friends don’t let friends drive drunk this st. patrick's day

Post on 10-May-2015






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DESCRIPTION | St. Patrick’s Day is a great time to celebrate with friends, but it is also a time when police are out looking for impaired drivers. Don’t make the mistake of driving under the influence. If you find yourself in a tough situation, call your Orange County DUI lawyer--Barry T. Simons.


St. Patrick’s Day is a time

to get together with

friends and have fun.

Chances are, there will

be alcohol at any party

or event you attend.

Make sure you have a

plan for getting everyone

home safely.

Designate a driver to

make sure that everyone

gets home safely.

Make a plan to take

public transportation

instead of driving.

Host a party at your

home and allow your

guests to stay the night

so no one has to worry

about getting home.

Driving under the

influence can hurt or kill

you, your passengers,

other drivers, and


DUI arrests can result in

fines, jail time, and even

the loss of your license.

A DUI conviction can

prevent you from getting

a new job.

Every two hours, three

people are killed in

alcohol-related crashes.

Alcohol-related crashes

cost American taxpayers

$32 billion every year.

4 million adults report

that they have driven

while intoxicated at some


The best way to avoid a DUI

and keep everyone safe is

to not drink at all before


If you do decide to drink,

consider taking a taxi as an

alternative to driving home.

Remember, if someone

takes your car keys, they

are doing it to keep you

safe. Don’t insist on driving

if you have been drinking.

Every state has a blood alcohol content threshold of .08.

If stopped by law enforcement, you may be required to perform a field sobriety test and a breathalyzer test.

Your OC DUI attorney can help you understand what steps you need to take after a DUI arrest.

Even people who have

not been drinking can be

stopped on suspicion.

Stay calm and

cooperative, but be

mindful of your rights.

Remember that you can

rely on your OC DUI

attorney to provide a

defense if you are

unfairly charged with a


Check with your local bar to see if they have a free food promotion for designated drivers.

Make plans to ensure your designated driver has fun while you are out on St. Patrick’s Day.

Be sure to have your OC DUI attorney’s number in case you or a friend needs help in a difficult situation.


All images used are from

St. Patrick’s Day is a great time to

celebrate with friends, but it is also a time

when police are out looking for impaired

drivers. Don’t make the mistake of

driving under the influence. If you find

yourself in a tough situation, call your

Orange County DUI lawyer--Barry T.


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