forests and their canopies: achievements and … forests and their canopies: achievements and...

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TrendsMicroclimate and biodiversity changesare more marked vertically than hori-zontally. Canopy arthropods are sig-nificant globally. Other bioticelements remain less well known.

In the canopy environment, food websare complex, specialisation is lesscommon than expected, and herbi-vores and pathogens are important;microcosm studies flourish but larger,canopy-based webs are challenging.

Climate [441_TD$DIFF]change has impacts on thecanopy via ecosystem distributions,productivity, phenology, pollination,herbivory, and plant–atmosphereinteractions. Plantations may be car-bon sinks yet diminish air quality.

Loss of forest canopies underminesglobal water and carbon cycle securityand leads to biodiversity loss. Howecophysiology and plant-emitted vola-tile organic compounds impact atmo-spheric composition is poorly known.

A global system of large-scale, versa-tile canopy access facilities is neces-sary and emerging.

1Key Laboratory of Tropical ForestEcology, Xishuangbanna TropicalBotanical Garden, Chinese Academyof Sciences, Menglun, Mengla,Yunnan 666303, China

ReviewForests and Their Canopies:Achievements and Horizons inCanopy ScienceAkihiro Nakamura,1 Roger L. Kitching,2 Min Cao,1

Thomas J. Creedy,3,4 Tom M. Fayle,5,6 Martin Freiberg,7

C.N. Hewitt,8 Takao Itioka,9 Lian Pin Koh,10 Keping Ma,11

Yadvinder Malhi,12 Andrew Mitchell,13 Vojtech Novotny,5

Claire M.P. Ozanne,14 Liang Song,1 Han Wang,15 andLouise A. Ashton3,*

Forest canopies are dynamic interfaces between organisms and atmosphere,providing buffered microclimates and complex microhabitats. Canopies formvertically stratified ecosystems interconnected with other strata. Some forestbiodiversity patterns and food webs have been documented and measure-ments of ecophysiology and biogeochemical cycling have allowed analyses oflarge-scale transfer of CO2, water, and trace gases between forests and theatmosphere. However, many knowledge gaps remain. With global researchnetworks and databases, and new technologies and infrastructure, we envis-age rapid advances in our understanding of the mechanisms that drive thespatial and temporal dynamics of forests and their canopies. Such understand-ing is vital for the successful management and conservation of global forestsand the ecosystem services they provide to the world.

Forests and Their Canopies at the Frontiers of Ecology and ConservationForest canopies (see Glossary) are hotspots of biological diversity, engines of global bio-chemical processes, and the dynamic interface between organic nature and the atmosphere[1]. Forest canopy science has been an active discipline since the 19th century but its progresshas been slow due in part to the limited accessibility of canopies [2]. Despite considerableadvances in our understanding of canopy ecology over the past 30 years, due in part tomethodological improvements, many critical knowledge gaps remain [3]. The degradation offorests and their canopies leads to loss of carbon storage, biodiversity, macro- and microcli-mate regulation, and other ecosystem services, having significant implications for humanlivelihoods. For example, 43 million hectares of tropical forests were lost between 2000and 2005, which not only removed carbon stored as live biomass but generated an estimatedemission of 0.8 Gt of carbon from cleared forests per year, contributing to global climatechange [4]. Maintaining current carbon uptake by forest canopies and avoiding emissionsresulting from forest loss could deliver up to 50% of the carbon mitigation needed to stay belowa 2 �C global temperature rise [5]. Loss of forests also reduces the interception, evaporation,and transpiration of moisture by the canopy, eventually leading to reduced precipitation andwater availability [6].

In the face of severe anthropogenic pressures, the conservation of forests and their associatedspecies and ecosystem functions has become a central focus of research and policy. Improved

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© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

2Environmental Futures ResearchInstitute, Griffith University, Nathan,Brisbane, QLD 4111, Australia3Natural History Museum, LondonSW7 5BD, UK4Department of Life Sciences, ImperialCollege London, London SW7 2AZ,UK5Biology Centre of the CzechAcademy of Sciences and theUniversity of South Bohemia,Branisovska 31, Ceske Budejovice370 05, Czech Republic6Institute for Tropical Biology andConservation, Universiti MalaysiaSabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 KotaKinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia7[435_TD$DIFF]Institute of Botany, University ofLeipzig, Leipzig [436_TD$DIFF]04103, Germany8Lancaster Environment Centre,Lancaster University, Lancaster LA14YQ, UK9Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501,Japan10University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA5005, Australia11State Key Laboratory of Vegetationand Environmental Change, Instituteof Botany, Chinese Academy ofSciences, Beijing 100093, China12University of Oxford, Oxford OX13QY, UK13Global Canopy Programme, OxfordOX1 [439_TD$DIFF]3HZ, UK14University of Roehampton, LondonSW15 5PJ, UK15College of Forestry, Northwest A&FUniversity, Yangling 712100, China

* (L.A. Ashton).

understanding of global change impacts on forest ecosystems is also fundamental [1]. To thisendwe first need to obtain a clear picture of biodiversity and forest ecosystem function, in whichthe canopy plays an essential role. Here we examine how progress (or lack thereof) in canopy-specific or canopy-inclusive studies will contribute to our understanding of the ecology andconservation of forests, with particular emphasis on forest microclimate, species biodiversityand interactions, and biogeochemical processes. We explore how the forest canopy, with theaid of new technologies, experimental approaches, and a global canopy crane network, canbe integrated into forest ecology.We demonstrate that moremultilateral and collaborative effortinvolving all stakeholders in forest research and management should be directed towards thecanopy to understand the impacts of forest loss and degradation on the ecosystem servicesthey provide.

Forest ClimateSome large-scale interactions between forest canopies and climate such as rainfall interceptionand evapotranspiration are relatively well understood. However, other key links between forestsand climate remain poorly described, such as the link from evapotranspiration to cloud formationand resulting climate feedbacks [7]. Forest and climate interactions at smaller scales are also lessunderstood. The forest canopy creates microclimates through attenuating and buffering varia-tion in climatic conditions, creating vertical gradients of mean photosynthetically activeradiation, temperature, and vapour pressure deficit [8]. Forest canopies also buffer theeffects of precipitation by intercepting rainfall and snowfall [9]. The architecture and physiology ofcanopy trees and epiphytes drive variation in forest microclimates [10], forming a complex set offeedback loops with microclimate both determining and being determined by species identity,growth traits, and stand age composition [11]. Other dimensions of forest climate, including thetemporal and spatial dynamics of key microclimatic variables, also remain understudied [12],particularly at global scales. This is partly due to the difficulty of collecting standardised data froma sufficient diversity of vertical structures within a study area and replicating this temporally andbetween study sites. Existing methods, such as towers, are insufficient as they are geographi-cally sparse and are themselves large enough to alter the local microclimate. The formation of acanopy crane network will help alleviate these problems (Box 1) by enabling easy canopy accessto establish and maintain high numbers of sampling points within a single area.

Vertical climatic gradients within forests are much steeper than those driven by elevation andlatitude. In the dipterocarp and montane forest of the Philippines, for example, changes in bothtemperature and moisture regimes were much greater over the �20 m between the forestcanopy and the understorey than the changes over 200 m in elevation [13]. It becomesincreasingly clear that arboreal biodiversity is structured by these vertical gradients acrossmany different taxa, especially in tropical forests [12,13]. This has important implications underclimate change because arboreal species might show resilience through an ability to shift theirvertical locations to compensate for changes in temperature [14] or by seeking bufferedconditions within particular microhabitats [13]. This scenario remains understudied in forestcanopies [15] and might manifest only as a delay in the effects of climate change on communitycomposition rather than allowing permanent persistence of species. Documenting the linksbetween forest architecture, microclimate refugia, and species’ distributions and dispersalabilities at fine scales within the canopy is therefore of vital importance [15,16]. In complexforests tackling these questions will be challenging and requires the implementation of long-term monitoring programmes that explicitly include vertically stratified surveys.

Species Diversity and DistributionsWhile our knowledge of the distribution patterns of canopy species is growing, it remainslimited, particularly for invertebrates. Over the past three decades, speculation on the contri-bution of canopy fauna to global species richness has generated much interest. Early

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GlossaryBeta diversity: a component ofdiversity defined as variation in theidentities of taxonomic (e.g.,species), functional (e.g., functionaltraits) or phylogenetic (e.g., sites)units among samples.Biogenic non-methane volatileorganic compounds (bVOCs):carbon-based volatile organiccompounds released by plants forbiochemical and physiologicalreasons that are not yet fully clear.Canopy crane: a construction towercrane built in forested areas to gainaccess to the canopy stratum. Ametal enclosure (gondola) is hoistedabove the ground by the crane andlowered to research locations withinthe canopy.Ecophysiology: the adaptation ofan organism’s physiology (e.g.,growth and gas exchange in plants,thermoregulation and dispersal inanimals) to its environment.Ehrlich–Raven coevolutionaryhypothesis: the hypothesis that theevolution of plant defences followedby adaptations in herbivores leads toadaptive radiation of both of theinteracting lineages.Forest canopy: the upper layers oraboveground zone of vegetation,generally formed by tree crowns. Theforest canopy contains various otherorganisms (epiphytes, lianas, andother arboreal organisms) whosemicrohabitats are not necessarilyrestricted to the canopy.Janzen–Connell hypothesis: thehypothesis that the lack ofdominance in tropical vegetation isdriven through negative density-dependent control of plants bypathogens or herbivores.Metagenomics: a family oftechniques that use DNA sequencingand bioinformatics to generateecological information from a bulkenvironmental or community sampleen masse without needing toseparate individuals or use traditionalmorphological identification.Photosynthetically activeradiation: the spectral range of solarradiation that photosynthetic plantsare able to use for photosynthesis.Remote sensing: the detection ofabiotic and biotic properties of alandscape from a vantage pointoutside said landscape.Vapour pressure deficit: thedifference between the actualhumidity in the air and the maximum

calculations assumed a distinct stratification between canopy and ground, with the canopyhaving high insect host specificity, greater species richness, and a unique set of speciescompared with the ground stratum [17]. In many cases the canopy does appear to hold thehighest species richness, as shown in a study which collected an exceptionally large number ofarthropods (113 952 individuals representing 5858 species) frommultiple vertical strata (includ-ing a subterranean layer) [18]. Patterns in compositional stratification appear to be consistentacross taxa; for example, recent work on moth communities has demonstrated that verticalstratification is almost universal across both elevation and latitude [19]. Similar vertical stratifi-cation was also found for beetles in the Australian tropics [20] and spiders in Japanesetemperate forests [21]. However, these studies also demonstrated that the degrees of verticalstratification are less distinct than had been previously thought. The aforementioned study ofbeetles [20], for example, showed that only about 25% of all beetle species were restricted toeither the canopy or ground while the remaining 50% occurred across both layers. These dataand new approaches to analyses have produced more modest diversity estimates thansuggested by earlier studies [22]. A comprehensive review of the field using four innovativeanalyses of the global beetle fauna produced estimates of global terrestrial arthropod richnessof 5.9–7.8 million species [17] – considerably less than the earliest canopy-oriented authors’ 30million species [23]. We add the caveat that some potentially species-rich arthropod groupssuch as flies and mites are still so poorly known taxonomically that these extrapolated numberscould remain considerable under- (or over-) estimates. While the diversity of other prominentcanopy biota such as epiphytes is well studied, the canopy microbiota is almost whollyunknown (Box 2).

Unlike vertical stratification (e.g., [18,20]), the horizontal distribution of species withincanopy layers has received scant attention, with the exception of ants [24]. The conceptof ‘ant mosaics’ has been used to describe the spatial structure of arboreal ant assemb-lages, which are driven by mutual exclusion or positive associations of two or more antspecies [24]. However, patterns of ant mosaics were described primarily within plantationsor simple forest systems. A more recent study in lowland tropical forests suggested thatmutual exclusion of ant species is not as strong as previously thought and ant speciesappear to be distributed randomly [25]. Past work on epiphytes also indicated low speciesturnover across horizontal gradients in the canopy [26]. More recent work has shown thatfruit-feeding nymphalid butterflies have greater spatial and temporal species turnover in thecanopy than the understorey [27]. This variation between taxa might be due to differences inhost specificity. However, in general, horizontal variation within canopy layers remainspoorly understood.

The relative importance of different ecological processes driving species turnover, or betadiversity, shifts across spatial scales. The beta diversity of woody plants in subtropical easternChina at small scales (10 m) is primarily driven by ‘neutral’ processes, whereas environmentaldrivers become stronger at larger scales [28]. Similar stochastic and deterministic switching inrelation to spatial scale can also explain turnover in moth species with distance in Borneanforests [29]. However, different ecological processes can operate at different latitudes even atthe same scale. In both temperate and tropical forests, strong intraspecific aggregation canresult in high beta diversity of woody plants [30]. In temperate forest, however, intraspecificaggregation is likely to be driven by environmental filtering, whereas the distribution of species intropical forest is likely to be driven by dispersal limitation [30]. We note that beta diversity is oftenquantified using very small sample sizes relative to regional species pools. Incomplete samplingpotentially leads to inaccurate measurement of species abundance distributions and inflatedbeta diversity estimates [31]. This problem is not alleviated by standardising sampling protocolsor null-modelling approaches [31]. Due to limited accessibility, canopy studies present thesame problem. Methodological studies with large-scale and spatially explicit data are required

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possible humidity at a giventemperature.

(e.g., the 24-ha stem-mapping plot [28]) but no such data are currently available from thecanopy.

Species InteractionsSpecies are linked in complex networks of interactions (e.g., predation, pollination, competition,mutualism) that span all forest strata. Understanding changes in the structure of speciesinteractions across the vertical dimension under the influence of key environmental gradientsincluding disturbance, latitude, and elevation is important in explaining global biodiversitypatterns [32]. Studies on leaf miners in the understorey indicate a way forwards in this respect.The quantitative structure of a herbivore–parasitoid food web was investigated along eleva-tional gradients of Australian subtropical rainforests [33], with the finding that the host specificityand parasitism intensity of herbivore–parasitoid food webs decreased with elevation whileoverall food web connectivity remained the same. A translocation experiment in the samesystem indicated that herbivores currently escaping parasitism at high elevations might notnecessarily experience higher parasitism when parasite species at lower elevations moveupwards in response to warmer temperature. Integrating vertical canopy components andadditional herbivore guilds, such as leaf chewers, which are more environmentally exposed,into studies of this kind will provide a clearer picture of elevational patterns of speciesinteractions and cross-stratum links.

Species richness generally increases with decreasing latitude, and the large numbers ofcoexisting species in tropical forests have been explained by their narrow specialisations inthis ‘stable’ environment [34]. More critical analyses throw doubt on this commonly quotedgeneralisation, as some well-studied species interactions (viz. pollination and seed dispersal)among tropical species are less specialised than those at temperate latitudes where plantdiversity is lower [35]. Little studied second-order interactions are also potentially important.Ants, for example, affect pollination-capable flower visitors negatively while maintaining mutu-alistic relationships with the plants themselves [36].

Interactions among many species in spatially complex canopies can be studied by document-ing the full networks of species interactions or food webs – bottom-up surveys [37] – or bymanipulating the particular web compartments, taxa, or trophic levels – a top-down approach(e.g., [38]) (Box 3). Data from bottom-up approaches become difficult to interpret (particularly incomplex tropical forests) as the number of species and their interactions grow geometrically,whereas top-down approaches often lack species-level resolution for the manipulated food

Box 1. The Canopy Crane Network

Canopy cranes allow access to the upper canopy layer, covering 0.8–2.0 ha per crane [96]. They have been used in ecological research since 1990 and presentlyoperate at 15 locations around the globe (Figure I), although large regional gaps remain (North America, Africa). Individually, cranes allow detailed and replicablesampling of and experimentation within a contiguous forest area but have limited options for replication over the wider region. Cranes are expensive and the onlylocation at which multiple cranes that can be used as replicates exist is the Eucalyptus Free Air CO2 Enrichment (EucFACE) experiment [94]. This is the major reasonthat canopy cranes have been underutilised, reflected in the decline of the number of research papers using canopy cranes since 2004 [80].

The 747 papers using canopy cranes listed on Google Scholar (1992–2016) include studies on: (i) tree ecophysiology, particularly photosynthesis and transpiration(36% of all papers); (ii) plant architecture and vegetation structure (21%); (iii) arthropod communities, particularly herbivores, pollinators, and ants (18%); (iv) epiphytes,epiphylls, and endophytes (10%); and (v) canopy access methods and reviews (10%). Manipulative experiments with arthropod communities (e.g., [82]) replicatedacross continents and latitudes are currently not represented but appear to be the most promising avenue for future research (Box 3).

There is a notable recent rise in the number of canopy cranes in China (Figure I) and the newCanopy Operating Permanent Access System (COPAS) provides canopyaccess similar to that of a crane in French Guiana. Many current and planned cranes form an underexploited latitudinal gradient in the Australia–East Asia region(Figure I). Research using this near-complete north–south transect could include comparative studies of diversity (of epiphytes, fauna, and microbiotas), food webs,and stratification. This has the potential to be a powerful tool for testing the impacts of environmental manipulations of local climate, water regime, and food webstructure across spatial scales. Cranes remain a prime candidate for the underpinning of a global canopy research network [96], provided that well-establishedinternational cooperative networks can be developed.

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© Quen�n Mar�nez

© David Ellsworth

10 COPAS, French Guiana

14 EucFACE, Australia






See inset



©Yun Deng

21 Xishuangbanna, China

Figure I. World Map Showing the Locations of Canopy Access Facilities. Areas with different tree densities (i.e., the ratio of the area covered with branchesand leaves of trees to the ground surface seen from above) are indicated by cream (0–20%), light green (21–60%), and green (61–100%). Open-circle symbols arelocations of canopy cranes or a Canopy Operation Permanent Access System (COPAS) established or currently being built, closed-circle symbols are disused ordismantled canopy cranes, and square symbols are planned cranes. (1) Solling, Germany; (2) Leipzig, Germany; (3) Kranzberg, Germany; (4) Basel, Switzerland; (5)Tomakomai, Japan; (6) Wind River, USA; (7) San Lorenzo, Panama; (8) Parque Metropolitano, Panama; (9) Surumoni, Venezuela; (10) COPAS, Nouragues, FrenchGuiana; (11) Lambir Hills, Malaysia; (12) Baitabag, Papua New Guinea; (13) Daintree, Australia; (14) Eucalyptus Free Air CO2 Enrichment (EucFACE), Richmond,Australia; (15) Changbai Mountain, China; (16) GutianMountain, China; (17) BadagongMountain, China; (18) Liziping, China; (19) Lijiang, China; (20) AilaoMountains,China; (21) Xishuangbanna, China; (22) Dinghu Mountain, China. Map drawn by Jia-qi Zhang and map information sourced from Global Map � Percent Tree Covergenerated by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, Chiba University and collaborating organisations ( Photo-graphs: Quentin Martinez (10) David Ellsworth (14), and Yun Deng (21).

webs. The study of the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down controls in trophiccascades necessitates top-down manipulations of trophic levels including the removal ofherbivores, predators, or pathogens [39]. The Janzen–Connell hypothesis has been afavoured explanation for diversity maintenance for over 40 years [40] yet has only recentlybeen tested experimentally by demonstrating that plant diversity and species composition canindeed be driven by fungal pathogens and insect herbivores [38]. Epiphytes and canopyphytotelmata have been useful naturally replicated microcosms for food web studies, demon-strating the importance of habitat size, climate, and top-down influence in shaping food webstructures and complexity (e.g., [32]), but lack the sheer complexity of the overall canopy foodweb [41].

No single forest food web covering all forest strata has been fully mapped. One of the mostcomprehensive assessments of plant–herbivore food webs documented that �200 plantspecies can harbour an estimated �9600 species of herbivorous insects in the highly complexlowland rainforest of New Guinea [37]. The number of herbivore species is at least matched bytheir parasitoids [42]. The number of host or prey species per consumer species (i.e., theirgenerality) has been estimated at one to two for parasitoids and five for herbivores and can bemore than ten for predators [43]. A plant-based rainforest canopy food web might thus

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comprise over 100 000 trophic links, making prediction of its dynamics challenging. Predictionsof food web structure can bemade from species traits [44] and foodweb responses to species’removal or insertion can be predicted on this basis, but the accuracy of thesemethods have notyet been tested. Progress in DNA sequencing is allowing tests of evolutionary signals in theassembly of large food webs as species-level phylogenies become more widely available (e.g.,[45]). Furthermore, progress inmetagenomics and low-cost parallel sequencing allows rapidelucidation of network links from bulk ecological samples [46]. As predictive power is added tocanopy food web science [47], we can expect better tests of the Ehrlich–Raven coevolu-tionary hypothesis and other scenarios for plant–herbivore interactions [48].

Forests and Biogeochemical CyclesWe now have a good empirical understanding of spatial and seasonal patterns in canopybiogeochemical exchanges, including the transfer of carbon dioxide, water, and, to a lesserextent, trace gases between the land and the atmosphere. For example, using eddy covarianceflux data and various diagnostic models, tropical forests have been found to account for thelargest proportion (34%) of global terrestrial gross primary production (GPP) [49]. The temper-ature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration is independent of mean annual temperature amongbiomes, suggesting less pronounced climate–carbon cycle feedback than suggested bymodels [50]. The spatial variation of net canopy–atmosphere carbon and water fluxes isnow routinely modelled given knowledge of meteorological conditions and basic canopyproperties (e.g., leaf area index, relative angiosperm coverage) and validated against eddycovariance flux measurements.

Box 2. Epiphytes and Microbiotas

Here we highlight two groups of canopy taxa, both important for forest ecosystem function but one far more extensivelystudied than the other.


Epiphytes (Figure I) are one of the relatively well-studied components of canopy biotas, the breadth of researchcontributing substantially to taxonomic inventory and ecological understanding. There are more than 27 000 species ofvascular epiphytes, representing ca 9% of the extant global diversity of vascular plants. Orchids (ca 19 000 species),ferns and fern allies (ca 2700 species), and bromeliads (ca 1800 species) are most diverse in the tropics [86]. Herbivorywas believed to be low in epiphytes, but a study using orchid, bromeliad, and fern species in Mexico showed that whileleaf damage was low in epiphytic orchids and bromeliads, inconspicuous damage to reproductive organs andmeristematic tissues negatively affected their fecundity and survival [81]. Orchids, even closely related species, haveadapted to different pollinators (by placing pollinia on different parts of their bodies), contributing disproportionally to thediversity of pollinators [85].

There remain many gaps in our epiphyte knowledge; for example, the degree of host-tree specificity is highly variable.While many species of orchid are found to display high host-tree specificity, other vascular epiphytes generally displaylower levels of host-tree specificity [87]. This might be explained by symbiotic relationships between orchids and theirmycorrhizal fungi whose occurrence is likely to be related to host tree species. Alternatively, a tendency to preferentiallystudy rare and endangered orchid species might have contributed to biased estimates of host specificity [87].Additionally, much less taxonomic research has focused on non-vascular epiphytes [84] and these are unlikely tobe biogeographically congruent with vascular species [83].


Studies on the canopy microbiome have mainly focused on numerous microhabitats, including open water in plantcontainers, bryophytes, leaf surfaces (the phyllosphere), endophytes, and canopy-suspended soil. One study ofbacteria on dry leaf surfaces in tropical canopies showed high diversity of bacteria and high community turnoveracross canopy tree species [89]. Fungal assemblages in temperate regions tend to be vertically stratified, with specifichost, microhabitat and substrate preferences, although this is less studied in the tropics [90].

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The importance of canopy microbes for plant health has not been thoroughly investigated and many canopy nicheshave not been sampled for their microbiomes (e.g., the leaves of the extremely exposed upper canopy). Much higherabundances of fungal spores have been observed at night [88], suggesting large diel variation in the canopy microbiota.Both the spatial and temporal distributions as well as the functional roles of canopy microbiotas need to be understood.New molecular technologies (e.g., metagenomics) that have been used in microbial ecology outside the canopy willfacilitate studies of canopy microbial ecology [97].

Figure I. Epiphytes on Lithocarpus xylocarpus Tree in Mixed Forest at Nat Ma Taung National Park,Myanmar (2700 m Above Sea Level). Photograph: L.S.

Meanwhile, our understanding of forest canopy ecophysiology has been substantiallyimproved, not only by traditional in situ measurements and manipulative experiments but alsoby continuous automated observations from satellites and flux towers (Box 4). While satellitesand flux towers provide estimates of spatially aggregated canopy fluxes, a deeper knowledge ofthe links between canopy plant diversity and function requires description and understanding ofthe variation of key plant functional and ecophysiological traits. Such understanding is essentialfor prediction of how changing species composition may lead to changes in canopy function.Efforts such as the Global Ecosystem Monitoring network (GEM-TRAITS; are collecting such datasets for a wide range of tropical ecosystemsand airborne and future satellite-borne hyperspectral remote sensing technologies offer theprospect of mapping canopy plant traits at landscape and regional scales [51]. These extensivedata sets can lead to large-scale analyses of the environmental controls on plant functionaltraits that play key roles in global biogeography and biogeochemical cycles [52]. These insightshave not yet been fully incorporated into global ecosystemmodels but are likely to reduce someof the persistent uncertainties in predictions of future feedbacks between climate and carbon[53].

Forests and plantations (e.g., oil palm, eucalyptus, poplar) are the largest global emitters ofbiogenic volatile organic compounds (bVOCs), especially isoprene and monoterpenes[54]. Several effects of bVOCs in the atmosphere are known (formation of aerosol particles,mediating in the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere, influencing the formation of ground-levelozone) but their linked effects on the Earth system are poorly understood. Knowledge of theatmospheric chemistry of bVOCs is improving, but the recent discovery that there are massiveemissions of benzenoids from forests, rivalling emission rates from anthropogenic pollutantsources [55], highlights remaining uncertainties. There are large gaps in our knowledge of theenvironmental effects of bVOC emissions and the roles that microbiotas and invertebrates playin these processes. New remote sensing technologies (Box 4) coupled with ground-truthing

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Box 3. Experimental Approaches to Canopy Science

Much of canopy science to date has focussed on observation of patterns and inference of causation throughcorrelations. This is often problematic and experiments are one approach to disentangling drivers and responses;for example, to test impacts of future climate warming on tree physiology [93] (Figure I). Manipulations in the forestcanopy are particularly challenging because access is difficult, and experiments require repeated visits to multiple sitesto collect pretreatment data as a baseline, to apply manipulations, and to collect post-treatment data to assess impacts.This can limit the number of replicates that are feasible for experiments. At the extreme, intensivemanipulations with onlya single experimental and a single control plot (e.g., [78]) can nonetheless yield useful information, providing results areinterpreted with caution [98]. These limitations are overcome to some extent in manipulations of canopies that do notrequire access to the canopy itself � for example, experimental forest fragmentation [99], or drought and irrigationsimulation (e.g., [95]) � hence allowing larger areas to be utilised in ways that more closely mimic landscape-scaledrivers of change.

For those experiments in which access to the canopy is necessary, choice of access method is critical. If experimentscan be meaningfully conducted over small spatial scales, canopy cranes represent a useful method of access to thecanopy that allows multiple visits with the possibility of little disturbance (e.g., [92]; Figure I). However, the use of cranescan suffer from low spatial replication since the reach of any single crane is limited, thus reducing the utility of theresulting experimental data for extrapolation of broader patterns. This problem could be overcome by conductingexperiments on the increasingly widespread global network of canopy cranes (Box 1), a tactic not yet fully utilised. Afurther limitation of the use of canopy cranes for experimental work is that if experimental manipulations haveecosystem-wide consequences, this can compromise the use of the crane site for further research. Alternativemethods, such as rope access, allow sampling of a larger spatial area for experiments with a lower risk of compromisingfuture work, with the limitation that not all parts of the canopy will be accessible. Similar issues relating to pseudor-eplication and lack of access to some canopy strata (canopy walkways, towers) and lack of possible replication (canopyrafting) apply to other access methods. Use of non-experimental background data collected at larger spatial scales canhelp with these issues of pseudoreplication (for the tree warming example given above, comparison with atmospherictemperature [93]). Data gathered through remote sensing (Box 4) has the potential to inform experimental projects in asimilar manner.

Despite all of these challenges, forest canopies can be more suitable for experiments than other habitats. For example,epiphytes represent replicated compartments, and hence ideal systems for experimental manipulation [41]. The same istrue of isolated tree canopies, which can serve as replicates for the exclusion of particular canopy functional groups [79].

Figure I. Two Examples of Manipulative Experiments on Forest Trees. Left: Whole-tree warming experiment tomeasure carbon uptake and release in eastern Australia [434_TD$DIFF][93]. Photograph: Sebastian Pfautsch. Right: Experimentalbranch warming experiment to measure phenological responses at the Tomakomai canopy crane site, Japan [92].Photograph: Masahiro Nakamura.

flux towers and approaches using large-scale manipulations and traits-based modelling andscaling are promising in this regard.

Anthropogenic Impacts on Forest CanopiesForest fragmentation is a common consequence of human activities including road construc-tion, selective logging, and clearing for agriculture, with impacts on habitat connectivity, treedynamics, microhabitat conditions, and biodiversity [1,56]. It results in changes in surface

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Box 4. Remote Sensing

Large-scale remote sensing data have been extensively applied to improve our understanding of the structure, function,and phenology of the forest canopy, especially the long-term response to environmental change (e.g., [91]). Morerecently, high-resolution, near-surface, hyperspectral remote sensing even allows the monitoring of plant traits andfunctional biodiversity, filling the spatial resolution gap between traditional satellite-based remote sensing and ground-based in situ measurements [51]. Additionally, new satellite-derived products such as the ECOsystem SpaceborneThermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) offer new insights into ecosystem health andenvironmental stress at the canopy scale.

Over the past 5 years, there has been a surge in the use of remotely piloted remote sensing systems (or ‘drones’) forvarious applications, including the mapping of habitats and vegetation, detecting wildlife, monitoring of natural andanthropogenic disturbances (e.g., canopy gaps created by tree falls; Figure I), and surveillance of protected areas forillegal activities (e.g., animal poaching [100]). These tasks are typically performed by a semiautonomous droneprogrammed to track a series of waypoints during a mission while the on-board sensor collects data in the form ofmoving or still imagery. There are several factors driving the mainstreaming of this technology, including: (i) the costsavings from replacing humans with drones; (ii) the ability to acquire data from inaccessible environments such as tallforest canopies; and (iii) the higher spatial and temporal resolution of data. There are also several operating constraints:(i) the restricted payload capacity and flying time; (ii) the validation of data required by ground truthing; (iii) the trainingrequired to effectively pilot drones; and (iv) the risk of complete system loss when operating in high winds or complexterrain (e.g., forest valleys) [100].

In the case of a mapping application, the individual images would be stitched together to produce a geographicallyaccurate 2D and 3D representation of the target area (i.e., an orthomosaic or digital surface model, respectively;Figure I). Depending on the spectral nature of the data, further analyses could be conducted to track temporal changesin the landscape or to reveal the spatial pattern of relative photosynthetic activity (i.e., plant health or vigour). The 3Dmodel of the habitat could also be further analysed to derive estimates of vegetation volume and biomass (to the extentthat a digital elevation model for the site is available).

Figure I. Two Examples of the Application of Drones in Studies of Canopy Ecology. Left: High-resolution andgeotagged image of a canopy gap created by tree fall identified by a fixed-wing drone flying 300 m over Barro ColoradoIsland, Panama. Right: One-hectare dry forest habitat in New Caledonia showing detailed 3D canopy surface at aresolution of 5 cm per pixel mapped by a multirotor drone carrying a compact digital camera. Smaller images above themodel indicate the location and orientation of individual still images captured by the drone. Photographs: L.P.K.

albedo, evapotranspiration, and cloud cover, affecting the regional and global climate [57].Forest fragmentation also modifies canopy gap formation and dynamics. In tropical montaneforest, for example, fragmentation and increased edge effects produced canopies with lowerheight and more spatially uniform surfaces [58].

Responses of canopy biodiversity to fragmentation and edge effects are highly variable: habitatspecialist species with limited dispersal abilities are negatively affected, whereas other speciesbenefit [59]. A recent synthesis of relevant experiments across multiple biomes suggested thathabitat fragmentation resulted in 13–75% of biodiversity loss, affecting key ecosystem

446 Trends in Ecology & Evolution, June 2017, Vol. 32, No. 6

functions such as carbon and nutrient cycling, trophic interactions, and pollination [60]. Inaddition, forest loss disturbs multitrophic interactions through altered bottom-up (e.g., reducedplant antiherbivore defence mechanisms) and top-down (e.g., reduction in/of predators)controls [56]. However, we know little about the degree to which canopy biodiversity andtrophic interactions are affected by anthropogenic disturbances at a global scale.

Conversion of forests to plantations has accelerated in the past 15 years, particularly in thetropics, further homogenising habitat and removing or simplifying canopy communities [29]. Inaddition, as natural forests or traditional crop lands are replaced by biofuel plantations of highisoprene emitters, interactions with NOx-rich air from urban areas will lead to enhanced ground-level ozone concentrations with potentially detrimental effects on human health and ecosystemfunctioning [61].

Climate change models estimate a global temperature increase of up to 5 �C by the end of thiscentury [62] and the most recent reviews show that forests are already responding to elevatedtemperature with upwards or latitudinal movement of range margins and range contractionsand expansions [63]. Phenological responses to temperature change (bud burst, flowering, andleaf fall) will result in changes in canopy composition and structure. These effects are likely to bereinforced by life-cycle shifts of invertebrate pollinators resulting in asynchrony with floweringpatterns [64]. Downwards shifts in the body size of insect pollinators induced by warming mightfurther disrupt pollinator relationships [64]. Canopy–atmosphere interactions involving bVOCsare also susceptible to change. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations have been shownto inhibit isoprene emissions, but recent studies suggest that this might not occur underwarmer conditions [54].

Forest net primary productivity (in which the canopy plays a major role) has been predicted toincrease up to 23% in response to increases in atmospheric CO2 [65]. Consequential shifts inplant dominance and density will impact microclimate gradients [66]. However, more recentresearch shows that high temperatures might inhibit the increase in net primary productivity[67,68]. Consequently, large uncertainties persist in model predictions of future carbon andclimate feedbacks, particularly in the responses of GPP to future climate change and atmo-spheric CO2 elevation [53]. Despite model uncertainties, long-term growth rates are unlikely toincrease substantially due to a combination of nutrient limitations, physiological variation,mycorrhizal relationships, temperature change, and water availability as well as interactionswith animals, plants, and microbes [69]. Increased natural and anthropogenic canopy distur-bance is likely to compound the effects of climate change [70]; indeed, the negative effect offorest insect outbreaks on uptake and storage of atmospheric carbon is so significant that itmight need to be factored into climate change models [71].

For some anthropogenic disturbances (e.g., deforestation, logging), a space-for-time substi-tution is possible and changes in biodiversity and ecosystem processes can be examined overdegraded landscapes and compared with intact forests. For others (e.g., climate warming,increasing atmospheric CO2) this approach is not possible. Instead we must rely on large-scalemonitoring (e.g., eddy flux, remote sensing) and more mechanistic, smaller-scale studiesincluding direct measurements of canopy tree traits (GEM-TRAITs) and experimentalapproaches such as manipulating atmospheric CO2 concentrations or temperature (e.g.,FACE [72], BIFoR FACE [73], and TRACE experiments [74]; Box 3) or artificial drought andirrigation experiments [75]. Long-term forest inventories, ecophysiological studies, and aconsideration of the atmospheric carbon budget suggest that intact forest canopies providea carbon sink that is at least partially stimulated by increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations[72,76]. How long this buffering ability would persist in the face of climatic, ecophysiological,and ecological feedbacks is unknown.

Trends in Ecology & Evolution, June 2017, Vol. 32, No. 6 447

Outstanding QuestionsHow do complex feedback loops cre-ate canopy microclimates and how dothey buffer the effects of climatechange on forest biodiversity?

How many animal, plant, and insectspecies are there and how specialisedare species in the canopies of differentforest types?

What are the patterns of canopy spe-cies diversity and food web interac-tions and how do these changeacross spatial scales and forest types?

What are the mechanisms shapingdiversity and ecosystem structure in

Concluding RemarksNew avenues for exciting canopy research are opening up (Figure 1). Many of these researchdirections are urgent in light of current rates of forest loss and climate change. The forestcanopy remains under threat frommultiple human drivers, as does its resilience and resistanceto change. The major impacts of anthropogenic change have shifted from local to global scalesas a result of climate change and the growth in industrial agriculture [77]. The medium- andlong-term implications of this shift for canopy biodiversity, ecosystem function, and resilienceare little understood. With increased access through the expansion of infrastructure, and newtechnologies for the description and manipulation of diversity and function, the forest canopy isno longer ‘the last biological frontier’. Despite limitations in current understanding, it is clear thatforest canopies are unique zones of biodiversity, support the interface of a large part of theEarth’s biogeochemical processes, and are critically sensitive to anthropogenic change.

This review demonstrates that our current knowledge of forest functioning is heavily biasedtowards the understorey and that more emphasis is needed on studying the canopy at fine

the canopy and how do they shift atdifferent spatial scales?

What are the dynamics of forest pri-mary production and associated foodwebs in response to climate changeand atmospheric CO2 elevation?

What is the role of forest canopies inthe generation of bVOCs and whateffects do these compounds have inthe Earth system?

What are the impacts of anthropogenicdisturbance (including pollution, frag-mentation, and climate change) on for-est canopy diversity?


5 7






Primary forest Secondary forest


Herbivores Parasitoids

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Primary and Secondary Forests Showing Key Thematic Areas of CanopyStudies and Examples of Studies Cited in this Review. (The same study is often included in more than one thematicarea.) Only studies that included or focussed on forest canopies are included. (1) Vertical comparisons along canopy–understorey–ground gradients [19–21]. (2) Food webs and species interactions [12,36,37,42,44,56,78–82]. (3) Epiphyte[11,26,41,83–87] and canopy microbiology [88–90] studies (Box 2). (4) Canopy biodiversity [18,22,23,25,27,41,80],phenology [91,92], and microclimate [8–10,13–15,57,66]. (5) Biogeochemical [including biogenic volatile organic com-pound (bVOC) emissions] [4–6,49,54,55,61,65,67,68,71,74,76] and ecophysiological processes [50,65,93–95]. (6)Comparisons along gradients of forest degradation and fragmentation [6,29,58,59]. (7) Remote sensing [51]. (8) Inter-regional and continental comparisons [29]. Images: Yuan Liu.

448 Trends in Ecology & Evolution, June 2017, Vol. 32, No. 6

vertical resolution. It is clear that more multilateral and collaborative research effort should bedirected towards forest canopies with the aid of new technologies[442_TD$DIFF], experimental approachesand a global canopy crane network. Acquiring this knowledge will improve our predictiveabilities on how forest ecosystems will respond to human disturbances at multiple scales andimprove management strategies in a rapidly changing world.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank the 59 people who participated in the forest canopy workshop that took place on 27–29 October 2015

at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS (chaired by M.C. and R.L.K.). This workshop resulted in continuing

collaboration and the publication of this review. Chris Burwell, Richard Corlett, David Ellsworth, Philippe Gaucher, Hua

Huang, Trevor Keenan, Yuan Liu, Colin Prentice, Xiaoyang Song, Xuehong Xu, and Jia-qi Zhang provided materials for the

figures, helpful advice, and support. A.N. was supported by the [443_TD$DIFF]National Natural Science Foundation of China [444_TD$DIFF](NFSC)

International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange [445_TD$DIFF]Projects (31650110473), T.J.C. by the Grantham Institute for Climate

Change and the Environment (Imperial[446_TD$DIFF]), T.M.F. by ERC669609 and GACR16-09427S grants, C.N.H. by Lancaster

University, V.N. by ERC669609 and GACR14-36098G grants, L.S. by the NFSC (31670452), H.W. by the NFSC

(31600388), and L.A.A. by the UK Natural Environment Research Council[447_TD$DIFF], Human-Modified Tropical Forests Programme.


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