freshman registration & orientation · freshman registration login to power school… you will...

Post on 18-Aug-2020






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Freshman Core Course

• English I A and I B

• Physical Science A & B

• Reading (if student did not pass in Junior High)

• Speech

• Math A and B (After pre-algebra take Algebra, after Algebra take Geometry)

• Input Technologies (if student did not pass in Junior High with 50 wpm or more)

Graduation Requirements

• State Law requires that 2 of the required 6 math credits be taken during the students senior year of high school.

• We recommend that all freshman register for 1 PTE course and 1 Humanities course their freshman year. A list of all humanities and PTE courses are in the Registration Handbook on the Sugar-Salem Counseling webpage.

English 8 CreditsReading 1 CreditSpeech 1 Credit

Mathematics 6 Credits (2 credits must be taken during the students senior year)

Science 6 Credits (Physical Science A&B and Biology are required)

U.S. History 4 CreditsU.S. Government 2 Credits

Health 1 CreditEconomics 1 Credit

Physical Education 1 CreditHumanities 2 Credits

Professional/Technical 2 CreditsComputer/Keyboarding 1 Credit

Electives 14 CreditsTotal Credits Required 50 Credits

Mathematic Options

4 year Math plan

Freshman Year:

-Algebra A, B (C) or Geometry A, B, ( C )

Sophomore Year:

- Geometry A, B, ( C ) or Algebra II A, B

Junior Year:

- Algebra II A, B or Pre-Calculus A, B

Senior Year:

-Senior Math A, B/ Pre Calc A, B or Calculus A, B, C

3 Year Math plan

Freshman Year:

-Algebra A, B (C) or Geometry A, B, ( C )

Sophomore Year:

- Geometry A, B, ( C ) or Algebra II A, B

Junior Year:


Senior Year:

Algebra II A, B or Senior Math A, B/ Pre CalcA, B

Freshman Registration

Login to Power School… you will be able to see the icon “class registration”… follow the instructions. Click the pencil on the left hand side to edit requests.

Here you can read about the class… Above you can read about the prerequisites.

Click the check box to register… if you want a class and you aren’t able to click it that either means you do not have the prerequisite or need to come and talk to Mrs. Hobbs.

Once done hit the submit button! It will not let you hit it until you have enough credits. If you do not hit it we will not be able to see your classes

Example Only (this would be a seniors registration)

Online Registration Instructions


1. Login to your PowerSchool account.

2. Click on the “Class Registration” Button at the top of the screen.

3. You should be taken to a screen showing your class choices.

4. Follow the instructions on the page. When you have finished you should

have 15 total classes and six alternate choices. (A red exclamation point will

appear if you have not finished one section.)

5. When you have cleared all exclamation points and have 15 total courses and

6 alternates click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page.

Please be aware that your browser will time you out after several minutes, so

it would be best to have your choices made before you click on Class


2017-2018 Seniors may have fewer classes based on enrollment in Work

Release or other programs. If this is the case be sure to consult your student

course history (it may not have the current trimester courses included) to

know how many classes you must take for graduation.

Please report any technical issue to Mrs. Hobbs or Mrs. Saunders as soon as

possible and they will work to fix it before the registration deadline.

Feel free to let Mrs. Saunders or Mrs. Hobbs know how well you feel the

registration went. Our goal is to improve and streamline the process as

much as possible. Your input is appreciated.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Dual Credit

• Dual Credit courses can be taken starting the students Sophomore year.

• All students are required to have a cumulative GPA of a 3.0 or better and have approval from the counseling office.

• There are multiple forms of paper work that are required in order for Advanced Opportunities to pay for the course work.

• $ 4,125

NCAA & College Options

NCAA*NCAA is for any student who is wanting to pursue a Division 1, 2 or 3 Athletic scholarship in college.

NCAA has their own set of requirements that are best tracked if started and focused on from the students freshman year.

College Options

Starting your freshman year you are building your transcript for colleges. All

classes taken and all grades given will compute into your cumulative GPA

for college acceptance.

Driver’s Education• The counseling office has nothing to do with Driver’s Ed besides if the student wants to take

the IDLA drivers course.

• If the student wants to take the IDLA course it is an extra $75 and the student will still drive with Mr. Hansen but will have all their coursework through the online system instead of in the morning. See Mrs. Hobbs if you decide you want IDLA.

• A student can take Driver’s Ed when they are 14½ years old. To sign up for a class look at the schedule below and decide what session you would like to sign up for. Then pay the $125 fee and fill out the registration form in the main office at the high school. Each session lasts for six weeks. Classes will be in the mornings from 6:45 to 7:45. Each student will drive for a total of 6 hours and observe for at least 6 hours.

• If you have any questions please contract Darin Romrell at (208)356-0274 ext 8219 or email:

• For all other information go to the counselors page or parent tab and scroll down to drivers ed.


• If you have any questions and or concerns please email Mrs. Hobbs at or Mrs. Saunders at

• You can find the registration handbook and this power point online:• Go to

• Click the “Counselors” tab

• Click “registration”

• Scroll down and you will be able to see any and all registration information


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