frf rut if-..._rnen from entering business life, tart a rtlcajd? doctor, bdundi~nic»,but howt a...

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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v>* ' FRFFrut i--1 -,



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• A Y 1

to*>oa>aa—<«•••• • • •1 .ug n i w g p w a w u w t - w whnr UiaMd •maaBtf •*•»• a* # • I ffer •»«« «•**>, aa* U» Mhtlft

A. aMar WM > • * ^ " ^ ~ ^ | 2 3 5 S a i K ™ » A i a » a i «Bat-WiM^W^P-^^^^^SlSSSStVpirpUa.a* banMta to ha paaaia* •* * » » • » I W»55Iat»»P»t»a.

taafbta lafta* and i » » B "•^L^UlwJa«•>«* aa4 by that ttaw It ww

d*aah>6>tmtr>b*tW^irija<M*aa<|-g| m/^ t/)tr ^ u m g i j•wa«r o«t a warran* tajr "•'"•J"J*|iSiMr «•*» t* hmat not •««.tarrtoahoc AA amat I N taal « r I n^mjMfm ) a M- aatamrika. '

«rU of the »*•&JMWT^KWW from other >Utaa. Are 70aprofiting by our 4 par oaut i«t«*«fI tWt

iii no bar. linking boliminntw it* ol»Ucl<* yb« d»i>o*Red bwre. no iu*ll*r wb»r# youl



WMSuatU t«m lata.At tha coaclualoa

HrftfAiT rod man t>w »— — . —about forty otniw what h* ibaoaM «*

Ton flnd


Story & Clark Piano Co.101 HALSEY STREET. NEWARK. N.J .

and OH««n oot of town-' Ot M M M • • :ted to gat>«r«. Too nj»»t • * • *

l toUowfM«n« batvwagat>«r«. Too nj»»t • * • *

Skra la a toUow-fM«n« batvwaD M t»bo ai» •Uantas the « « 2 " *it « u quite natnral tbatTlrtta ahonld rtWt • J ^bU tortnntwit *»r

dM aaitth m i • bora lUr andMl dtto row. Tbt iwMlw n

m t i twm Md-bid *«ty, bit

HIBI I'll fa» 1111* la.i it irii nnftMrtda into XMM oU>«; tt>»n. «>>d

t t h t waa flchttnit uprtda into XMMtmr that* waa flchttnit up

ITth a

A .hallow rivtr niur thtwcn nala-Bsld. At (bat tim* Itt tank* w«*

l aad down wi n *«

ba»tola. inaMnrtrtow«d that h* wa« (Dial Jo "«»• ^

wina aftar a twdpa brMfattornoS3a tojr«>»*fe!tdE!?If aba UMB t* tMxconttr.

tb* attvata. Katln-mat aoaa, aad brother

mrl^t, Tha thwa lgcal_^_.battat In aa paaevmakiini andcart; taft Mnnded In U*-do*t,

<Tktn u r n a'ftw man In tb» <uwaA» did not fat black •»•» and Wuodjr

•iaw and tanpr haada. bat tb«y werettw old m » who bid had tb«lr tmt In v«Owr dtya «ud « m sow wtlllwt to tut i^ ^ _ — . . . . .. — at L'iK. JraT1f~ t'ff B t f u i .

tft* c)«ntiM» ot bajMM «w« «aM. OnaeoBUl «»»•«• a waa»

d O d a to•KbttoaM. OnaeoBUl «»»•« aonload to half a day. One day a

S t l a ««*«

• • » • • • • aaaa'

Prepaid Under Strictly Sanitary Conditions.



l t « b M - n w t ^ . h i -Bn.wl.Ji r.frig.«Ung plant «?t d t *t«ni of rof

-Hljet I*y4i«l«g imjU»»oJ..i«.(lB«ftJ!11 Meat., FUh, Buttw, Egg. and

r „ . * ' . ji *-«^ MI* t* at rmm " • • «it you want it good got it at**\T • • • • * » ' * > > • • »

BACK IN 1810

whoop 'W UU- >t waa tVao uld-who aariatad the womwi wtK-n It «*ma <

and Uiulu«e« anrt totb*OM) wbu could nut

, _ ^ . „ mtattonarjr r*dpa> or Itr bir* bMB a mlttur* of WbUk7.

- " fc.~*fc«BJ!r

4WIV loc u a a m jnnwavv. It wa* a |,aioatli latar that ta* UcbtaltMT rod mancan* drtrtnc up to tit* tawMtb Mgua.«ka> tl»* b* ran «wr twolwca Juataao• f oaa. Wdor OarpMtar wa» paat-buaaala. hat b* dM tnot ttop or tttrn.Hi 2n»pjr attend aa "on'; and baldntt way. Thof* waa tn* wial^rowd

wan must.

*a ot It It

ikt "


l . -our l

f4.nol * auco«aa at th« iUrt, M»«.y poople l»r«f«rred

Hi. oldot, th» ato«kio« awl tbo Ua ou|i fn th» «up-bowd <w wfoty. Nor w«r« « W « « { » * *tbao many pwaoiw in tbi» year of W1I,

- t l O B i • • ; • '• \ ',

Thin batik i» an e»tabli0b«dbuninoiMi- a part »l the li/o-and busitteiw of Mii» caumu-

donco of t l » people" It»,i affic'ef H «44 direotow ar« iuei»^' * wliow exparianeo {»*,.bro«d-

• " tb«i* inieRrity iu»(ja«wti«»e<l. .

The Cranford National Bank

rit» for

7 PLUIHBIH61 Heating lUTtanl^. ' r> "^

of a8 klnda_At Prfa»«


L*:' -'-.' 5

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1 T / 1 ''


ii' -a

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dumroanwith aeroplanes I*

kind»~«aag*Toi»s. .

*eeus«pc*m>bar. but elsewbere It does not.

Rtrt wont tbe! rtoos be jtaloua IBaturn and Man get together!

Gilbert, (he humorist. W I I D wtstfof IZG'O OO.' No" wonder lit fell bum-oroiu.

ID tbe: Ideal by-*ndby tie bom*•rid the doc will be eliminated Ueiti**,

Stilt.* tome Pltltburgen will prob-mbljr continue tbe pernicious habit ofwriting It "Pgh."

New (all bat* 20 tnttwa high will•OOB appear. Height ta l«u objection-able tban breadth.

ft.i ,

It retnalm to b« teen whether ttf*bit »pp)e~erop will reduce the prio*of pure eljer vluogar.

Connecticut hat a col leg* professorwbo Is living OD 26 centa a week. Pea-nut-butter la hit strong card.

Now New {England women ara work-Inf on farms. You never can tallwhat will happen around Soiton.

, Ci>«etes4'.d6MB!trinr*-bMiH-aiaB3rt>'s' IMuiburgh addt at long at J>h%doesn't add any populou* tuburba.

The 21-year-old carp that let lUelfbo cauicht In tlllnolt must bare want-ed powerful bad to become a salmon.

American men thould prdVent wo-_rnen from entering business life, tart

a rtlcajd? doctor, Bdundi~nic»,buthowT

A serious aborttga In the mint cropit reported. Lot'* tee, did we *ttekthat gam on the chair or under thetable?

There are evidence* that tbe katy-idld knew what It waa talking aboutwhen It began to prophesy a 'few<Wia*k4 a g o .

, *

A Missouri apple (rower has toldthe applet In hi* orchard for 1100,000,And yet wise men continue to InvestIn oil stock.

Frentlejt financier* ' have turnedtheir attention to bottled tunshlnel'erliaps the atock waa aired Insteadof_ watered, __ ,

~ ~ - i i . V .' 't » ,

- i .

A Rrooklyn tatlor went mad tbe otn-er day and alnthed at people. For-tun«tety-b»pdld not become as madaa a mad batter.

A Chicago nan olalmi to hay* ttvwdtor a year In MdUnapofl* on 181.88, Ifhe could do a* well at home the tact•woulrt be worthy of comment

"Tn* man wbo own* no abeep neednoT' become "excite'd 'over "*1ne~' "wool'ichedule," says a southern paper. Alaothe man wbo wean no underwear.

ope million patent* bav* been lt-«ued In tblt country, tnoat of wblcbbave served no other purpoto

The problem ot how to prevent'arooster from erowlng It puxitlng Chi-cago autborltlaa. Why not equipeach and every rooster with a Max-

Some ot ua are prone to disagree, with" the New York judge who. hold*-that ten days Is long enough for amother-in-law's visit Ten day* I*•tins -days too long.

Three tacit bare •ucc*ede4 In era**

-but why-aall la-a-alaeteea-foot boatwhen there) are IO many comfortableocean liner* runnlngT

We are told that there) • ara only14vi> jwoplaJo Chlcagnj«oa.Juunr .how-

to eat artichoke*. We are perfectlywilling to give them our »hare of the

-world'* aupply of arttohokea. - - - -

Bay* a Bunday magaslna: *Ho paiined a fluthed youth aaylng farewell toa pretty girt with an US bat." That

l e a n t a" poor way to p«i»-one'* youth,whether flutbed OT otherwUe.

Hesrl Derniteln, the Trench dr*4ia-11st, ha* iuit won hi* third dnel'byscratching hit opponent twice on the*na,'vHJnnIn« a FVenchduel I* fully

a* winning a ga«t of cro-

There I* a Ranker who purpoaea wbafld' a brick fane* 1(0 feet higharound hli town home, io that hi*selghbora cannot look Into tda gar-den, but thli li In New York, not toJUtmrta.

Chlesgoani. they Mr. oooitnse•otnetnlag.-Uke 40/WO,0Oa,:Blg*iUf««t•very je*r."' That1* pktronwng home

ed th*t

bM .departedt h t l

AS EXPLAINED £ *» « - * • %

i " * •*.

OaUN il lOT*Hest Ufortyl"

The ipeaker kcneltteemed never lovelierthan when admitting;forty-on* yean past. Fortwenty year* Paris has 'wiled her The Beauti-ful Otero; and aba to•till at the height of for-tune a* the mott famousSpanish dancer and the),most bejewtled protea-

tlonal beauty of the gay French capital.She .tuplalned heraeUr'

'"I refer to fine women. la health andthe enjoyment of rational luxuries, theyneed -only two- things- to triumph In thechsrm of their - full flowering—will tokeep In condition, and mastery of thatpathetic disdain which tempts them toaland b*ok In the shadow."

She rot* and paced the room wflb cat-like grace. She snatched a man's balfrom (he table, cocked It over her eye,flung the end of a cloak over her shop!- -

-.-if.1 r * C**

• H *

ever In the Spanish dance," she • said."The grand dance of the fleraeoca!What a dance, monsieur, what a drama!It Is the whole of woman's life In three

t-;t* •'«•-» • r *v*JVaa*tt

I know of nothing so eloquent of her superior loveliness.* -"Let her arrive unknown |n a community- and confess thirty*"

one yean. The other women will give her thirty-six on prWt clple. And all the men, suspicious ot their women's franknea* >

In *uch matters, will be sure that she I s * deUdou* creature off*~~-i _j Poaalbly thirty-four, grand maximum, of unusual ta»t, poise tup*•fjWttffl Plan***, quolT aU kind* of grace* ot unknown but obviously an*'L # r » "•r i p r aurroundlngst" * • "V "We see tt every day." I said. "Fine Women have the ager


"No, no, the woman or forty t* positively loveliest.", replied ' V'*J the lovely-speolallst- "We must distinguish-. ~" Physics} loveJU* "*" »5g

ness Is ona thing, academical perfection of form another. Paris) >,.painters or voluptuous 'ibbjectev^hymphs "rolling green lawns. >bacchantes sprawling in pagan festival*, court* of Neptune tun-- '•-,ntng,on golden sands—have always been reproached by thelrun* --'compromising brethren for 'doing chic' because they wilfully- ' *'age their models. To attain the acme of sensual beauty, they ' > <enlarge'rotundities, exaggerate curves, tend toward the oareef "?waist—bete, noire of purists and .'delight of gods and. mi

"a whole set of outlines that the dughf nofhnve for fifteen ye™What Is thl* but glorifying by 'chic' the beauty ot forty—whothese painters seldom, obtain as modal, because there la i

-coot* matt to prevent itl" « . • - - -,rAl»o," I laid, "they must pretend their nymphs are i

for the man ot forty.""BeUses!" laughed Otero. "In times past overweening plump-

nesavmay nave been a danger to the iasy and self-indulgent-even at eighteen: but tbe modern tine woman changes little be-

thlrty-flve and forty-Ova. As for acmUmirai purity.-n t S — ^ ^ ^ * ^ ii T^^^ i w — — — Ti —i I I 111 i . i, * ^ * M . — M M M g m M m ^ . IFS^s] ^a^j] **UvV


line, none but uncompromlslng'palntere and sculptors want It—' \0 ^J-p-urtly^rTWMWWt.-'and If IslosC'uot atlot^'but at

twenty-four. TJie, episode of Kberleln it classical. Struck bythe'pure beauty of, a twenty-a>e-y ear-old model. th» famous-

sculptor noted down minutely, numerously,all her exact measurements In order to reprov

doubtl tov* the table, .he called off their age. tor me. 1 i 1 ! ^ *"??_' F " « * "*""* l B • " " • • « «


Ing thing made™of b e a u t y ,'charm, grace

.—physical at-

pr• -"-TWho'tnlfiSsVortnetr'aiear ihe'rtW. ."Some-'were not so beauUful When younger. Look atthis one . .--.' ana this . , . Here la •.laxly with an almost Insignificant note; and_her eyes were never much until aha had, themtattooed where actresses penon.' Her* Is One"

act*: desire, (eduction, tragic triumph. Never tractions, yea—and alto the manlero d« a'onbaadramaUo work expressed femininity with the lervlrt Tbe way to use them! Here ta the trtgracev my.*tan> and Intensity o t . those, three -umnb. of the woman or forty—when-*u* gladly.- with not t> perfect feature, yet her pbyatQueIMKU.' MM: to*.* »o,,-in »>,V.r.nfK A « n . l « ' 1*1* herself Toole'f"' "J :--"-' --. v"1-" - "-'" - an*->4»inp*r««B«nt "ar*' "tfetltlltfUlf' Jtodi-'IWB-'-.

"Why not?" I murmured, fascinated by oa*N «U»9>". Without the noble "»plrlt breathingwho certainly leu herself loose. Bho contltt- - through ber look, would aba not be almost

*plalnt" .' . ,i Sh« said true: yet I had pweed all aa chamv

Ing;. AIL have beauty .repVatlon. Wbeav a_

mfor« ag 1 _to discover that not a single one concerted; ,,the acadsTBlcatlf perfect anatomy had budged. ,all along the line—toward the voluptuoua "beauty prised 07 common mortals!" !

. "And the mauler* de *.' en servirl" I mused-'. "I accuse not only the, young girl's green


scene*. . Now; look you*.'In the' south pthey say it tsJtes eight year* to form •flsmenca. 'Perfection I* unattainable; becausethli exhausting dance—twelve minutes!—enowme a danseuse of the opera wbo will accept avariation of twelve minute*... contain* three

ued gaily:'"Why, the, Intuition* ,of the very young man '

are unerring In this matter. The youth «f aer*.g y *roles that-are unconnected: the ingenue. th« enteeA. with aendu painfully, fresh Ud Jteen,

this gives'away her sifters it la~e. th» enteeA. wtth *en»e* painfully, fresn and Ji«»n,t "™»o ««• u»a gives sway ner uners n nL ^ WuraJ

a u i . .^« _ . * . _ _ . .« . . i. . . _ • • ^, i i i . t i..*^%-Z. * _ . Ai i2 __ ..AHtaVtrtPem Fnti**>heS •#»• vtskJsVsHM.. . B \ * W ( I I B I V . . A -iumYiteaV I .Ti '" '^^rT^^

I crudity of mind," summed up Otero.'"In .northern, lands. tbe> sleeping parts may gatthe sand, out of their, eyes "by twenty-five; but,'even than, years pass la looking round and)--wondering what this world may mean. So, a t .

Lthe average young woman, loaded 1

*v a*-'


and forty to dance the end of Jhe_dtamaJjn loveliest. The taint ta traditional, from Harry _ « « and conquered; hoWanother began bow?*l*.*»*l*> • * • « « « * at «»y. ru« the "icwond down to Porter ttarlton. And,Jo..pb, -^rnmpisrv^aniraiasm^. Uon of ruUng i a , ha,, banner "SleTiroS. ,

^Bto i t* I exclaimed. "Ton wlU mak. ma-. - T ^ J ^ t S ^ S ^ " ^ " " W "*-*J-think that all ydun«.women ar« full ct de- - ^ ' T j o i S n ^ • " « " "*-*«»«Wj4 , , ,fects'" j - • ^ ^ K . Ioa*~PlBI|iaa, avidly* or else—" £j|

for-r, "

tradition."Madame," I asked, "Is tt possible that you

are old enough Jto dance that third ac'lT""1 am forty-one," she laughed.

"twrtflpH to the'Vnnea"BT*tee"l>In Paris In l t d ; and I was just of age when,starting our. It I am not worn like some gnatilvnencM, tt is ihanks'to the Ufa of Part*.Those who remain InNSpatn use themselves up.monsieur It la a tntgnlflccnt publlo, but itfatigues the artiste. In Paris, the |tKxf peopleInterest themselves aa-mueh-ln my Jewel* andaccept what I give them. Bo t have been ableto live- reasonably. Luxury t» good for a wom-an of self-control. Those soft creature* who,lie around and overeat, I have no patiencewith them! ,1 hava always had unconscious"training from my work, though I owe much tothe Turkish bath. .*", ."

No. no;' I have a *w«at-bo» tn my apart-ment Btted With, any *Jectrlc-Ught bulbs., Ioften take It four' times a—week 'when notdancing, followed with * t*p!4 douche, turningceld. There la an apparato* to.frighten youngbeauties, moMleurl" •

Certainly a remarkable woman. On thestage, from Copenhagen to Vienna, from Ion-don to Rom«.'*he.l» known, alway* and above,all, as a' Bh» Hog*:[ j t f l« a faahjon.SSeSa* made auoceaafur-twnwre* into pan*

even; how aid the get that eoatT We laugh*laughter I* a audden glory—over human mis*chance. The youth himself refutes to arrive. ,"

"I had made at charmlojt forty beside a woman ot sixty;r.^-,---^.,^ infeeT yit" hir'fTnFuVtroubiiTjud'gnieBt'waB" "

to award the apple where It belongs.". ."The man. of forty evidently.; ." I began. _'

The worst enemy ot the woman of" forty latho "man,of forty," persisted Otero. "She I* -the-mlrror in which he dread* Jo see , the.shadow of hU own degeneracy—forgetting; thathis wear and tear -of ten years -paat have notbeen hers. 80 the man'of forty marrlm thegirt of twenty-three, tn 'aptto of Us -wear and > •tear, ahe And* in' the charm pf the full, nan ber'profound satisfaction—without looking ahead.Why look abaadf in Part* we tee dally man of.forty maktntf Inexperienced young fellowt ap-pear foolish. For example, I will rite "the baitlaved man <&• PartVrnmr Thrum rtftiinLiatMttt—

but to correct themt Scatter the photograph*and look again. You will find them beautiesnow In any case!' ThejTare radiant. Theyhave learned tbalr power!" ' ' }

. i t was, even, aft,' There were'flashes of, oc-'*Uiy. gleama ot delight,' eyes, that spoke soulawakenings,, Upa parted In mystery. There-w«re coy faces, taee* that asked baffling qnefrtlons, eonadentlal faces, high, courageous faces,-faces ytat breathed aweet, sad reverie.

"All kindtflt faces,'except wooden twenty*year-old face*, belar* laughed the subtle Span-iard; ,"A Part* photographer baa given me apartial reason why their face* ara lovelier


I finished th*v- „

murtogi 'i,am an old thing)'eentence tor her.- 'That'* It." laughed Otero. —"If .

t psnic-atrlelten, aha eaters the' terrible:qua>asW, tains' indeed. They may brine terrible <m>'tie*' or the "splendid forties,1 aa ah* maka* <them, aa her world permlta her, or aa all* dgikV

, toatea, it. with happy Insouciance brathlnaTaside every obstacle an* flinging herseU totalthe -tarmonlea of an Instrument flnaUyi,a>tuned. Then ahe Is truly terrible—terrible,**,younger, undecided women whom she metikaand bambooalaa. borrowing their admirers trwa.Iheiavout Of pure llghtneartednaai; * ~~men,^ ' " rr

the bait «elkUrit'Buropiaa mar-CavaJHrlwlth no

aell a»powMt but "Otero

flv* hat-ptn duels hav« been fought In the pastthree years—the lateat on in* Blarrltr board*walk, between a young matron and ft bud ot -society^ He wUT'be forty-two yean old nextFebruary." * * »—

Otero did aot cite his name, to I will Imitateher wise discretion.

"The man of forty I* vain and suspicious,"said Otero. "Eyea when to full poa*M*tmt othi* physical and mental perfection*, ale must/

woftesMUo*: ipaUffitM thai walks be-^

graphed; ao much.'-1 "TH* eltort to rewamb erona1* beat

, "AU that, ta g«niral: but he. claims a par*tteular inBusnee of-BeB-auggaatton. We cometo resamhl* our, boat photograph* by gentle de.trees, unconsclausWf whan they follow .each.otli*sr «*x A lowy. tsttguistflgC sejrtM.*!

.givingup tolaat week's photographmiCkeanext, w^tfaVwot^graph ttfll handsomer.- I

makes theS C T S

ot forty wttarl The

•eat It Unipokva maHoe In b j a r . l g s t yfcauiea the tataou* fellow to txiK hla te«Uf wfthhate. And ao two parfset- oreatur«a_ «t ttaflood of all tlaJOi be*ito)thenv U» often turnthetr back* upon each other, leaving opportu-nity open to leas'pr*JuiUo*d.lkaarU and btafl*—«o girl* wlth-thelr intnltloaBr saaVto maSk of

of petty v*aKy)% ' -»*- - ^ ^ V

'stf CftttSft wM KUWnT' tQ Iff" ""OtsflTO «goHftctj»f poittTasXt•^ta^apt*ado7a1>d '«v*a"wan4ar tnto.a«B-^ tog a PM)ja|» ot .toremoet Parta

r ' - Treasure Frorn the «a*C - ^ J •Boy* that Uv* at Wne Brook. N. J , did no*'

know ^at, there waa aburied treasure near** 'hand or they might hav^ gone. >nmin4>r . i t -

T*onahenna«i found; (t Aitrou^ltafcmneS,.iaraj«thsAy<m have eter used mileisyoVhaTgoaa;flahlng tor,whale or aomatatorot UsoMV^waa caught to tha 'bottom of the riv

... and tan then anthe road. Tnei men asked thai

andMU. r^Wwidtot tnVoS t

on t t Tn« «ne,sirita»d and slowly mbtodi* l i e wat«rfid>awfi^wlth It,* wrackeftcMt otmud and sto»e*. In the canoe wasi• •"•WP CjaatTwhlcJi. was r e d b# fland,loaded into the car,' uamtHA wenroa W

- * • ">P~ * \ * * \ \ji ^ jC^Lc?''' * *• ^ i *< * '* __!. _ J _ _ I _ . ^ ^ - A L ^ ^ ^ » •

Tkwtator tk*



_ .B*:'\ «*>* to dr»» term * • «*(**.

i.Wt&'fUOmM;. •«** .- . . ,

t a c t o t r c a o c t a a l e * . • V i :•••••. ^ v --Mora tafor«atlc«. more tafcwon 1* ne*a*i bef ore/tt* real »

«aa .bagtor-he munwM*. . .i—T . . Tpattea ha did W*

WTTMts^rva tba, door opaa and theshow to a subordinate .fromquarters. Nat until the visitor spokedie a* bacoo* awaxa of bis' T w o cablegrams tor. yon,subordinate said.' : . >•"

Th* flist cabletran


slr." th*

-Whleh «aaM BHt* not

ilied speaking Us little pleea."- T M . tber* gnat- th* curtain," agraed

Dorothy, rising hastily. "So glad tohare met you, Mr. Urtta. t hope I'veb»»n pt som* assistance about dearMrs. Mlssloseri Jewels. Oood-after-noon," ' •• x • ' . •

Mr, llriu." sh*' eri*dV "(her*wished to ask me



tba datoettra Jatttba office totDOtkal* a iaaUME of danreaito*mm*HJ[^kMllh

Witt" sail MrtBorrow withmeesage h t m ' t o p * read. • .

Ha opened tba sacond •f»« t o l* •»*read th* pontaota halt a dosan. It to *taa» them indeUbly on hisI n fad- -: ., ' .' ' • • ' '. ". • • ' •"'• •

"Drawings tor duplicate, ttkan tomanufacturar by young woman. Gavename ot

F house.


ttie. Tialtor. left toa

w u ui<M, ^ .

won't dttala you now, J*»rh»p* w«'llmeat «t another matinee xran, wltn alon»«r murratMlon between tba asta,iJellguttd to have mmle jour aoH4alui»nco, Mlla Mfcrcl}. I knowyou're to a hurry to net baek to jour'teat Fqrrvtt «udt»nre» don't like lo

I . « . name* presented[the .iewth's mtwrtirttt, , _.hut»n*4 alone with no particularplace as an objective—merely walkingto eltmulala bis mental process.• \ | t .always brightened Brits, to pas* the>panorama of fashion in Fifth was with an almost fatherly t**>Ing he gisneed at the rich, the dabon*air, tba gay sauntering along the *ld*>walk* or rolling lu automobile* andcarrism** vips.nd.duwn the- asphaltThe safety of their w«*Uh, conteltinesof their very .lives, depended un tba 'vigilance* courage _a_n.4. «tftrjencjr_ "fhimself, mud/of th* few. men Ilka btwad tbe polio*, tore* .a/vNow York. Botar a* the rank *od fllojif tho depart»_rnenl «or» eOH orued, thoao care-tree""lions and daughter* of opportunitymight be at the mercy of the ablest•*•''-••- ••' «—• Iti tbe human (lock, It




wnmni,.. trail.- Uiat;ba- In-.r knew led to nowhere. Hetreading lightly the.masse

of tba ease. One false »t*p'might baand: he preferred to remain In

attitude ot watchfulness,frum ui»er—atr-Uie

(cap* the greatest dete«U**\H^

Much as ba deplored bis enforcedInactivity, he nevertheless had lalth_-'tit tba final outcome. A. quick mentalsurvey ot the case convinced him thatth* Brst n»c*aslty was to find themaker-of th* paste (tones. Whoevermade the duplicate Maharanee would•nrely recall having dona so. There

.•.•wara t*W: Buropeoa firms that could|b»f*^aa^^;*toB».;^:was. idoubtfulilwitetliar;any.. American Baniifacturer

«OOldhav* turned out a substitute totool the eyas of Mrs,; Mlastoner, eventor a night It is hard enough to getth* compact brilliance of the diamondto a »mell past* gam: Infinitely more

.. . —jo manufacture a count

ttamor. ran up and down bis frame."This Is awful!" he groaned.-"If*' treat; news for you and Miss

HolconA." the detective smiled. *^~FW^-*yew-hla»-4»-*er4d*oailu__31adetective net hi* Inquiring gas* stead-ily, and, slowly folding the cablegram.h»*aid;

"It prove* beyond question she badno part In the crime."

"HowT" Fitch demanded eagerly."If Miss Holcomb bad been clever

enough to plan the theft, she'd haveknown better than\to go about Part*ordering the duplicate*. Also, If sh*.' ad taken the diamonds, she'd neverbi te p«™iited6»e ot tbwn toil-»«a«ln:In. her room. In Mr*. Mlssloner1*bouse. No. whoever stole those g«msdeliberately tried to throw suspiciono n h e r . " ' • • . ' - . . / !•

"But who could have conceived sucha dastardly crime?" Fitch blurted, a

cape thVgraatettdetectiv* la KYork.1 But Urtu eaemed not to nottoaIt. and tha etaple dlractnaaa of hlamanner put the girl at bar eaao.

"I took tba liberty. MU. Maroh." ha•aid .pleaaantly, "becauta I «aw youacroe* tha orcheatia, and I need aahort course in social knowledge."HI* smile robbed the reply,of Otp-

T "~ • —

r*. Mlsstoner.. ;ine i»uor»uji, u . .At gleamed trom the duplicate waa

i work of years of experiment, andy l n Paris. BriU believed,-WM the

*jt (of manutacturtnc paste gem* »uf-tldently developed to brtqg; forth asatlafaotory duplicate ot the Mahara-

pancy."Fancy!" aald Dorothy. 8he was'so

utterly at saa as to th*. detective'spurpose she could think of nothing

i else to say save: > "I fear you have•ought a poor teacher."

"Well, I don't know now," BriU re-turned, looking at bar with respectfuladmiration- "You •**, you're a soci-ety.. girl, and I know nothing of so-ciety, and there's something 1 want^ • . jjti«H!fis»offl*tW»j5^..-JL.*•"''•*!*'.' Wknow." " ; ' -^ : - •• • •'S-^^.i-;;

"If there's anything I can tall you,Mr. Brits, ril be glad to do so," Dor-othy volunteered.-"Especially If ttwill belp.yoji to find.Mrs. Mlasloner'idiamonds." . . . . .

"I'm not sura it wlltr said Brtta. "Itmay. hw«v»A *ave in* from saekiogthem In Uie wrong piice. You soetaed

enjoy tba play, Miss March."

•Oh. yas. the pUy* th* thin*'Dorothy coumered with k«*n ralUbof tba situation. It .ubtl.ty was hi.inwatlcn, she would «how him what awoman—Dorothy «* i . sll.-o_f .nlnatean.—a woman could do. "I never wtmiohava »uppo*ed." she added, • " « * ' «herself full measure.of mischief. "»•»a famous detective, could be a roatiae*

man.-Drlft winced: ills r««dy good, na-

ture parried her shafts, however, sadIt was with"the Mfflo »>°* *&" t B "be replied:

"Doe* th* author recoocll* tb* »on-nJTot the Sro, periods, or. 1. tbapiece one of IhUo problem play* *»•*leave ev.rythliig to the audlencal

1, MU. ilarch." b» want .mv"Mulbarrr »ireet geU to Broadway


"I don't know. Mr. Brltt" Sba Wadto" recall the advance nottc* of • tbaproduction. "This Is the first t ma.i>« seen It I dare say tb . plsy-wrigbt bas bridged Ibe g*P «o»*°*j'f« s^wlda gap to brid«?''', .**"

served the d«t«Uve thoughtfully."From rwdlng nlnoteenth *«**»tU"%'' • ;*b?H)i»*-«.-VguM^bar|for

moutloned. war..

to reallts that suspicion would naaliy fall on her, and therefore bo decided to use her as a cloak to hid*his own identity. Howevur. I nowhave something to work on, somethlnjthat will produce quick result*. Dr.FUch, you may tell. Ml*s Holcombthat In my calculations she Is ontiroly

l i i t e d from. participation In tba

s »

Buraau. be bad been a^ <* *•vaiM s ta t!rDepartment IX the dupll-

naeklaea- wa» manufacturedIfflutd^Hnd J^e manu-

ialay."'" ^^7^

from the pleasant shook of the de-tecUve'. word*. BriU wan hurrytafdown th* *UP«- ...:.:..___ . „


already iw^n coming-in catches, she^igM^bAVa^a^sBed.,,^!^^!^.?.!?!4*11^detective* irere. more prtglnai thansociety men. She wotidered abrariU'yIt the type was worth studying.

"Why. ye»," her hesitating answercame. "I believe It's considered oneof the best bits of the season. Very

leiajUM^jrouJraow^snjd-^well. dlOer-ent" • ' ~ ~ • '• ! ~•"•^Moa»mrMiss^Ms««*r~^~w-*.™.~.».

"It has two periods. The first deal*with tbe life'of today, the secondharks bock to tb* early Victorian pe-riod with. I understand, an abrupt re-turn to the present"

c i t y , tbrobbhig a U ytor so dsaply did thethe possibilities of hi .

tl t l t h* * • « * 0

. ^ u n a W p r V f o f n r i r PloF^ttng.'1! a m ) w ) n a w i u > >

^Eractlf wbatr-=my —Hrrandtalbs*.1 w tbrobMag-arUnr •—•'-•iw.says," Bor«by TetortedLfun flashing ' v r e 7 * "> r o B I ! r a». . f^fIn that mlgnon'face. "Hut we'll knowsoon bow tbe author has succeeded,"she added. "The orchestra Is Dearlngibe snd of this selection," ;' "EVen their amuaomerit* ware differ-«r^^imi*«d~I}rit»^-^IiiBlfilid^oLgol|,jUsnjQi^autolng, yacntlng, they hadarchBfr, <Sf'«itj8VsTsraiTaK"Sn<r»TOar«danoes—1 don't suppose anybody IAsociety sketches nowadays, 'MisiM s r c h t " . •'. . . . - . ••• • • , - •••-'•

"I'd hardly say that," she replied."There are a few talented man—'"

IHIi-iil crlsta, the doorritit norOM lh« strcnt was swun* opuaby o, lioy In' niany buttons, Jind Mr«-Mtsslonor hppoarwl oh "fliij throshoi»V~-81io wa« followod closBly by lirliwold»nd. ' - - • — ••• »t««l-

^ . . „» th« miicii-utidetoo-

IpaUently through three weeks of tor-tor the flr»t cablogram. It camer, and he opened it with nervous

necklace manufacturedfirm*. Orig-

' tBBriUlat tha telegram flutter to the

^ I i n a w itl" he burst forth. "They•wooMa't have dar«J to_take_the orlg-7*T"*~. rf jli, tatQ without Immedt

' ^ l l t * "

,,.,.",,u.»;.O*fothy1,M»rsl!Jfsil«fe2i:ii_.™,MaUnee glrU la the Forjrest Tbtater

« ? « tromthdr .lster. of, other NewYork playhou.** in that they ar. farmore serious-than anybody In th*..ave-.Sng-audiences. Caramel., mar.bmal-low*, ehocolat* cream* are forblddrt

Th'a utmost nourishment one ot them

nibbled- «urr*ptlttoo«lr_!.>«t»««> d *6o"us" little outbursts Ot kid-glovedaoplause. It Is not tbssort of gathar-• • whlcbonaWoum^xp^Ltofi^

aot too>ft athat make th* metropoll*

t h 9

11 Provesbl ttabyby »U«». •^ li P

w « t to Paris to/have tba

t ' » » i » d tb . - ™ ° *necklace * «uffld*nt num-xnSrbut

and someona who bad| * ? * * B

the somebody he soughtwhen hU ga»s leli OB a_*Um UtUe Dg-ura In the trimmest of dove-coloredgowns, sitting In-tb* fifth row oft thecenter aisle. Instantly"jUa• last pre-tense of attention to the play van-ished. 'Keeping hi* eye* on Ui» graycurves of the girt In th^Bfth^row,h*quitted his post at one; aid* of thehouse and walked slowly to tho main,exit, wbtnoe he watched her ontn th*curtain .fell on the first" .*<•<•/ Mean-while, ha scribbled on a card, slippeda Ubersl Up toto^th* raoepUve hand

wiUOt an usher, an<r»i»ca^» -.**f-^VT*of hU interestPXmkJJi* ^irtsJi*>Mon tb* first act.--'.JflW; usher i*«1 r t*a

down; th*5*l i l* .K^/ l !W^>»* 1 ; a '* .fcaid-toitba^a^^sTW-i'^'-rv:^..:-.^:-.

BriU. of ,H*td<iu»rta», «».*»*• « " '

the detective now. Had she b « n"r*ar*d^ia"^uttt1;p?»tr«ertti*tead*-oton Murray Hill, site could not havefelt more natural.

"Now, this society subject—by tha!way. Miss March,'-" BriU switchedagain, "Is there as much dlfferenoe

"Oh. a great deaL I should say."Her eyes^wlnkledr *Of /a>ur*e, I can-not speak; with authority—from per-sonal observation." : ' ••'•'• '-,:•-'"•' '•••''• rr

"I wouldn't ask yon to tell me any-ng about Ward UcAlliBter from per-

ith*v*asirthi=*W6UiH«"or:-ji!»'»««tn4rvn-n'ky -jag/iffA'. alarmed. Could

be great detactlva* wasted time* oncompliments, too? But a side glanc*at tbe d«t*ctlT*'« serious expression

i reassured b*r. It wo* manifest evento */deo»Usots\ia b«4 nojdea of ms-Ung an itBpreaslon sOtrag-thu iln*.

is laughed frankly _a)ad looked atm agalftJn the frlefialle.t wsr.;,

i-,-.*3.'liaoiriroo""donrt iWan'tTtolBstrTtW.about anything so recent a* the Spaa-bib war," she said, "now, do you?"

"Candidly, 1 dont." h« rejoined.T o tett:ybi:tbJii Blala troth, t don*know-exactly what 1 wish to a»k JOJ»nor how to ask I t bttt 1 have an Id**yoo^sn help me, ani I sm sure youwill for Mrs. MUsloner"* sake."

"And Miss HoJcbmb'»r asked tha:girl eagerly. "She, too, yon know; t* ad*ar friend, of mine." . :' - . - ' ' -

-AM Miss- l l o l i o m W - auswerad.


•I ' t J u W••It wowltnc..."

call Ml*. March Mwalking north

«™,IiOh,.*imQ»M4L»*m^ vo£« wore orless artistic,", said Dorothy wlthcon-rlcltlon. "But one must not ba un-just to the men an that account;" :

"W«ll.. Mis* March,*! and hi* smilefrom * younger man would have be*ncalled. caressing, "we've atarted wltii.Bl«eowtw;o^tti«^lagr.»nd,*0:leM,c^iM;-on authorship, the founder of the FourHundred, the war wllti Spain nnd a

.dos^.s^hfr.llu1i)ae(iir.'^''iraaay,'"*.'niiw'chatt«lr xigxsgs, isn't itf I w.s* aboutto say that ffoin all I undtttktiiinl, tbojraolsty BI«I» of today are noi u •*>•

wiinl. but tin read It from h«r_ lips.MB saw tha widow step Into h«r llnun*^ -»lii«, saw Hniidi and Orlswold follow,saw the chauffeur throw hi* clutch,

' •"• - - xlld* swiftly south 10* -<ritr-*i«t*nUu»,




s hnt nf bonbons' you jlgjjitnow half » doten men who'can drawnythlng axcapt cbDcks.""Ob, yes, 1 do!" she cried gayly.

Then, - msdltatively, "Half a doian,tjoa *ayI-4»o.»u..kjiowJ_M;^ Ilriw,. I

" i l n k ; y o u . « t n ' . " . ' • v -..-' •••; / , ••":.''"*

"You don't know, as many'a* aUT'rlu inquired, .as M _the fato of_«m-Ires hung oa hi* winning the wagerist *a yet was only a hypotb*sl«."It's humiliating, Isn't I t r she said

naively. "But I dm't-Tn'areV'sMi two"or thra*. though—Teddy il^prlmer snd"••=~Ur1*woid;rand -jtb»4 queor^Uttle:r r«i/chipen. Anatoie-^-AnatoI*—«b»you know who. I m*sa?" ..;

"Anatol* Daublgnr?"•,",-,' •."Yea-Tba draw* the funniest, dear-.

I> j /Won't TOftiirrVoM- Now/*-

reuheii a turning point, the dalectlva•prnng-tnlo tlw enh, wblsiiernd an ad-dr«*s to the drl«»r, and, added In •tow tune: , • . ' .

"Uoub.ln your fare for speed." .• -.TJW'•cabman losh«d hi* horse »nd^

through the quickly th«t inJi-j»haH t!rne_ho was several block*alHiad of.lh« lltnou»tne;—JttHhir-.wiirLup tbb nvenun tlw race conilnued,'BrlU well In the lead. At the Fiftyninth streetnritrant«,:t!i* sutomoblla


w*s-D8c«s*ary to obtain unglble ey|.Jeac« ot Qriswold* ability » » »anughumsn.. How to do so withoutalsrmlng the clubmaq was the pr«*»tttp r o b , J i r B D f ' " ; / ; . • . . ' . ' . : / . ' ' •:• '• ... . . : v •'•

Drlts by ru> mean* was prepared to*uip«ct OrUwpld of tbe robbery. Hpfealliad thoroughly'-'tiisi Dorotby'* ln-

nato tb .


ts* headquarters man warmly.- • "Letme. lay,".' too. my dear young; lady, as,one old enoogh to ba.yonr—your-^*;-

. "Don't say my brotber. Mr. BriU,"lnlerposed Dorothy mUchlevousIy. "1—I—well, 1 don't really See bow I canbe s sUtar to anybody else." She 'felttoip«a«d - to treat this strangely

' Mtural man BatoraUy—she, .who de-'spite her inexperience, ctraM freezepre»umptloo"wlto~« gUiscev felt-that


f!|iaWnesaV''Ja:'M«.;. toi>a...tbSB--,.ba<l-:.c<*.^jti^«My;* :day/^f *:•«•.:**.'^ bwsy^'ft:wo»Ja^ba;»''=d*Ugat',»>M

TtjnTf~TnnrflHrrt-Tfmnk(ir* ","Aren't they slmply-^-slmplif ravlsh-

Jng?" the airl r«Wro*d. "Attd »een bl» newest satire' on- th»Ne«pott set—« tot. of ape* 'aia'd'

.baboons and icblmpaAM**. In. evsnlbgdreks sluing at tba table with severalmen «nd women? 'A Family Reunion,'b e call*.IV* •'-.': •i-"^-':: •••'•^:'T-'"iJ.

"D«igBttttl!" said Btittywiuj^attrthuMlasa}, wiLSlluar bers. "I percalv*.we eiijora good maoy. ihlnt* In .con»"' W w . ' M l s a . M t r f h ' " ; ^ ^ ^ ! ^ ? ; ^ s

' "» |d ll_t:%aji iot;*vary,.f

j^»nd^*'WeW1^»»n»w.>!by thrifiorTcavthst s^fsw •„.-,„. -ther north, he ilropptd bis fare. lafront of n mansion; of Imposing ugll-,ops*, toucbed-hl* .list In acknowledg-'-ment of a generous tat, and was bowl*fnaTSastward,- halfway- to Madison, »y.*j;, ,nue, when the Mlasloner car m p - "p**red Jrom the park'* 8*ventyi**«'ond;street' gsUi.- - , - -_.- — :L_.__1_

"You at least can'stop for a mlnut* .,of j(o»slp," said Mrs, Mlsiiooer overher:shoulder a* sh* preceded Bands.'and Ori»woltl Into-her library. "FVnante,and club aflair* can wait a lit-tle wblle, • ai)3—ohT*^~ ' -_-..:—

'•; "• ThTiel*«itHI» O'wtlsr,Sdenc,* In IU more awful forms is

not confine-* *~ ••Hooihoy bowler*. One



i*t^oSstr«si. th* impTl*oned gii*J ^ & b W r s y l W O » smoUest! ^ ^ b » Mcusstloh "*»n.t her.

b o " " 1 w l t b h l m M ' i 'susn^tod OrlswoW.tha opposlto of Don-

' lnstoad of sus-

sn; *|<le«3»WP«;i»..yo»,-; .p»v. »;•<?---

wbo solved world-famous mysteries,"Isn't tt strange!" she said. TbW

i f years recall*! bar to a"Isn't tt strange!" she said. TbW

the training of years recall*! bar to af]sense Ot what she waa doing. - "i tearwe've- be*a vary onooovaolional, tit,

', .-..•S*.-.. J?....v..«%-

tje Cranfort


EMrectoHc*J•r«rjr pafWtbaOMatjr, eicept Was)

Lfojrd Tbotnpaon. and evaa U>fPUtc* sot H

w^wmiwsHwW^ra</*. The OiUun mill print gxxl for Plore*. Oil ibe

,tnkralii%Urt$ltothe^eoj>U of Cm*'orf tut rfw* m?t tkertbi w a t t m * , ^

«»/«•• opfofont «»fc» ««»t j " > ^ . • • , ' ^ i i

to l»U.i|p fui.tfrfinanmuiuiUipji of Hoa..Carltonierc« for Senator, by tbe .Ho-

licau» «t Tuesdays primaryV l l l l r r i d rai out i a£ &n advertising inedium

3 .

au» «t Tuesay p m yVol* wlilcli carried. rain out it pOMibl» taat aol* wlilcli carrid

election 'district in ,'fliop

quired to d<wir!«.e^ry election tCininty.oxcepi tho home town of< U th b i t k i d f

nty.oxcepi tho h nopponent U the biggeBt kind of

f tb l i t i l

ybi'tKMU tb» four Republican CM-

as the D*tt two c»ndldat»« togtlbcr. i.Ii«t o i U > tnwt orUea, liaioUufter

I faif^io quCHlion but tbat Mr. I'ieroo gbabavinji about 800 TqC

tor«'iJie united eoppo1)1 b.o, oleoted For Awmbly thtro' mm t o *Mot«k

bfiu tbo wSn«r a£ ibetiH lot U h ) f>«J* JK-JTIB. uA vuit a 01 T"»t

a"'tias5jiaf=u^B?wpuoplo and wbiob they furor, a

d l k b k dteal tbf> nomloo»» rk\tg John II. Oop

M L h W d R'bfct C' ptptfaruiof »OUrt<l plalikH baokfldby a roepf 4*_ol(. liiuiLftcrloruiaacoi!

al tbf> nomloo»» rk\tg John II. Oopnil/, H. i. MoLouKhlW and Ro'bfcft C.

l«»liti' aitoeof


*bowedabalaae« t>tf h«»4 ««tisn whieK wava'tKRlIt wilWBO*

1»MI upon/motlbn'qtl u u ^ i r , Ifeytlij*. <M«»lMt. ri.-T*, tarw l * n l r n o t u w d piwAna.' < •-•>*> >JH l r b t t U d ftt f i l r iHjvlcloe or tbu atxi«o-»taUd wftt of

tfcB vuli lm) ni l U < ' ' •' >•'•' • ' ! ' -

Hi»>M«MMIMI»tMlllliA o0wm»)inJflaUoh ffqm .ttiq , p w 4 m rBpard orKduoatloo ion(«B«»«A»!ttj«iKduotl o n ( « B j

f DupUa eafcllMt In ibemaaoU«aa W l » f * t f h *bl».tb«'

mown and iiMlgilatwl u lotf'hmiilwnjd tour («).

. »Mn.--i »r«g«tliBg'«M> Viry^Ue* Laundry 'Work

m&m^^mm&i^m^' " —-go alCaa*1h> BtRb BohOot toIn! Opaala OMHte; t # W ' r'l. r'.i' <va'nd^aln}Ta"an'lit* ddnewii iout the wear andlluhaok, Sd, 'A; 'X<% Notice of Adjourned Sale of lamb

- _- - -FOK - - -



T -'u t'^^^^i^y^'^ at Laundrieff._

interested in lineXaundry. Work to<ae* a »Auple of our work.

)MWil4W» pand-not"<ierHikm"<By< ajt* rt (JSnTtnatbT3SlI ^ M i ,

.rnrLaimdnr!»el«tlve» from New Yoi«;ovtr Suuday.

M a M U l d f Will Acraping i}f th(» -»'M>lf, when IU» piu.griyn fpr 1,06 M<Uott,v(jU b* lnid out.

• Q ^ I H ^ V J a i l E t e t a i

f ; yMr. ana Mr». Ulitd of Willow > Ayes.W ho aud ule will take place on

PIUDAY, OLTOBEIt U>, 1>I1,of town fflenda ottrKH1DAY, OCTODEIt 2U, 1*1

at th^ fco*" o« tWa I o'clock p. PI., a U"t,Towiuhip Roama, corner »{ Union AVCDIM .

l^ "5rop poatal and wagon will cail.

,Twti 7uT, turattoyi «{ t i t pcraou agaliul *buin tli< u id tuiiaami water aaKaawciiia bave been Uul ou ac-

d f,.MI«i"ApeUBuHan*A»hM\BiUl ofdaJ trtnihft,Twti 7uT, turattoyi

formHllV «H*nW W tne «eaW>u,^ ^ > d

coant of the ause and. thc^amounl of uw £-tanauul aever rtr^""-*"!* laid ou account £ufTvCadl parcel are aa followa. via:I M ^ P A I U TAXES DUKyKAK l>iots»5feu» M.. Scott, ikx dHe'»ui.«. tloitae.

marriedM.^MtJBLUl«m«t4fc •,- —, •^Tho Klihlng Club of Oarwood enjo

wmW>ViW%t<*SPt«l 0 tmros -witt n tyfc* 'oatoh

leaks for tbtif ^a new dictionary for tbe "aebool. I t . Scott, lax d | i e t i i i . Jo . HOUM

huUdlujH fax . acres. Urookaida

oOurniae 'tb< iiropertr j

KMMi-- ;^*»» Tlm^td'torilbi; WrylcW wjli be held

.•in'. 7ii.JAti«I.IU1«>«j*i>'__.'I»J "ttantion.

omocsj^Mfflffltm^< ' Qrarford'a fayor

l l lwtbe flaalaof liw tennis tourna>- r — mer4,iu vloglei at tlie -Club an Hatur-

. day ftl. R. itanionwan

BBlLofilaJncdhTthoTomialiH.CpmBlluetbe Townalilp oltTanrort. In the Count*Union:

Dourawi 6 » t VVetnplaom Willow araiotlo GlMaler Hace.. -Tonnablu. Union C»v..N.J.," now on , .J

to theson. O. n.

f . hla weto J- (Of bM opponent.

W a r « " i « w . * ^ j u , i | l a a w *w . *A»tYo«Fowk«niFr^ from Lice. But are they?Y*u Kippur, tb*

AtouoniMit being Qot, 1 (flim|jflj),(Thfof the Tabernbole will \»t

aunsit <,




Edwin Cinfleld ofE^Bi^pwHW**itjiotrtb- move to Eaat

i i j M s f e f e to* A*WrW^;WH°™treeM.

El-Mayor E-B. Horton who baa

«ra,orFU»«fleld ttree*.wpwStSrt iye 'Ms family to.Nether-

y'. wodd aome timt^aut mon(b.Tdwnrd Beadto. Hr, of Halmlere

nfiS*'fi3' lsai '>r*ulssl* l f1EteB



4 m fc rt f


Drl r«»a lortJ^

death at Iak«g;^^



fOU *».V SO.- • \mV WJHS.MIJ;'-™^. .» - - • . -

^ p ' i ) r ) i e a t o t « « r y . * ' ' " v " ' . . ' •__• . . ' . / • ".-. . • • . , . . - . . . •!*• TUankiug you for pMtiAV.w. .S • . • •'. ' ' ; V«ry . t r i t ly ,

i*- - A. •aoLDuKnu.

w 9t IMfuas • 0 1 . 1 H . U B .! Cftnfurd' liw



.,,«„_. j*ter.*4i»5 _.UP, t» ouch'Improved. • i ; - t ^ --•-Ipaad^HM. BerkleyO. Aualwar*_fcted home. tram Fr'tboe, what*

J 'f> i h p have been 8[rundlnn their bonevmcjfin, oa Sunday or Montliy. '.;, ^

p ' Jjiat witurdiiy' atternooa tlie Dixie; QlibW lourneyetl to Platnfled1 afld de-;.t»tad a Colored team at that plaj^'fey

lido Rupert Wheeler aDSlflfmsdi George Wheeler «nd wire V>fl,

s... v - . . , tbU morning by autorocbll«AU>K',Mt9|idJUSe8tute-'FalratTWtoil,;'?;,- %

*" r':?S» Gray Chemical Company, of;N.w»jlf, lms leiuoa U). ^Mdolpb>.bull lnK ou. orth aTenue.' The firm

&,--•; manufactures .mubalmlnfl tuldi >l "P^a^Wundsf takm^auiwBk^;^ .? ; . ,

p;;l4fVV-LHngo baa purohaaed a handKap^'inme tedai of graya from.Mj'f1.Whalergy';' for,u«« in his trucking'builnes. In New| | 5 : y Vorlt. This malte* lire hdrtea purqbw-g??'^,ed from Mr. H'heeler during tbepaai

hi* line. Addrew 181> • - .

k^^kaiM:1!wmm1 tM,LVCDIMV

. . . . ..-

! ^ H «B!**-lt home raised milk and crea,mfrom thorouglUjied~MZit jersey cowl, fittl«rVBy"iAyser\.hdc,'• nnilary .

t-\\ con^ons. Mwim to be (avorcd^illi your

CranfonJ. N. J.vit* *l

i » • *





rkaptl threat JOWBIflH - « y « w i» iKrlnlof Krier'iawr.and rau

^ K u l i d l n g , breaking a ihow_ 1Wpu>


(HwioH*.>o(lh«i buu»UH»i»,nu«at Uinbad; bean pttparwl by CaUnr • IUmin1M4. !>Untt|ttb»bai>qu«tCttirfH«iMr»rttoflkery w(W InnJI)- ohenreil for tli«Ifootf w o l i t V b d tlotio «i»Ni' h* h*tt


,(5il ^iir-^j^^d^Rlgif'^irft"•••"""""• 'ue^je'^^rtpnttl^'^iiiir

^ Up9^'t,hoakcij|l»ut' oo'pf;' ••• '• '• '•JU^b^

^Mfia^^ottFin^Ca?4, « a,

Pe^VJ"ffidr»rtlroft!cr. wall com,)!*?ready for dcmonrtraiioni K> h. p -"i d' * A V V Hibwn-O

rt!jrosy frito Mfria——...---i sinoa »ha llrrtnt th. month ou

•BwaoatlonV to llnd/thatybe had beenPiioininated for T W o i b t y C ^ ^ ^ b ^^ ^ r ^ - ^ l ^ n r n l v B HokAt, ' . . /;"•, ''.^—

q«i*to*ia, there betng, but litU* »»t-JM&»0<rth»rtiM*ili»tan*l»aUno,wa»KQlPBOtt ,

1. T


duly eaU«fled7 tbe iratberlngy wb ol.i^abftttt" VHfi »Hd iiilocM*U;


•i a

- ~ VfA

. 680:

the Sperry?2mtiWM$w':4i

^ ta


| friend. of

I C E T C T R ^ ^ ^


tend ih»iM«*:uy!»pww«jnuu*i »•./ --—U M ? Mtdtapoa^llo-give «tobimi «••iur.pgtb.m they wM'bo; amply'WP*"bfittienurtaWmeoi f«rntah*lv'«-*


iwlshM'puplVtoltaWr; All (^Imnwj

3SIB Inv

• • " - x s i : ^ -




! i

Playing the HermitI * LAWRENCE ALFRED O A T

Bucom Hays* wu misting.i 1 h



. *r

I t


he lived, said be was—Us club friends•aid th* tarn* thing—th* puBUc prsa*announced that he had vanished offtb* tac* ot tb* *arth wUhout

IV ~*i

*o much aa « trail of dost behind.And who was Bttcom Hir« to b«

misting and tar* whistles blown andhorn* looted sod private-detective* setF>D edge?; Just «a old bachelor with »comfortable income, complacent la ill*Datura and lux and unambitious byaatur*.

Mtedng! No elewl Lut teen sittingIn a public park at tnldnlibt Had adespondent air and wa* no pra-occii-•pled that when a TBI culled him' Cully" and tiruck him for a quarterJie .neither fij!»wer«] to Ui« c»m» norhanded over the-slilner. Foul play,perliapn, aa h*. was knows always to<«rry enough with him to pay his taxifare, so inatlef how much the chaur-lour meddled with tb* clock. No r«a-*on known why he should climb to th*lop of the Singer building and leap oil.Ill* laundry sceoufll was paid up tothe last c*nl, and lie wan tbrw cig-arette packages ahead of this gams.!No reward, but the grateful thank* of

aimer tor Information.

their wIMngno's* to tak* up the cat*{for the preMig* It would give on* Ha•would h«ve ti«en but for bit Title*.'Blrlklng an altitude he boMsely wblcipered: •_, • '•'•• - • . . * .

'in -tere—goj; the jikate—Jumped(from on* of tb* bridges! Ha badireaehed tlmt agewhen a" turn-down It(fatal to a man.. Ills body wilt li* foundiwaahed upon State? Ijlsodt t go to

Hut 11a«cotti*wai"nonia"loTe;""1pri?titd tbo titter. "l ie hat never loved.

,A thouflaad time* he b » declared fawould never marry,"

"Sly <Jo.7-iily dog!" whliperod tb<detective. "He wa« simply puttimlyou off lh« acoot. IJaten to me. On<ihe last night ymi taw hlnr I was walk,ting <tn Madison ayecue, following th

two ago jo take ap hi*

M|ddle-ac«d and dwwatlyth*y aajr oe tpesda BOM *C< U* da**mooning and •tghlog. Ureaon turnip*,!broth two. Daela JUB••* blm y*«t«rdar, bat eaaU ••* a*tmuch out of Urn. Se*flM 10 »•on* who ba* twea dlm*ppo»aU4 tm kMkand think* th* world ha*. got* ta>tmaah. Harry down and baip w ta>•olre the nrattry by BodUg tfcaparty wbo. gave him ta* «aake.-

Th* widow tmlled and nodded a*»h* read the 4itur. Sb« crea **M I*bertelf: "Yes. that woott be }aat BkeWBL"7 Then ih« wwi toa* to leave for tbe emmtxj

FBy «SQO Dobr* Paid Yearly

thsn she bird planned lor. Sher start**,arrived, and was welcomed. She bad•carcelr bulged her frUnd wbca «wai greeted wltb:

"Th* hermit U there yet We beardhim crooning a love *cna; last nigafter stealing onion* aad torsfp* forhis supper."

'Home escsDed lunatic, probably."Oh, no, he can't be. He's Jast break-

log hi* heart over some woman. Whata wicked wretch the must b* to drive

I-*-!. And what a nisay a* maat

Now, then, hurry pp asdand get lunch and we'll go over to th*hut,' Perhaps we caa tsrbvng* andconsole film."

An hour ' later , th* widow sat-nouncciT that «he Was going tothe'hermit She might or might a**know him, but ahe had an Idea *a*did.' Tbero was considerable *nr»Went about her going alone, but ah*

v bfdonr No, <,000,<)0.o open* andntan descends tbo ttept and pluuget

linto the gloom. 1 had i./ulr look at|blt face and figure, and If over thereiwts black dwnmlr, It wat there. Hejhad b**n turned down by tb* widow

Tti* Widow Took «

WHO live* there. That man was yourbrother. Il» had got It bad and couldnot survive the ibockl"




with your brother1* heart- Oo ohafg* 1i«r"wHh. iraVd

Urlng the guilty bluah to

I <

. .TSeTiTerdecided not to do any

auoh tblDg. She *aw eeteral eabar-raailng objectloni to that Itoa of cjduat Neither, did «h« beilere thatfc*r brother ba'd committed suicide, but

, ah« wi* willing" that th« det*c(lf*ahould patrol tag bijaeaet' of StatenJtland at hi* cwn expeme.„ - Tla don»|--ho whUj»f»d. "I charge

~'-ymt- AOtftlng- for finding- th»rtail~r*-~main*, but when 1 arrlv* hdre" with

• th«u on a truck you can leader u* a•mall sum lu payment"

Tlier* n u a little widow living atNo. 4,000.000 on tbo axenua named.

r nan leave the b;AK»*"at aH t didn't Jtpow wD«tb«r

f waa the wldow> grandfather.. lstB«r,/Unele or, brother, but Tio called

UnBaieom Cray. Ttie'jItUe wld owalao knew Uat Ur.iOnr wa* ml«».log.' Sho beard of ft oraJQj; And ahejTead tn, the'Taper*. , Sbralw knew

• Juat why be wat mUileg, but ahawasn't ehaalng aroond to vfelunleer 1n>f i W d ktRwtiHrKrl tMjiquiet Betide*, after »e*erM'dajft bad

HJ ld

W^W& t•ad i»9Ug&t • amila to her tto« and• pit* to aormind. , , , .-

"I »i*> ^on ^r*r*»,be^--wr«» thecop-ttpabdeai . ,-"^« n*»r». ••' romtftttomjp»Urtt,oo.b»oa. -There1*- m o l d

V* road ft has not been occupiedsad fa sadly oat

started off. It wa* sn tdeaii place fora btrmlt. The wood* and brash wet*dame; the old house almost rooScsa.and a more lonely* tpot could not bar*been found for ten mite* around. Fromth* shelter'Of a brush tbe widow tooka long look. Only; a; woodpecker waato be seen and'beard; and fie win cer-tainly a .dejected ifHjklng b(r«L- Afterirtluio an adv»ttc« wac mad*' to tb*R»l'!nK doorway, and the herejtt of th*>wilderness" was mad* out tot*od In a dark corner with hlaon his knees.

"llaacom, come out!"Tli* figure never stirred."Com* put, 1 tayl"

Blnay," ."It (t you. Nlaar 'wa* aakedf fa a

mournful voice at a disheveled Cg-maro«8 and came tp,t£a door. , ,

"Of courae It la! Come atoagi*"If* loo late!"'•Too late, nothing!"And ahe look the hermit'* hand as*

led him to a little glade aad *at aimdown and tested bertelf betide hlaand aaldr' • .;,.- :. •'. ' .-- -•

"Air I Raid that nlgat waa that •l ^ 4 ^

WaaUagleav-Th« milUoD* who pat.*— avrrtag *tet«ra_«bow» J a thl*

kava^et Bttla ooneepUos oftka cjqpaaM iacarr«d in making tb»ttaaa or of th« number of panoeucacac: ta tUt nceaOy drreloped ocea.

ufeo.rum fa* departiaent of commerce

aa* tekor ttttiMlea It appears thatM* axtota aad artmttm is thl*cevatir U«« abandoned the ttage to-

la realMlc (COM* before a mov-iatg pMare oamera. Added ta thl•wttitr of profewlcm*!*, tbera a n a!haat Mjm aaperamacrarlea and th•alary litt «f Uww * 1 » a n paoto-Cfjajxbed Into rcallatle acenea reachetafeoat S£OM,000 aacB" rear.

Tbn ktta competition among*-Olapply feanaes ha* retailed In exnea-

*Jre *SarU ta produce aotnethlng moreelabarat* aad etpenalve than ever be-fore attempted and* frequently, large

toi of Dovtaj plctor* actonam M M to foreign conntrlea aad torotate -earner* of oar own,

BoBu4jjn«* t ie pitying before theeaaaen become) too

heat taw a lake a* a part of the pro-" B e waa t o T u w been-atmek

wfeh aa oar when he came up, batthl* f*rt wa* omitted for the drown-tat et tin artor prored a reality.

One at tie- leading notion pictureactor* la thl* country 1* a young Kng-

a graduate of Oxford, wboaa* played In acme of the leading pro/dacttoaa oo tfie road and wbo turned»> tt»T ptrtnra rmirinwi b»<iau»e It paidbetter. Among the acts be has beencalled epon to stage I* the jumping

a cliff wben pursued by a handilana. Below the cliff, 100 feet

the** was a life act. bu{ even a 100-foot drop with a life net as a safe-guard ha* l u thrill*. Another ot bisstwtc.ts lo walk «8 a precipice wall*

tbe pan of .absent-mindedwho came* aa- umbrella

and read* aa be walks,To the audience it appears a* If the-

BisbreUa la used a* a parachute en-th* professor to *lnk grace-

fully aad safely to the lower lever.eiTect la accomplished by attach-

tac a wire to the actor, the earn* ir-used ln[ the aerial ballet.

p g 6 m a k * jSS•elf known ta th* world, and yoa he>csme angry and took your departure?

"Out you—you Intimated—""Yet. but tha^a alfpa***d. Tow haw

ed. You are In all th* paper*.are, ihe-talk of tbe tow*.- Teu «r* be-ing searched (or. llascom. no wqmaatwant* to marry a nonentity. Ton ar*>not on*. You have-made a fool ofyourself and we'll be married as*4 you -With!"

. Tb* Martinet. •"The martinet never aucceada. A

typical martinet waa tha weU-kaoenaone who, bavins; ordered hla BMB tochange their ahlrta. and tben ha*taa;learned that tbey bad no abitta to

yto,-aal'l.Jtt.vtiat •v«ortb«jcban#e.*bin«;«ltb each, other. J

Tho apeakar wat Cot Hugh lenoxffcott ol Waat Point. Ha coaltaaad:

"Thit chap, a captain, strode ap to°P*S>JiAKtoaa.-and.aald w i t h • taai>rul frown; •

MWho'» tha Idi l that ordered yoato leave th*t,W**a of ejftflty neat eajright her* in front of b*a*jwwt*t»r

" 'It waa, tha ealoaat, air." th*> BBUBreplied.

•Very welt then.* taid tb* captataabarply. let It *Uy there- And yoarlearej'a ttoppad, for a week; myror-calUng-rour eolonatraB-tdtec*

low « •«aac*r< awanowed-ntoxe tait waterttanr ha crer in«anit'O^'»ga~inarw»irid b

How ta Cook « Leon,Dill Crater, a guide, for nftrtww

esrs at Charlaaloa Lake ta Ontario.Canada, haa a, ngmLjwcatet for toot

« l gf « • watrowlagacoapgeTSon)«rvllle. U. J , conncUntesj a lavw«eka ago and whtn a looa caaa taalght the itnuutan aaked Bui if (hay.wera good to eat.

Dili replied in. a rather Vraatve w .and one of the fianaroian Uaa.aakedBUI how they werfcooaadL ThUwaawhatf CHI wa* waiting; far and h e n kU>* reelp* that ffill gates *C*ok th*ooa la water tor t«al»e>-b<iwwt--at-

ntght pour off thla vataraatt cook himyer night. In tha m»mh>

iW-OnfifW69e-I. hava deddaft

to piarry Oackv- •^*- toa-flfhworagrt

bin to propcMW-

to" worry prer in __. _^it I* whether the wire fit going to

iA trrf&mpjt photographed -thriller. tkcat «st;tt-|nan " _

nilroad track with a passenger trainraitnag:.toward him. Of course thetiaia stops'jnst before reaching tbetictita. bit la England, not long ago,t i e eagntfer drew the stop tbo fineaod raa enrer the body."

iher stunts ~of-the-OSorBitaf^wao I* on* of the le»d}ng

"ma&m~ a4c«nr»" "actors"' of' Amerlcjit,Waa a. Ufa saving act near Portland,Me. • • ' . ' .

the last six. months,'* hea*** t**a com-

in Cub* sod' In v the

-thednuna of a Shipwrecked sailor, 'Itwaa aa exciting affair. First, we hada rtasirl at aea which waa supposedto be wracked; th* sailor, despairing;of racoe aad abandoning th* ship.

p ^with th* wave*, furthermore, we.klred tkegoremaient llteeairtiiKcrewaad Uwir boat Among the regularWe taTtr* aome of our own aotor*were saadwlehed in at the oara,

"Veil, air, a •quail thai aprang updariac the pJctare taUnK gave me »

t y the omnbera. Tbe »o»-cnsaeMt crew and th* .actor life,aaveca dWat hit it oS wa)I kt'all, The

actora tao-^caslrt' to atra.Uvea. For-taaaietr. we aomeaed througn.; thehuhad B U waa polled, aboard, apara*d an. aad th* boat, aftor t*o ofthree) wnwanrraafal trfabC maateredth* heavjr bivakera and brought all

la m&itkm to the UW »ctors .and

•mar « t the preg—t w<<»<*•§ *bool* snrrio* for not letcthaa t,«ot a year.

the goTeraBiast to obtaift'(teed* for the e«e*n «*t" c M

la atUfbatad t o * mjbb«r ofThe advent of «f*an'tnuu-

portatloa, tbe trolley «^r fatoajoWa,ha* canted the marlSet f or* rjdlaghone* ta beeoiM *• -Wdneed thatbreeder* over th* leoMrfrf/-. b»T*turned their etiflitk*. to .raltiaa;draft bone* instead:,,. j j v « l» WTr-ginia, once famoVt* for jta fln* ridingnort**, -only osa^goft a r many hnnV$n ax* bred a» fbrm«rftr-. The cowpony of tb« weat tf ajmott a thingof, tb* part, asd the aboUahneat of"railroader*." «r the eU. »tyl« of•treeticar iortr, HM removed »type available for army pqapotea.Theae latter were contldered th* beatkind becauae of their endurance andwmingnet* to work.

Since "1B0S the gorenment ha*Improved t ie type and general ute-fulnM*. of i u hone* for tbe army bypurchasing, tben,at a younger age



ef tk* teat dag* * tad" la fla aataateae

tea *t XkfcaWb i s CamfeOl) am tke rimeCtMbatvea* ef the isrs**

nnwwint»gWnnaiMby thla method, 9\M, a

animal had not reached an age whereIt had c<J« Onjlffeeder so mucfi. Bu>~inx at three and four year* of agehad enabled tile breeder "to sen forloss, as tho horse* .were, as a rule,unbroken. Through.the establishingof remount station*, wh»re the younghorses were broken for army use,the government gained its most val-uable adranttf*.

TB*" government recently beganbuying hone* for the , army thatwere three and four years old. Thesehorses are sent to the depot for ma-turing- and'handling, and finally Is-'sued to the troop* at «H and fiveyear* old. Under tbe plan the ani-mals •will hare a longer life'of use-fulness. Under the old plan, wherehorse* were bought and Issued to th*troops direct, th* army usefulnesswas t \ years on an average. Nowthey hare • useful average life ofjten years.


Thirty thousand miners are **•

aaaa iseana "Ood•frengtheaa." H* waa a. prtet, th*•on of But, probaliljr a famUr~ham«7H* wa* ateo «ae of th* gr*ai**t oftb* prophet*. He waa probably ftrear* old whan be bega* to propheayIn B. C. 6K, which would pat the data-of hla birth la Jotlah'a reign, abouttit* time Jeremiah began to propb**r.and lire ream before Jottaa1* greatreformation and th* finding of thebook of the law,

Ha was a married maa; u d the•uddea death of hi* wife WM made by

! > « • . He went on with hla work "with .

Ha waa a man of power sadeonrag*.'holding. Dla fac* a* adamant•gainst wrong, but attractive and per-•ussir* la eneouraglnf "the people toprepare for their return from exile.

He w**'a, man of great Imagination,using *ltan*. allegory, parables la ac-tion, symbols, lymbollc settons. He•aw rltlont, and dreamed dream*,fft hid spiritual exptrlenrn* But he-

la Ptttsbttrg. under ~the~ausp(ce«'ofth* federat 'bureau of mines, theAmerican.' Red Cross, the PUts'burgCoal' Operators' association and -theUnited Mine Workers-of America.President Taft will bo present on thesecond day to'witness a mimic mineexplosion In » temporary steel gal-lery on Forbes field, ,sn, exhibition ofrescue work by helmeted miners fol-lowing -an-explosion, --and- -to reriew-the parade of miner*.'""nThe .prealdant'i'Wiand will preipnt souvenir prise* tothe miner* taking part in the flrst-aid-to-lhe-injured ami rescue work ex-hibitions. Walter L. Fisher,' secre-tary of the interior department: Gov-ernor Tener ot Pennsylvania and Dr.!9Br*.<*i ¥^9S tta.dlwtor.-PW**lureau ot mines, wtlf *I*o be present

The demonstration, the purpose ofhlch (a to teach greater safety |a

Dining, will begin at the experimentitatlou of the bureau of mines. TheJrst day will be devoted to the ,in-

terests""6f"TtHe-'nilne operator*,' mineowners, mining engineer* and supertntendent* of mines.- There will be

explosion of coal dust In the ex-periment gallery and test* of minesafety lamps in. gas. The danger* ofelectric spark* in gas and coal' du»t

waa alao tbe moat practical of men.Eueklel1* model hero** wera Noah.Job, Daniel. They all had loat theirworld, but "Noah Inaugurated a newworld; Job ended by teeing Ood Inthe whirlwind." Daniel did greatthing* for hi* native country In hi*new country. Exeklel wa* an exit*,t u t in that exjle wa* a mighty forcein the renewal of hi* native tend-, - ,' Th» God of ttrael wa* an invisibleOod, without any representation tothe sense*. It wa* hard for th* peo-ple to realise hi* exiitance and hi*presence, it I* bard for q*. but much-harder for them. The temple and it*ritual wer* an aid. God's work* lanature were hla manlfMtaUon. TheTJsibJft«Hteetfbdl


.dk* WOt aayeraunearte* «**lst-tactbta* th«wiaaaazmr engaged Uithe •aotloa g4et«r« Iroatnass. InAwtrica the total aunbar. who lireby Uki atortas J**ar* basinet* l»,attcaat $*••«. New York* alone, has

•Jctsoe abonr*. It1* e*U-

a jreax to *se fh«M (howl


Th* prbhtaa ot obtaining itittabl*bd

taa ot ining iittath*> baited State* anwr twe. Kac* i«ar 11 Is grow-

J«t TffiesXhitjiir difflcoU to find

«r la «aaaUtjr. but alto'poorer W

•a* OWr «• deatUe fortwe' inf B l 1 h T

*ss an actual mine explosion In thettperlmantaj mine ot 4he bureau atBrucetoni tPa.,.>U, mllfSflrom Pitta*mm.. 'JS»LAu«.,wUl W idtowjRd.tQ.ccumulate in the mine and black

jmwd«r, the uie of which la stronglyurged, against by the bureau in mine*

h«re there' are duigwout condition*.Will be used. "

Tbe next nomine, the demonstra-ion win .take place on Forbea field,

the Ptttsburg. baseball park, inpretenett of the. president'f

h a i t l

astute. - But time* of trial and a!»-aster at first'hid bis face from thetaas •torm clouds hide the sun.

H*noe in .tfelsjlar*. period Kteklelwas taught to express Qod's presence,power, glory, goodness, providence, byapocalyptic symbols, I. e., by symbol*which expressed ideas, but could notbe. put into any pictorial form whichmight lead to idolatry. Tho first.chapter. l»_ftjl»lon to these make- Ood real to the people; aa

•ifluJoh .QodUmade..-hlo»el(i-kBowo, >!&'"The whirlwind and the atom.

Nothing Is more suitable than| thatthe voice of Ood should came jfromthe whirlwind. For air, wind, aj oneof the chosen symbols of Qod wotklngthrough his holy uplrit; as at Pente-cost It Is tnvltlble, as are tha «Wt

to feat better wbaTI htttoof Componnd, but tap* m

The prophet waa presented w l i aHebrew roll, the form In which I heirbook* were made, and was bldde i toeat i t The roll represented the I rord.

Inauranc* Acent-rd Ilk* to writs •POUcy on your life.

Mr. Brighton Early—Better not. Iwaa bom under a lucky star. If you'd,msure me todar lt'a tea to one Fd dietomorrow,

Him Far Behind.., ChUdlab_atandard*_ of_greatnenIntereitlng—perhap* beoause they are> -at qnce so, like yet so unlike the.'standards of grown folk. Many an, 'adult, for instance,- baa been proud,-with no more reasonable basis than*, 'that which little Johnniee tfyedJaattempting to "top" tbe boasting of a

he was, to become so saturated ,< rlthQod's message that It would beo im*a.part of hi* very bain*;. This g i n sus "some guidance in forming; a prop-er estimate of what is Involved In" in-spiration. The prophet is to absorbinto hr—"* —*--"''-- • • - *

"It a* honey forsweetness." that Is It waa a»dd in it-self. But afterward* it became- bitter*for It ,WM a> terrible meaaage to give* y 1 t t : f i 4face as harder <than flint, for

ln fln, for

all the houae of Israel were, impudentand bard-hearted.

^ gvisitors, A temporary steel gallerywill be erected on the playing fieldand the causa* of the 'recent great-ex-plosion* in tho.mine**-will-be . dra-matically ehown.,. In' ca. ,explo*lon ofcoal dust.. Immediately'following theesploalon, wnober*. o({6ne"of the r«*r

gen helmets, •}flMed.'

Uruj*Into the;and go ihr

Work of rescue, -Supposed .the explottoQ will be brought forthand given first* aid to the Injured. ••

> "• ',Water* WUi Not Mix. .About tbla'Ume of the year, when

-the NUe-floods' come1 down' from-thethe NUeflood* come down fromtheAttytalalu-hUlt. * retnsjrkable *pec-

take* wnd.^hestnlan hlU '"V

Central, Alrfcasfrom, the' Ahy*-

fSttQH ofatream,-ttbu*

^ . l j i t d tnojralchman onthe wsllt. He went from, trance to'action,-coming out of the trance,, like.,Peter on th* housetop when he wentrdown to. the messenger* of .Cornelius."And 1 went in bittern*** . . . of

-ay-*plriV-iharlmt with Oofr bttrlghleou* Indignation anlast Israel,or the/btttatnes* of having to deltrex,tuch an awful mesaag* aa-he> utteredIn the following, chapter*, to, hi*friend*, and -nelghbon and country*men. So that when he came to them,he remained there, ajtonlahed. in a

Tve apt a real railroad train, with'an engine thai goes, an' a Teal, ilv*pony, an' a really, truly, gun, at*—"- "That'* nothing!"* Interrupted the.

d'a diaguaUd U s t « ^ "QPV*X to***


A HITWhat She Gained byTrylnfl Agsh|,, <•

A .failure a t flat make* us estates .final weeess. . .

how good it is it tha mother had been. ^dTscouraged b b t U f h Jby tbe taUur*first attempt to prepare it,tell»jlh* story:

"We had nerer nsei Post

of. her

pg S ^package one «reaina; just to try i t W*i ;had heanTfrttni Oar neighbors, sad ?''<•fact every on*_ who u»*3 It, >ow.:ther Ukexfit , ' ' '

-Well, the next morning,

«tBpor e l tfief,' aeieu Oaj*.-The watchman"* duty It clearly'•*»

forth.' He must'warn the people ot'their dangflr, a* l y the roice of Clod.Whll* bjbi buslaeu was to -warn, therwuh*. were with Qod. and th* freewltt he has *lTea hla children..

O6& warns us la lore, la Tariouaway* that w» may not go htedletalyon to-our tula.' Me girt* warning* I*

lou Me g i t * warning* I*

our bodjlea, by alcknesses, jain* aao*

r>trouh)iH Mid afflieUons; t>'losmsT ou^


u*t '*

wa tma Ofuia then.'

-,-r *.

rawed It about five minutes. Just- a»'|;a•ha' had been la th* habit ofwithrcoge* without paying special.'tenUcafto^-t^aNUrectioas-priiiMthe package. ' I t looted. w«|utdtdat b*«* a, rery

h hmislns'

lnererthalst* father ral**^, hi* ctta^iwith'an air ot excentancy. It«ly did grre him a great w\m afraM It wasn't a rary ptei*ant^v|'one, for h i put down hi* «apJ .wl^ilook of .disgust. ' !- Jfothar wasn't .dUeoaraged laadnext,mominKgav*^anotKulatttag «;*tati4 on. the «to»a tOl'l,ink began and thin lettln»tt bofll;ffifteen tar twenty minute*^Urn* we w«t* tit *o,pieas*(that.w* hsv*> used i t ever,.

"rather was a, costtmed dyiand a enpof cogBewa*to"hlm.-llkan•an, "80 bs never ilrmka It any r



fr "#3i\i

thethe Rrop-

• -#—-• owner. Today it is'-•tew porch steps, tomor-

row' it will be a newndcwalk, soon it will be

rV-> well-curb. Why not'"* 'cutout bothersome

patching? Why not buildthose things once and for*U» wing concrete f It willttand the 'frost, rain and

. «un for yean, if you make"it carefully. Use clean,-coarse sand, we l l graded

or.crushed stone and




t^Iftnr that m era laatrled,- mU «»•«*artanc«d U b

ft"*ire proud of it* record! of

; coshl work,> 'Atk them for helpful; .httand" price* or write ne.


h*tt«r with thatBOM, aad woald wtlUagly » pack

tt tack u d forth for the. lns«>»r»Uoatt afford.. It^WrottimntriC-tJw*«• do that v«ry thing ayattf, tot aft.«r half • dmm valla aad • pair efe*waand »om» little Uoiy thing, thatI thai) not attempt to specify dottedtown from th« pulpit oa Sunday morn-

!•«• In Wew of the aatcmlshed tod•oraaed congregation. I accustomed•ayaelf to two Dibits. The women

will put thtaga Into the Bible towaaa. H l u bablt you c u l break

ttam of, aad the flrat tBlng you knowtfeaae feminine kolck.tasaeka. go aall-tat away to humiliate you."

-That night th* curate turned tSaante ot hli-B|bl» earffully. a. Tell

and a §cr»p of lace Ml out lie alghed.Tbe ant oay he began to cultivate an•Section for a second bible.



Bow m*t 9*m» nVaV t•ehe. k«a«««h*, aad

. .. . . . T|Ma*«n*tvof Uda»y trotibla urn too •as*

ona to ktglect:Mr*, IV U Stewart,

aaya: "There-waa a ton*

the small of toy backawl I ooold not MOO*without attftartag eevera-ly. Kidney accretion*w»*rlHKttf« ioff thedoctors told nre 1 hadgrata! hat their tni-dl-

^eine did not help n>» taddeath teemad very near.

began u a l « Doan's Kidney Pillsaad Unproved tram the Drat, la aUweeks I waa entirely Well,"

"When-Tour Back Is Lama, Reannvher the Nuue—DOAN'8."

Tot sale t>y dnigglata and generalatorekvepera everywhera. Price I0o>Forter-iJtlburn CtL, Buffalo. N. T.

Practical iltuetratiorkTo efcortaa a long Sunday afternoon

for rred. aged eight, his mother (oldhtm that be might Illustrate the twen-ty-third PsaBa In any way he chose.Quiet' rtlinod for a time, aa Fred,buay with pencil and pad, drew"shepherd" and "green pastare." "rodand staff", then a allencv ensued,followed by:ra nols-y. clatter which"

•wrv— _ - . . . . . _, . . brought hU mother to th» roonu rredJ^ JS'' V*11*. « w ™ • b * B t »•» hually arranging a train', of rare.

The Array ofOontthfMitKf


851 __.them tec

eUl , | . kaHAU. 701, SMALL DOS, SMALL HUOX

G f a bear Signature

The Oelden Variety.

*»l»eeja«B*B5Ulfc»oWhen the flrei came down with It, Icame in little wat«ry4lk« teatera underher «yea, and on ber chin, than afteia tew daya It would dry down U> aealr,white icaba. in the daytime abe was,«ah* worryiot^o and would dlf: and-acrMeh ber faeenearly alt h

"I coaaulted' our phytloian and fouo4lhe_a(»*-iugwlng from tKiema. wtttett"be> aald came from her leethlog.uaed the olntnunt be five me andwithout any wlief at a l l , Thenwrot« for a-book on CuUcura a«i4-pur*

•Mil* i ^

know I did.HtX—It'* marked to ihoot only 4S0

. Dt*—I Jmowr"barrela.

but thoro are two

• • *

' ' - The Trouble With Kumor.S> N. Drown, premd<i't cf the Na.

tlonat Railways of Mei u> dlscusilng. _ l n H e . » York; a_rallro.iji r u-tio * u al-

wajn jout of work, oalj Ha Is too-~«Oi«k with-hto tomrtre— t-nt^-hla- troit-

bla. Ho haa a ready wit that be la

<Hjr R. R. tITTI.B. Tow» Aurtcultura:.. . Collen^ Kxitertmtnt 6taMon.)

The plum may be prbpagated eitherby budding or by root grafting* Ingeneral prucllctt the . former- It themore aurci>>sfal. th« work being done«t tbey clow ,of rte aulre. ,«ro«-period The Marfanna and the Myrwbalan plums, jiod tie., poarh, are of tonused In southern and ranliern nuraer-Ica for plum stocks. These are notrecommended for use> In Iowa, be-cause thoy lack hardiness. In topgrafting tho plum, It la Important thaithe stock and the clan belong to&he

pr a, clotely related ]ij

unutLsfactory, and-tha twocornea i>oorly developed and Is abortHred. ' For the American mrleties,Blocks of the flatly* «J>CCIM H^d Mused. Miner la highly recommended•a a stock"lor. the American plums byeomo of our Iowa growers.

The Americana plum aboundsthroughout the prairie regions and'does w«ll on black prnlrlo soil, as wellas on heavy clay soils along atreacii,So long as the dra!d»g» U reasonablygood,.til*.lj-p«^.plum.d«e» w*H«otta wide range of tolls.

Under average conditions, spring Isthe .best time for planUng plum trees.In excepilona) teaaona with a favora-

toot apt to ule upon ' >i boss." Then.with a laugh Mr. bruun tutored thlaeplgrammatlo ajid'tr IU ra)Ing: .

"Repartee has lo'-c na mnuy men b l° moisture supply, fall planUng maytheir Jobs aa It has IU-IJO others their | b e doQO *'"• «"««"». providing toe


iHow to Find Fault

, Find fault when uu .mustfault. In private and some

I"y attar tbo.Offeuae'; falher than at the

»QU«*"- "Tfi» blatnei! ora fctis rrrettttwiio"ndgt when they aro bhimod without

^ •wltnessee; -both parties are calmer asd' the aocuaoaeparty is struck with the

- forbearaace of the accuser, who ha*.ae»n the fault and naUhed for a prt-

,'vata and proper time for mention-

ter seta In. Often, however, the mols-flj,a ture aupply la th« fall la an uncertaintime quantity, and If the ground la at all

tampt 10 couquir the world and came'^ k t th Tenn«sie« tOWn dlrty^

. he aatd metodra-"1 came home to die."



. j 1

C ojdea f-itietl.0 TJncle

y. you ca&t home to

Maguilne. '

b u tkfjfrlen H x'.«lap-useful: the frl«nd,a&dW«tn* what,Sk'«n do,' "tfe J-nomy ahowa mat.What I

dry the tree which has been recentlydkrtwbea-is" HWly toairtfer aewnslyduring the winter.

The 4f»taoce apart to plant dependslomewbat on the variety and alsoon the type of solL Generally 18 to20 feet apart glvea ample room.

The] plum naturally produce* athtcjtt. Cense growth, eventually reaalt.Ing In an excess1 ot rrott spurs and a.1IBiSRSiSSitf!lffiF'>leS±'1"Wri9zs J-_JL' <i>—' •

Lehaaed some Cutlcura Soaj> and OlnUdamp atmosphere which f ment it tha drug store. I did as 1

encouraMea the development of plumfruit rot. Sufficient pruning should b»done lo correct this tendency Anycrtwa brnnetiuii should tJ» fdwoved,

As fruited ttt this BUIIOU and olne-h 1 thfr'mmt^ Holitn H'*h al

trnrllM). golden jrellow plum, ratherlarge for Its clnsn, being about theaiie of Huroank. It-Is one of the fewvarlPtioK bnvtng Japanese blood,which appear* to bo well enoughadapted lo Iowa cond It lour-to meritfurther testing. Treo Tlgoro«», com-'parallvely haoly nnd rather produc

found dlreoUoaa In the Outlcura Book-let, and wben she was one year old,sha waa entirely cured. Now she lathree years aad four months, and ababaa never been troubled with eczemasince *htt -was tared by the CutlcuraBoap and Cutlcura Ointment." (Signedlira; Freeman Craver, SH Lewis Bt,Syracuse. N. Y., May 9, MIL

Although Cutlcura Boap aad Oint-ment ah* gold everywhere, a sampleof each, with 32psgo book, will bomailed free on appllcatloa to "Cull-oura," Pept.1'1^,



Kafaa mn Beet JaUga* of WhafThey Need and Should tw

Allowed to HelpTbematlve*.

A woman of western l'ennaylranli•aya that many of her young layinghena died last winter and aha attrib-utes the trouble to mlxlug grit wltbtbo feed as (he had been told to. do.

Thero 1» some' dlffercnco of lesAlnsU-giiili

win- Trt"nr»eiHv»tl flnWnf«-pKkrup "fBofteed they always got with It a con

slderablo .amount of grit,, but wedoubt whether it la wise to forco gritui>oft-them,whon In confinement

If grit Is pTOvtyteO- in -.tout, thehens win usually use aa much as l>necessary for their health, and l( ap-pears to us that this la the naturalway of taking grit

ft mlgnt be well to mix grit wltbthe feed If we knew exactly howmuch would be-needed for the health

colored, and the dense shade tenda to and allw them to help tbamaelyeat


The Flavour

iU so distioc%;J

feoth yavwho never Defon^imuch for cereal food of

'kintL i.



Fred—I lore you a wbolo lot., Tasa—Tnnk told mo yesterday that

Jh> JOT<4 Pie * whole boata <uuLlat> .

One Cure) for Saroaim.I3un«en alwaya wai enrcaatlo.On* evening last week wheu ha got

home fed wife bad a new bit to showhim. It waa aome hat. Anybodycould have seen that It was the finapbraw iir female headgear.

preaenu of my enemlea,'*

A Trifle Withered.In hie native tongue no ono «otild

ha»e made mor« graceful tpeecheethan Momlaiir' fllanc, but when beeasay«d to compliment In ICngllsb hewas not quits so nucces.ful.^ll

elnoe we met In ParlaT" n.kml »heelderly woman who desired abore allthings to be thought younger, uuiuhyounger than aha was.~"Madiime," said, the courUer,rbl«hand to hl« uourt, "you look like

roaer of 30 yearal"—Youth'a Com-i

First Mortgage BondsfOR SMALL INVESTOIU


• M * IN m Si|»«l i IReaideat ReareMBtatlvt* Waated

Funding Comntny of Amtrkte» KXatAKCI HACK NKW V08X

i * .



SulphurSoap —

Clean the cotnplexlon,.uhlttns the hands amiIs a llm*-tnt*d remwlylor <kUt dltuatt.


Miinjr .tar !•«. thin. t«Ju« • !


3on an empty jtom«ch. And_he_made'a lot of 'other disparaging remarks.

Mrs. fiunien was almost Inh d

e s almost In teaj tBtinaen had to go into the other roomto have a quiet laugh at bor expense." -Tn* UeW day Tie "had fofgo tiui"al]about the bat.

Th» day after that ne> waa rmnlndedof it. Mrs. Bunacn handed hlfo a billfor retrtmtnlBg that hat—flK34 Iteameta.

BuDKn paid It without • murmur,and aald tba n«vla«d edIUon of the batwas- Just exactly right ll» it notxritlcltlag: h u

^ ^ f r V l u l ! ? S5r?*Kttl, ofCASTORJA, a aafa and lure remedy (otInfant* aad children, aad a*e that U

Bears the

Tba tWitstratloga cbaapands^handy aawOiod et

* aad- atortag tbewagoa boxljmh* • f m / t a a . wnstrwUon U l ^

y. thepoaJUoa ot mat*^ ' W , t e a o i t»<4, otaer dataltt natas *

coMIUona. _ VTta «blef .ajtraotagea of

ata thai K .caa.b^operai*

and it.carHea the box opttdyet widy toUmev Toe board« tha box when

elMatad. serrs 1» hold th»In place, aad uk« tha jrright alt thewpeav-JiB*. Writer, • aaya-the. Ohiom a w * - i»M xm&' this devic* tat

BdJua-toajM, tt.Mttaaly

Children Cry tor Fletcher'* Cutori*Proper Treatment." /

"I have! a" terrible cold,'' be convplalnad. TMy head, feela all flopped•"•" J . _, "Have yon tried a vaentua dean-err aha queried ava*Uyr-4adg«.

Too~mjujy offlc«bord«r» -nhotend <fl, ftp.wfffUng; fflf ttlft*'

ily working It.

iceUu>c«a<i<iMitW* * lt

SooMer or Ute* moat of u» gat whatwa daatrra. i , " - .

No evil dooms us hopeiea«ly ej-cept the etll wo lovo and detlra tocontinue —Qoorwe Klllot. MCW YORK, NO. 3lt~iait.

CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP COn£o of 1lioG«nulnB.on every


AND m woHounn. tuocua tug UD UN.•CSVPUUOUI MAMUrACrURUI o r WITATKMtt TQ Ofrga

J*A7K>mrV*DU «WMa HAu u a utii trautrtu. witN

/', 'I

-1O-CrroaucH nougu*. mAtuama

fr » iwgautv TO avr"THg"oiuc0UL ADD OM,.^ ^ WMjMt aa4JfWACn«gJ» « 1MB _


W. i . DOUGLAS.•2,60, •ailO,»3.50&'4.00 SHOES


FAD E LESS,-,« _ w

,• T


~ HOC**







( A eard will bring a demooitraMon, with DO obligation.Orders placed now will Insure early delivery.Catalogs furnlsbed upon request.



IN- * s a « * j

fta* Ms*

tasraawacwMiaA n a*«•* avery straff* ealtls

etaftie or goftnubeBt tfcsrt i n t e r nto b» paid OK by ttxm who ten re.*ofaO. As rsvohtiMists, I M N 4 ofMo* favored by tbe law they 1 mbees hampered by i t Havlag sstab-flsbstf tasatssives to powsr, the other

''?B«t«a«*sa escaped. Toai

•i P

,'-J I

• • • • » • » < S>, • # • »

a * orb^ta«<*>p«a*a1raetioB.. lasts** of baft* wed tp imprison «r ass,« t» motatkMMw it M BMd to esecvtotfce advscatos of tbe government ovar-

N. A. BARNETT,North Avenue, Cranford, N. J. .

Carriage Repairing and Painting

JQioyol© Repairs*

Expert HoneBhoqing.•••• • e> • • « • •.»

Wbeo the recent nrrotatSca in K «teo became th* de fseto governmew thererolottontati MoodUw bi path* these itto pualsb tlwm. Doris* that periodwhen Prestdeat Diaa net* Us owa nU* otty otlfatiM a rmog lawyer,Alfonso jPwmaadM, • sympathiserwith U» insurgents, left the city toJol» the forces of Madero. During thslighting b« was csptand by tbe gov-ernment troops, and, befog a own, ofInfluence, every effort waa auWst to In-




Flour Fee* Baled Hay :


» w/wld * * b«T« ttw» t M beatfor yon to k«9v tata, MT la itto*.** ajatrt4K» te«s»vsd at that t»m#> «f grast topor-•ssw to yc* now, Bk4 it pot btmtof that ssststswfs anothn victimw*oM «av» bea« f«dM to- the «ns>f«r akoottac wkou iwtava fast Daw•dJudgsdjallty-' '

w w BSO «••« i i i tst^ Xhst Jv4WsV f£pfc# vltib trliiwtt

r w s B r i w ; * mWflttplyiBtfiested In patting down tfa* rtbslttOu,wltb orders to persuade, tore* or boybtm to fit* mveramsnt npport- Sierra took tb« csptjve- to hi* bade*

da, put him on hi* parole not to leaveIt and ,tre«f«4 him Uk« a «u«t tottaulof a prlioner. Tba JaiUr bbafwaa apltdept at wlnnftw nTitr in rniemr and

f ,<


-• *nwd every <rt o( penwtlon that sn>'KAitsd luelf to him,

Conda, Blerra'* daagbter, a" girl ofr^edty, po«ani««d on* of tooae ovalfacea o* a dinky ibade, largo liquid*T*m and especially the long laahes ofIbn BpanUrd. Her father noticed aooa

'aljbjr Fernandea't t r d n l that he watattaicted by. bU daughter and the wasattracted by FcmandM. It occurredt 8

am.mme prisoner letmed deeply

moved. His dittghtfr as «n« addras*proceeded wosad her arms tighterabout b«f father. There was an lm-prsastrewMs-to tto sewifr that b*ldth»apQimx* spsilbonnA When th* ]udgs>bagsA to «Bsak «veqr ooe thought thatte.was about to gtr« anotbec lnsUocathsa tbe cms bafprsj tb«««r6 why th*

w e n thrown Into aa» to what was coming.

, are *oteria«>la Mexico." becoatlnoedj "apoi» a n e w age-an agenshsfed ialoe.tlM civilised world by afbrmer ptwMat^oC tbe United Btste• t ths close of tb» greatest rebelOontho world ass erar seen. For that in-

W U blood'

To Be Sure!To b» sore *e know tiatwbM yon order awdidne by'pboMorleUrryoa vast ItW soon sa yoo osa get II, antf«W» a t«ry good nmua•by » • msinuia oaa ef tbe

t d l l <l*p»rt-d

y e y <*p»rtmeats, la ontor that yon doMU(|alefor than you HMctHo uaowoM ifHoQ

«aitfotr.rub with \

atwoMwuy «aitfotr.Qutek Servian Utb* rub with \

-4. R. REAY7nionAT* ftfcJf

FREDH. |AI(SiMoassnr to PbUipp, Jal»>

House, Sign, amiFresco PaintfrM

Plain •««OccaratlM .- ;-\

Paper Hanging1 ^

Tiio Digtinguisjiing FOur Bugioois,

The Work of the Oc8ll»t and Op-clan Conilflaad. (

The tint Bpulppcd OpUcal Offlc«


Which:A to B or A to CV


a« , R l «4 ,byyears of study «<td practice alyonrservice. - - - - - —

coppl«h*d ont; readilyhi tatntn ottbo girl tfiau'by bit ownargument!'or thrraU. Ho cavo th«ryoupg,people,cvory opportunity to betogether nod when he i«w tbat'tb*peer wie ripe uodortook to pluck i t

lie offered Fernandea a prominentposition under the government, wbtcb«of ««r»e, would bo tantamount to «e-corlng hit adhentuce. Fenuindei de.





Tits iMswt « • UtUns opticalllctwwn Y. M. 0. A. and Ptoctof'l Tbntn,


AARON D; CRANE,Dealer In Flour Feed, Grain, Hay, Etc.

Elevator and Warehouse,ROSBLLB PARK, N. J.

Manure for lawns.iWBardens-aiui-



Summer Blankets and Horse floods.Local Agent for Cyphers' Incubators and Supplies.


ed hi* prlioner that hi would be trie*for trMMin, which m w ^ that he W>Mbe found guilty and executed,' In lovewith the daughter oMh«rmait.-irb>lMd-made tho tbx*at, tho temptation toyield sMdjeett tho cause In wblch h»had «n|bar|i«4 was well nigh rcaUtieu.

Fernnndoi loomed to have «rery-tulnic to gala^by grrlqg hla «4Ucr-onee to tile citabllahod goveramcat1'nwldedt-Diai then appeared to b».flrinly, fixed In the frwldency, nnd.JJ,W0Bld-bo"4iHIClilt to Uliaeat him. Byyielding Fenuindes would acquire aposition of prominence that mlgl t lieparmanent That po»Uloo.l» mlshtwake mqr^ enduring and, more promj-hint by throwing hft Influence on tho•Ida of tho man who. had dona much

- _ . . - . . . "of" blood1 wasspilled .after the surrender. I havebeen given discretion by my govern-ment as to tbe punishment to be met-ed out for acts that occurred during speriod whan every man's hand wassgqinsi every other man. ft is notmeet in this agp, when universal peaceIs dawning, fqr the world, that, MexicoshduJ4 remain In barbarlim. The acts |Of tbs troubloua times through which

Cranford HotelUnion fu>a Area.

ent and Transient attests.. Rooms nicely furnUhH. hfatmlWf st«iD, IlKbtwl by efectrlcity*<! In tesneins atlaptetl u> pro-more comfort am| pon»«nIf-Dc«:

Mcala Served at all Hours. 8

Glaas.Oil, Paint, Varnib.."eavand Wall Paper.

Cranfotd. - —few ?«fffgr'.



CONTRACTORS•Brick, Stone. Cement:

W. XV. MentleU,

Carpenter and Builder,

and Plasterinjc.EstimaUs FurnlaheJ,

2 4 West I......

past. Vho act of which you navebean found guilty was repeated againand'again on both sld«>. That thererplutloa has triumphed is no cause


R- S. OAKEY,thrname oVjusJ™ [Sanitary Milk & Cream

"Tho finding, of tbe Jury la sot aside.?ou are at Ubcrty to gu free."

an t for what fiVdL nor dsslred. Dot tbe temper of thepeople was revengeful and had for

Milk fuv\ Op.iin. propaml anil .,..under thu ipoat sonllnrj- molliod


ft « tflatorced by tho-fact that on one aldPstood death.'on tbe otheFlbve. Buthonor forbade. '" . —-

Fern«nd«|,t>ow considered tho parolekbft_lMid.1slr£ii Told aiUUMiffln io_iakeme«3ur«a to wCspe.lf posslbTo. Oiticla.procured for htm a woman's dress anadrove him In her volasta past guardswjjq bad orders to bo watchful and onno, account psnnlt his escape. Had itnot JboMt. that aba aocompan)«4 JUOL be

>H «ot ha,ve sup«ood«d |n, decvlrlngA he matlo good bta

A few applauded, but tho majoritygrumbled. There were those presentwho had suffered « t tner bands of theman to whom this magnanimous treat-ment had been aecorOBff. They hadbrought tho accusatioQ that they mightbe rev«ngedH-mlght reven(e-tha dsldth«i,|»cd^.Xbsy.jreh«Ilfld SAUUU, thed i i C i f Hdecision. Cries, of "Hafts him!" "Shoothim!" "Use the machete!" wero beanl,and a movement was made by tbemost active toward tho prisoner. Thejudge arose and, raising- his band, ea-'Jolued silence,. "to strlkJnc thUunw^t-hsaaid, "you-

3 0 8 UNON AVENUECranford N J

Hess Bros.PtUMgliN6rr

Heating and Tinning^

• 7 S. Union Avanue>CRANFORD, N , J

8RCEDITZEL-.General Contractor"

Teaming of .All Kinds.

MAitqitB SAvi> DIBT.

Craiiford, N. J.

das got beyond his clutchessecret, andrdlroctly art«r the

of tat,past and

g m"He struck thpse> w* lovedr some

one cried. t .."1*6 wo jteU yon «ae thing more, that

which I spoke, of* but did not speak.

escap&ot 0B«t.wbqtn. the prisoner.wouldhave, sacrificed. I ajn that person.'' •

A atleaee' followed tab announce-ment Tlfct the judge, bad set aside asentence of death noon th* man whohad. intended-to. take bis Ufe-flllsdthose present .with wonder. He bait

" H»


Jobbing Work Carefully DonoEatlmaUa Furnlahed-

Tel«phoo« 117-L.P. O. Box

JAMES C. PARK,^ h ' - » > . <

ContractorII .l«r(l \nnt _ CraDforJ. !fiw hmj

Bttrosids ATBRUB

ROBERTCAMILLO MASSft,General Contractor.

jjfW-lto-Uiat gW,—pointing klMJEi_Liras who gave me a disgulao a . . l e r .•_ me throqgh bsr-fatbsr'-a - ? F r I l y E '

A Cordial Invitation

ew facility for ThorouCommercial, Shbrthan,

Union Business College.F . H . Q E R R I M A N , * * $ \


S l p r t and-thsap-ofs^pratislonai-pTcstdont of

tfe, repubilfl ths work of rotsltattonnminenosd ,,Jo#sStores, who-had bs«nc « > t a by tl l t l i t«>t«r«a. by tli» .rsrolutlonists, waab$usjhjt\ta the wplfal* To. accuse aman of.treaioiiagi)^ a goternmautb w s s n > t U b $ b d wh«a tho.a,ct

it j t l s ( s , , t , « U $ b e d wh«a tho.a,ctwas jcommlttod., would not^ctjme wlihg pd ( fr tb T i t t h t

j . l ^ jg pd (race from tbe goTernuiiwt thatbsd been.In rebsUlon; Thow whom

h d d t " fte b h tSunra had.mad^.to" softer, broughtaim to trial forhavuur tburdsred a«aa,,whaia. 1M bad shot during tbe

jandLlo-lt- tbst thalaw-wbleli.a. -pt, . p

n«JT alforded tbe iams machinery forp g l s i j e b f A t d hi h i

yp g p j e ^ . his. having or<d^re4>a)iot,tt(Q nun he was-Accused ofmjttlsrtag, there was no denying thef t That he had, done the deed le-

) j l ^ i W * w n c v n the'iurywen who.K>re on the other slde,> Tba trial,thsrsfore, was merely a- judicial re-

and n verdict of guilty was ren-

._i dsktaft her life for nilnc Had

It besb <llscovered.,that the person sit-UmiJHsildo^her^was^tbft.rebeli theywere wa(chriigvfoi;, *he, would havedoubtless beca strike.him. son strike, iwvand through- b«ryon strike me, who have done my wrjto establish > the»gAveraement pnderwhich wonow hope-Mr peace and pros-parity.1* j "

The crisU.haA come and tamed infavor,of tbe,JKdge,, Those,who hadopposed hla decision, stood looking sul-, _ . . _ .M r / on, while the others were won-| -Cranford, N. J.ovsr by hla',, magnanimity and bysympathy for the girl Who bad'savedhis,Ufa. The advocates of taking tbelaw; Into %\p\r- pyn -hum*, h


CARL WAKSINSKIfainter and Decorator

* Eatirnates Fuinlsned

46 Burnaldc Ave. Telephone

5ewers, Sidewalks, Etc.CRANFORD N. J.

P. O. Box to.


Scnafer4O. A. nsOHAKN '-..


Jmigft nwny nutrtsring,^lse» ailthostt. who had been, thecause of men?. Those most aympa-theyc gathered about the girl, whetherfor her protection, or in sympathy./Then gtsfluijly .ttha crowd meltedstray and left tho three principal par-ticipants In "tflfc drama.. "- Odocla went to the Judge, took hishand In, hers Her

r K a r » r m « . lookingJ f h

«> been- ber^In the»courtroonj American .Veterinary

5Hc4csir'Y " ' """

Or. H, H.<M>rM;d^H«kr>o>ai<oxstcCALL'S MAGAZINEtodsuihter, who sat

^ ttetlme csa»=far.thrpassed Sierra »tbod op


Han* akra FtisssK than any other.magatiae or patterns, UcCaifsuthendiable FasUoa Guide monthly j none milUos one hundred tbqnjwadhomes. B«sJd»«bowing«Uthelal«stdesigns of McCsU«attienM, each issaeis brimWJ oQpsrUftJg «hwt ttoriesand helpful in&armatioq for womea.

Yara-North Aye. and Maple St.!'

Telephone 16W Omnford. - / ?' "

J.C. .tehighVaHeyCoal

OS VKindling Wood' Block, North 2kW.~ * 'r'-j.

-Ar*.. Ortoford.K.%P

,j> •• ^

1 m^i££^

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