fremont journal (fremont, ohio : 1853). (fremont, oh)...

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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' Fuller OF : , , Long C L .

Kciterman jactb , Larriah Samuel ,' ., .

Ferrenburg Join Lary Joha A . . , (

Fowler Isaac I . , .;, fooa Andrew; v,4'isher DuUiff t MeCbrt William- - ' .

Fetterman Solomon .: Mitchell Allen ,' . r

Foitg-b- t Amon. 'i .; , Makram JosephFabingF ... Macon JohnFountain James. Moore J P , , ' ,

Frink Jamea F z , ..: Millon Lilbern. ., .

Fry Andrew , LumanFiaherDeUiff i Myer JosephFclroer Leo i i. Mather Joseph : . ,

Fetterman Georga ; , Mather HenryFricher Godlef i , Miller NaaonFry Henry Munch George j iFailing J W.! Li. i t Michael Phillip ,; vV:Free Matiew , i Morehoqae Linden. !

Fouke C M --

FouchaMaraffin Job ( .,;

John , , , Michael ChFeeny Thomas Michael LewisFisher Joaeph ; Mains HB . . ,

Fucha William . Myer Henry 'Free John ,. , ... Malkmus AugustFarrah LewiaFort

Maxwell August ? tBenjamin ,; ,

McGraw PatrickF laugher John , Moore Andrew jFouke Jamea S Mowrey Joseph .


FrentaelF, McGahn Tatrlxik ...

Frentanl Jacobmr' , Moore James

Fitch M W V, Mnnk Joha,;Fox John ",. .

,' ,. MengS PFouRt Andrew , Millie William ;

?aucha John '. ., ..... McNary James , '.

Fnrasoo CharW , McConnell John..Fisher 0 W Morrison EB

David-FiUmorri- McUt HenrvFateinger li ' ''Tbomaa ; Miller Daniel .

CSigot Frederick Montgomery Charles.'

liroatJWv Mills Jamea '

Oola Max Miller Benjamin DOibhe Luther Mier Henry t

'rant Darid ,i ,. Miller GeorgetJessner Lewia .. McGraw Edward(iottron Hermon .; . McNary DennisCianrin Jacob ( Moore James jr'arvin Samuel '. Moon Charles

Ocndxert Michael Millia Wm A ;.


Oriffin Frank ... .,. ., Mathews JohnGraw Henry McArdleJH . VGilbert Henry . McCorroick Patrick V

- Gallagher AFr McCulloch C R ,

Greene J L jr , Marshall WilliamCiores Paul - '. '

,t Miller JohnJallagher Frank .',: Miller A H :"

Gallagher Harvey r Mulcahy JohnGillcttEO Mullen Patrick(irigwirw Feter ,, Meacham J WGiun F M Meacham O SGrant Joseph .

'i. McNemarrah James

Gust Geo .Michael Edward

Gardner SC. . .". NeibCh

Glauche GoUeib, Norton Willard IGigot John . , , Nolf George .,Griffin J D . .. Newman JohuGloyd John F .

Nagel Jacob"

Geible Jacob i ., Nelson JohnGmbee Henry Nash DennisGreiner George , Nolf PeterGust Samuel . .

Newcomer StephenfGrotts John Noggle Daniel

GroflF Charlea F .... Noggle ThomasCusdorf A ,

Nahra George4'"

Garvin David , Vilim Anthonvtireen William L 0"termire JacobGramling Enoch t )chs BerthortGurney FN O' Conner BryanGriffin Morris .

Overmire GeorgeGlower Ch .... ) verm ire David AGrass Jacob ....... Orr JosephGeible Simon Oswald HenryGeter Peter V Otto Davilfoible Frank !)ppenbeimer Saram-- l

llaldermaa George Ohlineer Aaron

Howard Horace Olmsted JohnHarrison Hurry, Ochs CharlesMoman Henry Oppcrman William '

Kennel Daniel Ochs Ambrose ,:

Heller II F . Oberst Michael- , Hetter Joha ! ... O'Niel Michael

Hatfield Lewia . O'Niel JerryHerl Jamea i

Overmire Benjamin JHall Lorenzo Ochs Henry


Hall John lOrfet AlexanderHerleyJohn ;

.Pugsley Silas

'Hamglain Thomas .

Pursell RobertHall A R .. I'oss PHaynes Nat ... ... Parrish J ,


Higgins David . i , Poonuan JohnHime A Poorman Barney

'Herberger John Price James LHuber George W , Pope NathanHocke Daniel Powell AugustHodes Andrew Pappah John "

Hauber Mathian . Payne JosephHallWilber : Price WW .


Hunuinper Henry, fPierce TL

HallWW, . .... - Peter WilliamHine Harrison Pittman JohnHalderman John Phelps Chester

'Hurt Michael ... Powlen MichaelHarris John . Pero John '" !

Held George J Ouill Jerry ""Horlacher Jacob . Quinn MerntHufford Eli 4uig Francis '

Henson John . ... . (iuilter Timothy'"

Henry Peter Quilter DanielHawkins TL . Rensler MartinHedrick.Fred Remmell Joseph '

Hineline Jacob( Ryan James ;

Horn Joseph . . tKoyee Simeon

Hefliinger Fred KearicK J bHans Lucas ' Rectenwalt JnoHoman George Rich VictorHeberling Isaac '' Riorden ThosHorn John Riorden Timothy

; Hauser Joseph ." Reiser John

" Hit Henry ' ' 1 ' (. Rumpff C G'HausemanFred RearickCL

HufTord Perry -. Roberta OA

Hoot A Remy FHime FrancisJ Rinecker F J '

Hollinper Frederick Roeebaugh J C

Hess Jacob Rees Thos G

' Hyatt John VT ' Rice Wm A - --

RyanHufford William JohnHafford EF Rawson J L ' ' '

Hnnt Thomas' (tawson ME ;

Henery August ' Rensler John , .

Reed EmanuelHensel Adaro '

Harris A J Reed Wm ''

Hale A J Rice Thos '

Heblinger Fritz. Rikerd John '

Hobucker Jacob Raferty FelixHolbison John --

HaynesRice Kobt jr -

Jacob Rineck AnthonyHendery Gnstun Rineck DanielHalter I M Riser FredHall Penfaiuitl J Rise Chas '

; " Raymond GeorgeH iett George " Rhodes DanielHorn Charles-Hallemye- r RearickWmE:

Merchant Rockwell Sam "

' Heffner T F Ransauer MichlHfffner J R . Rearirk Jno EHoward Lawsorr Russell JamesHurdick William Rumbaugh J


ImlerH W Rice Jno-- " 1

June Daniel L Rosenberger Jas '

Johnson W R Roller J L '

JenktfWT " Ravels A"'- - ' " 'Joseph Ch .. Sigfried TilghmanJoseph John J ; Striker ChasJoHeph Isaac .' . , Shell IsaacJackinan W.M' ' Smith EmaunelJowephJohn " Smith AW' '

Johnson Edward Smith AOJoseph Frederick ServisThos.Tune David ' ' Standish Chas W

K.orce Jacob Smith Joshua '

KLing George W --'. S tiger Chn '

I Kelly Sylvanus Schiller A BKoler John Smith Henry C

Slaughter- Kessler Noah Henry '' Raiser William Segraft Chas

Keen Michael ' ' Switzgable BKeefe Frank ' Slier Andrew

"Kuhn Samuel ' Shell Milton 'Kessler Frank Smith Levi ' J

Kiser William Snering S '

King Philip ', Smith DomineckKing Jacob StClairMW'Kellwl Joseph ; ; ShifferH AKeenan Mike' "' Smith Jas

SchwartzKessler George Samnel ' '

Kessler Peter - Smith Wm I ' '

Krotzer Peter K ' Shoemaker BryanKing EB Smith MAKoon Frank ' IStierwalt Nathan "'

KrebsDW iStine Jonathan .

Kuntz John F ; Seaman Benj DKeller William Slater JohnKesty Andrew jSteward JohnKeller Henry Spohn LeviKeefe James Speaker Jno GKecfe rhUip Spicer Li vKrelw CJeorge J Smith John D

Knerr Paul Slagle ChasKeller Henry ' Slagle JohnKuna Samnel SchmitoeorKunsD K Snyder JacKennclly John Slatell JnoKessler John Shell JohnKenyon Henry Swinehart AndrewKeefcr I M Stellar Joseph "

King Alex ' Smith JasperKuntz John Scran ton James AKecfe Frank sen Strausbaugh JosephIiucas Robert Sweely Benedict

. Lesher Henry Schoch DavidLeppelman L Smith Ezekiel '

Loveland James Sigfried ALeppelman E J jr Stierwald Moses

, Lockwood W H Shreffler HenryLynch John jr SbreffierJno

. Leschum Jacob jshivelyHjrLeonter George iSwabChaaIee David Skinner J doLeeEdA Shippy Andrew"Lye Ch Stefler OrlandoLutting John J StuberChnLong Joseph jShuman GeoLieber Georpe StirewaltJLewis John W iShanaaan FrankLong Jacob J jShanahan WmLattish Daniel . .Stack JohnLischy Jacob StinePhUipLudwigJK' Shrefferstine ALong AH' Slate J GLongDM Sargent EHLane DP I Thaller JnoLytic Isaac J3chd Mich


Lynch Owen Thompson Joseph ELeschert Andrew Treat John r"Shuman Chester Tyler CB I

Scanlin John Tier Geo W : ;

Smith Florin Vaudercook WeJey ?

8 homo H R Voght Henrv ' 'Steel G W Van Doren J B

'Seakle Ant bun Veast Lewis i .n.Sargent Stephen Veast JohnSwoop Chn Vensinger JohnSend Apher . ' Veast ChasSmith Simon Valine J S

Skinner N G 1 ' Vance David 'Spencer Dan Wright ThomasStine Joseph Wright Thomas V

Seward Casper Wagoner TheoStiber Jno White Wm RShade Geo Weiker PhilipBennett Coonrad Walters AlexanderShade Adam '." Wilson SilasShreffler John " Wivel Michael '' "'Springer O H.'!' '' Wolf Josiah R 'Snyder Fred Wolf Jackson '

Stuber Jos Winter BOShrader Wm Warner Daniel ''Slick David "' ' l: WinslowH " ?

StayerChn' ' - " Walters Edward '

Schmittus Peter WardL WSinglebach Adam ' Walden JasSmith Jno Wagoner Jacob .

Stair John ' Wagoner Moses ' 'Staley B Wentlin Frank ' ;

Stacy H ' 1 Wensinger JohnSbawHM Wheeler Edward J

Stine Wm Waggoner Jonathan J

Sherrard W J ' Weiker PeterWilliamsonShanahan Bat''"'M! Geo '

Smith Wm ' WonderlyFredSmith Philander' Walters Frank- - '

Stoner Richard ;

TaylorWoodworth Sid --

WoodworthWm H TrumanTuckerman Asa ' WillmerFTucker Douglas. Willi J L '

Thirwechter M D Welch JasThomas Martin White Wm B ' :

Taylor Grand ville Wilson Amos ;

Thomas Joseph , WoollardGC 1

Taylor Chas Vounkman Wash' tonTschumyC W ' Younkman David

' 'Tyler (4eo Veager PeterTyler J W ' Zorn JacobThompson Jno Zimmerman H J "Thompson Chan Zimmerman JohnTobin Richard Zimmerman PhilipTitus Clark eigier uenryTaylor Sylvester Zimmerman A 'Taylor SB Zeager JohnToole Peter Zigler Martin "' :'Tucker N R -


Andrew Sylvester Kiser JacobAndries Joseph L King SolomonAnderson Harrison Krugh SimonDower John 0 Keenan Peter .

Baker Geo Kemmerly John.Baker Henry , King JasperBowers Joseph .. King JacksonBoor wmu ,, KohlPhUipBoor Fraucia KingWmBaughman Jacob Keenan TJ ,.Brown Lawrence Lease JFBrown Barnet Lease ThomasBeaver Frederick Loos IsraelBruner Martin Lemon DavidBruncr Abraham Ludwig HenryBruner Isaac Long DavidBeckman Nicholas Lee WmBrabaker John . LeaseOtboBeckman Henry Maurer PhilipBreneman Wm Mowrey AH.BixlerCairy G Myers Samuel .

Chirrs Jacob Mowrey LeviClubb Jtred Mowrey Geo I ;

CummingsJobn Mooroy AdamCunitnings Jeremiah Miller Peter . . ,

Clinger John H Mangle JohnIVaubMicbael Myers Barney .

Doll Samuel , McDonald Jackson , .Doll John Moomy GeoDoll Daniel . Miller Wm SEldridge T J i Miller Peter Tt'arver Peter ; Mauk JcrFry Henry . : Moulden J NFabing John 'Mitchell Wm ,

Fooe Anthony Miller JohnFoosCaspar ... iMowrey SamuelFoos Joseph iMowery Jacob ,

Fisher Geo W i . iNewberger JosephFlora Joseph ; jOtney JosephFeasel John lOverraire HughFickes Richard Oswalt Ienry ...

Geesenun Peter . . O'Brien John ... ;

Garn Edmond Overmire Joel ; j

Garn Titus Overmire John I iGreen Levj ; Overmire Benjamin FGreen OB Rhinebold John; fGarn John I jr Roberts SamuelGarn John 1 , Roberta JohuGephart Valentine , , Remsburg N HGephart Joeiah Rhinehart Theodore .

Garn George I ...... Rafferty PeterHumtuell EmanuelHollinger

Rhinebold Solomon ,

Michael Ritzman AugustHeatonLF . Shale JacobHarley David Shale ValentiueHuffman Daniel , Stine A DHodgson Hazeltou Stultz Isaac : .

Hawk Joseph Stackbouse BeujatuiuHummell Ch Suites WmHeetsel Peter I Spohn Daniel

'Huffman Mirani Swickard Daniel .

Hammer Joseph Smith SMHite Thomas Stiger DavidHite Thomas A Sigler JacobHite Isaac M , Singlebaugh JohnHoke John Shawl CeoWHull Lucien Smith Wm JHuffman Geo . Strawman JohnHuffman Henry Teppe MichaelHavens Hugh Vandrsoll Jacob jrHavens W J V andersoll W roHartsel Daniel Vandersoll IsaiahHill Abram Vanwaggoner Miller .

Harley Daniel Vorheis AndrewHill I) K Vorheis OliverHollinger Jacob ... Voorheis John M 'Hammer Geo M Vandersoll IsaaoIckesHW Walter HenryIckes JosH Walter Peter

John . Warner SamuelIckes Levi Winters FrancisIoksJestin Warner Daniel ,


Inks John Wise CyrusInks Jesse Warner SolomonJackman Wm Woodruff LeonardKeenan Geo Wire FKisseberth Johu , Wolfe Levi ...

Kiser AnthonyKiser

Wbitmore AndrewJoseph Wilhelm Lewis

Kiser Stephen Wilhelm JKelleyJobn Wilhelm BKelley James Williamson EdwardKlotz Martin Wibel James

, .

Klotz David . Wise John .

Klotz Phillip Young FloraKuffler Casper Young C


Ansted Adam Hartman JacobAvers Fred HaarJohnAnsted Johu . .. Hotm.m JohnAvers John Henrick JohuAvers Lewis Hess ConradAuxterWm Hubert JohnAndrews John Henricks JonahUowersux Jacob Hartgrove JamesBewersox Simon Haar LewisBoyerAmos Himelberger MosesBower Andy Heberling F RBeeker Aaron Hess PeterBowersox Emanuel Hoselbaugh Philip ,

Baker Frederick Hetrick PeterBrinkman G H Hetrick Samuel ,

Buchman George Huraberger SolomonBannl! Henry Heberling Solomon SBrocksiger Henry Harr Samuel .

Baumer Harrison v Hufford Thomas ,HilgeuickBox Joshua Wm

Bover John . , HullingcrW J'

Beck John O , Henricks ZachariaaBerger Joseph . , Hess Adam . yBalsigerjohn Harming Tilgtnaii .

BirketJohn Hootnian Harman '

Bowman John ' Haar SamuelBoyer Samuel ' Isenhoot Geo -

Birket Solomon Isenhoot Henry i

Boyer Wm ' Imes JasperBirket Wm Ickes Adam H '

Bomgardner Wm June Geo '

Birket John Rilgus FredBoyer Daniel Kromb JacobCrotzer Aaron KinkerJohnCrotzer David Koop JohnCline Daniel KirshJohnCookson Joseph Kizer John '

Doucan Anderson King JosephDrum Adam ivunii tionoDasbem Aaron Kirsh PhilipDitz Henry Kiser PeterDrumhelk--r Joseph King SamnelDrum Jacob Kizer Thomas '

DashemJoel Kopp UlrichDashem Levi Kizer LeviDadley Oliver liay EliasDornmver Solomon Langman HarmanEversole Jacob Loose Jerome LEngler Jonas r Linker JohnEversole Noah Lay JohnFought Amos Lants JohnFought BP Lantz Simon 'Fisher GoUieb ' Laroale WmFinkbiner Jacob Lovebery JonathanFox James 5faurer AaronFernberg James --

FloryMoll Chas

John Maurer ConradFoster Noah Maurer Emanuel '

Fisher Peter B Mellman Fred jrFought Samuel Maurer GeoFought Simou Minch Geo AFisher Wm F ;

' Maurer HarrisonFought Wm Manahan IraPisher 8 B Myer JohnGam Dan i l Myer John HGeeeemaii D Maurer John B

Grant Geo Maurer JesseGallach HenryGtillmcrJobn

Munch JacobMiller Jacob

Gneiser John Moomy JacobGeorge King Mapes JosephGossman J jpbolas Myers LewisHaleman August --

HorningMaurdr Samuel

Adam Mills TillmanJiartmso Hepry Mijlioui VanttRf

Heine roan Henry Shivcly Johu'Hess Jacob, v

'- -. .Snyder Jacob. .

Hansber(r Jacob Stultz Jacol)'tMinch Peteri" Sbaueielt, Jacob 'i1'eiaet Andrew iSholtz Jacob'Nose Frederick Solman Lewis "XYnpeeenry- - V Smith L " -

Neweomar Jshji ISuyder Mosea 'sNatchtrieb Jacob Sumer iColandusNape Jacob Snyder NoahNomeny John Smith NelsonNape Peter .... ; Strauch PhilipObermyer Amos' ! Saam PhilipObermyer Aaaron Speildener PObermyer Edward Smith RussetsObermyer Geo ISbively SolomonObermyer Henry H Stierwalt SamuelObermyer JsaiahJ - --

ObermyerStrohl Wallace

John... Stultz WmObermyer Michaef Shanefelt WmObermyer Philip A Skinner Geo W? ; .

Obermyer Philip H , Sigendaller Francis'""'Obermyer Solomon .

Stultz PhilipObermyer Wm Tebbe Frederick

Tebbe John ,; 'Obermyer BarnhartOvermyer John Th'ierwechter S S '

Overmyer Henry G TebbeWni ' ('Overmyer Solomon sr" Upp HenryOrendorf Mathias " " Utney Heury' ; ' " ''PaulCh , Upp Aaron ' '

Paulson Ch Ungert Joel ;'

Phillips OE Y'l Udd JohnOuinnGeo r. '; Ulch Moses : '

lloosh Andy ,' Ursh Schneider ' '

Reed Daniel .,"' ' " Voss John'

RearickGeo '. Walby Bastean',

Raths Henry ,t Walters Emanuel '

Reed John .' Witmer Frederick

Rickel Joseph , Weiker Geof

i : ;

Rafferty Michael ' ' ' Wetgen Henry ,

' '

Reed PS Walters John ". "'Ritter Samuel ' Walters Joshua

RoUWm Waggoner JosephRacket Wm ' Walters WalterStiffler Aarou Wengert Jesse ' '


Snyder Chas '. ".! "" Winters Mathias '

SlemroerCfc ,: Waggoner Samuel sr '

Shanefclt Cosmer Waggoner Samuel jr '

SwartzCh Whitman S 8"Strawman Daniel

M Webster WmStultz Daniel Walberne IsraelStabling Frederick Walby JosephStine Frederick Yeakel Heury.Stultz Geo ; ,' Jfiorn LewisStaretGeo ' Zorn WmShriner Hiram .' Zachariaa U ' " !

Snell Philip Zorn P H .


Angus Henry '. Kiser JosephAlexander Henry Klotz JnoHove George Keller AndrewBowser Frederick Liehman LeodegarBarnes James W Long James '

Barnes John Long 88BeatyHK Lichty Jnou : u- -

I lllt I T 111 Layman WmBrownell Elias lllanning WilburnBaker Jacob , . Manning WesleyBenton A E "' Mitchel ErwinBaker BD . Metzgar MillerBove Jacob. MetzgarjobnBove Michael i Myers SamuelBonawitz Jonathan Metzgar AaronBonawitz Johu " Miller PSBrown Valentine Miller J GBaker Jacob , Myers Garman ... .

Betts Jno F Mathias Daniel , .

CaryChaeH Martin Samuel '.Cook JnoL " Miller. Adam . ... i

Cook Wm D McDauielsCHCook A B . . ; Orwig JnoH . . ;jConley Michl .. Phillips Sylvester ;

ConleyThos nnllips HenryCookson J S Parker Nathan .

Cook Joshua ' - Poorman Wm W ;

Deer Joseph Plants JohnPlautzDick Jno P Peter ;

Dunn Wm K --

DolwicPlantz Samuel .

Alex Peach RichardDunlap Thos Ilusch Geo .

Day Stephen F : Ross Jno .. ;

Donnell Jas ' Itaphe JnoF ; , ...Downs Stephen Roush DanielEarl David Riley Simon :

Earl Elijah; . Rumple DanielEarl SamuelEarl

Kuckle UavidDaniel Roush Michael .

Eberhart Fred Roush John jr ...EarlPhiUp Robbins DavidEvans Joseph Rhiel JacobEvans Everet Richardson C G . .

- .''

Entsminger Wm : Ruckle FrancisErazier Jas S Rinecker GeoFickes Jacob . Smith Leonard . v

Foreider Jno C Smith HE ;

Fry Jacob . Stahl MichaelFrazier Franklin Strouse Wm . (

FarrellJasO Smith Chas .,

Forest Lorain , StClau- - PeterFuller Wm H .' Sprout Masion , ,

Graves Wm , SproiitJohn ..

Graham Eiura . . Seltzer NathanielGamby Benj

'., Sheasly Soloman

Greising Jacob bebatenberger Peter(jossard Kufus Smead SumnerGossard Win H H ShellEliaa " ; ; ;

Green A W , ; Snyder. HarveyGraver Geo Strohl Albert :

Garn John r Smith JamesGarn Jacob . Tinney Jackson ,

Hughes Jno ...... Tinney ECHoffman Oliver Tinney DSHathaway G D . Thorn AMHarley Samuel Taylor A BHarley Isaac . , WincnejJ StephenHuff Elisha " w incneii L uHummell Jno . Woodruff Edward :

Huff Jackson . WyantRKInnian James Willman Joseph VImler A H Zimmerman GeorgeJennings Joseph '

- Zimmerman PhilipKiser Peter !


Aldridge Edwin Jacobson Jacob jrDurket Abram ' Iteiser DanielBowser Geo Keiser ReubenBrubaker Homer KingJCBlauser Henry ' Kelley LeviBlanck Peter ' Kelley ChasBlanck Amos Linker Henry -

Blanck Abram ' '' Ladd Amos .Bowlus Wm Lantz HeuryBaughman Samuel ' Myers IsaacBeaker Fred ' Miller Geo W : '


Bell ST ' ': Myers Lewis '

Bray Thomas Miller Wm -.

Biddle J 8 Miller Abram '

Cunningham Henry MUlerGeo rCraig t m Moses JohnCampbell James Michael JohnCampbell Wm JVaUor Wm PCrout H M Oberst John - !

Callihan Wm B Oberst Conrad '

Cunningham Wm . Peck MM.Cunningham James Parker Win,Campbell Geo Peoples JohnCampbell liobert Peterson Thos HDrifunire Henry . Ream WmDegroR Matthew .. Ream JonathauDowns Daniel , Smith IsaacDean John E . Smith Daniel jrDonalds John L Smith ER '

E pier Benjamin r. Smith LFEntehouae Casper ; Smith Jess "

Eaton John Smith EmanuelFreebrook Ch . Schell lHsdoreFickes SolomonFlorence

Sampsell .JacobRobert j bnoup Adam

Friar Harvey.. . - Sampsell Jacob'

Garns John Strausemyer .CasperGarna Elijah SutersTJGraham Isaac , , Smith PC " '

Garns Adam , ; , Smith JC --

SmithGarna Peter ; f Adam ;

Garns Tobias. . Sentz Henrv. '

Garns Andrew . . Sboemau Chas .,


Garns Milton Taylor Geo WGarns Daniel . Tayler BenjamiuGarns Joseph I , Taylor J BHenline John Thomas HubbardHenline David . Thompson Wm t .

Henline Tobias :

HuntUager Isaac

John Vauhorn HenryHurlbnrt W W Vanhorn AaronHill H H Vannans Dennis BHolcomb E T Waster GeoHolcomb J W .. , Whitney E FHoff Abram , Whitney E AHoff Samuel WhitixAWHutchinson J M .' WichmanJFImel Solomou , Weaver JosephIckes Henry Wight NRIckes Geo W Yeasting J FJones Benjamiu Y easting Jacob ' '

Jones MT - ,


Albert Geo . Degroft JohnAdler Leonard Dunham Davis jr '

Boose Jas W Emch JohnBricker Jacob Emch Benedict '

Beal Chas ' Emch Garret '

BrnnerCbas Emch JohnBattey Wm " j ' Emch NicholasBlausey HH Emch FrederickBartleheini Ch ' Egley HenryBidkerWm F - ' Egley PeterBarkhow John Fleckinger JohnBarkbow Henry Fraxy Henry .

Coerman Chas rork HenryBartleheira Rudolf Fingerhute JohuBorcherding Henry Geyer HenryBrinkroeir Henry Gerkin HeqryBrinkmier Henry jr Gervin FredBlausey HF Gervin WmBuerman Chas Gillespie Francis 'Brunee Henry Iluddlebrink J HBrunceWm Huddlebrink Geo

HuddlebrinkBasey Lewis LewisBasey John F Huddlebrink H LBaldwin Eben Huddlebrink F ABlausey Frederick Henricks WmHBaldwin T J Hubler ChBodett Frank Herman Henry .

Baker Harman - ' rmietHBiuniker August Hen nix man J M

Camper Chas Huddlebrink WmCamper Wra Huddlebrink Heury

LP' Harmyer John FClink Jacob ; Harmyer HarmanClink Chas HovtClta ' '

Camper Frederick Johnson B Hfronewett Chas Jaeger Fredwick

Kueinm Adam Philips RKlausiug Harnian Peters Henry ' yKlauaing John F Plumb WilberKerbel Conrad Prior Adam "Kinating Simon II Itearick John HKupp John Kiffer (4eo I

Kupp Andrew Rolixninn H WKahler HeBry liancamp Henry : .'Kahler Lawrence Rundell Calvin '

Krotzer IraW Sjlamsen LewisKrotzer Isaac W Scbulte FrederickKapp John Sandwich H SKiel Wm Schubert ChasKroetz Peter --

KruseSchubert August

Garret "Shipman OF .

Kruse Harman; Stine H H ;;

Kasewan Henry . Sandwich John 'Iiibba Fredrick. Sandwich HarraauLinker Lewis Schroder Geo ,laDgermBn Henry . Stabler ChasLogerinan Frederick Staen Heury.Myers Johiv - 5 Sclirader Wni i )Myerholts Win " Slink Ch 'MyerholtsGeo Shnke WmMichael Garret Shoemaker Henry 'Maenert Lewis . r - Shoemaker Henry C.Molkenbtir C H j, Schrader Henry t.Meyer John F K Schrader t redenckMontler Hsnry v Smith Seaman

SolmanMyers Ernst H LewisMoore Samuel Schafer LeonardMontler J F . .... Spada HarmanMesser John ' Sim HarmanMiller Frederick Tille HenryMiller Dederic Taulker Heury ',,Myers John S TruaxJHIViehaus John" Trnax Jolm '

Nichols J C Ungcrer GeoNuhfer Anthony Weber P B --

WilkrfNieman Henry FrelcrickNavey Joseph - , Walters LewisNoggle A J Walters PeterNeighousmire John --

08bornWiengert Ch

Henry '. Yeasting r redenckRICE TOWNSHIP.

Arts John Halderman JohnHenry Halderman Edwaul

Anspach Allen Kaesner CharlesAnspach John Kingfield LeonardAlexander Keiser Frederick

Win Korb JacobBrost Jacob ; Kromp Win RBoyer EmanuelBillau

Krilick AaronJacob Krilick Daniel

Bowersox Edmond Krilick EliasCehuer Soloman Ijattimore (JeorgcCuisinow Gabriel ' Longabaugh M

Cavallier Edmond Longabaugh JohnDyonH Lambert JosephDyon John Lamalee PhilipDeihl Geo Lapoint HenryDruckinillcr John lay CharlDruckniiller Joseph Mafert GotleibDarr Peter Merka FrederickIX-ma-s Geo Manger JhcoIlVnias Peter Miller IsiiacEngler Henry Miller SainueKngler Jacob Miller WmEngler Frederick Miller MasonEasnian Henry Vichols FrederickEisenhour Alfred Overmire JohnFallcr Jacob Overmire DavidFrey Charles Ohlinger FranklinForguson U Ohlinger GeoForguson Grant Pcttee PaulGressman Philip Reineck LewisGilson H ReineckJohnGilson Levi Reineck AmbroseGunyer Gregory Ileed SamuelGlasser Simon Slaughter JGnepper Arnt Sigenthaller HonryGnepper Aurael Stokes JacobGhan Conrad Sherf GustavusGonaricn Jacob Smith JosephGitws Martin Smith JacobGross Hugo Stull GeoGross John Tucker HllGreesman George Tuckerman EzraHorn A Underbill EHHaltendyer Casper Wacgoner StephenHineline H E Waggoner BarleyHetrick Jacob Waggoner NicholasHenry Frederick Waggoner JosephHineline Theo ; Whiteman DanielHetrick Jesse Wolf MichaelHetrick John : Wright DavidHetrick Wm Willey Alexander - '

Hetrick Peter Yeagle JamesHetrick Daniel Younker JacobHineline Charles P Younker John A

Harrison ThaddeusThe following information is published for

the Iene6t of all persons concerned:1 he "act to organize ana discipline tue mil

itia of Ohio," passed March 31st, 1864, providesfor an enrollment of all white male citizens res-

idents of this State being eighteen years of age,and under the age of forty-liv- e years, in the militia, and that they shall jteriorm military dutyin accordance with the laws of the State and theUnited States. , '

Certain persons are exempted from enrollment in the militia, sh follows: i

1st. All persons in the army or navy, otvolunteer forces of the United Slates. i

Sd. Persons who have Ihsch or hereafternnv Iia liiiiw,i'iilil v rliw..hurfrMd from the arillV or

J J o J .navy of the United States, in consequence of theperformance of military duty for one year, j

3d. Commissioned officers serving underthis act, who shall have served as such in ' themilitia of this State for the space ornve years;but no officer shall be so exempted, unless byhis resignation after such term of service dulyaccepted, or in some other lawful manner heshall have been honorlily discharged, i :

'4th. hvery musician and private of every uniformed companyraised, or hereafter to be raised, since May 1st,1863. uniformed according to the provisions otanv law of this State, and who shall have per'formed services in such company or troop lorthe space of five years from the time or his em

rollment therein, shall be exempt from militaryduty, except in cases ol war, insurrection or m--vawinn

5th. Every person phvsically disabled may beexempted from military dut y, if he files with fliecountry auditor, on or before August I5th, ofevery year, a statement ol a reputable physicianor surgeon, certifying that such person is unfitfor military duty by reason ot such physical disa-bility or bodily iufirmity, which shall be described in said statement. This (statement must beverified by affidavit of said physician or surgeon,If any person shall knowingly or wilfully makea false affidavit in this matter, lie snail oe adeemed puiltv of perjury.. In examination under mis class oi exemptionstouching a person e physical ability to performmilitary duty, the same rigid examination as isrequired under U. S. Army Keguiauons lor sol-diers in the general service, must not bo made..The question of physical disability comprehendsonly the ability of the person to perform the or-

dinary military duty required under the Statelaws. !

This clause must not be so construed as, toallow county auditors, on the affidavit ofa phys- -

ican, to exempt Irom military duty, any mem-

ber of the National Guards. All such exemptions are null and void, and will not protect theperson claiming exemption under them fromprosecution for refusal to obey the orders of hiscommanding omcei.

7th. All persons absolutely exinpted fromenrollment iu the militia by the laws of the United States.

This class of exemptions has given rise tonumber of inquiries as to what jiersons are ex-

empt under the laws of the United States. Allexemptions from military duty under the lawsof the United States prior to March 3d, 1863,were set aside, and the Act of Congress knownas the ''Conscription Law,"- - passed March 3d,186., provided lora ditterent classol exemptions.,Under the provisions of the amended "Conscrip-tion Law,'1 still further changes wereVuade in theclasses exempt from duty. Section ten of theAct of Congress, assed F'ebruary 24, 1864 beingthe act amennaiory oi me ii",nrovides:

"That, the following person be, and they arehereby exempted from enrollment and draftunder the provisions of this act, and of the act towhich this is an amendment, to wit: Such asare rejected as physically or mentally unfit forservice, all persons actually in the military ornaval service of the United States at the time ofthe draft, and all persons who have served mthe military or naval service two years duringthe present war and been honcrabiy aiscnargeutherefrom; and noperton but tot as are hereintxempted, shall be exempted.

A person who has been drafted, and hasbeen released on payment of three hundred dol-

lars commutation, is not thereby exempt fromthe operation ofany further draft, and . will not,therefore, be exempted from enrollment and thepayment of commutation under the law of theState. A person however, who has been drafted,and has been released by reason of having furnished a substitute, provided said substitute isnot subject to draft, is exempted during the pe-

riod for which substitute is not liable to draft,but not exceeding the time for which substitutehas been accepted. Such persons will, there-fore, be exempt from enrollment, and the pay-

ment of commutation under the laws of the Stateduring the period for which he is exempt frommilitary duty under the laws of the UnitedStates; provided the substitute so furnishedshall not be liable to perform military duty un-

der the laws of the State. '

No provision is made for the correction ofthe enrollment by county auditors by adding to

it the names of such persons as may have arrivedat the age of eighteen years subsequent to theannual enrollment by the assessors. This canonly be done at the annual enrollment next suc-

ceeding, and in the manner prescribed by law.

Persons exempted under the provisions ofthe laws of the State, or of the United States,who shall voluntarily enrol themselves in anycompany of HjTaUonaT Guard, will be consideredas waving their rights toexemption under thoselaws, and can only be released from militaryduty therein by the Governor of the state,

B. R. COWEN,Adjutant General, Ohio.

All persons who are subject to military dutyunder the provisions of the Militia law of this

State, and who are not. members of some mili-tary organization authorised .by law, must ei-

ther become members of some volunteer company, or pay into the County-Treasur- on orbefore thelothday of August, 1864, the sura offour dollars, which sum shall exempt them fromperforming military service for one year. Ex-emption certificates will not be issued after thatdate. Citizens are hereby requested .to reportto me such not. herewith

OSCAR BALL.Auditor Co.

Fremont, July 25th, 1864.

Unionism in North Carolina.1

1 Matters nre far Iroui satisfatdry to the reb-els in the "Old North State,"-a- n shown bythe following extract from a letter.-writte- n

by Brig. Gen. Holmes to a brother officer inEwell'8 Corps, and ibtjnd by out sold iers atSilverSpriBgsl: f : ; ! I

Gov. Vance speaks in Morgantown nextTuesday. I think he will be elected Governor. If Hoklen could b6 elected he wouldbriny another war on its.' We would thenhave to hsht not only. 4lie 1 ankees, whothreaten us on every side, but domestictraitors, who are only awaiting the signalto rise in open revolt against the Confederate Government.' Gov. Vance has not backlone enough, and were it not for the freeuse of the military simr in his sides, the Stateof North Carolina would long ago ftave goneover to tit Yankees by default. I amashamed to own it, but the majority of theWorth Carolinians not in the army are traitors to our cause.

t 'i r. a

LETTERS remaining unclaimed in theat KremoDt, State of Ohio, on th 88th

ilny ol July, 1864.

A udf rscin Mwrj M Mm ; Keeler Franeii MissBuyer Elizabeth Mm KfaerSoloma Mm

Buchman (iefirge King Elizabeth MianBard Amand M 2 Lane Joseph M 2Beler Ieo s, r. . Lindsay Jane J MisaBinckFliiUip Layer Margret V s

Brown J :Mowery Isabel I

Billmyi Andrew Mire A('ookfton Mary Mis Miller John 'UrncKermilter Julia McHutchena Mr

Dibert John ; . Meehel A Mra ;

EMridgc Nanny Mm Miller Daniel.anter Jnbn h . Miller John Peter

('.His Jamea S Potter J MmFickea Rosanah Mr retton E K Cart

Filran Pens J Mias... .8 Rasaell Lydis MrsFink Cant kel J A

Grant John Sherman Mary Mra... .2Grorer Eunice MiM Shumacher MartinGrant Statira A Mm Schultz Amelia Miss

IIar.en or Hogen Joxepb Swarthout Norton H

Hia I'eter Shoup Haiti MmHoffman Mary Mm Ktilller Mary R MrsHaven Ann M Hn Shell Milton MmHill Kmeretta Misa Shively SHenlu Wm Snyder Jamea

JoReph F'red Smith MichaelJacnn laanore Wbitaell l.ydi A Mian

King Mary Mrs 'J : wiiaon r rancia MrKloaeman Magg Mrs Woolcut William MraKaiaer Wm Vetzer J C Hon 2Keefe JameaTo obtain theae letters, the applicant tnuot call

Vrtised Utlen" and give the date of the list and pay onecent for advertising, ir not called tor in one montn ineywill be sent to the Head Letter umce.

H. R. 8HOMO, Postmaster.

' ESTRAY.av . A cbeaaot colored MARE of medium size, with

AwJPri with very little white fn forehead, and white onit 1 li left, hind foot, rather low in flesh, came to theenclosure of the estate of J. K. I'ease, deceased, about tendays ago. - The .owner in rtrj nested to pay charges, andtake ber away.

Enquire at the bouse of MRS. M. E. PEASE.Fremont, July 28, 1864.. 30w3




in small nundles, averaging zu incnes. main staia, atraand fram $ 1 0 to $ 1 4 for that of less length, and (7 fortangled. JU1 to be dry and in good condition, deliveredat the Flax Htll.near Ballville village. -

July 29, 18o4. McLELLAN A CU.

FINAIi SETTiEfaENT.K. GLENN, aa tbe Executor of the estate ofTAMES Leveland, deceased, has filed in the office of

tbe Proate Court, his accounts for tbe una settlementof said state, which will be heard on the zota day orgust, 1864, at one clock r. m. of said day.

WM S. RUSSELL,July 22,1864." SOwS ' Probate Judge.!




j and Consumption, it is only necaeasary for any onetroubled witn tnese compiaima to try one outiie oi



to convince them that it is the beat Congh Balaam everused. It not only cures the above affections of theThroat and Lungs, but it cures Night Sweats and Spitting of Blood, and is an excellent gargle for any kindSore Throat. It Is pleasant to taae, and a sale medicinefor Infant. Price 60 cents per bottle. For sale by Druggists generally. 30yl

General Depot S East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, 0.

Jafawaaflawifc hi'

A Sure Cure.VERY BODY IS BEING CURED of this distressE ing disease by the use of .


? DR. STRICKLAND'Spile: remedy.Read what those say who have used it.

Mr. Charles W. Landram, of Louisville, and Mr. J.Hardee, of Cincinnati, O., both were cured after usingone pot of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. They say tbeyhave tried every thing but could obtain no relief,but one pot of Strickland's Pile Remedy effected a perfectcure after suffering for many years with the worst kindof Pile. They recommend every one who is Bufferingtry It. sold by all Drnggtsts, DO cents per pot.

Manufactured at No 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati.Ask for LOylJ

Dr. Strickland's File Remedy.

f , r,.lll-r- .J


Anti - Cholera Mixture,IS a compound of astringents, absorbents, stimulantsand carminatives, which every physician acknowledgesis the only preparation that will effect a permanent cureol. Diarrhoea and Dysentery. This Mixtureis now in use in several of our army hospital wheregives the greatest gatigfaction. It has saved the livesthousands of eur soldiera and citizens, and we will guar-antee it to be the best remedy in the world for Diarrhoeaand Dysentery. ' .

Mr. Woods, of Covington, Kentucky, will be most hap-py to satisfy any one as to the virtue of Strickland's

Mixture; in fact we have a great numbertestimonials from patients who have been cured after be-

ing pronounced incurable by their physicians, some aftertaking only one bottle of Strickland's Mix-

ture. If you suffer with Diarrha-- a and Dysentery tryone bottle. ' -

SOLDIERS!You ought not to be without such a valuable medicine.

The Cincinnati National Union, of April 24th says: thatthousands of our soldier have been saved by the useStrickland's ra Mixture. For sale by Drug-gists at 50 cents per bottle. 30y 1

General Depot, 6, East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O.

NOTICE.Elizabeth Neff,

vs. Petition for Divorce.Jona Ned.

NEFF is hereby notified tbatou the second dayJONAS 1864, hi wife, the above named ElizabethNeff, filed in the Court of Common Picas, in and for thecounty of Sandusky, in the State of Ohio, her petitionagainst him. Said petition alleges, that the said JonasNell, is now confined ia the Penitentiary of tbe StateOhio, on a conviction and sentence of the Court of Com-mon Pleas of Green county, Ohio, for the crime of horsestealing. Anfl petitioner, therein, fur that cause, praysto be divorced from said Jonas Neff. And said petitionwill be beard and said cause tried on the 17th day of Oc-tober next, or as soon thereafter as the Court will heartbe cause. - ELIZABETH NEFF.

July 22, 1864. . 29w Pr. fee, $4,00.

FINAI4 . SETTIjEMEXT.DANIEL SMITH, as administrator of tbe estate

Smith Jr., deceased, has filed in the officethe Probate Court, his accounts for the final settlementof said estate, which will be heard on the 9th day of August, loo, ai 10 o clock A. m,oi said any.

WILLIAM S. RUSSELL,' - - ""JulylSfSJ, SUtrq? - PrnhnteJn,


E RE L by the Barrel or half BarreLCOD FISH in quantities to suit purchasers.

Call and see, at HARRIS'.

7OPTICS.JUST RECEIVED, a Sue assortment of those excellent

ftpberoldal CilaeneM. 'a beautifully ground Concavo Convex Lens .adapted fjjsuit all ages, and mere apt to tatpree than impair thevision, the object appearing with the same force in all di-rection a. Also, other fine

Crystal Glasses,perfect Concavo, Piano, Double Concave and Convexienes, in Steel, Silver and Gold frame. ;

eye rrotectora. .Eye or Nose Glasses.Morocco, Planished, and German Stiver Spectacle Cases.TF Call and See. at the Post Office BuiMimr.June 20, 1864. H. J. ZIMMERMAN.

J n nFremont, Lima & Union Railroad.ON and after Monday, May 18, 1864, trains 'iki run

daily, (Sunday's excepted,) as follows:Leave Fremont, at ,00 o'clock, A. M.

" eBrnner'a 06 . " .. ," Wintora,.i.......,a,3a m I

Kansas, 9,60 o'clock, "" Jackson 10,12 " M i

Reach Foatoria, 10,32; "Leave Foatoria 10,47 " "

Arcadia, 11,17" MarioB;...i.'.i..w.ll,40 ,

Arrive at Findlay, 12,00 " noon.

RETURNING, ,Leave Findlay, at 2,00 P. M.

Marioo 2,20 - !

Arcadia, -- .2,43 ;

Arrive at Foatoria, 3,13 " 'Leave Fostoria . ... 3,2a "

'Jackson ; ....3,43 "" Kansas, 4,0&

. Winter 4,20 "" Brunei's.... 4,29

Arrive at Fremont, . 4,55 "Trains stop only on signal.

Trains on this Road leave Fremont after the arrival ofthe Morning trains from Cleveland and Toledo; and arrivein the evening rn time to go either East or West ,

Passengers by this line reach Findlay several hours inadvance of any other route. - . - - . '

Buy Tickets, via Fremont, in Cleveland and Toledo, atthe Ticket Offices of the Cleveland and Toledo Railroad.

L. Q. RAW30N, Sup't.Fremont, May IS, 18A4. . . ..

THE LADIES,JL - Are invited to call and see the Sne asaestmeat of

LASTING CONGRESS GAITERS,!of the Rochester manufacture.

Lasting Balmorals, Balmoral Congress Boots,Kid and Goat Balmorals, Ac, die, at


"Our Cheap TableIs the greatest Curiosity in Town, on it can be found

Ladies' fine Kid and Balmoral Shoes for $1,00per pair- - '

Ladies' Kid heel Shoes for ,f 1.25 per pair.Ladies' Lasting Gaiters from $1,00 to $1V do.Boys' Calf Gaiters and Balmorals for $15 do.Children's Shoes of different kinds, irom 50 cts.

to 75 cents per pair.

J" Call and See, at , ;


Thit Specific restore! you to former health andwithout it yon tee the effects of diseaie.


SPEUFIC.This la the great 4b overeigi Remedy

(composed efHITRAOTg from Indiankootastaui Herb,) for all diseases of theUrinary and Sexual Organs, iuca aaIncontinence of the Urine Inflamma-tion of the Bladder, Inflammation ofthe Kidneys, Stone In the Bladder,atrletare, Crawel, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,

iannriTaled by anything yet dis-covered for curing the Whites m wo- -

i' When used according to directions this Remedybaa neither taste nor smell, and its nee cannot be do-- ;

tectedbyany one. This remedy ia perfect and re-

quire no Injections, which are calculated to destroyand deaden the diseased organs, but removes the poi-

son from the sytem, creating buoyancy and health.It ia no quack Hedicine, bat ia tbe embodied ex-

perience, or the Physician most successful ia curingall diseases! this class. .

aVar Let aone despair a this remedy effects themoot astonishing cures, when all others fell.

Price only f1.U) per box, or S boxes lor 5.00.

Sent by mail to any address on receipt of the price.For safe by all Druggists. Be that my signature

is around each bjx. " '

of Proprietor, Cincinnati

IS FOUND! "T WATSON'SNeuralgia King!

of A perfect Antidote,8pecifie, and Cure for Rheumatismand Neuralgia has long been needed. After earnest andpatient research, this has been triumphantly discovered.It is called Watsoh'8 Nkckaluia Kmu.

Watson's Neuralgia King reaches tbe source of thetrouble and banishes the disease from the system. Un-

like the untold number of Liniments and Embrocationswhich merely stimulate the surface, are hut temporaryin their effects, and are, at best, of doubtful virtue, itstrikes at the seat of the ailment, arrests it, kills it,eradicates it, and leaves no trace behind.

Watson's Neuralgia King also cures Uout and Dyspep-sia in all their forms, it is now giving relief to thousandswho have been suffering from these diseases, and whohave tried all other remedies in vain. -

Watson's Neuralgia King has received the highest tes-timonials from tbe highest sources in regard to its won-

derful efficacy. It operates with equal success in mildand chronic cases, never failing to work out a speedyand permanent cure.

Watson's Neuralgia King costs but one dollar per bot-tle and less than a bottle often effects tbe end desired.

Watson's Neuralgia King is the only specific and curefor Rheumatism and Neuralgia that ha ever been dis-covered. Prepared by A. I. MATHEWS,

!yl Buffalo, N. Y.; Fort Erie, C. W.Sold by all Drnggintg.




PEOPLE'8 CURE " Rheumatism. '

"I was troubled with Rheumatism for two years, u tier-ing more or lera every day. I have taken two bottles ofthe 'People's Cure,' and bare not had any pain since Ileft it off more than four weeks ago. 1 consider myselfas entirely cored, and tbe medicine has made me feel verylight and good jost like a young man, thougb I amaixty-tw- o years old. GODFREY 8CHEFFKJ-- ,- 402 Michigan street."

"My wife has been suffering from Rheumatism of aa in-flammatory character for about six or seven years, some-times very acutely. About the tirst of Jana last she" commenced taking the 'People's Cure,' and continued totake it some three weeks. - In tea days after she com-menced, the swelling and stiffness of ber joints had ma-terially lessened, and ia three weeks bad disappeared al-together. THOMAS POLLOCK, .

Buffalo, Oct. 1, 1862. . . At W. U. Glenny's.the rTTT17 Cure

PEOPLE'S VyUXll'li Fever Sores. !

it "Buffalo, Nov. 13, 1S62;of "Two of our subscribers one of them athieted with a

bad Fever Sore, the other with Rheamatism havingseen the advertisement of the 'People's Care' in this pa-per, purchased the medicine, and new, after haviog thor-oughly tried it, report to us, , commending it mostheartily, aa a thorough remedy ia their case. Editors

of Christian Advocate." ...potphlek.s cure -- war?My face has for more than ten years been gteatly dis-

figured by eruptions and bunches, which at times exten-ded over my whole body, and once for three days mademe entirely blind; but having taken two'botties of tbe'People' Cure,' my acquaintances hardly recornice meindeed I hardly know myself aa I am a well man. Let

of all who are like afflicted try the 'People's Cure 'themedicine prepared by the Sanitary Society and I thinkthey will not begradge their dollar. ,

"JOSEPH 80DR, Turner,Buffalo, Not. 15, 1864. Mechanic Street." .

S.E.' fllT Cures Scrofula andPEOPLE'S, lyUiVEi SaltBbeum,;

"I have used the 'People's Cure' in my family withgreat benefit, in cases of Scrofula and Salt Kheum, andhave recommended it frequently to my friends, all efwhom I believe have been benefitted, and most of thementitely cured by it. CHAS. SCHARFF, -

: V S73 Main street, oTHE riTTTlTI Cures Female

PEOPLE'S j U IVHi Weaknesses."I have been in feeble health ever since the birth of myof boy, who is now twelve yean old. I have had many

troubles and difficulties, all this time uuntting me tor ev-ery kind of labor, and destroying all my comfort. Lastsummer I commenced taking tbe 'People's Cure, andhave used four bottles, and am now almost a well woman.My difficulties hava nearly all disappeared, and I feelcheerful and happy. MRS. CATHERINE DEWALD,

Dressmaker, Geodell Alley, above Tapper at. .

Buffalo, October 20, 1862.",,THE T I T7 Cures when other

PEOPLE'S lUlVEi medicines fail.or "My wife has been in poor health for a long time hav-

ingof frequently to call a physician to attend her; but shewaa recently very much worse, She had night sweatcoughed a great deal daring each night and considerablyduring the day, and we all supposed gbe was goiuj offwith the consumption, when a friend advled her to takethe People' Cure.' On taking the medicine he

On tbe third day she had re-covered her appetite, and was lastregainiDg her strength,until on tbe eighth day, not yet having taken one bottle,she has stopped taking the medicine, saying sue was a,well as ever she was, and as well as any body eon Id be,and she has continued so ever since.

PAUL KLEIN, Gardner, 32 Pearl s,.Buffalo, October 20, 1862." . . ... - 'ry-For8- by all Druggist EjlC. CROSBY, General Agent, Mo. 225 Main 8treet, Buf-fal- fl

V. ta' wham, JI order iheujd. bs addfeited.


HAVfTUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK. THE BEST QUALITY.and the finest variety of goods in their line, in Northern Ohio. Their large stock of

LEAD' ZINC, OILS, PAINTS, BRUSHES,every description anI variety, u all guaranteed, and


Artist's iMaterials, Chemicals, Drugs & Medicines,....,. .

- From the best Manufacturers at home and abroad.




The New Bartimeter Inkstands, a new Invention, very popular with Business Men.

Photograph Albums, Superior Style and Finish,4; NEW DESIGNS AND CLASPS, TITLE PAGE AND INDEX, AT LOWER




A LARGE STOCK OF PHOT0OHAPHI0 PICTURES,Of all the Generals and Great Men generally. PICTURES of Statuary, Fine En

gravings, Ldthograps, Funny Pictures, Ac, dec





POCKET KNIVES, very handsome for Ladies and Gentlemen. Dominoes,. Pocket Fla-sk- new and improved styles. ' French Blacking, all who have used it

testifyJo its surpassing excellence, nothing like it in the market.

Ladies Traveling Basket, Toilet Baskets Toilet and Stand Baskets, Counter Baskets.The Largest Stock in all the country.

BEADS ! - BEADS ! Of all kinds and styl es in large abundance.

Cloth, Hat, Hair, Flesh, Window, Counter, Horse, WTiite Wash, KaLsomine, Varnish,,

' Paint, Sash-too-L Camel-hai- r, and Artist's Brushes, Piano Dusters, Ac.

Lamps! Lamps! Lanterns! Lanterns.- COAL OH, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.......l f ::

Our Stock is complete, full, abundant Many things not room to mention, entirely. , new in style and great improvements in others. We remain untiring ia our" efforts to please orrr customers, and with an earnest desire to benefit

' all who may patronize us.



WE are bow raesrriag and offeriag a Tory larraaadstock of

GOOD fAJ . HARRIS, has enlarged his

his facilities for manufacturing every description ofBOUGHT FOR CASH EXCLUSIVELYAND WHICH WE ARE BOUND TO

He eau All any order from lOO Ibta, to lOOO lb, of SELL CHEAPER THANOAiDllU) in from one to twenty-tou- r bours notice, and THEwarrant it to be unsurpassed by that of any manufacturer CHEAPEST.either east or west. He uses only tbe flrst quality of ..

w niie ougar ia making us voaiectionery.

CANDIES,' in Rolls, or Lumps,CANDIES, of all flavors, It would be impossible to enumraate articles and prices.

of all To be appreciated they must be seen, and aa iaritatKm isCANDY TOYS, kinds,therefore exteneed to tbe whole eomamaaity te call aadCANDY MOTTOES, see the beautiful style aad quality of oar

CANDIES manufactured to order, inany style the porchaser may desire.


Y CANDIES of HARRIS.One Door North of Buckland's Drug Store.

if On Doer North ef Buckland's Drug Store.One Door North ef Buckland's Drag Store. AND THEIR


Fresh Family Groceries,Seeing is believing, and you may form aa Idea of these

always kept on hand, which will be Goods and Prices which are extraordinary cheap, wbeawe consider the high prices of Cotton aad Wool. ComaSold at the Lowest Market Prices. then, all ye in want of Goods. Ton will lad splendid

You can always find .assortment of

Coffee, Teas, Sugars, Spices, Nuts,." Raisins, Fruits (in season,)

Fish, Butter, Eggs, Poultry, &c,Jtc Dry Groods,Fresh No. 1, OYSTERS,"And a' thousand other articles which leannot enumerate.

It is anirersally admitted that to get GOOD Groceries, GROCERIES!and CHEAP Groceries, yoa should


BUY. Groceries of HARRIS.- - BOOTS AND SHOES!BUY Groceries of HARRIS.


h i ' HARRIS keeps good Groceries. LADIES' DRESS GOODS!HARRIS has all kinds of Groceries.

HARRIS sells Groceries Cheap. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!' ' One Door North of Buckland's Drug Store.

One Door North of Buckland's Drug Store. MANTILLAS, &C.IOn Door North of Buckland's Drug Store.


FREMONT, OHIO.Baring selected our stock at tbe sec best bouses ia

New York, we come beto re the pubiiQwith tbe aadwaothat we - ..... . . t , :


CALL and seo HARRIS, And we will strictly adhere to the mottoBefore you sell your FUR !

Before you buy your GROCERIES! "QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS!"Before you buy your CANDIES !

We will -- '. f

Store. gfra yoa ,One Door North of Buckland's DrugOne Door North of Buckland's Drugstore.One Door North of Buckland's Drug Store.



OHIO.OHIO.OHIO. Better Bargains

FREMONT, Feb. 13, 1S63.

THAN CAN BE GOTFarm for Sale.

milEX lying


formerly owned by Thomas Tuckerman, At any Store in FremontFour miles north of Fremont,

containing 120 A ere, about forty ares improved, is OR ANY OTHER TOWN.. ..........i r c i.c. v..For further information enquire of

jr. a. nniir.., July io,lS64. 28w4 at Bank of Fremont. EMMKICH&CO.

FREMONT, April 1864.

Farm for Sale.subscriber will sell his FARM, one mile aad aTHE north-we- st of the corporation line of Fremont,

on the Musaauinge Creek, containing P.S. MR. A. GUSDORF IN RETIR- -

100 acres choice land. ing from the Dry Goods Trade, retains aa afica at ear70 acres cleared aad under fence, good log house and store, aad will boy, paying CASH aad the highest price.barn, ail necessary three never failing forsuriogs of good water, good orchard, embracing the bestvarieties of frsit. For further particulars enquire ofthe subscriber. Terms reasonable. WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, SEEDS

M. BINKLET.FreiDoit,Julyli,lSc4. 28ao3 WOOL, &0n 4C.

top related