free affiliate payload review

Post on 14-May-2015






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Here is a FREE Affiliate Payload Review


A fool proof way for affiliates to hit the Ultimate payload? Or just another marketing scam? Read this Affiliate Payload review below....

Affiliate Payload Review

"The Man that vowed to stop using the 'Unique Affiliate Marketing METHOD' because it Never Made him Rich

like the Gurus Promised, decides to give Goad's Affiliate Payload a chance. Was it worth it?..."

From the desk of: Coty Schwabe, a fellow Internet Marketer Time: Thursday, 2:34 pm

Re: Should I demand my money back for Affiliate Payload?

Fellow internet marketer,

Before we proceed, please understand...

I had given up on the 'Unique Affiliate Marketing Method'. I hated trying over and over to master this so-called "easy money making technique".

I truly did. Heck, in a few seconds I'm going to give you my exact reason why...

But first, let me state how I ended up in this debacle; how this mess got started...

Just a few short weeks ago, just under a month, I was doing some research for a new product when I came across a new product called Affiliate Payload by Super Affiliate, Alex Goad; creator of the original Players with Money and Google Payload: Both Clickbank Bestsellers.

Now, I had heard of his recent successes but didn't necessarily believe it, so I never bought them. But when I saw this new Affiliate Marketing product I thought to myself, "I guess I could try it." And here I am...

"But why do I loathe Affiliate Marketing so much that I don't usually use it?..."

Well, let me explain. I make most my income online. I know pretty much all of the common money making techniques (heck, even a few unknown ones; you gotta stay on top to be the best..) So any time I get a leak about a new product, I try to learn the secrets before the public so I can get a jump on the game...

But, I have never been a big fan of CPA or Unique Affiliate Marketing- everyone and

Affiliate Payload Method Revealed-Affiliate Payload Review (1 of 7) [8/31/2008 2:04:35 PM]

Affiliate Payload Method Revealed-Affiliate Payload Review

their grandmother swears by affiliate marketing. "It's the easiest way to make money," they claim. Don't get me wrong - I have made money from it, but it never made me rich.

Then, the same man behind PWM, decided to unleash his newest epic, Affiliate Payload; supposedly the product to make anyone a Super Affiliate in no time. As interesting as it seemed, I wasn't totally on the bandwagon...

Of course he was going to make their new product sound good, and of course he mentioned the success of with this method over and over.

So, you can imagine my thoughts when I came across the link for Affiliate Payload. Normally, I wouldn't go into this type of product, but I had heard from a few other fellow marketers suggested it, so I gave it a test run.

When I arrived to Affiliate Payload's site, I was utterly compelled to read each and every word on the aforementioned sales letter, and the product description seemed to boast some interesting features that could prove quite useful. Including the awesome tools included to automate your profits...

But, again, I was still in that indecisive mode...

By now the thought was running through my head, "as great as this item sounds with the great features, decent copy, and its supposed easy money generating techniques, it's probably not worth it..."

And that was it. I trailed off Affiliate Payload's website and continued on with my research my own projects. But as the week went on, I got email after email from subscribers, previous customers and even fellow marketers about how well Alex Goad's new product was working for them. Screw it I thought, I'll try it...

May I say one thing before I continue? The only reason that I went ahead and bought a copy is because I had already tried the rest and had nothing to lose. The next day, I decided to look what I probably wasted my money on.

So, I decided to give it a chance, and make full use of Affiliate Payload... so I sat down for a while to do some serious use and abuse. Since I had it, I figured I was going to try and get all the use I could out of it...

Let me just say this: One evening wasn't nearly enough time...

Was it worth it?.. - read on...

• Is AffPay really the best way to make use of Affiliate Marketing on the net?

• Can it actually work for people trying to make a full time income?

• ...And does really do everything it promises?...

Proceed to discover the truth (2 of 7) [8/31/2008 2:04:35 PM]

Affiliate Payload Method Revealed-Affiliate Payload Review


So what's wrong with Affiliate Payload? There is a lot to it. Many may not know where to start, but once you catch on, there's no

stopping point...

These Stats are 100% Authentic from MY ACCOUNT!

See how much you can make? Here's where I jump in...

• What if I told you I could help...

• Help get you started...

• ...And make twice as much from AffPay as everyone else...

Keep reading to find out how...

Almost a week later I had figured Affiliate Marketing out to a "T." I had mastered every aspect of selling other people's products, using every single Affiliate Payload technique I had learned. Although, there was one thing bothered me...

Read on...


I don't want you to think of me as a liar, so let me go ahead and tell you some of the features of Affiliate Payload. Remember, each one is as good as the next,

almost worthy of its own product...:

1. Easy to Follow blueprint - Learn how to start from scratch in a market and climb to the top in

no time. With his proven step by step diagram, you can't lose!.

2. Make Money from others- Once you master this technique, you'll really be killing the Affiliate Marketing game, because you'll not only learn how to make money from your own content, but from other people's content too!

3. Making Money Without Sites- Learn how you can simply implement these strategies (3 of 7) [8/31/2008 2:04:35 PM]

Affiliate Payload Method Revealed-Affiliate Payload Review

right away without making a complicated website and worrying about complicated HTML, SEO or search engine rankings...

4. No start up fees- This could possibly be the best thing about Affiliate Payload and their Affiliate Marketing techniques. There are ZERO advertising costs, yet have the ability to generate the same amount of traffic as the biggest gurus on the net.

5. Exploiting The Affiliate Loophole- Last and definitely not least (actually quite the contrary) one of the greatest things about AffPay is that you will learn the biggest Loophole in Affiliate Marketing that nets others hundreds a day, thousands a week, millions a year...

As you can already tell, Aff Payload is already devastating. In fact, each of the above features is practically worthy of it's own item in itself.

By finish, I was nearly in shock. But I regrouped, implemented the strategies that I had learned and started my Affiliate Marketing adventure again...

"So here came the final question: Did I make or break with Affiliate Payload? The results are in..."

Simply put;

The results were.... devastating.

While I haven't totally join the bandwagon of Gurus that say that the FREE Click Method is the best way to make money; I will say this: Affiliate Payload showed me everything I was missing from the very start. If it weren't for that one thing, the variable of my money making equation, I never would have the results I'm about to show you.

And what's crazy is that there's something that did still drive me crazy... (more on that in a few seconds)

Three of the Affiliate Marketing projects I had been running starting pulling in double the profit (200% increase), my sites were getting more hits, and I hadn't changed any other factors.

But what if it was fluke? I had to be sure that it wasn't just coincidence. So to know for sure, I set up a brand new campaign, conforming only to Aff Payload techniques. It was pulling in over $350/week. Honestly, I was finally satisfied.

After finally reviewing the facts I have concluded that I have put my hatred for Affiliate Marketing to put rest having finally had success with it. And all it took was some brand new strategies to put me right back on top....

But Affiliate Marketing users shouldn't start the party just yet. Why? Allow me to indulge... (4 of 7) [8/31/2008 2:04:35 PM]

Affiliate Payload Method Revealed-Affiliate Payload Review

My Affiliate Marketing earnings... after AffPay...

How did it happen?...

• I only used a few of AffPay's techniques...

• I figured how to combine techniques to go even further...

• ...And I do it with confidence because I no longer question it...

Let me put any other questions to rest for you...

(All of these screenshots are 100% Authentic from my Account!)

"Most of the people that are about to use Affiliate Payload are going to have questions. There's no doubt about it. But there is an answer... "

Don't forget, it took me almost a week to get into the swing of things. I had to figure everything out myself.

Which is why I'm about to help you get off to a better start than I did. I want to help you be profitable, by sweetening the pot for you...

"It took me some serious consideration, but I came up with a way this will work. I'm going to help guide you and answer any

questions you have, while fortifying all the things contained within Affiliate Payload."

In fact, if you purchase AffPay from the link below, I'm going give you a group of 5 Bonus Packages, worth a RRP of $1K+, FOR FREE.

Don't Believe me? Head over to the Affiliate Payload Bonuses page to check for yourself...

And, just to prove my point, these guides have answered some the most asked questions for beginners better than any other item out there. I personally used it to learn the (5 of 7) [8/31/2008 2:04:35 PM]

Affiliate Payload Method Revealed-Affiliate Payload Review

basics, and then used Affiliate Payload to push my campaigns over the top...

Specifically, while Affiliate Payload teaches each and every one of the most profitable ways to maximize your profits, My Marketing guides will help you setup your Affiliate Marketing projects from start all the way to your layouts. (Then once you start using the Aff Payload techniques, you'll be ready for the profits to start pouring in...).

My Buy One Product, Get 5 Free Bonus Package...

You Get My:

Adwords Marketing Package■

Affiliate Marketer's Package■

List Builder's Package■

Overdrive Revolution Package■

Super Marketer's Package■

Just Added SECRET Bonus...

18 COMPLETE GUIDES of nothing but the best information to get you started...

Learn how I generated $450/wk using little work and some simple strategies provided by these Marketing guides! (RRP $1000! )...

For More Information, Check the Bonus Page to See all of the Bonuses!

What does this mean for you? You'll be able to setup successful campaigns in minutes...

And I'm going to give them to you for free.

But I should warn you: if you plan on trying to make money with Affiliate Marketing either by yourself or with the help of some of those "guru's", be prepared for a long and arduous journey. And if you don't want the help of this free guides that I'm offering to you today, then that's on you.

Just don't say I didn't warn you. (6 of 7) [8/31/2008 2:04:35 PM]

Affiliate Payload Method Revealed-Affiliate Payload Review

Your Super Bonus was Incredible!

Hey Coty,

"Just the other day, I bought Alex Goad's Aff Payload from a link on your site.

I really like affiliate payload, but what made it 10x better was your extra bonus! Your super bonus was incredible! Anything that wasn't covered in AP, got covered with your extra content..."

Well done!

Max Larington, Glendale, CA.

Head Over to the Mega Bonus page RIGHT NOW to grab your copies!Contact Us Home Privacy Policy

Affiliate Payload Review Affiliate Payload Bonuses (7 of 7) [8/31/2008 2:04:35 PM]

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