freedom writers

Post on 04-Nov-2015






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Dear Ms G,Its been a while since we last talked. I was busy with homework for college, but I want to announce that I will come to meet you. I want to write this letter to express my gratitude for what you have done for me and also to remember the wonderful moments spent together. You changed my life and colleagues, you made us face each other and saw that we had the same pain, the same sufferance. Although no one will help, including teachers in our cause, you never gave up. You even have got two jobs for us to take books and other materials.The trip we did to understand what is the holocaust and the books that we have given us to read ourselves.Those people who have talked about the holocaust were victims of a cruel heart, like us, they have lost friends and parents.After that trip each of us started to give up weapons , drugs , to read about gangs and write in journals that you have given our own story.The toast that Ive made for the change that has been unleashed in all of us and when I confessed what has changed in each - all of these broke my heart. You said then: ,,Every voice that told you:You cant! is silenced. I liked it so much when we were united and we raised money together to bring Miep Gies. Marcus stood up and said she was a heroine, but she read our letters and said that we were the heroes. In court, because of what I learned from you and from the Holocaust testimonies I told the truth. After that, my dad never talked to me again and for those of my kind I was dead. But thanks to you I have found the real people of my kind, the ones I never knew they existed, teens like me with fears and hopes, tears and smiles.You did your best to keep us together and to teach us the lesson of our lives. You made us a family and we love it exceedingly!Ive talked with other colleagues and we want to meet in room 203.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all!Love,Eva Benitez

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