freshmen english mon 1/5. let’s read over the instruction sheet together. you will want to...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Freshmen English Mon 1/5

Let’s read over the instruction sheet together.

You will want to underline or highlight important dates or info

We will choose topics after we read through the instructions.

Only one topic per person – Cross off each topic chosen so you know what is left when it is your

turn to choose.

Quotes, Summaries, Paraphrases, Note cards

To write and remember the information and facts you need to include in your paper

To correctly link the source to the quote and remember to use MLA format…this is what we call our method for giving credit to our sources – English classes use MLA (Modern Language Association), Science classes use APA which includes the date the source was published.

Keep your sources and info organized and in small, manageable bits.

You can actually physically organized them in the order of your outline

You will need 4 sources…meaning that you will need 4 source cards with the bibliography information for each source on each card.

Your notes for each source coordinate with the source card (you can use numbers or symbols or colors of cards)

Fill out one bit of information per card – front side only. This may take the form of a quote, summary or

paraphrase of the info you are recording. You are expected to have at least 5 cards per

source you use (not including the source card)

When do we give credit to our sources that we use in research papers? Any time the information is not out of our own

heads, we need to give credit to the source using MLA format.

What is a quote? Something copied directly, word for word, from

another source. This should be in quotation marks.

What is a summary? The information is taken from another source but

it is written in your own words and greatly shortened from the original material.

What is a paraphrase? The information is taken from another source but

it is written in your own words – it is kept about the same length as the original material (a little shorter)

Original Source Quote

Public and scientific interest in the question of apes’ ability to use language first soared some 15 years ago when Washoe, a chimpanzee raised like a human child by R. Allen Gardner, learned to make hand signs for many words and even seemed to be making short sentences. Since then researchers have taught many chimps to “talk” using sign language, plastic chips, or keyboard symbols. Washoe became a media star because of this.

Washoe, trained by R. Allen Gardner, “learned to make hand signs for many words and even seemed to be making short sentences” (Eckholm 7).

Eckholm, Julie. Apes and Man,

London: Harper andRoe, 1999.

Notice how I cited this source – use the first item in the works cited bibliography (your source card) and the page number if there is one. The period goes at the very end. No other punctuation is inside the parenthesis.

Original source SummaryPublic and scientific interest in the question of apes’ ability to use language first soared some 15 years ago when Washoe, a chimpanzee raised like a human child by R. Allen Gardner, learned to make hand signs for many words and even seemed to be making short sentences. Since then researchers have taught many chimps to “talk” using sign language, plastic chips, or keyboard symbols. Washoe became a media star because of this.

The ape experiments began in the 1970’s with Washoe, who learned sign language. In later experiments some apes learned to communicate using plastic chips (Eckholm 7).

You don’t use quotation marks for a summary or a paraphrase, but you still need to cite the source with parenthesis.

Original Source Paraphrase

Public and scientific interest in the question of apes’ ability to use language first soared some 15 years ago when Washoe, a chimpanzee raised like a human child by R. Allen Gardner, learned to make hand signs for many words and even seemed to be making short sentences. Since then researchers have taught many chimps to “talk” using sign language, plastic chips, or keyboard symbols. Washoe became a media star because of this.

A chimpanzee named Washoe, trained in the early 70’s by R. Allen Gardner, learned words in sign language and could make short sentences. Many chimps can now communicate by also using chips or keyboard symbols, which has drawn much public attention (Eckholm 7).

Get out a sheet of paper to turn in…1. Use the passage on the next slide to show

that you can choose a section of it to quote (pick one sentence). Use quotation marks and the MLA parenthesis to cite it properly.

2. Also show that you can summarize the entire passage (what is it about in a few sentences). Please cite it with parenthesis.

3. Finally write out a paraphrase – should be only slightly shorter than the original passage but in your own words. Please cite it.

Corporal punishment is a form of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behavior deemed unacceptable. The term usually refers to methodically striking the offender with the open hand or with an implement, whether in judicial, domestic, or educational settings.

Jones, Bob. The Problem with CorporalPunishment. New York: PenguinBooks, 1999.

From page 8 in the book.

This is what MLA citations look like in a research paper – see the highlight

Your source cards (bibliography information) will become your works cited page at the end of your essay. I will look at what sources you used, if they are valid, and if your parenthetical citations in the essay can be matched to these. Any time you use info from one of your sources, you take the first word(s) – usually the author’s last name – and that is what you put in parenthesis in your paper. If you don’t do this, it is considered plagiarism and you get a zero on your essay. All sources that show up in your works cited must be used (and cited) in your paper at least once.

Waren, Bob. Teen Bullying. New York, Penguin Publishers, 1997.Below text was taken from page 5 of the book.

A. Eighty percent of teens experience bullying” (Waren, 1997). B. Eighty percent of teens experience bullying” (Waren, pg. 5). C. Eighty percent of teens experience bullying” (Waren 5). D. Eighty percent of teens experience bullying.” (Waren 5)E. Eighty percent of teens experience bullying (Waren 5).” F. Eighty percent of teens experience bullying” (Bob 5). G. Eighty percent of teens experience bullying” (Waren, Bob.

Teen Bullying. New York, Penguin Publishers, 1997).

The answer is C

We need to set up our organizational system for our note cards

Take an envelope and write your first and last name and period on it.

Then get 24 note cards and write your last name on the back (unlined side) of each of these (in case they fall out of the envelope.

Put your cards in your envelope – but don’t seal it. You will use this as storage for your cards, which will stay at school unless you make arrangements with Ms. Turcotte to take them home.

Your note cards will initially be checked off in sets of five (see instruction sheet), but they will also need to be turned in when the essay is due so don’t lose them!

These cards become your essay! So take understandable, readable, and helpful notes!

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