
Post on 30-Mar-2016






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kiefer w. willow may 2012 1706-1790 Best known for: flying a kite in a thunder storm when the lightning hit the key it was zapped and then he invented electricity! I CHOSE THIS PERSON BECAUSE he invented electricity and tried a lot to invent electricity. he did and took him about 2 years. i wanted to learn more about him. Famous Quotation: "hope gain lessons pain." What I find interesting that he helped set a fire department, police department, library and a hospital in philadelphia.


kiefer w.willow




3 Key qualities strong mindperseverancehardship/challenge

What I find interesting that he helped set a fire department, police department, library and a hospital in philadelphia.

I CHOSE THIS PERSON BECAUSE he invented electricity and tried a lot to invent electricity. he did and took him about 2 years. i wanted to learn more about him.

Famous Quotation: "hope gain lessons pain."

Best known for: flying a kite in a thunder storm when the lightning hit the key it was zapped and then he invented electricity!

in 1730 ben overcame many hardships during his trip from boston to philadelphia. hE dECIDED TO rUN AWAY FROM BOSTON because his brother was mean and angry that ben tricked him with the letters with a pretend name. ben sold some his books to buy a ticket on a boat to New York. He couldn't find a job there so he went on another boat to Philadelphia. The Boat Landed on the Coast of New Jersey and Ben Walked across New Jersey without food or money to reach philadelphia.

it might have been sad that he had no money or food. it might be hard to walk that long.

In 1742, Ben showed compassion when he invented the franklin stove that people could use to keep warm in the winter instead of using a dangerous fireplace.

It was good that he helped a lot of people by inventing the stove. That way people were safer and the smoke would go out of the chimney instead of in the house.

in 1776 ben traveled to france to ask to the king to send weapons, food and money to america. it worked! the people in america needed supplies to build hospitals and wanted independence from great britain.

he might have felt nervous because the king could say no but he said yes, america wanted to win the revolution of independence.

in 1757 Ben Franklin wrote laws for the constitution of the united states to outlaw slavery. He took action to try and stop slavery because he thought it was unfair.

I think it was good for ben to help stop slavery and help slaves be free.

An example of Ben's strong mind is when ben was fifteen he wanted to write for his brother's newspaper. His brother said "no" so Ben wrote letters for the newspaper using a pretend name "silence dogood." his brother liked them and printed them.

this shows that ben had a strong mind because when he was fifteen, his stories were really good. he wanted to write and did it even if it meant that he had to trick people.

ben showed perseverance because he tried again and again to understand electricity. he read all about it and finally discovered that electricity and lightning are the same thing. In 1752 he flew a kite in a thunder storm and finally invented electricity.

this showed perseverance because he really wanted to know about electricity so he kept trying. he also invented a metal bar that lightning hits instead of hitting houses and creating fires.

Ben had a big iMpact on the future of AMERICANS because he helped write the declaration of independence which told england that americans didn't want england laws or taxes. americans wanted independence. another document he helped to write was the constitution of the united states which was a plan on how the government would work nowthat americans won freedom from england.

Today no one rules America and no one can tell us what to do. We can make our own laws.

Ben noticed that there were bad fires in philadelphia but no firemen. so he wrote in his newspaper about his idea of creating firehouses and a lot of men wanted to be a firemen. then philadelphia became one of the safest cities in the world.

It was a problem that no firehouses or firemen. He wrote about it in his newspaper so people would want to be firemen.

PERSEVERED WHEN he kept trying to under stand electricity and he finally did about two years later. he invented electricity.

SHOWED COMPASSION WHEN he helped a lot of people by inventing the stove that made people safer.

TOOK ACTION BY making a kite with and flew it in a thunderstorm. lightning stuck the key. ben touched the key. it made a big spark. he learned about electricity. he learned that lightening and electricity are the same thing.

MADE A DIFFERENCE WHEn he invented electricity and we use it every day! almost where ever you look electricity's there.

I'm similar to my change maker because we both use electricity and use it a lot.

My Change maker

is connected to thomas edison

because they both use electricity a lot

and they are both inventors.

Author Talk

I'm a change Maker when I help pick up branches when

they are stuck in trees instead of dropping on the ground and

cracking so you can't use them again.

a picture book of bejamin franklin

benjamin franklin

graphic library: benjamin

franklin an american genius

the amazing life of benjamin


someone who helps the world to make it a better place and helps people and animals but

sometimes it can affect animals and sometimes it doesn't

it tells england to stop ruling us; america can do what we want to do and england can't tell us

what to do; we live here

the laws americans made for themselves

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