forty - united states navy

Post on 21-May-2022






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nnr POH OfFICE ~ FMbullHClCO CALIF 9660

NHCB4053ds 3000 Sor v

3lJAN1978 Cotm1anding Officer u S N1JV1Jl Mobile Construction Battalion FORTY Conmander Naval Construction BalUlions u 5 Pacific Flllet

Deployment Completion 11Atport1 bullullal1ssion of


Stiel (1) lmcuti19 SWlllMCI (2) Unit Location Summazy (3) Historical Swmnitr y (4) Adminirtra tion (SJ Trllin1ng (6) Operations (7) Supply and Logistics (BJ EquiP111Bnt (9) Caqgt Haintenance

J Bnclosures (l) throu9b (9) are forwarded in accordanct itb reference (a)

2 In accordance witb reference (bJ u S Naval Hobile Constr uction Battalion FORTY deployed to camp Covin9ton GulaquoJD 114rianas Islands frOlll JanuarI to Septelllber 1977 itb Datacblnllncs deployed to Adak Alaskll Diego Carcia British Indian Ocean terrJtOr11 ltldv1ty Isind and a Seabee Teashyto Kosrde Caroline 111JIUlds Trust lerrJcory of the Paoi fie Islands

3 During the CUae Deploymnc u s Naval Hobile Construation Battallon lORTY consisting of an average of 20 Officers and 620 Enlibulltbulld mn served abull tho NavaI Conatruction Poree Alert Battalion in the Pacific The doplolment included tbo ccmpletion of some 28 major horJzoncal and vertical projects with an esti11111 ted cost of two million dollars and total mandaIbull of approrimately 75000 An integral part of the casking as camp llldinteshynance various continuing construction support operations and conmmitI rbullla~ im1gtl-nt at all sites The Battalion concept of operations noc onlI involved ercensive o1ury and tecbnical training but continued empbasibull tbru connand goals and polJcJbullbull tba t bullpeople ant Numbtlr Onebull




NuJnber of Copies l 2 1 l J 2 1 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l




Aehleving the required operational read111011s posture while deployed and maJntLining the bilJ ty to C0111plete spocifled construction tasking ibull Che product of exhaustive planning which bull U r ted during the 00-port period The results of this planning were 1t11 ertensive 111l1tary Training pzogrlt111 conducted everl Jc 11h1le deployed and a high quaiitl of vorkmanship on the construction projects

The battalion integrated bull vigourous Ca111p Maintenance prograbull into the constzuction operations and initiated improvements Jn the BEO heads rhe battalion Equipment 1111-ltllce was Ufl1r1tded dur1n11 the deplOl11111nt and all suppl sJMcas and functional areu _e left In e readlJ state

TM battaUon took madbull1111 ad11anta9e of available offerings of trainin7 in cbe Navy HumuJ Goals PlOlrU area 1t11d full ut1llt11Utd tbe serv1oes of CAAC personnel loe4ted et NAS Agana The RumIn Resources Asdstanoe Visit conducted Jn April lJ77 provided the battUon Huan Relationa Council t1ith the frlltl9MJrk and baseline to update the Co11m111d Action Plan bull

Enclosure (1 )












Delachmen I HI DllAY ISLNiD

CAT 4010


Detail HaOla11




17504 Camp Covington JAN77SEP77 Guam lfJJrianas IslAlld

l44 Naval Station JAN77SEP77 Adak Alaska

l49 Cllmp Cummins JAN77SEP77 D1ego Garcia 8101

l33 Naval station JAN77SEP77 HJdway IslAnd





KOSAIB Cllrol1nas ltPI

JAN77SEP77 Islands

Construction Battalion Cnter Port HUeneme Campl Lf orn1a


ColatrUctiCIO KAY77JVL77 aa c call on Unit 413 IU411

COHNANDSR JUL77SBP77 Construction amplttalon Paci Lie Htkamplapa H-aJ





CivLc Action

Log1st1cs Support

Special Tuking

StafL Spttelal Detail

bull rhJs enclosure show alJ units that edsted during the deployment and Che largest tJINIJ119 level bull

Enclosure (2









3-8 JAN 77

4 JAN 77

4-12 JTlN 77

8-12 JAN 77

14-21 JAN 77

15-17 JAN 77

11 APR 77

J HAI 77

28 JUN 77

16 AUG 77

17 SEP 77

18 SEP 77

16 SEP 77

l OCT 77

l OCT 77

1 OCT 77

3 OC1 77

NHCB JlORTY Civic Action ream 4010 deployed from CBC Port Huenemtt C411poundornla to 1Coar11e Caroline Islands ITPI

NHCB 10R2ll Advance Partv deplovbulld from CBC Port Hueneme CaJJfornibull to Camp Covington Gu- H I

NHCB lORY Detachment Diego Ganibull deployed from CBC Port HUllM- Cal1forn111 to DJego Garcia BIOT

NNCB FORTI Detachment 111dwbullIJ daployed fZOIJI CBC Pon Hu1tneme C4lifornia to Hldway I eland

NHCB FORTI Detacbmene Adak deplored from CBC Port Huenome ClllJfornJa to Adalc Alaska

NHCB lORTI Hsln Body deployed cOlll CBC Port Huenente CamplJfornia to CilllP Covlagton GuQ H I

NHCJJ lORTI SJr Hen Detail 1lt1as established and deployed fro111

Cllap Covington Gulllll H I to HJthtay IslMgtd

NNCB Detail Ha1lt1aii iras established and deployed fIOID CIJiflP Covington Guam H I eo llllkalapa Hawaii

NHCB FORTI Detachment Hidway was dteesttblishsd and 25 men returned to the H4ia Body Guam H I

NHCB FORTI lleta11 Hawaii deJMlrted Hak4lapa HawaiJ and return to Che HaLn BOdy Guam H I

NJICB toRTI Advance Party as established and returned to CBC Port HuetHtJllft C11l1fornia fro Guaai H I

NHICB FORTI Dlttachmnt Adak departed Adak Alask4 and returned to Join the Advance Party in CBC Port Hueneme Cal1f6m1a

NMCB FORTY CJvJc Actlon Team 4010 DllJplol)lld Kosrae CaIOline Islands and returned to CBC Port Hueneme California to join the battalion

NllCB 10RTY parted Guampo II I and returned to CBC Port Hueneme C11ll fora1a bull

bull VHCJJ FORTI Detacb-t Diego cnJa dep11rUtd Diego GArcJa BIOt and returned co Port Huentt48 Cal1poundorn1a to join the Hain lodlJ

NHCB FORTY carlto poundU9ht departed Gun H I enroute to HJdvav Island

NHCB FORT]( Detail Hidway departed HJdway Island and returned to Port Hueneme Cel1fornia with cargo 1 li gb t

Enclosun (JI

7-10 JAN 77

8 JAN 77

9 JAN 77

9-lJ JAN 77

16 JAN 77

21 JAN 77

22 JAN 77

7 1118 77

7-ll FEB 71

1-12 FlIJ 77

ll-14 FD 17

15 FEB 77

16-18 FEB 77

2 HAR 77


KAJ LB SHAlf EXJCS P G liALTERS and EOCS D H TURNER of CXJHCBPAC wre on board tutp CovingtDn for NHCB FORTY -NHCB THREB BEEP and turnover evolutions

NRCB PORTY DlltachiMnt Diego Garcia relieved NHCB THREE OET

Teletype and HARJlt IV voice coaimunicttion equipmerrt$ re installed at Kosale CZolinlaquo Island$ TtPI for CA1 40lOs use

NHCB FORTY Detachment H1dway BEEP and turnover from NHCB THREE DpoundT ~re concluded

CDR fl W HcLIUJGHLIN CEC USN Commanding Officer NHCB FORTY w1th the Hdn Bod) arrived in Cmp Covington Guam HI and NHCB THRll was relieved

~CB FORTY was designated as PacJfc Naval Construction Alert ampl tta11on

NHCB FORrY DetacluDent Adu relieved NHCB rHREll DET

CAPT NENCOllB CEC USN CAP1 J A lfRIGl1 CEC USN COHCBPAC Chief of Seff and ECXS R D HcKINNEY COHCBPAC Staff a=ived in C4J11P Covington for Haunt-Out Exercise Inspection

NHCB FORlY participated in the Exercise Kennel Bear 2-77

CDICPACFLJ Inspector General on ~ Guam It 1


LCDR G R BCgtYT SC USN NllCB ~TY Supply Officer and CW04 h E IAVALilUU USN Adlll1n OffJcer NHCB FORTY visited COHCBPAC and DET Adak on 11 day TAD trip for supply projects materials administration and persoimel matters

CDR H H HARRELL CEC USN COHCBPAC Oporatons Officer arrived on Guam for PAC NCF Project Nanagemont and Planning visit

LT J PANKOVICS ClC USN WANG Computer Officer departed Camp Covingcon and the WANG 2200 Programmable Calculator with accessories were shipped lo DJego Garcu BIOT for batter utiliuition in the m1Jnagellllnt ot cr1t1cal construction ProfrlJJtJS

Encloaunt (JJ

bull bull






4 HAR 77

7 HAA 71

lo lfAR n

12 HAR 77

14-16 HlR 17

lS NAJI 77

18-19 NllR 77

20-27 HAR 77

23-26 Hlll 77

18 HAR 77 -15 APR 77

NHCB FORJY celobr11ted the 9Sth SEABEE Bl rtbdlll) and ilOth CEC llnnlwrtrlffIJ in CalllP Covington Guam Hr

CollmandJng Officer and IJTCH T L SHJrH NHCB PORTY HCPOC departed Camp Cov1ngton cuam Hr on an I dalJ vlsit to

CtJHCBPAC Detachlllenttr Adak and HidtlbullIJ

C~dJng OffJcez and UtCH r L SHITH conducced Adampin Ins~tion on lllltllcbment Adak and toured all projt1ets

UDR WILSON of u s Navy Finance OfEiat Guam conducted pre-ORI

Comianding Officer bulls guest of Honor at che u S Naval StAtlon Hitlway Island CBC and SEABBB BlrthdalJ celebration

NHCB lORTY Miiin 90d1J wu engaged in f1refght1ng at U S Naval SuppllJ Fuel Farm Guam HI

LT R NELIO CEC USN Hilleary Orders and Hr o G BAYNESmiddot (GS-12) Progrw Manager CESO Port Huenem Clflifornia were on board ClfJtJP Covington GUaa H I for an-s te lntorshymation and Ubullibulltance for SBAIJpoundE support

COIDllgtlnd119 Officer presenced che NHCB FORTY Command Plaque to NAVSTl Hldway I11land CommandJng Officer prior to departure for Guam Hr bull

LCDR w B ROBERTSON CEC USN Operatlontr Officer COHJlNCR as on Camp Covington Guam H I for project planning and material support v1bull1t

BUCS G Pl HUHPHRIES COHCBPAC Stlfff vibullIted NHCB FORTY on Guam N I for cootdlnalJon of NCF construction projects

Operational Raadiruns lnapecelon was conductbulld on NHCB lOtnI by COHCBPllC On bltraquord were CAPT J l WRICllT CEC USN HAJ L Ii SRllJI CDR A B SJIIrH CEC USN OperatJoM Officer LCDR J A JfILSOY LCDR R Ii BUNTLEY LT P B WADE LT J E BITTLE LT RODGERS LT c RlDICK EOCH J o wooo middot BUCS c middot HUHPHRIES PC2 IJCHBR bullnd CDR D c CRUHBLBY ca USN Chief of Stlfff COH30NCJL

NHC K C BRCMN and RHl L ROSS of HUHRESHANDEI Sublo Bal) RP were on board Cbullmp covington and conducted HRH SurvelJ and follow-on support sitrvlces for NHCB FORTY

LT D R SPRUIT Cpoundlt USN ampSsumed the durles of Operations Officer NHCB FORTY LCDR G HEHHE CEC USN departed Camp Covington Gullnl HJ for COJ131NCR Port Huen- CalifornJa bull

Enclosure (3)

7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1




From To




nnr POH OfFICE ~ FMbullHClCO CALIF 9660

NHCB4053ds 3000 Sor v

3lJAN1978 Cotm1anding Officer u S N1JV1Jl Mobile Construction Battalion FORTY Conmander Naval Construction BalUlions u 5 Pacific Flllet

Deployment Completion 11Atport1 bullullal1ssion of


Stiel (1) lmcuti19 SWlllMCI (2) Unit Location Summazy (3) Historical Swmnitr y (4) Adminirtra tion (SJ Trllin1ng (6) Operations (7) Supply and Logistics (BJ EquiP111Bnt (9) Caqgt Haintenance

J Bnclosures (l) throu9b (9) are forwarded in accordanct itb reference (a)

2 In accordance witb reference (bJ u S Naval Hobile Constr uction Battalion FORTY deployed to camp Covin9ton GulaquoJD 114rianas Islands frOlll JanuarI to Septelllber 1977 itb Datacblnllncs deployed to Adak Alaskll Diego Carcia British Indian Ocean terrJtOr11 ltldv1ty Isind and a Seabee Teashyto Kosrde Caroline 111JIUlds Trust lerrJcory of the Paoi fie Islands

3 During the CUae Deploymnc u s Naval Hobile Construation Battallon lORTY consisting of an average of 20 Officers and 620 Enlibulltbulld mn served abull tho NavaI Conatruction Poree Alert Battalion in the Pacific The doplolment included tbo ccmpletion of some 28 major horJzoncal and vertical projects with an esti11111 ted cost of two million dollars and total mandaIbull of approrimately 75000 An integral part of the casking as camp llldinteshynance various continuing construction support operations and conmmitI rbullla~ im1gtl-nt at all sites The Battalion concept of operations noc onlI involved ercensive o1ury and tecbnical training but continued empbasibull tbru connand goals and polJcJbullbull tba t bullpeople ant Numbtlr Onebull




NuJnber of Copies l 2 1 l J 2 1 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l




Aehleving the required operational read111011s posture while deployed and maJntLining the bilJ ty to C0111plete spocifled construction tasking ibull Che product of exhaustive planning which bull U r ted during the 00-port period The results of this planning were 1t11 ertensive 111l1tary Training pzogrlt111 conducted everl Jc 11h1le deployed and a high quaiitl of vorkmanship on the construction projects

The battalion integrated bull vigourous Ca111p Maintenance prograbull into the constzuction operations and initiated improvements Jn the BEO heads rhe battalion Equipment 1111-ltllce was Ufl1r1tded dur1n11 the deplOl11111nt and all suppl sJMcas and functional areu _e left In e readlJ state

TM battaUon took madbull1111 ad11anta9e of available offerings of trainin7 in cbe Navy HumuJ Goals PlOlrU area 1t11d full ut1llt11Utd tbe serv1oes of CAAC personnel loe4ted et NAS Agana The RumIn Resources Asdstanoe Visit conducted Jn April lJ77 provided the battUon Huan Relationa Council t1ith the frlltl9MJrk and baseline to update the Co11m111d Action Plan bull

Enclosure (1 )












Delachmen I HI DllAY ISLNiD

CAT 4010


Detail HaOla11




17504 Camp Covington JAN77SEP77 Guam lfJJrianas IslAlld

l44 Naval Station JAN77SEP77 Adak Alaska

l49 Cllmp Cummins JAN77SEP77 D1ego Garcia 8101

l33 Naval station JAN77SEP77 HJdway IslAnd





KOSAIB Cllrol1nas ltPI

JAN77SEP77 Islands

Construction Battalion Cnter Port HUeneme Campl Lf orn1a


ColatrUctiCIO KAY77JVL77 aa c call on Unit 413 IU411

COHNANDSR JUL77SBP77 Construction amplttalon Paci Lie Htkamplapa H-aJ





CivLc Action

Log1st1cs Support

Special Tuking

StafL Spttelal Detail

bull rhJs enclosure show alJ units that edsted during the deployment and Che largest tJINIJ119 level bull

Enclosure (2









3-8 JAN 77

4 JAN 77

4-12 JTlN 77

8-12 JAN 77

14-21 JAN 77

15-17 JAN 77

11 APR 77

J HAI 77

28 JUN 77

16 AUG 77

17 SEP 77

18 SEP 77

16 SEP 77

l OCT 77

l OCT 77

1 OCT 77

3 OC1 77

NHCB JlORTY Civic Action ream 4010 deployed from CBC Port Huenemtt C411poundornla to 1Coar11e Caroline Islands ITPI

NHCB 10R2ll Advance Partv deplovbulld from CBC Port Hueneme CaJJfornibull to Camp Covington Gu- H I

NHCB lORY Detachment Diego Ganibull deployed from CBC Port HUllM- Cal1forn111 to DJego Garcia BIOT

NNCB FORTI Detachment 111dwbullIJ daployed fZOIJI CBC Pon Hu1tneme C4lifornia to Hldway I eland

NHCB FORTI Detacbmene Adak deplored from CBC Port Huenome ClllJfornJa to Adalc Alaska

NHCB lORTI Hsln Body deployed cOlll CBC Port Huenente CamplJfornia to CilllP Covlagton GuQ H I

NHCJJ lORTI SJr Hen Detail 1lt1as established and deployed fro111

Cllap Covington Gulllll H I to HJthtay IslMgtd

NNCB Detail Ha1lt1aii iras established and deployed fIOID CIJiflP Covington Guam H I eo llllkalapa Hawaii

NHCB FORTI Detachment Hidway was dteesttblishsd and 25 men returned to the H4ia Body Guam H I

NHCB FORTI lleta11 Hawaii deJMlrted Hak4lapa HawaiJ and return to Che HaLn BOdy Guam H I

NJICB toRTI Advance Party as established and returned to CBC Port HuetHtJllft C11l1fornia fro Guaai H I

NHICB FORTI Dlttachmnt Adak departed Adak Alask4 and returned to Join the Advance Party in CBC Port Hueneme Cal1f6m1a

NMCB FORTY CJvJc Actlon Team 4010 DllJplol)lld Kosrae CaIOline Islands and returned to CBC Port Hueneme California to join the battalion

NllCB 10RTY parted Guampo II I and returned to CBC Port Hueneme C11ll fora1a bull

bull VHCJJ FORTI Detacb-t Diego cnJa dep11rUtd Diego GArcJa BIOt and returned co Port Huentt48 Cal1poundorn1a to join the Hain lodlJ

NHCB FORTY carlto poundU9ht departed Gun H I enroute to HJdvav Island

NHCB FORT]( Detail Hidway departed HJdway Island and returned to Port Hueneme Cel1fornia with cargo 1 li gb t

Enclosun (JI

7-10 JAN 77

8 JAN 77

9 JAN 77

9-lJ JAN 77

16 JAN 77

21 JAN 77

22 JAN 77

7 1118 77

7-ll FEB 71

1-12 FlIJ 77

ll-14 FD 17

15 FEB 77

16-18 FEB 77

2 HAR 77


KAJ LB SHAlf EXJCS P G liALTERS and EOCS D H TURNER of CXJHCBPAC wre on board tutp CovingtDn for NHCB FORTY -NHCB THREB BEEP and turnover evolutions

NRCB PORTY DlltachiMnt Diego Garcia relieved NHCB THREE OET

Teletype and HARJlt IV voice coaimunicttion equipmerrt$ re installed at Kosale CZolinlaquo Island$ TtPI for CA1 40lOs use

NHCB FORTY Detachment H1dway BEEP and turnover from NHCB THREE DpoundT ~re concluded

CDR fl W HcLIUJGHLIN CEC USN Commanding Officer NHCB FORTY w1th the Hdn Bod) arrived in Cmp Covington Guam HI and NHCB THRll was relieved

~CB FORTY was designated as PacJfc Naval Construction Alert ampl tta11on

NHCB FORrY DetacluDent Adu relieved NHCB rHREll DET

CAPT NENCOllB CEC USN CAP1 J A lfRIGl1 CEC USN COHCBPAC Chief of Seff and ECXS R D HcKINNEY COHCBPAC Staff a=ived in C4J11P Covington for Haunt-Out Exercise Inspection

NHCB FORlY participated in the Exercise Kennel Bear 2-77

CDICPACFLJ Inspector General on ~ Guam It 1


LCDR G R BCgtYT SC USN NllCB ~TY Supply Officer and CW04 h E IAVALilUU USN Adlll1n OffJcer NHCB FORTY visited COHCBPAC and DET Adak on 11 day TAD trip for supply projects materials administration and persoimel matters

CDR H H HARRELL CEC USN COHCBPAC Oporatons Officer arrived on Guam for PAC NCF Project Nanagemont and Planning visit

LT J PANKOVICS ClC USN WANG Computer Officer departed Camp Covingcon and the WANG 2200 Programmable Calculator with accessories were shipped lo DJego Garcu BIOT for batter utiliuition in the m1Jnagellllnt ot cr1t1cal construction ProfrlJJtJS

Encloaunt (JJ

bull bull






4 HAR 77

7 HAA 71

lo lfAR n

12 HAR 77

14-16 HlR 17

lS NAJI 77

18-19 NllR 77

20-27 HAR 77

23-26 Hlll 77

18 HAR 77 -15 APR 77

NHCB FORJY celobr11ted the 9Sth SEABEE Bl rtbdlll) and ilOth CEC llnnlwrtrlffIJ in CalllP Covington Guam Hr

CollmandJng Officer and IJTCH T L SHJrH NHCB PORTY HCPOC departed Camp Cov1ngton cuam Hr on an I dalJ vlsit to

CtJHCBPAC Detachlllenttr Adak and HidtlbullIJ

C~dJng OffJcez and UtCH r L SHITH conducced Adampin Ins~tion on lllltllcbment Adak and toured all projt1ets

UDR WILSON of u s Navy Finance OfEiat Guam conducted pre-ORI

Comianding Officer bulls guest of Honor at che u S Naval StAtlon Hitlway Island CBC and SEABBB BlrthdalJ celebration

NHCB lORTY Miiin 90d1J wu engaged in f1refght1ng at U S Naval SuppllJ Fuel Farm Guam HI

LT R NELIO CEC USN Hilleary Orders and Hr o G BAYNESmiddot (GS-12) Progrw Manager CESO Port Huenem Clflifornia were on board ClfJtJP Covington GUaa H I for an-s te lntorshymation and Ubullibulltance for SBAIJpoundE support

COIDllgtlnd119 Officer presenced che NHCB FORTY Command Plaque to NAVSTl Hldway I11land CommandJng Officer prior to departure for Guam Hr bull

LCDR w B ROBERTSON CEC USN Operatlontr Officer COHJlNCR as on Camp Covington Guam H I for project planning and material support v1bull1t

BUCS G Pl HUHPHRIES COHCBPAC Stlfff vibullIted NHCB FORTY on Guam N I for cootdlnalJon of NCF construction projects

Operational Raadiruns lnapecelon was conductbulld on NHCB lOtnI by COHCBPllC On bltraquord were CAPT J l WRICllT CEC USN HAJ L Ii SRllJI CDR A B SJIIrH CEC USN OperatJoM Officer LCDR J A JfILSOY LCDR R Ii BUNTLEY LT P B WADE LT J E BITTLE LT RODGERS LT c RlDICK EOCH J o wooo middot BUCS c middot HUHPHRIES PC2 IJCHBR bullnd CDR D c CRUHBLBY ca USN Chief of Stlfff COH30NCJL

NHC K C BRCMN and RHl L ROSS of HUHRESHANDEI Sublo Bal) RP were on board Cbullmp covington and conducted HRH SurvelJ and follow-on support sitrvlces for NHCB FORTY

LT D R SPRUIT Cpoundlt USN ampSsumed the durles of Operations Officer NHCB FORTY LCDR G HEHHE CEC USN departed Camp Covington Gullnl HJ for COJ131NCR Port Huen- CalifornJa bull

Enclosure (3)

7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1




NuJnber of Copies l 2 1 l J 2 1 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l




Aehleving the required operational read111011s posture while deployed and maJntLining the bilJ ty to C0111plete spocifled construction tasking ibull Che product of exhaustive planning which bull U r ted during the 00-port period The results of this planning were 1t11 ertensive 111l1tary Training pzogrlt111 conducted everl Jc 11h1le deployed and a high quaiitl of vorkmanship on the construction projects

The battalion integrated bull vigourous Ca111p Maintenance prograbull into the constzuction operations and initiated improvements Jn the BEO heads rhe battalion Equipment 1111-ltllce was Ufl1r1tded dur1n11 the deplOl11111nt and all suppl sJMcas and functional areu _e left In e readlJ state

TM battaUon took madbull1111 ad11anta9e of available offerings of trainin7 in cbe Navy HumuJ Goals PlOlrU area 1t11d full ut1llt11Utd tbe serv1oes of CAAC personnel loe4ted et NAS Agana The RumIn Resources Asdstanoe Visit conducted Jn April lJ77 provided the battUon Huan Relationa Council t1ith the frlltl9MJrk and baseline to update the Co11m111d Action Plan bull

Enclosure (1 )












Delachmen I HI DllAY ISLNiD

CAT 4010


Detail HaOla11




17504 Camp Covington JAN77SEP77 Guam lfJJrianas IslAlld

l44 Naval Station JAN77SEP77 Adak Alaska

l49 Cllmp Cummins JAN77SEP77 D1ego Garcia 8101

l33 Naval station JAN77SEP77 HJdway IslAnd





KOSAIB Cllrol1nas ltPI

JAN77SEP77 Islands

Construction Battalion Cnter Port HUeneme Campl Lf orn1a


ColatrUctiCIO KAY77JVL77 aa c call on Unit 413 IU411

COHNANDSR JUL77SBP77 Construction amplttalon Paci Lie Htkamplapa H-aJ





CivLc Action

Log1st1cs Support

Special Tuking

StafL Spttelal Detail

bull rhJs enclosure show alJ units that edsted during the deployment and Che largest tJINIJ119 level bull

Enclosure (2









3-8 JAN 77

4 JAN 77

4-12 JTlN 77

8-12 JAN 77

14-21 JAN 77

15-17 JAN 77

11 APR 77

J HAI 77

28 JUN 77

16 AUG 77

17 SEP 77

18 SEP 77

16 SEP 77

l OCT 77

l OCT 77

1 OCT 77

3 OC1 77

NHCB JlORTY Civic Action ream 4010 deployed from CBC Port Huenemtt C411poundornla to 1Coar11e Caroline Islands ITPI

NHCB 10R2ll Advance Partv deplovbulld from CBC Port Hueneme CaJJfornibull to Camp Covington Gu- H I

NHCB lORY Detachment Diego Ganibull deployed from CBC Port HUllM- Cal1forn111 to DJego Garcia BIOT

NNCB FORTI Detachment 111dwbullIJ daployed fZOIJI CBC Pon Hu1tneme C4lifornia to Hldway I eland

NHCB FORTI Detacbmene Adak deplored from CBC Port Huenome ClllJfornJa to Adalc Alaska

NHCB lORTI Hsln Body deployed cOlll CBC Port Huenente CamplJfornia to CilllP Covlagton GuQ H I

NHCJJ lORTI SJr Hen Detail 1lt1as established and deployed fro111

Cllap Covington Gulllll H I to HJthtay IslMgtd

NNCB Detail Ha1lt1aii iras established and deployed fIOID CIJiflP Covington Guam H I eo llllkalapa Hawaii

NHCB FORTI Detachment Hidway was dteesttblishsd and 25 men returned to the H4ia Body Guam H I

NHCB FORTI lleta11 Hawaii deJMlrted Hak4lapa HawaiJ and return to Che HaLn BOdy Guam H I

NJICB toRTI Advance Party as established and returned to CBC Port HuetHtJllft C11l1fornia fro Guaai H I

NHICB FORTI Dlttachmnt Adak departed Adak Alask4 and returned to Join the Advance Party in CBC Port Hueneme Cal1f6m1a

NMCB FORTY CJvJc Actlon Team 4010 DllJplol)lld Kosrae CaIOline Islands and returned to CBC Port Hueneme California to join the battalion

NllCB 10RTY parted Guampo II I and returned to CBC Port Hueneme C11ll fora1a bull

bull VHCJJ FORTI Detacb-t Diego cnJa dep11rUtd Diego GArcJa BIOt and returned co Port Huentt48 Cal1poundorn1a to join the Hain lodlJ

NHCB FORTY carlto poundU9ht departed Gun H I enroute to HJdvav Island

NHCB FORT]( Detail Hidway departed HJdway Island and returned to Port Hueneme Cel1fornia with cargo 1 li gb t

Enclosun (JI

7-10 JAN 77

8 JAN 77

9 JAN 77

9-lJ JAN 77

16 JAN 77

21 JAN 77

22 JAN 77

7 1118 77

7-ll FEB 71

1-12 FlIJ 77

ll-14 FD 17

15 FEB 77

16-18 FEB 77

2 HAR 77


KAJ LB SHAlf EXJCS P G liALTERS and EOCS D H TURNER of CXJHCBPAC wre on board tutp CovingtDn for NHCB FORTY -NHCB THREB BEEP and turnover evolutions

NRCB PORTY DlltachiMnt Diego Garcia relieved NHCB THREE OET

Teletype and HARJlt IV voice coaimunicttion equipmerrt$ re installed at Kosale CZolinlaquo Island$ TtPI for CA1 40lOs use

NHCB FORTY Detachment H1dway BEEP and turnover from NHCB THREE DpoundT ~re concluded

CDR fl W HcLIUJGHLIN CEC USN Commanding Officer NHCB FORTY w1th the Hdn Bod) arrived in Cmp Covington Guam HI and NHCB THRll was relieved

~CB FORTY was designated as PacJfc Naval Construction Alert ampl tta11on

NHCB FORrY DetacluDent Adu relieved NHCB rHREll DET

CAPT NENCOllB CEC USN CAP1 J A lfRIGl1 CEC USN COHCBPAC Chief of Seff and ECXS R D HcKINNEY COHCBPAC Staff a=ived in C4J11P Covington for Haunt-Out Exercise Inspection

NHCB FORlY participated in the Exercise Kennel Bear 2-77

CDICPACFLJ Inspector General on ~ Guam It 1


LCDR G R BCgtYT SC USN NllCB ~TY Supply Officer and CW04 h E IAVALilUU USN Adlll1n OffJcer NHCB FORTY visited COHCBPAC and DET Adak on 11 day TAD trip for supply projects materials administration and persoimel matters

CDR H H HARRELL CEC USN COHCBPAC Oporatons Officer arrived on Guam for PAC NCF Project Nanagemont and Planning visit

LT J PANKOVICS ClC USN WANG Computer Officer departed Camp Covingcon and the WANG 2200 Programmable Calculator with accessories were shipped lo DJego Garcu BIOT for batter utiliuition in the m1Jnagellllnt ot cr1t1cal construction ProfrlJJtJS

Encloaunt (JJ

bull bull






4 HAR 77

7 HAA 71

lo lfAR n

12 HAR 77

14-16 HlR 17

lS NAJI 77

18-19 NllR 77

20-27 HAR 77

23-26 Hlll 77

18 HAR 77 -15 APR 77

NHCB FORJY celobr11ted the 9Sth SEABEE Bl rtbdlll) and ilOth CEC llnnlwrtrlffIJ in CalllP Covington Guam Hr

CollmandJng Officer and IJTCH T L SHJrH NHCB PORTY HCPOC departed Camp Cov1ngton cuam Hr on an I dalJ vlsit to

CtJHCBPAC Detachlllenttr Adak and HidtlbullIJ

C~dJng OffJcez and UtCH r L SHITH conducced Adampin Ins~tion on lllltllcbment Adak and toured all projt1ets

UDR WILSON of u s Navy Finance OfEiat Guam conducted pre-ORI

Comianding Officer bulls guest of Honor at che u S Naval StAtlon Hitlway Island CBC and SEABBB BlrthdalJ celebration

NHCB lORTY Miiin 90d1J wu engaged in f1refght1ng at U S Naval SuppllJ Fuel Farm Guam HI

LT R NELIO CEC USN Hilleary Orders and Hr o G BAYNESmiddot (GS-12) Progrw Manager CESO Port Huenem Clflifornia were on board ClfJtJP Covington GUaa H I for an-s te lntorshymation and Ubullibulltance for SBAIJpoundE support

COIDllgtlnd119 Officer presenced che NHCB FORTY Command Plaque to NAVSTl Hldway I11land CommandJng Officer prior to departure for Guam Hr bull

LCDR w B ROBERTSON CEC USN Operatlontr Officer COHJlNCR as on Camp Covington Guam H I for project planning and material support v1bull1t

BUCS G Pl HUHPHRIES COHCBPAC Stlfff vibullIted NHCB FORTY on Guam N I for cootdlnalJon of NCF construction projects

Operational Raadiruns lnapecelon was conductbulld on NHCB lOtnI by COHCBPllC On bltraquord were CAPT J l WRICllT CEC USN HAJ L Ii SRllJI CDR A B SJIIrH CEC USN OperatJoM Officer LCDR J A JfILSOY LCDR R Ii BUNTLEY LT P B WADE LT J E BITTLE LT RODGERS LT c RlDICK EOCH J o wooo middot BUCS c middot HUHPHRIES PC2 IJCHBR bullnd CDR D c CRUHBLBY ca USN Chief of Stlfff COH30NCJL

NHC K C BRCMN and RHl L ROSS of HUHRESHANDEI Sublo Bal) RP were on board Cbullmp covington and conducted HRH SurvelJ and follow-on support sitrvlces for NHCB FORTY

LT D R SPRUIT Cpoundlt USN ampSsumed the durles of Operations Officer NHCB FORTY LCDR G HEHHE CEC USN departed Camp Covington Gullnl HJ for COJ131NCR Port Huen- CalifornJa bull

Enclosure (3)

7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1





Aehleving the required operational read111011s posture while deployed and maJntLining the bilJ ty to C0111plete spocifled construction tasking ibull Che product of exhaustive planning which bull U r ted during the 00-port period The results of this planning were 1t11 ertensive 111l1tary Training pzogrlt111 conducted everl Jc 11h1le deployed and a high quaiitl of vorkmanship on the construction projects

The battalion integrated bull vigourous Ca111p Maintenance prograbull into the constzuction operations and initiated improvements Jn the BEO heads rhe battalion Equipment 1111-ltllce was Ufl1r1tded dur1n11 the deplOl11111nt and all suppl sJMcas and functional areu _e left In e readlJ state

TM battaUon took madbull1111 ad11anta9e of available offerings of trainin7 in cbe Navy HumuJ Goals PlOlrU area 1t11d full ut1llt11Utd tbe serv1oes of CAAC personnel loe4ted et NAS Agana The RumIn Resources Asdstanoe Visit conducted Jn April lJ77 provided the battUon Huan Relationa Council t1ith the frlltl9MJrk and baseline to update the Co11m111d Action Plan bull

Enclosure (1 )












Delachmen I HI DllAY ISLNiD

CAT 4010


Detail HaOla11




17504 Camp Covington JAN77SEP77 Guam lfJJrianas IslAlld

l44 Naval Station JAN77SEP77 Adak Alaska

l49 Cllmp Cummins JAN77SEP77 D1ego Garcia 8101

l33 Naval station JAN77SEP77 HJdway IslAnd





KOSAIB Cllrol1nas ltPI

JAN77SEP77 Islands

Construction Battalion Cnter Port HUeneme Campl Lf orn1a


ColatrUctiCIO KAY77JVL77 aa c call on Unit 413 IU411

COHNANDSR JUL77SBP77 Construction amplttalon Paci Lie Htkamplapa H-aJ





CivLc Action

Log1st1cs Support

Special Tuking

StafL Spttelal Detail

bull rhJs enclosure show alJ units that edsted during the deployment and Che largest tJINIJ119 level bull

Enclosure (2









3-8 JAN 77

4 JAN 77

4-12 JTlN 77

8-12 JAN 77

14-21 JAN 77

15-17 JAN 77

11 APR 77

J HAI 77

28 JUN 77

16 AUG 77

17 SEP 77

18 SEP 77

16 SEP 77

l OCT 77

l OCT 77

1 OCT 77

3 OC1 77

NHCB JlORTY Civic Action ream 4010 deployed from CBC Port Huenemtt C411poundornla to 1Coar11e Caroline Islands ITPI

NHCB 10R2ll Advance Partv deplovbulld from CBC Port Hueneme CaJJfornibull to Camp Covington Gu- H I

NHCB lORY Detachment Diego Ganibull deployed from CBC Port HUllM- Cal1forn111 to DJego Garcia BIOT

NNCB FORTI Detachment 111dwbullIJ daployed fZOIJI CBC Pon Hu1tneme C4lifornia to Hldway I eland

NHCB FORTI Detacbmene Adak deplored from CBC Port Huenome ClllJfornJa to Adalc Alaska

NHCB lORTI Hsln Body deployed cOlll CBC Port Huenente CamplJfornia to CilllP Covlagton GuQ H I

NHCJJ lORTI SJr Hen Detail 1lt1as established and deployed fro111

Cllap Covington Gulllll H I to HJthtay IslMgtd

NNCB Detail Ha1lt1aii iras established and deployed fIOID CIJiflP Covington Guam H I eo llllkalapa Hawaii

NHCB FORTI Detachment Hidway was dteesttblishsd and 25 men returned to the H4ia Body Guam H I

NHCB FORTI lleta11 Hawaii deJMlrted Hak4lapa HawaiJ and return to Che HaLn BOdy Guam H I

NJICB toRTI Advance Party as established and returned to CBC Port HuetHtJllft C11l1fornia fro Guaai H I

NHICB FORTI Dlttachmnt Adak departed Adak Alask4 and returned to Join the Advance Party in CBC Port Hueneme Cal1f6m1a

NMCB FORTY CJvJc Actlon Team 4010 DllJplol)lld Kosrae CaIOline Islands and returned to CBC Port Hueneme California to join the battalion

NllCB 10RTY parted Guampo II I and returned to CBC Port Hueneme C11ll fora1a bull

bull VHCJJ FORTI Detacb-t Diego cnJa dep11rUtd Diego GArcJa BIOt and returned co Port Huentt48 Cal1poundorn1a to join the Hain lodlJ

NHCB FORTY carlto poundU9ht departed Gun H I enroute to HJdvav Island

NHCB FORT]( Detail Hidway departed HJdway Island and returned to Port Hueneme Cel1fornia with cargo 1 li gb t

Enclosun (JI

7-10 JAN 77

8 JAN 77

9 JAN 77

9-lJ JAN 77

16 JAN 77

21 JAN 77

22 JAN 77

7 1118 77

7-ll FEB 71

1-12 FlIJ 77

ll-14 FD 17

15 FEB 77

16-18 FEB 77

2 HAR 77


KAJ LB SHAlf EXJCS P G liALTERS and EOCS D H TURNER of CXJHCBPAC wre on board tutp CovingtDn for NHCB FORTY -NHCB THREB BEEP and turnover evolutions

NRCB PORTY DlltachiMnt Diego Garcia relieved NHCB THREE OET

Teletype and HARJlt IV voice coaimunicttion equipmerrt$ re installed at Kosale CZolinlaquo Island$ TtPI for CA1 40lOs use

NHCB FORTY Detachment H1dway BEEP and turnover from NHCB THREE DpoundT ~re concluded

CDR fl W HcLIUJGHLIN CEC USN Commanding Officer NHCB FORTY w1th the Hdn Bod) arrived in Cmp Covington Guam HI and NHCB THRll was relieved

~CB FORTY was designated as PacJfc Naval Construction Alert ampl tta11on

NHCB FORrY DetacluDent Adu relieved NHCB rHREll DET

CAPT NENCOllB CEC USN CAP1 J A lfRIGl1 CEC USN COHCBPAC Chief of Seff and ECXS R D HcKINNEY COHCBPAC Staff a=ived in C4J11P Covington for Haunt-Out Exercise Inspection

NHCB FORlY participated in the Exercise Kennel Bear 2-77

CDICPACFLJ Inspector General on ~ Guam It 1


LCDR G R BCgtYT SC USN NllCB ~TY Supply Officer and CW04 h E IAVALilUU USN Adlll1n OffJcer NHCB FORTY visited COHCBPAC and DET Adak on 11 day TAD trip for supply projects materials administration and persoimel matters

CDR H H HARRELL CEC USN COHCBPAC Oporatons Officer arrived on Guam for PAC NCF Project Nanagemont and Planning visit

LT J PANKOVICS ClC USN WANG Computer Officer departed Camp Covingcon and the WANG 2200 Programmable Calculator with accessories were shipped lo DJego Garcu BIOT for batter utiliuition in the m1Jnagellllnt ot cr1t1cal construction ProfrlJJtJS

Encloaunt (JJ

bull bull






4 HAR 77

7 HAA 71

lo lfAR n

12 HAR 77

14-16 HlR 17

lS NAJI 77

18-19 NllR 77

20-27 HAR 77

23-26 Hlll 77

18 HAR 77 -15 APR 77

NHCB FORJY celobr11ted the 9Sth SEABEE Bl rtbdlll) and ilOth CEC llnnlwrtrlffIJ in CalllP Covington Guam Hr

CollmandJng Officer and IJTCH T L SHJrH NHCB PORTY HCPOC departed Camp Cov1ngton cuam Hr on an I dalJ vlsit to

CtJHCBPAC Detachlllenttr Adak and HidtlbullIJ

C~dJng OffJcez and UtCH r L SHITH conducced Adampin Ins~tion on lllltllcbment Adak and toured all projt1ets

UDR WILSON of u s Navy Finance OfEiat Guam conducted pre-ORI

Comianding Officer bulls guest of Honor at che u S Naval StAtlon Hitlway Island CBC and SEABBB BlrthdalJ celebration

NHCB lORTY Miiin 90d1J wu engaged in f1refght1ng at U S Naval SuppllJ Fuel Farm Guam HI

LT R NELIO CEC USN Hilleary Orders and Hr o G BAYNESmiddot (GS-12) Progrw Manager CESO Port Huenem Clflifornia were on board ClfJtJP Covington GUaa H I for an-s te lntorshymation and Ubullibulltance for SBAIJpoundE support

COIDllgtlnd119 Officer presenced che NHCB FORTY Command Plaque to NAVSTl Hldway I11land CommandJng Officer prior to departure for Guam Hr bull

LCDR w B ROBERTSON CEC USN Operatlontr Officer COHJlNCR as on Camp Covington Guam H I for project planning and material support v1bull1t

BUCS G Pl HUHPHRIES COHCBPAC Stlfff vibullIted NHCB FORTY on Guam N I for cootdlnalJon of NCF construction projects

Operational Raadiruns lnapecelon was conductbulld on NHCB lOtnI by COHCBPllC On bltraquord were CAPT J l WRICllT CEC USN HAJ L Ii SRllJI CDR A B SJIIrH CEC USN OperatJoM Officer LCDR J A JfILSOY LCDR R Ii BUNTLEY LT P B WADE LT J E BITTLE LT RODGERS LT c RlDICK EOCH J o wooo middot BUCS c middot HUHPHRIES PC2 IJCHBR bullnd CDR D c CRUHBLBY ca USN Chief of Stlfff COH30NCJL

NHC K C BRCMN and RHl L ROSS of HUHRESHANDEI Sublo Bal) RP were on board Cbullmp covington and conducted HRH SurvelJ and follow-on support sitrvlces for NHCB FORTY

LT D R SPRUIT Cpoundlt USN ampSsumed the durles of Operations Officer NHCB FORTY LCDR G HEHHE CEC USN departed Camp Covington Gullnl HJ for COJ131NCR Port Huen- CalifornJa bull

Enclosure (3)

7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1













Delachmen I HI DllAY ISLNiD

CAT 4010


Detail HaOla11




17504 Camp Covington JAN77SEP77 Guam lfJJrianas IslAlld

l44 Naval Station JAN77SEP77 Adak Alaska

l49 Cllmp Cummins JAN77SEP77 D1ego Garcia 8101

l33 Naval station JAN77SEP77 HJdway IslAnd





KOSAIB Cllrol1nas ltPI

JAN77SEP77 Islands

Construction Battalion Cnter Port HUeneme Campl Lf orn1a


ColatrUctiCIO KAY77JVL77 aa c call on Unit 413 IU411

COHNANDSR JUL77SBP77 Construction amplttalon Paci Lie Htkamplapa H-aJ





CivLc Action

Log1st1cs Support

Special Tuking

StafL Spttelal Detail

bull rhJs enclosure show alJ units that edsted during the deployment and Che largest tJINIJ119 level bull

Enclosure (2









3-8 JAN 77

4 JAN 77

4-12 JTlN 77

8-12 JAN 77

14-21 JAN 77

15-17 JAN 77

11 APR 77

J HAI 77

28 JUN 77

16 AUG 77

17 SEP 77

18 SEP 77

16 SEP 77

l OCT 77

l OCT 77

1 OCT 77

3 OC1 77

NHCB JlORTY Civic Action ream 4010 deployed from CBC Port Huenemtt C411poundornla to 1Coar11e Caroline Islands ITPI

NHCB 10R2ll Advance Partv deplovbulld from CBC Port Hueneme CaJJfornibull to Camp Covington Gu- H I

NHCB lORY Detachment Diego Ganibull deployed from CBC Port HUllM- Cal1forn111 to DJego Garcia BIOT

NNCB FORTI Detachment 111dwbullIJ daployed fZOIJI CBC Pon Hu1tneme C4lifornia to Hldway I eland

NHCB FORTI Detacbmene Adak deplored from CBC Port Huenome ClllJfornJa to Adalc Alaska

NHCB lORTI Hsln Body deployed cOlll CBC Port Huenente CamplJfornia to CilllP Covlagton GuQ H I

NHCJJ lORTI SJr Hen Detail 1lt1as established and deployed fro111

Cllap Covington Gulllll H I to HJthtay IslMgtd

NNCB Detail Ha1lt1aii iras established and deployed fIOID CIJiflP Covington Guam H I eo llllkalapa Hawaii

NHCB FORTI Detachment Hidway was dteesttblishsd and 25 men returned to the H4ia Body Guam H I

NHCB FORTI lleta11 Hawaii deJMlrted Hak4lapa HawaiJ and return to Che HaLn BOdy Guam H I

NJICB toRTI Advance Party as established and returned to CBC Port HuetHtJllft C11l1fornia fro Guaai H I

NHICB FORTI Dlttachmnt Adak departed Adak Alask4 and returned to Join the Advance Party in CBC Port Hueneme Cal1f6m1a

NMCB FORTY CJvJc Actlon Team 4010 DllJplol)lld Kosrae CaIOline Islands and returned to CBC Port Hueneme California to join the battalion

NllCB 10RTY parted Guampo II I and returned to CBC Port Hueneme C11ll fora1a bull

bull VHCJJ FORTI Detacb-t Diego cnJa dep11rUtd Diego GArcJa BIOt and returned co Port Huentt48 Cal1poundorn1a to join the Hain lodlJ

NHCB FORTY carlto poundU9ht departed Gun H I enroute to HJdvav Island

NHCB FORT]( Detail Hidway departed HJdway Island and returned to Port Hueneme Cel1fornia with cargo 1 li gb t

Enclosun (JI

7-10 JAN 77

8 JAN 77

9 JAN 77

9-lJ JAN 77

16 JAN 77

21 JAN 77

22 JAN 77

7 1118 77

7-ll FEB 71

1-12 FlIJ 77

ll-14 FD 17

15 FEB 77

16-18 FEB 77

2 HAR 77


KAJ LB SHAlf EXJCS P G liALTERS and EOCS D H TURNER of CXJHCBPAC wre on board tutp CovingtDn for NHCB FORTY -NHCB THREB BEEP and turnover evolutions

NRCB PORTY DlltachiMnt Diego Garcia relieved NHCB THREE OET

Teletype and HARJlt IV voice coaimunicttion equipmerrt$ re installed at Kosale CZolinlaquo Island$ TtPI for CA1 40lOs use

NHCB FORTY Detachment H1dway BEEP and turnover from NHCB THREE DpoundT ~re concluded

CDR fl W HcLIUJGHLIN CEC USN Commanding Officer NHCB FORTY w1th the Hdn Bod) arrived in Cmp Covington Guam HI and NHCB THRll was relieved

~CB FORTY was designated as PacJfc Naval Construction Alert ampl tta11on

NHCB FORrY DetacluDent Adu relieved NHCB rHREll DET

CAPT NENCOllB CEC USN CAP1 J A lfRIGl1 CEC USN COHCBPAC Chief of Seff and ECXS R D HcKINNEY COHCBPAC Staff a=ived in C4J11P Covington for Haunt-Out Exercise Inspection

NHCB FORlY participated in the Exercise Kennel Bear 2-77

CDICPACFLJ Inspector General on ~ Guam It 1


LCDR G R BCgtYT SC USN NllCB ~TY Supply Officer and CW04 h E IAVALilUU USN Adlll1n OffJcer NHCB FORTY visited COHCBPAC and DET Adak on 11 day TAD trip for supply projects materials administration and persoimel matters

CDR H H HARRELL CEC USN COHCBPAC Oporatons Officer arrived on Guam for PAC NCF Project Nanagemont and Planning visit

LT J PANKOVICS ClC USN WANG Computer Officer departed Camp Covingcon and the WANG 2200 Programmable Calculator with accessories were shipped lo DJego Garcu BIOT for batter utiliuition in the m1Jnagellllnt ot cr1t1cal construction ProfrlJJtJS

Encloaunt (JJ

bull bull






4 HAR 77

7 HAA 71

lo lfAR n

12 HAR 77

14-16 HlR 17

lS NAJI 77

18-19 NllR 77

20-27 HAR 77

23-26 Hlll 77

18 HAR 77 -15 APR 77

NHCB FORJY celobr11ted the 9Sth SEABEE Bl rtbdlll) and ilOth CEC llnnlwrtrlffIJ in CalllP Covington Guam Hr

CollmandJng Officer and IJTCH T L SHJrH NHCB PORTY HCPOC departed Camp Cov1ngton cuam Hr on an I dalJ vlsit to

CtJHCBPAC Detachlllenttr Adak and HidtlbullIJ

C~dJng OffJcez and UtCH r L SHITH conducced Adampin Ins~tion on lllltllcbment Adak and toured all projt1ets

UDR WILSON of u s Navy Finance OfEiat Guam conducted pre-ORI

Comianding Officer bulls guest of Honor at che u S Naval StAtlon Hitlway Island CBC and SEABBB BlrthdalJ celebration

NHCB lORTY Miiin 90d1J wu engaged in f1refght1ng at U S Naval SuppllJ Fuel Farm Guam HI

LT R NELIO CEC USN Hilleary Orders and Hr o G BAYNESmiddot (GS-12) Progrw Manager CESO Port Huenem Clflifornia were on board ClfJtJP Covington GUaa H I for an-s te lntorshymation and Ubullibulltance for SBAIJpoundE support

COIDllgtlnd119 Officer presenced che NHCB FORTY Command Plaque to NAVSTl Hldway I11land CommandJng Officer prior to departure for Guam Hr bull

LCDR w B ROBERTSON CEC USN Operatlontr Officer COHJlNCR as on Camp Covington Guam H I for project planning and material support v1bull1t

BUCS G Pl HUHPHRIES COHCBPAC Stlfff vibullIted NHCB FORTY on Guam N I for cootdlnalJon of NCF construction projects

Operational Raadiruns lnapecelon was conductbulld on NHCB lOtnI by COHCBPllC On bltraquord were CAPT J l WRICllT CEC USN HAJ L Ii SRllJI CDR A B SJIIrH CEC USN OperatJoM Officer LCDR J A JfILSOY LCDR R Ii BUNTLEY LT P B WADE LT J E BITTLE LT RODGERS LT c RlDICK EOCH J o wooo middot BUCS c middot HUHPHRIES PC2 IJCHBR bullnd CDR D c CRUHBLBY ca USN Chief of Stlfff COH30NCJL

NHC K C BRCMN and RHl L ROSS of HUHRESHANDEI Sublo Bal) RP were on board Cbullmp covington and conducted HRH SurvelJ and follow-on support sitrvlces for NHCB FORTY

LT D R SPRUIT Cpoundlt USN ampSsumed the durles of Operations Officer NHCB FORTY LCDR G HEHHE CEC USN departed Camp Covington Gullnl HJ for COJ131NCR Port Huen- CalifornJa bull

Enclosure (3)

7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1







Delachmen I HI DllAY ISLNiD

CAT 4010


Detail HaOla11




17504 Camp Covington JAN77SEP77 Guam lfJJrianas IslAlld

l44 Naval Station JAN77SEP77 Adak Alaska

l49 Cllmp Cummins JAN77SEP77 D1ego Garcia 8101

l33 Naval station JAN77SEP77 HJdway IslAnd





KOSAIB Cllrol1nas ltPI

JAN77SEP77 Islands

Construction Battalion Cnter Port HUeneme Campl Lf orn1a


ColatrUctiCIO KAY77JVL77 aa c call on Unit 413 IU411

COHNANDSR JUL77SBP77 Construction amplttalon Paci Lie Htkamplapa H-aJ





CivLc Action

Log1st1cs Support

Special Tuking

StafL Spttelal Detail

bull rhJs enclosure show alJ units that edsted during the deployment and Che largest tJINIJ119 level bull

Enclosure (2









3-8 JAN 77

4 JAN 77

4-12 JTlN 77

8-12 JAN 77

14-21 JAN 77

15-17 JAN 77

11 APR 77

J HAI 77

28 JUN 77

16 AUG 77

17 SEP 77

18 SEP 77

16 SEP 77

l OCT 77

l OCT 77

1 OCT 77

3 OC1 77

NHCB JlORTY Civic Action ream 4010 deployed from CBC Port Huenemtt C411poundornla to 1Coar11e Caroline Islands ITPI

NHCB 10R2ll Advance Partv deplovbulld from CBC Port Hueneme CaJJfornibull to Camp Covington Gu- H I

NHCB lORY Detachment Diego Ganibull deployed from CBC Port HUllM- Cal1forn111 to DJego Garcia BIOT

NNCB FORTI Detachment 111dwbullIJ daployed fZOIJI CBC Pon Hu1tneme C4lifornia to Hldway I eland

NHCB FORTI Detacbmene Adak deplored from CBC Port Huenome ClllJfornJa to Adalc Alaska

NHCB lORTI Hsln Body deployed cOlll CBC Port Huenente CamplJfornia to CilllP Covlagton GuQ H I

NHCJJ lORTI SJr Hen Detail 1lt1as established and deployed fro111

Cllap Covington Gulllll H I to HJthtay IslMgtd

NNCB Detail Ha1lt1aii iras established and deployed fIOID CIJiflP Covington Guam H I eo llllkalapa Hawaii

NHCB FORTI Detachment Hidway was dteesttblishsd and 25 men returned to the H4ia Body Guam H I

NHCB FORTI lleta11 Hawaii deJMlrted Hak4lapa HawaiJ and return to Che HaLn BOdy Guam H I

NJICB toRTI Advance Party as established and returned to CBC Port HuetHtJllft C11l1fornia fro Guaai H I

NHICB FORTI Dlttachmnt Adak departed Adak Alask4 and returned to Join the Advance Party in CBC Port Hueneme Cal1f6m1a

NMCB FORTY CJvJc Actlon Team 4010 DllJplol)lld Kosrae CaIOline Islands and returned to CBC Port Hueneme California to join the battalion

NllCB 10RTY parted Guampo II I and returned to CBC Port Hueneme C11ll fora1a bull

bull VHCJJ FORTI Detacb-t Diego cnJa dep11rUtd Diego GArcJa BIOt and returned co Port Huentt48 Cal1poundorn1a to join the Hain lodlJ

NHCB FORTY carlto poundU9ht departed Gun H I enroute to HJdvav Island

NHCB FORT]( Detail Hidway departed HJdway Island and returned to Port Hueneme Cel1fornia with cargo 1 li gb t

Enclosun (JI

7-10 JAN 77

8 JAN 77

9 JAN 77

9-lJ JAN 77

16 JAN 77

21 JAN 77

22 JAN 77

7 1118 77

7-ll FEB 71

1-12 FlIJ 77

ll-14 FD 17

15 FEB 77

16-18 FEB 77

2 HAR 77


KAJ LB SHAlf EXJCS P G liALTERS and EOCS D H TURNER of CXJHCBPAC wre on board tutp CovingtDn for NHCB FORTY -NHCB THREB BEEP and turnover evolutions

NRCB PORTY DlltachiMnt Diego Garcia relieved NHCB THREE OET

Teletype and HARJlt IV voice coaimunicttion equipmerrt$ re installed at Kosale CZolinlaquo Island$ TtPI for CA1 40lOs use

NHCB FORTY Detachment H1dway BEEP and turnover from NHCB THREE DpoundT ~re concluded

CDR fl W HcLIUJGHLIN CEC USN Commanding Officer NHCB FORTY w1th the Hdn Bod) arrived in Cmp Covington Guam HI and NHCB THRll was relieved

~CB FORTY was designated as PacJfc Naval Construction Alert ampl tta11on

NHCB FORrY DetacluDent Adu relieved NHCB rHREll DET

CAPT NENCOllB CEC USN CAP1 J A lfRIGl1 CEC USN COHCBPAC Chief of Seff and ECXS R D HcKINNEY COHCBPAC Staff a=ived in C4J11P Covington for Haunt-Out Exercise Inspection

NHCB FORlY participated in the Exercise Kennel Bear 2-77

CDICPACFLJ Inspector General on ~ Guam It 1


LCDR G R BCgtYT SC USN NllCB ~TY Supply Officer and CW04 h E IAVALilUU USN Adlll1n OffJcer NHCB FORTY visited COHCBPAC and DET Adak on 11 day TAD trip for supply projects materials administration and persoimel matters

CDR H H HARRELL CEC USN COHCBPAC Oporatons Officer arrived on Guam for PAC NCF Project Nanagemont and Planning visit

LT J PANKOVICS ClC USN WANG Computer Officer departed Camp Covingcon and the WANG 2200 Programmable Calculator with accessories were shipped lo DJego Garcu BIOT for batter utiliuition in the m1Jnagellllnt ot cr1t1cal construction ProfrlJJtJS

Encloaunt (JJ

bull bull






4 HAR 77

7 HAA 71

lo lfAR n

12 HAR 77

14-16 HlR 17

lS NAJI 77

18-19 NllR 77

20-27 HAR 77

23-26 Hlll 77

18 HAR 77 -15 APR 77

NHCB FORJY celobr11ted the 9Sth SEABEE Bl rtbdlll) and ilOth CEC llnnlwrtrlffIJ in CalllP Covington Guam Hr

CollmandJng Officer and IJTCH T L SHJrH NHCB PORTY HCPOC departed Camp Cov1ngton cuam Hr on an I dalJ vlsit to

CtJHCBPAC Detachlllenttr Adak and HidtlbullIJ

C~dJng OffJcez and UtCH r L SHITH conducced Adampin Ins~tion on lllltllcbment Adak and toured all projt1ets

UDR WILSON of u s Navy Finance OfEiat Guam conducted pre-ORI

Comianding Officer bulls guest of Honor at che u S Naval StAtlon Hitlway Island CBC and SEABBB BlrthdalJ celebration

NHCB lORTY Miiin 90d1J wu engaged in f1refght1ng at U S Naval SuppllJ Fuel Farm Guam HI

LT R NELIO CEC USN Hilleary Orders and Hr o G BAYNESmiddot (GS-12) Progrw Manager CESO Port Huenem Clflifornia were on board ClfJtJP Covington GUaa H I for an-s te lntorshymation and Ubullibulltance for SBAIJpoundE support

COIDllgtlnd119 Officer presenced che NHCB FORTY Command Plaque to NAVSTl Hldway I11land CommandJng Officer prior to departure for Guam Hr bull

LCDR w B ROBERTSON CEC USN Operatlontr Officer COHJlNCR as on Camp Covington Guam H I for project planning and material support v1bull1t

BUCS G Pl HUHPHRIES COHCBPAC Stlfff vibullIted NHCB FORTY on Guam N I for cootdlnalJon of NCF construction projects

Operational Raadiruns lnapecelon was conductbulld on NHCB lOtnI by COHCBPllC On bltraquord were CAPT J l WRICllT CEC USN HAJ L Ii SRllJI CDR A B SJIIrH CEC USN OperatJoM Officer LCDR J A JfILSOY LCDR R Ii BUNTLEY LT P B WADE LT J E BITTLE LT RODGERS LT c RlDICK EOCH J o wooo middot BUCS c middot HUHPHRIES PC2 IJCHBR bullnd CDR D c CRUHBLBY ca USN Chief of Stlfff COH30NCJL

NHC K C BRCMN and RHl L ROSS of HUHRESHANDEI Sublo Bal) RP were on board Cbullmp covington and conducted HRH SurvelJ and follow-on support sitrvlces for NHCB FORTY

LT D R SPRUIT Cpoundlt USN ampSsumed the durles of Operations Officer NHCB FORTY LCDR G HEHHE CEC USN departed Camp Covington Gullnl HJ for COJ131NCR Port Huen- CalifornJa bull

Enclosure (3)

7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1









3-8 JAN 77

4 JAN 77

4-12 JTlN 77

8-12 JAN 77

14-21 JAN 77

15-17 JAN 77

11 APR 77

J HAI 77

28 JUN 77

16 AUG 77

17 SEP 77

18 SEP 77

16 SEP 77

l OCT 77

l OCT 77

1 OCT 77

3 OC1 77

NHCB JlORTY Civic Action ream 4010 deployed from CBC Port Huenemtt C411poundornla to 1Coar11e Caroline Islands ITPI

NHCB 10R2ll Advance Partv deplovbulld from CBC Port Hueneme CaJJfornibull to Camp Covington Gu- H I

NHCB lORY Detachment Diego Ganibull deployed from CBC Port HUllM- Cal1forn111 to DJego Garcia BIOT

NNCB FORTI Detachment 111dwbullIJ daployed fZOIJI CBC Pon Hu1tneme C4lifornia to Hldway I eland

NHCB FORTI Detacbmene Adak deplored from CBC Port Huenome ClllJfornJa to Adalc Alaska

NHCB lORTI Hsln Body deployed cOlll CBC Port Huenente CamplJfornia to CilllP Covlagton GuQ H I

NHCJJ lORTI SJr Hen Detail 1lt1as established and deployed fro111

Cllap Covington Gulllll H I to HJthtay IslMgtd

NNCB Detail Ha1lt1aii iras established and deployed fIOID CIJiflP Covington Guam H I eo llllkalapa Hawaii

NHCB FORTI Detachment Hidway was dteesttblishsd and 25 men returned to the H4ia Body Guam H I

NHCB FORTI lleta11 Hawaii deJMlrted Hak4lapa HawaiJ and return to Che HaLn BOdy Guam H I

NJICB toRTI Advance Party as established and returned to CBC Port HuetHtJllft C11l1fornia fro Guaai H I

NHICB FORTI Dlttachmnt Adak departed Adak Alask4 and returned to Join the Advance Party in CBC Port Hueneme Cal1f6m1a

NMCB FORTY CJvJc Actlon Team 4010 DllJplol)lld Kosrae CaIOline Islands and returned to CBC Port Hueneme California to join the battalion

NllCB 10RTY parted Guampo II I and returned to CBC Port Hueneme C11ll fora1a bull

bull VHCJJ FORTI Detacb-t Diego cnJa dep11rUtd Diego GArcJa BIOt and returned co Port Huentt48 Cal1poundorn1a to join the Hain lodlJ

NHCB FORTY carlto poundU9ht departed Gun H I enroute to HJdvav Island

NHCB FORT]( Detail Hidway departed HJdway Island and returned to Port Hueneme Cel1fornia with cargo 1 li gb t

Enclosun (JI

7-10 JAN 77

8 JAN 77

9 JAN 77

9-lJ JAN 77

16 JAN 77

21 JAN 77

22 JAN 77

7 1118 77

7-ll FEB 71

1-12 FlIJ 77

ll-14 FD 17

15 FEB 77

16-18 FEB 77

2 HAR 77


KAJ LB SHAlf EXJCS P G liALTERS and EOCS D H TURNER of CXJHCBPAC wre on board tutp CovingtDn for NHCB FORTY -NHCB THREB BEEP and turnover evolutions

NRCB PORTY DlltachiMnt Diego Garcia relieved NHCB THREE OET

Teletype and HARJlt IV voice coaimunicttion equipmerrt$ re installed at Kosale CZolinlaquo Island$ TtPI for CA1 40lOs use

NHCB FORTY Detachment H1dway BEEP and turnover from NHCB THREE DpoundT ~re concluded

CDR fl W HcLIUJGHLIN CEC USN Commanding Officer NHCB FORTY w1th the Hdn Bod) arrived in Cmp Covington Guam HI and NHCB THRll was relieved

~CB FORTY was designated as PacJfc Naval Construction Alert ampl tta11on

NHCB FORrY DetacluDent Adu relieved NHCB rHREll DET

CAPT NENCOllB CEC USN CAP1 J A lfRIGl1 CEC USN COHCBPAC Chief of Seff and ECXS R D HcKINNEY COHCBPAC Staff a=ived in C4J11P Covington for Haunt-Out Exercise Inspection

NHCB FORlY participated in the Exercise Kennel Bear 2-77

CDICPACFLJ Inspector General on ~ Guam It 1


LCDR G R BCgtYT SC USN NllCB ~TY Supply Officer and CW04 h E IAVALilUU USN Adlll1n OffJcer NHCB FORTY visited COHCBPAC and DET Adak on 11 day TAD trip for supply projects materials administration and persoimel matters

CDR H H HARRELL CEC USN COHCBPAC Oporatons Officer arrived on Guam for PAC NCF Project Nanagemont and Planning visit

LT J PANKOVICS ClC USN WANG Computer Officer departed Camp Covingcon and the WANG 2200 Programmable Calculator with accessories were shipped lo DJego Garcu BIOT for batter utiliuition in the m1Jnagellllnt ot cr1t1cal construction ProfrlJJtJS

Encloaunt (JJ

bull bull






4 HAR 77

7 HAA 71

lo lfAR n

12 HAR 77

14-16 HlR 17

lS NAJI 77

18-19 NllR 77

20-27 HAR 77

23-26 Hlll 77

18 HAR 77 -15 APR 77

NHCB FORJY celobr11ted the 9Sth SEABEE Bl rtbdlll) and ilOth CEC llnnlwrtrlffIJ in CalllP Covington Guam Hr

CollmandJng Officer and IJTCH T L SHJrH NHCB PORTY HCPOC departed Camp Cov1ngton cuam Hr on an I dalJ vlsit to

CtJHCBPAC Detachlllenttr Adak and HidtlbullIJ

C~dJng OffJcez and UtCH r L SHITH conducced Adampin Ins~tion on lllltllcbment Adak and toured all projt1ets

UDR WILSON of u s Navy Finance OfEiat Guam conducted pre-ORI

Comianding Officer bulls guest of Honor at che u S Naval StAtlon Hitlway Island CBC and SEABBB BlrthdalJ celebration

NHCB lORTY Miiin 90d1J wu engaged in f1refght1ng at U S Naval SuppllJ Fuel Farm Guam HI

LT R NELIO CEC USN Hilleary Orders and Hr o G BAYNESmiddot (GS-12) Progrw Manager CESO Port Huenem Clflifornia were on board ClfJtJP Covington GUaa H I for an-s te lntorshymation and Ubullibulltance for SBAIJpoundE support

COIDllgtlnd119 Officer presenced che NHCB FORTY Command Plaque to NAVSTl Hldway I11land CommandJng Officer prior to departure for Guam Hr bull

LCDR w B ROBERTSON CEC USN Operatlontr Officer COHJlNCR as on Camp Covington Guam H I for project planning and material support v1bull1t

BUCS G Pl HUHPHRIES COHCBPAC Stlfff vibullIted NHCB FORTY on Guam N I for cootdlnalJon of NCF construction projects

Operational Raadiruns lnapecelon was conductbulld on NHCB lOtnI by COHCBPllC On bltraquord were CAPT J l WRICllT CEC USN HAJ L Ii SRllJI CDR A B SJIIrH CEC USN OperatJoM Officer LCDR J A JfILSOY LCDR R Ii BUNTLEY LT P B WADE LT J E BITTLE LT RODGERS LT c RlDICK EOCH J o wooo middot BUCS c middot HUHPHRIES PC2 IJCHBR bullnd CDR D c CRUHBLBY ca USN Chief of Stlfff COH30NCJL

NHC K C BRCMN and RHl L ROSS of HUHRESHANDEI Sublo Bal) RP were on board Cbullmp covington and conducted HRH SurvelJ and follow-on support sitrvlces for NHCB FORTY

LT D R SPRUIT Cpoundlt USN ampSsumed the durles of Operations Officer NHCB FORTY LCDR G HEHHE CEC USN departed Camp Covington Gullnl HJ for COJ131NCR Port Huen- CalifornJa bull

Enclosure (3)

7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1






3-8 JAN 77

4 JAN 77

4-12 JTlN 77

8-12 JAN 77

14-21 JAN 77

15-17 JAN 77

11 APR 77

J HAI 77

28 JUN 77

16 AUG 77

17 SEP 77

18 SEP 77

16 SEP 77

l OCT 77

l OCT 77

1 OCT 77

3 OC1 77

NHCB JlORTY Civic Action ream 4010 deployed from CBC Port Huenemtt C411poundornla to 1Coar11e Caroline Islands ITPI

NHCB 10R2ll Advance Partv deplovbulld from CBC Port Hueneme CaJJfornibull to Camp Covington Gu- H I

NHCB lORY Detachment Diego Ganibull deployed from CBC Port HUllM- Cal1forn111 to DJego Garcia BIOT

NNCB FORTI Detachment 111dwbullIJ daployed fZOIJI CBC Pon Hu1tneme C4lifornia to Hldway I eland

NHCB FORTI Detacbmene Adak deplored from CBC Port Huenome ClllJfornJa to Adalc Alaska

NHCB lORTI Hsln Body deployed cOlll CBC Port Huenente CamplJfornia to CilllP Covlagton GuQ H I

NHCJJ lORTI SJr Hen Detail 1lt1as established and deployed fro111

Cllap Covington Gulllll H I to HJthtay IslMgtd

NNCB Detail Ha1lt1aii iras established and deployed fIOID CIJiflP Covington Guam H I eo llllkalapa Hawaii

NHCB FORTI Detachment Hidway was dteesttblishsd and 25 men returned to the H4ia Body Guam H I

NHCB FORTI lleta11 Hawaii deJMlrted Hak4lapa HawaiJ and return to Che HaLn BOdy Guam H I

NJICB toRTI Advance Party as established and returned to CBC Port HuetHtJllft C11l1fornia fro Guaai H I

NHICB FORTI Dlttachmnt Adak departed Adak Alask4 and returned to Join the Advance Party in CBC Port Hueneme Cal1f6m1a

NMCB FORTY CJvJc Actlon Team 4010 DllJplol)lld Kosrae CaIOline Islands and returned to CBC Port Hueneme California to join the battalion

NllCB 10RTY parted Guampo II I and returned to CBC Port Hueneme C11ll fora1a bull

bull VHCJJ FORTI Detacb-t Diego cnJa dep11rUtd Diego GArcJa BIOt and returned co Port Huentt48 Cal1poundorn1a to join the Hain lodlJ

NHCB FORTY carlto poundU9ht departed Gun H I enroute to HJdvav Island

NHCB FORT]( Detail Hidway departed HJdway Island and returned to Port Hueneme Cel1fornia with cargo 1 li gb t

Enclosun (JI

7-10 JAN 77

8 JAN 77

9 JAN 77

9-lJ JAN 77

16 JAN 77

21 JAN 77

22 JAN 77

7 1118 77

7-ll FEB 71

1-12 FlIJ 77

ll-14 FD 17

15 FEB 77

16-18 FEB 77

2 HAR 77


KAJ LB SHAlf EXJCS P G liALTERS and EOCS D H TURNER of CXJHCBPAC wre on board tutp CovingtDn for NHCB FORTY -NHCB THREB BEEP and turnover evolutions

NRCB PORTY DlltachiMnt Diego Garcia relieved NHCB THREE OET

Teletype and HARJlt IV voice coaimunicttion equipmerrt$ re installed at Kosale CZolinlaquo Island$ TtPI for CA1 40lOs use

NHCB FORTY Detachment H1dway BEEP and turnover from NHCB THREE DpoundT ~re concluded

CDR fl W HcLIUJGHLIN CEC USN Commanding Officer NHCB FORTY w1th the Hdn Bod) arrived in Cmp Covington Guam HI and NHCB THRll was relieved

~CB FORTY was designated as PacJfc Naval Construction Alert ampl tta11on

NHCB FORrY DetacluDent Adu relieved NHCB rHREll DET

CAPT NENCOllB CEC USN CAP1 J A lfRIGl1 CEC USN COHCBPAC Chief of Seff and ECXS R D HcKINNEY COHCBPAC Staff a=ived in C4J11P Covington for Haunt-Out Exercise Inspection

NHCB FORlY participated in the Exercise Kennel Bear 2-77

CDICPACFLJ Inspector General on ~ Guam It 1


LCDR G R BCgtYT SC USN NllCB ~TY Supply Officer and CW04 h E IAVALilUU USN Adlll1n OffJcer NHCB FORTY visited COHCBPAC and DET Adak on 11 day TAD trip for supply projects materials administration and persoimel matters

CDR H H HARRELL CEC USN COHCBPAC Oporatons Officer arrived on Guam for PAC NCF Project Nanagemont and Planning visit

LT J PANKOVICS ClC USN WANG Computer Officer departed Camp Covingcon and the WANG 2200 Programmable Calculator with accessories were shipped lo DJego Garcu BIOT for batter utiliuition in the m1Jnagellllnt ot cr1t1cal construction ProfrlJJtJS

Encloaunt (JJ

bull bull






4 HAR 77

7 HAA 71

lo lfAR n

12 HAR 77

14-16 HlR 17

lS NAJI 77

18-19 NllR 77

20-27 HAR 77

23-26 Hlll 77

18 HAR 77 -15 APR 77

NHCB FORJY celobr11ted the 9Sth SEABEE Bl rtbdlll) and ilOth CEC llnnlwrtrlffIJ in CalllP Covington Guam Hr

CollmandJng Officer and IJTCH T L SHJrH NHCB PORTY HCPOC departed Camp Cov1ngton cuam Hr on an I dalJ vlsit to

CtJHCBPAC Detachlllenttr Adak and HidtlbullIJ

C~dJng OffJcez and UtCH r L SHITH conducced Adampin Ins~tion on lllltllcbment Adak and toured all projt1ets

UDR WILSON of u s Navy Finance OfEiat Guam conducted pre-ORI

Comianding Officer bulls guest of Honor at che u S Naval StAtlon Hitlway Island CBC and SEABBB BlrthdalJ celebration

NHCB lORTY Miiin 90d1J wu engaged in f1refght1ng at U S Naval SuppllJ Fuel Farm Guam HI

LT R NELIO CEC USN Hilleary Orders and Hr o G BAYNESmiddot (GS-12) Progrw Manager CESO Port Huenem Clflifornia were on board ClfJtJP Covington GUaa H I for an-s te lntorshymation and Ubullibulltance for SBAIJpoundE support

COIDllgtlnd119 Officer presenced che NHCB FORTY Command Plaque to NAVSTl Hldway I11land CommandJng Officer prior to departure for Guam Hr bull

LCDR w B ROBERTSON CEC USN Operatlontr Officer COHJlNCR as on Camp Covington Guam H I for project planning and material support v1bull1t

BUCS G Pl HUHPHRIES COHCBPAC Stlfff vibullIted NHCB FORTY on Guam N I for cootdlnalJon of NCF construction projects

Operational Raadiruns lnapecelon was conductbulld on NHCB lOtnI by COHCBPllC On bltraquord were CAPT J l WRICllT CEC USN HAJ L Ii SRllJI CDR A B SJIIrH CEC USN OperatJoM Officer LCDR J A JfILSOY LCDR R Ii BUNTLEY LT P B WADE LT J E BITTLE LT RODGERS LT c RlDICK EOCH J o wooo middot BUCS c middot HUHPHRIES PC2 IJCHBR bullnd CDR D c CRUHBLBY ca USN Chief of Stlfff COH30NCJL

NHC K C BRCMN and RHl L ROSS of HUHRESHANDEI Sublo Bal) RP were on board Cbullmp covington and conducted HRH SurvelJ and follow-on support sitrvlces for NHCB FORTY

LT D R SPRUIT Cpoundlt USN ampSsumed the durles of Operations Officer NHCB FORTY LCDR G HEHHE CEC USN departed Camp Covington Gullnl HJ for COJ131NCR Port Huen- CalifornJa bull

Enclosure (3)

7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1


7-10 JAN 77

8 JAN 77

9 JAN 77

9-lJ JAN 77

16 JAN 77

21 JAN 77

22 JAN 77

7 1118 77

7-ll FEB 71

1-12 FlIJ 77

ll-14 FD 17

15 FEB 77

16-18 FEB 77

2 HAR 77


KAJ LB SHAlf EXJCS P G liALTERS and EOCS D H TURNER of CXJHCBPAC wre on board tutp CovingtDn for NHCB FORTY -NHCB THREB BEEP and turnover evolutions

NRCB PORTY DlltachiMnt Diego Garcia relieved NHCB THREE OET

Teletype and HARJlt IV voice coaimunicttion equipmerrt$ re installed at Kosale CZolinlaquo Island$ TtPI for CA1 40lOs use

NHCB FORTY Detachment H1dway BEEP and turnover from NHCB THREE DpoundT ~re concluded

CDR fl W HcLIUJGHLIN CEC USN Commanding Officer NHCB FORTY w1th the Hdn Bod) arrived in Cmp Covington Guam HI and NHCB THRll was relieved

~CB FORTY was designated as PacJfc Naval Construction Alert ampl tta11on

NHCB FORrY DetacluDent Adu relieved NHCB rHREll DET

CAPT NENCOllB CEC USN CAP1 J A lfRIGl1 CEC USN COHCBPAC Chief of Seff and ECXS R D HcKINNEY COHCBPAC Staff a=ived in C4J11P Covington for Haunt-Out Exercise Inspection

NHCB FORlY participated in the Exercise Kennel Bear 2-77

CDICPACFLJ Inspector General on ~ Guam It 1


LCDR G R BCgtYT SC USN NllCB ~TY Supply Officer and CW04 h E IAVALilUU USN Adlll1n OffJcer NHCB FORTY visited COHCBPAC and DET Adak on 11 day TAD trip for supply projects materials administration and persoimel matters

CDR H H HARRELL CEC USN COHCBPAC Oporatons Officer arrived on Guam for PAC NCF Project Nanagemont and Planning visit

LT J PANKOVICS ClC USN WANG Computer Officer departed Camp Covingcon and the WANG 2200 Programmable Calculator with accessories were shipped lo DJego Garcu BIOT for batter utiliuition in the m1Jnagellllnt ot cr1t1cal construction ProfrlJJtJS

Encloaunt (JJ

bull bull






4 HAR 77

7 HAA 71

lo lfAR n

12 HAR 77

14-16 HlR 17

lS NAJI 77

18-19 NllR 77

20-27 HAR 77

23-26 Hlll 77

18 HAR 77 -15 APR 77

NHCB FORJY celobr11ted the 9Sth SEABEE Bl rtbdlll) and ilOth CEC llnnlwrtrlffIJ in CalllP Covington Guam Hr

CollmandJng Officer and IJTCH T L SHJrH NHCB PORTY HCPOC departed Camp Cov1ngton cuam Hr on an I dalJ vlsit to

CtJHCBPAC Detachlllenttr Adak and HidtlbullIJ

C~dJng OffJcez and UtCH r L SHITH conducced Adampin Ins~tion on lllltllcbment Adak and toured all projt1ets

UDR WILSON of u s Navy Finance OfEiat Guam conducted pre-ORI

Comianding Officer bulls guest of Honor at che u S Naval StAtlon Hitlway Island CBC and SEABBB BlrthdalJ celebration

NHCB lORTY Miiin 90d1J wu engaged in f1refght1ng at U S Naval SuppllJ Fuel Farm Guam HI

LT R NELIO CEC USN Hilleary Orders and Hr o G BAYNESmiddot (GS-12) Progrw Manager CESO Port Huenem Clflifornia were on board ClfJtJP Covington GUaa H I for an-s te lntorshymation and Ubullibulltance for SBAIJpoundE support

COIDllgtlnd119 Officer presenced che NHCB FORTY Command Plaque to NAVSTl Hldway I11land CommandJng Officer prior to departure for Guam Hr bull

LCDR w B ROBERTSON CEC USN Operatlontr Officer COHJlNCR as on Camp Covington Guam H I for project planning and material support v1bull1t

BUCS G Pl HUHPHRIES COHCBPAC Stlfff vibullIted NHCB FORTY on Guam N I for cootdlnalJon of NCF construction projects

Operational Raadiruns lnapecelon was conductbulld on NHCB lOtnI by COHCBPllC On bltraquord were CAPT J l WRICllT CEC USN HAJ L Ii SRllJI CDR A B SJIIrH CEC USN OperatJoM Officer LCDR J A JfILSOY LCDR R Ii BUNTLEY LT P B WADE LT J E BITTLE LT RODGERS LT c RlDICK EOCH J o wooo middot BUCS c middot HUHPHRIES PC2 IJCHBR bullnd CDR D c CRUHBLBY ca USN Chief of Stlfff COH30NCJL

NHC K C BRCMN and RHl L ROSS of HUHRESHANDEI Sublo Bal) RP were on board Cbullmp covington and conducted HRH SurvelJ and follow-on support sitrvlces for NHCB FORTY

LT D R SPRUIT Cpoundlt USN ampSsumed the durles of Operations Officer NHCB FORTY LCDR G HEHHE CEC USN departed Camp Covington Gullnl HJ for COJ131NCR Port Huen- CalifornJa bull

Enclosure (3)

7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1





4 HAR 77

7 HAA 71

lo lfAR n

12 HAR 77

14-16 HlR 17

lS NAJI 77

18-19 NllR 77

20-27 HAR 77

23-26 Hlll 77

18 HAR 77 -15 APR 77

NHCB FORJY celobr11ted the 9Sth SEABEE Bl rtbdlll) and ilOth CEC llnnlwrtrlffIJ in CalllP Covington Guam Hr

CollmandJng Officer and IJTCH T L SHJrH NHCB PORTY HCPOC departed Camp Cov1ngton cuam Hr on an I dalJ vlsit to

CtJHCBPAC Detachlllenttr Adak and HidtlbullIJ

C~dJng OffJcez and UtCH r L SHITH conducced Adampin Ins~tion on lllltllcbment Adak and toured all projt1ets

UDR WILSON of u s Navy Finance OfEiat Guam conducted pre-ORI

Comianding Officer bulls guest of Honor at che u S Naval StAtlon Hitlway Island CBC and SEABBB BlrthdalJ celebration

NHCB lORTY Miiin 90d1J wu engaged in f1refght1ng at U S Naval SuppllJ Fuel Farm Guam HI

LT R NELIO CEC USN Hilleary Orders and Hr o G BAYNESmiddot (GS-12) Progrw Manager CESO Port Huenem Clflifornia were on board ClfJtJP Covington GUaa H I for an-s te lntorshymation and Ubullibulltance for SBAIJpoundE support

COIDllgtlnd119 Officer presenced che NHCB FORTY Command Plaque to NAVSTl Hldway I11land CommandJng Officer prior to departure for Guam Hr bull

LCDR w B ROBERTSON CEC USN Operatlontr Officer COHJlNCR as on Camp Covington Guam H I for project planning and material support v1bull1t

BUCS G Pl HUHPHRIES COHCBPAC Stlfff vibullIted NHCB FORTY on Guam N I for cootdlnalJon of NCF construction projects

Operational Raadiruns lnapecelon was conductbulld on NHCB lOtnI by COHCBPllC On bltraquord were CAPT J l WRICllT CEC USN HAJ L Ii SRllJI CDR A B SJIIrH CEC USN OperatJoM Officer LCDR J A JfILSOY LCDR R Ii BUNTLEY LT P B WADE LT J E BITTLE LT RODGERS LT c RlDICK EOCH J o wooo middot BUCS c middot HUHPHRIES PC2 IJCHBR bullnd CDR D c CRUHBLBY ca USN Chief of Stlfff COH30NCJL

NHC K C BRCMN and RHl L ROSS of HUHRESHANDEI Sublo Bal) RP were on board Cbullmp covington and conducted HRH SurvelJ and follow-on support sitrvlces for NHCB FORTY

LT D R SPRUIT Cpoundlt USN ampSsumed the durles of Operations Officer NHCB FORTY LCDR G HEHHE CEC USN departed Camp Covington Gullnl HJ for COJ131NCR Port Huen- CalifornJa bull

Enclosure (3)

7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1


7 APR 77

12 APR 77

12-14 APR 77

26 APR 77

27 APR 77

30 APR 77 -8 MAY 77

2-4 HAY 77

3-6 HAY 77

21-27 KAY 77

25 UY 77

26 HAY 77 -8 1Tl1I 77

27 NAY 77

30 llAI 77

3 JUN 77

SHl J p FVOUAY Jr NNCB roRlY fltU nued SEABEE of u letr for tbe Pacific Naval Conscructlon Force for 1976

Detall Hawaii eight equiptmnt operbulltorbull headed bj EOJ C J JOHNSON from NllCB FORTY derted for CBU 4lJ HIVaJi for demolition of facilities at HospJtal Point NAVS1A Pearl Harbor

Six men arrived on HidwalJ Island fr- Guam ItI to augment roofing crew

L J BBRllNARD (GS-12) and BIJC JI 0 HARRISOll COHJONCR Guaai HI vt11tced DE1 Adak for project imlpeotJon And assi stance

LT(jg) 1 R S AGONOY CBC USNR departed HJdttalJ Island to beltXllm the Assistant Operations Officer NHCS IURtY as BUCK A RAE assud OIC Det Hidttal

Alfred WBNAS GullllI Youth RamppreJencaci11e frotl A Johnston Junior High School was hOstampd by NHCB FORTY 1n participation of Guam Youth lMIJ

Eight men from NHCB FORTY with one bulldozer and a fire truck was dispatched for firefighting at Apra Heighta Guam H I

NMCB FORTY participated in Exercise StormlJ 77-l conducted by COHNAVHARIANAS Guam Hl for CPX typhoon communications and procedures

SSCT CINCLE COHJlNCR Staff visited NHCB lYgtRTY for limited Ordnance Inspection

roes JURNBR and CHCS COlJE COH3lNCR Staff via1ted NHCB roRTY on GuiiDJ H I for equ1pllldnt mansge1111tnt a11sistance

ConNJnding Officer bullnd HCPOC visited CAT 4010 at Kosa1e Carolinltt Islands TTPI

Commanding Off1eltr represented COKNAVHARIANAS Guam for the EJfltrgencv Alratrip d1tdicacion elttreiaonI at Kosale CArollne l11land11 1TPI

LT D R SPRUIT CEC U9N Operations OfCJcer VfCB PORTY vj ai Ced COICBPAC DETs Adak Hidlil411 and HwbullU De tail bull

RADH Kenneth P SEARS CliC USN relievt1d RADII D C ISELIN CEC USN as Deputy Chief of Ci vJl ln9lneer

LCDR G R BOYT SC USN relJeved by LT A COSS SC USN bullbull Suppll Officer

EOC1f R H AlREVS was reHe11od by ENS JI P OSJAG CEC USNR 1111 ore DET Adalc 4lld bocabull AsaLacanc Alpha COIZ~nv com-

Enclos~ (3








ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1




ll JUN 77

lS JUN 77

11-26 JUN 77


6 JUL 77

ll 1UL 77

29 JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

JO JUL 77 -8 AUG 77

l4 AUG 77

12-30 SllP 77

13 SEP 77

14-24 SEP 77

18-23 SEP 71

19-24 SEP 77

mander on Cuom H I

NHCB FORTY Hld-leploymenc party lifU IHld at Polar is Point Guam H1

USS HARVIN SHULD arrived on cu HI NHCB FORTY boarded bull and a flag presented co thtt coshymanding Officer of champ ship by UTl SPURLCCY

CDR lltf A SIHHONS CBC USN Commanding Officor NHCB ONE fith Cour officers and men ere on boord Camp Covington Cuom Nt for pre-deployment visit

BUC K A RAE wi th 26 men of DST Hidltfoy joinampd tho Hoin BocllJ in Gu~ HI ond became the ellmsntamp of ntNllJ act1shyvited [)fltbull Company under ENS D E GIUGSBY CEC USNR

LT L GIVENS CBC USN Charlie Company Coemander lifU

relieved by LJ S R BEATTIE CBC USN and departe4 C4iqp Covington GUUI III for Annapolis Haryland

Five men deeached f~- ClflllP Cov1ngton Cua IfI for Halcalbullpa Hbullllfbullii for dutlJ iJ3 COHCBPAC bullnd ataff driver

LT H P MOORE bulltCOndld HOlneport Training Conference bullt CBC Port Hueneme Cli fornJa middot

UTCS L HOREL ona GYSGt YOUNG attended Homeport raining Conference at CBC Port Hueneme California

EOCS D N TURNampR COH3lNCR CBPAC Equipment Rapre11ent1Jtive visited NHCB PORTY on GUUI HI for BEEP and turnover to NfCB 0IE bull

ENS J D CRECSON CEC USN fHCJJ FOR7l Engi nurint Offioer departad C-p CovJngton Guam NI for Hidway Island for detachment turnover

EHC G D KOENEN COHJlNCR CJJPAC Equipment RepreaentbulllJve visited DBT Adak for BEEP and turnover

llAJ P J NcCANN COHCBPAC Staff visited NHCB PORTY At Camp Covington Guam NI for communications and ordnance turnover i llI pecti on

NHCB PORn and NHCB OIE BEEP and turnover eloluciorur on GIlam NI

Enclosure (3


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1


19-30 SEP 77

30 SEP 77

1 OCT 77

3 OCT 77

16 OCT 77

BUCS G R HrJHPHRIES CONCBPAC Scaff visJted NlfCB FORTY et c mp CovLngton Guam H 1 ror coordJnstion or NCF conshystruction 11rojt11cts and turnover

Camp Covington Guam ItI was turned over t o NHCIJ ONE

NHCB FORTY fJrst JCtin ampody fUght arrived Jn Port Huene CaliiornJs

NMCB FORTY StICOnd Hain Body flight lttld Cbullrgo night arrived in Port Huen- calfornibull

NHCIJ FORTY CAT 4010 arrived in Port Huene_ Cal1fornla




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1




I o




All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1





All Adlllin Llpartment WICCJons and comand spaces wbullre located ln Building-526 GUlp Cov1ngton Tbe otfice11 include the co XO llCPOC PbullrsOllMl Plans and Training Legal ESO PAO Photo Lab and Hotu1t-Out Control ~ntbullr The recent renovation of the 1ntbullrior prov1ded a ConferenceClo11 ROom Career Counselor Ollice and bull more conventem and efficient AdrrtlnPorsonnol spacebull Thbull space vlt1cated by the latter created a spacious loungo anta

The A4ministratton and Personnftl Department provided the general edmlnistratitlB and personnel servloes to the btttalion throughout the deployment The staff was headed by a CW04 as11lsted by a YNC with a YNl asslgned o office supervisor and an average of l-YN2 2-YNJ and 2-SN asslgned with specltlc responsibilities to perform preparation or adJJJinistraclve reports draft I1lproducbull and disshytribute internal dlreltc1111ts operate tblt mall and filing syslebull1 provide clerical pool lllllintain the tickler file on llll special and recurring reports the library of dlrect1111ts and other official publications including roqu(zed changes and routings the CU6tody and control of classified rerlal and registered publications and the legal office make all bullrrangelllflnC tor ward ce~es and additl011l support duties as required

Offtee equipment included a Zerox 4500 copier with colla tor mimograpb tMchine seven selectric rr tyJ(lflriters and several standard green 10 pitch sel1tctr1cs and manual ty~ritere in a very poor condition IM ditto lllltchlne worked reasonably well but should be replaced due to age and woar bull

The procurement of paper producca tor all reproduction machJnu was no problem The Zerox Corporation Jlgana provided outstuid1ng services while Cllam Office supply repainrran s1uvtced the A B Dick llimeograph and LI tto HllChJ MIS

rile staffs also ntinealned the Duty YNPN Watch section whJch provdlld personnel bullnd 111tJssage piClcUP serv1ctts on bull 24 hour basis


Cmp Covington Good Camp Covington

NJIS Cuam Pair NAS Cllam outs

NAVSTA Adak Al Pair NAVSlA Adale Al Fair

NAVSlA JUdway Ibullland Poor NAVSTA HJway Island Poor

Fair Ourp CU-1 ns DCarcia Fdr

CHAllf 11


Enclosurl ( 4J

De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1


De tadunen t Adale bull All servicebull ere providsd by Nav4l Station Adu AlJLska wi th e rcell ent ntbullul ts bull

Detacltamnt DIego Garcia CCJ111gt1ete servJces were provided by the reaidont battalion NllCB 62 in a prQllllC and afficumt manner

Detachment HJdliay Iaiand AdlllinlstratJve support received fraa Naval StatJon 11idway Island was orcellenc

Civic Aet1on 26m 4010 Adminlstretlve and peC11onnel services were handled by the llain Body

2 Enclosure (4)







Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1




Office spaces ere lllDre ban adequate Eor the offlce equ1Jlllllnt and ocher bullupport functions necessary Eor services provided to the ~nd Thia bulltaffbull aS6igned during che deplov-nt averaged seven PNs ( 1 PNl l PN1 1 PNJ 1 sYJ under a YJIC their combined responsibilities included reenl1scancs 11nd diacharges receipts and transfers TAD diaries muster repons1 control upkeep and autbentJcatJon of all service records of both officbullrs and enllsted men and preparation of miscellaneous personnel papers concerning lMVlt PCS orders meal and secur1tg passes rotation dau crds and flight rnanJfe11u A PCS transfer oL a PNl and succeeding losses deplettld tha PN 11WU1111ng and overshyloaded re11ources however the zemain1ng PNs doubled that r bullhare and rendered the sa services to evergone 1th a strong CAN DO spirit and enthuaJa1m1

PRRs were normallg submitted 30 dags in advance to JransporeatJon Office NAVSTA Guam as Clark MB controls PRRs out of Guam through Andersen AFB- Wben government air as not available commercial travel Ofas author1ed out of Guu International Airport TAD travitl to DOtachnlanta Adak and Hittlay Island were requested bJ message from NSA Seattle and COMFOURIEEN rupectJvely travel from Guam to 1111waii and return was handled bI NAVSTA Guam COHFOURTEEN handled travel to and from Anchorage Alaska and HJdwag Island NSA SHttle covered Anchorage to Adak return

A leave period 0pound fourteen dags was enjoya by mang during the deploymant bull There were a few howeverm that were granted ex tensions of humanItarIan reshyassignments while on leave in CONUS Space available commercial transportation to cal1poundornia or the Orient was scarce because fl11hts wer1t over-booked a month in advance Those who utilized MAC fli1hts d1tpartbulld Andersen MB in an avera1e of tt10 days Standbys to Hawaii were easier for others who purchased a commerical ticket from there to CONUS Commetcial to Hawaii from CONUS was more convenient on all airlines serving that route except PAN AH but the latter was easier to confirm from Hawaii to Guam lhe round trip from Guam to CONUS and back presentlI coses $48300 It is more advantageous to confirm return reservations prior to departure from Guam as obtaining reservations out of CONUS was difficult

Personnel with emeZlency leave departed Guu within 14 hours of notification and in most cases much earl1trr because of tho frequant lt1Vailab1lity of KAC services whether mission chartered or cat19or11 Y flight boteen GuAlll and the West coast pores 0pound debaEkation ln cllls s1tuat1on the Nsvy Air lransportJltion Coordirulting Office at Andersen AFB nirver fail-4 co extend thelr fullest coshyoperation The Chaplain received and vedEled all Red Cross llieSuges on emergency leave marters and poundolllt1gt1ed through frottr lHVO approval ro completion 0pound rravel arrang11111t111t bull

Enclaure (4 J

All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1


All oeu~nts blOughc thnr cmugtlete personnel records to tbsJr respective deebull vitb tbe eiteeption of CAT 4010 Transfers err1Brgency leave and -Jical orderbull Mtre handled U$1ly ln coordinatlon becveen the DBT OICs and the holft caaaandbull and ware reported co che -in body as a pcrrc of the senu-smthly SITRBP 1JEl personnel werB selBCCed to cociplete the whole dBPlOlbullnt BClllfever addlclonal mnpover requirDIMnts were nacessary to cackle cbe addltional taskings tbilt were not decenainad during homeport Consequently three eligible plOspective galnbull at 31ST NCR were sent dlrectly to Adak in Hay and sir augnienc personnel vere ordertld to Kidvay Island frOltl Gua111 in April

As resident battalion in Guam NHCB FORrf provided se11er4l AD au9MB11t perbullo11n11l co d1fferent activities as required lllto rated buildera were deshyblched to fflC GulllD and worklttd full ciJDe on family housing seU-help proshyjects PJve other non-raced SEAJIEBS were selected for COHCBPAC HJlcalapa HaaiJ for staff special detail functions As SOP for d1tployed btttaliona 12 senior petty officers were assigned et CBC Port Hueneme ceUforrua for PRB functions Current local regulations required tio competent petty offrcers bull to servB with the AFPD for six IDOnths TAD orders ttere cue for the selected mll11 to report to CDHNAVMARIANAS AFPD OIC

ll0cum1tnts required for I D card changes due to EAOS advancement or abull a result of disciplinary measures were processed and coordinated with the NAVSTA Gaum Security Office 7he services provided by this unit normally took to to three days

As for office equipment used twJ)flwriters were alway in demand by all Three IBM Selectric II were in excellent condition while the ntlftlinder of the electrics ranged from good to poor shape All manual typewriterbull were tn very poor condition and were therefore utilized for memo and rough typing

Huch of the administrative pdrsonnel services required in case ot an actishyvated contingency plan while the battelion was deployed were accompllshod during homepore evolutions This measure was cre41ted outstanding durlng ihB RDI conducted by the lhirty First Naval Construction Regiment a month prior to deplollIJlnt

middot Enclosure (4)





I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1


I bull LeGAL

Tho Adminlstraeion Officerwas also assigned ehe duties of Legal Officer with the YNC of Admin and a YNSN bullss1seing Additional legal support oms provided by the Navy Legal Sarv1ce Of Elco Guam (NLSO) at Headqllilrters Building CottDllnder U s Naval orcetl Harianas Nlmi tz Hall Guam The JAG lawyers were lllQtlt helpful in provldlng assistllnce that included claims and courts-mart111l proshyceduros

lAglll as111t1t11nce was rendtned on an appolnC-nt basis All claila verct forshywardttd to the Claibull OffJcer NLSO for adjudlcdtion Host claims processed weore loss ac or dages to personill property as a result of shipollnt lUld arisJng frot11 theft One cJvJlian fl led a claim on his automobile which as d_ged JMrked Jn the Cunp 11na obstruceJng traff1c flow NLSO also prc-v1ded 11dvlce 11St1i11ted ln dufc1ng charges detllilld counsels reported llJld handled 1111 1111pect11 of conduct of SgtIClal amp11d S-ry Courts-amprtial and prepar11t1on and authont1cal1on of records

r11 vi of the potential dJ11par1ty Jn punUhaents and possible admnshyistrative probl_ this comwid delegated to DET OICs who were coams-sioned officers the authority to conduct hearing into cha circumscancies surrounding all offen11e1J comdtted by personnel under their jurisdictlon am required thelll to forw1rd the complete hearing tr11nscripc to tbt CoimMnding Officer for final disposition

The chart 11umi1rtzes thtt number of cues referred to Captains M4$t

Court-Hllrt1al tri1llf and all l1t9al lunct1on5 stac111t1C4l data The graph does not include the ducJplinary cas9 handled at company commanders level or those that re dJsmJssed ac the executive Officers screenlng



NJP 2 lO 1 7 2 4 3 10 5 45 I COURT IARTIAL 0 o I o I o l l l l l 4




I I I JFrBNSES lS 8 I 6 0 9 7 5


5 lnclosuro ( 4J



It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1




It) CH BU SW ur CE BA SK YN PN Hit HS roru

I BB 0 0 -l - l 0 -l -l -l -l -l 0 0 -5 0

E7 +l +l +3 +2 +l -l 0 +l +2 +2 0 +l +13

E6 +7 +l -3 0 +l +2 +l 0 -l 0 +J +l +12

BS 0 -s -13 -2 +l +2 +l +l - l 0 -l -2 bull -19 bull

B4 -1 -l -2 -3 +6 -2 +2 -l -4 -l -1 -s -13

EJ Beldeg +53 +16 +22 +l +12 +9 +4 +l 0 0 -l +2 +119 bull

Total 60 +12 +6 -3 +2l +9 +B +l -4 0 0 -J +107 bull



I BB 0 0 0 -l 0 0 - 0 - - - -- -l

B7 l l 3 -1 0 +l 0 +l +l 0 0 +l +8

B6 2 0 -2 0 -l +2 0 0 +2 +l +l -1 +4

ES 3 -2 -ll -2 +3 +3 +2 - l -2 -l -2 +2 -8

E4 6 5 -14 -l +5 +2 -1 -s -1 0 -l -J -6 I


I +l I Bel- 47 lJ +JO +3 0 +l -3 -l -2 +l +2 +l08

OTAL 159 I 17 6 -4 +20 -1-8 +4 -2 -2 1-l I -1 +l +105 bull





OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1






OFCR I LOSS J l 0 0 l l 0 0 0 l I 0 l 2 l

OFCR I GAIN 3 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 l I 2 l 2 2

CPO UJSS 0 0 0 0 l 2 3 4 1

CPO CAIN 0 l 2 J 0 0 2 3 2

I 16- ES

LOSS 17 6 s s 7 10 9middot i 10

pound6-BS CAIN J 0 2 0 2 7 4 5 21

bull 84 BEUJI I UJSS 39 ll 6 lJ 15 24 lS 13 6 I

84 BEL()f GAIN 40 11 18 16 16 I lS 26 17 7l

TOTAL I LOSS 57 17 ll 18 24 36 28 25 20

roTAL GJIIN 43 12 22 17 19 l 24 JJ 27 98



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1



l SGINIFICANT PERSONNEL ACHIEVEMENTS The following personnel of NHCB FORTY were singled out for special recognition during the fiscal year for outstanding individual achievements

NCl James M LAUDERMILK r eceipient of the Navy Commendation Medal

SWl James F FUQUAY Jr named Pacific Pleet Seabee of tbe Year and received the CINCPAC Certicicate of Merit while attached to NMCB FORTY SEABEE TEAM 4009

CH2 William K HOSSBR recipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BU2 Bradford w PWM receipient of the Navg cormnendation Medal

BU3 J Pl HOLLISTER receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

CHl Perry L GEUfETT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

BU3 Glenn w BAXTER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHC Bruce N CRANMER receipient of the Navy Commendatin Medal

SW3 Eldridge R HENRY Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

SA Ronald EVERETT receipient of the CBPAC Letter of CoJllle11dation

E03 Robert ARMSTRONG receipient of the Navy Achievement Hedal

SK2 Zachary MANCINI receipient of the Navy Conrnendation Hedal

BU2 Gerald B CARLSON receip1ent of the Navy Achievement Hedal

EA3 Theadore F SECIDA receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CHCN Daniel w BOETCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Conrnendation

ENS Douglas K AULT receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

YN2 David A DAVIDSON receipient of the CSPAC Letter of Commendation

NCl Peter R TISCHER receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

BOl Edward R DECAHP receipient of the CBPAC Letter of Commendation

CBC William c WARREN Sr receipient of the Navy Achievement Medal

bull CE2 Elias s SANTO DOMINGO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

HMl Donald A LINDO receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

E03 Peter C DENINCBR receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Merit

EOl Robert A PEARCE receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit




SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1


SWC James F DORR5U receipitnt 0pound tbe CINCPAC CertiLicate of Heri t

CH2 Danilo H CUNANAN ractf1pient Of Che CTNCPAC certificate of ~rit

CH2 Gerald ff mvrs recelplent of the CINCPAC Certificte of Har1t

BU2 Dttnnls G RAINBOEll receip1ent of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUl Richard L CJIRR rtCfllpient of tho CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

LrJG Charles A HEINRICHS receipient of the CINCPAC Certificate of Herit

BUCN Hlchael H PORBANSKY rece1pient of COHNAVFORC MARIANAS Letter of Coamraquondatlon

EOCS Richard 8 GERN receiplent of the Navy Achievement Medal

S1CCS Louis Gloria recaiplent of Che Navy c-ndatlon ~l

PNl ApoilD D DFSAN10S recaipienr of the Navy Commendation He4al

CHl John K 8NDSLEY recaJplent of the Navy Commendation Hedal

pound03 Jer0tne PAYNE receipJent of tho Navy co-ndation Hedal

2 In addition fourteen personnel of NHCB fORlY have been reCOlllllnded for personal awards Navy Achievement lledlll and higher for their exceptional performance during NHCB FORTY s deployment to Guam one hundred-twenty-seven personnel were issued NHCB FORTY retters of Conmendation and sixtirsix Letters ot CoatldatJ011 are boing processed or have bNn awarded bf higher coimand

3 NHCB FORTY was selected as COHCBPAC Best of 2ype foe fiscal year 1977

1 --1 bull bull ~ bull J


People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1



People are Numbec Ole - The by word of tbo battalion that p~Ctd the very essencet of the hWMn rel a tlons pr09r11bull Jn the entire COllniUld T-bullrds this end IJIUCh effort has been directed n tho stablishotent and IMJntenance of equal opportunl tr and treacmenc tor 1111 and 111so co harmonious relations ichin each departallnt and conp1ny lhe llteOIDllisbJDents relative co ti goals and objlaquocivos re -nife11ted in save-al areas including rM COlfnlUld lrainlng (CTT) as MlZf the i111ple-nt11tion of the Navybull s Phllsbull tr Equal Opporcunitr program Hwmn Relations Council and the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Throughout the deployment members of tiraquo Command Training TiPJltlm conducted workshops on i)1ual OpportunityRace Ralations (EORR) Hili tacy Rights and Responsibilities (KR~R) and Cultural Bxprwssion The sessions were wall recetved and attended bl cey battalion personnel By April 1977 all Battalion pe~uonnal had comple~ theic applicable portion of Ph1ue 11 Training On S April 1977 two personnel frobull the HWMll Resources Hanag-ne Support bull Teaa llttachtrent Sllbic BalJ comfucted th111 ~middots second Hwun RoJrources Assi11tance Vial t (HRAVJ Sarvey The result of this sucvey and 11ubsequenc feedshyback up and d~ the chain of co-ad proved very beneficial and enlightaning The CltmMnd Affirmative Action Plan liU also revjeflted and based upon the results of a dbullta1led revi- and input frot0 the llAV was llJgtdbullted

At the end of the baneport tran1ng evolutions most of the batialion personnel and all the Ruman Relaelons Council members with tho CTT attended semin11rs on EORR with pacticulsr emphasis placed on the tmp11ct of rhe middlo llUUlll1i71trs ttsponsibili ties as Hiit rapresentati ves This all conducted by the 00 Speci11Ust of Thirty First Naval Construction Regiment The SlCcoss of this tIain1ng tbullas carria through during deplC11J111Cnt by gt1a1J 0pound HRC meetings oonducted 1110t1thl1J and all llllnutes were distributed withln Che cOlll1IAll(f for bullctJon The Execllt1va Officer gt111s cbairm1111 of this coanittee based upon the ORI team recoamendbulltion

Thbull HRC served as 11 co~ forum for hWDilll relAcons Nttbullrs Chae involved educationbulll opportunity intarculrurel relations career devalop~nt dependents concorns endeavors related to humn dlgniCIJ and open lines of comnwnications Addittonall11 while deployed to Gu11111 the command sponsored an bullxtremely active pcogr11m in Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program equally ball11nced between 111lrveillence and education Survaill11nco consisted of random llrinalysis periodic use of Drug Detection Dogs from the Narcotics Interdicelon Team (NIT) of Anderum AFB or HAS Guam Security and freqlll)ITt gttalk Cbru of BEO and work spaces by COf1Pltlny or dlltlJ pecsonnal or zone inspection progr11Ja About 20 enlisted _ received training at llAS Guu on DrugAlcohol course 71w ~ also took advantage 0pound the ertensive trllinin1i7 provided locally ~ JH1r110n11el from the HRJfC Damp1 Subic BalJ on Dcug end Alcohol 11wreness In addition these topics were a pare of the battalions gtteeJcly trlllning pr0t7caa presented bi t_ COlmland s DllPA counselling for personnlll Ith Identified dcug or alcohol problems was condlCted from the DJlPA opoundfJce and also through the CAAC at HAS Agana Guam

Enc losuro ( d





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1





fhe I-1gration and NaturaUutJon Servlca Office Jn Guam provided very efficient services to the Philipsdmt nationals of tho cQlIJJand In cheir u s ci tizentshlp requirementts current 1nform11cion conctrning passports and visa roqui rements were obtained from tbo Govornnwnt of Gu4111 Passport Office supshyplemented by NAVSTA Personnel Office Those men who anricipated travel to the Orient or other points west of Gut1111 while deployed obtained passport and proshycessed 11 requirements in homaport

Abull per CINCPACREP GuamTTPI 1620lA the Arftlltd Porcos Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) Guam met every laat Wednesday al each quarter and at other cimes as ryen[ulred The ElxecutJve Officer waa a voting membltr Hilitary discipline was monitored by the Armed Forces Police Dotachment which also rendered assisshytance to personnel on liberty Shore Patrol was not nornBlly required in the local c0tm1Unicy unless exceptionally large liberty parties were expected ftOill vJs1ting ships The battaiion was required to furnish peter officers on a daily tgtaa(11 co stand shore patrol duties at the Naval Station Bnliated Hens Club and on board the stations Liberty buses

An exaatnation of accompaniedtm11cC01111panlted baggage upon arrival or departure flOlll an aversets arebull for tbe custo11S territory of the United States is requi~ for all alHtarr personnel and dependents DOD spont10red personnel and aircraft crew uibllrs 1n accordance with DOD regulation SOJ049 In Guam there $fllS no differe~ in inspection procedures whether on lHve tDlTAD or PCS orders Thbull ampttcallon unaccompanied baggage tshipped bcJc to hQIJIBport in early Augusc l977 was exllJIIned by the o s lfilitary CUstoms Division COHNAVlAR Guam at CAllqgt Cov1ngton before che bulk was taken to Naval Supply Depot NAVSTA Gllano for tranaahiptltfnt All aCC0111panied baggage for the end-o(-deploy-nt return trip waa inspected In Che passengers presence Prlor to custOlll6 pr~ures persmmel wre Jnstrucced as to their responsibilities and wore given every opportunity to declare articles acquired oversees Jn their immedibulltbull po11session using DD Form 1854 ( u S Customs Accompanied Baggage Deelaration)

Regarding official inguires of more sophiaticated ceaea encountered the Naval Invo11t1gatJve Service Resident Agency (NISRA) extremetly helpful ln provltdlng nocesaarr esdstance to the command In matters o( confinements thbull Naval Corroctlons Center MarJne BllrracJcs NAVSTA Guam was avUlable for conf(nement prisoners as a result of courts-martial pre-trial confinement or for personnel under restraint from dlscipllnary caU6ea warranting the use of the facility

11 poundnclo11ure (4)

EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1


EosJtJve bullction resulted in ongoinltJ uures throughout tho deploqment that prolliOtad bull healthy atlflOllphere at ell level$ The lldvancomant Revumiddotbull BOard reviewed enllscd service reccrdbull and perLorlflllnce evalubulltions ensuntJng equal advan~nt opportuncy and aLLordea to everyone The refinement of the or9aniutonbulll rasponsibJlltJes hom junior officerbull co the senior petty ofLlcers Mll ~n drt1cbullllI empwJlzed in aJ l evolutions Cttptaln bull s Call dcfin1tD111 stran9thenod the interntl canmun1cat1ons llfld feedback This sysces was supplff8112ted by the open discussion of the word of the week program OfrJcersCheJfs -tings and social 9att1erJngs with 11ll hands spores pJ1rt1cipation also placed in t14 overall objectives A lllOSt poundmport11nc edition co the action peak was thft Caraandln9 OfLlcer s descrJpuve su11111ary of si9n1t1cant evolutions chat took plice or qotng to take place wJth evalubulltlve comnu Mid efforr apprecibulltions it amptttalion Ouarters SEABEe ot thci Honch and ~ of thlf week bullwardfffUI were recognized at Saturday Horning Form1Jtions rh1s was also Cure for advancemonts letters of commln~t1ons end Navy sarvlce awsrda

To concluds as quoted from a letter from non-ra~ seabee aftfr a Surf-411d-Turf dlllller ln which all officers served u wal ters to che mn of P~ghtlng fORlY Now I believe bull bullbull Re9ardless of rankrate color or onttd we can all work togathltr Thank you for a good senbullJce he food was good but the sezvia was even better Again bullbullbull thank you Sirs






During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1




During rhlir deploymnt the comiand initiated s monthly worlctng luncheon for all lllltlllbers of the ecmmand Retention leam rn addition to evaluatlng statisrJcir and discubullbull1119 prime candidatebull tor reenlistment the team(The aoalpany ColMBllder COC11pany Chief and other members bullbull deai911Jtted by the COJ e1tch4nged ideabull to improve the commAnd a recention efforts

In order to achieve the lltte4Ssary readineirs end retain quality personnel a full timtt NCl has been asdgned to the blttcallon and bullbullab company gtas properly lfBsigned bighly motivated representetive assistants

The COlmSJlid bulllso took advantage or trainlng available locally in this important uea lour officers and ntgt11rly 30 enllstltd men received approshypriate development at the one week Career Counselor Information School at NllS Aganbull Along with the CAC course thly retlLement semJnu and i$landwide Career Counselor eeet1n9s re held so that all latest informatlon channeled to local uni ts

A telephone a desk volUlll8S of current informatlon and nstructJons and an in-depth coanand interoal completed the 1ngredients that made e signifJcant contrlbution to the retention ddve of the battallon Liaison 111 th deta1lers requi rltd n1ght work because of differentials but the reaults were excellent every effort 11as extended co provide tor the lllfln oE bullFJghtinc FORTY bull

Overall duzLng FY77 the COllnlllld reenlisted 37 of 134 eligablbull first tenners for bull 2Bll reenLiat4lllnt rate and 22 of 23 career personnel for a 96bull cartter reenlisbnent rate


The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1



The ChaplJ1n assisced btj a CllCN served as a proft1SsionJll resource ~n prCJ1110tin9 tho spiritual reli91ous irrgtrJJ corpora te and personal wellbeing of blttJJ ion frso111111J and thoi r d()pcndcmts

Cimp Covington Chapel tacll1tie11 and offices are one of the finest avaiJshyable to tho StABEES The building Jbull centrally air-conditioned furnishd with 85 lllOvabJe cushioned pews and t1qulpped wich a free 111anding alter th a -tchJng pulpit argtd leccurn All paraphernalia for worshJp or celebration use such as ~on wares cruclfixes candles catholic vestmes and so on were lcept in a siull sacristy adjoining a inllin chancery A lc1mbllll electronic organ added significantly Hyutls and Bibles vere in adequatl suppllJ inshycluding the ntW Book of liorshlp for U S ForctJS

The General Protestant Church ottered JS servicebull and ware attended by 25 personnP1 on the civecage Provision was made tor other fu ths also most notably the transport4tion to Roman Cacholic Hass at the Naval Station avecy SUndalJ morning and holy days of oblJgation benefiting 15 to 20 people Other bottalion memberbull atended services at on ot the smaller churches on the uland Places of worship for che Philippine Independents Sevench Day AdntLst Baptist Petacostal wtheran Chrisclan science Flich Presshybetarian Reform Church church of 11au~ and Church of Christ

There to1aa a Blble studldlscussion group that -e on Thursday evening and prabull(tr serviCfls on HondalJ Wednesday and Fridal nights Religious films ere shoom every Sunday night A Christian rty was hDld at Cllb Cib Beach There was also 11 bllptislfllll service Jn whl ch several men were baptized

The most time conswning 11ct1vity for the ChapleJn was indlvidu11l counseling in such 11reas as marri11ge personal probless adjusting to the deplogment site to f11mily separations and to mtlttary life There wu also counsellng conshycerning request for duty and bardship discbaxges In add1 tion co vis1 Ung the sick wounded end confined the Chaplain ASJ11isted ln processing of emergenc11 l vc expedi tod and coozdinated with the Alnor1can Red Cross Navy Relief and other supporclve organiutions

Housed in the salJIP buildln9 ibull the camp Library A wide range of reading 11111torJsls filled the shelvebull including a theological section About l000 new bOoU from the NavaJ Regional poundibcary Pearl Harbor and over l300 volullllUI excessed from lJ u s Alr Force Library service centers constitute the bulk jncluding a Harpers Bible Dictionary a GreeJc Lexicon and a compr~nsiva Concordance Thi Chiplaln served as Library Officer

Additionally as stmlor lraquoelllher and chairman of the llOcale and helfare Cat=ml ttH the Chaplain w11s able to contribute in areas of need ouCJJJde the specifically religious sphere

Distance time and funds precluded visiCJI to the detachmtmts during thu Cuam deployment but the ministry of the host commands were more than sufshytici lJlt for the men on ell sites as all 11va1lbullb1e services were afforded bullt edch loc11 ti on

4 Ene1011ure f fi)




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1




he overall morale of the Battillon whJlo deployed reminad high througbouc wich a slight lowering durlng the first few months During the initial months on deployment the Battalion underwent a fuLJ Battalion mount-out and an Operational Readiners InspectJon (ORI) which necenitated a number of various inspecttons Personnel became frustrated cr9in9 to perform all of Chair required tasks under the pressures of inspecting officers hltNover upon the succosbullful completion of all evolutions cile Battalion becllJlle a co11petent and high spirited unit

Both at the 1111Jnbody and at the detachlrent sitos there was significant act1vi t both during and after worklng hours to help personnel stay bu59 and hJghly motivated lhe Battalion -itchtld frca a S and one half day week to a fJve day work -c with every other 5aturda11 1ts a work da11 Jhla vave personnel a full weekend every other 01Hkend Jn whJch to more fully purIUe their recreatJonaJ dedrd An actlve SpeaJal servlcea progr11111 including lntramuralB educatfonaJ opportunitiea cha1leng1ng constructmn tasks and a nwnber of locil fiestas are just sonw ox4111Plos of the typo act1v1 ty that kept the morale higher

Enclosuro (4)


In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1



In cha role of collection and dlbullbullemination 0pound infornwcion for the internal and axternal publications of the Colmlilnd chrou9h the ans of mass 1111tdi1 Pi9ht1ng FORlY If PAO was staffed with an Officer (collateral duty) a PHlSWJ Photographic Laboratory team and a JOSN Journalist for the greater part of the deplogmenc

The Eublic Affairs Office locced ac the Administration Baild1n9 and included a deslc-editorsUff worlcn9 section adjoining bull photo-layout filing area and a darltroom capablbull of blaclc and wbitbull pcintlnq Basic photographic Clfar on band 1o1111re supplebullnted with staff personal CJmeras Color a11des and copy secvicos IVOre extended by the Pleat Air Photo Lab NAS Agat111 which normally took s1tven wr1cing days Relative publicatiorur and assistance llltre also provJded by the COHNAVHADANAS PAO Cot11P1eting clwl facllJ tiebull available Jn the area wee the full service Govflrnmampnt Printing Office et cha Ship Repair Facility NAVSTA Guam

In an effort to mirror tho wor1cin9s of the battalion for the audiences aspecibulllly gearing t owaxds the dependtmts relatlvu and friends of che personnel PAO work includbulld aupport for the lllQnthlv operations color slidesblack ~ white progress n1port as well as the PORTY GRANbull The latter was published in standard 11m1Spaper forroac and five bisues Wice printed co highHghc each of thlt line COllllJilllies and departments incorporating Che deeached units In addition Chi Arlled Forces RIJdio and Television Station (AlRTSJ leoal radio statlot1J1 tbe Dlllly Paclflc News and the Pacific Crossroad wore used for releases Jn Guam Detachment Dlego Garcia ut111zod a slmi lary Family Gram whila tiatachlllllJ1t Hidllay Island used the Cslandor of H1dw11y bullnd NAVSTA Adak COitired Detachment Adak Thll SEABBF CovecaU bullnd all othea helped in promoting the lleet Homa rwon Program of tha COlmlllnd Supple-nting the flnllily 9rabull wertl videotapes and vl-s of the man at work tlxcbanged bebleen the FORTY 111ves Club and the BattbullUon a fine way of comforting tbe ones st bome

Concluding the PAO funct1otu1 11blle deployed 119ce the coordJn4tlon 91neral layouc and preparation of llhe cruise book The s1gn1pound1cancs of chis effort was that coplas of the printed product were In the mens hands on their way to homePQrt

HJnor problems were encountered with the photographlc equipment which -re corrected by che PHl HOIVBver a quality produce was maintained aa projac~bull sociel gatherings sports and libertv -re wall documented


s 321 21

I~ poundnclosure ( 4)




Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1



Tile commands ESO has e xporienced verrJ good relations frrgtm all othor Guam ESOs in formulating an effecllve educational system within the battalion

In the off-duty educttlon program tha NAVSlA BSO Navy Campus for AchJeveRent advisor provided educational services HDnfiarJs hru Wednesdays Additionally the administration of the different educational prograJnS offered to all personnel wore coordinated through the ESO CONllAVHJIJUANAS Available progr4JIJS ce as followbull Peppardine College for H- Resourcbull HA and BA un1vers1 tv of Guam for Off Campus Program Olympic College for PREP and LOs Angeles City College for Vocational courses through NltFA

NAVSTA ESO handled the co~middot s testing and also administered BTB retescs onthly CLEP testbull and GED casts as needed Hacerials or SAT ACT and CRE exams wero avail4blbull fro111 NCFA and were administered 1n the civilian co~cy

TUition Aid was adminislaquoirod through the NCFA regional offic at SUBIC Bay The applicatiOJUJ cook 2 to 3 weeks to be proatssad but no major proshyblems were experienced

During Saturday training sessions ESO held orientation lectures to inform personnel of the colllllllld of the ESIO opportunities 1th the help oE the company and department ESO Representatives

The February and September Navy Wide Exams went smoothly with the nt111nshybody as well as on the DB1s and the CAT BSO ordered the eirams nt111lod dirshyectly to the UICs of the supporting eotrmands at the various sites and bullant tbe work sheets to the adrninibulltering coJUm11nds and notified the respoctlve OICs

In swnmarv thiJI deploymnt 1as quite productive in the expaM1on of the battalions educational horlzon 15 personnel ere enrolled Jn the Off-CaJgtlPUS classbulls offered by the lln1trers1ty of GuiJJJI PepperdJne Universicy and Los Angeles college utilizing the lultion Assistance Progr11bull1 6 personnel enrolled in the Independltnt Study Courses ranging froa Ugh School to College courses through the Defense Activity for Non-fradiciOlllll Education support using fuition Alldstance 26 men took advantage of the CollOO Utvel Education Program (General Ex4118) And 20 obtained bigb school equ1 valency through participation Jn che ctierbulll Educationti l~welopment Tebullting

17 Enclosure (4)


The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1



The Medical Department staff began the deployment with one HMC and 10 other HMs assisting the Medical Officer and ended with six including a HHl assigned to CAl 4010

The medical facilities in Camp Covington are currently the best available to the SEIABEES including equipment A 20 foot by 80 foot Butler Building provided adequate spaces for offices X-ray room Pharmacy and Treatment room Availshyable equipment which included X-ray and developing units laboratory equipage cardiac Lif-Pac emergency generator and two field ambulances were in good to excellent operating condition A second CHU- reinforced concrete building reshycently constructed beside the existing facility provided additional storage spaces for bulk medical supplies mount-out cannister s and blocks

During the deployment tropical weather hot and humid generally prevailed Physical overexertion prior to acclimatization normally two to three weeks presented acute beat stresses and fatigue problems Hence sensible water food and salt intakes were emphasized Also warnings were issued to all persnnel on marine life such as scorpion fish jelly fish cone shells and stone fish which inhabit the waters around Guam As qualified instructors and Disaster Recovery Team members the senior HMs presented instructions on first aid wounds specific injuries cardio-pulmonary resuscitation poisoning burns and heat casualties during the Saturday training evolutions

The Medical Department performed physical examinations ailment diagnosJs sickcall caring for the sick and wounded and advised the Col1111Jlt11ding Officer on the physical fitness of the battalion

Collaboration with the Safety Chief was also necessary in discovering and eliminating of safety hazards and establishing of safety standards Health records and shot cards were maintained and appropriate reports were forwarded accordingly In addition to this daily routine urinalysis drug screeningmiddot were randomly conducted weight control and bearing conservation programs were imshyplemented As was directed services of the medical officer were extended to other medical agencies in treating the medical needs of other personnel inshycluding civilian lbe department was maintained in all aspects in a State of readiness to meet emergency situations or contingencies

The total patient workload from 5 January to 30 September 1977 was 4350 The statistical breakdown of procedures conducted is as shown below Figure 2 shows the relationship between outpatient visits to no duty case and hospitalized

Total patient workload 4350

Hospitalizations bull 32

l I Enclosure (4)




I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1


I bull

lypical caseI that re created include minor cuts bruises and lacerations occasional fractures and scralna corJl cuts on VD ease upper respiratory infections and hyprrtrnsion follOtl ups There wrue no m1jor problltnS on medical supplies as lOA mlnor low levela were corrected early 1n the deplotJmenC The cooparative attitude among the Battalion NAVSJA Hedical Diapensary and Naval Regional Medical Cent er Guam prevented antJ criticality of non-roA pharmaceutical and laboratory items or equipment repair NRHC provided consultation services 1n EENT Surgical Orthopodica Physical Therapy Paychiatry and Cnternal Medicine

A preventive Medicine Technician of Preventive Mampdicine and Sanitation section (PHSJ of PWC provided sanitation imrpection to 1aJJ1P Covington and WESlPAC area The facilities included in thJ11 program were EH Htlss EH Club CPO Hess and Lounge and Officers lgtlardroom Insect and rodent control wore handled through contract 1th PWC coordinated and supervised by Br4vo Company

Hosgulto JnfestJttion preaented occass1onal probl- in the cangt especially at the outdoor tlwultec Hence routing cold fogging of insecticides vas c~ tinued blt) PHS but had 1111nlmal effect because of blo1gt1in9 winds Harsh lllnd sorcound1ng the canrp off1ued good breeding places and appropriate larvlcide acceptable to the EPA can be an effective solution in the true breeding areas can be identified

An overall recol111l6ndatlon of the medical requlrement et Gtmp covington ls to purchase and install z-ray unit of 300-HA s1ze and an X-Omat The unit should be added to tho mount-out block Th1bull measure will remove the requireshyment to disassemble and reassemble the unit each time the resident battalion executes dlsuter recovery contingencies or mount-out exercises and at tillllts oL joint support s1tuations as a result of powtu outage or natural catascropbies Existing portable sttuilizers are subject to freguont IMlfunctlon and are too sbullll A lsr9ec autoclave is considered neceSllJlry

19 Enclosure f4J


A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1



A Lieutenant Dental Corps Ofticer and cwo Dental lechnlciana staffed the Deneal Department Elxecutlng a ooell-thought out schedule they provided treatment 1n mosc phases of Dentlstry to all hands Aside from the norrrtal appointment lOlld bullmrrency dental care wu n1ndered at any tilll9 and the DTs supplemented the HedlcJ staff watch ertending the coverage of services to 24 hours sevan days a week 2brough routine dental exuuJations 11Upervlsed byglene and care dental dis u were prevented and control led

fhe dental facill ty corn1isted of two Weber P-63 operatodes a COllbination sterillzationdarlrroom and walting room in a renovated standard mobile trailer adjacent to thamp HedicaJ Bulld1ng Upon arrival rt Camp CQvingcon the staff was faced by a trailer suffering typhoon damage combined with the wear and tear at age DeficiencJes corncted in order to put the two operator1es back to serviceable condition included structural damage and wiring system repairs The TOA was then pa~d aeparately from the conshysumable stocks and a Typhoon DRT Jlatcb Bill wall organized Provi11ion tor securing the trailer during heavy weather and mount-out or contengies were bullde

Host renovation work was self help perforrrrtJd by the dentist and staff thltmselves Tbe appeuanct1 of the trailer 111irrored the outstanding dental services rendered

he full range of routine dental problems seen included carrie11 third molar problems mallooauston of antenor ttteth and Abacus of both teeth and perJodentla Following up their work at h0119port aeveral anug (trench mouth) caaebull were ~ted upon bullrrivbulll As is the cbullsbull prior to deploy-nt 11t1ch of the bullior dental procedurebull MUe completed bullt homport Jlhlle deplO)ttd the bullverage worklOlld in the ngtatn body vas ampbout 96 iraquor lllOIJth hJch addad up to 864 with a total of 4070 procedures The trHt-nts tncluded o~rative d1tntitrtry periodonttcs orbulll suryery endodont1etr prosthetics and pntventlve dentiarry program through oral hygiene Ln11truction11 oral prophylaltis and flourJde appUctlon

Peraonnel of Detachmonts Adak Diego Garcia and Hiday Island 9rtt treated by their respectlve hobullt Dental Department CAT 4010 deployed to KosaJo wertt tho only personnel Jthout dlrect dental support but all personnel were in Clbullbulls I before deployment

The Naval Regional lled1caJ center provided for CQllSultatton pathology while NRDC covered consultatton 6f complete probullthet1c on a limJted babullibull only Srvices of the NRDC Dental R4pair1A1111 ere also requ119d to tend to occabullaional breakdowns stnce the trailer was unique in hllvlng the only Weber P-6J on the island most 0pound the repair parts were atOdified to Iit

Enclosure ( 4




Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1



Frequent power outages experienced during the deploymant ~bull a sigshyni poundleant problem This can be corrected by purchase and installation o f an autltattic switch otoc to the et1Jrgency generator Other mlJior proshyblus encountered re insignificant co tho operation in progr~ and were cor~ed

21 Bnclosure (4 1


top related