club KFVD- Victory Parade. KGER -Radio Revival. KFSD- Sunday Concert.

I0 *KFI- Layman's Views of News. i HNX- Church of the Air. *KECA, KFMB -John Kennedy,


News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC -News, Show Tune *KFW'B, KGER, KFOX -News.


The Romance of the Highways

"Unreal Realities" KHJ - KVOE

10:15 A. M. Sundays

10 :15*K FI-News. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Commander Scott. *KECA- George Hicks.

KMPC -Samuel B. McKee. KFR'B -Swing Session. KFOX -Rev. Russell. KFSD -NBC Concert.

10:30 -KFI, KFSD- Musical Mile- . stones. *KNX -News.

KECA -Sammy Kaye's Sere- nade.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Bobby Hookey.

KMI'l' -Let s Dunce. SPAS -Czech Polkas. KPPC -- Church News.

10:45 *HNX- Edward R. Morrow. KPI'C Tower Chimes. KFOX- Cumberland Church.

10:55 *KRCA -Leland Stowe News Extra.

11-Kn-Those We Love. HX -Dangerously Tours.

*KECA, KFWB, KFSD -News. KHJ, KGB -Band Concert.

*KMPC -News, Off the Record. *KMTR-News, Church of

Christ. HPAS -Church of Open Door. KFAC-Ist Methodist Church. HWKW- Glendale ti. B. Ch. HGFJ -Say It With Music.

till 1 p.m. KFXM-1st Christian Ch. HPP(' -Church Service. Dr:

Eugene Carson Blake. KVOE- Concert Miniature. KFOX- Presbyterian Church. HGER -Pilgrim's Hour.

11 :15*KEC A-Behind the War News. KFWB -Swing Session. KFOX- Varieties. KVOF. Word of Life.

11 :30-KFI, HFSD- Westinghouse, John Charles Thomas.

*KNX-World News Today. KECA- Remember Hour. KHJ- Morning Melodies. HWKW- Lincoln Ace. Pres-

byterian Church. KFOX -Rev. Homer A. Strong KGB -Billy Rogers' Orcb.

,11:45 -HMTR -Pen o' Gold. KHJ- Canary Chorus. 11:55 -KNX -Songs of America.

12 *NFL, KFSD- World News Pa- rade.

KNX -N. V. Philharmonic. *KHJ-Broadway News.

KECA -Charlotte Greenwood. *KMPC -News, Off the Record *KFWB, KFXM. KGEIt -News *KMTR-News, Buys' Choir.

HWKW- American Jewish Hour.

KGB-This is Fort Dix. HVOF -Music Enduring.

12 :15 -KFWII -Swing Session. *KFAC-News.

KPPC -Music of Masters. It:30 -KFI, KFSD -This Is the

Army Hour. KECA- "Miss Hattie," Ethel

Barrymore. HMI-Memory Music, Ted

Bacon. HF11'B -Jean Leonard. HPAS -Dr. Corley.

*HRHD -News, Browning. HGER -Trinity Holiness Ch. KGB- Reviewing Stand.

*KFXM- Western Play Boys. KVOE- Southern Baptist Hr.


12:15 P.M. Dn II) -3 I'. M. Sun.

Rev. John R. Richey

KWKW -1430 -KNX-N. Y. Philharmonic.

KECA, KFMB -Darts for Dough.

*KMPC -News, Manhattan Highlights.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E. Your America.

*KFWB, HGER -News. *KMTR -News, Light & Life.

KRKD- Sunday on Ranch. HPAS -El Monte Nazarene. KFAC-Victory Players. KFOX -Dick Ross. KGFJ-Easy Rhythm.

*HFVD -News, McKee Plano

Men and Women

Expert Radio Training Incl. Live Air Experience

Our Pupils Broadcast

Sun. 1:15 P. M. -KFWB Frederick H. Speare The West's Outstanding

Radio School 6671 Sunset H011ywood 2325

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Llghtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface. 8:00- -Crime Doctor, KNX. 5:30- Blondie, KNX. 9:00 -The Green Hornet, RECA. 9:00 -Bill Lance, RN X. 9:30 -Hermit's Cave, KMPC,

Outstanding Music 9:00-Salt Lake Tabernacle.

KNX. 9:30- Stradivari Orch., KFI,

11 :30-John Charles Thomas, KFL

12 :00-New York Philharmonic, KNX.

1 :30-Pause That Refreshes, KNX.

1:30 -World of Song, RECA- 2:00 -NBC Symphony, KFI. 2:00 -Family Hour, KNX. '2:00 -Hall of Fame, KECA. 4:00- Cleveland Symphony, KH.1. 5:Oil- Musical Portraits. KECA. 6:00 -- Manhattan Merry -Go-

Round, KFI. 6:30 -Album of Familiar Music.

KFI. 6:45- Columbus Boys Choir,

KHJ. 7:00 -Hour of Charm, KFI. 11:30- Standard Symphony, KFI.

10:00- Newsieal, REVD. '10:30 -Lucky Lager Dance Time,

KFAC. 11:35 -Bridge to Dreamland,


Public Affairs 8:30 -Invitation to Learning,

KNX. 9 :00-Chicago Roundtable, RFI. 7 :00-Open Forum, KFAC. 7 :00-Mayor Bowron, KMPC. 8:30 -Everybody's Hour, KMPC. 9:45 -Washington Inside Out,


Variety 10:30 -Hookey Hall. KHJ. 12:00 -- Charlotte Greenwood.

RECA. 3:00 -Ozzie & Harriett, KNX, 4:00 -Jack Benny, BFI. 4:00 -Kate Smith Hour, KNX. 5:00 -McCarthy- Bergen, KFI. 6:00 -Radio Reader's Digest,

KNX. 6:30 -lames Melton Show, KNX. 6:4.3- Jimmie Fidler, KECA. 7:30- Gleason- Teemayae, KFT, 7:30 -Fanny Brice, KNX. 8:00 -Great Gildersleeve, KFI. 9:30 -Romance of the Ranchos,

KNX. 9:30-Jack Benny, KFI.

War 9:06 -War J ornal. RECA.

12:30 -Army Hour, KFi. 1:00 -lour America, KHJ.

Quiz Programs 1:00 -Darts for Dough, KECA. 1:30 -Name That Song, KHJ. 4:30 -Winner Take Ail, KNX. 7:00 -Take It or Leave It, KNX. 5:30 -Quiz Kids, RECA.

Drama 10:15 -Commander Scott, KHJ. 11 :00-Those We Love. KF'1, 12:30 -Ethel Barrymore in

"Miss Hattie," l F..('A. 2:00 -Can't Take It With Von,

KHJ. 2:30 -The Shadow, KHJ. 3 :30- "I Was There ", KNX. 5:30 -One Men's Family, KFi. 6:15 -Hollywoou Mystery Time,

HR('A. 7:00 -Life of Riley, RECA.

1:05 -HGER -Rev. Chas. Greene - myer.

1:15- KF1VB- Frederick H. Speere. *KFAC-News.

KFVD- Musical Revue. 1 :30 -KFl -Peter de Lima.

KNX -Pause That Refreshes. KECA, HEAR-World of

Song. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, K1'OE-

Name That Song. KM CC-Bible Says So.

tv KMTR-Voung l'eoples' Ch. KGFJ- Bienvenidos Amigos. KWKW-Hoyes Hour. KPAS- Church In Barn. KFAC-Good Neighbor Salute. KFOX -Young Peoples' Ch. KFVD- Hawaiian Music. KFSD -Music America Loves

Beet. 1:45 *KFI -Sam Batter, "Sizing Up

News." KM PC- Memory Hassell.

Hear Our Pupils Sing

KFOX Sunday, 2:15 p.m.

Free Auditions Phone or Write

CIVORU STUDIO 1664 No. Bronson -GL. 1 266

ZHFL KFSD- Symphony Hour. KNX- Family Hoar. KECA -Mary Small Bessie. KILL KGB -Can't Take It

With You. *KM PC-News, College Songs. *KFWB -News. *KMTR-News. Nazarene Voice.

HPAS- Informed Democracy. KFVD- Editor of the Ale. KGF t- Intermezzo. KFOX-Good News, KFX.1r- Sabbath Harmonies. KVOE- Foursquare Church. KGER-Long Beach Band.

2 :15-KFOX-Civoru Group. KF71'ß -Old Fashioned Girl. KMPC -Football. Alameda

Coast Guard vs. March Field.

2:30 -KECA -Hot Copy. KH.1 -The Shadow.

Pro Football Hollywood Rangers


Los Angeles Wildcats

2:30 P.M. SUNDAY

KFAC 1330 on your dial

KFWB- Cooperative Religion. KMTB Prairie Ave. Ch. KFAC-Pro. Football. KPAS -Burbank Foursquare. HWKW -Pan- American Revi-

sal, KFOX-Rev. Billy Adams. KIND-Timely Tunes. KGIS-Convair Lady. KFXM -The Shadow. KVOE -Bethel Tabernacle.

2:15 *KNX -William L. Shlrer. 3- 1ENX -Adventures of Ozzie R

Harriett. KFI -Catholic Hour. KHJ, KFXM, KVOE -Quiek

As Flash. KF,('A -Radio Hall of Fame.

*KFWB -News. *KMTR-News, Music.

KWKW-Res. Richey. KPAS- Christian Memory Hr. KI: F'.l- Time Was. KIND- Popular Favorites. KFSD- Conk air Entertains.

*KGER -News, Marvin H. ('ase.

KFOX -Res. Earl Irle. KGB -Music for Sunday.

3:15 -KF7{B -!.est Ye Forget, with Hal Styles.

KNIT R -Betty Phillips. KIND--Colored Revue. HVOE-Music Enduring.

3:30 *KFI, KFSD -News. KNX-"I Was There."

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Cpton ('lose.

HMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. HL'AS- Church of Christ.

OCTOBER 15, 1944 RADIO LIFE HFVD-Hank, Nightwatch-

man HWHW -Rev. Guenon.

*KGF71t-Gospel 'ridings, KFXM- Design for Listening

3:15 -HFI- Reports from Battle- fronts.

HFW'kt -Help Wanted. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

Diek Brown. *KFSD -Music Masquerade.

4- KFI, KFSD --Jack Benny. *KNX-Kate Smith Hour. *KECA -News, Views.

KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, KV0E- ('le%eland Symphony. KFWB -Dave Ormont.

*HMTR -News, Old Fashioned Revival.

HGFJ -Manhattan Hi- IJtes. HPAS -Old Fashioned Revival

Hr. KWKW-Sunshine Mission.

*HGER -News. Bev. R. H. Harms.

KFOX- Sunshine Pastor. 4:15 -KECA- Church Federation

Vespers. HFW'B -Dr. Stewart P. Mac-

Lennan. 4:30 -KFI. KFSD -Fitch Band-

wagon. HNX- Winner Take All. KECA- Sunday Vespers.

*KFWB -News. KFVI) -90 -90 Club. HGER -Colonial Tabernacle.

4:45 -KFWB- Stuart Hamblen.

KFVD -Tea Time Melody. S -KFI, KFSD- Cbarlle McCar- thy -Edgar Bergen.

HNX -Dr. Wallace Sterling. KECA- Musleal Portraits. KHJ, KGB- Mediation Board. HMPC -News, Across the

Footlights. *HMTR -News, Church of

Christ. KPAS-Open Bible Hour. KWKW-Rev. O'Hair. HFAC -Bowling News. KGFJ -Twilight Time. HFVD- Harlem Holiday. KFOX -Rev. Dilbeck. KF'X.M- Fullness of Time. KVOE-- Christian 'south. HGER -News, Rev. Draper.

5:15 *KNX -News. K ECA-Broud way Memories. HFAC -Christtan Science.

*HWHW -Symphony, KFOX -Rev. Hale.

5:30--KFI, KFSD -One Man's Fam- ily.

*KNX- Rhythm lun. KECA- Moaduy Headliors. KMTR -Reformed Witness

Hour. KPAS-Alhambra Pres. Ch. KWKW-Couruge 'flat Witte. KFOX- Call ary Echoes. KFXM -Made in America. KVOE-Of Civic Interest. KGER -Melvin MoomJean.

5:45 *KECA, HFMB -Drew Pearson *KHJ KGB, KFXM, KVOb:-

Gabriel Heatter. KMPC- Washington Inside

Out. *KFAC-News.

5 :55*KNX-Bob Trout.

6 -HFI, KFSD -Manhattan Merry-Go- Round.

HNX- Conrad Nagel Show. *HECA. KFMB- Walter

Winchell. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KY 0E-

Steel Horizons. *HMPC -News, Music.

KPPC-Shrader Player.. *KFWB, KFOX -News. *HMTR -News, Bethel Chapel.

KFAC -Music for Everyone. KPAS.- Lutheran Gospel Hour KGF'.l- Today's Hits. KWKW -Rev. Earl Nie.

*KtiER -News, First Brethreu ('h.

6:15 -KECA, 1111331-Hollywood Mystery Time.

HMPC- Mother's Album. *KFWB-News.

KF'%VB- Palestine Speaks. 6:30 -KFI, KFSD -Album of Fa-

miliar Music. KNX-James Melton Show.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HV'OR- Cedric Futter.

KMPC -Prev iew Time. KFWB- Gospel and Song. HMTR- Savior of All. HFAC -Political. KPAS- Beyond Tomorrow. KWKW-Sunshine Mission. KFOX -Ha l' Memory Boom. HGER -Lutheran Layman'.


6:45 -RECA, KFMB -Jimmy Fidler, KHJ- Columbus Boys' Choir.

*HFAC- Ness's. KFVD -Carter Wright.

*KRKD -News, Browning. HPPC-Story Time. K VOR-Grace and Truth.

-KFI, KFSD -Hour of Cha. rmHNX

-Take It Or Leave IL KECA -Life of Riley. KHJ, KGB, Good will Hour.

*HMPC -News, Mayor Bowron. KFWB-Helen Beauchamp,

Vocal. *HMTR -News, Viennese En-

semble. KPPC-Sacred Song Recital. HPAS -Ethel Hublee, KWKW -El Pragrama de Oro KFAC-Open Forum. HGFJ -Overture to Evening. KFOX -Olga Grases. KVOE -1 nschedulyd.

*KGER -News, Sister Sylvia.



Guest Experts 7:15 P. M.- KMPC -710 Ke.

7:15 -KMPC-First Church 1 espers *KM B, HPAS -News.

KPPC -Organ Recital. KFOX -Bahai Hour. KFXM- Melody Trio. KVOE- Church of Christ. HPAS -News,

7:30 -HFT, KFSD- Jackle Gleason - Les Tremayne.

KNX-Fanny Brice. KEOA, KFMB- Keeping Up

With the World. KMPC- Victory F.O.B. KFWB -Rabb) Magnin. HMTR -Southwest Church of

Christ. KI'AS- Church of Open Door. K l'PC- Masterpieces. KFX ',t -Ave Maria Hour.

:45 -KFWB- Catholic Answers. KMI'C -Music for Sunday.

8 -KFI, KFSD -The Great Gildersleeve.

KNX -Crime Doctor. RE('A, KFMB- Greenfield

Village t nape!.


REVIVAL Charles E.

Fuller, Director.

P. O. Bor 1e3. Los Angeles.


KMTR-I:06-5:00 P. M. KPAS-4 :00-5 :00 P. M. HPRO-4 :00-5:00 P. M.

RF.BROADCAS7! HPAS-9:011 P. M. HPRO-9:0U P. M. KFQX-10:00 P. M. KVOF-10:00 1'. M. KFX.M-10;01 P. M. HPMC-10:00 P. M.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV'OE- California Melodies.

*HMPC -News, wartime Washington Reports.

HEW B- Hollywood Presby- terian Church.

*KM'l'K -News. KFAC-Ist Methodist Church.


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:15 A. M. Monday through Friday

H1'P('- Sunday Esening Hour KFOX- Christian Science. KGFJ -B. & R. Cowboys.

*KGER -News, Chatauyua.

PAGE 13 SUNDAY LOGS 8:05 -HMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. 8:15 *KECA- Dorothy Tlo,o.p:,,.o,

*KMPC-Norman Nesbitt. KFSD -Story Behind Head-

lines. 8:25 -HNX -Song of the Week. 8:30 -KFI, KFSD- Standard Sym-

phony. HNX- Blondle. KECA,. KFMB -Quiz Kids. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Tonight at Hoagy's. KMPC- Everybody's Hour. KPPC -Word of Lite. KGFJ -Western Melody.

S:45 -HPPC- Religious News. *KFAC-News.

HGFJ- Trumpet Blues.

9- HNX -Adventures of Bill Lance.

KF('A, KFMB -The Green Hornet.

*KHJ, KGB, KFX-M, KV t3 News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC -News, Organ Melodies KFWB- t'nion Rescue Mission

*HMTR -News, Figueroa Christian Church.

*KGFJ -Newsboy's Review. HPAS, KPRO -Old Fashioned

Revival. HFAC -Sunday Evening Club.

*HGER -News, Bethel Church. KFOX- County Barn Dance.

9:15 *KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Rez Miller,

KG F1 -Blue of Evening, KFtiM- t'uscheduled.

9:30 -KFI, KFSD -Jack Benny. KNX-Romance of the

Ranchos. KHJ, KFXM, KVOE -Human

Adventure. *KECA -News.

KMPC -Hermit's Cave. KFW'B- Pacific Lutheran Hr. KMTR-Voice of Prophecy. KFM- Musical Gems. KFOX -Rev. Eddie Driver. KGB- Something Old, Some-

thing New. KGER-Tuckin' In Hour.

9:45 -*KECA- Washington Inside Out.

KI'l'C- Religious News.

*KFI. KFSD -Richfield Re- porter.

*KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire. KIIJ- Roosty of A.A.F. HECA. KFMB- Soldiers of

the Press. *HMPC -News, Old Fashioned

Revival. KFWB--Dave Orotent.

*HMTR -News, Bob Brooks. KPAS -Voice of Calvary. KFAC- American Red Cross. HGFJ -Hank, Nightwatch-

man, tit ti a.m. *KFVD- Newsicul, 3 Hrs.

KGB, KFXM, KV'OF Old Fashioned Resh al.

KFOX -Rev. Fuller. *KGER -News, Della Collins.

to :l5- KFI-Chapel Quartet. KNX- Ulscusslon. HF.('A -Blue Preview. KFWB -Good News Hour. KMTR -Pete Pontrelll Orch.



10:30 *HFI -Inside the News iThrifty Drug Co. t.

KNX-We Deliver the Goods. *KEC'A -News.

KHJ -Carl Rasazza's Orch. KMTR -Art Wenzel Orch. HPAS -- Bright ('orner Church. KFAC-Lucky Luger Dance

Time. *KFVP- Newsical,

KFSD- Pacific Story.

Inside the News with Edward Jorgenson

and Norman Nesbitt

10:30 P. M. - KFI


KGER-Songs In the Night. 10:45- KFI -Esmine Serenade.

KECA- Weekend Feature Sec- tion.

KFWB- Vital News. K.MTR -Jack Riley Orch.

l 1FI- Eleventh Hour News. HNX -News. KE('A- Tunes, Tidings -Phil


Halls of Montezuma.

*KMPC-News, Human Events. srurs -voice or the sru

*HMTR -News, Music. KFAC-Lucky I.ager Dance

Time. *KFVD- Newsical, 'tit 1 *KPAS -News.

11 :15- KFI- Pacific 'Story. KM PC-Master's Hour.

1l :t0 -HNX -Henry Busse. 11:30 -KH.J -Music for Half Hour.

KMP('- Master's Hour. KFWB -Music You Ursire, KMTR -When Day Is Done.



11:35 -KECA, KFMB -Bridge to Dreamland.

HNX -Lionel Hampton. 11:45 -KFI -Music in the Night, 11:55 *HNX, KECA, KFWIC -News. HFI- Musical Eacore,

ENTER CHARITY "Charity Spear s," new character heard on the

Blue's "Lum 'n' Abner" series, is portrayed by Vir- ginia Gregg, well -known Hollywood actress.

SUPERSTITIOUS Matty Malneck, fiddling

maestro heard on the Blue "Stop or Go" show, always wears a topcoat while re- hearsing his orchestra. He says it's a superstition.

MUSIC MAN Lon Clark, who is "Ni

Carter" of Mutual's popul detective stories, plays t piano and trumpet, a composes songs.

* *

ck ar he nd

IN APPRECIATION John Conte, Mutual's

"Screen Test" emcee, re- cently received a Japanese wallet taken from a dead Nipponese on Guadalcanal. It was a gift from a Marine whose girl friend was given a "screen test" on the airshow.

NEW ADDITION We now know these are

changing times when Guy Lombardo, whose "Musical Autographs" p r o g r a m is heard Saturdays over the Blue Network, has at last added a big tuba to his rhythm section. The Lom- b a r do organization was noted for its unchanging instrumentation.

SHOW GOES ON Ge Ge Pearson proved

herself a real trouper by carrying on with her part on Blue's "The Man Called X" when at the last minute she suffered an attack of appendicitis. After a short rest, Ge Ge is well again and still happily at the mike.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 16 KFI -Johnny Murray.

GP KNN -Mark Breneman. *HECA-Between the Lines.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM KVIIE- Shady Valley Folle.

*KMPC -News, William Parker KMTR -News, Ezra's 11111 -

billies. *KPAS, KGFJ, KGER-News.

KFON -Ur. Louis T. Talbot.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KWKW -Hal McIntyre. KRKD- Morning Melodies. KFVD -- Covered Wagon

Jubilee. 8:15 *KFI -T. B. Blakiston. comment

KNX- Valiant Lady. *KECA-Neva.

HMI'('- Market Report, Sports Roundup.

KFW'B -Bands in Review. KWKW- :lltiuo Rey. KGER- Mizpah. HIiF'J -Good Morning Melodies

8:25-SPAS-Minute Prayer. S:30 -KFI- Tranaeript ion.

KNX-Light of the World. KECA- McNeill's Breakfast

Club. *KHJ -Frank Hemingway,

News. KMPC-Unity Daily Word. KFWB -Help Want**, KMTK -Tev Tyler.

*KFAC. KRKD, %FAD -News. SPAS -Haven of Rest.

*KRKD -News Headlines. KWKW- Variety. HEOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. KFXM -Sunshine Ser, ice. KGB KVOE -Jolly Joe

Ralph. 8:45 -BFI, KIND-David Harum.

KNX -Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories.

*KF W'B -News. KMTR -Bible Treasury. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KVOK -BIng Crosby HGER -Rec . Bennington.

8:55 -11ßS --Lanny & i inger. 8:58-KMTR- 'fiats Signal.

9 *KFI -New a. KNX-Kate Smith.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE- News, Bnke Carter.

HECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC -News, Sweet I.ellaul,

KMPC Today. K FWB -Dr. Reynolds.

*KMTR -Newa, People Are Asking.

KFAC-J. Newton Vates. KPAS-Polly Patterson. KRKD- Sagehrush Serenade. KWKW-Bing Crosby. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

*H(iFJ, KGER -Newa. 9:05 -HGER- Curtis H. Springer.

*KFI -Edward Jorgenson. 9:15 *KFI, KIND -Larry Smith,

KNX -Big Sister. KHJ -Time Out. KMPC -Say It With Music. K %B- Rhumba Time.


R. L. M'eMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

toe the

MCCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Bier, mornina -Mon. then Fri.

KFAC at 9:15

It -1 nice of Health. Kt ,1 .I- Medical. KW K',- Variety. KFXM-Future Unlimited. KGB-- $erenadtn;` Veit. KV'OE -Music Mixers. KGER -Dr. J. A. Lovell.

9:eO -KFNM -Old Family Almanac. 9:30 *KFI -News.

KNX-Romance of Helen .


Midland, U. S. A. KECA, KFMR- Breakfast at

Sardi'a. *KF'.'B, KFAC, KWKW -


KMTR -W. B. Record. HPAS- Scratcher A Jockeys. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. HGER -Radio Revival. KFVD -Show Tunes. KIND--Across the Threshold.

9:40 -KFI- Magazine l'age. KFW'll -Sweet 1,eilanl Time.

9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs. KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOK-

Amazing Jennifer legan. lRFWB- Midmorning Melodies.


Every Morning

MON. thru FRI. 6:00 a.m.-News, Breakfast with

the Deacon. 7:30 a.m. -Gus" 6:00 a.m. -News. William

Parker. 8:15 a.m.- Market report, Music. 9:00 a.m. -News, Sweet Leitani

Time. 9:15 a.m. -Say It With Music.

10:00 a.m. -News, Hodge ['edge. 19:30 a.m. -Bing Crosby. 10:45 a.m. -Home Chats. 11 :00 a.m. -News. Sweet Lellani

Time. 11 A5 a.m. -Lady of Charrat. 11:30 a.m. -Stamp Es. 1 1:00 a.m. -News. Garden Hints.

KMPC 710 on your dial

MATH- Curtis H. Springer. *HRHD -News, Clifton.

& I('-Midmorning S de. KWKW-Willard Messenger

HGER -Full Gospel. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. HFSD -Ann Gibson.

9 :55*KFI-News.

i0 *KFI -Voice

of a Nation. KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful.

*HECA, KFMI$ -Tony Morse. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

New., Glenn Hardy. *KMPC -News, Hodge Podge

KFWB- Kitclien Rollege Chef Milani.

*KMTR -News, Music. KPAS- Harmony Homestead. KWKW-Metropolitan Scratch




5101-640 -F7901-930 TIOZDTn 0 1240 TI33UTI39U 1 T 600 710 870 990 10701110 1230 1280 1360 1411 14%

*KGF.), KFOX -News. KIND-Midmorning Serenade. KRKD -Turf Bulletins.

*KGER -News, Mission Workers.

KFS11- University Extension. 10:15 *K1I -Peter de Lima's Close -

ups. KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA-dark Bereft & Boys. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOF

Terry's House Party. KMTR -- Chicago Tabernacle.

*KPAS-News. KGFJ -Salop Swing. HRHD -Dr. O. M. Richardson KGER- Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI -Aunt Mary. *KNX -Bernadine Flynn News

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE- Luncheon with Lopez.

HECA -My True Story. KMPC -Bing 1'rusby.

*KFWB, KFAC -News. KMTR -Floyd B. ,Johnson.

*KWKW-News. KVAS -.1. Newton Vales, Organ. KFVD -1 ilion Rescue Mission KHKI) -1 Solemnly Swear. KGER -Sunshine l'astor. KIND -Voue Albers flour.

10:43 *KFI KIND-A.t Baker, News. KN± -The Goldbergs. KHJ -Handy .Nan. KMPC -Home ('hats. KF V B- Srleuce of Mind. KMTR --Care of the Body. KFAC- Between the Lines. KRKD- 5lidnight Mission. KWKW-King's Men t Mills. KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Ameri-

ran Women's Jury. KFOX- Pastor Sweetly.

10 :55-HECA-Aunt Jemima.

11 -KFI, KFSD- Gulding Light. KNX- Joyce Jordan. M.D.

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Cedric Foster.

*KECA, KVNIB- Baukstage Talking.

*KMPC -News, Sweet Leitani, A Hit Day.

KFW'B -Al Jarvis. *KMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. KFAC- Fioretta. KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KWKW' -Vocal Variety.

*KGFJ, KFVD, KGER -News. KFXM -Moab House.

11:15 -KFI KFSD -Today's Children KNX -Two on a Clue.

HECA, KF :MIL- Mystery Cher. KI1J- Lenders of United Na-

tions. K.MPQ -Lady of Charm.

MONDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in .fight fare Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety s:00- Johnny Murray, )(FT. 9:0tl -Kate Smith. KNX. 9:311- Breakfast at Sardi',.

HECA. 11:30 -Stump Us. KMPC. 4:30 -Andy and Virginia HECA. 8:30- Spotlight Rand..{, KECA. 7:30 - etdt Time. KECA. 8:00 -Johnny Mercer -Jo

Stafford, KFI. 8:15 -Hedda Hopper. KNX. 8:15 -Lum and Abner, RECA. 8:311 -(fay Nineties Revue, HNX. 9:30 -Vox Pep. KNX

.War 11 :15-Leaders of United Nations,

KIlJ. 4:30 -World's Front Page, KHJ. 5:15 -Salute to the Services,

KMTR. 8:00 -Reuter's News Dispatch,


Outstanding Music 4:00- Muaieoi Masterpieces,

KIAC 5:30 -Voice of Firestone, KFL 6:00- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 6:90-A Song la Born. KFI. 7:011- Contented Hour, KFI. 8:00 -livening Concert, KFAC. S:05 -- Musical Milestones, KMPC 9:00 -Telephone Hour, KFI.

10:00 -lucky 1.uger Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00- Newsieal, KFVD. 10:00- Eastside Dance KFW'B.

Drama 9:45- Amazing Jennifer Logan,

KH.I 11 :15-Two on a Clue, KNX. 5::0 --Tom Mlx, KHJ. 6:01 -Lux Radio Theater, KNX. 6: í5- Coronet Story Teller,

KECA. 7:00 -Screen Guild Players,

HN X. 7:30 Ranger, KHJ. 8:00 -1 love a Mystery, KNX. 8:00 -Sherlock Holmes, KHJ. 9:30- Cavalcade of America,

KFI. 8:30 -Counterspy, !MCA. 8:30 -- Michael Shane, KHJ. 9:30- Hawthorne Ileuse. KFI.

Quiz Programs 8:30 -Information Please, KFI. 7:30 -Dr. I. Q., KFI. 7:30 -Thanks to the Yanks,

KNX. 8:30 -1'ay Day Quiz, KMPC. 9:30 -Noah 11'ebster Say KFI.

Public Affairs 1:30 -School of Air, LEN X. 8:15 -Hon. Jerry Voorhis, KPAS

Sports -Comment 9 :30-Scratches. Jockeys, KPAS.

10:00 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD. Ií:30- Bridge Chub, ,EMP('. 8:00- Sportstime. KMPC.

10:30 -Sam Bolter, KECA.

KGB. VOE -Do You Need Advisee,

KFXM -Stars on Parade. K(iF.1 -Sweet and Sew.

*KWKW-News. KLON- Spotlight Bands.

11:tí5 -KHJ -Owl Program. 11 :311 -KFI, KFSD -Woman In White

KNX-Young Dr. Malone. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Jane Cowl. K ECA- Musical Moments. K. hei -Stamp l's. KMTR -Curtis Springer.

*KPAS-Pasadena Independent. KWKW'- Freddy Martin.

*HIDED, KFAC, RF(IX -News. KG VI-Tuneful Tunes. KGER -Reg. Greenemeyer.

11:45 -Kl't -Hymns of All Churches. KNX -Adventures of Perry

Mason. *HECA -News.

,.H.1- Victor IJndlahr. KFAC -Plano Briefs. KPAS -Hoot (iibson's Painted

Post. K WKW-Frank Sinatra. KFVD- Violet Schram. KF'OX -Linda Day. KIiFJ- Calling All ZonFs. K(:B,'HFXM, HV'OE- Skyline

Serenade. 11 :55 *KWKW-News.


1 -KFI -Farm Reporter. KNX -Mary Martin. *KHJ- Broadway News. HECA. KFMB- Morton Dow -

ney. *KMPC -News, Garden Malts. *HVITR -News. Ezra's Be*.

Hillbillies. KFAC, KFVD- Luncheon

Concert. HPAS- Rancho I1 -10. KWKW-Heartstrings. KRIM- Pralrle Schooner.

*KGFJ, KGB, KV0E-News, *EIGER -News, 139u Club. KFSI)- Woman et America.

1 °.:15 -KFI, KIND-Ma Perkins. KNX- Neighbors, Irene

Beasley. HECA- Hollywood Star Time. KHJ -Johnson Family. KMPC- Norman Nesbitt, KWKW -Open Bible Rerlval

KGB -Two Keyboards. *K FOX, KF XM-News.

K\'OR -Food for All. 11:30 -KFI, KINDN- Pepper Young's

Fancily. KNX -Bright Horizon.

*HECA- Klernaa's News Corner.

HHJ -Homemaker's Club. KMPC-Bridge Club, Rohl.

Lee Johnson. *KF WB -News.

KMTR -Merl Lindsay a Band. KWKW -Dlnah Shore. KFVD- Violet Schram. HGB -Molly Morse. KFXM -Farm Front. KVOE -The Smoothies.

12:45 -11F'1, KISH -Right to Happi- nes

RNN- s

Bachelor's Children. H ECA -Memories la Melody. KFWIS -AI Jarvis. KMPC-Lean Back, Listen.

*KFAC, KFSII -News. KWKW -Dick McIntyre. H YMN-Meet the Band. HGI , KFXM, KV'OE -Mu-


1 KFI, HFSD- Backstage Wife. KNIE -This ('hanging World.

*HECA, KFMB -World Wide Review.

*KMPC -News. Sweet Lolled. *KFWB -News. *KMTR -News, Perkins Cara -

. leal KFAI' -Dr. Helen Collier. KWKW- Military Band, HGF.) -Fast' Rhythm.

*KFVD, KGER -News, *KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Walter

Compton. 1:15 -HFL, KFSD -Stella Dallas.

*KNX-Bob Anderem. RFCA, RFMB -Radio Parade. KHJ -Human Horizons. KMPC- Today's Band. KF'WB -Al Janis. KFAC -Melody Matinee. K \\'K W- Viennese. KFVD, KF.X.M- Moods in

Music. KGB -Convair Lady. KVOF -Open House.

1:30 -'trI, HFSD- Lorenzo Jones. 1NX- Sehuol of the Air.

*HECA -Time .Views the Newa

OCTOBER 15, 1944 RADIO LIFE KII.I- IIeadlines in Harmony .

K.MPC-Family Bible. R)ITR- Saunders Misters.

*K PAS-News. *KKHD -News. Music.

K W K W- Memories. HGFJ- ßieusenidos Amigos. KFOX -- Christian Science. KGB, KFXM, KVOE -L'n-

scheduled. 1:45 -SFI. KFSD -Young Widder

Brown. *KNX -News, Afternoon Dance *KECA -Buddy Twice.

KM 1Y'- Heodezvous with Romance.

KMTIt -Tes Tyler. KFAC-Between the Lines. HWKW- Alsino Rey. KRHD- Singing Molten. KIND-Motile City. KFOX- Concert Master.

1::,0 *KECA -Id Jorgenson.

2 -11/1-W ben a Girl Marries. RKNX -Potluck Party.

*KHJ -This ('hanging World. SECA, KFMB- What's Doing,

Ladies ' *KMPC -News, Pan Americana. *KMTR -News, Halley 'e

Sn ingtime. KRKD- Concert Matinee. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. KFVD- Timely Tunes. HARM- Copper Caravan.

*K(:1.1R -News, Music Appreci- ation.

KGB, KVOE -Faces and Places.

KFXM -Our Town, Social Se- curity.

2:15 -KFL KIND-Portia Faces l.i(e HH.I -Today on the Coast. KGB. KFXM, KNOB-Aber-

deen Band. KFAC-Paradise Isle. AFOX- Public Bulletin. KFSD- ('latalc Hour.

z:_,,, *HNX -News. 2 :30-KFI, REND -lust Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Missus. *KECA- Behind the %er News

KHJ, KFXM- Payroll Guar- antee. ee.

KM PC-Easy Rhythm. KFWB -Hal Styles. SPAS- Slapsy Maxie's.

*KRKI) -News. KFOX- Western Songs. H V OE- Political.

z :40*H W KW-News. 2 :45 -KFI, KFSD -Front Page Far-

rell. HHJ, KGB, KV'OE -Radio

Tour. KECA- Frances Scully.

*R EMS-News. KRKD- Salcxatore Santatlla.

3 AF7, RFSD -Rond of Life. KNX- Burrltt Wheeler.

*KECA -Three o'Cleek News, *KM, AGES -News. *RFWB-

News, Matinee.

*ANTS-News, It Pays to Know. *SPAS- Listeners' Digest.

HGM-Jack Pot. KMID-V let ory Queen Contest KGB, HV'OE- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM/- Prayer, Devotions. RFOX -Budd Cole.

V' KFD -Popar Favorites. 3:15-K1l, KFSD -Star Play house.

KECA- Footlight Echoes. REl'A- Broadway Memories. KHJ-Sweet and Sentimental. KNTR -News Quiz.

PAt9 --Juke Box Matinee. HWHW -Dave Rose. KFON- Hawaii Calls. KVOE -Of Chic Interest,

3:30 -KFl . KFSD -Rosemary. KNX -Lynn Murray's Music.

*KECA, KFWB -News. KHJ -nappy Homes, Norma

Young. KMTR- Pianos.

*KRAD -News, Music. *KMKW -Off the Press.

HGFJ -Swing Beam. KGB- Miracles of Faith. KV'0E- V'arlety. KFOX- HoHywund Salon. KGER- Cheerful ('hatter.

3:;3 -- RECA -Roth Wentworth. 3: t5- KI'1 -14 man of Ameri,a.


JAY BURNETT 1.45 P. M. KECA Mon thou Fr..

Sponsored by Superior Certi -Fresh fist

*KIN \ -The World Today. HH,I -Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KECA-Jay Burnett. KFWB -Jazz. KMTR -Screwball Theater. KGB, KFXM, AVOE-

Johnson Family. HAMS-Dose Rose. KFSD -Aunt Meryl KFI, RFSD -Dr. Rate. KNX -Sandra Martin.


News, Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC-News, Swing Shift.

KtWB -Bert Fiske. *KMTR-News, Santaella En-



Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


RFA('- Musical Masterpieces. *K(:FJ -News.

RWRW -Bing Crosby. KFV7) -Plano Muele. *K(:ER- Nears, Munir.

I:15*KFI. KFSD -News of the World.

*KECA- General Pierce. KH.I, KGB, KFXM, LV'OE-

Real Life Stories. KM'S- Charlotte Goodman. HMTR -Radio Newsreel. Kt:l',1- interlude. RWRW -Harry James.

*RFV D -News. KRHD- Mosleland Quiz.

4 :30-KFI-Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -News, Open House. KECA KFMB -Andy and

Virginia. HHJ, KGB, K11'OF World's

Front Page. KMPC- Vottrs for Gaessing.

*KFWB -News, Vocal Varieties KMTR, KFOX -Old Age Pen-

sions. HWHW -Glen Miller. KRHD -Tunes of the Day. HFNMH -Dr. Philip M. Los ell. KFSD -Black & White.

I :45 -KECA -Hop Harrigan. KH.1 -i nsrheduled. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. HGFJ -Gas House Concert. HWHW -Tommy Honey.

*KRKD -News. KFOX -Art Dickinson. KGB. AVOE- Afternoon

Melodies. KFXM-ii ar Manpower.

*KFSD -H. V'. Haltenborn.

S *KFI, FSD -OK for Release. HNX -Fletcher Wiley. KECA, KFMB -Terry and

the Pirates. *KHJ, RFXM, ROES -News. *K111 PC-News, Local Events. *KMTR-News, Perkins ('arni-

sal. HWKW- American Jewish Hr. KFAC-Dance Tempo. KGFJ -,lise at 5. ;WAS-Uncle Charlie. KRKD -bonge of the Saddle.

5:15 *KFI KFBD- News. KNX -HNX -tra. KECA -Dirk Tract. KHJ, KGB, KFXil1, KVOE-

Superman. KMTR -Salute to the Sen ices

*RFAC, RETTI, RFSD -News. 5:30 -KF'1, KFSD -Voice of Fire-

stone. *HNX -Harry Flannery.

KECA. KFMB -Jack Arm- strong.

KHJ, KGB, KFX31, KV'OE- Adsentures of Tom Mix.

KM PC -World of Song. RMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC Whoa Bill Club. KRKI) -South Seas Serenade. RGES- Lighthouse Melodies.

5:45 *KNX -News, Truman Bradley. KECA-Capta In Midnight.

*KIM, Roll, KFXII, Hl -OE- Night New Wire.

KMPC. Help Wanted. *HMTR -K. Louis Flstau,

News. 5:35 *KNX -BiII Henry. 6' Fl. KFSD -A Song Is Born.

KNX -Lus Radio Theater.. +KECA -News.


News. Gabriel Heatter. *KM PC-News. Sportstime. *KFWB, KFOX, KGER -News. *KMTR-News, Beverly Hill-

billies. KGFJ- Musical Digest.

0:1.', -KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-



6:00 -7:00 P.M.

Artur Ruhmstein, pianist, i n S i x I n t c r m e r z i, Two

Rhapsodies by Brahms PLUS

Henri Nosco conducting CHANSON BOHEME from Bizet's CARMEN.

Screen Test. *KECA -Peter de Lima.

KMPC -Music by Sears. *KFWB -John B. Hughes.

KRKD -Sweet and Lonely. *KIND- News. 8:30 -KF!, KIND-Information

Please. RECA, HEMS- Spotlight


Calif. State Dem. Corn. KM PC-Rupert Hughes. KFWB- America Dances. RFOX -HaI's Memory Room.

6:45 -HHJ KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Poiitical.

KMPC -Barber Shop Quar- tette.

KPAS- Townsend Plan. 6:55 -KECA, KFMM- Coronet Story

Teller. 7 -KFI. KFSD -Carnation Con-

tented Hr. HNX -Screen Guild Players.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HIVE-- Henry Gladstone.

*KECA, KFMIS- Raymond Gram Swing.

*HMPC -News, Lou Holtz. *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC -Floyd A. Allen. HGFJ -Show Tunes.

:15 *HHJ, KGB. KFXM, ATOE- Lowell Thomas.

*KB('A -Ted Malone. KM P(' -Ray Bloch. AMTS -W. B. Record.

7:30 -IFI, KFSD -Dr. 1. Q. HNX -Thanks to the Yanks. KECA, KFWB- Horace Heldt

for Servicemen. KIJ, KGB, KFXM, HV'OE-

Lone Ranger. *BFW B -News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC-Twilight Serenade. Kl'AS- Studio Frolics. HGFJ -Spanish Hour.

:45 *KFWB, HFOX -Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

*KFAC-News. 8 -KFI, KFSD -Chesterfield Mu-

sic Shop. RN X-1 Iwo e Mystery. KE('A. KFMil -Watch the

World Go By. KIIJ. KGB, KFXM, HV OE-

Sherlock Holmes. *Kr5tPC -News, Musical Mile-

stones. *KFWB- Reuters' News Dis-

patches. KFAC- Escuing Concert. KPAS -J. Frank Rorke

8:05 -HOER -Jean Name.


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05 -9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

KNITS-Floyd B. Johnson. 0:15 *KFI, KFSD -Roy Maypole,

Comment. KNX -Hedda Hopper. RECA. KFMR -Gum & Abner. SPAS -Hon. Jerry Voorhis.

B:ôO -IFI, HFSU- Cavalcade of America. 6

KS \ -Gay Nineties Res ue. KECA, KIE5111- Counterspy, KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Mirhael Shane. K51PC -Pay Day Quiz.

*KFWB -News. 9:55 -Dr. Wallace Sterling.

9 KFI. KFSD- Telenhone Hour. KNX -The Whistler. KECA, HFMB -Blind Date.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

Senke Club. New Time -New Station

Barbara Ann


KMPC 710 on your dial

*KMTR -News, Dr. A. V. Michelson.

9:16 *HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV-OE- Cecil Brown, Ness.

9:30 -KFI- "Noah Webster Says ". KNX -Vox Pop.

*RAJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Fulton Lewis, Jr.

KGFJ -Blue of Esening. SPAS -Life and Health.

*KFSD -It opert Hughes. 9:45 -KECA- Reserse.

KHJ. RFXM, HVOE -Sunny Skylar.

*KFWB -Sam Baiter. KMTH -Merl Lindsay & Band.

*Rte, FSD -Richfield Re- porter.

*HNX -Ten o'Clork Wire. *RF:('A, KF :MB- H oil) wood

Spotlight, George Fisher. K11.1, BGB. KFX31 -Right to





Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. Iory aine I...e/ Sunday

KFIVnI' A,serlee', ri..,t Semis


KFW- B- Eastslde Dance Tonite.

*KMTR-News. Bob Brooks. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance HGFJ -Hank, Nightwatch-

man, 'till 6 a.m. *KIND- Newsiral, 3 Hrs. 10:15 *KIP- Manchester Buddy.

*HNX -Commentary, John Cohn.

KECA- 10 -3 -4 Ranch,

Inside the News with Edward Jorgenson

and Norman Nesbitt

10:30 P. M. - KFI


HHJ. HGIl, KI'XM, K'S 0E- Plitiral.

1e:30 *KFI -Inside the News (Thrifty Drug.)

ANN-Worlds Most Honored Music.

KECA -Sans Bailer Sports. KMPC'- ('hisholme Trail. HMTR -Art Wenzel Orrb.

10:45 -KF T- Medals in )1 nJr, HNX -Gayle & Charles. HMTR -Jock Riley.

*BFI, KINK, 1111J-News. KECA- Tunes, Tidings -Phil

McHugh. *KMPC -News, Showboat.

KF1V'11- Eastside Dance. *R F V t)-N ewslcal.

HFOX -Merl Lindsay and Site Riders.

11 :15-K FI- Musical Interlude. HHJ -Wings Oser the West

Coast. KFAC-Lucky Eager Dance.

li:20*KFI -Peter de Lima. KNX -Lenny Conn.

11:30- KFI -Radin Venfere. *K CA -News, Dixie Hospital -

KMPC- Concert Miniature. *KFV'D- Ness siral, 'till 1 a.m.

11:45 *KHJ, KFSD -News. HNX -Hollywood Bowl.

11:55*KNS, KFWB -News.


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17 At hours where no listing Is shown for a local station, recorded music has been scheduled.

0-K11-Johnny Murray. X-Mark Breneman.

HECA-Between the Lines.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First tvfate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KHJ, KGB., KFX31, HVOE-- Shady Valley Folks.

*KM PC-Newa. William Parker *HMTR-News, Ezra's Bev.

Hillbillies. HFAC-Country Church of

Hollywood. *K PAS, HGFJ, KGER-News.

HIVKW, KFOX, HRHD-- Ha ven of Rest.

HFVD-Covered Wagon Jubilee.

ICFSD-A to Z. 11:15*KFI-T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. KNX-Valiant Lady.

*KECA-News. HAIPC-Market Report, Sports

Roundup. EFWB-Bands in Review. HGFJ-Breakfast Tunes. HGER-Mizpah. KFSD-Good Cheer.

11:15-KPAS--Minute Prayer. 6:30-KFI--Albers' Hour.

*KFAC, HRHD-News. HECA, KFMB-McNeill's

Breakfast Club. !MX-Light of the World.

*KFIJ-Frank Hemingway, News.

1EMPC-Unity Daily Word. HFWB--Heip Wanted. liEMTR-Ter Tyler. HPAS-Has en of Rest. HWIEW-Ani. League Praying

Mothers. HFOX-Rev. R. E. Reid. *KRIM-News Headlines. KFX31-Sunshine Service. KGB-Jolly Joe and Ralph. HVOE-Wally Townsend.

11:45-K11, HFSD-David Hrom. KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*KFWB-News. KMTR-Bibie Treasury. IRESD-Dr. Reynolds. HIND-Vocal Fes antes. HVOE-Bing Crosby. HGER-Rev. . Bennington.

:55-HGB HFXM-Charlotte Deeble.

9:58-1131TH-Time Signal. dek*EF7--News.

KNX-Hate Smith. *'_nj, KGB, KFX. M. 11V0E-

Boake Carter, News. NM-A-Glamor Manor.

*16MPC-News, Sweet Leilant IIMPC Today.

KFWB--Health Talk. *HMTR-News, Christian Fun-

damentals. IEFAC-J. Newton Yates. KRIM-Sagebrush Serenade. MEW-Bing Crosby. K PAS-Polly Patterson.

*KGFJ. KGER, KFSD-News. HFOX-Firehrands for Jesus.

:06*1111-Ed ward Jorgenson, Comment.

and Pat

ITTERSON "Household Hints"

KPAS-9:00 a. m. Monday Thru Friday

:15*KFL KFSD-Larry Smith, Commentator.

ENN-Big Sister. KRIJ--Time Out. KMPC-Say It With Music. KFW15--Rhumba Time. KGFJ-Medica I. KFAC-Voice of Health. KRIM-Variety. KGER.-Res . J. A. Lovell. HGB-Time for Music.


KFX5I-Future PnlimIted. 570-1-

gnn eon irrm us igan tun 1410 14410

WPC gay rFweirmiT T iiR KFOXTKGBT I (Muff lite iiro T13301-1390 I

lit 0E-Music Mixers. :20-KFX5I-Old Family Almanac.

9:30*KFI-News. KNX-Romance of Helen

Trent. RECA, KFMB-Breakfast at

Sartre. KHI. KGB, KFX3f, HVOE--

Midland, U.S.A. *KFWB, KFA(', KWKW-News

KMTIR-W. B. Record. KPAS-Scratches and Jockeys HGER-Radio Re% it al. HFVD-Show Tunes. HGFJ-Swing Serenade. KFSD-Across the Threshold.

g :40-K_ FI--Magazine Page. HFWB-Rhumba Time.

9:45-KFI-Ronny Mansfield. Songs. KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KM, KGB, KFX,M, KVOE-

Amazing Jennifer 1..ogan. HP% B-Midmorning Melodies. KMTR-Curtis H. Springer.

*HRKD-News, Clifton. KFAC-Midmorning Serenade. KRAW-Willard Messenger. KGER-Full Gospel. HFVD-Here Comes Parade. HFSD-Ann Gibson.

9 :55*HFI-News.

10 *HPI-Voice of a Nation. KNX-Life Can Re Beautiful.

*HHJ, KGB. HFX34, HVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA, HFMB-Tony Morse. *KM PC-News. Hodge Podge

HFVI B-Hitchen Kollege, Chef Milani.

*K3ITR-News, Music. HPAS-Harmony Homestead. HWHW-Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. IHRKD-Turf Bulletin.

*KGFJ, KFOX-News. KFSD-Sewing School.

*HGER-News, Mission Work- ers.

10:15*KFI-Peter de Lima. HNX-Ma Perkins. HEC'A-Jack Rerch & Boys. HHJ, KGB, HFX.M, ATOE-

Terry's House Party. KMTR-Chicago Tabernacle.

*H PAS-News. KG FJ-Salon Swing. KGF:R-Kingdom Within.

RIED-Dr. O. M. Richardsor KFOX-Rev. . Emma Taylor.

10 :30-KFI-Aunt Mary. *KNX-Bernardine Flynn,

News. KHJ-Sewing School. KECA-My True Story. AMPI-Ring Crosby.

*KFti B, IRFAC, KWKW-News KIVITR-Floyd B. Johnson. HPAS-J. Nen ton Yates,

Organ. KFVD-Union Rescue Mission.

0/11 WM/ 111/11 g... 14JV 11...,V I eta,.

KGB. HFX111, HVOE-Lunek- eon with Lopez.

KGER-Sunshine Pastor. KFSD-Albera Hour.

10 :415*HFI. HEMD-Art Baker, News HNX-The Goldbergs. H03, KGB, HFXM, ATOE.-.

Political. HM PC-Home Chats. HFWB-Science of Mind. HMTR-Talks and Tunes. AFA(-Between the Lines. KFOX-Pastor Sweazy. KWKW-Miils' & King's Men. KRKII-Midnight Mission.

10:55-HECA-Aunt Jemina.

11- HFI, HFSD-Guiding Light. KNX-Joyce Jordan, M.D.

*MCA. KE31B-Baukhage Talking.

*HFIJ, KGB, HVOE-Cedrle Foster.

*KM PC-News, Sweet LeBow'. KFWB-Al Jarvis.

*KMTR-News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

KWKW-Vocal Varieties. *KGFJ. KFVD. IEGER-News.

KPAS-Rodeo Rhythm. HFAC-Floretta. HEXM-Music House.

11:15-KFI, HIPSD-Today's Children KNX-Two on a Clue. KE('A, HEMB-Mystery Chef. KMPC-Lady of Charm. KGFJ-Sweet and Low.

*KWHW-News. KFVD-Musical Revue. HFOX-Spotlight Bands. KGB. HVOE-Do You Need

Advice? KFXM-Stars on Parade.

11 :25-KI1J-Owl Program. 11:30-KFI, KFSD-Woman in White

KNX-Young Dr. Malone. KECA-Musical Moments. KHJ, HGB, KFILM, KITE-

Jane Cowl. IIMPC-Stump Ts. KMTR-Curtis H. Springer.

*KPAS-Pasadena Independent. *KFAC, HFOX-News. l*HRKD-News, Douglati.

KRIM-Freddy Martin. KFIrD-Violet Schram. KGFJ-Tuneful Tunes. HGER-Rev. Chas. Greene-

myer. 11:45-KFI, KFSD-Hymns of All

Churches. KNX-Perry Mason.

*HECA, HFMB-News, Ted Meyers.

KHJ-Victor Lindiahr. KFAC-Plano Briefs. HPAS-Hoot's Painted Post. KWKW-Frank Sinatra. KFOX-Linda Day.


TUESDAY 'Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Tyne Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:06-I Love a Mystery, ANN. 6:00-Count of Monte Cristo,

KHJ. 8:30-Big Town, KNX. 9:30-Downstage Center, BM.

Q uiz Programs 1:00-Think Hard Now, KILL 7 :30-Webers Roundup, /IMI'(.

Outstanding Music 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

' K FA(' 4 :30-American Melody Hour,

ANN. $:O0-Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:30-Inglewood Park Concert,

KN X. $:0O-Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00-Lucky Lager Dance Time, HFAC.

10 :00-Newsical, HFVD. 10:00-San Francisco Opera,

KHJ. 10 :00-Esstside Dance Tonite,


Public Jffairs :30-American Forum, KHJ.

10:30-Congress Speaks, HNX.

Sports-Comment 9:30-Scratches. Jockeys. KPAS

10 :00-Turf Bulletins, KRKD. 12 :30-Bridge Club. KMPC. 5:15-Belle Martell, 1FINITIL II:00-Sportstime KMPC.

10:00-Olympic Fights, KMTR. 10:30-Sam Baiter Sports, KEC A .

8 :00-Johnny :llurray, NEI. 5:00-Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30-Breakfast at Mardi's,

K RCA. 10:00-Chef Milani. KFWB. 11 :30-Jane Cowl. KHJ. 4:30-Art Baker's Notebook, HEI 5 :30-Date with Judy. SF!. 8:00-Burns and Allen, HRN. 8:30-Fibber McGee & Molly,

KFI. :30-Spotlight Bands, KECA.

7:00-Bob Hope, EFL 7:30-Let Yourself Go, HECA. 7:30-Raleigh Room, Hildegard,

HFI. 8:00-Mercer-Stafford Show,

HFI. 11:15-Lum and Abner, HECA. 8:30-Johnny Presents °luny

Simms, /CFI. 8:36-Alan Young Show, HECA. 9:00-Everything for the Boys,

9:00-Club Good Cheer, KECA. 9:00-Romance, KNX.

War 4:30-World's Front rage, KHJ.

Drama 6:00-Mystery Theater, KFI. d:35-This Is My Best, HNX. 8:55-Coronet Story Teller,

KECA. 7 :30-Red Ryder, HIM

KMPC-Prn er.

12-KFi F1-,R Reporter. RN ;: r3 Marlin.

*K11-Broaaway News . KE('A, KERB-Morton Dow-

ney. *BMPC-New%, Garden Hints.

Hill- billies.

*HMTR-News, Ezra's KPAS--Itancho 11-10. KFAC, KFVD-Luncheon



ws. KWHW-Lunch With Moores. FIFSD-R aihan of America. KRFCD--Prairie Schooner, KFXM-Unscheduled.

12:15-KFI, KFSD--Ma Perkins. KNX-Neighbors, Irene Beas-

ley. KECA-Hollywood Star Time. KHJ-Johnson Family. KM PC-Norman Nesbitt. KWKW-Open Bible Soc. KGER-1390 Club. KGB, RW1E-Palmer House

Concert. *111.74M, KFOX-News.

12:30-KFL KFSD-Pepper Young's Family.

HNX-Bright Horizon. KHJ-Homemakers' Club.

*HECA-Kiernan's News Corner.

KMPC-13ridge Club, R. L. Johnson.

*KFWB-News. 1131TR-Merl Lindsay & Band. KFOX-March Time. KFVD--Violet Schram. HIVHW-Dinah Shore. HGB-Molly Morse. KFM-Farm Front. HVOE-The Smoothies.

12:35-Eli, HFSD-Right to Happi- ness.

ANN-Bachelor's Children. HECA-Memories in Melody. KFWB-Al Jan is.

*KFM', KFXM, Kt-SD-News, KW KW-Dick McIntyre. KGB, HVOE-Musicale. IEFOX-Meet the Band.

KFSD-Backstage Wife. ANN-This Changing World.

*KF.CA. HE:NB-World Wide Review.

HWY KGB, HFX5I. HVOE-- Think Hard Now.

*KMPC-News, Sweet Lefts'. *EFWB-News. *KMTR-News, Perkins Carril-

lo!. KGFJ-Easy Rhythm.

*KWHW-News. Military Band KFAC-Dr. Walter Raymond.

*KGER, KFVD-News. 1:15-KFI, KFSD-Stella Dallas.

*KNX-Bob Andersen. KE('A, HF111B--Radio Parade. KHJ-Do You Remember? KM PC-Today's Band. KFWII-Al Jarvis. HIS KW-Viennese. KFAC-Melindy Matinee. HFXM, KFVD-Moods in

Music. KB, KVOE-Open House. 1:25*KWKW-News. 1:30-KFI, KFSD-Lorenzo Jones.

ANN-School of the Air. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE--

Headlines in Harmony. *HECA-Time Views the News.

HMPC-Family Bible. KMTR-Saunders Sisters.

*KPAS. HRHD-News. KWKW-Memories. KFVD-Hawalian. KFOX-Concert Master, KGFJ-Biensenidos Amigos.

1:45-KFI, KFSD-Young Widder Brown.

*KNX-News. Afternoon Dance *HECA-Blue Newsroom.

Review, Buddy Twigs. KMPC-Rendezvous with Be'.

KinneTaR-e. lil Tex Tyler. KFAC-Between the Lines. KRI11)--Singing Waiters. HWKW-Alvino Rey.

1:50*HECA-Edward Jorgenson. 2-KFI. KFSD-When a Girl

Marries. KNX-Potluck Party.

*KHJ-This Changing World. KECA, KFMB-What's Doing.

Ladies. *H3IPC-News, Pen Americana *HMTR-News, Halley's

Swingtime. HWICW-Copper C KFOX-Organ Treasures KRAD-Concert Melodies.


KFVD-Timely Tunes. KGB, RF'XM, KTOE -Faces

and Places. KG 1.4-Town Crier Presents. HIER -Long Beach Band.

2:15 -RF1, KF14D- l'ortie Fucee Life *KH.1, KGB, KFXM, AVOE-

P. S. Marine Band. KFAC-Paradise Isle. KFOX -Public Bulletin.

2:25 *KNX -News. 2:30 -K I. KFSD -Just Plain Bill.

HNX -Meet the Miscue. *KECA- Behind the War News

KFWB -Hai Styles. KM PC-Easy Rhythm. KI'AS- Slupsy Maxie's.

*KRKD -News. KFOX -Songs of the West. KFXM -Townsend Plan. KVOE-- Political.

!:45 -KFI, KFSD -Front Page Farrell.

KE('A- Frances Scully. KRKD- Salvatore Santaella. KHJ, KGB, AVOE -Radio

Tour. *KFVD- News.

3 RFC, KFSD -Road of Life. KNX -Burritt Wheeler.

*KECA -Three ri Clock News. *KM PC-News, Swing Shift.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR-News, It lays to

Know. KFAC- Musical Comedy.

*R PAS-List eners' Digest. KGFJ -Jack Pot.

*KFSD -K(IFR -News. ARAD- Matinee Melodies. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB. HVOE- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM- Prayer, News, Devo-

tions. 3:13 -K FT. KFSD -Star Playhouse.

RAJ -Sweet and Sentimental. KECA, KFMII- Broadway

Memories. RWKW -Dave Rosse.

HPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KFOX -Hawaii Calls. KVOE -Civic Interest.

3:30 -KFT. KFSD- Rosemary. *KNX -News, Afternoon

Dance. RHJ -Happy Homes, Norma

Voting. *KECA, KFMB, HUED -News.

KMTR -l'in nos. KGFJ -Swing Beam.

*KRKD -News Headlines. *KWKW-Off the Press.

KFY D -Star Time Tunes. HFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGB, ATOE- Musical Matinee

3 :35 -KECA -Ruth Wentworth. 3:45 -KFI- Woman of America.

*KNX-World Today, Joseph Rarsch.

KECA -.1ny Burnett. KR.1 -Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KFWB -Jazz. HMTR- Screwball Theater. KGB, KFXM, HVOE- -Joha-

son Family. RIND -Aunt Mary. KGER- Cheerful ('hatter.

4 BFI, KFSD -Dr. Kate. KNXSandra Martin.

*KF:('A, KG ER, HFOX -News. *KH.1, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Fulton Lewis, jr. *HMPC -News, Swing Shift.

KFWB -Bert Flske. *HMTR -News, Santaella En-



Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


K FA('- Musical Masterpieces. *KGF' -.cure.

KWKW -Bing Crosby. KFTD-Piano.

4:15 *KFI KFSD -World News. *KNX -News, Music.

RAJ, KGB, KFXM, ATOE- Real Life Stories.

*KECA-General Fierce. KFWB -Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -Radio Newsreel. *KIND-News.

KGFJ -Record Time. RWKW-Barry tames. KRHD- Movieland Quiz.

4:3íF -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. ANX- American Melody Hour. RAJ, KGB, KT'ON World's

Front Page. REtA- Twilight Tales. KM PC-Tours for Guessing. KMTR -KFOX -Old Age Pen-

sions. TIMID-Tunes of the Day. RWKW-Glen Miller. KFt'IF -Tea Time Music. RFX5I -Dr. Philip Lovell. KFSD -Black 'e' White.

4:45 -KHJ, KGB HYDE- Unscheduled.

KFAB- Stuart Hamblen. KE('A -Hop Harrigan. KWKW-Tommy Dorsey. KFOX -Art Dickinson.

*KRKD -News. Browning. KGFJ -Gas House Concert. KFXM -War Manpower. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle.

S *BFI, KFSD -OK for Release. KNX -Fletcher Wiley.

*KHJ- Broadway News. RAC A, KFMB -Terry and the

Pirates. *KMI(' -News. Focal Events. *HMTR -News, Perkins Carni-

val. AMA W- Amerlean Jewish Hr. KFAC -Dance Tempos. KPAS- F'ncle Charlie. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KGFJ -Jive at S. KFYD -Evening Serenade. KFOX-Sunshine Pastor.

*KGER, KFXM -News. K T OE- Variety.

S:05 -KGER -Olga Craves. 5:15 *KFI. KFSD -News,

RNX -HNX -tra. FA'A -Dick Tracy.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, ATOE- Superman.

HMPC- Variations In Rhythm. KMTR -Belle Martell, Sports.

*KFAC. KFYD. KFSD -News. 5 :30-KFI, KFSD -A Date with

Judy. *KNX -Harry W. Flannery.

ARCA, KFMB -Jack Arm- strong.

KH.1, KGB, KFXM, ATOE- Adventures of Tom Mix.

KMPC -World of Song. KMTR -Irwin Allen. RFA(' -Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ- Interlude. KFYD -0O -90 Club. KRHD -South Seas Serenade. KGER- Lighthouse Melodies.

5:43 *RNX -Truman Bradley. News. KECA -Captain Midnight.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, ATOE- Night News Wire.

KMPC -Help Wanted. *KMTR -R. Louis Flatan.

5:55 *HNX -Bill Henry.

6 BFI. KFSD -Mystery Theater. ANN- George Burns and

Gracie Allen. *KH.1, KGB, KFXM, AVOE-

Gabriel Heatter.



6:00 -7:00 P.M.

QUARTET IN B FLAT by Mozart PLUS Joseph Szi- geti playing Mendelssohn's CONCERTO IN E MINOR.

*KECA, KF :MB -Newa. *KMI'(' -News, Sportetime. *HMTR -.News, Ezra's Beverly

Hillbillies. *IWOX, KGER -News.

KFAC-Muslc for Everyone. KGFJ- Musical Digest. AWRW- Fordelloo. KPAS- Future Pianists.

6:15 -HHJ, KGB, KFXM, HIVE- Screen Test.

*KECA -Peter de Lima. KMPI' -Music by Sears.

*KFWB -John B. Hughes, "News and Views."

*KFVD, KFSD -News. KFOX -Dick Ross. KPAS -Amer. Communications

6:30 -KFI, KFSD- Fibber Mc Gee & Molly.

KNX -This Is My Best.

KE.IA. HF:MB- Spotlight Bands.

KHJ, KFXM, KTOE -Amer- Icon Forum.

KMPC- Salute to lilts. KFWB- "America Dances" KFYD- Taudeville. KRRIF- Recreated Races. KWKW-Hoyes Hour. KI'AS- Church of Christ. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room.

*KGB -Eddy Orcutt. KVOE- Gospel Light.

6 :45-K l'AS- Townsend Plan. HMPC- Barber Shop

Quartette. e:55 -KECA- Coronet Story Teller.

7 HF!, KFSD -(lob Hope. KNX -Sen ice to the Front.

*KECA, HFMB- Raymond Gram Swing.

*KMPC- News, Lon Holtz. *HMTR -News, Viennese En-

semble. KGFJ -Show Tunes. RFA(' -Musical Comedy.

*KRKD, KGER -News. KPAS -Help Wanted.

7:15 *HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KTOE- Lowell Thomas.

*KECA, KFMB, KFVD -News. KMPC- Political. KMTR-W. B. Record. KPAS -CIO Reporter. KFAC-So. American.

:30 -KFI, KFSD- Raleigh Room with Hildegard.

ARCA, KFMB -Let Yourself Go.

HNX -Inglewood 'Park Con- cert.

KHJ. KGB, HF.L.f, KVOE- Red Ryder.

K *' pSJlEli

414"fis War Chest Program

Concert Orchestra EARL TOWNER, Dir.

KM- Tuesday. 7:30 P. M. Inglewood Park Cemetery Assn.

KMPC -Weber's Roundup. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC- Twilight Serenade. K PAS-Studio Frolics. KRKD-Do You Know... KGFJ Spanish Hour. KGER- Aingdom Within.

7:45 *KFWB, KFOX -Major Hubert Turner. Comment.

*KFAC-News. SPAS -Roy & Lenny.

8 -BFI, KFSij- Chesterfield Mu- sic Shop.

ANX -I Love a Mystery. *HFA'A. KFMB -Watch the

World Go By. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, AVOE-

('ount of Monte Cristo. K5I1'C -News. Vocal Gems.

*HFIVR- Dispatch from Reuters'.

*KMTR -News. Grace Dotson. KFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ -B. & R. Cowboys.

*KPAS -J. Frank Burke. 9:05 -KPAS- Cnited Races. 8:15*KFI, KF71D -Roy Maypole,

Comment. KNX -John Nesbitt's Passing

Parade. RECA, KFMB -Lum & Abner. KFWB -Rene Williams Orch.

s:30 -KFI, HUMS- Johnny Presents Ginny Simms.

RNA -Big Town. EECA. KFMB -Alan Young




KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Freedom of Opportunity.

KMí'C- Symphonettes. *KFW'R News.

KMTR-Central Church of Christ.

17 TUESDAY LOGS KFWB- Stroll in' Tom.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HYDE- News, Glenn Hardy.

HPAS -l'. E , Gardner. KGFJ- Western Melody.

s:45- KFWB -Hell Wanted. KGFJ- Trumpet Blues.

9 -11Ff, HFSD- Everything for the Boys, Haymes- Jenkins.

HN X- Romance. KECA -Club Good Cheer.

*KMPC - Trews, Music Box. *HMTR -News, Dr. A.

Michelson. KPAS-Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

9:15 *HHJ, KGB. KFXM, K{'OE- Rex Miller.

KGFJ -Dancing Rhythm. *KFOX -Newa.

9 :25-RN X-Dramatic Story. 9:30 -KFI- Dornetage Center.

RNX -Edwin C. Hill. *KECA, KFMB -News.

*K ton KGB, KFXM, ATOFr-

HMTR -Ham and Eggs. KPAS- Spotlight Stories. KGFJ -Blue of Evening. KFSD -Friendship.

9:45 -RECA. KFMB -Reser -e. RNX -Tapestries of Life. HA.I, HF.XM, KVOE -Sunny

Sky lar. *K FMB-Sam Baiter.

MITE-Interpretation Plesse. *KFI, HFSD- Richfield Re-


*KE('A.TKFMB k Wire.

George Fisher.

KHJ, KGB-San Francisceo Opera.

*KMPC -News,

Rainbow Ren-

KFWB- Eastside Dance To- n it e.


DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. a.ry Mite s.,.er S..d.y

Kr WB America's eln,1 a..d.

*KMTH -News, Olympic Fights KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance. KGFJ -Hank, Night Watch-

man, till 6 a.m. HPAS- ('igle Roundtable. *HMI- Newsiest, 3 Hrs.

10:15 -KFI- Cheque Your Munie. *KNX -John Cheee.

HHJ, KGB, KFXM, ATOE- Joe Reichman's Orch.

KMPC-Moments of Melody.

Inside the with Edward Jor.,

and Norman N 10:30 P. M.


ews en son sbitt


10:30 -KFI -inside News (Thrifty Drug).

RNX -Congress Speaks. KHJ-Johnson Family. KECA -Sam Baiter, Sports. KMPC- Chishoime Trail. KGB- American Forum. KFXM, HIVE-Joe Marsala

Orch. *KFYD- Newsical.

10:45- KFI -Taylor Made Melodies. KHJ, HFX51, KVOE -Air

Lane Trio. KNX-Gayle and Charles. KM PC- American Songs.

11 *HFI- Eleventh Hour News. *HNX -News, Bob Andersen. *KHJ-News, Music.

KECA- Tunes, Tidings -Phil McHugh.

*KMPC -News. Showboat. KFWB- Eastside Dance To-

nite. *KMTR -News, Bob Brooks.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. HFOX -Meri Lindsay Nita

Riders. 11:15-KFI-Post Parade, Henry

King Orch. KHJ--t". S. Marine Band.

Heart. 11:20 -RNX -Henry Busse Orch.

*KFYD- Newsical 'till 1 a.m. 11:45 --KFI, KFSD -Ted Weems

Orch. RNX -Lionel Hampton.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 At hours where no listing Is shown for a l o c a l station, recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

0-KFI-Johnny Murray. KNX -Mark Breneman.

*KECA- Between the Lines. KHJ, KGB. KFXM KVOE-

Shady Valley Folks. *KMPC-News, William Parker

HFR'B- Breakfast Club. *KMTR -News, Ezra's Beverly

Hillbillies. *SPAS, KGFJ, SGER -News.

!CRIED-Morning Melodies. KFAC-Country Church. /MEW-Jo mes Townsend. HFYT)- Covered Wagon


KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot 8:05 -KGER -Soul Patrol. 8:15 *KFi -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. KNX- Valiant Lady.

*KECA -News. H.MPC- Mnrket Report, Sports

Roundup. KWKW-Alt inn Rey. KGFJ- Breakfast Tunes. KGER -Mizpa h. HVOE- Melody in Swing -

time. 8:25-- KPAS- Prayer Minute.

:30 *KFI, KFSD, KFAC-News. KECA. HFMB- McNeill's

Breakfast Club. KNX -Light of the Rorld.

*KHJ -Frank Hemingway seas KMPC-Unity Daily Rord. KMTR -Tez Tyler.

*KFM' -News. KPAS -Haven of Rest. KWKW-Tab. of Holy Spirit.

*KRKD -Yews Headlines. AEON -Rev. R. E. Reid. KFXM -Sunshine Service. KGB. KVOE -Jolly Joe and

Ralph. E:45 -AFL HFSD -David Harum.

HNX -Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories.

HMTR -Bible Treasury. KGB -Leo Huff Trio. KVOE -Bing Crosby. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KGER -Rev. Bennington.

g:55 -MBS -Lanny fi Ginger. 8:58 -HMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI -News. KNX -Kate Smith. KF,CA -- Glamor Manor.

*HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Snake Carter, News.

*KMPC. -News, Sweet tenant. *K-VITR -News, Church Looks

at Life. KFAC -J. Newton Yates. RWKW -Girl Scouts. APAS -Polly Patterson. KRKD- Sa;refinish Serenade. KFVD -Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. *KGFJ, KGER -News.

9:05 -KGER -Curtis H. Springer. *KFT- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. 9:15 *KFT, KFSD -Larry Smith,

Commentator. RNX -Big Sister. KHJ -Time Out. KMPC -Say It With Music. KFWR- Rhumha Time. KFAC -Voice of Health. KWKW- ,Jimmy Dorsey. HGFJ- Medical. KGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. KFXM -Future Unlimited. KVOE -Mnsie Misers. KGB -Serenading You.

li:30*KFI -News. KNX- Romance of Helen

Trent. KHJ. KGB, RFX.M, KVOF.-

Midland, F.S.A. RECA. KFMB- Breakfast at

Sardis. *KFR B. KFAC, KR KW -News

KMTR -W. B. Record. HPAS- Scratches and Jockeys. KFVD -Show Tunes. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KGER -Radio Revival. HFSD- Across the Threshold.

9 :35 -KVOE -Coast Guard Band.

9:10 -K11- Magazine Page. KF1113 -Sweet leilani Time.

9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Amazing Jennifer Jones. HENNIS- Midmorning Melodies. HMTR - ,irtis H. Springer.

*KRKD -News, Clifton. KFAC -Mid -Morning Serenade KWKW-Willard Messenger. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KGER -Full Gospel. HFSD -Ann Gihson.

9:53- KRKD -011, Oh! HMI-Aunt Jemima.

*HET -News.

10 *KFi -Voice of a Nation. KNX -t.ife Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, FMB, KFXM. KVOE- \ews, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA, KFMB -Tony Morse. *KMPC -Newa. Hodge Podge.

KF Wit- Kitchen Kollege, Chef Milani.

*KMMTR -News, Music, *Kt.F.1, AFOX -News.

K PAS-Ha rmony Homestead. KWKW- Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. KFVD -Morning Serenade. KRKD -Turf Bulletins.

*KGER-News, Mission 11ork- ers.

10:15 *KFT -Peter de lima. KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Jack Berch & Boys. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, AVOE-

Terry's House l'arty. KMTR- Chicago Tabernacle. *A PA S -News. KGF./ -Salon Swing. ARAD -Dr. O. 'LRichardson. KGER- Kingdom Within. SFOX -Rev, Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI -Aunt Mary. *KNX- Bernadine Flynn, News.

Hß,1, KGB, KEXIIf, KVOF Luncheon with Lopez.

NOW PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

on KPAS -10:30 A. M.

KM PC-BI ng Crosby. KECA-My True Story.

*KFR'B, KFAC, EWEW -News HMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. KPAS- Woman's World. KRKD- Samoiloff,



s7DT64oT790T93oT1020T i70 T 1240 T133UT139oIT 600 110 870 980 1070 1110 1230 129U I36U 1430 1490

EIS l)- C'ninn Rescue Mission. Ki our Albers Hr. SGER- Sunshine Pastor.

10:15 -KFI, KFSD -Art Baker, News KNX -The Goldbergs. KHJ -Handy Man. KMPC -Home Chats. KFRB- Science tif Mind. KMTR -Care of the Body. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KFAC- Between the Lines. K%KW- King's Men & Mills. AFOX- Pastor Sweazy. KGB, RFXM, K OE- Ameri-

can Women's Jury. 10:55 -KECA -Aunt Jemima.

11 BFI, AFSD- Guiding Light. KNX -Joyce Jordan, M.D.

*KECA, KFMR- Bankhage Talking.

*AH.J, KGB, K OE -- Cedric Foster.

*KMPC -News, Sweet Leilanl. *HMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talhot. KFR B-A1 Jarvis. KFAC- Flnretta.

*AC,FJ, KFVD, KGF'R -Yews. KPAS- :tndeo Rhythm. KW KW-1 oral % arieties. Kl'X51-Music House.

11:15 -:CFI. KFSD- Today's Children K.X -Two on a Clue. KH.1- Leaders of United Na-

tions. AEC A, KFMB- 31y ster, Chef. EMIT -Lady of ('harm. KGB. AV 0E -Do You Need

Advice? KGFJ -Sweet and Low. HPAS -J. Newton Yates.

*KWKW -News. KFOX- Spotlight Bands. KGER -Dr. Loa man.

11:30 -:5F1, AFSD -Woman to halte I=NX -Voting Or. slalon,. RAJ, KGB, KFXM, RVOE-

a.,e tu.t1. KECA- Musical Moments. KMPC -Stump Us. HMTR -Curtis H. Springer. KWKW- Freddy Martin.

*KFAC, FRED, KFOX -News. KGFJ- Tuneful Tunes. KPAS- Pasadena Independent. KGER -Rev. Chas. Greene -

myer. 11:45 -AFT, KFSD -Hymns of Al

Churches. ANX -Perry Mason.

*KECA, KFMB -News, Ted Meyers.

AH.I- Victor t.ind)ahr. SGFJ -Calling All Zones.

WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightfacs Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8.00- Johnny Murray, KFT. 8:00-Breakfast Club, KFTVB. 9:0) -Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30- Breakfast at Sardis,

KECA. 10:0) -Chef Milani. KF W13. 11:3(1 -Jane Cowl, KHJ. 4:34- --And and Virginia, KECA. 6:00 -Eddie Cantor, KFI. 6:00 -Frank Sinatra Show, KNX 6:30 -,lark Carson, KNX. 7:00 --Kay Kyser, KFI. R:00- Mercer -Stafford Show, AF1 S:15 and Abner, KECA. 5:30- Carton of Cheer, KFI. 9:00 -Allan Jones Show, KNX.

War 11:13-Leaders of United Nations,

KHJ. 5:13- Salute to the Services,

HMTR. 8:00 -Reuters' News Dispatch,

KERB. 8:00 -Telex ision, Test Pattern,

WAX VZ. 8:30 -Television, Amateur

Posing W6XYZ. :00--Television, Vaudeville,

R'6X1 Z.

Drama 9:4.5-Amazing Jennifer Logan.

KHJ. 3:15 -Star Playhouse, KFF. 6:30 -Mr. District Attorney, KFI 6:34- First Nighter, KFIJ. 7: :i0 -Lone Ranger, KHJ. 8:00 -I Love a Mystery, ,r,NX.

8:30 -Dr. Christian, J. Hersholt, ANY.

8:30 -Bulldog Drummond. KHJ. 9:00 -Mr. and Mrs. North, KFI.

Quiz Programs 7:30 -Scramby Ambl. KECA. 9:30 -Money ou the Line. ANN.

Outstanding Music 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC 6:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:00 -Great Moments in Music,

KNX. 7:30- Nelson Eddy, KNX. 5:00- Evening Concert, KFAC. 9:30 --Young Artist's Competi-

tion, KFI. 10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time,

KFAC. 10:00 -San Francisco Opera,

KHJ. 10:00- Newsiral, KFVD. 10:00- F.astside Dance Tnntte,

K F W1I.

Public .1 fjairs 7:00 -Sumner Belles. KHJ. 7:30 -Spanish Hour. HGFJ. 7:30 -Jus ends nnum. KMPC.

Sports- Comment 9:50- Scratches, Jockeys, HPAS.

10:H6-Turf Bulletins, KRKD. 12:30- Bridge Club, KMPC. 6:00- Sportstime, KMPC.

10:30 --Sant Bolles, Sports, KECA.

KFAC -Piano Briefs. KPAS-Hoot's fainted Post. KR KW -Frank Sinatra. KFOX -Linda Day. AI'VD- Violet Schram.

11:55 *KWKW- New -,. KSIPC- Prayer.

111-10I-Farm Reporter. ge RNN -Mary Marlin.

HEC A. KFMB -Morton Doa ney.

*KHJ- Broadway News. *KMPC -News, Garden Hints. *KMTR-News, Ezra's Bev.

Hillbillies. *KGF'.J. KGB, AFSD, KVOE-

KFAC. KFV D- Luncheon Concert.

K PAS- Rancho 11 -10. AWKW -Lunch With the

Moores. ARKD- Prairie Schooner,

*KGER -News, 1390 Club. 12:15 -r{ET, 1CF`QD -Ma Perkins.

ANN- Neighbors, Irene Beas- ley.

KILN -Johnson Family. KECA- Hollywood Star Time. KMPC -Norman Nesbitt.

KR' -Open Bible Soc. EFVD- Luncheon Music.

*KFOX, KFXM -New,. HeB, KVOE- Palmer House

Orch. 12:30 -REi. AFSD- Pepper Young

Family. ANN- Bright Horizon.

*A EC' A- Kiernan's News Corner. MU- Homemakers' Club.

AMPC- Bridge Club, Johnson. *KERB-News.

K3'TR -Merl Lindsay d Band. KWKW -Dinah Shore. KFXM -Farm Front. KVOE -The Smoothies. KGB -Molly Morse.

12:15 -KFI. KFSD -Right to Happi- ness.

ANN- Bachelor's Children. AF.CA- Memories in Melody. KMPC-Lean Back, Listen. KFWB -Al Jarvis.

*KFAC -News. KFVD- Violet Schram. KWKW -Dick McIntyre. KFOX -Meet the Band. KGB, KVOE- Musleale. KFXM -Restera Playboys.

iKFi. KFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX -This Changing World.

*KECA. KFMB -Rorld Wide Renew.

*KMPC -Yew,. Sweet Leilanl. *AFWB, REVD, KGER -New,. *KMTR -News, Perkins Carni- ' al.

AFAC-Dr. Helen Collier. KWKW- Military Band. KGFJ-Easy Rhythm. KFOX -Dance Time.

*KGB, KFXM, KV "OE- Walter Compton.

1:15 -AFT. KFSD- Stella Dallas. *KNX-Rob Andersen.

KECA, KFMB -Radie Parade. KHJ -Human Horizons. KMPC- Today's Band. KERB -Al Janis. KFAC -Melody Matinee. KEY!). EFX31 -Moods in

Munir. KWKW- V "leone.., KGER- Off Ida Is on Parade. KGB -Convair lady. K1 OF,-Open House.

1:25 *KRK W -New,. 1:30 -KEI. HFSD- Lnrenro Jones.

KNX- School of the Air. *AF.('A -Time Views News.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Headlines in Harmony.

AMPC -Family Bible. KMTR- Saunder, Sisters.

*KRKD -News, Music. *KPAS-News.

KWKW-Memories. KGFJ- Bienvenidns Amigos. KFVD- Hawniian Music. AEON- Christian Science.

1:43 -KFI, KFSD -Young Widder Brown..

*KNX -News, Afternoon Dance KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KV0E-

itandy Man. KECA -World of Tomorrow. KMPC -Rendezvous with

Romance. HMTR -Tex Tyler. KFAC- Between the Lines. KRKD -Singing Waiters. KR KW-Alt ino Rey. KFOX-- Concert Master.

1:59 *KECA -Ed Jorgenson.

KFI, RFSD -Eddie Cant..r. KNX -Frank Sinatra Show.


*KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE -- Gabriel Heatter.

*KM P(' -News, Sport etime. *KM

TR es. News, Beverly Hill -

KFA(' -Music for Everyone. KGFJ - Musical Digest.

8:15 -KHT, KGB, KFXM; HVOE- Screen Test.

*KE('A -Peter de Lima. K.MP(' -Musie by Sears, Post.

*KFWB-John B. Hughes. 6:30 -KFI, KFSD -Mr. District

Attorney. KNX -Jack Carson Sbnw. .

KM' A. KF31B- Spotlight Bands.

HHJ, KGB KFXM, HYDE- First Nigtter.

KM PC-Rupert Hughes. KFWB -America Dances. KRHD -Races Recreated, KI'AS- Church of Christ. RWKW -Hoyes Hour. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

8:45 -KRHD- Sweet and Lovely. KMP('- Barber Shop

Quartette. KPAS- Townsend flan. KFSD- Television.

8 :55 -KECA, KFMB-Coronet Story


Marries. KNX -Potluck Party.

*KM-Thin Changing World. KECA. HF51B- What's Doing,

Ladies" *KMPC -News, l'an Ameri-

cana. *H.MTR -News, Halley's

Swingtime. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. HWRW- Copper Caravan. KGER -Long Beach Band. KFVD -Timely Tunes. KGB, HVOE -Faces and

Placee. KFXM-Safety First.

!:15 --KFI. KFSD- Pnrtla Fares life 'KHJ -Today on the Coast. KFAC- Paradise Isle. KFOX- Pnblle Bulletin. KGB. KFXM, KVOE -Army

Service Forces. KFSD -('lassie Hour.

2 :25 *HNX -News. :30 -KFI, KFSD -.lust Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Mlesne. *KI:('A- Behind the War News.

KHJ- Concert. KMPC -Easy Rhythm. KFIVB -Hal Styles. KPAS- Slnpsy Maxie's.

*KRRD -News. KFOX -Songs of the West.

2:45 -KF1, FUND-Front Page Farrel I.

KECA- Frances Scully, KHJ. KGB, KYOE -Radio

Tour. *KIN D -Hewn.

BMW-Sall More Santaella.

HFT, KFSD -Road of Life. 3 KNX-Burritt Wheeler. *KECA -Three o'Clock News. *KHJ. HGER -News. *KMPC -News. Swing Shift.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. * HMTR -News, It Pays to Know.

KGFJ-.Jack Pot. KRRD- Victory Queen Con-

test. 1111 -AC- Musical Comedy.

*K PAS-Listeners' Digest. KFOX -Ruddy Cole. KGB, WIDE-Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. HFXM -Prayer, News, Devo-

tions. 3:05 -KGER- Helene Smith. 3:15 -KFI, RFSD -Star Playhouse.

KHJ -Sweet and Sentimental. KECA-Broadway Memories. KMTR -Voice of the Army. K PAS -Juke Box Matinee.

KW -Da re Rose. (FOX- Hawaii Calls.

KA 0E-Of CI. lc Interest. 3:30 -KFI, KIND- Rosemary.

KNX -Lynn Murray's Music. KHJ -Happy Homes, Norma

Young. *REV A, KFWB-News.

KMTR- Pianos. *RggHD-News Headlines.

KFV'D -Star Time Tunes. *KB-KW -Off the Press.

KGFJ-swing Beam. KGB -Musical Matinee. KFOX- Hollywood Salon.

3:35 -KECA -Ruth Wentworth. 3:40- KFW11-Dr. ReTnnlds. 3:45 -KFI -Woman of America.

*KNX -The World Today.

starring M. ,y

JAY BURNETT 3,45 P. M. KECA.Mon.thruFr'. Sponsored by Superior Certi -Fresh Fish

KECA -Jay Burnett. KM-Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. RMTR -Screwball Theater. HWRW" -Art Shaw. KGB, KFXM, $VDE -John-

son Family. KFSD -Autit Mary.

3:35 *HNX -Joseph Harsch.

4 HFI, KFSD-Dr. Hate. KNX -Sandra Martin.


Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC -Newe, Swing Shift.

KFR'B --Bert Flake *HMTR -News, Santaella En-

semble. KFAC -Musical Masterpieces.

*KGFJ-News. AUKS-Bing Crosby. KFV'D- Piano.

4:13 *HFI, KFSD -News of the R "orld.


Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC . 1330

Sponsored by


*KNX- Nescs, Music. HH.I. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Real Life Stories. *KECA- General fierce.

KFWB- Gospel and Song. *KMTR -Radin Newsreel. *KFVD-News.

KGFJ -Record Time. KWKW -Harry lames. KRHD- Movleland Quiz.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -Easy Aces. KECA -Andy and Virginia. KHJ, KGB, KVOE- World's

Front Page. KMPC -Yours for Guessing. HMTR, KFOX -Old Age Pen-

sions. RFVD -Tea Time Melody. HWRW' -Gien Miller. KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell.

4 :45-KHJ, KFXM- Cnscheduled. KECA -Hop Harrigan. RFW'E-Stuart Hamblen. KGFJ-Gas House Concert. KWKW -Tommy Dorsey. HGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KGB, HI OE-Afternoon Mel-

odies. *KFSD-H. V. Kaltenborn.

5*HFI, KFSD-OK for Release.

HNX- Fletcher Wiley. *KH.1. KFXM, HGER -News.

HE('A, KFMB -Terry and the Pirates.

*K51PC -News, Local Events. *HMTR -News, Perkins Carni-

val. KFAC -Dance Tempos. KPAS- l'ncle Charlie. KWKW-American Jewish Hr KRRD -Songs of the Saddle. KGFJ-Jive nt 5. KFVD- Evening Serenade.

8:05 -HGER -Olga Graves. 5:15 *HFI, KFSD, KFAC. KFVD-

News. KNX- HNX -tra. KILL. KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Superman. KECA -Dick Tracy. HMPC- V'ariatlons In Rhythm. KMTR -Salute to the Services.

5:30 -KFI -Alvin Wilder. *KNX -Harry W. Flannery.

HEC A, KFMB -lack Arm- strong.

KHJ. KGB, KF:3I. KVOE- Adventures of Tom Mix.

KM PC-World of Song. HMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KGF.I- Interlude. RRKI) -South Seas Serenade. KFVT-i10 -90 Club. HGER- Lighthouse Melodies.

8:45 *HFI. KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *HNX -News.

KECA -- Captain Midnight. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, Kt 0E-

Night News Wire. KM PC-Help Wanted.

*KMTR-K. Louis 'Matsu. News KGER -God's Quarter Hour. KFOX -Ral Taherin.

5:55 *KNX -Btu Henry.



6:00 -7:00 P.M.

Vaclav conducting the Czech Philharmonic Anton Dvoraks SYMPHO- NY NUMBER ONE IN D


Teller. 7 -KFI, KFSD -Kay Kyser's Mu- sical ('ollege with Kay Ryser. KNX -Great Moments in Music.

HH.I, KVOE- Sumner Welles Speaks.

*KECA, KFMB- Raymond Gram Swing.

*HMPC -News. Lou Hotta. *HMTR -News, Viennese En-

semble, *KRRD, RGER -News.

KGFJ -Show Time. HPPC- Pasadena Recta. Dpt. KPAS -Help Wanted.

7:15 *KECA -Ted Malone. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Lowell Thomas. HM PC -Ray Bloch. KFAC -So. American Music.

7:30 -HNX -Nelson Eddy, Electric Hr.

SECA, KFMB- Scramby Amby.

HHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Lone Ranger.

KM Pl'- Juvenile Forum. *KFWB-News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. Kl'l'(' -Let's Talk It Over.

:45 *KIWI; KFOX -Major Hubert Turner. Comment.

*K 'AC -News. 8 -1(FI. RFSD- Chesterfield Mu-

sse Shop. KNX -I A Mystery.

*KECA. KFMB -Watch the World Go By.

KHJ-Main Line. *H.1PC -News, Adobe Golden

Hour. *KFW'B- Reuters' News Dis-

patch. *KMTR, RGER, HPAS -News.

KFAC- Evening Concert. KGF1 -11 & R Cowboys. HPPC -Midweek Devotional.


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M.

Ain.. 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

WBXYZ- TeleviMon, Test - Pattern.

8:05 -RMTR -Floyd R. Johnson. 8:15 *HFI, KFSD -Roy Maypole,

Comment. KNX-John Nesbitt's Passing

Parade. KECA -Lum & Abner. KPAS -J. Frank Burke.

8:30 --KFI, . RFSD+- Carton of Cheer. KNX-Dr. Christian, Jean

Hersholt. KECA-My est Girl. KHJ, G KFXM. HV'OE-

Bulldog D Mrummond.

KGFJ-West ern Melody. WSXYZ- Television, Amateur

Boxing Bouts. 8:45 -KFVVB -Help Wanted.

KGFJ-Trumpet Bines. 8:35 *HNX -Wallace Sterling.

9 -HFI. KFSD -Mr. and Mrs. North.

KsA -AUan Jones -1$ enay Herman.

RICCA, KFMB- Dunninger, Mind Reader.

*KHJ, HGB, KFXM, KVOI- News, Glenn Hardy.

KMPC -Music Box.

*K i he Ne s, Dr. A. II.

KPAS -Dr. Louis T. Talbot. WPXYZ- Television, S ande-

ville. 8:15 *HHJ, KGB, HFXM, HVOE-

Cecil Brown, News. *HFOX -News.

£stiltsuud f 7ílyatrAeo / THRILL TO


WEDNESDAY 8:30P.M- KHJ and DON LEE iter.wrL


s. ' ' "42" SHAMPOO

KPPC -Courtney Moosen. 11:30-KFI-Young Artists Compe-

tition. RNX -Money on the Line.


Fulton Lewis. Jr. KMTR -Ham and Eggs. KGFJ -Blue of Evening.

0:45 -KECA -Two Bells Theater. KILT, KFXM, HVOE- Rupert

Hughes. HMTR -Merl Lindsay L Band.

10 *HFI, RFSD- Richfield Re- porter.

*KNX-Ten o'Clock Wire. *KHJ, HFXM, KV 0E -San

Francisco Opera. RECA- Hollywood Spotlight,

George Fisher. *KMPC -News, Rainbow Ren-

deal OW.

DANCE Tonite 10 to 12 P. M. er.rT NIT. 6,p Sunday

KFWB Ars.rki s PI..., Send,

HFW'1t -East side Dance Tonite.

KFAC- lucky Lager Dance. KFOX- Cumberland Vespers

*KF%l)- Newsical, 3 Hrs. 116F1 -Hank, Nightwatch-

man, 'tit 0 a.m. 10 :15- HII -Kl- Eyewitness.

++HNX -John ('ohee. KH.1, KGB, KFXM, HVOS

Carl Ray azza s Orch. HE('A- 10-2 -4 Ranch. SPAS -We Three. KFSD -Tel es isba.

10:30 -KFI -- Inside the News (Mil Drag).

KECA -Sam Baiter. Sports. KNX- World's Most Honor

Music. KM- Johnson Family. KMPC- Chishnlme Trail.

Inside the News with Edward Jorgenson

and Norman Nesbitt

10:30 P. M. - KFI




i KFWB- Eastside Dance Too ite KMTR -Art Wenzel Orch.

10 :45-KFI-Medals in Music. EEC A -Harry Owens Orch. HMTR -Jack Riley Orch.

11 *HFI, KNX, KHJ -News.

HE('A- Tunes, Tidings -Phil McHugh.

KFWB.Eastside Dance ,

nice. *HMTR -News, Harlem Ams-

tenrs. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

11 :15 -KFI -Post Parade, Peter de Lima.

KHJ-Aberdeen Band. 11:30 -HFI, KFSD-Radio Fantare.

*KECA -News, Dixie Hospital- qty. * KFVD- Newsical. till 1 a.m.

11:45 -HNX- Lionel Hampton. *KHJ, KFSD-News.

11 :55*KNX, HFWB -News.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19 Broadcasts. *Indicates News

At hours when no listing Is shown for a l o c a l station, recorded m u s i c has been scheduled.

HFI- Johnny Murray. 101 HNX -Mark Breneman.

KECA- Between the Lines. HHJ, KGB, HFXM, AVOE-

Shady Valley Folks. *KMPC-News, William Parker *KMTR -News, Ezra's Bev.

Hillbillies. *SPAS

RF° ws.

X, KRKD - Haven of Rest.

KFAC- Country Church. HFVD- Covered Wagon


KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

8:05- EGER-Snul Patrol. 8:15 *KFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. KNX-Valiant Lady.

*KECA -Newa. KMM'- Market Report, Sports

Roundup. XV%B -Ito edit In Review. KGFJ- Breakfast Tunes. 'GER- Mlzpah.

e:25 -HPAS- Prayer Minute. 8:30*HFI. KFSD, KRED, KFAC -

News. H FA' A- McNeill'a Breakfast

Club. KNX-Light of the World. *Hal -Frank Hemingway. HPAS- Baptist Brothers. AM PC-1 uity Daily Word. KFWB -Help Wanted. KMTR-Tex Tyler. HWKW- Variety. KFXM- Sunshine Seri ire. HFOX -Rai. R. E. Reid. KGB -Wally Townsend. HVOE -Jolly Joe and Ralph.

1:45 -KFI, HFSD -David Harum. KNX -Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*KFM B -News. KMTR -Rille Treasury. KFVD -- -Vocal Fasnrites. HGB. 111OE- R'ally Town-

send. HGER -Rer. Bennington.

8:55 -KGB, KFXM- Charlotte Deeble.

8:58- KMTR -Time Sigsal.

9 *HFI, HGFJ, KGER -News. HNX -Hate Smith.

*KH,1, HGB. KFXM, HVOC -- Booke Carter.

KECA-Glamor Manor. *KMPC-News. Sweet Leilanl.

KMPC Today. KFWB -Dr. Reynolds.

*KMTR -News, Momenta with God.

KFAC --J. Newton Yates. K PAS-Polly Patterson. HRHD-Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW -Bing Crosby. KFi"D- -Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.


R. L McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

for the

McCOT HEALTH SYSTEM Every morning -Mon. thru Fri.

RFA(' at 5:15

9:06- HGER - 4 urti. H. Springer. *KFI- Edward Jorgenson, Comment.

9:15 -HF'I, HFSD -Larry Smith, Comment,

HNX -Rig Sister. KHJ -Time Out. K.MPC -Say It With Music. KFWB- Rhumba Time. KFAC-Voice of Health. KOFJ- Medical. KVI'KE- ,Timmy Dorsey. KGER -Re,. J. A. Lovell. KGB -Time for Music. KFXM -Future Unlimited.

HV'OE -Muele Mixers. 9:20- 11FXM-Old Family Almanac. 9:30*HFI -News.

HNX- Romance of Helen Treat.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM HVOE- Midland, U.S.A.

SECA, HFMB- Breakfast at Sardis.

*KFR'B, KFAC-News. KMTR -W. B. Record. SPAS -Scratches and Jockeys.

*HWKW -Off the Press. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. HGER -Radio Rental. KFVD -Show Tunes. KFSD -Arrosa the Threshold.

9:40 -BFI- Magazine Page. KFWB -Sweet Leilanl Time.

9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs, KNX -Our Gal Sunday. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Amazing Jennifer Logan. KFWB-Midmorning Melodies. KMTR -Curti. H. Springer. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade.

*KRKD -News, Clifton. KFVII -Here Comes Parade. RGER -Full Gospel. RWKW- 11 711nrd Messenger. KFSD-Ann Gibson.

9:55 -KRKD -Oh! 'Oh! KHI- s.... Jemima. *KFI -News.

lO *HFI Broadca.

KFDst. -Standard School

HNX -Life Can Be Beautiful. *KECA, KFMB -Tony Morse. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM KVOE-

Glenn Hardy, News. *KMPC

KFRB-News, Lodge.

*KMTR -flews, Music. KPAS- Harmony Homestead. HWKW- Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. *K(:FJ. KFOX -News.

KRKD -Turf Bulletins. *HGER -News, Mission Work-

ers. 10:15 -KFI -Peter de Lima.

KNX -Ma Perkins. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Terry's House Party. KECA -Jack Berth A Boys. KMTR- Chicago Tabernacle. KGF.1 -Salon Swing. KRKD -Dr. 0. M. Richardson. HWKW- Noiechoed Trio.

*K l'AS-News. KGER- Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -BFI -Aunt Mary. *RNX- Bernndine Flynn, News. KF.CA -My T..e *tors. KRJ, KGB, HIVE-Luncheon

R'ith Lapez. KMPC -Bing Crosby.

*KFWB, KFAC -News. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. HPAS- Woman's World.

*K WK W -News.


-11 17) T 1240 TI33oT1390 1 -T- M I10 870 980 1010 1110 1230 1280 1360 1430 1490

KFVII -1 pinn Rescue Mission. HGER -Sunshine Pastor. KFSD -Your Albers Hour.

10:43 *KFI. KIND -Art Baker, News KNX-The Goldberg.. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Handy Man. KM PC -Home Chats. KFWB-Science of Mind. KMTR -Talks and Tunes. KFAC-Between the Lines. 11 V1 Men & Mills. KRRI)- Midnight Mission. KFOX -Pastor Sweazy.

10 :35-KKCA -Aunt Jemima. HFI, (:aiding i.ight. HNX -HJoycFSD- e Jordan M.D.

*HF,('A, HF:MB- Saalehage Talking.

*KHJ, KGB, HVOE- Cedric Foster.

*KMPC-News. Sweet Leilanl. *KMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Talhot. KFAC- Florette. KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm.

*KGFJ, HFVH, KGER-News. KR'KW -Vocal Varieties. KFXM -Mush House.

11 :15-KFI. KISD- Today's Children KNX -Two on a Clue. RECA, KFMB- Mystery Chef. KM PC -Lady of Charm. K PAS-J. Newton Yates. KGB, KVOE -Need Ads ice KFXM -Stars on Parade. K(:F.1 -Sweet and Low. KFVD -Musical Reine.

*KW KW -News. KGER -Dr. Lowman. KFOX- Spotlight Bands.

11:30 -KFI, HFSD- Roman In White KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KTOE-

Jane Cowl. RECA- Musical Moments. KMPC-Stump i's. KMTR -Curtis H. Springer. KPAS - Pane dens Independent. KW HR'- Freddy Martin. KGF.J- Tuneful Tunes. KGER -Rev. Greenemeyer.

*KFAC, KRKD, KFOX-Newp. 11:45 -HF!. HFSD -Hymns of All

Churches. KNX -Perry Mason.

*KECA -News. HMI- Victor Lindlahr. KFAC -Plano Briefs. HPAS- Gibs0.'. Painted Poet. KWRR' -Frank Sinatra. KF5'11- Vinlet Schram.

11:55 *K WK W -News. KMPC- Prayer.

12-Farm Reporter. KSX -Mary Marlin. JIM A. HFMB- Morton

Downey. *KHJ-Broadway News.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Llghtfaco Type; Afternoon and Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:00 -Johnny Murray. KFI. 9:00 -Kate Smith. K\X. 9:30- Breakfast at Bard' 's,

KECA. 10:00 -Hodge Lodge. 1:MPC. 11 :30 -.lane Cowl. KHJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook,

KFI. 8:00 -Kraft Music Hall, HF1. 8:00 -Major Bowes, HNX. ß:3o -Bah Burns. KFi. 8:30 -Spotlight Bands, RECA. 7:00 -Abbott A ('ostello. HFI. 7:00 -The First Line, KNX. 7:30- --Joe E. Brown. RECA. 8:00- Chesterfield Music Shop,

KFI. a:no. -Sammy Kaye, HHJ. a:10 and Abner, KE('A. a:30 -Frank Morgan, KFt. a:30-Fred Waring, KECA. 9 :00-Dinah Shore, KFI.

Q uiz Programs 7 :30-Weber's Roundup, KMPC. 8:30 --Stop That Villain, HHJ.

Drama 3:15 -Star Playhouse, HFL. 5:30 -Tom Mix, KHJ. e:30- Cnrllsa Archer, KNX. 45:55 -- Coronet Story Teller. n:00 --I Lose a Mystery, KNX. 8:30 -Death Valley Sheriff, KN

n:00 --- Suspense, HNX. 9:30- Ellery Queen, HFI.

.War 4 :30-World's Front Page, HHJ. 0:00 -Dispatch from Reuters',


Outstanding Music 4 :00- Marital Masterpieces,

K FAC. e:00- M11sical Digest, KGFJ. A:30- Earning Concert, KFAC. 10:045 -1.,i,'í v Lager Dance Time,

K VAC. 10:äo -News cal, HFVD. 10:O0- Eastside Dance Tolite.


Public Affairs 10:30 -Standard School Broadcast,

KFI. 9:00 -Town Meeting of the Alr.

RECA. 9:30 -- Citizens Forum, HNX.

10:15 -Mayor Fletcher Bowron, KFI.

Sports -Comment 9:30`Scratches, Jockeys. KPAS.

10:00 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD. 12 :30-Bridge Club, KMPC.

A:1í1 -Belle Martell, KMTR. e:00- Sportstime, KM N'. 10:30 -Sam Baiter, RECA.

*KMPC -News, Garden Hints. *KMTR-News, Ezra's Bev.

Hillbillies. HPAS- Rancho 11 -10. HFAC, KFVD- Luncheon

Concert. *HGFJ, HGER, KGB, BVOE-

News. H Fa11- Vnscheduled. HWKW -Lunch with Moores. HP-SD-Woman of America. HRHD- Prairie Schooner.

12:15 -KFI, KIND-Ma Perkins. KNX-Neighbors, Irene Beas-

ley. KECA -Hollywood Star Time. KHJ -Johnson Family. HMPC- Norman Nesbitt.

*KFOX, KFXM -News. KGB, HVOE- Palmer House

Orch. HWKW -Rev. Richey.

12 :30-KF!, KFSD- Pepper Tong's Family.

KNX -Bright Horizon. *HECA- Kiernan'a News Corner

KHJ-Homemaker's' Club. KMP('- Bridge Club, Johnson. *KFWB-News. KMTR -Merl Lindsay & Band. KWKW -Dinah Shore, HFVD- Violet Schram. HFOX -March Time. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM-Farm Front. KVOE -The Smoothies.

12:45 -KFI, KFSD -Road to Happi- ness.

RN X.-Bachelor's Children. SECA- Memories in Melody, KFR'B -Al Jars is. KGB- Rhythm and Romance. HWKW -Dick McIntyre.

*KFAC, G HELM K% 0E-Ma- stcale.

HFI. HFSD- Backstage Wife. 1 KNX-This ('hanging World. *KECA, KFIEB -World Wide


Thtnk Hard Now. *KMPC-News, Sweet Lenard. *KFWB, KF1'D, HGER -Newt. *KMTR -News, Perkins Card -

ial. HGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KFAC -FI EST. HWKW- Military Band. HFOX -Dance Time.

1 :15-KFI, KFSD-Stella Dallas. ' *KNX -Bob Andersen.

RECA -Radio Parade. KHJ-Do You Remember. HM PC -Today's Band. HFWB -AI Jamie. KFAC -Melody Matinee. K B K W- Ilennest. HFVD. HFXM -Moods in

Musir. KGB, HI OE -Open House.

1:30 -KFI, KIND- Lorenzo Jones. KNX-School of the Air.

*KECA-Time Views the News. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV 0E-

Headlines in Harmony. K.MPC- Family Bible. HMTR -Saunders Sisters. KFVD -Hawaiian ,Musir.

*KRKD-New.; Music. *KPAS -News.

K W K W- Memories. KGFJ- Bienienidos Amigos. KFOX- Concert Master.

1:45 -KFI. KFSD -Young Widder 'Brown.

*KNX -New.. Afternoon Dance *HE('A -Blue Newsroom Re-

view, Buddy Twiss. KMIY'- Reodezione with

Romance. KMTR -Tes Tyler. KFAC- Between the Lines. KPAS- Federated Women's

Clubs. KFVD -Vocal Varieties. KWKW- Lyric. with Ladle. HERD -Singing Waiters.

1:50*KECA- Edward Jorgenson. 2-1(FI, HIND-When a Girl

Marries. RNX- Potluck Party.

*KHJ -This Changing World. 'MCA, KFM11- What'. Do-

ing, Ladies. *KMI'C -News. Pan Americana *KMTR -News, Halley's

Swingtime. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. KRKD -- Concert. KR KW- Copper Caravan. KFOX- Publie Bulletin. KFVD- Timely Tunes. KGB, 111 OE-Faces A Places. KFXM-Business Men Look

to Future.


HGER -Long Beach Band. 2:15 -KFI, KF'SD- Portia Faces Life

KRJ -Today on the ('oast. KFAC -t sd-ise Isle. KGB, KFXM, HVOE -t. S.

Navy Band. HFSD-- Classic Hour.

2:25 *KN X -News. 2:30 -HFT, HFSD --Just Plain BW.

KNX-Meet the Missus. *KECA- Behind the War News

KMPC- Flying Feet. HFWB -Hal Styles. KPAS- Slapsy Maxie's.

*KRHD -News. KGB-C. S. Navy Band. KFOX -Songe of the West.

2:45-KFI, FSD -Front Page Far- rell.

KECA- Frances Scully. KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Radio

Tour. *KFV D -News.

KRHD- Salvatore Santaella. KFI, KFSD -Road of Life. KNX- Burritt Wheeler.

*KECA -Three O'clock News. KHJ, HGER- News. MP(' -News, Swing Shift. KFWR- Melody Matinee.

*HMTR- News, It Pays to Know.

KGFJ -Jack Pot. KFVD- Popular Favorites. KPAS-Listeners Digest. KFOX -Buddy Cole. Klils, KVOE- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXM-Prayer, News, De-

tiona. KRED- Matinee Melodies.

3:15 --KFI, KFSD -Star Playhouse. RECA- Broadway Memories. KHJ-Sweet and Sentimental. HMTR -Eugenia Clair. KPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KWKW -Dave Rose. KFOX- Hawaii Calls. KGB -Melody Memories. KGER -Music Appreciation. KVOF -Civic Interest.

3:30 --KFI. KFSD- Rosemary. KNX -Onu Munson ln Holly-

wood. *KF:('A, HFWB -News.

KM -Happy Homes, Norma Young.

KMTR - Pianos. *KRKD -News Headlines. *KWKW-Off the Press.

HGFJ -Swing Beam. KFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGB, KVOE- Musical Mati-

nee. KFVD -Star Time Tunes. KGER -Cheerful Chatter.

3:3.5 -KECA -Ruth Wentworth. 3:15 -HFT -Wonsan of America.

HNC -The World Today. KHJ -Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KECA -Jay Burnett. HFWB -Jazz. KMTR- Sereahall Theater. HWKW -Art Shaw. KGB. KFXM, HVOE -John-

coo Family. KFSD -Woman of America.

3:55*E N C- Joseph Harsch.

4 -KFI. KFSD -Dr. Wate. HNX -Sandra Martin.


Fulton Lerwfa, jr. *KMPC -News, Swing Shift.

KFWIS -Bert Flske. *HMTR -News, Santaella En-



Gems oí Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


KFAC-Mn', val Masterpieces. *KGFJ- Nrsys.

HWKW -Bing Crosby. Kill D -Nano.

*HGER -News. Music. 4:15*HFI. KFSD- World News.

KNX -News, Music. Kfl. /, KGB. HFXM, HVOE-

Real Life Stories. *KECA-General Pierce, Com-

KF'WB- Gospel and Song. *HMTR -Radio Newsreel. *KFVD, KFSD- News.

KGFJ- Record Time. KWKW-Harry James.' HGER- Community Chapel. KRHD- Movielaad Quiz.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX-Mr. Keene, Tracer of

Lost Persons. KECA- Twilight Tales. KHJ. KGB, HVOE- World's

Front Page. HMPC -yours for Guessing. KMTR, KFOX -Old Age Pen-

sions. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KFVD -Tea Time Tunes. KWHW -Glenn Miller. HGER -Rev. Parrott. KFXM -Dr. Philip Lovell.

4:45 -KHJ, KFXM- Unscheduled. KECA -Hop Harrigan. KFWB-Stuart Hamblen. KWKW-Tommy Dorsey. KGFJ-Gas House Concert.

*KRHD -News. KGB. HVQE- Afternoon Mel-

odies. KFOX-Art Dickinson: KGER-Colonial Tabernacle.

S *KFI, HFSD -OK for Release. KNX -Fletcher Wiley. RECA, HFMB -Terry and the

Pirates. *KHJ -Broadway News. *KMPC -News, Local Events. *HMTR -News, Perkins Carni-

val. KFAC-Dance Tempo. KPAS -ancle Charlie. KWKW- American Jewish Hr KGFJ -Five at 5. KFVD- Evening Serenade. KRHD- .Songs of the Saddle.

*HGER, KFXM -News. HFO %- Sunshine Pastor.

5:O5- HGER -Olga Graves. 5:18 *KFI. KFSD, KFVD, KFAC--

News. KNX-HNX -tra. KECA -Dick Tracy. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Superman. KMPC- Variations in Rhythm. HMTR -Belle Martell, Sports.

5:30 -KFI -Alvin Wilder. *KNX-Harry W. Flannery.

KECA, HESS-Jack Arm- strong.

KH.I. KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Adventures of Tom Mix.

KM PC-VI of Song. HMTR -Irwin Allen. RFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ -Interlude. KRKD -South Seas Serenade. HFVD -90-90 Club. HGER -Lighthouse Melodies. KFSD-Garden Homes.

5:45 *KFI, KFSD -Ebner Peterson. *KNX-Truman Bradley.

KECA- Captain Midnight. *KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

News Night Wire KMPC -Help Wanted.

*KMTR-K. Louis Flatau, News KFOX -Bal Taberin. HGER -God's Quarter Hour.

5:55 *HNX -Bill Henry

6 -KFI. HFSD -Kraft Music

Hall. KNX -Major Bowes Amateurs


*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Gabriel Heatter.

*KM PC -Neal, Sport etime.



6:00 -7:00 P.M.

Mendelssohn's 'FINGAL'S C A V E OVERTURE." Rim - sky - Korsakow's - H Y M N TO THE SUN." Maurice Ravel's "PAVANE." BAL- LET SUITE from Gluck's operas.

*KNITS-News, Erza's Hill- billies.

KFAC-Music for Everyone. HGFJ -Musical Digest. KWHW- Fordellon. KRHD -Early Dancette. KPAS- Future Pianists.

*KGER-News, Music. 8:15 -KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Screen Test. *KECA -Peter de Lima.

HMPC -Music by Sears, Post. *HFWB --John B. Hughes,

"News and Views." KPAS -"Calling Americans." KRHD -South Sea Serenade. KFOX -Dick Rose.

*KFAC, HFVD -News. 8:30 -KFI, KFSI) -Bob Burne.

KNX- Corlise Archer. KHJ, ENDE-Starlight

Serenade. KECA, KFMB- Spotlight

Bands. KF WB- America Dances. KPAS- Church of Christ. KWHW -Hosea Hour. KRHD -Races Recreated. KFOX-Hal'e Memory Room.

6:43-KMPC-Barber Shop Quartette KPAS -Townsend Plan. KRHD -Sweet and Lovely. KGB -Voice of Liberator.

6:55- KECA, KFMB-Coronet Story Teller.

7 -KFI, KFSD- Abbott & Cos- tello.

KNX -The First Line. *RAJ, KGB, HOLM, HVOE-

Demo. Nat'l Com. *KECA, KFMB- Raymond

Gram Swing. *HMTR -New., Viennese En-

semble. *HMPC -News, Lou Holtz. *KRKD, HGER -News.

KPAS -Help Wanted.



USTIN STUDIOS Thursday, 7:15.7:30 P. M.

Blue Network

7:15 *KECA. Liberals for Adminis- tration.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM-Lowell Thomas.

KMTR -W. B. Record. KFAC-So. American Tunes. KFOX-Fishing Pals.

I:30 -KFI, KFSD-March of Time. KNX -Ray Block's Orch. RECA, KFMB -Joe E. Brown. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE --

Red Ryder. KMPC- Weber's Roundup. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC-Twilight Serenade. KGFJ-Spanish Hour.

7:45 *HFWB, KFOX -Major Hubert Turner. Comment.

KPAS -Roy & Lenny. 8 -KFI. KFSD- Chesterfield Mu- sic Shop.

KNX-1 Lose a Mystery. *KECA. KFMB -Watch the

World Ge By. HMI-Sammy Kaye's Variety

Show. *HMPC-News, Vocal Gems. *HFWB-- Reuters' News Dis-

patch. *KMTR -New.. Gospel Herald.

KFAC- Evening Concert. *KPAS, HGER -News.

KFXM- rnacheduled. HVOE- National Editorial

Hour. 8:15 -KFI, HFSD -Night Editor. KNX- Nesbitt' Passing

Parade. KECA -Lum and Abner. FIFES-Rene William's Orch. HVOE- Minister's Hour.

5:30 -KFI, KFSD- Maxwell House Time.


Follow Sheriff Mark Chase and the inimitable Cousin Cassie through their next exciting a4- venture. Every Thursday eve- ning . . .

KNX, 8:30-9:00 P. M.

HNN-Death alley Sheriff. HE( 'A-Fred Waring Pennsyl-



That Villain. KMPC- S)mphonettea.

*HMS-News. KGFJ-Western Tunes.

8:45HFWB -Help Wanted. KMTR-Property Owners. KGFJ-Trumpet Blues.

8:55 *HNX- Wallare Sterling.

9 KFI, HFSD- Dinalt Shore. KN'X- Suspense. KECA -Town Meeting of the


News, Glenn Hardy. KMPC -News, Music Box. KFWB- Strollin' Tom.

*HMTR -News, Dr. A. U. Michelson.

9:00- HGER -Rev. Billy Adams. 9:15 -KH.I. KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Rex Miller. *HF(1X- News.

9:30 -KFI, HFSD -Ellery Queen.

C I T I Z E N S F O R U M Sparkling half jibe, discussion by lead. Ine authorities on problem's affecting everyone. A "must" for good citizens.



KNX- ('ilizens Forum. *KIIJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Fulton Lewis, jr. KMTR -Ham and Eggs. KGFJ -Blue of Evening. KPAS- Sppootlight Stories.

9:45 -KHJ, KGB. HFXM, KV0E- Sunny Skylar.

*HFWB -Sam Salter. HMTR -Merl Lindsay A Band.

i0 *KFI, HFSD- Richfield Re- porter.

SECA, KFMB-Hollywood Spotlight, George Fisher.

*KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire. *HMPC -News, Rainbow Ren-

dezvous. RFVsB- Eastside Dance Tonite KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *KFV1)- Newsical. 3 Hours.

KGFJ-Hank Nightwatchman, till 0 a.m.

10:15 -KFI -Mayor Bowron. *KNX -John Cohee.

KHJ- Townsend Natl Recovery 10:30 *KFI- Inside the News.

Inside the News with Edward Jorgenson

and Norman Nesbitt 10:30 P. M. - KFI THRIFTY DRUG STORES

KNX -Riders of the Purple Sage.

KHJ- Johnson Family. KECA, HFMB -Sant halter

Sports. KMI(;-- C'hishohne Trail. HFWB- Eaatside Dance Toulte KMTR-Art Wenzel Oreh.

*HF VD- Newsical. 10:15 -KFI- Taylor Made Melodies.

KNX -Gayle and Charles. KMTR -Jack Riley Orrh. KMPC- American Songs.

1 *KFI, KNX, KHJ-News. KECA- Tunes, Tidings-.

Phil McHugh.

DANCE Tostait® 10 to 12 P. M. Ivory Nu. 1..0 Sunday

I{FW8I1 Aaarki s Marne Lo4

*KMPC -News. Showboat. KEY.B- Eastside Dance To-

nite. HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. KFOX-Merl Lindsay Okla-

homans. 11:15 -KFI -I'oet Parade. 11:20 -K11 -Henry King Orch.

HNX -Henry Busse Orsk. 11:30 -KFI -Radio Fanfare.

*KECA -News, Dixie Hospi- tality.

*KFVD- Newsical. till 1 a.m. 11:45*HHJ, HFSD -News. 11:55*KNS, HFWB, News.


....y s _..ul+i 104.7 .. -..

. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 At hours where no listing is shown for a l o c a l station. recorded music has been scheduled.

6-KFI-Johnny Murray. KNX -Mark Breneman.

*KECA- Between the, Lines. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Shady Valley Folks. *KMPC -News, William Parker

*K billies. -News, ,,.News, Ezra's Hill-

*KPAS, KGFJ, HGER -News. KRKD -Morning Melodies. KFAC -Country Church. KWKW- Alhambra Baptist. KFOX -Rev. Talbot. KFVD--Covered Wagon

Jubilee. 8:05 -HGER -Soul Patrol. 8 :15 *KFI -T. B. Blakiston, Com-

ment. HNX- Valiant Lady.

*HECA -News. KMPC- Market Report, Sports

Roundup. KFWB-Bands in Review. KGFJ-Breakfast Tunes. HGER- Mizpah.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

8:25 -KPAS- Prayer Minute. 8 :30 *KFI, EFSD, HFAC -News.

KNX -Light of the World. *KHJ -Frank Hemingway,


Breakfast Club. KMPC -Unity Daily Word. KFWB -Help Wanted. KMTR-Tex Tyler. HPAS -Haven of Rest. KWKW-Tab. of Holy

Spirit. HR HD -News Headlines. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. KFXM-Sunshine Service. HGB -Wall Townsend. HVOE -lolly Joe and Ralph.

8:45 -KFI, HFSD -David Hamm. KNX -Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*KFWB-News. HMTR -Bible Treasury. HGER -Rev. Bennington. KGB -Les Huff Trio. KFVD-Vocal Favorites. KVOE-Bing Crosby.

8:55 -MBS -Lanny L Ginger. 8:58 -HMTR -Time Signal.

9 *KFI -News. ENE -Hate Smith.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Beaks Carter.

KECA-Glamor Manor. *KMPC -News, Sweet LSU*nl.

KFWB- Health Talk. *KMTR-News, Church Views

News. KFAC-J. Newton Yates.

*KGFJ, EGER -News. KPAS -Polly Patterson. KRHD- Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW -Bing Crosby. HFVD -Waltz Time. HFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

8:06 -HGER -Curtis H. Springer. *KFI- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. 8:18 *KFI, HFSD -Larry Smith,

Comment. KNX -Big Sister. HHJ -Time Out. KMPC -Say It With Music. WWII-Rhumba Time. KFAC-Voire of Health. HGFJ -Medical. KWKW-Variety. KGER-Rev. J. A. Lovell. KFXM- Future Unlimited. KGB- Serenading You. KVOE -Music Misers.

9 :30*KFI-N en S. KNX- Romance of Helen


Midi, lid, U.S.A. RECA, KFMB- Breakfast at

Sardi's. *KFWB. KFAC, KWKW-News

HMTR -W. B. ecord. SPAS- Scratche & Jockeys. KGFJ-Swing Serenade. HGER -Radio Revival. KFVD --Show Tunes. HFSD- Across the Threshold.

S:40 -KFI- Magazine Page.

KFWB -Sweet Leilani Time. 9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

Amazing Jennifer Logan. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. HMTR -{Curtis H. Springer. KFAC-Mid-Morning Serenade

*KRHD -News. Clifton. KWKW-Willard Messenger. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. HFSD -Ann Gibson.

9:55- ERHD -Oh:- Ohl *KFI -News.

i0 -KFI, KFSD- Tillamook Kit- chen.

KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful. *KHJ,

K, GB, NM, KVOE- *KECA, KFMB-Tony Morse. *KMPC -News, Hodge Lodge.

KFWB -Chef Milani. *KMTR-News, Music. *KGFJ, KFOX, KGER -News.

KWKW-Metropolitan Scratch Sheet.

KRHD -Turf Bulletins. KPAS -Harmony Homestead. KFVD -Morning Serenade.

10:05 -HGER -Mission Workers. 10:15*KFI -Peter de Lima.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KE:CA -Jack Beni' & Boys. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, HVOE-

Terry's House Party. KMTR- Chicago Tabernacle.

*KPAS -News. KGFJ-Salon Swing. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson KFOX-Rev. Emma Taylor. HGER -Kingdom Within

10 :30- FI -Aunt Mary. *KNX -Bernadine Flynn, News


Luncheon with Lopez. KMPC -Bing Crosby.

*KFW'B, KFAC-News. HMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. Hl'AS- American Chiropractic

Com. *KWKW-News.

KFVD -Union Rescue Mission. EGER-Sunshine Pastor. HFSD -Your Albers Hour.

10:45 *KFI, KFSD-Art Baker, News. KNX -The Goldberg,,. KM-Handy Man. KMPC -Home Chats. .

KFWB -Science of Mind. HMTR -Care of the Body. KRKD- Midnight Mission. RFA('- Between the Lines. HPAS -J. Newton Yates. KWKW -Mills & King's Men.


KT POT T70 s ! 010 I I 0 1 1240 T13301-1390 600 710 Y]Q 8 0 1070 1110 1230 12B0 1360 1430 1490

KGB, KVOE- American Women's Jury.

KFXM-Redlands Nazarene Church.

KFOX- Pastor Sweaty. 10:55 -KECA -Aunt Jemima.

KFI, KFSD -Guiding Light, *. KNX -Joyee Jordan, M.D. *KECA, KFMB- Baukhage

Talking. *IOU, KGB, HVOE- Cedric

Foster. *KMPC -News, Sweet Lellani.

KFWB -Al Jarvis. *KMTR-News, Dr. Louis

Talbot. *KFVD, KGFJ, KGER -News.

KWKW-Vocal Varieties. KPAS -Rodeo Rhythm. KFAC- Fioretta.

KFXM -Music House. 11:15-KFI, KFSD- Today's Children

KNX -Two on a Clue. RECA, KFMB-Mystery Chef. KHJ -Sat. Eve. Post. KMPC -Lad of Charm. KGB, HVOE-Need Advice? KFXM -Stars on Parade. KFVD- Musical Revue. KGFJ -Sweet and Low.

*KWKW-News. KGER -Dr. Lowman. KFOX--Spotlight Bands.

11 :t5-KHJ-Owl Program. 11:30 -KFI, HFSD -Woman to White

KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Jane Cowl. KECA- Musical Moments. KMPC- Stump L's. KMTR -Curtis H. Springer.

*KPAS- Pasadena Independent. KGFJ-Tuneful Tunes. KWKW-Freddy Martin.

*KFAC, KRKD, KFOX -News. 11:45 -KFI, KFSD -Betty Crocker.

KNX-Perry Mason. KHJ -Victor Lindlahr.

*HECA -News. KFAC :Piano Briefs. HPAS- Gibsoon's Painted Post. KWKW-Frank Sinatra. KGFJ-Calling All Zones. KFVD-Violet Schram. ....

11:55-KWKW-News. KMPC- Prayer.

12 12-Farm Reporter. KNX-Mary Marlin. RECA, KFMB -Morton Dow-

ney. *KHJ -Broadway News. *KMPC News, Garden Hints.

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type; Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00 -Johnny Murray, KFI. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardis.

KECA. 10:00 -Chet Mitant, KFWB. 11:30 -Jane Cowl, KHJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook, HFI 4:30 -Andy and Virginia, KECA. 8 :90- -- Erskine Johnson, KNX. 6:30- People Are Funny. KFI. 6:30- Spotlight Bands. RECA. 7:00- Moore -Durante Show, KNX 7 :00-Amos & Andy, KFI. 7 :30-Ed Wynn. RECA. 7:30 -Stage Door Canteen, KNX. 8:00 -Mercer -Stafford Show, KF1 8:15 -Press Club. KNX. 8:30 -Duffy's Tavern. KFI 9:00 -Furlough Fun, KFI. 9:00 -Tom Breneman, RECA. 9:30 --Joan Davis -Jack Haley.


War 8:00 -Renters' News Dispatch,

KFWB. 8:00 -Television, Test Pattern,

W'6XYZ. 41'30 -Television, T. B. Blaklstop,

News Analysis, WBXYZ. 9:00 -Television, Travel,

Comment, WBXYZ. 9:15-Television-Comedy,

W8XYZ. 11:15 -Beds for Buddies, RPAS.

Quiz Programs 8:30 -Double or Nothing, KHJ. 8:30 -Ignorance Pays, KNX.

Drama 3:15 -Star Playhouse, KFI. 8:30 -That Brewster Boy, 11124X. 8:55 -- Coronet Story Teller.

RECA. 7:30 -Lone Ranger, KHJ. 8:00 -I Love a Mystery. KNX. 8:15 -The Parker Family,

RECA. 8:30 -Gang Busters. SECA. 9:00 -Aldrich Family. KNX. 9:30 -The Thin Man, KNX

Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC 0:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. 0:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:00-Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00- Newsical, KFVD. 10:110 -Eastside Donee. Tonne,

KFWB. 10:00 -San Francisco Opera, KHJ.

Public Affairs 6:55 -Demo. Natl. Com.. HNX,

10:30-Chester Bowles, O.P.A.,

Sports- Comment 9:30 -Scratches, Jockeys. KPAS.

10:00 -Turf Bulletins, KRKD. 12:30- Bridge Club, KMPC. 8:00- Sportstigte, KMPC. 7:30 Bill Stern. KFI. 8:Mí- Boxing Bouts, KHJ.

10:00 -Legion Fights, KMPC.

KMTR-News, Ezra's Hill- billies.

HFAC, KFVD -Luncheon Concert.

KPAS- Rancho 11 -10. KRKD- Prairie Schooner. KWKW-Lunch with Moores.


KFXM- Unscheduled. *KGER-News, 1390 Club.

12:13 -KFI. HFSD -Ma Perkins. KNX -Neighbors, Irene Beas-

ley. KECA -Hollywood Star Time. KHJ -. Johnson Family. KGB. EVOE- Palmer House

Orch. KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. KWKW-Rev. Richey. * KFOX, HFXM -News.

12:30 -KFI, KFSD- Pepper Young's Family.

JINX- Bright Horizon. *KECA- Kierean's News

('orner. HHJ -Homemakers' Club.. KMPC-Bridge Club, Johnson.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Merl Lindsay & Band. KFVD- Violet Schram. KWKW-Dinah Shore. KFOX-March Time. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM -Farm Report. HI 0E -The Smoothie's.

12:45-KFI, HFSD -Riglit to Happi- ness.

KNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA- Memories In Melody. KMPC-Lean Back, Listen. KFWB -AI Jarvis.

*KFAC-News. KWKW-Dick McIntyre. KFOX -Meet the Band. KGB, HVOE- Musicale. KFXM -Western Playboys.

1 KFI, HFSD -Backstage Wife. KNX -This Changing World.

*KECA, KFMB- {World Wide Review.

*KMPC -News, *KFWB -News. *KMPC -News, *KMTR-News,


*KFVD, HGER -News. KWKW-Military Band. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm. KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Walter

Compton. I:0ä- KGER -Officials on Parade. 1:15 -HYI. HFSD- Stella Dallas.

*KNX-Bob Andersen. HECA -Radio Parade. KHJ-Human Horizons. KM l'('- Today's Band. KFW'13 -AI Jarvis. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KWKW-Viennese. KGB-Convair Lady. KFXM, KFVD-Moods la

Music. HVOE -Open House.

1 :30-KFI, KYSD- Lorenz,, Jones. KNX-School of the Air.

*HECA -Time Views the News. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HIDE--

Headlines in Harmony. KMPC- Family Bible. HMTR- Saunders Sisters.

*KRKD-News, Music. *KPAS -News.

KM/ IV-musical Memories. KGFJ- Biens enidos Amigos. KFOX- Christian Science.

1:45 -KFI, HFSD -Young Widder Brown.

*KNX-News. KECA -Buddy Twiss. KMPC- Rendezvous with

Romance. KMTR -Tex Tyler. KFAC- Between the Lines. KRHD- Singing Waiters. KFOX- Concert Master.

1:50*HECA -Ed Jorgenson. 2-KFI, KFSD -When a Girl

Marries. KNX-Potluck Party.

*KHJ-This Changing World. KECA- What's Doin', Ladies?

*KMPC -News, Pan Americana, *HMTR -News. Swingtime.

KRKD -Concert Matinee. KWKW-Copper Caravan. KFOX-Organ Treasures. KFVD- Timely Tunes.

GFJ -Town Crier Presents. KGFJ-Town Beach Band.

KGB. HVOE -Faces and Places.

KFXM-Navy Time. 2:15 -KFI. KFSD-Portia Faces Life

KHJ-Today on the Coast. *KGB -San Diego Journal.

Sweet Leilanl,

Sweet 'Allan'. Perkins Caral.

OCTOBER 15, 1944 RAD 10 LIFE KFOX- Publie Bulletin. KFA('- Paradise Isle. KGB. KFXM, KVOF.-392

Army Band. KFSD- Classic Hour.

2:25 *K N X -News. KFSD -Just Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Mrs. *HECA- Behind the Bar News.

KM.,, KGB, HEX)", KV0E- Cabbagses and Queens.

KM PC -Easy Rh ihm. HFWB -Hal Styles. Kt'AS- Slapsy Maxie's. HFOX -Songe of the West.

*KRKD -News. 2:45 -H Ft, KFSD -Front Page

Farrell. KECA- Frances Scully. KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Radio

Tour. *KF'VD- -New..

HRHD- Salvators Santaella. "21-KFT, HFSD -Road of Life. '

RNX- Barritt Wheeler. *KECA-Three o'Clock News. *KITE, HGER -News. *KMPC -Newa, Swing Shift.

HFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR-News, It Pays te

Know. KGFJ-Jack Pot.

*K PAS-Listeners' Digest. KRKD -Victory Queen Contest HFV1)- Popular Favorites. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB. KV0E- Prayer, Griffin

Reporting. KFXUI- Prayer, News, De-

votions. 3:15 -KFI, HFSD -Star Playhouse.

KHJ-Sweet and Sentimental. KF('A- Broadway Memories. HMTR -Voice of the Army. HPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KWHW -Don Allen. KFOX- Hawall Calls. HGER -Music Appreciation. KVOE -Of Chic Interest.

3:30-K} I, KFSD- Rosemary. RNX -Lyon Murray's Music.

*KECA, KFWB-News. KHJ-Happy Homes. Norme

Young. KMTR-Pianos.

*KR K W -Oft the Press. KFV D -Star Time Tunes.

KRKD-News Headlines, KGFJ -Swing Beam. HFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGB- Musical Matinee. HVOE- Variety. HGER -Cheerful Chatter.

3:35 -KECA -Ruth Wentworth. 3:45 -HFI- R'omen of America.

*KNX -The World Today, Joseph Harsch.

KHJ-Bill Hay.


Sponsored by Superior CertiFresh Fish

KECA-Jay Burnett. KFW B -Jazz. KMTR- Screwhall Theater. KWKW-Art Shaw. KGB, KFXM, HVOE -John-

son Family. HFSD -Aunt Mary.

4 HFI, KFSD-Dr. Kate. KNX- Sandra Martin.


Fulton Lewis Jr. *+HMPC- News, Swing Shift. KFW B-Bert Fiske. *KMTR -News, Santaella En-

semble. KRHD- Toast to the Town. HNX -News. Music. HFAC -Musical Masterpieces.

*KGFJ -News. KM KW-Bing Crosby.


Gems of Melody

4.5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330 Sponsored by


KIND- Piano. *KGBR- News, Music.

4:15 *KFI, HFSD -News of the World.

HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Real Life Stories.

*KECA -General Pierce, Com- ment.

Kt-WS-Gospel and Song. KM l'R -Radio Newsreel. K(.FJ- Record Time. KWKW-Harry James.

*KF VD -News. HRKD- Movieland Quiz. RGF :R- ('nntuuai'' t' :,anel.



Ra i 4:15


KMTR - 510 Kc. ' ` i , ,

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KECA -Andy and Virginia. KHJ, KGB, KVOE- World's

Front Page. KMPC -Tours for Guessing. KMTR KFOX -Old Age

Pensions. KWKW-Hoyes Hour. KGER -Rev. Parrott. HFX.M -Dr. Lovell.

4:45 -KECA KFMB-Hop Harrigan tJ K ,


HMPC -Music by D'Artega. KFWB-Stuart Hamblen. KGFJ-Gas House Concert. KWKW -Tommy Dorsey.

*HRHD -News. KGB, HVOE- Afternoon

Melodies. *HFSD -H. V. Kaltenborn.

HGER -Colonial Vespers.

5 *HFI, HFSD -OK for Release. HNX -Fletcher Wiley. KECA, KFMB -Terry and the

Pirates. *KHJ-Broadway News. *HMPC -News, Local Events. *KMTR-News, Perkins Carni-

val. KFAC -Dance Tempos. KWKW- American Jewish Hr. KPAS -Uncle Charlie. KGFJ-Jive at 5.

8:18 *SF7 RKFSD, KIND, HFAC - Neu s.

KNX-KNX-tra. HECA -Dick Tracy. HHJ, KGB, HFNM, KVOE-

Superman. HMTR- Salute to the Services.

5:30 -KFI -Alvin Wilder. ENX-Harry Flannery. HECA, KFMB -Jack Arm-

strong. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. HMPC- World of Song. HMTR -Irwin Allen. HFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ -interlude. II/ND-80-90 Club. HRHD -South Seas Serenade. KFOX -Varieties. HGER -Lighthouse Melodies.

5:45*K1FI, HISD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX-News, Truman Bradley

KECA -Captain Midnight. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Night News Wire. KMPC-Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flutau, News KFVD-Evening Serenade. HFOX -Bal Taberin. KGER-God's Quarter Hour.

5:55 *KNX1Biil Henry.

6 H, KFSD -Waltz Time. FIHNX- Erskine Johnson.

*HHJ. KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Gabriel Meatier.


*KMPC -News, Sportstime. *KMTR-Ezra's Hillbillies.

HPAS- Pilgrim Inspirational Hour.

HWKW- Italian Melodies. KGFJ-Musical Digest. KFAC-Music for Everyone.

8:15-KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Screen Test.

KNX-Riders of Purple Sage. *KECA -Peter de Lima.

KMPC-Music by Sears, Post. KFWB-John B. Hughes,

*KFVD -News. KPAS- W.C.T.U. KGER -Rev. Barpo.

111:30-KFI, HFSD- People Are Funny.

KNX-That Brewster Boy. KECA, KFMB- Spotlight




6:00 -7:00 P.M. Lawrence Tibbett as "Wo- tan" in excerpts from Richa rd Wagner's ACT III of "Die Walkure" Mme. Lotte Lehmann in Schu- mann's FRAUENLIEBE UND LEBEN, Bruno Walter at the piano.


KHJ, KGB, KFX"M, KS OE- Double or Nothing.

KMPC-Rupert Hughes. HFWB- "America Dances." KWKW -Hoyes Hour. HRHD -Races Recreated. KIND-Vaudeville. KPAS-Church of Christ. KFOX-Hal's Memory Room. KGER-Phophecy Speaks.

6:45 -HMPC- Barber Shop Quartette.

6:55 -KECA, KFMB- Coronet Story Teller.

KNX-Demo. Natl. Com.

7 -KFI, KFSD -Amos 'n' Andy. HNX- Moore -Durante.

*HECA -Earl Godwin. KHJ, HVOE- Unscheduled.

*HMPC -News, Lon Holtz. *KMTR-News, Viennese En-

semble. KGFJ-Show Time. KFAC-Musical Comedy.

*RRKD, HGER -News. KFX.M- Unscheduled. KFOX- Starlight Serenade. KPAS-Help Wanted.

7:114-KHJ, KGB, HFXM -Lowell Thomas.

*KECA -Ted Malone. HMPC- Political. KMTR -W. B. Record. SPAS -C.I.O. Reporter. KFAC-So. American. HFOX- Salute to Services.

7 :30*KFI, HFSD -Bill Stern, Sports KNX-Stage Door Canteen, KE('A, KFMB -Happy Isle."


Lone Ranger. HMPC- Political.

*KFWB-News. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC-Twilight Serenade. HRHD -Do You Know, KPAS- Studio Frolics. HWKW -Hoes Hour. KGFJ-Spanish Hour.

7:45 --1IFI- Cabbages and Kings *HFWB, HFOX -Major Hubert

Turner. Comment. *HFAC -News.

HFSD- Diamond Dramas.

S -KFI, HFSD- Chesterfield Mu- sic Shop.

HNX -I Love a Mystery. *KECA, KFMB -Watch the

World Go By. HHJ, KFXM, KVOE- Boxing

Bouts. *KMP(' -News, Extravaganza.

KFWB -Dispatch from Ren- ters.

HFAC- Eveuing Concert. KGFJ-B & R Cowboys. W6XYZ- Television, Test Pat-

tern. SPAS --J. Frank Burke.

*KGER-News. 8:05 -HGER -Aubrey Lee.

KFWB -Rene Williams' (irch. KFOX -Ree. S. B. Franklin


and King's Ambassador Quartet KMa: R- 8:05.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:45 A. M. M 'nday through Friday

8:15 *KFI, KFSD-Roy Maypole, Comment. KNX-Press Club. KECA, BFMB -The Parker

Family. 8:30 -KFI, HFSD- Duffy's Tavern.

HNX -It Pays To Be Ignorant. KECA, KFMB -Gang Busters.

HMPC -Vi bat Would Your Headline Be?

*KFR'B -N ewe. *KPAS, KFOX -P. E. Gard-

ner. K RKD- Merry -Go-Round. WtXYZ- Television, T. B

Blakiston, News Analysis. 8:45 -HFWB -Help Wanted. 'tGFJ- Trumpet Blues.

9 -KFI, HFSD -Furlough Tun. RNX- Aldrich Family. KECA, KF51B -Tom Scene-

man, Highlights. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HYOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. HFWB -Strollin' Tom.

*KMTR-News, Dr. A. V. Sllchelson.

SPAS -Dr. Louis T. Talbot. WIIXYZ- Televielon. World

Travels. 9:15*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Cecil Brown, News. *KFOX -News.

WBXYZ- Television Comedy. Embarrassing Situations.

9:30-KFI-Joan Davis -Jack Haley. KNX-Adventures of the

Thin Man. *KECA -News. s *HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Fultoo Lewis, Jr. KFWB -Dave Ormont. KMTR -Ham and Eggs. KGFJ-Blue of Evening. EPAS- Pasadena Chic Dance. KFSD- Rupert Hughes.

0:45 -HECA -Two Bells Theater. KHJ, KGB, HFX.M, KVOE-

Rupert Hughes. *HFWB-Sam Baiter.

HMTR -Merl Lindsay A Read. 9:58 -HNX -Tohe Reed.

'O *KFT. HFSD- Richfield Be. porter.

*HNX -Ten o'Clock Wire. KHJ, KGB, KFXMM, HAVE--

San Francisco Opera. HECA, KFMB- llolly000d

Spotlight, George Fisher. *HMPC -News, oy Le i Fights.

HFWB- Eastside Dine Tenne *KMTR -News, Bob Brooks.

HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

*HF VD- Newsical. 3 Hrs. KGFJ-Hank. Nightwatchman,

till 6 a.m.

Meerka's FloDANCE

Tonite 10 to 12 P. M.

. Every Nit. E.cyt s.dy

K .!ut lands

HPAS- Western Hit Parade. 10:15 -KFI- Manchester Buddy.

*KNX-John Cohee. KMTR -Pete Pontrelll Orch.

10:30 *HFI -Inside the News, (Thrifty Drugs).

Inside the News with Edward Jorgenson

and Norman Nesbitt 10:30 P. M. - KFI THRIFTY DRUG STORES

KNX- World's Most Honored Music.

KECA- Chester Bowles, O.P.A. Administrator.

KMTR-Art Wenzel Orch. 10:45-KFI-Medals in Music.

KECA- Doctor Talks It Over. KMTR-Jack Riley Orch,

11 *KFI, KHJ-News. *KNX -News, Bob Andersen.

* McHugh. n Phil es, Tidings - Ph

*HMPC -News, Showboat. HFWB -Eastside Dance To-

nite. HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. RFOX -Merl Lindsay Okla-

homans. 11:05 -KHJ -Johnson Family. U:15 -KFI-Post Parade, Peter de

Lima. KHJ -Hal McIntyre's Orche. KPAS-Beds for Buddies.

11:30 -KFI, KFSD-Radio Fanfare. *KECA -News, Dixie Hospital-

ity. KFVD- Neasical, till 1 a.m.

11:45 *RAJ, KFSD-News. KNX- Lionel Hampton.


RADIO LIFE 1.11(;S are checked carefully and intelligently, item by item each week, with program information furnished by the va- rious stations. They are, there- fore an accurate as is hmnanly possible ender present shifting wartime conditions.

&Indlcatee News Broadcasts.

At hours where no listing Is shown for a local station, recorded music has been scheduled.

solving Your Is Our first C

Hardware Problems nsiderotion



RFI. KESD -K -C Jamboree. *KNX, KGFJ, KGER-News.

KECA- Between the Lines. KILT-Hubby's Hobby.

*KMPC -News, Commentary.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KFV.B -Dave Ormont. *HMTR -News, Ezra' Hill-

billies. KFAC- Country Church. KWHW, HFOX, KRHD-

Hasen of Rest. HFVD- Covered Wagon

Jubilee. 8:05 -ANN -Let's Pretend.

RGER -Soul Patrol. 8:15*RECA, EFNII -News.


X.M nbow House.

RMPC- Market Report, Sports Roundup.

RFWB -Bands in Res lew. 11111M- unseen Enemy. KGFJ-Brea Vast Tunes. HGER -Mizpah.

111;30 -AFI. KIND-Melody Roundup. EYE- Fashions in Rations, Billie Burke.

EECA, RFMB- McNeHI's Breakfast Club.

*KHJ. KFAC, KRED -News. RMPC -Tau Shall Have Music KR KW- Morning Variety.

*RRHD -News Headlines. RFOX- Children's Bible Hour KFXM-Sunshine Service.

11:45- KHJ -Juror Army, *RFWB -News.

KFVD -Vocal Varieties. KMTR- International Sunday

School. KWKW-Pasadena Police

Dept. RGER- Colonial Tabernacle. t :811-K.MTR -Time Signal.


KNX-Theater of Today. KECA -Fannie Karst Pre-

sents RAJ. KGB, News Commen-

tary. *KMPC -News, Music.

KFWB-Islands Songs.

*HMTR -News, ('hildrens' Re- ligious Hr.

RFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. KRIM-Sagebrush Serenade. RW'RW -Azusa Temple. HFSD -Walte Time. KFXM, HVOE -Hello Mom.

9:05 -RGER -Ada S. Teeple. :15-KFI, KIND-Consumer Time.

EMIT-Frank and Ernest. KFWB -Health Talk. RFAC -Civil Service Comm. KGFJ- Medical. KWHW -Full Gospel.

*KFV D -Newa. 9 :30*K El-Alex Drier.

KNX-Stars Over Hollywood. 'MCA-Chatham Shopper,

Lois Long. KHJ, KGB -Hello. Mom. KM PC-Studio Party.


KMTR -W. B. Record. HPAS- Scratches R Jockeys. KGFJ-Swing Serenade. HFVD --Show Tunes.

KGER -Radio Revival. KFXM, KVOE- Saturday

Scrapbook. RFSD- Atlantic Spotlight.

9:45 -KFI -L. A. County Medical. Assoc.

HHJ -Red Cross Reporter. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR -- Curtis Springer. KFAC-Midmorning Matinee.

*HARD -News. Clifton. KW'RW- Willard Messenger. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. HGER -Full Gospel. HGB -Red Cross Reporter. lo -KFI, HFSD- Adventure

Ahead. KNX-Grand Central Station.

*HHJ, KGB, HFXM, HVOJS -- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA-News. *RMPC -News, Ray Bloch. *KGFJ -KFOX, KGER-News.

RFWB- Salvation Army. *KMTR -News. Music.

RWKW- Metropolitan Scratch Sheet.

ER/ED-Turf Bulletins. KFt.D- Morning Serenade.

10:15 -KECA -Collins Calling. KAI, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Al Williams. KM PC-Naomi Reynolds. KFWB- C.S.O. Grams. KMTR- Chicago Tabernacle. KFAC -L. A. Medical Assoc.

*KPAS -News. KGFJ-Salon Swing. SFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.



aoT64oToT930-T10z01 I 600 710 870 990 1070 III

KGER-Grace Testimony. 10:75*KNX -News. 10 :30*RFI, 111'813-News.

KNX- Report to the Nation. *KHJ. SFAC -News. *KECA- What's Cookin', News

KMPC- Pen -Americana. KFWB -Varieties. KMTR -American Story Book. KPAS -Help Wanted.

*KWIC VW-News. KGER-Sunshine Pastor. KGB. KFXM HVOE- Lunch-

een With Lopez. 10 :45*KFI. RFSD -News.

AMR-Dave Ormoni. KMTR- Ts hernnel., Choir. KW HW- King'a Men L Mills. RFAC- Retween the 1Jnee. RFOX- Firebrands Children',

Hour. //PAS- Marines.

11- KFI-Opportunity Theater. HNX -Mary Lee Taylor,

Economist. KM-Clinic Forum. RECA- Women in Blue.

*HMPC -News, Hollywood Melodies.

KFWB -Al Jarvis. *HMTR -News, Music.

KFAC-Song Showcase. KWHW -Vocal Varieties.

*KGFJ, KFVD, KGER-News. KGB -Treasury Salute. KFXM-Moods in Music. KVOE -Volee of the Army. SFSI) -House of Make Re-

lieve. 11:15 -1EMPC -Bing Crosby.

KGFJ-Sweet and Low. KFAC-Far Horizons. *KWKW-News.

KFVD- Musical Revue. RF XM- Rancho Roundup. KGB. HVOE Lani McIntyre. KGER-Venice Foursquare.

11 :30-KFI, KFSD -War Chest Spelling Bee.

ANN-Football. KECA- Roseland Orch. KMIH'- Veterans of Foreign

Wars. KMTR- Curtis H. Springer. *RI'AS- Pasadena Independent. KWKW- Freddy Martin.

*KFAC. KFOX -News. *KRHD -News, Musk.

KGF.1- Tnnefnl Tunes. KGB. KFX.M, KVOE- George

Sterne's Orch. 11:45- 1EHJ- Servlee Unlimited.

KECA- Worship In Miniature.

SATURDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:06 -KC Jamboree. KFI.

:30-Andy Devine, KFI. 9:30 -"Hello. Mom," KHJ. 9:30 -Breakfast at Sardl's

KECA. 10:00 --Grand Central Station,

KNX. 4:36 -Hollywood Barn Dance.

ENE. 5 :00 -Kenny Baker Show. KNX. e:00- National Barn Dance.

RFI. 8:30 -Spotlight Bands, KECA. 6:30--Can You Top This? KFI. 7:00 -Guy Lombardo. KECA. 7:00 -Barry Wood -Patsy Kelly

Show, KFI. T:15 -Mayor of the Town, KNX. 5:30 -Grand Ole ()pry. KFI. 8:30 -Rudy Vallee, KFI. 9:00 -Your Hit Parade, ENE.

Drama o :00-Fannie Hurst Presents,

KECA. 9:00 -Theater of Today, KNX. 9:30 -Stars Over Hollywood.

KNX. 6:00 -This Is My Story, KNX.

:00-Results, Inc.. KHJ. 7:30 -Man Called X, KECA. 8:30 -Inner Sanctum Mystery,

KNX. 9:00 -Hollywood Theatre, KFI.

11:00 -Cisco Kid, KHJ.

Quiz Programs 6:55- Coronet Quick Quiz, KECA 8:00 -Truth or Consequences,

KFI. 0:45 -Don't Too Believe lt,


War 8:30- Fashions In Rations, B.

Burke. KNX. 3:45 -It's Marder, !MCA.

II:00- -Tanke in Orient. KECA.

Outstanding Music 1:00- Columbia Symphony, KNX. 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

RFAC. 5:30- Boston Symphony. KECA. 0:00 -:Musical Digest, HGFJ. 6:45-Saturday Night Serenade,

ENE. 8:06 - Evening Concert KFAC. 9:00-Your Hit Parade, HIVE.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

to :00- Fastside Dance Tonte. KFWB.

Public Affairs 11 :30-War Chest Spelling Bee,

KFI. 1 :18 -Book of the Month, KGER 3:15- People's Platform, ENE. 9:le -Demo. Natl. ('or., K \N.

10:00 -BBC Calling EFI. EFI. Sports- Comment

9:30 -- Scratches. Jockeys, KPAS. 10:00-Turf Bulletin. KRKD. 11:30 -Football. KNX. 1:15- Gallant Fox Handicap,

RHJ. '113-Coast Football. KN.,. 5:13-Belle Martell, KMTR. 5:15--Sportscast, KHJ. 5:30 -Football Res kw. RF1. 5 :30 -Race Results. KRHD. 8:00- C.S.('. se. St. Mary's,




ii rd T 1240 T13301-13 0 T s 1230 12 80 1360 1431 1490

HMPC -This Day of War. l'rayer.

KFAC-Piano Briefs. HWRW -Frank Sinatra. KFVD- Violet Schram. RPM-Girl Scouts.

11:55 *KWHW -News.




KFAC -Sat., 11:15 a.m.


12RFI -Farm Reporter. *KHJ, KECA -News. *RMPC -News, Waltz Time.

HMTR -News, Ezra's Hill- billies.

HPAS -J. Newton Yates, Organist.

HFAC. HFVD- Luncheon Concert.


!ITEM- Unscheduled. RRKD- Prairie Schooner.

12:18 *KFI -James Abbe. KHJ-Eagle Speaks. KECA- Diamond Dramas.

*HESS. KFXM-News. HWRW -Dr. Richey. KGB, HVOE -This Is Hal-

loran. KGER-Police Broadcast.

11:30 -RFI, HFSD- Smilin' Ed Mc- Connell.

RHJ- George Barry's Orch. KECA- Musical Toast. HMPC -Lean Back, Listen.

*KFWB -News. HMTR -Merl Lindsay 4t Band. HWRW -Dinah Shore. KFVD- Violet Schram. KGB. RFXM, HVOE- George

Barry Orch. 12 ;45- KFWB -AI Janis.

HHJ -Kelley //lassies. *HFAC -News.

!MEW-Dick McIntyre HFOX -Meet the Band. KGER-Townsend Plan. HEX. M- Western Playboys.

iKI7. HFSD -Resery e. HHJ. HGB, KFXM. HVOE-

Billy Rogers Orch. *KECA -News, Heidt's Sat-

urday Revue. *RMPC -News. unit Word.

B. *KFW KFVD, KGER-News. *KMTR -News, Perkins Carni-

val. RFAC -Song Showcase. HC,F.I- Record Session 'till 3

m. KWKW- Military Band. HFOX -Dance Time.

1:15 -KFI- Barbara and the Boys. HHJ, HGB, RFXM, HVOE-

Gallant Fox Handicap. HFW'B -Al Jarvis. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KG ER-Book of the Month. KWKW -Viennese.

1:30 -K1.1- Races. RH,1 -Del Courtney Orch. HMPC -Mary Alice Collins. KIND-Hawaiian Music.

*KPAS -News. RWKW- Musical Memories. KFOX- Concert Master. KRKD- Singing Waiters.

1:45- 11LFI -Reserve. KMPC- Irandon Column.

*KRKD -News. KFAC-Between the Lines. HWRW- Alvina Rey. KFVD -Vocal Varieties. KGER-Veterans' Employ-

ment. KFXM -South American Way.

2 h.

RFSD- Reserse. KNX--Columbia Symphony

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Unscheduled.

*KECA -News. *KMPC -News, Duke Ellington. *KMMTR -News, Halley's

Swingtime. KWKW-Copper Caravan. ERHD- Concert Melodies. KV%D- Timely Tunes. staut-Long Beach Band. RFOX -Organ Treasures.

1:15 -SECA- Musical Serenade.



Gems of Melody

4 -5 P.M. daily KFAC - 1330

Sponsored by


KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Pae. ('oast Football.

HFW B- Hillbilly. KFAC -Paradise Isle.

t:30-KFI-Rupert Hughes. KMP(' -Joan Edwards. KFWB- Better Speech. KPAS- Slapsy Maxie s.

*KRKD -News, Music. 2 :45 -KFI, HFSD -Music Room,

KECA -Hello Sweetheart. KM P(' -Milt Berth Oreb.

*HFVD -News.

3 HFI -Since Pearl Harbor. *KNX -Quincy Howe, News.

KECA -M uric Room. KM PC-Claude Thornhill.

*KFWB. HGER -News. *KMTR -News, Music.

KPAS-List ' Digest. HRKI)- Matinee Melodies. KFOX- Varieties. KGFJ -Swan` Club. KIND--Popular Favorites. KESD -House of Make- Believe

3:15-KFI, HFSD -I Sustain Wings. KNX- People's Platform. KFWB -Vocal Varieties.

*HMTR- George Highley. KWHW -Dave Rose. KPAS -Juke Box Matinee. KGER -Music Appreciation. HFOX- Hawaii Calls.

3:30 -KF1, KFSD-Curt M y and Co.

YE('A- Master Radio Ca- naries.

HM P(' -Dick Haymes. *KWKW -Off the Press.

KMTR- Pianos. KFOX -Help Wanted.

*HRKD -News. IIIVD -Star Time Tunes, KFOX -Hollywood Salon.

3 :45 -14FI, HFSD- Religiuu in News.

KNX -The World Today. KECA-It's Murder. KMI'(' -Dellz Rhythm Boys.

*KFWB-News. KWKW-Artie Shaw.

3 :55*KN X- Analysis. 4 -1(1I, HFSD -They Live For-

ever. KNX -Men Who Make Music. KECA, HGER, KFOX -News.

*KMPC -News, Harry James. KFWB- Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -News, Santaella En- semitle.

KFAC-Musical Masterpieces. *KGF'.1 -News.

KWHW-Bing Crosby. HFVD- Piano.

4 :15*KEC A-Hoosier Observer. *KMTR-Radio Newsreel. *KFVD- News.

KGFJ- Saturday Special. HRKD- Movieland Quiz. K(:ER-Colonial Tabernacle.

4:30 -KF'1, HFSD -Oa Scouting Trail.

KNX- Hollywood Bare Dance. KECA-Ses You. KM PC-American Music. KFWB -Blind Artists Guild. KMTR, KFOX -Old Age

National Schools present


4:15 p.m. Sat.

KECA Pensions.

HRKD -Tunes of the Day. KWKW -Harry James. K( :ER- Prophecy Speaks.

4 :15-KF WII- Stuart Hamblen. Kt:F'.1 -Gas House Concert. *KRKD -News.

5 KM-Trot fie Tribunal. KNX -Kenny Baker.


*HMPC -News, Nation's Politics.

*KMTR -News, Perkins Carni- val.

HRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KFVD -Evening Serenade. Kl'AS -Jon Billings. KGFJ -live at 5. KGB -True Detective Mystery. KFOX -- Sunshine Pastor. KIND- Eleanore King.

5:05. -HGER -Olga Graves. 5:15 *KF I -News.

KHJ -Sports Cast. *KECA -Navy Waves.

KMPC-At the Opera. KMTR -Belle Martell Sports.

*KGB. KKFXrd, KVOE -Mule for Remembrance.

5:30 -11 FI -Foot hau Review.



Bishop Stevens KMPC -710 kc. -5:45 P.M.

lWÜllüi' alma

I l i,:I, _

*KNX -Harry Flannery. KECA, KFMB- Buston Sym-

phony. KHJ -Salon Music. KM PC- Louise Va lion.

*KMTR -lrwin Allen. HI'AC- American Legion Aux-

iliary. -KG IA-Interlude. HRKD -South Seas Serenade. HGER- Sister Despalne. KFOX -On the Rand Wagon. KFY'D -90 -90 Club.

5:45*KFI, KFsD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX-Truman Bradley News *KHJ, KGB, KFX.M,


News Wire. KM PC-Bishop Stevens. KMTR- Editor's Notebook. HRKD -Hollywood Tune-

smiths. HFVD- Serenade. KFOX -Bal Taberin.

5:55 *KNX -Bob Trout. 6 -KFI- HFSD -National Barn

Dance. KNX -This Is My Story. KHJ KGB, HFCtt, HVOE-

Chicago Theater of the Air.

fE Jo Z

6:00 P.M. KNX Alive with the fire and romance

a' 4.0 of stories written by actual per sons' The drama of real humans


oö zo

*KMPC-News, American Legion.

*HEWN, HGER. KFOX -News. *KMTR-News, Esra's Hill-

billies. KGFJ -Musical Digest. KWKW- Italian Melodies. KFAC-Music for Everyone.

6:15*KFWB -Dave Ormont. KRKD -South Sea S de.

*KF VD -News. 6:30 -KFI. KFSSD -Can You Top

This? KNX- That's a Good Idea. KECA HFMB- Spolllght

Bands. HMPC -Challenge to Youth. HEWS-Radio Rodeo. HPAS- Swert Chariot Hour.




6:00 -7:00 P.M.

"Mefisto Waltz- by Franz Liszt Milita Korjus in arias from Rossini, Donizetti and Myerbeer. Solos by such artists as Rachmaninoff, Jascha Heifetz and Getta Alpar.

K RHD -Races Recreated. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room. KV'OF.-Gospel Light.

N\1.SN \RE

Pt eseOMPgIVr N





KNX 9:45 -KNX- Saturday Night Sere-

nade. 8:55 -KECA. KFMB- Coronet Quick

Quiz. 7-E111, HFSD -Barry Wood -

Patsy Kelly. KECA -Guy Lombardo. KHJ, KFXM, KVOE -Results,

inc. *KMI'C- News, Candlelight L

Sliver. *KMTR -News, Viennese En-

semble. KFAC -Dr. James Flfleld, Jr. SFAS -Nazarene Church.

*KRKD, KGER -News. KWKW-Band of Week. KGFJ -Show Time.

:15 -KNX -Mayor of the Town. KMTR-W. B. Record.

:30-'4 FI. KFSD -Grand Ole Opry. KECA, KFMB -Man Called X. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, Kl'OE-

Red Ryder. *HFWB -News.

KMTR-Dr. Clem Davies. SEA(' -First Baptist Church. KGFJ -Spanish Hour. KRKD-Do You Know?

:45 -KNX -The Story Teller. *KFWB, KFAC -News.

HI'AS -Roy S I.enny.





KECA '7:30 PM Saturdays

8 K Fl-REND-Truth or

Consequences. KNX-America in the Air. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Downbeat Derby. KECA, KFMB -Early Ameri-

can Dance Music. HMPC- U.S.('. vs. St. Marys. KFWB- American Sketches. KMTR -News, Rev. H. O.

Egerison. HPAS- Church of God.

*HGER -News. Sister Sylvla. O :15-KFWB-Community Syna-

gogue. O :30 -KFI, KFSD-Rudy Vallee.

KNX -Inner Sanctum Mys- tery.

*KECA- Leland Stowe. KMTR -Merl Lindsay L Band. KFOX- County Barn Dance. KGF.(- Western Tunes. HGER- Sunshine Pastor.

8 :45 -KFWB -Youth Speaks to Hal Styles.

*KECA- News.. KGFJ- Trunspet Blues.

s :55 *KN X -News. 9 *HFI, YFHD- Skippy Holly- wood Theater.

KNX -Tour Hit Parade. KECA -Meet Your Navy.


KFWB- Victory Service Club. *KMTR-News, Dr. A. U.

Michaelson. KPAS- Pasadena Civic Dance KGFJ- Dancing Rhythm.

0:15 *HFW B -Neva.


with Al Jarvis and famous Guest Musicians

KW, d TO 9 P.M.


KHJ- Dreamboat, Poems. 9:30 -KECA- Toldlere With Wings.

KHJ. KGB. KVOE- Vaughn Monroe Orch.

KMTR -Ham and Eggs KGFJ -Blue of Evening,

9:40 -KNX -Demo. Nat'l ('om. 9:45 -KFI -This is My Country.

KNX -Don't You Believe It. KHJ -Songs of Good Cheer. KFWB-Desert Battalion. KMTR-Merl Lindsay A Band. KOFJ -Blue of Evening. HFSD- Rupert Hughes.

i0 *HFI -BBC Calling KFI. *KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire.

KHJ, HFX..M. KVOE Dean Hudson's Orch.

*SECA, HMPC, KGFJ -News. HMI'(' -News, Saturday Nits

Dance. KFWB-Eastside Dance.

*KMTR -News, Bob Brooks.

DANCE Tonite .

10 to 12 P. M. t,rr so ry..rt s..a.y

KgWBI a..ria. s yt..M Meas

K F'.((' -Lucky Lager Dance. HFOX- Cuuoty Ba ro Donee.

*KFVD- Newslcal, 3 Hrs. KGFJ -Hank, Night. -atchman

till 8 a.m. 10 :15-KFI-The Unseen Enemy.

KNX- ('laude Watson. KECA -Music by Gill. KMTR -fete Pontrelll Oreb.

10:30 *KF1 -News. *KNX-Henry Busse.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOS- Harmony Hall.

KECA -Harry Owens Orch. KMPC -Sade Cooley. KFWB- Eastside Danes KMTR-Art Wenzel Orch. KFAC-Evening Concert. KGFJ -B. L R. Boys.

*HF VD- Newrlcnl.





10 :45-KFI-George Oleson Orch. *KNX- Public Affairs.

KMTR-Jack Riley Orch.

14 *KFI. KNX-News. i *KHJ-News. Cisco Kid. KECA -Yanks in Orient. KFWB- F.nstslde Dance.

*KM PC- News, Showboat. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

11:05 -Henry King Orch. HNX -Paul Martin.

11 :30-KFI, KFSD- Ilarry James KNX -Lionel Hampton.

*KECA -News. Dixie Hospital- ity.

HMPC -ConArt Miniature. *KFVD- Newsical, till 1 a.m.

11 :35-KHJ-Concert. 11 :55*K N X,KFW B -News.


ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM FINDER Note: Programs marked with an asterisk () are of the contest, quiz. or offer

*Indicates programs of news and commentation. AAP' Symphonic Flight..._.._...HECA, 8 a.m. Su *Abbe, James EFL, 12:15 p.m.. Sa Abbott d Costello KFI, 7 p.m. Th Across the Threshold..._...KFSD, 9:30 a.m. M -t' Adve. -ture Ahead KFI, 10 a.m. Sa Adventures of Bill Lance KNX, 9:00 p.m. Su Adventures of Tom MIL.._...RHJ, 5:30 p.m. M -F Adventures of the Thin Man KNX, 9:30 p.m. N Album of Familiar Music HFL 8:30 p.m. Su Aldrich Family __.._.........._...K1NX, 9 p.m. it Allan -Jones Show _._.._. HNX, 9 p.m. W Allen, Irwin .._......___...-BTH, 5:30 p.m. M -Sa Amat:ng Jennifer Logan...._.HHJ, 9:45 a.m. M-F America in the Air..._..__._.....KNX. 8 p.m. Ss American Forum _...HHJ, 6:30 p.m. Tu American Town Meeting of the Air.._......_

_. ...... _... ..............._..- ........._.. KECA, 9 p.m. Th American Melody Hour.._ KNX 4:30 p.m. Tu Amer. Woman's Jury

...KGB, HF.I-.M, KVOE, 10:45 a.m. M -F American Story Book_.__BMTB, 10:30 a.m. Sa Amos 'u' Andy ..............._.._ KFI, 7 p.m. t' Andy Devine ..._....._._....._....._.KFI, 8:30 a.m. Sa Andy and Virginla__.KECA, 4:30 p.m. M, W. F

KNX, 1:15 p.m. M -F; 5:45 p.m. Su *Art Baker. News _.BFI, 10:45 a.m. M -F Art Baker's Notebook. ...... .... .Kn. 4:30 p-m. M -F Armstroug, Jack__.___ __BECA, 5:30 p.m. M -F Army Hour .._...EFL, 12:30 p.m. Su A Song Is Born_ -. KFI, 6 p.m. M Aunt Jemima.__ ..KECA, 10 :55 a.m. M -F Aunt Jenny. _HS I, 8:45 a.m. M -F Amt Mary .... ..... _..._._._....BFI, 10:30 a.m. M -F Bachelor's Children. .._...._B_NX, 12:45 p.m. M -F Backstage Wlfe.._..._._.__._.__.KFI, 1 p.m. M-F Baker, (Kenny) K.NX, 5 p.m. Sa *Batter, Sam _. ._.. KFWB, 9:45 p.m. M -F

EFL, 1:45 p.m Su; KECA, 10:30 p.m. M -F Baptist Brothers ..._.._._....HP&S 8:30 a.m. T. Th Barbara and Boys... KFI 1:15 p.m. Sa Barn Dance .)BFI, 6 p.m. Sa Barrymore. Ethel KECA. 12:30 p.m. Su Barrymore, Lionel KNX, 7:15 p.m. Sa *Baukhage Talking..KECA KFMB, 11 a.m. M-F Beds for Buddies KI'AS, 11:15 p.m F Benny, Jack BFI, 4 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Su Bergen- McCarthy _ BFI, 5 p.m. Su Better Speech _._....._...KFWB, 2:30 p.m. Sa Between the Lines SECA, 8 a.m. M -k'

KFAC, 0:45 p.m. M -F Bible Treasury Hour_ __ _.HMTH 3:30 p.m. Su;

. .._.._._..._.._.....- _.._.. - _ 8:45 a.m. M -F Bible Says So KMPC, 1:30 p.m. Su *Big Sister ....._..._......__ BNX 9:15 a.m. M -t' Big Town.__ .._ .................._.._..BLt, 8:30 p.m. Tu Bill Hay Reads the Bible___...KHJ, 3:45 p.m. M -F Bishop Stevens _._ ' KMPC, 5:45 p.m. Ss *Blakistoe T. It....._........_...HFI, 8:15 a.m. M -F

KECA, 7 a.m. M -Sa; KFI, 7:15 a.m. M -Sa W6XYZ, Television, 8:30 p.m. F

Blind Date _ _ KECA, 9 p.m. M Blind Artists Gulld...__-$FWB, 4:30 p.m. Sa Blondie KNX, 8:30 p.m. Su Blue Jacket ('holt.. KNX, 8:05 a.m. Su Blue Newsroom Review..SECA, 1:45 p.m. T, Th *Buddy, Manchester KFI, 10:15 p.m. M. F Book of the Month KGER, 1:15 p.m. Sa Boston Symphony ¡MCA, :30 p.m. Ss Bowes, Major ____KNX, , 6 p.m. Th Bowlen Sports Cad..._ _ KFAC, 5 p.m. Su Bowron. Fletcher_ ...... _.._. __K,FI 10:15 p.m. Th

_...._ ........ ...... ..._ KMPC, 7 p.m. Su Boxing Bouts BHJ, 8 p.m. k' *Bradley. Truman KNX. 2:30 p.m. M -Th

5:45 p.m. M -F Breakfast Club HFW'B. R a.m. W Breakfast at Sardi's _ ............._..._._.

KECA, KFMB, 9:30 a.m. M -Sa Breneman, Mark KNX, R a.m. M -F Breneman, Tom KECA. 9 p.m. F Brewster Boy.. .._._ __ KNX. 6:30 p.m. F Brice, Fanny.... .............. _. KN X, 7:30 p.m. Su Br dge Club K.MNC, 12:30 N, M -F Bridge to Dreamland KECA, 11:35 p.m. Su Bright Horizon KNX, 12:30 p.m. M -F *Broadway News_ .KHJ 12 N M -F; 6 p.m. M -F *Brown, Cecil _____KHJ. 9:15 p.m. M, W. F Brown. Joe E KECA, 7:30 p.m. Th Bulldog Drummond_.....KHJ, DLBS, 8:30 p.m. W *Burke, J. Frank. KPAS. 8 p.m. M -F Burnett, Jay._._........_.-.¡ECA, 3:45 p.m. M -F Burns, Bob KFI, 6:30 p.m. Th Burns and Allen KNX, 6 p.m. Tu Burton. John KHJ, 1:15 p.m. M. W, k' California ('nvailer KHJ, 7:30 a.m. M -F Calling All home........KOFJ. 11:45 a.m. M. W, F Can Seri Top This ?.._ _...KFI. 6:30 p.m. Se Can't Take It With You KHJ, 2 p.m. Su Cantor, Eddie KFI, 8 p.m. W Captain Midnight KECA. 5:45 p.m., M -F Care of the Body....KMTR. 10:45 a.m. M. 61, F Carnetlou Hour.._ .........__._.._...........EFL. 7 p.m. M Carson, Jack ...._........__..__...BNX, 6:30 p.m. W *Carter, Snake _...KHJ,

... . KFXM, KGB, KVOE, 9 a.m. M -F Carton of Cher MI. 8:30 p.m. W Catholic Answers.._.._.___..KFWB 7:45 p.m. Su Catholic Hour Kí'1, 3 p.m. Su Cavalcade of America KFI, 8:30 p.m. M Chapel Quartet (Pierce Bros.)

KFI. 10:15 p.m Su Chesterfield =Lute Shop.._ BFI. 8 p.m. M -F t'ai......) ', _':Aire .........RFI. D p.m. 5u Chicago Thcater_..SH.J. KGB, KFXM, 6 n.m. Sa

Children's Bible Hour ....... _...KFOX, 8:30 a.m. Sa Christian Science ..........._ , 5:10




Su 1t1FOX, 8 p.m. 1st. 3d, 5th Su;

p.m. , F Chuckwagon Jamboree KFI, 6:15 a.m. M -Sa Church of the Air ..._...KNX, 7 a.m., 10 a.m. Su Church Federation Vespers ...KECA. 4:15 p.m. Su Churchman Views the News

_ ._...H.MP(', 5:45 p.m. Sa Citizens' Forum. KNX, 9:30 p.m. Th Civoru Group BFO \, 2:15 p.m, Su (letelund Symphony HHJ, 4 Su *Close, Upton KH,I,

KGB, KFXM, RIVE. 3:30 p.m. Su Club Good Cheer

KEA, 911.1:15.7.511-.Fu * Cohee, John....._.._...._.....BNX, 10C:15 Collins CaltIng.____.._..BNX 7:25 n.m. M. W', F

......._.... _._........._...._..._._HÌi:CA, 10:15 a.m. Sa Columbus Boys Choir KHJ, 6:45 p.m. Su Commander Scott .___.BHJ, 10:15 a.m. Su Community Synagogus..,...KFWB 8:15 p.m. Sa Contented Hour.._..___......_ KFI, 7 p.m. M Corliss Archer KNX, 6:30 p.m, Th *Coronet Quick Qulz.y_.. KECA, 11:55 p.m. Sa Coronet Story Teller _BECS. 6:55 p.m. M -F Counterspy.- _.._.._..BECA, KFMB, 8:30 p.m. M Country Church of Hollywood_ ...__.._ ...... _._._.

..._ ........... ........._........__._...KFAC, 8 a.m. Tn -Su County Medical Assu.__..BFAC 10:15 a.m. Sa

.H ._..--- --F(I, 9:45 a.m. Sa Count of Mante Cristo._ ............._.BHJ, 8 p.m. Ta Cowl. Lane ......_...._.___ _..KHJ. 11:30 a.m. M -F Crime Doctor.... ..._._.._ . ............._...KNX, 8 p.m. Su ¡timberland Vespen _.._._.._.BFi1X, 10 p.m. W Dance Time (Lucky Lager)..._...._.._....

.. _ MAC. lo p.m. M -Sa; 10:30 p.m. Su Dance Tonite (Eastsid. Beer) ......._..... ... _. ... ._....

KFWB, 10 p.m. M -Sa Dangerously Tours......._ _.._...KN%, 11 a.m. Su Darts for Douth.__.._.___ _--_...KECA. I p.m. Su Date With Judy---- . -__.._ Ktl, 3:30 p.m. Tu David Harum ..... __-_.__.._.. KFI, 8:45 a.m. M -F Danes, Dr. Clem._.__.KMTR, 7:30 p.m. M -Sa

_._.KFW'B, 6 a.m, M -Sa Davis -Haley BFI, 9:30 p.m. F Death Valley Sheriff.._ KNX, 8:30 p.m. Th Detroit Bible Class..._..BGB KVOE. 9 a.m. Su Diamond Dramas...__.___._.KECA, 12:15 p.m. Sa Dick Tracy _______ __BECS, 5:15 p.m. M-F Don't Fou Believe It!_.___ KNX, 9:45 p.m. Sa Double or Nothing..._.._...._ KHI,

--KGB, EF7RK, KVOE, 6:30 p.m. F Downstage Center BFI, 9:30 p.m. Tu Downey, Morton..._._. KECA, It u. M -F Dr. A. U. Michelson._BMTH, 8:15 a.m., M -Sa;

9 p.m. M -Sa Do You Remember-KHJ, 1:15 p.m. Tu. Th, Sa Dreamboat ............._...._......_ -._.HHJ, 9:13 p.m. Sa Dr. Christian ..._.._.-_.._.._..__KNX. 8:30 p.m. W *Dr. I. Q...._.._.___.___ BFI 7:30 p.m. M Dr. Kate ....._..._._ .._...KFI, 4 p.m. M -F Duffy's Tavern..__..... -..__..__.KFI, 8:30 p.m. F Dunninger KECA, 9 p.m. W Easy Aces ...... _.-__.__KNX. 4:30 p.m. W Eddy, Nelson. .._....__..__...._.._.KNX, 7:30 p.m. W Ellery Queen .___________ .EFL 9:30 p.m. Th Evening` Concert.__.-Bon.- ......_.._..KFAC, 8 p.m. M -Sa F.verythiug for the ............SFI, 9 p.m. Tu Family Bible.,____..._.._...KMPC, 1:30 p.m. M -F Family Circle.._....- __.....__.KFW'B, 7:30 a.m. Su Family Hour _.... ».._..._._..KNX, 2 p.m. Su Fanny Hurst Presents. _.___..KECA, 9 a.m. Sa Farm Reporter _.._........... _...BFI, 12 u. M -Sa Fashions ln Rations, Billie Burke..._.._ ...... _._

B.NX. 8:33 a.m. Ss Fibber McGee d Molly KFI, 8:30 p.m. Tu **Fidler. Jimmy..._..BECA, KFMB. 6:45 p.m. Su Fdield. J. W. KFAC. 7 p.m. Sa First Church Vesper,...__.._ _...KMIS', 7:15 p.m. Su First Line ......___..__.__.___.._ .KNX, 7 p.m. ' First Nighter _____ KHJ, 6:30 p.m. W Fisher, George..._...._...._...HECA, 10 p.m. M -F Fitch Bandwagon.._..___ BFI, 4:30 p.m. Su *Flannery. Harry W..._...KNX, 5:30 p.m. M -Sa *Flatau. H. Louis _.KMTR, 5:45 p.m. M -F *}Fletcher, Graeme...__ BFI, 7 a.m. M, W, F Floretta KFAC. 11 a.m. M -F Foreman Phillips Country Barn Dance

... KFOX, 9 p.m. Sii; 8:30 p.m. Sn; *Foster, Cedric ...._ .... _..KHJ, 6:30 p.m. Su

BHJ, DLBS 11 a.m. M -F Frank and Ernest..._._.._._.. KMPC, 9:15 a.m. Sa Fred Waring ._.__....BECA, 8:30 p.m. Th Front Page Farrell..._..__..._.KFI 2:45 p.m. M -F Furlough Fun.._ ____..._. .Kl'I, 9:00 p.m. F Funny Paper Land ................KFAC, 7 :30 am. Su Gang Busters ....... KECA, KFMB, 8:30 p.m. F Gay Nineties _. . .KNX, :30 p.m. M *Gladstone, Henry _.KHJ, DLBS, 7 p.m. M -F Clamor Manor .... _ .._- .......... KE('A, 9 a.m. M -F Gleason- Tremayue _ KFI, 7.30 p.m. Su Goldlwres..._.. ____BNX, 10:45 a.m. M -F Good Will Hour...__ _._..__ KHJ, 7 p.m. Su Gospel Herald _._..BMTR, 8:06 p.m. Th Grand Central Station_ .._...HNX, 10 a.m. Ss Grand Ole Opry _..BFI, 7:30 p.m. Sa Grew' Moments In Muele _ ....... KNX, 7 p.m. W Great Gildersleeve BFI, 8 p.m. Su Green Hornet SECA, 9 p.m. Su Greenfield Village Choir KECA, 8 p.m. Su I - nc:ood, Charlotte RF.('A, 12 N, 4 i

Guidinrt Light .._ , ___...__._ KFI, 11 a.m. M -F Hall of Fame KECA, 3 p.m. Su H; l'. í'rncry Room KFOX. r, ::n n.c,. )1 -.ti Hamblen, Stuart._.._._ ___..BFW'B, 4:45 p.m. D


...___ KFVD. 7:4.5 a.m. M -F Ham and Eggs...-.... ...... 9:30 p.m. M -Sa Handy Man KHJ, 10:45 a.m. M -k' Hank the Nightwatchman 'tit 6 a.m.

_ ....._....___....--- __..KGFJ. 10 p.m. D *Hardy, Glenn. KHJ,

KFXM, KVOE. 10 a.m.; 9 p.m. D Happy Home..._.._.._ __.- ..KHJ, 3:30 p.m. M -F Happy Isle..............._.___ KECA, 7:30 p.m. F Harlem Amateurs..._.... BMTR, 11 p.m W Harrigan, Hop __.__.BECS, 4:45 p.m. M -F * Harsch, Joseph . _.._..._.HNX. 3:56 p.m. M -F Haven of Rest _._.... ¡PAS, 11:30 a.m, M -F

8 a.m. T, Th, Sa a.m. Tn. Th, Ss

KRKD. 8 a.m. Tu, Tb, Ss Hawaii Calls _____-KHJ, HESS, 3:30 p.m. Sa *Hawk, Boh ._..._....._..._..........KNX, 7:30 p.m. M *Haworth, BW.__....__....$NX 7:30 a.m. M -F Ha). Bi1L.._._.._ KIM, 3:45 p.m. M -F

KMPC, 9:15 a.m, M -F *Hayes, Sam. ._.._._.._.._...KFI, 7:43 a.m. M. -Sa

HELA, 4:30 pm. Su *Heatter, Gabriel._..HHJ KGB, 6 p.m. M -F

KGB. 5:45 p.m. Su Heartetrings..._.._.. ......_.......HWHW. 12 a, F Heidt, Horace.._...__....._.BF.CA, 7:30 p.m. M Hello, Mom ---.KHJ, 9:30 a.m. Sa Bella, Sweetheart ...YMCA, 2:45 p.m. Sa *Henry, BW..._.._......_..__.B_ \X 5:55 p.m. M-Sa *Hem ngwae. Frank.. KHJ, 8:30 a.m. M -F Hermit's Cave BMPC. 9:30 p.m. Sa *Hlgbley, George ......._-- ...KMTR, 3:15 p.m. Ss

H11ì1, Edwin C...._._..- __.-_...K.NX, 9:30 p.m. Tu Hit Parade ...... ....._.._._.._.._._..._...ILNX, Hodge Podge Time KMPC, 10 a.m. M -F Hollywood Barn Dance KNX, 4:3o p.m. Sa Hollywood Mystery Time KE('A, 6:15 p.. Su Hollywood Spotlight HECA, 10 Dm.

m M -F

Hollywood Star Time KECA, 12:15 p.m. M -F Hollywood Theater EFL, 9 p.m. Sa *Homemakers Club __KHJ 12:30 p.m. M -F Hope, Bob ....._.__.._. -.._.._.... BFI, 7 p.m. Tu Hopper, Hedda...__- - - - - -_ HNX, 8:15 p.m. M Hookey Hall.._ _.._._.._ KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Su Hoosier Obsernr...____.._.KECA, 4:15 p.m. Ss Hot Copy.......___..___ -__...BEGS, 2:30 p.m. Su Hour of Charm.._...._.._ KFI, 7 p.m. Su Hoar of Falth...._...___._.._....KECA, 8:30 am. Su * Housewives' Protective League

K:NN, 3 p.m. M -F Hubby's Hobby KHJ, 8 a.m. Ss *Hughes, John B SFWB. 6:15 p.m.. 12m. M -F Hughes, Rupert ¡Fl,' Y :30 p.m. Ss

. . ..BMPC, 8:30 M. W. !r . ..... .BFSD, 9:30 p.m. M. F, 8t

KHJ, 9:45 p.m. W. F Human Adventure.. . HHJ, 9:30 _p.m. So Human Horizons..._...HHJ, 1:15 p.m. M, W. k' *Huntley, Chet..._.._._ KNX, 3:55 p.m. F. Sa

7:45 a.m. Sa......10 p.m. M -F Hymns of All Churches..._.KFI, 11:45 a.m- M -Tb I Love a Mystery .KNX. 8 p.m. M -F Informed Democracy.-._.._.._._...KPAS, 2 p.m. Su

.... ......._ and 8:15 p.m. W *Information Please....._...... BFI, 8:30 p.m. M Inglewood Park Concert._......KNX, 7 :30 p.m. Tu Inner Sanctum Mystery..._...KNX, 8:30 p.m. Sa *Inside the News (Thrifty Drug).... ...... ...._

H1:' 10:30 p.m. Su- Sa International Sunday School

8:45 a.m. Sa Imitation to Learning ...KNX, 8:30 a.m. Su I So.emnly Swear..- _. _...KRRD 10:30 a.m. M I Sustain Wings......_ ........ ......_.. ___KFI, 3:15 p.m. Sa * It Pays To Be Ignorant KNX. 8:30 p.m. F It's M urder....._..__..__ ...... .KECAr 3:45 p.m, Sa I Was There...__.._..._.........SN I, 3:3e Dm. Su James Abbe Observes..._...SECA, 7:30 a.m. M -F James W. Be1L.._.._.._......... KMPC, 7:15 p.m. Sa Jarvis, AL.._._._ ____.._...HFW'B. 11 a.m. M -Sa ,.._ KHJ. 8 p.m. Sa Johnny Presents .__.._.. --._......_...BFI, 8:30 p.m. Tu Johnson, Erskine.... KS X, h p.m. k Johnson Family ..

_ ...... ....KGB, KF\ U, KS OE, 3:45 p.m. M.F I.ii.J, 12:15 p.m. M -F

Johnson. Floyd B. IOW:, 8:05 p.m. Mu. M. W, F .....10:30 a.m. M -F

*Jorgenson, Edward _ ....KFI, 9 a.m. M -F Joyce Jordan.-- ... KNX, 11 a.m. M-F Junior Army....__.._. KHJ. 8:45 a.m. Sa Just Plain ..... KFI, 2:30 p.m. M -F *Kaltenborn, H. V. KFSD, 4:45 p.m. m, W, t Kaye, Sammy.... . _._ KECA. 10:30 a.m. Su

HHJ, a p.m. Th *}Keeping up with World KECA, 7:3U p.m. Su KF Eyewitness KFI 10:15 p.m. W *Keened), John. ....._HECA KFltlt, 10 .m. Su *Kiernan's Corner ....... 12:30 p.m. M -F Kraft Music Hall..._ KFI, 6 p.m. Th Kyser's Kollege..._.. BFI, 7 p.m. V. Lane, Dave ..._...HNX, 7 :25 a.m. T, Tb Lamplighter BFI, 12 M, Tu -Sa *Lawton, Fleetwood........KE('A, 7 a.m. M -Sa:

BFI, 7:15 a.m. M -Sa *Laymen's Views of News BFI, 10 a.m. Su Leaders of United Nations .... _..._._.._ .............

KHJ, 11:15 n.m. M. W Legion Fights__.. _ KMPC, 10 p.m. F Lest We Forget..._.._.._.. KFWB, 3:15 p.m. Su I it's :'retina.. KNX, 8:05 a.m. Sa Let Yoarself Ga..._.._ KSt'A, 7:30 p.m. Tu *Lewis, Fulton jr KHJ. KGB.


KFX51, KVOE, 4 p.m. M -F: B:30 p.m. M -F Liberal Catholic Hour ..._.._.......HFAC, 9 a.m. Su Life Can Be Beautiful KNX, 0 a.m. M -F Life of Riley......... ....KECA, KFnfB, 7 p.m. Su Ltodluhr, Victor KILL 11.45 ^ "-F *Listener's Digest..._._. ...... ....KPAS, 3 p.m M -Sa Llsteoioa Post..._......_.._.._...HECA 7:43 a m. Tu Lombardo, Guy KECA, 7 p.m. Sa

- Lone Ranger ...................... _________KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE. 7:39 p.m. M. W. F

Lorenzo Jones .SFI, 1:30 p.m. M -F Lucky Lager Dance Time ..... _.SFAC, 19 p.m. D Lunn am Abner YMCA, KFMB, 8:15 p.m. M -Th Luncheon with Lopez ...... ............. »..HHJ, KGB.

SFXM, KVOE, 10:30 a.m. M -F Lutheran Hour KHJ, 9 :30 a.m. Su Lutheran Gospel Hour..._ ....KPAS. 6 p.m. Su Lux Radio Theater __ ...... .....KNX. 8 p.m. M

MacLennan, Dr. Stewart KFWB, 4:15 p.m. Su Make Believe Ballroom KIWIS, 11 a.m. M -Sa "Ma Perkins KFI, 12:15 p.m. M -F

KNX, 10:15 a.m. M -F *{Malone, Ted SECA. 7:15 p.m. M. W. F Manhattan Merry -Go -Round KFI, p.m. Su Man Named X. KECA, 17:30 p.m. Sa Mardi of Time ._.._ ». ..HFI, 7:30 p.m. Th Mary Marlin ...... .... _______ KNX, 12 M. M-F Mary Small Revue...-.._.. KECA, 2 p.m. Su Mason, Perry......_._._.._...HNX 11:45 a.m. M -F Massey, Curt Co...... KFI. 3:30 p.m. Sa

KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 9 a.m. Sa Maxwell House Time... .............KFI. 8:30 p.m. Th

Master Radio Canaries KEVA, 9:15 a.m. Su: 3:30 p.m. Sa

Mayor of the Town._..__...KNX, 7:15 P.m. Sa *Maypole, Ray ...... -- _. ..... ...__.KFI Silt p.m. M -k' McCarthy. Charlie..___.._._......._..KFi. 5 p.m. Su *McNamara. Don .__ ...... _...KECA, 7 -a.m. M -Sa

SFI, 7:15 a.m. M -k' McNe16's Breakfast Club ..........._ . ....._.._.._.._.

. KECA, KFMB, 8:30 a.m. M -Sa Mediation Board .KHJ, DLBS. 5 P.m. Su Meet lour Navy KECA, 9 p.m. Sa Meet the Mlssus...__.._...HNX. 2:30 p.m M -k' Melody Roundup..._.._ _ SFI, 8:30 a.m. Sa Melton, Jame...._ KNX, 6:30 p.m. Su Memory Music, (Ted Bacon)

KHJ, 12:30 p.m. Su Mercer, Johnny KFI, 8 p.m. M -F Message of Watt.. . ILECA, 7 a.m. Su Metropolitan Scratch Sheet

KWKW, 10 a.m. M -F Michael Shane KHJ, 8:36 p.m. It Midland, U. S. A...._ KHJ, 9:30 a.m. M -F *Miller. Res......KHJ, KGB, 9:15 p.m. Su, T. Th

MIrandy KECA. 1:50. p.m. M, W, F "Miss Hattie" KECA, 12:30 p.m. Su "Money on the Line- .SNX. 9:30 p.m. W Moore- Durante KNX, 7 p.m, F Morgan, Frank IS F1. 8:30 p.m. Tb

Morse. Tony---------- -_.. KECA, 10 a.m. M -F íÌr. and Mrs. North .. SFI. 9 p.m. V. Mr. District Attorney.. KFI, 6:30 p.m. W Mr. Kerne KNX. 4:30 p.m. Th

- Munson, One KNX 3:30 P.m. T Murray, Johnny ._- ...._.._...._ Kk41, 8 a.m. M -F' *Morrow, Edward_......_ K S X, 10:45 a.m. Su Musical Masterpieces v{FAC, 4 p.m. M -F Musical Portraits KECA, 5 p.m. Su Musical Digest....._ HGFJ a p.m. M -F My Best Glrls____..HECA KFMB, 8:30 p.m. W Mystery Chef SECA, T .FMB, 11:15 a.m. M -F Mystery Theater _._.._ ... .__......_...HFI. 6 p.m. Tu My True Story ......... _.._....SECA. 10:30 a.m. M -F Nagel, Conrad ....... _.._.._.._ SNX. 8 p.m. Su Name That Song. ...... _.._.......KHJ. 1:30 p.m. Su National Barn Dance..._._..___ KFI, 6 p.m. Sa National Vespers ..._ ...... _.._...._...KECA 5 p.m. Su Navy In Review...___.._ _.......KFWB, 8 p.m. Sa Navy Waves ....._..__.._...__...KECA, 4:30 p.m. T NBC Symphony... _.._....__.._.........._...KFI. 2 p.m. Su Neighbors..._ .. ...... _.._._ KNX, 12:15 p.m. M -F Nesbitt. Norman .... ..._...KMPC. 12:15 p.m. M -F:

8:15 p.m. Su New Adventures of Perry Mason.._... ... _......».

S.NX. 11:45 a.m. M -F New York Philharmonic KNX, 12 N Su *Newslcal KFVD, 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Su -Sa *Newsreel Theater KHJ,

...........__.KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 2:15 p.m. M -F *Night News Wire. KM, 5:45 p.m. M-1, *Noah Webster Says KFI, 9:30 p.m. M

O K for Release KFI, 5 p.m. M -F Old -Fashioned Revival~ SHJ.

KGB. KFXM, KVOE, KMPC, 10 p.m. Su Old Age Pensions..._.. .... _...KMTR, 4:30 p.m. M -F

.............. ...._......._.._...._.....KFOX, 4:30 p.m. M -F Old Gold Show KFI. 7:30 p.m. Su O'Neill. Danny KNX, 8:05 a.m. Sn On Scouting Trail KFI. 4:30 p.m. Sa One Man a Family HFI, 5:311 p.m. Su Olympic Fights_.._. ...»._ HMTR, 10 p.m. Tu Open Forum..._ ...... _.._..._._.._ HFAC, 7 p.m. Su

KNX. 4::t0 p.m. M Opportunity Theater KFI. 11 a.m. Sa Our Gal Sunday._ _ RSV. 9:41 a.m. M -F Owl Programs KHJ. 11:25 p.m. M -F

_.._. 2:25 P.m. M -1'4 Ozzie A Harriett KNX J Pm Yu Pacific Lutheran Hour.__.KFWB, 9:30 p.m. Su Pacific Story . _ HI, 11:15 p.m. Su Palestine Speaks .......KF W B, 6:15 p.m. Su Parker Family KECA. KFMB, 8:15 p.m. F *Parker. William _ SMP(', 8 a.m. M -F Pasadena Playhouse SPAS, a p.m. W Passing Parade ..........KNX, 8:15 p.m. Tu. W. Th Pay Day Quiz KMPC, 8:30 p.m. M Pause fhat Refreshes KNX, 1:30 p.m. Su *Pearson, Drew ._..KEECA, KFMB, 5:45 p.m. Su People Are Funny BFI. 6:141 p.m. F Pepper Young's Family....... ELF', 12:30 p.m. M -F

*Peter de Lima. _SECA, 0:15 p.m. M -F KFI, 10:15 a.m. M -F _

HFI, 1:30 p.m., Su 10:20 p.m. M, W, F *Peterson. Elmer KFI, 5:45 p.m. W -Sa *Pt.... a HELA, 4:15 p.m. M -F Pilgrims Hour KHJ, 9 a.m. Su Polly Patterson SPAS. 9 a.m. M -E Portia Faces Life ................KFI 2:15 p.m. M -F Potluck Party..._.._..__...._........... iNX. 2 P.m. M -F Prayer..._ .......... _.._.._._. -- DLBS. 3 p.m. D

.._... .........'-..__...._.._...K31PC i1:55 a.m. M -Sa Press Club _..__ KNX, 8:15 p.m. k' *Pringle. Nelson -KNX. 7:45 a.m. M -F "Quiz Kids..._......_...KECA, BFMB 8:30 p.m. Su "Quick As a Flask ._.. ....... _.... .... .KHJ, 3 p.m. Su Races KHJ DLBS. 1:15 p.m. Sa

KFI, KNX. 1:30 p.m. Sa Races Recreated.... HRHD, 0:30 p.m. M -F Radio NewsreeL..._._.__._.HMTR 4:15 p.m. M -Sa Radio Parade KECA, 1:15 P.m. M -F Radio Readers' Digest K.X. 6 p.m. Su Radio Tour KHJ, KGB, KVOE, 2:45 p.m. M -F Raleigh Room .........._.._........__.KFI. 7:30 p.m. Tu Real Life Stories KHJ. KGB.

.......... ..... _.._.._...KFXM, KVOE. 4:15 p.m. M -F Red Ryder KHJ. 7:30 p.m. Tu. Th. Sa *Reports from the Battlefront _

_ ..KFI 3:45 p.m. Su *Report London....--...KNX.

eepot to he Nation KNX, 10:30 p.m. .m. Ss

Results. Inc KHJ, 7 p.m Sa *Reuters' News Dispatches KFWB. 8 p.m. M -F Rev. K. G. Egertson.._.._...IMTR, 9:15 a.m. Su *Richfield Reporter ...__.._.. . KFI, 10 p.m. Su-F Right to Happiness_ KFI, 12:45 p.m. M-F Rise & Shine..._.........._KHJ. 6 a.m.; 7 a.m. M -k' Road of Life..._ ... KFI, 3 p.m. M-F Rocking Horse Rhythms, B Hookey... .... .....

KHJ. 10:30 a.m. Su Romance............_...._._.._._...... ...KNX, 9 p.m. Tu Romance of Helen Trent _.H-NX, 9:30 a.m. M -k' Romance of Highways KEIJ,

KGB KFX.M, KVOE 10:15 p.m. Su Romance of the Ranchos KNX, 9:30 p.m. Su Roosty of AAF...___ .K*J. 10 p.m. Su Rosemary 'HFI, 3:30 p.m. M-F Salt Lake Tabernacle__ ...........KNX, 9 a.m. Su Salute to Services.._ .... SMTR 5:15 p.m. M -F Salvation Army ......... »_._ HSFWñ. 9:15 a.m. Sa Salvatore Saatseils..._.._ KMTR, 4 p.m. M -Sa San Francisco Opera... KHJ, 10 p.m. Tu. W F'

Sandra Martin JINX, 4 p.m. :If -F' Santaella Ensemble._ KRHD, 2:45 p.m. M -F Saturday :Night Serenade ...KNX, 6:45 p.m. Sa Say It With Music KMP(', 9:15 a.m. M -F:

HGFJ, It a.m. to 1 p.m. Su School of the Air. KNX, 1:30 p.m. M -F Science c.f MInd.___..___.KFWB 10:45 a.m. M -F Scraniby Amby KECA, I:30 p.m. W Scratches & Jockeys.._...KPAS 9:30 a.m. M -Sa Screen Guild Players---- _____---K_NX, 7 p.m. M Screen Test _._.._ KHJ, 6:15 p.m. M -F Screwball Theater HMTR, 3:45 p.m. M -F Scully. Frances .....__...._. KECA 2:45 p.m. M -F Service to the Front K.NX, 7 p.m. Tu Sewing School.._._.. KIIJ, 10:30 a.m. Tu Shady Valley Folks..._...KHJ, DLBS, a.m. M-F Sheldon Shepard..._.._.._ KFAC. 1 p.m. Th Sherlock Holmes..._.._.._ .....KHJ, 8 p.m. M *Shirer, William..._..__ _.. KNX, 2:45 p.m. Su Shure, Dinah...__.._...... KFI, 9 p.m. Th Simms. GInny...»_._.._ KFI, 8:30 p.m. Tu Sinatra, Frank...___..._ KN Es %. 11:45 a.m. M -F' Sinatra Show ..... . .... ... ________ ..... SNX, 6 p.m. W Since Pearl Harbor BEI, 3 p.m. Sa Sky Riders KHJ, KGB,

KFXM, KVOE. 8:30 p.m. Th Mullin' Ed McConnell._ KFI, 12:30 p.m. Sa Smith. Kate..._ . ..... _.........._.._ _...HNX, 9 a.m. M -F

4 p.m. Su *Smith, Larry KFI, 9:15 a.m. M -F KNX,

of the Press KECA, 10 p.m. Su Sulliers With Wings KECA 9:30 p.m. Sa Songs of Faith ......._..___.._ _......KFAC, 6 p.m. 51

Songs of Goon Cheer _KHJ, 9:45 p.m. Ss Sung of the Week.._..._ KNX 8:25 p.m. Su Spanish Hour..._._..___.._...HGFJ, 7:341 p.m. M -F

6.30 a.m. M -F Spanish Hour KMTR, 6 a.m. D Sports, Belle MarteiL...KMTR, 5:15 p.m. T, Th, Ss Sporta Newsreel..._.......... --- _ SF1, 7:30 p.m. F Spurts Review KNX, 10:30 p.m. Tu Sportstime KMP('. 6 p.m. M -F Spotlight Bands... .KECA. KFMM 6:30 p.m. M -Sa Stafford. Jo KIÑI, 8 p.m. M -F Stage Door Canteen._.._.._.._ KNX, 7.30 p.m. F Stanaard Symphony _....SFI, 8:30 p.m. Su Standard Sri I Broadcast._ [CFI. 10 a.m. Th Stars Over H Uywood.__.._. "HNX, 9:30 a.m. Sa Star Playhouse....._ BEI, 3:15 p.m. M -F St. Brendan's Boys' Choir._ KMTR. 12:05 p.m. Su Steel Horizons KHJ, 6 Su Stella Dallas ..... ..._.._.._ -....KFI. 1:15 p.m. M -F Stop That Villsln ._.._.._ ...... KHJ 8::141 p.m. Th *Stowe. Leland.._.._.._ KECA, 10:55 a.m. Su

... --...._ 8:30 P.m. Sa Stradivail Orchestra ....... _..__...KFI, 9:30 a.m. Su Strollin' Tom..__.._._.._....HF'WB. 9 p.m. T -F

...._._......_._.__...._ HFAC, 8:30 a.m. Su Styles, Hal __ _.._...KFWB, 2:30 p.n. M-F

3:15 p.m. Su Sunrise Salute- ---_-...KNX. 6:30 a.m. M -Sa Superman KH.t. 5:11 p.m. M -F Suspense ....... ..._ ... ..... _______ .... _..HNX, 9 p.m. Th Sweet Chariot Hour..._.._.._._...KWSW, 5 PAL Su

1 p.m. W KPAS. 6:30 p.m. Sa

*Swing. Raymond Gram KECA, 7 p.m. M -F' Symphony ........_......RILL KGB. 10:30 p.m. M -F Smphonettes KMP(', 830 p.m. Tu. Th "Take It or Leave It »...._....__...KNX, 7 p.m. Su

Tapestries of Llfe._..._.._.___.. K.NX. 9:4 T Taylor, Mary IM...___..___.- _.._.SNX, 11 a.m. Sa Telephone Hoar .................._SFI, 9 Dm. M

Television __.._...W6XYZ, 8, 8:30, 9 p.m. W 8, 8:30, 9 p.m. F

HFSD, 16:15 p.m. M, W'

10 -2-4 Ranch..._ KECA, 10:15 p.m. M, W, F Terry and the Pirates...___...KECA, 5 p.m. M-1, Terry's House Party EMBJ

NX, 7 16:13

:30 a.m. M. -F

M 'Thanks to the Yanks p.m. That's a Good Idea....._.._...._ HNX, 11:30 p.m. Sa Theater of Today._.._._.._.._ HNX2:,309 a.m. Sa The Shadow _...._._........SHJ. Dm. 8a The Story Teller c:45 p.m. 11a

zey (`all Me Joe BNX

AF!, 4 p.m, Sa Think Hard Now _ _...__.SHJ. 1 p.m. T. Th This Changing World..._ SHJ. 2 p.m. M -F

..._ .............. _.._. ..... _...._»- ..^...HNX. 1 p.m. M -F This Is My Country BEI. 9:45 p.m. Su This Is My Best..._..__..._._...HNX, 6:30 p.m. Tu This Is My Story_...._.._..._ KNX, 6 p.m. Su This Is the Armyy.. _ KFI, 12:30 p.m. Su *Thomas, Lowell.___ _.SHJ. 7 :15 p.m. M -F *Thompson, Dorothy..._._.-.KECA, 8:15 p.m. Su Those We Love Sí`1. 11 Su Tillamook Kitchen. KFl, 10 a.m. F Time Out KHJ, 9:15 a.m. M -F *Time Views the News__KECA, 1:30 p.m. M -F Today's Children..._.._..___._ HF1, 11:15 a.m. M -F Tonight at Hoagy's KHJ, KGB,

.._31FXM. K%'OE. 8:30 p.m. Su Toastles Time..._ KNX, :30 Ss To the Ladies ....._.KMPC 6:30 p.m. M. W, F Townsend Nat'l Recovery Flan.

BLAS 6:45 p.m. M-Th Town Meeting ... - - _...KF C.4, B FMB. 9 p.m. Tb Traffic Tribunal . HFI 5 p.m. Sa Transatlantic Call! KNX, 9:30 a.m. Su

Trout Bob KNX, 5:55 p.m. Su. Sa -remayne,. Les. KFI. 7:30 p.m. Su Truth or Consequences KFI, 8 p.m. Sa Tunes, Tidings..._.._...._..- ........ KECA, 11 p.m. M -F Tort Bulletins ..._.._......_.._.HRHD. 10 a.m. M-Sa *Turner, Major H. S.... BFI, 9:30 a.m. M -F

._.._.......__HFWB KFOX. 7:45 p.m. M -F Twiósht Tales _....KECA, 4:30 p.m. Tu Th Two Bells Theater KECA. 9:45 p.m. W. F Two on a Clue _._ KNX, 11:15 a.m. M -F Uncle Charlie.____.._..._ SPAS 5 p.m. M-F Uncle G. and Aunt Ge Ge__KF'W . 8 a.m. Su Union Rescue Mission .._...._.._..___.._._.._ ».._.

....__ _.__KFWB, 8:30 a.m.: 9 p.m. Su Unseen Enemy .. KFI, 10:15 p.m. Se Valiant Lady._ .KNX, 8:15 a.m. M -F' Vallee. Rudy....----- - - -.- ----_...HFI. 8:30 p.m. Se Victory

. Players .HFAC, 1 p.m. Su

Victory Queen Coutest....KRKD, 3 p.m. M, W, F Voice of Calvary ....... _.._...HPAS 10 p.m. Sn, Th

oice of Health KFI. 5:30 p.m. M

..HFAC 9:15 a.m. Su -F Voice of Firestone..

..._..---.._........_. _.__HGFJ 10:15 a.m. M -F Voice of a Nation - kit. 10 a.m. M -F Voice of ProphecY...HMTR, 8 a.m., 9:30 p.m. Su

.KHJ. KGB, KVOE, :30 a.m. du Voorhis, Hun. Jerry..._...__.SPAt3 8:15 p.m. M Vox Fup.-._.._. ._....__.._»_._......._..HN71. 9:30 p.m. M Waltz Time..._.._._.._.._.._._.._ KFI. 6 p.m. F Waring Pennsylvanians SECA. 8:30 p.m. Th Wartime Nutrition, MllanL...KFWB, 10 a.m. M -F Washington Inside Oat..-KECA, :45 p.m. Su

.......- ...... .......... °--- --- --- ----- SMPC7, 5:45 p.m. Su Watch the World Go By._- -KECA, 8 p.m. M -F W. C. T. U........_.._._.._.__...KPAS, 6:15 P.m. F We Deliver the Goods_._. H.NX, 10:30 p.m. Su Weber's Roundup HMP('. 7:30 p.m. Tu, Th Wentworth. Ruth ....... _ _. -KECA, 3:35 p.m. M -F' Wesley Radio League _.......KMPC, 8:30 a.m. Sa

...HHJ KGB, HVOE, 8 am. Su Western Hit Parade.._._.._ RYAS, 10 Dm F Westinghouse Hour..._............KFI, 11:30 a.m. Su What's Doing, Ladles, KECA, HMS, 2 p.m. M -F What's Cooko'.._.- _...KECA, 10:30 a.m. Sa Wheeler, Burritt ...._..._._....._._ HNX, 3 p.m. M -F When n Girl Marries..._. KFI, 2 p.m. M -F When Day la Done..._._._HMTR, 11:30 p.m. M-F Whistler _._.._...._._. KNX, 9 p.m., M Whiteman, Paul ... KECA, 3 p.m. Su Whoa Bill Club.__.____...SFAC, 5:30 p.m. *Wilder, Alcin_. __...KFl, 6:30 p.m. WW

10 a.m. Su Wiley. Fletcher__..-_____KNX, -..KNX. 5 p.m. M -F *Williams, M _.___.._.. -HHJ. 10:15 a.m. Sa WWinchell, Walter _.... ...KECA, ß p.m. Su

ings Over the World.__ KECA, 10 P.m. Sa Wins* Over Jordan...__..__SMPC, 7:30 n.m. Su Woman of America HFI 3:45 Dm. M -F Women in Blue._._........_._...KECA, 11:02 a.m. Sn Woman in White._...._.._.__SFI 11:30 a.m. M -F Women' Clubs..._..__.._... SPAS. 1:45 p.m. Th Women Today .._.._._._....KNJ, 9:15 a.m. Tu, Th Woman's World...___...KPAS, 10:30 a.m. W. Th Waal -Kelly Show_ ... ...._ _..__.KVI. 7 p.m. Sa *World's Front Page News

KHJ, DLBS, 4:30 p.m. M-F *World News Today... KNX, 11:30 a.m. Su *World Today..._...._........_...KNX, 3:45 p.m. M -Sa *World Tomorrow..._._...KMTR, 4:45 p.m. M -Sa World of Song ....- .-- .HE('A, 1:30 p.m. Su *World Wide Review._ RE(:A, 1 n.m. M -F Wynn, Ed... KECA, 1:30 Pm F'

Yates, J. Newton, Organ....KPA 12:30 a. . Su

lour America EH.). 1 p.m. S:1

Yours for Guessing KMPC, 4:30 p.m. M -F Young Artists' C'ompetitlon .. KF1, 9:30 p.m. W-

Young, Alan KECA, 8:30 p.m. Tt. Young Dr. Malone._...._.__ HN\ 11:30 a. nl -F Young, Norma......._......_.._._..KH. 3:30 Dm. M -F Young Widder Brown HFI. 1:45 p.m. M -F Young Artists Competition BFI, 9:311 p.m. W Youth Speaks KFWB, 8:45 p.m. Sa



Listen To The Broadway -Hollywood's



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Mon., Wed., Fri. 12 30 TM

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It's a BLUE Network Program

Sponsored by Kellogg's The Most Famous Name In Cereals"

The Most Insulted Girl In Radio!

(Continued from Page S)

Brenda. They'll just be glad to see her back.

Those that correspond with Elvia regularly, however, have learned the inside story. One of them -a sailor in the South Pacific -has sent Bren- da a beautiful robe.

"I write to a number of servicemen regularly," Elvia told us, "They're such swell boys, and their letters are so sweet."

In Person Elvia, in person, is tall, willowy

and redheaded. When she talks, she flings her arms about in wild, wind- mill -like gestures. She is almost always garbed in slacks.

"I like 'em," she explained, "be- cause I can put my feet up. You should have seen us at the Moore - Durante rehearsal this afternoon. We sat around a big. round table, and everybody had their feet up on it- including me.

"In fact," she added, arching her eyebrows and adopting her Cobina- like mannerisms, "mine" were right next to Durante's!"

Returning to serious talk about her career, Elvia expressed her annoy- ance over being so strictly typed for comedy roles. "I'm a darn good straight character," she declared in- dignantly, "but nobody will call me for dramatic parts any more.

"In fact," she declared with exag- gerated dignity, "I'm the best darn commercial reader in the business!" Then she did a double -take and ex- claimed with a twinkle, "Shy little thing, aren't I ?"

Elvia has earnest hopes that a new show she has been auditioning will get a place on the networks. It's based on a character called "Hedy Hearthrob," an old maid with a heart of gold who writes a love- lom column.

Wide Experience Elvia Allman's background for her

current comedy career has consisted of serious study of piano, singing and dramatics. At eighteen, she was studying the latter in Chicago, after which she played in stock in New York, then came to California. Here, she entered radio, doing everything from sweeping out the studio to writing and reading scripts.

In 1933, she went to New York with her own program, billed as the "California Cocktail Girl." But bad times brought the show to an abrupt halt and Elvia came back to the West Coast.

From Hollywood, she appeared on programs with Ruth Etting and Jim- my Durante, then got her biggest break on the Bob Hope show, be- coming a regular member of the cast as "Cobina." Movie work has sup- plemented her radio roles.

When not working or writing to

PRECASTS (Continued from Page 11)

day through Friday. An educa- tional program dealing with varied subjects of interest.

Monday, October 16 - "Yanks in the Orient," KECA, 11:00 p.m. (15 min.) This popular wartime program re- turns to bring listeners an inti- mate glimpse of the Far East war theater.


Thursday, October 19 - "Suspense," KNX, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) "Eve" stars Lucille Ball.


Variety Sunday, October 15 - Radio Hall of

Fame, KECA, 3:00 p.m. (One hour) Amos and Andy will be among the program's guests.

Drama Monday, October 16 - "Cavalcade of

America," KFI, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) Bob Hope, Frances Langford and Jerry Colonna will appear in a sketch of modern history based on their recent overseas trip.

servicemen, the actress finds enjoy- ment in playing gin rummy and reading. She likes all kinds of liter- ary matter, from autobiographies and good fiction to "Terry and Pi- rates" and "Dick Tracy" in the funny papers.

She likes to eat. Asked to name her favorite dish, she replied, "Any- thing, just so long as it's food!" She told us that if she's not hungry, her mother thinks she's sick.

"But I have such a hearty appetite," Elvia reasoned, "because I'm so long. The food has so far to go."

She expressed a passion for the leisurely life in California, explain- ing, "because I'm getting old."

Then she laughed, "See, I'm in- sulted so much, I believe it!"

Has Dreams Nevertheless, she is looking for-

ward to the day when she can live on a farm. "I'd come into Hollywood just often enough to do a show each week ('Hedy Heartthrob,' I hope!), and maybe, to be insulted for money once in a while.

"There's one other thing, too," she added then, her brown eyes twink- ling. "I'm looking for a man! I'd like him to be a farmer that doesn't smell -an unscented one! I'd want him to be modern - a scientific farmer, not a hit -or -miss one -with money as well as a crop! He'd have to be tall, and I'd like him to have at least a little hair. I wouldn't want to have to Insult him!

"Let's see now," she rasped then, a la Cobina, "how can you word that so I'll get him ?"

By Lynn Roberts

Sunday- Tuesday- Thursday, 9 :15 p.m. Mutual -xur

IGHT AFTER the last war, I was in Finland," Rex Miller related to us grave- ly. "The first time I saw a Finnish soldi er, I

thought he was a German. He was wearing a German uniform, German boots, a German helmet, and carry- ing a German rifle. Germany had not been disarmed. She even had enough equipment to aid in arming Finland. We allowed Germany to re- build as a barrier against Russia.

"After the last war," Miller pointed out, "Russia was an outcast. This time, with Russia as our ally, the peace will be more easily made and kept."

Mutual news commentator, Rex Miller, advanced a number of ideas and opinions concerning many as- pects of today's war and tomorrow's peace -among them:

A) "The Japanese war will most likely continue for a year or so after the European war is over. I wouldn't want to make a more definite pre- diction than that."

B) "The Japanese will undoubted- ly be allowed to return to the Pa- cific coast, because it is their consti- tutional right. Their return to these areas will naturally result in trouble- some situations, but regarding all instances of racial differences, legal rights, as established in the test cases in courts, should be respected."

C) " I have no faith in the ambi- tious idea of a vast, all -powerful world police force. Rather, I advo- cate the formation of a small, effi- cient body of international military police who would be sent to trouble spots when the occasion demanded it, to keep things in order until such time as the difficulties could be solved diplomatically. There would be a number of chiefs of staff at its head, each of whom, in rotation,

"MAPS MAY BE employed when televised news broadcasts are pre -

sented," points out Rex Miller, Mutual news commentator. He is look- ing forward to the day of television in the belief that it will aid greatly in

making everyone vitally aware of the world's goings -on.

would act in the capacity of com- mander-in- chief."

D) "Headquarters for the new world security organization should be located in Geneva, Switzerland. That's the ideal place for it to hang its hat. It is centrally located, and has the buildings needed to accom- modate such an organization -the Palace of the League of Nations, the vast library on international sub- jects. Switzerland is perpetually neu- tral. There is some prejudice against the choice of Geneva because it is the scene of our failure, but I think we should go back there and make it work this time!"

Was Trade Commissioner Miller covered the disarmament

conferences in Switzerland after the last war, then, later, served in Aus- tralia as trade commissioner for the U. S. government.

"I did my part in fostering the depression," he related. " I was in-

Rex Miller TPRT eglege Pf essor, Trade Commissioner, Aviation Engineer; Is Now Radio Commentator, Writer, Lecturer; Is Looking Toward Television As New Horizoj

strutted to sell, and do no buying. I hope we don't make the mistake of doing that after this war."

A suave, distinguished -looking, pleasant -faced man with grey hair, a close -clipped gray mustache, and twinkling eyes that reveal his sense of humor, Rex Miller has traveled widely all over the world. He has lived in five foreign countries and has journeyed extensively in some twenty others.

He was born in Newton, Kansas, however, and speaks with greatest pride of his own little midwestern hometown. "If you should happen to stop at Newton while traveling across the country on a train, you'd remember it for its fine artesian wells. You could get a drink on the station platform," he told us with a smile.

Miller attended the University of Kansas for three years, then re- ceived a Rhodes scholarship and journeyed to England to attend Ox- ford. But he had been there less than a year when World War I broke out. He abandoned his studies to serve in India and Iraq. Later, he returned to England to complete his course.

"A 'talent scout' spotted me there," Miller told us with a twinkle, "and

(Please turn to Pape 35)

Peg. Twenty -nine

' x

'Recently Returned From Italian Front, Jack Haley Tells of Experiences; Expresses Wish To Entertain Occupational Forces in Reich

By Delle Hunter

Friday. 9:3u NBC-ti Fl

AUTOGRAPH collec- tor stopped Jack Haley for his signature as we were entering the Hol- lywood Brown Derby with him during our interview date. Jack grinned at the fan and quipped, "How did you know

I'm Adolphe Menjou ?" But Jack Haley isn't always the

funny man you hear flipping quips with Joan Davis on NBC's "Village Store" show. We found him to be a most pleasantly- average sort of per- son with graciousness and good taste far exceeding any desire to panic Page Thirty

the public when away from the mi- crophone. - "I'm no exhibitionist." he explained simply. "I've never been the guy at the party who puts on the lady's red hat."

Adding import to Haley's natural inclination to tuck his funnybone away at appropriate times is the fact that he has just recently returned from an extensive tour of the Italian theater of vbar. Thoughts of the things he did and saw over there are now uppermost in his mind.

"It was a thrilling experience," he exclaimed with enthusiasm. "You've read about the sacred Italian Abbey

SCRIPT IN HAND, and hand on chin, Haley comes to the realiza tien that there's one too many!

"Oh well," sighs Jack, "everything happens to a comedian!"

in the headlines, and then, suddenly, you find yourself standing right there at the scene. You can see the Abbey and you can picture the men fighting around it. Oh, there are no words to describe the feeling.

"On one occasion," Haley contin- ued, "we drove up a hillside to get a look at the Arno river near Florence. Along the way, we came to the road we had intended to take and found it blocked off and marked with a warning of mines. We de- toured on another route, reached the spot where we could get a good view of the Arno, then shortly afterward, we started back. Following the road on our return trip, we found our- selves varying our course.

"Yep," smiled Jack at this point in his story, "you guessed it. When we came to the end of the route, we found that we'd been travelling on the road that was mined!"

That experience, Haley told us, was the nearest he came to being in any danger over there. But things were tough in other ways.

Cites Hardships "It was hard on the girls in the ,

troupe," he explained. "There was often no water. They frequently had to go for as many as five days at a time with no bath."

Traveling with Haley's entertain- ment troupe were Mary Brian, Betty Yeaton, Frances Faye and Judie Manners. "They're swell girls," Jack smiled, "Really nice girls! They re- minded the boys of their girl friends back home.

"I don't mean to be hammy," he went on, "but we had a great show. We worked on every sort of stage. Sometimes it was a hole dug in the side Of a hill, and covered with can- vas because there was no lumber.

"Frequently, while we were putting on an act for a group of G.I.'s, an Italian would wander by and gaze at us curiously. It gave us a good chance to do some ad- libbing, and how the boys loved it!

"Once, a lone Italian horseman sauntered by. I pointed at him and shouted to the boys, 'Look, there's the last of the German cavalry!'

"Another time, an Italian came along the road beside the spot where we were giving a show. He was star- tled to see us, and looked on in be- wilderment as, we went through our acts. Of course, he couldn't under- stand a word we were saying. Fin- ally, at the end of the show, when the fellows broke into applause and cheers, I pointed straight at the amazed Italian and growled, 'Well, whatsa matter with your You got in free!' "

The importance of entertainment for the boys abroad, can not be stressed too greatly, Haley pointed out. They need it badly.

"All they can talk about is the


war," he said gravely. "All they're fighting for is to get back home."

Song Thrilled Boys One of the most thrilling mo-

ments of their show, he told us, was the act during which he and the girls sung parodies of the song, "Bless 'Em All." " Most of the verses we sang were funny," he said. "One of the girls sang a chorus about a P.F.C. -meaning, pretty fast chaser! I sang some words about being with four pretty unattached girls, com- forting the fellows by explaining to music that in 'my condition, I'm no competition.'

"But the big punch in the number came in the final chorus, when we joined voices to sing this phrase of hope to the homesick fellows out front: 'Bless you all, bless you all ... we'll see you back home in the fall!'

"That's as far as we could get," Jack went on the relate. "The boys' cheers were deafening."

Turning briefly to subjects other than his overseas tour, Haley talked with equal enthusiasm about radio and ranching. Regarding the former, he's looking forward to television. "That'll be for me," exclaimed the ex- vaudevillian, "Visual entertain- ment- that's my business."

Born in Boston, Jack Haley broke into the theatrical world at the age of five by way of a church festival, but checked his thespian ambitions in favor of school until he was eight- een. Then, as a light comedian, he entered vaudeville, and in less than two years, reached the goal of . all performers -the Palace Theater in New York. After several more years of vaudeville, he got his first legiti- mate theater break in "Around the Town," followed by a succession of plays and then, motion pictures. His climb to success was no smooth road, however. He had his share of hard times and bad breaks.

It was almost at the very start of his career in show business that he met Florence McFadden, and it was not so long after that, that he took time out between a matinee and an evening stage performance to make her his bride.

The Haleys now have two children -eighteen- year -old Gloria and ten -

year -old Jack, Jr. They live happily in a modest Beverly Hills home, where, when not working, the come- dian finds enjoyment in playing tennis, handball and badminton, and

jpursuing his hobby of collecting old oke books. (Regarding comedy as a business, Haley believes the basic ideas for today's gags stem from the early -type humor.)

Has Ranch Also, as often as his schedule per-

mits, he and his family trek to the ranch he recently purchased in the San Pasqual Valley, where he's rais- ing a small stock of prize white - faced registered Herefords. "I've al- ways wanted to own a place in the country," he beamed. "It's wonder- ful!"

But his overseas tour still occupies the predominant p la c e in h i s thoughts, and we returned to that

:Wig : apt.


TWO FOR THE SHOW, Jack Haley and Joan Davis join forces at the NBC mike

to bring "Village Store" listeners their own inimitable brands of comedy. But

Haley isn't always the funny man you hear flipping quips on the airlanes. "I'm no

exhibitionist," he maintains. "I've never been the guy at the party who puts on the

lady's red hat."

topic of conversation before taking leave of the likeable laughmaker.

"I'm happy to see that plans ar being made to continue sending shows abroad after the war, to enter- tain our occupational forces," he said. "Americans need things Amer- ican. Being entertained is part of

our everyday life." Haley, himself, hopes to go abroad

again at the close of his current stint on the airlanes.

"Yep," he beamed, "I've played the Winter Gardens in New York. Now I want to go to Germany, and play Berchtesgaden!"

lip RECENTLY RETURNED from overseas entertainment tour in the Italian war area,

Haley hopes to go abroad again. "Americans need things American," he de-

clares. "Being entertained is part of our everyday life." Photo below shows Jack (with

cigar) and members of his troupe. Left to right, the girls are Mary Brian, Frances Faye

and Judie Manners. Picture was taken in an elevator on an aircraft carrier anchored in

Taranto Bay, Italy.

"Let's Take a book"

at Frances Suo11r By Laura bidden

ilnnday- Friday, Y:55 p.m. KECA

O SAY THAT Frances Scully is a busy person would be a masterpiece of under -statement. This

radio reporter, writer and commen- tator has every minute of her day scheduled with never a minute left over.

In March of this year, when

Frances began her five times a week program for Budget Pack over KECA, she immediately went into a work- ing routine that astounded her friends.

It was a type of show that she has wanted to do for years. She has wanted to be á radio voice of the American housewives and in some way help them solve their many problems. However, in order to ac- complish what she was endeavor-

$ONE OF BUSIEST GALS along Radio Row, Frances Scully finds time to check all her mail, which

totals about 300 letters daily. Special attention is given the question box fea- ture and resulting daily awards.

ing to do along that line, necessit- ated her pitching in a n d really working every hour ' of the day.

Here's Routine According to her, the daily rou-

tine goes something like this: She's up at 5:30 a.m., has a quick cup of black coffee and drives her dad to work. That's been going on since the war started. Frances' father is a sup- ervisor in the mechanical depart- ment of the Southern Pacific Rail- road General Shops. As all old tim- ers are needed, he insists on being on the job for the duration . . . 10 hours a day . . . six days a week. Her mother, who is her constant companion, best friend and pal, also goes along on that early morning trek to the railroad shops. They us- ually get back home at 7 o'clock and Frances eats a hearty break- fast before starting work writing her scripts. .

In writing her own material, Fran- ces can be more personal with her listeners, and especially now when she's campaigning so whole- heart- edly for the American housewives.

At 10 a.m. she begins her phoning and checking various stories and appointments. Stories are lined up weeks in advance so that facts may be checked. She usually has a late morning appointment either to give talks at schools, colleges or busi- ness concerns, or address district sales gatherings, like her recent ap- pearance at the Spool Cotton Corn - pany meeting in the Biltmore Ho- tel, where she talked on home sew- ing.

Then each morning she checks, ei- ther in person or by phone, with Jane Judson, Women's Editor. Ra- dio Division OPA.

She always has a luncheon en- gagement . but not for pleasure. It's strictly business. She does lunch- eon interviews in order to get ma- terial on various profile stbries that she works on weeks previous to the show on which that particular pro- file story is featured. To date she has profiled Lilly Dache, Ketty Frings, Joe E. Brown, Alex Temple- ton, Katina Paxiou and Sister Ken: ny. Frances also insists on getting stories first hand.

She arrives at KECA at 2 o'clock for a 45 minute conference with her production staff which consists of the Raymond Morgan Agency Ac- count Executive Robert Raisbeck; Continuity Acceptance Kay Calvert; Producer James McKibben; KECA

A STAFF, under supervision of Mrs. Britann Laymon, works on questions sent in to Miss Scully (center).

"My one big aim," declares Frances, is to campaign for the little housewife,

who seems to have been lost in the shuffle."

MUCH OF MATERIAL on Frances' program concerns ceiling prices and OPA information. Each morning she checks either

in person or by phone with Jane Judson, right, Women's Editor, Radio Division, OPA.

Production Manager William David- son; and Announcer Lyle Bond.

Answers Letters As soon as the show is off the air,

Frances dashes to her office to check with her secretary on letters and to assign special work to her re- search staff. She reads every letter sent in and is most systematic in handling the question box feature of her program in which she awards $5.00 and $3.00 in Budget Pack mer- chandise each day.

She has a staff, under the super- vision of M r s. Britann Laymon, working constantly on her questions. She also has daily afternoon con- ferences with Mr. Raisbeck regard- ing Budget Pack and she spends considerable time with A u d r e y K u t h e of the Raymond Morgan Agency, who is in charge of writ- ing the commercials for the pro - dram and is one of Frances' closest friends.

After h e r afternoon conferences and when her work with her staff is finished, Frances leaves to pick up her father at the railroad shops

(Please Torn to Poor 35)

THE "LET'S TAKE A LOOK" commentator finds time to take a look at Budget Pack plant, where an electric eye machine

is sorting beans and discarding all irregular ones. -Bob Craw ford Photos

Allbk BEFORE GOING ON THE AIR at 2:45 p.m., Frances has a conference with Bill Davidson (KECA Chief Producer), Amos Baron (Sales Manager), Katherine Cal-

vert (Continuity Editor), Lyle Bond (Announcer), Producer Jimmie McKibben, and Robert Raisbeck, Account Executive of Raymond Morgan Advertising Company.

Mir WITH HER MOM AND DAD at home. Frances drives her father to and from work every day. Her mother is her con-

stant comoanion. is tops in whipping up wonderful meals.

S-TIME, TOO, for a trip to one of the stores selling her sponsor's product. Chatting with the young commenta-

tor is Leon G. Rowland, manager of Ralphs' Exposition store.

Ten Exciting Years (Continued from Page ì )

peared in "Lady for a Day" had her script written in capital letters, so, that with her failing eyesight, she could read it; even then, she wor- ried continually, fearing she might skip a paragraph and cause a fel- low player to miss his cue.

W a 1 t e.r Connolly, whose urbane disposition and warmly human charm made him a favorite wher- ever he happened to be, appeared in 1939 in "It Happened One Night," with Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable. It was this picture which skyrocketed all three to fame.

Whenever Bing Crosby appears on the Lux hour everyone is prepared for at least two changes of garish, bright tropical shirts. He wears his hat throughout the broadcast and smokes his pipe out of one corner of his mouth, while speaking his lines.

Cary Grant, Barbara Stanwyck, Nelson Eddy, Bob Hope, Gary Coop- er and William Powell keep the crew backstage in stitches with their fun- ny reactions to everything going on. They seem to like to "warm up" with amusing jokes and admit they are jittery before going on the air.

Important Adjuncts It is impossible to present an au-

thentic picture of Lux Radio Theater without mention of Louis Silvers, or- chestra conductor and musical ge- gius, w h o provides the brilliant background music for each of the plays. He came to Hollywood for a thirteen weeks' engagement on the Lux hour; he has been here contin- uously since, having given up his lucrative motion picture connections, to concentrate exclusively on Lux Radio Theater scripts.

When you hear a squeaky gate, the sound. of water falling over a dam or gurgling in a bathtub, the dialing of a telephone or any one of the hundred and one sound ef- fects on a Lux Radio Theater show, Charlie Forsyth is at the bottom of it. He has perfected a sound effects booth, which can, at a moment's no- tice, account for almost any sound from a tornado to the squeak of a field mouse, and is considered one of the most important men on a Lux show.

For the eleventh season of Lux Radio Theater, Cecil B. DeMille has ambitious plans for carrying on the "Danny" Danker slogan: "The big- gest plays; the biggest stars and the biggest audiences.

Highlights of Decade (Continued front Page 5)

Patrick; March 18: "The Rains Came " -George Brent, Kay Francis; April 29: "Smilin' Thru' - Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck, October 14: "The Littlest Rebel'' - Shirley Temple, Claude Rains, Preston Fos- ter; October 28: "Strike Up t h e Band " -Mickey Rooney, Judy Gar - Page Thirty-lour

land, John Scott Trotter. 1941 -January l3- "Libel" - (1st

time stage play done before pix) Ronald Colman, Frances Robinson, Otto Kruger; January 20: "Cowboy and the Lady" -Gene Autrey, Merle Oberon; April 21: "The Letter" Bette Davis, Herbert Marshall, James Stephenson; July 7: "Algiers -Charles Boyer, Hedy Lamarr, Sep- tember 15: "Lost Horizon " -Ronald Colman, Donald Crisp, Lynne Car- ver; October 20: "Blood and Sand" - Tyrone Power, Annabella; December 15: "All This and Heaven Too" - Charles Boyer, Bette Davis.

1942- February 16: "Blossoms in the Dust" -Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon; March 23; "Strawberry Blonde" - Rita Hayworth, D o n Am e c h e, July 20: "Philadelphia Story" - (victory show for Govt.) Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, Lt. James Stewart, Ruth Hussey, Virgin- ia. Weidler: December 21: "Pied Pi- per" -Frank Morgan, Ralph Morgan, Ann Baxter, Roddy MacDowell.

1943 -February 22: (Washington's Birthday) "This is the Army " -Ir- ving Berlin, and all soldier cast: April S: "Road to Morocco " -B i n g Crosby, Bob Hope, Ginny Simms; June 7: "My Friend Flicka" -Roddy MacDonald, Preston F o s t e r, Rita Johnson; J u 1 y 12: "Air Force" - George Raft, Harry Carey; Septem- ber 13: "Phantom of the Opera" - Nelson Eddy, Susanna Foster, Basil Rathbone; November 22: "China" - Alan Ladd, Loretta Young, William Bendix; December 6: "Mrs. Miniver" -Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Su- san Peters; December 20: "Dixie," - Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour. Barry Sullivan.

1944-January: "Casablanca" - Hedy Lamarr, John Loder, Alan Ladd; January 31: "Random Har- vest" -Greer Carson, Ronald Col- man; February 21: "Wake Up and Live" -Frank Sinatra, Bob Crosby, James Gleason, Marilyn Maxwell, James Dunne; March 13: "In Old Oklahoma" - Roy Rogers, Martha Scott, Albert Dekker; May 22: "Springtime in the Rockies " -Betty Grable, Carmen Miranda, D i c k Powell; June 19: "Lost Angel" - Margaret O'Brien, James Craig, Marsha Hunt, Keenan Wynn.

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"Let's Take a Look" at Frances Scully

(Continued from Page 33)

at 5 o'clock. Then she goes home for dinner.

Occasionally she accepts dinner invitations when it's a special affair, such as the WAVE invitational sup- per recently honoring those w h o helped publicize their activities. But usually she stays home and reads. And she really covers everything that is printed ... including all the daily papers, trade publications, na- tional magazines and even out -of- the -way and not too well -known per- iodicals.

Checks Facts When she is planning a feature

story on city or national activities, that directly e f f e c t housewives, Frances spends days getting t h e facts. She personally covers stores checking prices on merchandise and quality; watching attitudes of both clerks and customers; she follows up stories reported on mistreatment of housewives by various local gov- ernment agencies; and when s h e prepares her story for the radio, she has the facts to back up her state- ments. .

Recently when a war profiteer was reported to her by a woman lis- tener in a suburb of Los Angeles, Frances went right to the head of OPA and through the assistance of OPA Radio Editor Jane Judson, ac- tion was taken. The housewife had been overcharged $80 in the pur- chase of a second -hand washing machine. It took time, but the sales- man was brought to justice and the housewife's money refunded.

Frances has also devoted consid- erable time to informing women re- garding household items being sold over ceiling by various stores. In fact, she campaigned against the high prices of curtains and action was brought by the OPA against one of the offenders, a large depart- ment store.

However, all her programs don't concern problems. She devotes one day a week to beauty and also dis-

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cusses food, interior decoration, fash- ions, children, baby, expectant moth- ers and keeps the housewives in- tormeo on current events.

Her one big aim, however, is to campaign for the little housewife who seems to have been lost in the shuffle. Bertha Brainard of NBC and Irene Rich have both been a great source of professional encour- agement and Frances wants to prove theirs faith in her by doing a good radio job.

Regarding her homelife . . Fran- ces lives very much the same way any average woman does. She does housework . cooks when she has time, which isn't often. But she doesn't have to worry on that score, because her mother is tops in pre- paring wonderful meals and noth- ing is ever a bother to Mrs. Scully

. or "Mommie" as she is affec- tionately referred to by all of her daughter's friends. Frances has pets

two canaries "Miss Mickey" and "Pat," a gift of Dennis Day's father, Patrick McNulty.

What Next, Mr. Miller?

(Continued ¡rum Page 29) for the next six years, I taught gov- ernment, economics and history at Harvard.

"But," he added. smiling, "maybe I shouldn't admit that I was a college 'prof.' Somehow, people always seem suspicious of professors."

To Europe It was after his period as a Har-

vard instructor that he was sent to Australia as our trade commissioner. Following that assignment, the Christian Science Monitor requested that he become its Paris correspond- ent. The articles he had written for various publications had attracted favorable attention. As a newspaper correspondent, he traveled broadly in Europe, and eventually returned to the States to start the Monitor's


When the

School Bell Rings

It's Time to Listen to THE FOURTH SESSION OF



Conducted by Sally Spinner


weekly magazine section. When he landed in California, he

related. "I liked it so well. I de- cided to live here."

Upon his return to America, he had begun a series of lectures. One night, after his arrival on the West Coast, he was engaged, as extension lecturer at the University of Califor- nia, to Speak at the Wilshire Country Club. Lewis Allen Weiss, vice- presi- dent and general manager of the Don Lee broadcasting system, was present and was so impressed by Miller that he immediately asked him to supplement his varied activ- ities by accepting the position of radio commentator. Miller, very much interested in radio, was pleased to oblige.

He had already had experience in the field as program director and news commentator at short -wave station WRUL (formerly WXAL) in Boston, at which time he wrote arid participated in a weekly half-hour news discussion broadcast.

"My time was so limited," Miller explained, " that I'd write lines for the other participants, and ad -lib my own part in the discussions."

Anxious for Television Now, he manages to spend some

nine hours of preparation on each of his news commentation broad- casts, which are heard three times weekly over Mutual. He is eagerly looking forward to the day evision comes into its own, a n d talks with enthusiasm of the un- limited possibilities f o r televised news broadcasts.

"Maps may be employed," h e pointed out, "and listeners will be- come more completely engrossed in a discussion that is visually present- ed before them."

In addition to the many and var- ied activities we have already men- tioned. Miller has also taken a keen interest in aviation. a n d for almost two years worked in the engineer- ing department of the Douglas Air craft plant.

"One of my greatest thrills," he told us, "was a recent ride in a Douglas C -54. I had drawn designs for parts of it during its initial con- struction."

Miller has authored two books, "I. John" and "I, Paul ", which are "au tobiographies" of the two apostles. He reads extensively (names Lipp - man's "Foreign Policy," Seversky's "Victory Through Air Power," and Ludwig's "The Germans" among the most important books of this time). and he has a fondness for good mu- sic.

Wite Is Talented He is married to Sonya Michell,

a noted concert pianist and com- poser. "It seems like only three or four years," Miller . smiled. "but I guess we were married back in 1928."

The Millers live in Los Angeles, in a house they bought "to fit the fur- niture" which they had purchased in Italy.

"We've been evicted from apart-

ment houses everywhere," he went on, twinkling again, "because of my wife's piano - although, o f course, she would tell you it was because of my typewriter."

Family pet is a Siamese e a t named "Lani." "I'm told that, in Hawaiian," said Miller, "that means 'heavenly.' "

Although it's d ifficult to believe that the busy Mr. Miller somehow manages to find some spare time for hobbies a n d sport, he told us that, when gas is again available, he hopes to resume his trout fish- ing in the High Sierra range.

"In addition,; he laughed, "I am a completely unsuccessful Victory gardener. I have estimated that the corn I raised cost me an average of one dollar an ear.

"The complete harvest from my raspberry crop," he continued. smil- ing wistfully. "consisted of exactly eight raspberries. I ate them off the vine!" * *

LITTLE SHAVERS George Shelton, one of T o m

Howard's happy hecklers on CBS' "It Pays To Be Ignorant," has con- verted old electric razors into tiny power tools for his hobby of wood working. * *

WRITER Tobe Reed, narrator of CBS' "Don't

You Believe It," likes to write in his off -hours and has penned some six hundred stories. * *

PICTURESQUE PAST Tom Holland, heard often on

"This Is My Story," has been a let dancer and a boxer!

CBS' bal-


01440E01 B RANNI

K N X 9:30 Stories woven around the romantic and adven- turous atmosphere of Early California

Soonser.d by



Page Thirty -five

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