fraser coast in view presentation

Post on 17-Mar-2016






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Hervey Bay Regional Gallery exhibition from Kasukabe





A project initiated by

Kasukabe International Friendship Association (KIFA)

and facilitated by

Hervey Bay Regional Gallery

Last year Hervey Bay Regional Gallery’s hosted No No Hanna, an exhibition from Kasukabe by Yaeko Niitsu featuring Japanese textile

works. Following the exhibition, the Kasukabe International Friendship Association expressed interest in hosting a display of photographs in Japan, depicting life and the environment on the Fraser Coast.

Hervey Bay Photography Club and Maryborough Camera Club members were invited to become involved in this project and

submitted photographs for selection. A series of 30 photographic prints were sent to Kasukabe, along with short descriptions and a

message from Fraser Coast Mayor Mick Kruger.

The objectives: To provide the

residents of Kasukabe an

opportunity to gain an appreciation of the Fraser

Coast region’s environment, lifestyle and cultural values.

To strengthen the relationship between sister city communities, Fraser Coast and Kasukabe.

KIFA members were responsible for mounting the photographs, preparing interpretive information, promotion of the display and

installing the works at six different venues in the Kasukabe area.

KIFA members who helped set-up the display, from left, Katsuhiko Hatanaka, Mieko Ichihashi who is KIFA International Exchange Committee

Vice Chairperson, Kimiko Sai, KIFA Secretariate - (both ladies liaised with HBRG in arranging the display), and another KIFA member

1 to 5 November @ Kasukabe City Hall, Entrance Hall

8 to 15 November @ Seifu-kan (Showa Public Community Centre)

17 to 22 November @ Robinsons Department Store

23 to 26 November @ Kasukabe City Hall, Showa Branch

28 November to 5 December @ Kasukabe Board of Education Centre

7 to 12 December @ Chuo Komin-kan (Central Community Centre)

Kasukabe Mayor Mr Ryozo Ishikawa (top) and KIFA President Mr Teruhiko Arai (right) both were delighted to see the photographic display in Kasukabe

Fraser Coast InView on display at some of the different venues

A large crowd gathered at the final venue of the display with the Aldridge State High School

students visit marking the closing of the display.

Sue Buck (above centre) teacher and co-ordinator of the Aldridge school visit to Japan, announced at the closing event that Fraser Coast InView would be donated to KIFA for use in future displays and promotion of the friendship city relationship.

Gifts of thanks from KIFA were sent to the Hervey Bay Photography Club (above) and Maryborough Camera Club members who shared their images with the Kasukabe community.

Right - Fran Cross, Hervey Bay club president with the thank you gifts.

Some of the comments gathered over the 36 days of the display:

Have never been to AU. Hope to visit in future.

It was a rare opportunity to see the photos sent from our sister city.

Enjoyed them.

Love the photos. Next time, hope to see the photos of

Fraser Coast residents and their daily lives.

Thank you for holding the exhibition. Beautiful photos!

It was good to know about Fraser Coast. Would like to visit in future.

Impressed by the horizon seen beyond the sugar cane farm.

Realised how big Australia is. (It’s hard to see the horizon in

Japan as it is small and mountainous)

What a beautiful place! Hope to visit someday.

The End


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