fracking teach in - slides

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Fracking Teach In

Presented By Peace Alliance @ GCCDecember 16th 2014

Program Outline Describe the final assignment What was the mission of the project was? What is Deep Ecology? What is Fracking? What is Glocalization? Are there any conflicts between deep ecology, fracking &

glocalazation? Are there alternatives to fracking? Wind, hydroelectric,

biomass, solar,

Deep Ecology Deep Ecology and Arne Naess 1973

holistic approach- we are part of it having a role to play in capitalist system in conflict with natural laws of deep ecology

Capitalism, based on principle of private property, owning the earth for the purpose of exploiting it for profit.

What is Fracking?Hydraulic fracturing is an energy- and water-intensive, highly toxic

process whereby methane trapped in impermeable rock (shale and tight sands) might now be mined.

Hydrofracking conflict with Deep Ecology

Impacts of hydrofracing includes: land use, water consumption,the risks for noise pollution, air emissions, water contamination, and health effects. Water and air pollution are the biggest risks to human health from hydraulic fracturing.

Ground contamination from chemicals in sand solution reported to having neurological implications, endocrine system complication, fetal development impacts,cancers, nervous systems damage, kidney and respiratory system

Chemical Hazardous:

Benzene, chlorine, Lead, Mercury, cadmium, Barium, formaldehyde, ethylbenzene, hydrocarbons, boric acid

Water Impacts: Water aquifer contamination, excessive water usage – ¼ ½ water well return

Earth quake connections to water:

Water remains in bore site causing water table disturbance leading to earthquakes from 3-5.0

5.7 magnitude earthquake shook the ground near Prague, Oklahoma in 2011, accompanied by 2 other quakes registering magnitudes greater than 5.0.the biggest wells contribute about 85 percent of the pressure changes that can lead to earthquakes.

Air Quality: increases in emissions of methane, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) as well as an increase in greenhouse gas emissions

According to a recent Colorado School of Public Health study, researchers have “calculated higher cancer risks for residents living nearer to the wells as compared to those residing further away.”

What is Glocalization?1980’s Harvard Business Review article written by Japenses economist

describes Japanese phrase stating its meaning as global localization.

Recognizes community linked to global systems

Paul Hawkins “ We can no longer import our lives in the form of food, fuel, and fundamentalism. Life is home grown, always has been. So is culture, and so too are the

solutions to global problems.”

Alternatives To Fracking in line with deep ecology

Hydroelectric power

Wind Power

Solar Power



Hydroelectric Power

Wind Power

Solar Power

Geothermal Power

Biomass Power

Glocal Solutions

Installation increase of solar panels

Expand wind stations and turbine construction- buy energy from wind plants, solar power engery

Locate and harvest Geothermal energy from magma chambers

Create biomass plants for energy processing and energy production to local residents within a area range (addresses methane concentration from farms)

End of Part 1


Meal break: 5:45pm- 6:30pmDinner: pasta with red sauce, salad, & bread

With: coffee and tea station

Part 2 – Rosemary Wessel presents

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