foundations - amazon s3...body soul spirit mind heart what is praying in tongues? “a physical...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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1.  Addictions 2.  Anger 3.  Change Made Permanent 4.  Co-Dependency 5.  Depression 6.  Demonic Oppression 7.  Divorce 8.  Emotions 9.  Expectations 10.  Extended Family 11.   Fear 12.  Grace = Joy 13.  Grieving a Loss 14.  Healthy Soul 15.  Judgement and Mercy 16.  Repent, Renounce and Release 17.  Sexual Molestation 18.  Spiritual Warfare 19.  Stress 20.  Worry..


1. Bible Reading 2. Prayer Coaching 3. Armor of God – PAI 4. Righteousness – Breastplate 5. Filled with the Spirit 6. Voice of God

1.  Angels and Demons 2.  Baptism in Water 3.  Bosses – what they wish you knew 4.  Chronicles of Narnia 5.  Church – Why is it so important 6.  Confidence - I am going to heaven 7.  Deity of Jesus 8.  Disappointed with Christians, Church & Life 9.  Divorce 10.  Double Anointing 11.   Feasts of Israel 12.  Five Attitudes 13.  Forgiveness vs. Trust 14.  Healing and Miracles 15.  Insecurity –develop Godly Confidence 16.  Job and Career 17.  Leadership 18.  Legalism, License and Love 19.  Men – how they are different 20.  Mercy Prayer 21.  Money Matters 22.  Parenting – Young Children 23.  Parenting – Teenagers 24.  Porn and Lust 25.  Personal Prophecy 26.  Predestination vs. Free Will 27.  Privacy 28.  Racial Reconciliation 29.  Science and Faith – how they agree 30.  Sex God Loves it 31.  Singles – how to find a Godly Mate 32.  Sin the Secrets 33.  Television Brain Waves Study 34.  Tithing 35.  Tragedy 36.  Typology 37.  Worship is..

Teenagers Topical

38.  Joseph 39.  Abraham 40.  Philippians 41.  II Timothy 42.  John 43.  Luke 44.  Proverbs 45.  Nehemiah 46.  Daniel

47.  I Samuel 48.  Joshua 49.  Elijah & Elisha 50.  Samson

Researching Jesus

1.  Dinner w/a Perfect Stranger 2.  The Cross 3.  The Logic of Christianity 4.  Five Proofs of Christianity 5.  Hell the Logic 6.  Blood of Jesus 7.  The Rapture

Teenagers Textual

Marriage 1.  Personality Gifts – DISC 2.  Conflicts 3.  Marriage – 3 bottom lines 4.  Blessing Verbally Inner


2 Weeks Ago

Last Wk.


Two weeks ago 1) Bible reading – rest of your life

2) Two FREE hours a day & 5 ways to fill it!Killing the twin Demons of

Two weeks ago 1) Bible reading – rest of your life

2) Two FREE hours a day & 5 ways to fill it!

Last Week - Armor

1) Conflicts

2) Emotions / God’s Pleasure

3) Schedule Balance - Productivity & Peace

4) Faith/ Favor

5) Thought life/ Memorization!

Killing the twin Demons of

THIS week

THIS week 1) How to hear the VOICE of GOD!!

6th Piece of Armor

THIS week 1) How to hear the VOICE of GOD!!

2) Filled with the Spirit

6th Piece of Armor

7th Piece of Armor

7 Bible Confirmations & Guidelines: 1.  Peace Prov. 3:17

2. Emotionally Neutral No Agenda, Clean Heart, Jn 7:17

3. Marriage Agreement Mal. 2:15

4. Bible Wisdom Prov. 8

5. Saturated and Bound by God’s Word Prov. 30:5,6

6. Team Witness Acts 15:28

7. Long Term Fruit Mt. 7:15-19

7 Bible Confirmations & Guidelines: 1.  Peace Prov. 3:17

2. Emotionally Neutral No Agenda, Clean Heart, Jn 7:17

3. Marriage Agreement Mal. 2:15

4. Bible Wisdom Prov. 8

5. Saturated and Bound by God’s Word Prov. 30:5,6

6. Team Witness Acts 15:28

7. Long Term Fruit Mt. 7:15-19


Rom. 8:13-16

5 Senses

I Thess. 5:23, Gen. 1:26-27, John

4:24, I Cor. 6:17, Rom. 8:10,

5 Senses

I Thess. 5:23, Gen. 1:26-27, John

4:24, I Cor. 6:17, Rom. 8:10,




5 Senses

John 20:22, Luke 23:45-49,

Acts 1:4-5, Eph. 5:18, Acts 19:2

5 Senses



Mt. 22:37, Acts. 4:32, Ps. 26:2,

Jer. 11:20, 17:10, 20:12, II Cor. 10:4,5

Conscious ……...……

Sub- conscious

5 Senses



Mt. 22:37, Acts. 4:32, Ps. 26:2,

Jer. 11:20, 17:10, 20:12, II Cor. 10:4,5

Conscious ……...……

Sub- conscious

5 Senses



Mt. 22:37, Acts. 4:32, Ps. 26:2,

Jer. 11:20, 17:10, 20:12, II Cor. 10:4,5

Conscious ……...……

Sub- conscious






WHAT is praying in tongues?

Conscious ……...……

Sub- conscious






WHAT is praying in tongues? “A PHYSICAL Function that draws upon the Holy Spirit

in your SPIRIT” (6 Scriptures)

Conscious ……...……

Sub- conscious






WHAT is praying in tongues? “A PHYSICAL Function that draws upon the Holy Spirit

in your SPIRIT” (6 Scriptures)

Conscious ……...……

Sub- conscious






WHAT is praying in tongues? “A PHYSICAL Function that draws upon the Holy Spirit

in your SPIRIT” (6 Scriptures)

Heb. 4:12 For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double--edged sword, it penetrates

even to dividing & joints & marrow; it judges the thoughts & attitudes of the .

I Cor. 14:14,15 For if I pray in a tongue,

my spirit prays, my mind is unfruitful.

I Cor. 14:14,15 For if I pray in a tongue,

my spirit prays, my mind is unfruitful.

I will pray with my spirit, but I will

pray with my mind

I Cor. 14:14,15 For if I pray in a tongue,

my spirit prays, my mind is unfruitful.

I will pray with my spirit, but I will

pray with my mind

Hammer = Tongues

= Heavy Burden on my Heart!


Why hear



don’t understand

1. Your FUTURE with the Foundations Discipleship course?

Ø  How many Christians this Foundations Discipleship course?

1. Your FUTURE with the Foundations Discipleship course?

Ø  How many Christians this Foundations Discipleship course?

Ø  How much would you have if you took 1 person/ thru?

1. Your FUTURE with the Foundations Discipleship course?

Ø  How many Christians this Foundations Discipleship course?

Ø  How much would you have if you took 1 person/ thru?

Ø  How much consistent would you see in ?

1. Your FUTURE with the Foundations Discipleship course?

WATER BAPTISM Water Baptism is an important act of obedience for every Christian immediately after they receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Water Baptism is a declaration to the entire world that you have received Christ as Savior and Lord. It is a powerful experience. In the scriptures, every time a Christian gave their life to Christ, they were immediately baptized.

Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

Acts 8:12 But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized both men and women.

Acts 8:36,37 As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?“ Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart, you may." The eunuch answered, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."

Acts 9:18 Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized.

Acts 16:15 When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home.

Acts 16:33 At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his family were baptized.

Acts 18:8 Many of the Corinthians who heard him believed and were baptized.

Acts 19:5 On hearing this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Acts 22:16 And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.


1.  Addictions 2.  Anger 3.  Change Made Permanent 4.  Co-Dependency 5.  Depression 6.  Demonic Oppression 7.  Divorce 8.  Emotions 9.  Expectations 10.  Extended Family 11.   Fear 12.  Grace = Joy 13.  Grieving a Loss 14.  Healthy Soul 15.  Judgement and Mercy 16.  Repent, Renounce and Release 17.  Sexual Molestation 18.  Spiritual Warfare 19.  Stress 20.  Worry..


1. Bible Reading 2. Prayer Coaching 3. Armor of God – PAI 4. Righteousness – Breastplate 5. Filled with the Spirit 6. Voice of God

1.  Angels and Demons 2.  Baptism in Water 3.  Bosses – what they wish you knew 4.  Chronicles of Narnia 5.  Church – Why is it so important 6.  Confidence - I am going to heaven 7.  Deity of Jesus 8.  Disappointed with Christians, Church & Life 9.  Divorce 10.  Double Anointing 11.   Feasts of Israel 12.  Five Attitudes 13.  Forgiveness vs. Trust 14.  Healing and Miracles 15.  Insecurity –develop Godly Confidence 16.  Job and Career 17.  Leadership 18.  Legalism, License and Love 19.  Men – how they are different 20.  Mercy Prayer 21.  Money Matters 22.  Parenting – Young Children 23.  Parenting – Teenagers 24.  Porn and Lust 25.  Personal Prophecy 26.  Predestination vs. Free Will 27.  Privacy 28.  Racial Reconciliation 29.  Science and Faith – how they agree 30.  Sex God Loves it 31.  Singles – how to find a Godly Mate 32.  Sin the Secrets 33.  Television Brain Waves Study 34.  Tithing 35.  Tragedy 36.  Typology 37.  Worship is..

Teenagers Topical

38.  Joseph 39.  Abraham 40.  Philippians 41.  II Timothy 42.  John 43.  Luke 44.  Proverbs 45.  Nehemiah 46.  Daniel

47.  I Samuel 48.  Joshua 49.  Elijah & Elisha 50.  Samson

Researching Jesus

1.  Dinner w/a Perfect Stranger 2.  The Cross 3.  The Logic of Christianity 4.  Five Proofs of Christianity 5.  Hell the Logic 6.  Blood of Jesus 7.  The Rapture

Teenagers Textual

Marriage 1.  Personality Gifts – DISC 2.  Conflicts 3.  Marriage – 3 bottom lines 4.  Blessing Verbally

Inner Healing


1.  Addictions 2.  Anger 3.  Change Made Permanent 4.  Co-Dependency 5.  Depression 6.  Demonic Oppression 7.  Divorce 8.  Emotions 9.  Expectations 10.  Extended Family 11.   Fear 12.  Grace = Joy 13.  Grieving a Loss 14.  Healthy Soul 15.  Judgement and Mercy 16.  Repent, Renounce and Release 17.  Sexual Molestation 18.  Spiritual Warfare 19.  Stress 20.  Worry..


1. Bible Reading 2. Prayer Coaching 3. Armor of God – PAI 4. Righteousness – Breastplate 5. Filled with the Spirit 6. Voice of God

1.  Angels and Demons 2.  Baptism in Water 3.  Bosses – what they wish you knew 4.  Chronicles of Narnia 5.  Church – Why is it so important 6.  Confidence - I am going to heaven 7.  Deity of Jesus 8.  Disappointed with Christians, Church & Life 9.  Divorce 10.  Double Anointing 11.   Feasts of Israel 12.  Five Attitudes 13.  Forgiveness vs. Trust 14.  Healing and Miracles 15.  Insecurity –develop Godly Confidence 16.  Job and Career 17.  Leadership 18.  Legalism, License and Love 19.  Men – how they are different 20.  Mercy Prayer 21.  Money Matters 22.  Parenting – Young Children 23.  Parenting – Teenagers 24.  Porn and Lust 25.  Personal Prophecy 26.  Predestination vs. Free Will 27.  Privacy 28.  Racial Reconciliation 29.  Science and Faith – how they agree 30.  Sex God Loves it 31.  Singles – how to find a Godly Mate 32.  Sin the Secrets 33.  Television Brain Waves Study 34.  Tithing 35.  Tragedy 36.  Typology 37.  Worship is..

Teenagers Topical

38.  Joseph 39.  Abraham 40.  Philippians 41.  II Timothy 42.  John 43.  Luke 44.  Proverbs 45.  Nehemiah 46.  Daniel

47.  I Samuel 48.  Joshua 49.  Elijah & Elisha 50.  Samson

Researching Jesus

1.  Dinner w/a Perfect Stranger 2.  The Cross 3.  The Logic of Christianity 4.  Five Proofs of Christianity 5.  Hell the Logic 6.  Blood of Jesus 7.  The Rapture

Teenagers Textual

Marriage 1.  Personality Gifts – DISC 2.  Conflicts 3.  Marriage – 3 bottom lines 4.  Blessing Verbally

Inner Healing


Be FAITHFUL to Small Group

I Cor. 12, Rom. 12, Eph. 4


Great Ministry

Am I interested in the Foundations Discipleship Course?

Am I interested in the Foundations Discipleship Course?

Am I ready to get involved in a Small Group?

Am I interested in the Foundations Discipleship Course?

Am I ready to get involved in a Small Group?

Am I interested in information on Water Baptism?

Am I interested in the Foundations Discipleship Course?

Am I ready to get involved in a Small Group?

Am I interested in information on Water Baptism?

Am I making a fresh commitment to Jesus Christ?

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