forthcoming titles september 2021 -

Post on 08-Dec-2021






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The Mediator’s TaleEileen Carroll QC (Hon) and Karl Mackie CBE

Written to celebrate the 30th anniversary of CEDR’s emergence as the world’s leading independent disputes consultancy, it throws fresh light on the personal motivations and strategy behind a unique example of disruptive innovation in the legal system, while sharing their professional insight into how we can achieve better

conflict management in our personal and professional lives.

It also has tips to help readers analyse their own experiences in conflict and dispute resolution so that they can learn from the insights of leading practitioners, while becoming familiar with a fascinating and unique lifetime’s professional practice, and the diverse experiences of a leading independent institution in the field.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526515834Extent: 224pp Pub date: Sep-21 Price: £60

Hershman and McFarlane: Children Act Handbook 2021/22Andrew McFarlane

“ is a great boon to have all these materials in one relatvely small volume...this volume is a must” New Law Journal (review of a previous edition)

Specifically designed for use in court this handbook provides a single volume of key children proceedings’ legislation and related guidance. It contains consolidated and fully

amended texts of the Children Act 1989 and relevant provisions of the Family Procedure Rules 2010 and supplementary Practice Directions.

The handbook meets the need for a reliable, up-to-date, portable source of key children proceedings’ legislation and related guidance and is invaluable to all child law practitioners, judges and social workers.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526521613Extent: 932pp Pub date: Aug-21 Price: £80

Cyber Risks and InsuranceThe Legal Principles

Dean Armstrong QC, Thomas Steward and Shyam Thakerar

Full of tips, case studies, tables and checklists this new title sets out the parameters of liability in respect of potential and actual cyber insurance claims and examines the significant areas where such claims will have the greatest impact.

Covering first and third party insurance, it provides

the answers to questions such as: What is the extent to which a data breach can be protected or mitigated against by having suitable insurance in place? How does having insurance interplay with obligations under the GDPR? To what extent can insurance be used to safeguard driverless cars, drones and other AI-machines? How can insurance companies assist when hackers hold companies to ransom after stealing data? How can insurance assist with smart contracts on the blockchain and for potential coding errors? How can insurance mitigate against the hacking of online systems of manned ships?

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526514134Extent: 232pp Pub date: Jul-21 Price: £95

EU Electronic Communications Code HandbookFrancesco Liberatore and James Konidaris

This title collects the key European legislation and other instruments pertinent to the electronic communications sector and is annotated by experts at Squire Patton Boggs.

It includes:

• The new EU Electronic Communications Code Directive

• The Commission’s Guidelines on market analysis and its recommendation on relevant markets

• Key ‘Article 7’ decisions by the European Commission

• Significant measures (other Directives, Commission decisions and recommendations) integral to the regulatory framework

• The BEREC Common Position on Remedies and other BEREC texts

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526511713Extent: 1600pp Pub date: Jul-21 Price: £195

Forthcoming Titles September 2021This bulletin covers recently published titles from July and August

plus forthcoming titles publishing in September 2021.



Tax Rates and Tables 2021/22Finance Act edition

Rebecca Cave

Tax Rates and Tables 2021/22: Finance Act Edition offers a collection of all UK tax rates and tables, with accompanying notes for clarification, announced in the 2020 Budget Statement. This title includes a section dealing with HMRC penalties and powers, and sections covering Scottish and Welsh Taxes. It is also up-to-date with the most

recent measures taken by the Government to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526520159Extent: 288pp Pub date: Sep-21 Price: £40

Principles of International Taxation8th edition

Lynne Oats

The book provides a clear introduction to international taxation and presents its material in a global context, explaining policy, legal issues and planning points central to taxation issues, primarily from the viewpoint of a multinational group of companies. This content is a core requirement for student reading lists at both

undergraduate and post graduate level.

Fully updated to cover all new tax legislation and developments in light of the OECD BEPS project implementation, key areas to be included in this new edition are:

• changes proposed by BEPS 2.0 in relation to taxation and the digital economy, including Pillar Two and the proposed new UN Model Article 12B;

• further progress on the OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting implementation, including:

• an update on the implementation of BEPS recommendations including artificial avoidance of permanent establishment status and prevention of treaty abuse;

• the implementation of transfer pricing documentation and country-by-country reporting;

• multilateral instrument implementation;

• the impact of Covid-19 on international taxation;

• further developments in European direct taxation including the transparency package, directives on anti-tax avoidance and the common corporate tax base and state aid cases (Apple in particular).

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526519559Extent: 712pp Pub date: Sep-21 Price: £130


Irish Securities LawPaul Egan

This new title is concerned with the securities law provisions in the Companies Act 2014 and derivative enactments, which are of most concern to listed companies and companies issuing equity and debt securities in Ireland.

It comprehensively with the legal obligations to produce a prospectus or similar document, what is in it, what

are the exceptions, what information must be made available to the markets and what are the other legal consequences on companies and dealers in shares and other securities as a result of having securities admitted to listing.

Part A of the book gives an overview of the four key areas: Prospectus, Listing, Market Abuse and Transparency. It explains the structure of the law to enable non-experts to understand the law. Part B gives the legal and regulatory texts, which will be more of interest to lawyers and financiers in this area who need to be familiar with the primary law, which is not as yet readily accessible.

Format: Hardback ISBN: 9781526520401Extent: 720pp Pub date: Sep-21 Price: €215 / £170

Irish Capital Gains Tax 2021Tom Maguire

“Given the depth of detail, the comprehensive treatment of the subject, and the clear explanations of each area of this important tax for practising solicitors, this is undoubtedly the reference book for Irish capital gains tax.” The Law Society Gazette (review of the 2020 edition)

Provides in-depth analysis and interpretation of the law

as it is applied to CGT by the Irish and UK courts as well as in Appeal Commissioners’ decisions. It includes commentary on Revenue guidance, the administration of CGT as well as the computational rules and key reliefs and allowances. Topics covered range from the tax treatment of married couples, partnerships, companies and trusts to anti-avoidance.

This new edition has been updated to take account of the Finance Act 2020.

Contents include: Statutory interpretation; What is an asset; What is a disposal; Persons chargeable; Married couples and civil partnerships; Taxation of partnerships; Computational rules; Shares; Financial instruments; Debts; Trusts; Anti-avoidance; Companies; Residence; Foreign tax matters; CA 2014 transactions.

Format: Hardback ISBN: 9781526520036Extent: 1424pp Pub date: Jul-21 Price: €225 / £175


Property, Trusts and Succession4th edition

George Gretton and Andrew Steven

Provides full coverage of the property, trusts and succession parts of the LLB syllabus in Scottish universities in one convenient volume. The relevant rules of statute and common law are surveyed and frequent examples used, making this a highly practical and accessible text.

The new fourth edition includes coverage of:

• Coronavirus: The epidemic has led to new legislation for property transactions, for instance the closure of the Land Register to paper deeds. Many of these 2020 changes are likely to prove permanent.

• New cases: Significant decisions since the 3rd edition include Renyana-Stahl Anstalt 2018 SC 406 (access to land), Ali v Serco Ltd 2020 SC 182 (eviction) Ardnamurchan Estates Ltd v MacGregor 2020 SLT (Sh Ct) 49 (prescriptive title to land) and Scottish Woodlands Ltd v Majekodunmi 2020 Hous LR 23 (upkeep of common areas).

• Impending legislation: (i) the Moveable Transactions Bill, (ii) Register of Overseas Entities Bill, (iii) the draft Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land (Scotland) Regulations, (iv) reform of the law of real burdens (Scottish Law Commission’s 2019 Report on Section 53 of the Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003).

Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781526518743Extent: 656pp Pub date: Aug-21 Price: £53

For further information, and to place orders, please contact customer services:


COMMUNICATIONS LAW17467616 Print journalQuarterly Subscription price: £520Latest issue: 26.3 Sep-21

FAMILY COURT REPORTS14726459 Print journal + online2 times a month Subscription price: £440 (contact for online price)Latest issue: Vol 3 Pt 2 Sep-21

JOURNAL OF IMMIGRATION, ASYLUM & NATIONALITY LAW17467632 Print journalQuarterly Subscription price: £370Latest issue: 35.3 Sep-21

JOURNAL OF PROFESSIONAL NEGLIGENCE17466709 Print journalQuarterly Subscription price: £460Latest issue: 37.3 Sep-21

TRUST LAW INTERNATIONAL09622624 Print journalQuarterly Subscription price: £435Latest issue: 35.2 Sep-21

Communications Law





s Law

A User’s Guide to Data ProtectionPaul LambertData protection is a minefield of complex rules and regulations. It is an area of law that impacts on every organisation, large or small, that handles personal data.

A User’s Guide to Data Protection: Law and Policy, Third Edition sets out all the compliance issues that organisations need to be aware of in order to successfully comply with UK data protection rules and regulations, along with a full assessment of the EU Data Protection Regulations and their impact on UK practice.

The work is a first-port-of-call text providing clear guidance through the complex web of data protection issues and regulation, in relation to internal issues affecting employees, agents, contractors, etc. It also addresses external issues concerning customers, prospective customers and users across all areas of data interface.

The third edition has been fully updated and includes coverage and analysis of:

• The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) to be implemented by May 2018• Coverage of the new UK Data Protection Bill• Latest Information Commissioner Office investigations, reports and guidance, office

cases, complaint decisions and penalties• Brexit negotiation issues and post-Brexit data protection implications• Significant increased fines and penalties regime; and data protection competition

law comparisons• Right to be Forgotten updates and new cases• The Conservative election proposals for the Right to be Forgotten• International developments and issues, Cloud, internet, revenge porn, online abuse• New security law and new data protection e-commerce and electronic

communications data protection law

ISBN. 9781526504999 Pub Date. 17-05-2018 Pages. 696 Price. £120.00

The Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law




Sharenting: balancing the conflicting rights of parents and children Claire Bessant

Are children more than ‘clickbait’ in the 21st century? Baroness Beeban Kidron

Interpreting the child-related provisions of the GDPR Lisa Atkinson

The importance of privacy by design and data protection impact assessments in strengthening protection of children’s personal data

under the GDPR Simone van der Hof and Eva Lievens

The transparency challenge: making children aware of their data protection rights and the risks online

Anna Morgan



Volume 23 Number 1 2018 Pages 1-54



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ISSN 1746-7616

9 771746 761005

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Journal of Immigration, Asylum &

Nationality Law

Journal o

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& N

ationality Law

A Guide to The Immigration Act 2016Alison Harvey and Zoe HarperProduced in association with ILPA, this title provides a clear and straightforward explanation to the provisions of this legislation, with relevant commentary following each section of the Act. Those litigating will be able to identify all relevant sources and materials rapidly.

It summarises each provision of the Act and sets them within both their political and legal context, providing full legal references as well as identifying relevant guidance, supporting materials and statements from parliamentary debates. It provides practitioners and academics and political commentators with a comprehensive guide to the Act, with detailed comments on the legal provisions interleaved with each section of the Act.

ISBN: 9781784519285 Pub date: Feb-17 Format: Paperback Pages: c350pp Price: £50

Child Migration: International Family and Immigration LawsDr Kathryn Cronin and Jemma DallyThis brand new title provides rigorous academic analysis and practical guidance on dealing with the family, immigration and nationality laws engaged when children are moved into and out of the UK. Its practical focus provides the detail, case authority, international guidance and practical experience with the case contexts in which these issues arise.

Essential reading for lawyers dealing with stranded, separated, unaccompanied, adopted, surrogate-born, abducted and migrant or refugee children; it provides relevant family and immigration law options and implications by identifying the legal issues and problems embedded in such cases.

ISBN: 9781526502209 Pub date: July-18 Format: Hardback Pages: c950pp Price: £110

ISSN 1746-7632

9 771746 763047

0 1




The Implications of Brexit for British Citizens in Ireland Navigating the Irish Immigration System Patricia Brazil and Catherine Cosgrave

Human Trafficking as a Gendered Phenomenon: CEDAW in Perspective

Gemma Fernández Rodríguez de Liévana and Keina Yoshida





Volume 32 Number 1 2018 Pages 1–94


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Related Titles from Bloomsbury Professional

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Journal of Professional Negligence


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Personal Injury Schedules: Calculating Damages, Fourth EditionGeneral Editor: William Latimer-Sayer QCThis new edition is an authoritative guide to the assessment of damages which deals specifically with periodical payments, fatal accidents, local authority funding and the assessment of future losses including care, earnings and pension.  Written from a practical viewpoint, by experts in the field, it is essential reading for claimant and defendant practitioners, including insurers, undertaking personal injury and clinical negligence work.

Fully updated chapters cover:• Future losses in light of the MoJ discount rate consultation, the reduction in the

discount rate to -0.75%, the Government’s draft legislation and the decision in JR v Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [2017] EWHC 1245 (QB)

• Changes to the calculation of damages under the Fatal Accidents Act including Knauer v MOJ [2016] UKSC 9 and Smith v Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and ors [2017] EWCA Civ 1916

• Residual earnings discount factors: Billett v MOD [2015] EWCA Civ 773• Causation and pre-existing conditions: Reaney v University Hospital of North

Staffordshire [2015] EWCA Civ 1119• Developments in the approach to interim payment applications: Smith v Bailey

[2014] EWHC 2569 (QB)• Recoverability of surrogacy fees: XX v Whittington NHS Trust [2017] EWHC 2318 (QB)• Fundamental dishonesty and s 57 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015

Key features include:• Analysis of all major developments and important cases• An unrivalled citation of first instance and unreported authorities• Comprehensive range of precedents and useful examples of how to draft

documents• Unique coverage of schedules, counter-schedules and examples in a single text• Bullet point guidance regarding the presentation of and response to claims of all


ISBN: 9781784517267 Price:  £130.00  £104 (20% Journal discount – quote PIS20 when you order) Format: Paperback Pub date: Jan 2018


Innovative therapy and the law: the novel issues raised by the case of Charlie Gard

Jo Bridgeman

Lawyers’ professional ethics: where are the ethics?Barbara Mescher


Armes v Nottinghamshire County Council

BAE Systems (Operations) Ltd v Konczak

Various Claimants v Barclays Bank Plc


ISSN 1746-6709

9 771746 670017

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Volume 34 Number 1 2018 Pages 1–56


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Related Titles from Bloomsbury Professional

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For more information please visit or contact for sample issues.

LAST PRINT ISSUE BUSINESS, INTERNET AND THE LAWPay As You Go 9781845928391Mainwork price: £620Latest issue: Issue 63 9781526512413£310 Feb-21

LAST PRINT ISSUE COMPULSORY PURCHASE & COMPENSATION SERVICEPay As You Go 9781845928674Mainwork price: £545Latest issue: Issue 41 9781526512499 £260 Jul-20

COURT OF SESSION PRACTICEPay As You Go 9781845921026Mainwork price: £690Latest issue: Issue 70 9781526517371£330 Aug-21

DISCRIMINATION LAW SERVICE Pay As You Go 9781845928667Mainwork price: £325Latest issue: Issue 59 9781526517425£315 Aug-21

DUCKWORTH’S MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY AND FINANCEPay In Advance 9781526504494Annual subscription: £690Latest issue: Issue 43 9781526517685Jul-21

LAST PRINT ISSUE E-CONTRACTSPay As You Go 9781845928452Mainwork price: £470Latest issue: Issue 61 9781526512734 £255 May-20

HERSHMAN AND MCFARLANE: CHILDREN LAW AND PRACTICEPay In Advance 9781526511546Annual subscription: £799 Latest issue: Issue 90 9781526517333Aug-21

INTERNATIONAL SUCCESSION LAWSPay As You Go 9781845928421Mainwork price: £480Latest issue: Issue 70 9781526517463£275 Aug-21

IRISH CONVEYANCING PRECEDENTS + ONLINEPay As You Go 9781845928490Mainwork price: £1172 / €1395 + VATLatest issue: Issue 88 9781526517555£295 / €345 Aug-21

IRISH COPYRIGHT AND DESIGN LAWPay As You Go 9781845928377Mainwork price: £622 / €740Latest issue: Issue 30 9781526517586£295/ €345 Sep-21

IRISH PLANNING LAW AND PRACTICEPay As You Go 9781845928360Mainwork price: £1126 / €1340Latest issue: Issue 62 9781526517609£325 / €380 Jul-21

LAW OF LIMITATIONPay As You Go 9781845928438Mainwork price: £530Latest issue: Issue 38 9781526517630£400 Jul-21



NORFOLK AND MONTAGU ON THE TAXATION OF INTEREST AND DEBT FINANCEPay As You Go 9781845928537Mainwork price: £750Latest issue: Issue 53 9781526518699£575 Sep-21

PERSONAL INJURY DAMAGES IN SCOTLANDPay As You Go 9780953415281Mainwork price: £350Latest issue: Issue 31 9781526517739£165 May-21

PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION OF OFFSHORE AND ONSHORE TRUSTSPay As You Go 9781845928353Mainwork price: £580Latest issue: Issue 76 9781526517777£390 Aug-21

SCOTTISH OLDER CLIENT LAW SERVICEPay As You Go 9781845928650Mainwork price: £555Latest issue: Issue 69 9781526517906£325 Sep-21

TAX ON TRANSACTIONSPay As You Go 9781845928346Mainwork price: £500Latest issue: Issue 67 9781526504685 £358 Nov-19

TAX PLANNING FOR BUYING AND SELLING BUSINESSESPay As You Go 9781845928544Mainwork price: £550Latest issue: Issue 57 9781526517937£305 Sep-21

LAST PRINT ISSUE TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENTPay As You Go 9781845928339Mainwork price: £435Latest issue: Issue 73 9781526513373£320 Feb-21

TRUST DRAFTING AND PRECEDENTSPay As You Go 9781845928322Mainwork price: £500Latest issue: Issue 41 9781526518040£295 Jun-21

LAST ISSUE VAT ON CONSTRUCTION LAND AND PROPERTYPay As You Go 9781845928315Mainwork price: £600Latest issue: Issue 87 9781526513458£370 Feb-21


For more information please visit or contact for sample issues.




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