friday flyer - · 28/05/2020  · friday 29 may mid term break monday 1 june...

Post on 24-Jun-2020






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Friday 29 May MID TERM BREAK


Friday 5 June Dress in orange day for World Vision

FRIDAY FLYER 28 May 2020

Newsletter 10

Lastly a reminder that while we are seeing a gradual easing of

some level 2 restrictions, many are still in place. Please help us

to make everyone safe and be diligent signing in every time you

come on to campus, continuing to role model physical

distancing etc.

Enjoy the long weekend, school resumes on Tuesday 2nd June at

the usual time.

Terry Storer


PE UNIFORMS PE uniforms have arrived .

If your child ordered a uniform, and they have not received it,

please send them to Cathy in the Office.

A friendly reminder to please write your child’s name on their

PE uniform.

CLASS PHOTOS We will now be having Class Photos on Tuesday 16 June. This

includes sibling photos if you summitted the forms for this.

If you wish to book a sibling photo please collect a form from

the office.

Kia ora tatou

Lockdown provided unexpected

opportunities and challenges. For

many teachers, and households,

adapting to a 100% distance learning

model was a steep curve and one that

evolved over time. While the experience is still fresh, I would

like to capture the essence of what went well and what we

could have done differently for our reflection and growth. The

following link will take you to a short questionnaire https://

On Tuesday, the Herald published their regular weekly travel

guide. Congratulations to Ede Bird in Class 11 who took out top

spot in a student travel writing competition. The editor of the

Travel Magazine gave Ede great feedback.

“Congratulations on a beautifully written travel story. You

created a strong sense of place and anticipation, and I was

captivated by your journey. We loved that your story was about

environmental awareness as well as sharing beauty of the

location and what was most memorable for you. I’m confident

you have a bright writing future ahead of you and, although you

might not be able to travel right now, the world is waiting to

inspire more beautiful tales from your next adventures.”

Ede’s article can be found at


Today saw us celebrate Whitsun. The current restrictions gave

us the opportunity to explore different ways to observe and

honour this very important time of the year. Students made

doves that were hung all around the centre of the school for

our whole community to share and enjoy. Thank you to Luis

Bernal and Roanne Patecki for coordinating the day.

Mid Term Break Tomorrow



• After 31 years of living and lovingly making our house a

home to raise our children in, and live a life that

supported years of teaching in Steiner schools, we are

moving on, to embrace the next phase of the great

adventure. Warm and airy, set in mature bush with

direct access to the Manukau Harbour, built

predominantly with bio-friendly and natural materials,

this is a home we would love to pass on to another

Steiner family. Here's a link for more


search/68-70-laingholm-drive-laingholm (John Lawry)

Contact the editor, Dana Marcroft at

Guideline 150 characters max please. Deadline Thursday lunchtime.

Graphic advertisements to be formatted to fit A6 portrait (¼ page).

Whole page ads are not accepted for non school-related activities. Ads may

be published a maximum of twice per term, at the editor’s discretion.

Veggie Quiche $4

with Seasonal Salad $6


Inari (tofu pockets stuffed with rice) $2 Inari pockets have a tiny amount of gluten. I can do gluten free on request… come to lunch bar and pre-order in the morning.

Samosa - potato and pea, no chilli $2

Mini rice bowl (plain sushi rice) $2

Mini rice bowl (sushi rice, marinated tofu,

spring onions) $4

Banana Cake $2

Afghan $2

Honey Crispy $2

Juicie $2

Mac and Cheese $4

with seasonal side of veggies $6

Pre-order at the lunch bar in the morning for gluten free.

WHITSUN FESTIVAL Hello dear parents and community.

Whitsun time is now with us and this is a most relevant time to consider its essence and impulse.

Wherever in the world one individual honestly strives to understand another and endeavours to act in

total compassion, respect, and awe of the other, genuine community raises. In celebrating Pentecost we

celebrate the sacred singularity of the individual, we celebrate the spark of divine fire that shines from each one of us, and we

bring that awareness to the meeting of the other and share that eternal presence.

As we come out of lockdown, we bring our own experiences into the world and share our true essence with our loved ones,

coming together as a community once again.

Our yearly Whitsun Festival happened today at school. This festival is normally celebrated as a whole school assembly in the

auditorium where we share music and verse from different cultures. This year we came together a different way. We created a

whole school expression of love and compassion. Everyone in our

school made and hung a white paper card dove under the magnolia

tree in front of the staff room. Classes came one a time until we had

all “come together” in a symbolic display of our community.

May I recognize and praise my sacred uniqueness,

May the spark of the divine fire shine free from me and each one of


May I honestly strive to understand the others and meet them in love

and compassion,

May genuine community arise out of our eternal presence,

May we stand together inspire others to be open to live in peace and


May that search be contagious in all human beings.

One individual, one family, one community, one nation, one world.

Luis and Roanne

Festival group

We have still been busy with lockdown ideas for the 40 hour famine which is held on Friday 5 -7 June . This year the focus is on

Malawi. Due to climate change, unseasonal and unpredictable weather events like cyclones, droughts and floods have devastated

the community in Malawi repeatedly over the last few years.

Students in our Middle and High School are aware of children like Prisca and her family (watch and

are choosing a challenge, fundraising and joining the fight against hunger and injustice in Malawi.

The money you raise this year will provide schools and farmers with seeds for crops, watering systems and goats so the people of

Malawi can build resilient and sustainable farming practices. This reduces the impact of devastating events like climate disasters

and the COVID-19 pandemic.

You too can help make a difference for children like Prisca. Support our Michael Park Fundraising Page:

On Friday 5 June we are going orange for the 40 hour famine. Students are encouraged to wear something orange and bring a

gold coin donation towards Malawi. We are also running a photo/art competition - “Where in the World would you rather be?”


Friday 5 June

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