four compelling reasons why your startup needs a crm solution!

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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4 reasons why your startup needs a CRM solution!

Why CRM is the way to go?

• Do you intend on staying a startup forever? Of course not!

• The primary objective of any startup is to grow and develop.

• In order to fulfill this you definitely need a CRM solution.

• Lets explore four way a CRM solution can help you on your journey to success.

1. Get more customers and keep them

• Customers are the lifeblood for the growth of any startup.

• CRM keeps track of all customer deals, purchases and conversation history, ensuring everyone in your startup has the most recent and relevant information about your customers at their fingertips and are thus able to provide them with best experience possible.

• This is especially true with the advent of social CRM, as the majority of potential customers regularly use social media.

2. Just spreadsheets won’t cut it

• It won’t be possible to track and sustain your business and ever-expanding client base indefinitely using just spreadsheets and notepads.

• A CRM solution automates telephony, email and social data information so you can give your customers the undivided attention that they deserve.

3. Collaboration just got easier

• As your startup grows, you will have people working in different teams and perhaps stationed in different locations.

• You and your employees need to have an effective means of sharing and accessing data.

• A cloud CRM is the best way to achieve this as it grants you access to the latest information at the click of a button regardless of where you are from any mobile device.

4. Fundraising is a breeze

• Startups need to have an efficient mechanism for gathering and managing funds.

• Meaningful relationships are at the heart of the fundraising process.

• CRM solutions help you identify, cultivate and manage these important relationships, allowing you to improve donor retention.

• They give you the opportunity to execute and coordinate multichannel fundraising campaigns by allowing you to proactively and strategically managing them as a whole, rather than by individual channels.


• To get you in the game and help you stay at the top of it, a CRM will help you quickly organize and analyze your data, identify and maintain your ideal customer base and help you gather funds to promote and develop your product.

• Moreover, it will help you identify potential areas of growth that are crucial for the development of your startup.

• Want to know how a CRM solution can help your startup grow?

• Want to see more content like this?

• Schedule a FREE CRM consultation session with our experts TODAY!

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