ford motor co

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Ford Motor Coand

The Working Class



Company Overview Henry Ford

June 16th 1903

The Vision

The moving assembly line

(Hoffman, Bryce G 10-40)

The Moving Assembly Line

Not the first Person to use mass production

First implemented in 1913

The first year was rough

(Daniel M. G. Raff 387-399) (Rosenzwig, Roy 186-189)

Ford’s StrugglesProduction slowed

Turn over rates were

through the roof

Workers were angry

Union’s began to form

(Daniel M. G. Raff 387-399) (Lewchuk 53-54)

Ford’s Plan• Ford’s three principles to his mass production plan:

• Standardize the product

• Specialized tools

• living wage and less hours

• Fordism

(Rosenzwig, Roy 186-189)

Five Dollar a Day Wage The living wage

The strategic plan

Ford was taking a risk

Fords plan paid off

(Daniel M. G. Raff 387-399)

(Walsh, James 352-385)

Working classLow wages

Long hours

Unsafe environments

Struggles at home

(Rosenzwig, Roy 186-189) (May, Martha 399-424)


Other industries began to follow suit

The working class became stronger

Economic impact

(Walsh, James 352-385)


The working class in America was struggling

Ford created a strategic plan

Ford was not a working class hero

Fordism changed the working class

(Walsh, James 352-385) (Rosenzwig, Roy 186-189) (Daniel M. G. Raff 387-399)

Bibliography Daniel M. G. Raff. “The Journal of Economic History”, Vol. 48, No. 2, The Tasks of Economic History (Jun., 1988), pp. 387-399 (accessed November 22, 2014)

Lewchuk, W. A. Men and monotony: Fraternalism as a managerial strategy at the Ford motor Company. Journal Of Economic History, (1993) 53(4), 824. (accessed November 23, 2014).

May, Martha“Feminist Studies. ”, Vol. 8, No. 2, Women and Work (Summer, 1982), pp. 399-424 (accessed November 22, 2014).

Rosenzwig, Roy et al. Who Built America?: Working People and the Nation’s History (Boston-New York: Bedford / St. Martin, 2008), 186–189.

Walsh, James. 2012. "Mass Migration and the Mass Society: Fordism, Immigration Policy and the Post-war Long Boom in Canada and Australia, 1947-1970." Journal Of Historical Sociology 25, no. 3: 352-385. America: History & Life, EBSCOhost (accessed November 20, 2014).

Hoffman, Bryce G. American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford Motor Company (Kindle Locations 535-536). Crown Publishing Group (2012-03-13). . Kindle Edition.

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