friendship is a wonderful

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/17/2019 Friendship is a Wonderful


    Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at .

    Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

    Archive Warning: Major Character Death

    Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire

    & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)Relationship: Sandor Clegane & Lyanna Stark, Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark,

    Sandor Clegane & Sansa Stark, Sandor Clegane & Arya Stark,

    Sandor Clegane & Jaime Lannister, Sandor Clegane & Brandon

    Stark, Sandor Clegane & Ned Stark, Sandor Clegane & Catelyn

    Stark, Sandor Clegane & Robb Stark, Sandor Clegane & Syrio Forel,

    Sandor Clegane & Brienne of Tarth, Sandor Clegane & Bran Stark,

    Sandor Clegane & Rickon Stark, Sandor Clegane & Jon Snow,

    Sandor Clegane & Theon Greyjoy, Jory Cassel & Sandor Clegane,

    Sandor Clegane & Rodrick Cassel, Sandor Clegane & Osha, Sandor

    Clegane & Gendry WatersCharacter: Sandor Clegane, Brandon Stark, Ned Stark, Lyanna Stark, Robb

    Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark,

    Catelyn Tully Stark, Syrio Forel, Brienne of Tarth, Jaime Lannister,

    Gendry Waters

    Additional Tags: Mild Language, Violence, Vignette, Fluff and Angst, Family Fluff,

    Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Sandor

    Clegane Is A Stark Man, Friendship, Mallory (see FancyKid's A

    Lightness) - Freeform, Trolljen Stark (Benjen the prankster), Jory

    Lives!!, Syrio lives!!, Syrio becomes a Stark man, Robb lives!!,Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, SLOW AF, Seriously it's been 50

    chapters and still nothing but fluff and friendship, SanSan is a go - I

    REPEAT - SanSan is a GO, Finally!! At chapter 56, Background

    Relationships, Robb Stark/Jeyne Westerling - Freeform, Minor Jaime

    Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Minor Arya Stark/Gendry Waters,

    Daenerys/Margaery - Freeform, Stannis/Davos - Freeform, I blame

    AsbestosMouth, Rickon/Shireen - Freeform, OR IS IT,

    Sweetrobin/Shireen, I blame SwimmingFox, Oberyn lives!!, Benjen is

    found!!, The actual details of beating the White Walkers is

    AMBIGUOUS at best

    Series: Part 1 of The Many Relationships of Sandor Clegane

    Stats: Published: 2016-01-14 Completed: 2016-04-30 Chapters: 64/64

    Words: 41698

    Friendship Is A Wonderful Thing

    by SnowWhiteKnight


  • 8/17/2019 Friendship is a Wonderful


    Show a dog kindness and you will earn its undying loyalty.


    Something I was playing with. No rhyme or reason to it. Most of the chapters are pretty

    short, not quite drabbles, but close to it. Some are super long though. Inspired partially by

    Kallielef's AU drawing of an unburnt Sandor living with the Starks.

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    An Offered Hand

    It was the week after it happened. Rickard Stark and his eldest son came for a visit. He heard the

    whispers from the maids who came in to clean his room. It was a welcome distraction from the

    pain, listening to them talk, even if it wasn’t to him. On their way to Casterly Rock, they said. I 

    wish I could go with them. Just to leave this awful place.

    His father made excuses for his younger son’s absence. Bedding caught fire. He wanted to laugh.

    He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. Might have done that one, with the way people would

    sometimes come rushing to him, he suspected he might have screamed quite a few times. He

    wanted to shout to the world at the top of his lungs that it was Gregor. His brother, his family, his

    blood. Gregor did this to me!!

    The pain, oh gods, the pain. It would drive him mad. Maybe it had already. He didn’t sleep, only

    slipped into blessed unconsciousness. The pain. Why would the gods allow this much pain? There

    must not be any gods. No being of higher existence could allow this much pain to someone so

    young. Did Sister feel this? Did Mother? His thoughts were melding, his voice was raw. He mayhave spoken aloud, but maybe it was all in his head.

    Then, one day, his head was clearer. The pain wasn’t as bad. Still there, but not as terrible. Every

    day, it was a little better. Every day, he was a little stronger. Every day was a day closer that he

    would be able to get out of bed, and not have to worry that Gregor would come to finish the job

    while Sandor lay there helpless.

    It was the day he was able to sit up on his own that he had a visitor.

    “May I come in?” an unfamiliar voice asked. Sandor looked up to see a tall boy, nearly a man,

    standing at the threshold of his room. He nodded and the boy entered. Pulling up a chair, he satnext to Sandor’s bed. “I hear you’ve had some bad luck. Candle fell on your bedding?”

    Sandor clenched his jaw, embracing the pain it brought to the burnt side of his face. His father had

    sworn to beat him if he told anyone the truth, so he nodded fiercely, trying not to cry. The tall boy

    looked at him solemnly.

    “Don’t lie, boy. Wolves are better at sniffing out lies than dogs.” The tone was gentle, but firm.

    Sandor stared at him, unsure of what to say. “The maester said your voice hadn’t come back yet.

    So, how about this? One finger for yes, two fingers for no, and three fingers for unknown. Sound


    Sandor thought about it, and showed one finger.

    “Good, very good. Now,” the tall boy lowered his voice, “the bedding, did it really catch fire?”

    Two fingers. “That’s what I thought. I heard another story. About a mean, nasty giant of a rabid

    dog, heard it tossed a pup into the embers of the hearth. Truth?” Hesitation, then one finger.

    “Figures. Nasty temper on that one. Fought some wolves in the yard a few days ago, nearly took 

    some heads off. Neither Lord Clegane nor Lord Tywin were pleased about that. Ok, next

    question, would you like to leave this place?”

    Sandor hesitated longer, and finally showed three fingers. The tall boy chuckled.

    “My father is willing to take you on as a ward. He’s over at Casterly Rock at the moment, but I

    came by early to speak to you. I wanted to take you from here as soon as I heard what had

    happened, what truly happened. I have younger siblings, two brothers and a sister. If anyone hurt

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    them, I would kill them. As they would for me. But you...your own family turning on you like

    that, I can’t even begin to comprehend. It is your choice. Think about it. I’ll come back, say this

    evening? If you have an answer, great. If not, I can tell you about my home. Regale you with

    stories of the north.” He laughed. “But whatever your answer is, I’ll accept it. Rest now, Sandor.

    You’re going to need it.” With that, the tall boy left the room.

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    Of Course He Said Yes

    Sandor spent the day looking out the window, watching the activity in the field below. The

    farmers were hard at work, plowing the field, getting it ready for the new crop. True to his word,

    the tall boy returned in the evening, with a plate of food for each of them. He was still in a lot of 

    pain, but he put on a brave face.

    “So, what do you say, Sandor?”


    It was another month before Sandor was allowed to leave Clegane’s Keep. The maester wanted to

    keep him there longer, but his father insisted if he was well enough to travel, then he should just


    “Let the maester at Winterfell deal with him,” Lord Clegane said, spitting out the name as if it was

    poisonous, bitterness and jealousy dripping from every word. Sandor’s face was carefully

    wrapped in bandages, and he set out with the small band of Stark men and his new friend,

    Brandon Stark.


    Brandon told him stories about the other Starks, how Eddard was too serious for being seventeen

    years old, how lovely Lyanna was as wild as the direwolf that was their sigil, and how the

    youngest, Benjen, was too adventurous for any of their own good.

    “Benjen is still older than you, so mind what he says, but don’t follow him anywhere unless

    Eddard or I give the okay. Got it?” Sandor nodded. His voice was still raw and it hurt to speak.“Good. And should anyone say something about your injury that makes you uncomfortable, let

    me know.”

    He spent the rest of the trip listening to stories about the people of his new home, Winterfell.

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    Meet the Starks...and Jory!

    It was odd to be embraced in general. It was even more odd to be embraced by the rest of the

    Stark family, even the ever stoic Eddard. The older boy smiled warmly at Sandor. “I’ve heard a lot

    about you, I hope we can be good friends.”

    Another boy, only two years older than Sandor, introduced himself after the Starks. “I’m Jory. I’llshow you around, ok? Ask me anything you want, I know all there is to know about Winterfell.”

    His big grin made Sandor want to grin too, but his face still hurt, so he settled for nodding his head

    vigorously. “Come on, I’ll take you to see Maester Walys, he wants to take a look at your wound.

    Then I’ll take you to meet my uncle. He’s the master-at-arms. You’re to join us in training once

    the maester deems you well enough.”


    “Hmm...yes, well, you’ll heal, but it will leave a nasty scar. Your previous treatment of it wasn’t

    as skilled as it could have been, but never worry. I have just the thing to help.” The man began to

    apply a pungent ointment to the wound. He chuckled as Sandor scrunched up his nose. “It stinks,

    but it works. You’ll need to come see me at least twice a day. Three times if you can manage it.

    This will help the flesh grow back, not completely, but at least you won’t have any bone showing.

    I’d say that you can join training as early as next month. You’ll have to sit on the side and watch

    until then, however.” Walys was direct and to the point. Sandor appreciated his honesty, even if 

    the man’s eyes were a bit shifty. The maester at the Keep hadn’t even told him that much. Jory

    was fidgeting near the door as the maester wrapped Sandor in new bandages.

    “Come on! Uncle Roderick is going to start without us!” Jory grabbed Sandor’s hand and the two

    boys took off.

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    Sisterly Advice

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    He watched with a wry grin as Brandon easily beat the young upstart that had challenged him for

    Lady Catelyn Tully’s hand. Small, beady eyes filled with so much anger and hatred, the boy wasolder than Sandor, but didn’t act like it.

    Jory and Lyanna stood next to him. “Littlefinger must have some large ones to challenge Brandon

    like that,” Jory said.

    Sandor scoffed, “Might have big balls, but Littlefucker doesn’t have the skills to back up his

    challenge. Did you see the way he moved? Might as well have been standing still.” Jory walked

    off when Brandon called him over, leaving Sandor behind with Lyanna.

    She chuckled, “Yes, well, we aren’t all born natural warriors like you, Sandy.”

    “What did I tell you about calling me that?” Sandor growled.

    “Don’t get your smallclothes in a twist. No one else is around, besides Jory, I mean, and he’s too

    far away to hear by now.” Lyanna pointed over to Ned and Benjen who were teasing Catelyn

    about the would-be suitor, while Brandon and Jory escorted Petyr to the gates. “See? Those idiots

    are too busy trying to cheer up Cat.”

    “Is that what they’re calling it?” He was close with Brandon, Ned and Benjen, but it was only

    Lyanna and Jory he considered his family.

    “She was near tears when she heard Petyr’s challenge. She blames herself. Listen, little brother,

    and listen well. Sometimes the only way to get a woman to smile, is to be an ass. Not mean, just

    an idiot.” Lyanna clapped a hand on his shoulder. “One day, you’ll meet someone who will love

    you, and you’ll be glad for my advice then.”

    “Not likely,” he said sourly. The women of the village only looked at him with pity, and the girls

    with disgust. At age ten, he had no illusions on having anyone fall in love with his “pretty face”.

    “Hey, come on. Somewhere out there, there is the perfect girl for you.” Her voice was soft. He

    knew she hated it when he was down on himself, but he couldn’t help being a realist about it. The

    news that his brother had been knighted and then of his father’s death hadn’t helped his view of the world. Being with the Starks or Jory calmed the rage he usually carried with him.

    “You’re the only female who can look me in the eyes, Lee, and you’re my sister. Setting aside our

    stations, I can’t marry you, that’d be gross.”

    “Ugh, yeah, that would definitely be weird. I guess we lucked out that Father betrothed me to

    Robert.” Lyanna was looking at the ground studiously.

    “You are unhappy with the match?” Sandor had thought it would make her happy, since Robert

    was a family friend and known for his jovial nature. She didn’t know him well enough to know

    the man was a blowhard, but at least he wouldn’t be cruel to her. It could have been much worse.

    “I have doubts on his fidelity. Ned says he’ll be loyal once we’re married, but…” Lyanna trailed.

    “Robert’s an idiot,” Sandor said suddenly. “He clearly doesn’t know you, even with being friends

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    with Ned for so long.”

    Lyanna chuckled. “Yeah, that gift he sent the other day was interesting, to say the least.”

    “The man sent you flowered perfumes from Lys. Clearly he doesn’t know you prefer to the scent

    of horseshit to flowers.” Lyanna’s love of horseback riding was common knowledge, and it had

    amused Sandor to no end when he saw the present she had received.

    Lyanna covered her mouth to hold in the laughter, “At least he’s trying. You’re such an ass!”

    Sandor grinned, “Gotta practice for my future wife.”

    Lyanna wiped a tear from her eye. “Tell you what, you can have the perfumes. Save them away

    and give them to her on your wedding day.”

    “No woman of mine would want it.”

    Lyanna smirked, “I wouldn’t bet on that, but I have to get ready. We’re leaving for the tourney at

    Harrenhal tomorrow. You and Jory be seeing us off tomorrow, won't you?"

    Chapter End Notes

    Edited 2/10/2016

    I mathed wrong, Sandor should have been 10 in this chapter, not 11.

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    The First War

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    He knew it would bring disaster but Lyanna refused to listen. Women in love rarely do, he

    learned. He found her putting supplies in her saddlebags, her horse cobbled to the lone tree outsideof Winterfell near the Kingsroad. He had found the letters she had been writing to the prince in her

    fireplace for nearly a year, most of them burnt, but enough was left of the most recent one that he

    knew he had to find her quickly. He threatened to drag her back and lock her in one of the towers

    until she came to her senses. She dared him to do it, that she would escape no matter what. He

    could not stop her, she told him. No one could. She caught him off guard while he tried to think of 

    a way to convince her to stay, and tied him to the tree. He watched as she rode off into night to

    meet up with the man who had stolen her heart, crying for his sister to come back. Ned and

    Benjen found him the next day.

    He waited for Brandon and Lord Rickard to return, they were due back within the week, so that

    he could tell them himself. Ned agreed, though Benjen wanted to ride after her himself. They

    could organize the Stark men and go after Lyanna and the prince. The news reached Lord Rickard

    and Brandon before they even made it to Riverrun. Sandor cursed the fact that he couldn’t have

    ridden after them.

    The day Eddard and Robert went to war was the day life for Sandor changed again. After Lyanna

    had left with Prince Rhaegar, Lord Rickard and Brandon died at the hands of King Aerys

    providing the catalyst for Robert’s rebellion against the crown. He was twelve, almost thirteen, but

    nearly as big as Ned and Robert, and had proven himself to be an apt fighter. Jory rode beside

    him, his brother in arms. He killed his first man before his nameday arrived, fighting alongside his

    friends and the man Lyanna had run away from. He killed many men before it was over and donewith, tapping into the rage he felt towards his brother, towards the people who shunned him,

    towards Lyanna for being so foolish. He was good at killing. The other Stark men started calling

    him The Hound, for his ferocity and tenacity in battle. The three dogs that were his sigil didn’t

    help. He half hoped and half dreaded coming across Gregor on the field, but fate did not grant

    them a meeting. He just wanted his sister back.

    He returned to Winterfell nearly a year later with the other Stark men, after the siege of Storm’s

    End was lifted. Ned was on the trail of Lyanna and would return after. Jory’s father, whom

    Sandor didn’t know as well as Jory’s uncle, and several other bannermen went with him. Thirteen

    years old and he had seen more than his share of blood and violence. They were greeted by thenew Lady Stark and her newborn son, Robb. Catelyn was warm to the others, but her greeting to

    Sandor was chilly at best. He knew she didn’t trust him, though he had never given her cause to

    doubt his loyalty to House Stark.

    The news of Lyanna’s death hit him hard when the rider came in the night. She was his sister and

    he mourned her as he waited bitterly for Ned’s return. Jory took it even harder. Sandor had

    suspected Jory had feelings for Lyanna, but he had never spoken of it. Sandor suggested they take

    their agitation outside. Several of the wooden dummies in the training yard were found in splinters

    the next morning.

    He said nothing about the bastard son Ned brought back with him, though it would be a lie that

    the look on Catelyn’s face when presented with the babe didn’t bring a small smile to his lips. He

    did the math, and knew there was no way the boy could have been sired by Ned. They had been

    on the battlefield with no camp followers or other females anywhere within a decent distance, but

    there was no denying that the boy had Stark blood. He had his suspicions, but kept them to

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    himself. If Ned wanted everyone to believe the boy was his, then who was Sandor to question


    Chapter End Notes

    One of the rules I set for myself is that I have to try to follow the characters'

    personalities as closely as possible. Lyanna was a stubborn woman, and I don't think 

    even her brother Sandor could have stopped her. Sandor is able to prevent some of 

    the deaths, but not all of them.

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    A Pox Undeserved

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    Sometimes he would venture into the nursery to visit Robb and Jon, whom he had dubbed “the

    twins”. Catelyn wasn’t very keen on it, but Ned reminded her that Sandor was just as loyal as anyother Stark man, and could be trusted. She still grumbled, but only when he got close to Robb.

    The boys were two years old when Jon came down with the pox. He was put in a separate room

    from Robb and Sandor spent a lot of time with him there, speaking softly to him. He listened to

    Jon’s ragged breath and he wanted to hold him, but the maester said it was better for him to lay in

    the bed, so he only held his hand. Catelyn would often appear at the threshold, watching him with


    “What are you saying to him?” she asked.

    “To stay strong. His time in this world is not done yet. How his brother would miss him. How Iwould miss him. Telling him stories that Brandon once told me,” Sandor replied, not turning to

    look at her. She had a hard time looking at his face anyways.

    “You care for him? Why? He’s a bastard of a lowborn woman.”

    “Not his fault he was born. Blame his parents, if you must, but he’s just a child. Innocent. He’s a

    good boy. They both are. You know that, Lady Stark. I saw the wreath you made for him. I don’t

    know what prayers you made, but you wouldn’t make that if you didn’t believe he does not

    deserve this. I only hope you really meant those prayers.”

    She said nothing, and he heard the angry swish of her skirts as she walked away. A few days

    later, Jon began to get better.

    Chapter End Notes

    Can't actually remember if this is canon in the books, but I really liked it in the show

    when Cat is talking to Talisa about the wreath.

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    The Day The Bells Rang

    He was sixteen when the little lady was born. The bells rang all day in celebration, crying out their


    He waited with Ned and Jory, outside of the bedchamber as the new maester helped Catelyn

    through her second birthing. Jory had to leave for his watch before the septa brought her out,cocooned in a soft little blanket. Ned cooed to his new daughter as he held her, “Welcome to the

    world, my little Sansa.”

    “Septa Mordane, would you please come back in here, I need your help,” Maester Luwin called

    out. His voice held an edge of panic. Ned stiffened and wordlessly handed his daughter to Sandor

    before following the septa.

    Sandor stared at the now closed door to the bedchamber, then down to the babe in his arms.

    Nervousness set in. Oh gods, what if I drop her? What if I crush her? Why would he put her in my

    hands? Killer’s hands? The septa came rushing out, but ignored Sandor’s attempt at handing her

    the newborn.

    “Just sit with her,” she hissed at him, as she returned with more servants. He gulped and looked

    down at the little girl. He trudged over the long seat in the room and sat down, careful to not

    squeeze her too tight. The twins, as he referred to Robb and Jon, were always screaming for one

    thing or another, but this little one, she was relatively calm despite just being born. He wondered

    at that, if she would always be such a little lady, or would she be like her brothers, like her aunt?

    He couldn’t quite picture it. He was startled when she blearily opened her eyes and locked those

    Tully blues on him. He wanted to believe she was smiling at him, but the wet nurse for Robb and

    Jon had told him babies don’t smile, that it was just gas. Still, she was calm and so very small, he

    let himself believe that smile was just for him and not gas after all. She yawned, her little mouthmaking little smacking noises as she settled into Sandor’s arms. Her hand had gotten loose from

    the blanket. Sandor poked it curiously, trying to get it back under the warm wool. Infantile

    instincts kicked in and she gripped it lightly. He chuckled when he saw that her tiny hand barely

    fit all the way around his finger. Everything about her was just so tiny. He didn’t remember either

    of the twins being like this.

    “You’re like a little bird,” he whispered to her.

    He sat there with her, in a daze, but also with a calm he hadn’t felt since he first met the Starks.

    This little life in his arms was precious, and he swore to keep her safe.


    He swore when the screaming babe was going on three hours without showing any signs of 

    stopping. The little bird was unhappy with something, and was letting everyone know about it. It

    was late, and nearly half of Winterfell was being kept awake. Ned wasn’t helping, as he was

    walking her around the castle, trying to soothe her. Catelyn followed behind him. They were

    taking turns holding her, but it wasn’t doing much good. Sandor and Jory were trailing behind

    them. Maester Luwin had given the little bird a tonic, which was supposed to have started

    working almost immediately. After listening to her stomach, he said that the tonic had indeed

    worked, but the reason for her continued fussiness was unknown.

    “Oh, I can’t walk any further,” Catelyn said. She still hadn't fully recovered from her scare during

    Sansa's birth, and Sandor knew she was ignoring the maester's orders by being here. “She just

    won’t calm down.”

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    “I can go a bit longer,” Ned said, though he looked dead on his feet. “I’ll take her to Maester

    Luwin again.”

    “Give the little bird here. I’ll take her to Maester Luwin.” Sandor noticed the wariness in Catelyn’s

    eyes. He sighed, “Jory will accompany me, won’t you, Jory?” Jory did not look pleased to be

    volunteered but nodded.

    Ned handed Sansa to Sandor. He murmured to her, rocking her slightly as he walked away from

    Ned and Catelyn, “There now, little bird, I’ve got you. We’re just going to go visit the nice


    To everyone’s astonishment, most of all Sandor’s, Sansa’s cries lessened with each step, until she

    was sleeping peacefully in Sandor’s arms.

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    Bastards Are People, Too

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    “Sander,” Robb said, looking up at him as he held baby Sansa. Jon was next to him, sucking on

    his thumb.

    “What is it, pups?” he asked in a low voice. She still had trouble sleeping, even though her first

    nameday was fast approaching, and he didn’t want to wake her. He had been walking with her for

    nearly an hour to make sure she was deep in her dreams. He sometimes wondered what babies

    dreamed of.

    “Is Jon a basser?” Robb asked. He means bastard, Sandor realized.

    His eyes narrowed. “Where did you hear that?”

    “Mudder said it.” Of course she did. “What’s a basser?”

    “A bas-tard,” he said, enunciating the word as he sat down in a chair, “is one whose parents were

    not married when the babe was born. That doesn’t mean he is lesser than you, though, so don’t

    forget. He is your blood and you both owe each other your love and respect as family. Unless one

    of you betrays the other,” he said thinking of Gregor, but then his thoughts shifted to Lyanna as he

    looked at Jon. “But, you should still give each other a second chance, if you can. Just remember,

     just because he’s a bastard and you’re not, doesn’t mean it’s alright to treat him badly. Got it?”

    Robb rolled his eyes. “Yeeesssss. Can we hold Sana?” he asked. Jon had crept forward and was

    trying to peek at the baby.

    “Maybe later,” Sandor replied.


    He pulled Ned aside after dinner. “Can I speak to you alone?”

    “Of course, let’s adjourn to my solar. Shall we?” Ned asked and led the way.

    Once there, Sandor began without preamble, “I think you should tell Lady Stark the truth about


    Ned looked surprise. “I don’t know what you mean…”

    Sandor scoffed, “You know exactly what I mean. Anyone who was with you in the field and had

    enough sense to figure it out knows what I mean. Look, I know you think you’re doing the right

    thing, but that boy is the last we have of… He needs a mother. And Lady Stark is not  going to be

    the mother he needs so long as she believes what you told her. Is that what you think Lee would

    want? Is that what you think Brandon and your father would want?”

    Ned fell silent for several moments, deep in thought. He shook his head. “I made a

    promise...but...what you say is true… You will say nothing to anyone else?”

    “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about, Lord Stark,” Sandor said with a half-smile.

    Ned chuckled.

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    He heard voices in the boys room. “I’m so sorry, little one, I’m so sorry…” he heard a soft voice

    say. Lady Stark.

    “Is ok, mudder,” Robb’s voice said. “Right, Jon?”

    “Yes. Is ok. Soft hugs…” Jon’s voice was drowsy. “I like your hugs.”

    Chapter End Notes

    Sandor will not tolerate Ned's hangups. Do it right, or face the consequences! Lol

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    Bruthers Are Mean!

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    A dripping wet set of naked twins were running amok in the halls of Winterfell, having just

    escaped their bath and were on a mission. Three year old Sansa was the target. “Saaaann-saaaaaa!” the boys cried. She shrieked in terror when she saw them and took off in a flash,

    running as fast as her chubby little legs could go.

    “Come give brothers a hug!” yelled Jon happily. Sandor rolled his eyes. The twins loved to tease

    their little lady of a sister. Catelyn couldn’t keep up with them, as pregnant as she was with the

    newest Stark, and it was up to the others to keep them in line.

    She spotted him after he waved and raced towards him. He had been through this many times

    before, the twins being little hellions nearly all the time now, and knelt down as she launched

    herself into his arms. He towered over the twins as he stood up, the little bird safely in his arms as

    he scowled at them. The hellions merely smiled back at him and reached up for their sister.

    “Will you two give it a rest already? Look at what you’re doing to poor Sansa,” Ned said, as he

    and Jory weren’t far behind them, but even they had trouble keeping up with the two energetic

    boys. On cue, Sansa sniffled and buried her face in Sandor’s shoulder as the boys were taken back 

    to their bath.

    “Saaan-dee,” she cried, not quite able to pronounce Sandor. “Bruthers are meeeeeannn.”

    He patted her on the back, “There now, little bird, I’ve got you. They just don’t know how to play

    with a little sister, that’s all.”

    She sniffled again and hugged him tight. “I stay here. I safe here.”

    Catelyn had waddled up and reached for Sansa, “Come with me, darling, Sandor has duties to

    attend to.”

    “Nooooooo!” she screamed, hugging him tighter. He cringed from the volume. “San-dee protect

    me! I marry San-dee!”

    “Sansa!” Catelyn said, shocked from the announcement.

    “I marry you. Right, San-dee?” she asked, suddenly shy. He chuckled.

    “Sure, little bird, as you wish, but you really should go with your mother now,” he said, knowing

    she would most likely forget about it once she got older.

    Chapter End Notes

    Oh, Sandor, you sweet summer child...

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    Let's Go to Pyke

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    “You’re leaving tomorrow?” Catelyn asked in desperation. Sandor was sitting with the children.

    Robb and Jon were making a castle of sticks while Sansa was making a flower crown. She hadalready made five for the as yet unborn baby. They were in the godswood, sitting beneath the

    heart tree. Ned and Cat were speaking off to the side. The children were ignoring their parents, but

    Sandor heard every word.

    “If I could wait until the babe was born, I would,” Eddard said softly. “Robert needs the strength

    of Winterfell. The Greyjoys are not to be trifled with. I’ll return as quickly as I can, I promise. Jory

    will be staying here with Ser Rodrick to protect Winterfell and you and the children. You will be

    safe.” Ned embraced Catelyn. “I will return.”

    “And who will keep you safe so that you do return?” she asked sullenly.

    “San-dee will!” Sansa said happily, placing the flower crown on his head. Guess she was paying

    attention after all.

    “Yes, Mother,” Jon said. “Sandor will keep Father safe.” Robb nodded along with him. Catelyn

    glared at Sandor, but nodded before turning back to Ned.


    “If you dare let anything happen to Ned, don’t even bother coming back,” Catelyn hissed at him.

    The army of Winterfell was about to depart and the Stark family, among others, were seeing themoff.

    “Cat…” Ned started, pulling her off to the side to speak to her. Sandor merely shook his head.

    The twins and Sansa ran up to him.

    “Sandor! Are you going to kill anyone on the battlefield?” Robb asked.

    “Of course he is!” Jon said, “He’s a warrior and warriors kill people in battle. Right, Sandor?”

    “Yes, pups, I will most likely kill people in battle,” he said with a grin. He was going to miss these


    “But, you come back, right? Right, San-dee?” Sansa asked, her lower lip quivering. The twins

    looked at her, then each other, and finally back to Sandor. They hadn’t considered that.

    He knelt down to be at her level. “Do you want me to come back?” he asked.

    He knew her answer would be “yes”, but he didn’t expect her to throw her arms around his neck 

    and sob, “Yeeesss! I’mma marry you. You hafta come back!”

    He froze for a moment, unsure of what to do, but she was crying so hard, he gave in and wrapped

    his arms around her. “Enough of that now, little bird. I’ll miss you, too. And I’ll be back. Ipromise. You know how I feel about promises and vows.” She pulled away enough to look him

    in the face and nodded. He wiped the tears from her eyes. “Now, be a good girl. Your brothers

    will protect you in my stead, won’t you, pups? No terrorizing your baby sister?” He turned to the

    twins, who nodded vigorously. “See? And I’ll bring you something. Just so you know I was

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    thinking about you, too.”

    She sniffled and nodded again. She pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and gave it to him. A

    small red bird was embroidered on it, not particularly well, but he could at least tell what it was.

    “Septa Mordane says ladies givva favor to their knights as good luck. Muther helped me, but I

    dinn’t tell her what it was for. Yor not a knight, yor better, so I give you this. Oh! An this!” She

    stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his burnt cheek. “Septa Mordane says a kiss is good luck,

    too! So now you have double luck!” She smiled happily at him.

    Sandor was a little choked up from emotion. The whore he visited in Wintertown had said she

    would miss him, but he hadn't really believed her. Sansa, on the other hand...he managed to kiss

    Sansa’s forehead as thanks before he had to join the rest of the army. The twins hugged him as

    well before running off with Sansa in tow to say goodbye to their father.

    Chapter End Notes

    I almost had Sandor stay behind, but it was pointed out to me that while he's the

    unofficial Stark babysitter, it would make more sense for him to go, since he's still on

    the path to becoming the battle hardened warrior we all know and love. Thank you,

    SassyEggs, for keeping me on the straight and narrow! :D

    Coming up next time! The return from Pyke and the new ward of Winterfell, Theon


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    Battle A Squid; Return With A Ward

    The battles were long and grueling. He felt like he was half dead as he fought day after day. The

    Ironborn were not skilled warriors, but they were tough and determined, and it took a lot to kill

    them. Every night when he went to sleep, he half expected to not wake up again. It was similar to

    when he fought in Robert’s rebellion, but this time he knew someone was waiting for him. Three

    someones, to be precise, even if she was just a child of nearly four years, and the twins were justwanting to hear tales of the war, but it helped. He was able to focus, his sword seemed lighter, his

    aim truer. Or maybe that was the fatigue talking. Either way, the Ironborn were dead men. He had

    made a promise. He would come home.

    He was not privy to the negotiations between Robert and Balon Greyjoy, but the entirety of the

    Stark men knew soon enough. They were taking a hostage, Balon’s remaining son, as a ward of 

    Winterfell. The other two sons had been killed in battle. He didn’t really get a good look at the

    boy until they arrived back at Winterfell, and he was presented to Lady Stark and the children.

    The Greyjoy boy was welcomed by the Stark children, though Sandor did not appreciate thatTheon’s attitude towards Jon turned cold once he learned he was a Snow. He may have enjoyed

    the look of fear Theon had when he saw Sandor’s burns a bit too much because of this.

    Sansa ran to greet him, despite her mother’s pleas to act more ladylike. He thought he was going

    to be choked to death, she hugged his neck so hard. She kissed his cheeks and said she knew he

    would keep his promise. He got another death hug when he presented her with a seashell he had

    found on her name day. It was small and delicate, and had looked out of place on the grey shores

    of Pyke. It seemed perfect for her.

    Catelyn presented Ned with the child born in their absence, a little girl named Arya. Ned held

    embraced his wife tightly, then held his new daughter. “She looks like Lyanna,” he whispered.Sandor thought it was too soon to tell, but then the babe’s mouth did that little half-smile he was

    used to seeing on his sister, and had to agree. He wondered if it was gas.

    The Greyjoy boy grew lenient much too quickly for Sandor’s liking, however, when he saw that

    little Sansa had no fear of the scarred warrior. Theon joined Robb and Jon in the training yard,

    though Theon was old enough to practice with the men and see Sandor spar. He was even given

    an opportunity to spar with Sandor himself. He left the yard with a healthy fear of the Hound.

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    Storytelling And Buggering Knights

    Catelyn was pregnant again. The twins and Sansa “took care” of Arya under the watchful gaze of 

    the wet nurse, Old Nan, Sandor, and Septa Mordane, with Theon sometimes hanging around. The

    wet nurse ignored all of the adults. Old Nan couldn’t remember who he was half the time, and he

    and the septa had come to an understanding. He wouldn’t curse and she wouldn’t preach at him.

    They didn’t always keep to their understanding, though he was proud to say he was the better of 

    the two of them. At least until the children started mimicking him. Sansa was easy enough to bribe

    with lemon cakes, but the boys were more stubborn and more than once he had to make good on

    his threats if they repeated his colorful language.

    Septa Mordane would often read them the fanciful tales of knights and their ladies, while Nan

    would tell them the tales of the North, of Beyond the Wall. Sansa had stars in her eyes after the

    tales of the knights. Robb was the one who asked, “Why are there so few knights in the north?”

    “The customs of the North do not recognize the ways of the South in this matter. Ser Rodrick is an

    exception. If Sandor Clegane had grown up in the South where he was born, instead of here at

    Winterfell, he would have become a knight.”

    “Bugger that,” he sneered. “I spit on knights and their vows.”

    “Language!” Septa Mordane said, horrified. The children just giggled. Sansa got up from her spot

    on the floor and went to sit in Sandor’s lap.

    “I still like you, even if you…” she looked over to the septa, who was beginning another story.

    She beckoned him to come closer and she whispered in his bad ear, “Even if you spit on knights.

    Because yor Sandor! An’ yor the bestest!” She grinned and hugged him.

    He smiled back at her and returned the hug. It was still one of the nicest things anyone had ever

    said to him.

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    Chapter Notes

    Short chapter. Will upload another one later today.

    Jon insisted on being carried by Sandor on his nameday. He wasn’t sure how a twenty year old

    became the official Stark babysitter, but he had somehow accomplished it, much to Catelyn’s ire.

    If Sansa was his favorite Stark, Jon was his second (he refused to think of him as a Snow), though

    baby Arya could possibly be a contender for second place, since she was already exhibiting

    mannerisms like Lyanna, even at such a young age.

    Sansa and Robb followed after Sandor like little ducklings as he carried Jon on his shoulders

    throughout the castle. To his great amusement, they started quacking and tucking their arms totheir side as “wings” when he remarked on it to them. Jon loved it and joined in. Theon Sourface

    followed as well, but Sandor knew it was because he wanted to be around Robb, and not because

    he wanted to join in the merriment.

    “Someday, I’mma be as tall as you, Sandor!” Jon proclaimed after the ride was over. Sandor just

    chuckled as he handed the boy the wooden horse he had gotten him as a present.

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    Baby Brother, Not A Sister

    Chapter Notes

    Two short chapters make a big chapter, yes?

    The bells rang loudly for the birth of the newest Stark. Brandon was already the apple of his

    mother’s eye and he was only a few days old. Ned held one year old Arya up to meet the new

    baby, while Sansa peeked around her father’s legs. Sandor stood outside the door, waiting to talk 

    to Ned. The twins were over the novelty of a new baby and were out playing with Theon. The

    boy was still standoffish to Jon, but Robb defended him and that was good enough for Sandor.

    “Mu-ther,” Sansa said, “Is the baby a boy?”

    “Yes, my darling. Why do you ask?” Catelyn looked tired still, but happy.

    Sansa pouted. “Now there’re three boys, only two girls! Can the next baby bea girl?”

    Catelyn laughed. “I’ll try, darling.”

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    A Shield, A Realization

    Chapter Notes

    Bonus Update


    “Today is your nameday, Sansa. What would you like as a present?” her father asked her at the

    breakfast table. She was five years old, and looked like a miniature version of Catelyn, right down

    to the dress she was wearing but without all the hostility Lady Stark could hold in her eyes.

    She scrunched up her face in intense thought. “I want...for Sandor to be my shield!” She smiled

    up at him. “Will you, Sandor? Pleasepleaseplease? It’s all I want!”

    Ned looked over at Sandor, a very tall twenty-one year old. He shrugged. “As you wish, little

    bird,” he said, hiding the doll he had gotten her behind his back.

    Later, Ned pulled him aside. They sat on a bench, watching Sansa show off her presents to Jeyne

    Poole amidst the small feast being held in Sansa’s honor. The doll wasn’t allowed in anyone’s

    hands except Sansa’s. “You sure you want to be a shield? She’s only five. She won’t need a

    formal protector for several more years.”

    “Ned, I don’t mind. I’ve been watching over her for years. Might as well make it formal now.

    Maybe Lady Stark will stop fussing over how much time the girl spends with me.” Sandor still

    had yet to win any of Catelyn’s approval.

    Ned laughed. “She’ll come around eventually. I hope. No one else doubts your loyalty to the

    Starks, and especially to Sansa.”


    “How come Sansa has a shield and we don’t?” Robb asked Ned one day. The family was taking a

    rare picnic near the Wolfswood. Sandor and a few other men were with them as guards. Theon

    was with them as a trainee.

    “You don’t really need one,” Ned replied.

    “Neither does Sansa,” Catelyn retorted. Sansa frowned but the twins nodded vigorously.

    “Yeah! Why does she get one if she doesn’t need one?” Robb asked.

    “It’s only fair,” Jon added.

    Ned gave Catelyn a look that said Why?! To the twins he said, “Sansa is a lady, and unable to

    defend herself as you two have been taught. Besides, she asked Sandor. Nicely. And he agreed.”

    “Well, why can’t she just learn to fight then? Like us?” Catelyn was horrified, but Ned just gave

    her another look, This is what you started.

    “She can’t learn to fight, she’s a lady!” Catelyn exclaimed.

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    “What do ladies learn then?” Jon asked.

    “Well, for instance, embroidery, etiquette, singing, managing a household…” Catelyn listed.

    “What?! That’s useless!” Robb said. Ned smacked him. “Well, it is! Most of it. What happens if 

    someone tries to hurt her? Sing the attacker away? Ask nicely that he ‘Please would you go


    “That’s what Sandor is for,” Sansa said stubbornly. “It’s why he’s with me constantly.”

    “But what if he can’t, for whatever reason. There’s multiple attackers, or something. Shouldn’t

    you be able to defend yourself, as well? The gods help those who help themselves,” Jon pointed

    out. “Shouldn’t she learn at least something ? She’s only five, but we started learning when we

    were seven.”

    Ned looked at Sansa, and then Arya, realization dawning in his eyes as Catelyn continued to

    argue her points.

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    Catelyn Puts Her Foot Down

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    Sandor sat with Jon in the training yard. Robb and Theon were sparring at the moment, Ser

    Rodrick overseeing the exercise.

    “If you twist as you attack,” Sandor was telling him, “then--”


    They all turned. Sansa was running across the yard, tears streaming down her face. He barely had

    time to kneel before she launched herself into his arms. He held her as she sobbed.

    “Little bird,” he murmured, stroking her hair, “what’s the matter? Where’s your mother? You

    were supposed to be in embroidery all afternoon.”

    She kept crying and shook her head.

    “Yes, you told me you were going to make your first dress. You had a special fabric all picked


    She didn't speak, just sobbed all the harder.

    “Sansa,” Jon whispered. “Do you want me to go find Mother for you?” She shook her head

    violently. “Did something happen?”

    Sansa did not answer. She just kept crying. Jon exchanged a look with Sandor, both of them wereat a loss here.

    “Sansa,” Catelyn’s voice came to them. She had a pained look on her face. Sansa gripped at

    Sandor harder. “Sansa, come here, darling. You are bothering the training.”

    Sansa slowly ceased her crying. She looked up at Sandor and then to the other people in the

    training yard. Sandor pulled out a handkerchief and wiped Sansa's face clean.

    “There now, little bird. All better. Will you tell me what's wrong now?” he asked gently.

    “Sansa!” Catelyn said sternly.

    Sansa looked up at him again. She shook her head. “I should…go with Mother,” she said meekly.

    She kissed Sandor on the cheek before leaving his embrace. He couldn't say why he thought it,

    but it felt like she was saying goodbye.

    “Sansa, I’ll see you after embroidery,” he said. It felt more like a question to him.

    She nodded and smiled widely, but it lacked her usual warmth. “Yes, after embroidery.”

    Two weeks later, Sansa wore the dress she had made. It was dark grey, almost black. Robb joked

    that she looked like a silent sister or someone off to become a septa. Sansa smiled, but it was the

    same fake smile Sandor had seen in the training yard. She still refused to tell him why.

    Jon spoke with him after dinner. “Finally got Jeyne to talk. She said that Sansa picked a color

    Mother refused to let her use. She forced Sansa to exchange it after they left the training yard that

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    day. Something about it being inappropriate for a lady of her rank. That it would make people

    think wrongly of her. Jeyne didn't hear all of it.”

    “I would think it be the cut of a dress that would do that. What color did she pick?”

    “Jeyne wasn't sure, she didn't see it. She thought it might have been light orange or yellow.” Jon

    shrugged, at a loss for what else to say.

    It made no sense to Sandor either.

    Chapter End Notes

    Please don't kill me. I did add "Angst" as a tag. Technically, "Fluff And Angst".

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    Arya To The Rescue

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    “Sander,” the little voice said. “Why’r you in mud?”

    “Hush, wolf girl, and get down,” he whispered. Four year old Arya immediately squatted down in

    the mud next to him. It had been the only hiding spot big enough for him, and was unfortunately

    also the place where the maids had dumped some dirty water out from cleaning. Arya had no

    qualms about getting down and dirty, as opposed to Sansa, who tried to stay clean as much as


    “What’re we doing?” she asked in a whisper.

    “Trying to figure out what’s bothering your sister. She’s been depressed for nearly a month now.”

    He gestured over to where Sansa was sitting with Jeyne. The other girl was talking animatedly,

    but Sansa didn't look like she was paying much attention. “She won’t tell anyone why. I think your mother knows, but she’s not saying anything either. To her credit, she’s tried to cheer Sansa

    up, but it’s not working.”

    “I ask,” she said, getting up and walking over to the two older girls.

    “Get back here!” he hissed. Arya ignored him.

    He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Arya was gesturing wildly. Finally, she pointed over

    to where Sandor was hiding. Sansa looked over with wide eyes, surprised that she hadn’t noticed

    him. She patted her sister’s head and headed over to Sandor. “We’re jus worried, Sana!!” Aryacalled out.

    He stood up as she got closer. She looked him up and down, covered in mud from his hiding spot.

    “You’re really worried, aren’t you?” she asked quietly.

    “Of course. We all are,” he said, then added, “I don’t like seeing you so sad. Tell me, little bird, is

    there anything I can do?”

    Her eyes glistened a little, but she shook her head. “No, there isn’t. I wish you could though. I

     just...I had to learn an unfair truth. I’ll try to do better, Sandor.” She smiled up at him, a genuine

    smile that released the pressure on his heart that he hadn’t even realized was there. Arya camerunning up and hugged her sister from behind, leaving muddy hand prints on Sansa's dress. Sansa

    merely sighed and turned around to return the hug to her sister. "Thank you, Arya."

    Chapter End Notes

    Next chapter is one of my favorites, so there will be another extra update for it! I'm

     just super impatient and I don't want to wait two whole days for the regular schedule.It's also one of the longest chapters of this story. Generally, most of the chapters

    happen after an extended period of time from the previous one, so the events I wrote

    were so close together, I made them into one super-chapter. Stay tuned for tomorrow,

    Wednesday! Regular update schedule will resume on Thursday.

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    The Trouble With Whores

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    Sandor had the afternoon off. Not that you could really tell. Sansa was still there, braiding some

    long grass blades into a little crown, humming to herself. Her nameday was approaching and shewas making the crowns as a lead up to it.

     I really need a hobby. Or a trip to Wintertown. Maybe visit Mallory… She was one of the few

    whores that didn’t flinch when they saw his face. And she made him feel like a king when he

    visited her.

    He scooped Sansa up. She was too old for it, but he sometimes missed holding her as he did when

    she was a baby. She never complained about it, so he didn’t see the harm. “Where are we going?”

    she asked.

    “To your mother, little bird. Time for your lessons anyway, and I have to go see someone inWintertown.”

    “May I come, too?” she asked. “Please? I’ll be good.”

    “Trust me, little bird, it’s not a trip for a little lady such as yourself.” She huffed a little. “I’ll bring

    you back something nice, ok? No sad faces. Deal?” She thought about it seriously, sighed

    melodramatically, nodded in extreme seriousness, then grinned and wrapped her arms around his

    neck to hug him. He was glad she wasn’t in her depressed state anymore, but he had an odd

    feeling she was keeping a distance, despite her affectionate nature. Sometimes he would catch her

    staring into the distance with sad eyes.


    Jory went with him, and laughed as they left the brothel. “You have to bring her back a gift?”

    “Nothing big, maybe a hair comb?”

    “You know she’s going to be devastated if she ever finds out you regularly visit a brothel. And

    once she learns what one is,” Jory said as they headed to the small merchant area. “The gods help

    us that day.”

    “What? Why?” he asked in genuine confusion.

    Jory looked at him in surprise, then laughed again. “You poor blind fool,” he said, and refused to

    say anything else on the matter, but would look over at Sandor every so often and start laughing

    all over again.



    She turned away from him, her little chin jutting out adorably.

    “Sansa,” he stepped in front of her. She turned her head the other way, but he captured her chin

    and gently forced her to look at him. It wasn’t difficult. She wasn’t mad, just upset. He was

    determined to find out why. “Look at me, Sansa.” She did, but she made a huff about it and it

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    amused him to no end. He wanted to laugh, but that wouldn’t help right now. He steeled his

    features and said, “What’s wrong?”


    “You’re making a lot of fuss over nothing, girl.” She frowned. He knew she hated it when he

    called her that.

    She huffed a little more. He could be patient. Being a caretaker of this many Starks required it.Jory was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. He managed to muffle his laughter,

    but Sandor could still see his friend’s shoulders shaking with mirth. It was making it harder to take

    this situation seriously. He made a note to get him back later in the training yard. Any moment 

    now, she’ll start chirping.

    “Mother said you were going to go see a woman in Wintertown,” she said finally.

    “A woman?” he asked in confusion. He only went to Wintertown to see a woman for one reason

    and...oh. Even Jory had realized what she was referring to and had ceased his laughter. Sandor

    wasn’t sure, but he thought Jory was mouthing I told you! Sandor just glared at him.

    “What did she say about this woman?” he asked carefully.

    “That she was the most likely candidate to be your lady wife,” Sansa said, her lower lip pushed

    out in a pout. Damn it Catelyn. “But you can’t get married! You have to stay here as my shield!

    You have to protect me! I can’t lose you like this!” she suddenly sobbed and threw herself into his

    arms. He had been her shield for nearly two years now, and the most dangerous threat to her had

    been Theon with his unwelcome kisses. Why would she believe she needs me when she’s so safe

    here? he wondered.

    “Sansa, I’m not going to marry her,” he said. Mallory’s not wife material anyway. She pushedaway from him enough to look up at him with a tear streaked face.

    “You’re not? Promise?”

    “I promise. I’ll always be here for you, to protect you and keep you safe. Do you believe me?”

    She nodded and wiped her face with her hand. He handed her his handkerchief. She daintily

    cleaned herself up, though she still made a slight honking noise when she blew her nose. He

    smiled at that. “Now, did your mother tell you that directly?” Sansa looked down at her feet

    guiltily. “You were eavesdropping, then.” She looked up at him sheepishly and nodded. “Well,

    that is very unladylike. As the person who watches over you, I am burdened with administering

    punishment as well.” Her face fell. She was really making this too easy. “So…you will have tohelp Arya with her etiquette lessons today.”

    Her scream of horror let him know she wouldn’t be doing any more eavesdropping and was worth

    the splitting of his eardrums. Jory did not agree.


    He and Sir Rodrick were trailing behind Lord and Lady Stark as they toured Wintertown with

    their children. “We have some new recruits coming in next week,” Sir Rodrick said. “Would you

    be willing to train with them the first two weeks?”

    “Why not ask Jory?” Sandor asked, noticing that Sansa was distracted by a food stand that had

    lemon cakes and had fallen behind the rest of her family. Jory and another man-at-arms kept up

    with them, so Sandor wasn’t particularly worried about their safety. He shook his head as he saw

    her eyeing the sweets. Honestly, that girl… Though he knew he would ultimately end up buying

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    her one and telling her not to tell her parents.

    “He’ll train with them as well, but you have a knack for getting them to buckle down, despite your

    youth. I’d like to groom both of you to become the next master-at-arms. Lord Stark will have the

    final say, of course, but I think both of you have potential.”

    Sandor chuckled. “I appreciate the thought,” he said, noticing that Mallory and another whore

    were standing very close to Sansa at the food stall. They hadn’t noticed the girl, but Sandor

    suddenly had a bad feeling. “I do have my hands full as Lady Sansa’s shield, however,” he said, just as Sansa started screaming at Mallory.

    “Don’t say that about him!! Take it back! Take it BACK!” she shrieked, pounding her small fists

    against Mallory’s legs.

    “Oy! You little brat! Didn’t anyone teach you any manners?” Mallory hissed and raised her hand,

    to slap or hit, Sandor didn’t know, but he caught her wrist before she could do anything.

    “Sandor!” she exclaimed in surprise, but schooled her features and voice to the honeyed tones he

    was used to hearing from her. “Come to save me from the little beast?” she purred.

    Sandor raised an eyebrow at her. “Keeping my lady from getting hurt,” he said gruffly, letting go

    of Mallory and turning to Sansa. “Lady Sansa, what happened?”

    “Lady Sansa?!” he heard Mallory exclaim in horror behind him. She tried to run, but the other

    whore wouldn’t let her. It’s useless to run, idiot, he heard her hiss at Mallory.

    Sansa was crying, her eyes were red and she had forgotten her manners by wiping her nose with

    her sleeve. She sniffled and said meekly, “She was saying... not nice things about you.” She

    looked uncomfortable that all eyes were on her at the moment.

    “Clegane, should I go get Lord and Lady Stark?” Sir Rodrick asked. Mallory yelped.

    Sandor grimaced, but said, “No, I don’t think it’s necessary right now, but if they head back in this

    direction, flag them down.” He turned back to Sansa. “What did she say that pushed you into

    hitting her? You know violence isn’t the answer for you.”

    Sansa sniffled again. “I...I know...but she said...she said you were a stupid fool to believe her

    sweet words. And that she didn’t even have to use half her charm to get the best coin from you.

    The other one said she shouldn’t speak that way of a regular, so she’s alright. But then this one

    laughed! She laughed at you!” Sansa turned to Mallory, the rage back on her face. “You’re the

    stupid fool! Sandor is the best and he deserves every bit of respect you can scrounge up, youlying...lying…” She scrunched her face up and then said the worst insult she could think up,


    Sandor wasn’t sure whether to be flattered she was defending him, angry that Mallory had duped

    him so completely, or amused that Sansa’s worse insult was Mallory’s actual profession. The other

    whore laughed. He shook his head and smiled fondly at Sansa, who was still glaring at Mallory.

    “Lady Sansa,” he said softly. She turned to look at him, fear and shame in her eyes. He knew she

    didn’t regret her actions or words, but was fearful of his reaction. “Thank you for defending my

    honor,” he said with a barely suppressed smile. “Go with Sir Rodrick. I will settle things here and

    catch up in a few moments.” She returned his smile with a shy one and nodded.

    In a staged whisper, she said, “Don’t kill her though, she’s not worth the effort of cleaning her

    dirty blood off your blade.” A final glare at Mallory and Sansa haughtily walked off with Sir

    Rodrick to join her family.

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    “Give it a rest, Mal. Suffice it to say, I will not be returning for your services.” Sandor turned to

    face her fully, his anger extremely evident on his face. Mallory shrank back from the Hound a bit.

    He leaned forward to whisper harshly in her ear, “However, you tried to strike my lady, your liege

    lord’s daughter. Come near her again, and you will regret the day your father failed to pull out.”

    He left her speechless as he ordered and paid for lemon cakes for all of the Stark children.

    As he walked away, he heard the other whore, Ros, tell her, “I told you so.”

    Chapter End Notes

    Hope it's ok that I borrowed Mallory again FancyKid!

  • 8/17/2019 Friendship is a Wonderful


    Stark Family Prankster

    Chapter Notes

    Or "Why It's Not A Good Idea To Follow Benjen Blindly"

    “Benjen!” Sandor exclaimed. He hadn’t seen the man since he hightailed it to the Wall after Ned

    returned from Robert’s rebellion. “Black suits you. What are you doing here?”

    “Robb’s nameday celebration. Ned asked me to come. Said it's about time I meet the kids,”

    Benjen grinned as he embraced his friend. “How are things here? How’re the children?”

    “Come see for yourself.” Benjen followed Sandor to the lesson room. Robb, Jon and Theon were

    learning numbers from Vayon Poole, while Sansa, Arya and Jeyne are learning letters from SeptaMordane. It was Jon who noticed them first. He nudged Robb. Theon noticed next. Arya noticed

    the boys’ attention was drawn away from the lessons, which drew Sansa and Jeyne’s attention.

    “Benjen Stark! As I live and breathe! Come here, boy! Give an old man a hug!” Vayon

    exclaimed, though he wasn't that much older than Brandon would have been. After embracing,

    Valon turns to the children. “None of you will remember, but this is Lord Eddard’s younger

    brother, Benjen. Robb, Sansa, Arya, Jon, he’s your uncle.” The four children got up from their

    seats to greet him.

    “You look like Father,” Robb exclaimed. “And Jon. And Arya.”

    Benjen chuckled, “Well, I am a Stark and your father’s brother, afterall. You and Sansa look more

    like your mother than your father.” He sat down with them, “Now, tell me all about yourselves.

    And then, I’ll tell you of a great joke we can play on Lord and Lady Stark!”

    Sandor shook his head, but couldn’t hide his grin as the children flocked to their uncle. Even

    Jeyne and Theon found their way into the huddle. Septa Mordane tsked at the joke, but Sandor

    could see that she was trying very hard not to laugh. Veyon chuckled and returned to his other

    duties, knowing he had lost the children’s attention for the day.

    Later, Sandor managed to hold back his laughter as Benjen “predicted” the personalities, hobbies,likes and dislikes of each child that he “had never met before” to Ned and Catelyn.

    “Knowledge from Beyond The Wall,” Benjen said cryptically, when Ned asked him about it.

    Sandor had to leave the room to laugh, though Ben eventually told them the truth.

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    Oss! And Bow

    “Sandor, what are we doing in here?” Sansa asked. They were standing in a room of one of the

    abandoned buildings. The inside of this one had been fixed up and sparsely furnished. The floor

    was covered in thick, dense mats and various practice weapons adorned the walls. Jon was there,


    “Your father wants you to at least be able to defend yourself, little bird. Just in case, something

    happens to me,” he said, raising his hand before she could protest. “You are the same age as your

    brothers when they first started training, a little older actually. Your mother doesn’t know about

    this. No one does. Just you, me, your brothers and your father. You’re not going to tattle on us,

    now are you?”

    She shook her head. “But... I...I’m scared. What if I get hurt?” she asked meekly.

    Sandor sighed and knelt down. “I would never lie to you, you know that.” She nodded. “There is

    a possibility you may get hurt, but if it’s a choice between getting hurt in practice or getting killed

    in a real situation, then I think I’d rather you get hurt here. Once Arya is old enough, she’ll be

    receiving these lessons, too. Fair?” She nodded again, sullen but wouldn’t argue with him.

    “Alright then, you’re going to need to change into these clothes. Won’t do to mess up your nice

    dress. Jon and I will wait outside until you finish changing.”

    She let them know once she was done. Ned had had the clothing specially made, breeches that

    were hidden by the skirt of the dress, the arms were looser around the shoulders, to give more

    range of motion.

    “Alright, Jon is going to play the part of the attacker, then we’ll switch to me. We’ll go slow at

    first. If you don’t understand something, just ask. In future lessons, Robb and your father will joinus to help give you a variety of body sizes to fight against. Jory may help as well. Basically, your

    father wants you to be prepared in as many instances as possible. You will not be learning to

    attack, just how to defend, but you will learn how to hit someone and how to take a hit. Are you

    ready, little bird?”

    She didn’t look ready, but nodded. “I am ready. I trust you, Sandor.”

    She did rather well, keeping her fears tamped down during her lesson, and listening attentively so

    that she could react appropriately. Ned came in for a while to watch and see how she was doing.

    Later, after her lesson and once Jon and Ned had left, she curled up in Sandor’s arms and cried her

    fears to him.

    “It’ll be ok, little bird. This is for your own good. I’ll be here after every lesson if you need to cry

    about it again. Hopefully, you will never have to use these lessons, but it eases your father’s mind,

    and mine as well, to know you will have this knowledge.”

    “It does?” she asked. He nodded and wiped away her tears, glad that she had calmed down.

    “I’m doubling my own efforts as well,” he said. She looked up at him curiously. “I’ve been

    training to fight groups, larger and larger groups. Ever since Jon pointed it out two years ago. At

    the time, I could maybe handle five men. Right now, it’s up to ten. Switching between fightingone man to ten is difficult, but not only am I benefitting from it, so are the warriors of Winterfell.

    Ser Rodrick is extremely pleased by all of our progress. So see, you’re not alone in this. As one of 

    the Starks of Winterfell, you have all of its power standing behind you.”

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    She nodded solemnly. “I will do my best to not disappoint,” she promised.

  • 8/17/2019 Friendship is a Wonderful


    The Last Time The Bells Tolled

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    The bells rang again. Sandor stood at the door of the master bedchamber, watching his charge and

    her family. Maester Luwin and Septa Mordane stood with him, waiting to finish caring for LadyStark. Rickon Stark was the last child born to Lady Stark, though they did not know it at the time.

    He was born with a head full of wild locks that only Jon had had. All of the children greeted their

    new brother, at Ned’s insistence, though all the boys and Arya wanted it to be over and done with

    already. Sansa stayed behind as the others rushed off to go play before lessons started.

    “Mother, may I hold him?” she asked politely.

    “Of course, darling. Remember, support his back, neck and head.” She handed Rickon over to

    Sansa. Ned curled up to his exhausted wife, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Sandor felt a

    slight pang at the sight, knowing that he would never have such a moment for himself. What 

    woman would want the dreaded Hound as a suitor, much less a husband?

    “He’s beautiful, Mother,” Sansa whispered. Sandor watched her with Rickon. The patience and

    childcare she learned from helping with Arya and Bran was being reflected. He smiled to himself.

    She had only learned it because she had insisted on being around him when he was roped into

    helping by Septa Mordane. She’s going to be a wonderful mother someday.

    Chapter End Notes

    Sansa is approximately 9 years old in this scene. Should I just start listing the ages in

    the end notes?

    Edit: Adding ages, as requested. To tell the truth, I get them a little fuddled so I

    constantly have to remind myself how old everyone is. X_x' Since I don't know

    exactly when all these characters were born during the year, the ages might be off by

    a little bit.

    Ned - 32

    Catelyn - 31Sandor - 25

    Theon - 17

    Robb - 12

    Jon - 12

    Sansa - 9

    Arya - 7

    Bran - 6

    Rickon - newborn

  • 8/17/2019 Friendship is a Wonderful


    Reactions May Vary

    Chapter Notes

    See the end of the chapter for notes

    Arya was more than thrilled to have her first defense lesson. Sansa told Sandor later that she found

    it amusing the difference between her reaction and Arya’s to learn about the lessons. Sandor justshrugged and said, “You’re different people. It’s ok to have different reactions.”

    He was impressed with the speed Arya adapted to the lessons, though he reflected that he

    shouldn’t have been surprised. She was more like Lyanna than anyone had ever guessed, though

    without the ability to still be ladylike when it was needed. In that regard, it would be Sansa who

    was more like Lyanna. Their temperaments were similar, though Sansa’s courtesy was more

    refined, thanks to Lady Catelyn, and her wolf nature didn’t rear its head very often, unlike


    “Courtesy is a lady’s armor,” she told Arya. “You really ought to learn to control your temper at


    “I don’t want to be a lady,” Arya whined. “I want to be a warrior. Like Father.”  Hmmm...should 

    talk to Ned about that. Defense lessons are fine, but this one might need offensive lessons as well.

    “Then be a lady warrior. No one will be able to touch you then,” Sansa said. They were sparring

    against each other today. Arya was playing the attacker, which she was rather good at, Sandor

    noted. She lunged for her sister with a mock roar. Sansa shrieked, but she managed to remember

    what to do and Arya went flying past her into Jon.

    “Little sister, if you keep announcing where you plan on going, Sansa’s not going to learn much,”Jon chuckled.

    Arya dusted off her training clothes determinedly and said, “I’m trying to throw her off balance.

    She still reacted, even with me screaming, so she’s still able to learn. Not everyone who attacks

    her is going to be quiet like you, Jon. Or you, Robb. And if Sandor did that, she’d likely faint from

    the force of his bellows alone. So really, it’s up to me to toughen her up.” Arya put her hands on

    her hips with authority.

    Everyone laughed as Sansa snuck up behind her sister and caught her in

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