from him to us vol 1 excerpts

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  • 7/31/2019 From Him to Us Vol 1 Excerpts


  • 7/31/2019 From Him to Us Vol 1 Excerpts



    A True Living Witness

    Our spiritual-being is important for our well-being and maintaining through life. This is what I liveby to help me. I enjoy life, and have challenges like all of us. As we open ourselves and grow with

    others, we see we are not alone. I have endured and overcome trials.

    There are some challenges as growing up in a single parent home, in the city of Chicago where

    violence claim lives daily, surviving being mauled by a police dog-canine patrol, and currently an

    entrepreneur in a down economy, God has brought me through it all.

    During one of my many tests, I sought God and wrote about things I learned communicating with

    Him. From Him to Us, is a series of topics on several areas of life we can use to grow spiritually.

    It is spiritual enrichment and a supplement for lifes journey. It relays the perspective we need to

    see in order to fulfill His purpose for us .This is my blueprint of how to excel using the gift of God.

    Chapter 1

    Faith and Patience

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    According to Schedule

    Everybody on earth has a schedule. We are pilots of the plane of life. The plane is the vessel

    that we are in to complete our destination; the same as it is with a spirit and a soul. We all have our

    arrival time and our departure time. During any point in our flight, we may get delayed; that means

    whatever was delayed wasnt meant to happen at that certain point. However, when it is time to go,

    there is nothing we can do about it because we are on Gods schedule.

    While we are in our plane of life, we will hit some turbulence. The turbulence is a

    wake-up call. We are not to panic when we hit turbulence, although thats the natural human

    reaction. If weve never hit turbulence before, how would we be prepared to deal with such a

    thing? Our life is designedto hit turbulence and go through different storms. This is why God

    equipped each plane with instruments to guide us. These instruments are our faith to guide

    us to where we are going. We dont need to see where we are in the storm, but because we have

    those instruments of faith, we do know where we aregoing.

    First Corinthians chapter twelve talks about spiritual gifts. The ninth verse of that chapter

    talks about the gift of faith. Just because a storm looks impossible to conquer, does not mean we

    wont make it through.

    Despite all the passengers that come in and out of our life, we must rely on our

    instruments of faith. The passengers are the different people we know and affect in our life.

    The passengers who know what we are going through may panic and attack our faith, but we are

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    not to be concerned with their worries or fears. We must rely on our instruments of faith all the

    way through the storm.Amen

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    Chapter 2


    Spies for Satan

    In this world we are living in today, we must be very alert because there are so many spies for

    Satan. He can be the most innocent-looking gorgeous woman, or the most innocent-looking

    handsome man. Satan can disguise himself into whatever form he wants. He can be a member in

    our congregation, or he can be our minister speaking Gods word. The only interest in his heart is

    to capture souls.

    He will try to speak to us as if he were God, but we will know when Satan is speaking,

    because his voice is very discouraging. When he tries to speak to us, the vibe in our soul will feel

    cold. Satan speaks in an urgent tone, as though he were in a rush. He is in a hurry because time is

    running out.

    Spies for Satan are our deceitful friends who will smile in our face, but who are plotting

    against us while smiling at us. He can be that businessman that we shake hands with everyday.

    God has his vessels just as Satan has his own vessels. Satans vessels are his spies that are

    transformed into so many identities to appear as if they were one of Gods chosen. When Satan

    sends his spies out, their objective is to get as close to Gods people as possible to try to win their

    souls. Of course, God is Almighty, so if we stay close with Him, we will know Satans spies when

    they approach.

    It is the same way as when an employee working for one company is spying on another

    company. He will not reveal his identity or true purpose. He wants to watch what the company is

    doing in order to attempt to operate his own business better. We are Gods employees, and Satan

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    has his spies watching us to try to defeat Gods company. If we work for God, well never be

    terminated or laid off. It might get to be hard on the job, but we must do our task and be aware of

    and behold Satans spies. Matthew 24:23-24 says, There if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here

    is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall

    shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.


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    The Familiar Voice

    This is for all of us who have asked, How does Gods voice sound, or How do we know when

    he is speaking to us? Does he have a deep voice?

    When he speaks to us, his voice sounds like a peaceful inner voice. He speaks in a calm

    tone. When we hear him speak, our bodies shall feel as if they were flushed with pure waters. We

    will feel cleansed and refreshed.

    If we hear any voices otherwise, which is the Devils voice, our spirit will feel dirty and

    uneasy. We will feel as if we were being rushed, and we wont feel at peace after the Devil speaks

    to us. The Devils voice sounds like a sneaky and deceitful whisper, and our minds will also

    become clouded and well be very confused.

    How do we differentiate ourvoice from the Lords voice and the Devils voice? First,

    when we pray to God and ask him for some results, let us ask him to open our minds and hearts so

    that we may be receptive to our Lords word. We have to be ready to receive and accept the

    answers our Lord will give us instead of trying to hear what we want to hear. When we try to hear

    what we wantto hear, that is the Devils all access pass to speak to us.

    Let us not lean on our own understanding. All we have to understand is: God knows all

    things, has all the answers, and he knows best. It may not be what we wantto hear, but it surely

    will be what we needto hear and need to know in order for us to progress.

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    Now, knowing all of these things that were written to us and also knowing the Scriptures, we will

    know our Lords voice when he speaks to us. Concluding with John 10:4; And when he putteth

    forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.Amen.

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    Class is in Session

    As we take our journeys through life, we are students on earth. Earth is the classroom we are

    in, and every situation weve been in was the class that we needed to take. We must take certainclasses to meet the requirements we need for graduation.

    Graduation is the ceremony for those who succeed on Judgment Day. Each task in life is

    a gateway to a greater challenge. While we are in this classroom, we have been given the choice

    to excel or fail.

    God is the dean of all students on earth.

    Satan is the leader of peer pressure, and he attempts to influence everyone to fail just

    because he failed. Genesis 3:14 says, And the Lord said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done

    this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, anddust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.

    While we are in class, the Bible is our ultimate textbook, and it is our guide through


    The preachers in the world are our teachers, but it is up to us to know the Bible for

    ourselves. After weve heard a sermon from the teachers, it is on us to read the Bible and do ourhomework. After weve completed our assignments, we have to choose what level we want to

    take them to. No one can make that decision for us. Although earth is the classroom were in, it is

    also a temporary inconvenience; it is a median split between evil and good. The choice is solelyupon us to choose Gods gift of the Promised Land, or to eternally burn in the lake of fire. He that

    overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful,

    and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and

    idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:which is the second death (Revelation 21:7-8).

    Earth is a two-way street. EARTH (Entering All Routes To Heaven, or Entering All

    Routes To Hell).Amen.

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    Answers to the Test

    For every storm we overcome, there will be another one following. There will always be a calm

    before the storm, and the bright and better days never come before the storm.

    Each storm prepares us for greater challenges and greater success. We cannot get from one

    destination to another without going through whatever lies between us and that destination. Notonly can we get through the storm and testify about the good news of Jesus Christ, but we can

    also recall what he has done for us and know that he is here again to go with us through the

    next storm.

    None of us would be human, nor would we be of God if we did not have any trials and

    tribulations. Jesus days on earth werent peaches and cream for him, so who are we to live a life

    free of trials and tribulations? For the next storm we shall encounter, let us say, This too, shall

    pass. Our life is a mission, and each of our missions has different stages of life. For every stage

    we go through, there are obstacles along the way. Not only do we have to surpass those obstacles,

    but also we have to complete the ultimate test at the end of that stage before we can be certified as

    ready for the next stage.

    The mission is still not complete. Only a stage of it has been accomplished, but for every stage

    accomplished, we have gained spiritual strength to make us capable of accomplishing the next

    stage. Once the mission is complete, we will appreciate every storm we went through in each stage,

    because without each storm, we would not be at the level we are at now. Once the mission is

    complete, everything will come back to our remembrance. We will see where every storm servedits purpose. We did not understand it then, but we shall understand it now. These things I have

    spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be ofgood cheer; I have overcome the world (John 16:33).Amen.

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    Chapter 3


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    Already Written

    Nothing that happens in life is an accident. Regardless of how fortunate or unfortunate the situation

    is, everything happens for a reason. It was already written. Just as the book of Revelation is already

    written in the Bible, it only has yet to manifest.

    It may seem far-fetched and beyond our comprehension that what seems an unfortunate

    situation actually happened for the better. Just as it may have been sad for those who saw our

    savior Jesus Christ in his hour of crucifixion, that was already written and was happening for a


    Just as Revelation 22:19 says, And if any man shall take away from the words of the

    book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city,

    and from the things which are written in this book.

    That Scripture alone shows that this was already written. Just as Matthew 26:21 says, And

    as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. It was already

    written that Jesus would be betrayed; or else he would have not known to say that someone was

    about to betray him.

    Although everything that happened was already written, this doesnt mean that were to do

    something foolish and then say, It was already written, It is written again, thou shalt not tempt

    the Lord thy God (Matthew 4:7). When something happens that we cant understand, believe that

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    it happened for a reason, and know that it was already written. Nothing that happens is, was orwill

    be a surprise to God.

    When good things happen for us, God is not going to say, Oh, you got a promotion! He

    already knew it; that day was written already. And when bad things happen, God still wont say,

    Oh, you have to appear in court today! No, it was already written.

    Nothing is made up as time goes on. Just as our date of birth was written, the same too is

    written for our day to die. Some people may say that some things can be avoided. Thats true, there

    are some. But there are situations we have no control of nor know the results of by means of our

    doings, that cannotbe avoided.

    Just as Ananias and his wife Sapphira fell down and gave up the ghost for lying to God; it

    was already written.1 Verily, we may say that could have been avoided, but that was already

    written to take place, because God knew this was the choice they were going to make. In

    conclusion, nothing is a mistake; nothing can be erased, and nothing will be new to God. It was

    already written.Amen.

    1 The account of Ananias and Sapphira is in Acts 5 in the King James Version of the Bible.

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    Call Waiting

    This is the Lords calling to the chosen whom he has predestined to be called out of darkness to

    preach the gospel. He will come to us directly to let us know this is our calling. It wont come

    through a prophecyfrom someone else.

    Some of us may have been told by another preacher or by another individual that this is

    our calling, but it is not their callto tell us that we have been called. Not everyone is of the spirit of

    God. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many

    false prophets are gone out into the world (1 John 4:1). When we are called, we will know the

    calling when it comes.

    It is the same way as when we are on a phone call and someone clicks in on the other line;

    we can see who is calling, and we have the option to receive that persons call then, or not to

    receive it. It is the same when God is calling us. We can see he is calling us and know it is he who

    is calling us, and we have the opportunity to accept his call. It will make us feel like we have a

    promotion in the world. It wont make us feel like we are above anyone else, but it will make us

    feel that we have gained a higher and stronger connection with God. Our spiritual strength will be

    revived; we will have a more vivid sense of direction, and our faith will also be increased. We will

    see not with the human eye, but with the eye that is of the light of the Lord. This means we will be

    optimistic and see beyond and through what is presented to us. These are all the credentials of elite

    people in the world and of the Lord. Therefore are the called not elite?

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    Some people have gone to bible schools and institutes to be certified as preachers, but that

    does not mean they have been called. No one else can certify us as elite or called but our Father

    who is above. Not only is the calling for preachers, but also for all of us to discover our purpose

    to understand the calling he has for us.

    We will find our purpose by being in tune with our Lord and asking him for direction. Our

    purpose is what he has purposed for us through his will. Who hath saved us, and called us with an

    holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was

    given us in Christ Jesus before the world began (2 Timothy 1:9).Amen.

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    A Fair Judgment

    Throughout our walk of life, none of us will walk a perfect step. As much as we try to do right, we

    all are still sinners. We have the power to choose sin or to obey God. We are no longer slaves of

    sin as mentioned in Romans 6:22. But now being made free from sin, and become servants to

    God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. Its not all about how many

    Sundays weve spent in church, how many other special services weve attended, or about how

    many sermons weve heard.

    Be not hypocrites thinking we are so holy and sanctified that we can place judgment on our

    fellow mankind. Matthew 7:3 says, and why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye,

    but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye. None of us is in a position to place

    judgment and speak against what someone else is doing as opposed to how we do things as

    individuals. Only God can judge us. It is also written in Matthew 7:1, Judge not that ye be not


    Verily, one should not contradict himself and say that he or she is a follower of Christ, and

    in the same sentence says they practice idolatry.

    Does walking in the light of Christ mean we cannot have fun and enjoy the pleasure and

    material things here on earth? No. To walk in the light of Christ means having faith, believing him,

    and being obedient to our Fathers word. No more, no less.

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    Some of us have asked this question concerning another: How can he or she say they have

    Christ in their life and then turn around and do the things they do? Once again, that is not the

    question for us to ask. Neither is the judgment up to us. We shall mind our own business and

    concern ourselves with our own lives. Just because a person is diligently trying to walk in the light

    of Christ doesnt mean that person is perfect. If he or she were perfect, then what good was it for

    Christ to die for us all?

    When Jesus heard it, He saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the

    physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Mark


    If a person is one to have so much to say about another person, then that person with the

    many sayings shall look at him or herself in the mirror. Some people have joined the church or

    supposedly become so involved in the Word that they label themselves as higher than others. We

    are all sinners just as our brethren are. No sin is greater than the other. We all fall short of the glory

    of God. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Amen.

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    Some of us here on earth have a desire to make a change for the better, but are afraid to change our

    surroundings or change the people we associate with. Some people afraid of what their friends or

    family would think of their change.

    Whatever reason it is that we are changing for, we need to take inventories of our lives.

    We will do this by re-evaluating what and who has been essential or non-essential to us. We also

    need to evaluate what is hindering us from making that change. We do not need negative people

    around us, nor do we need people around us who do not support the changes that we are trying to

    make. Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners (1 Corinthians 15:33).

    As we see, making this change is similar to what a panel of jurors must do in order to reach

    a common verdict. Everyone on the jury must meet on some common ground. That was said to

    reference how we need people around us who are supporters, believers, and who share common

    interests and are trying to move in a positive direction.

    We cannot be afraid of change! If we are afraid of change, we can never progress and will

    continue the same process just as revolving doors. Do not allow anything or anyone to hold us

    back; because this is a change we are making for ourselves and it is a change for the better. So if

    we are making a change to better ourselves, then why concern ourselves with others? It may be

    difficult to change because we are in this world where many are ignorant, foolish, and are caught

    up in worldly things. They cannot grasp the concept of change.

    But we, as believers and as children of God, shall not allow ourselves to be distracted by

    that. To the average person, we may seem weird, and he may laugh at us, but all who laughed at us

    shall also weep. Not weeping in tears, but they shall weep inside for the much success we have

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    gained from our change while they were laughing at us. They will still be in the same place they

    were when we first made our changewhich is nowhere.

    Of course, we are not to seek vengeance against them nor boastfully rejoice over them, but

    they have only proven themselves wrong by not respecting our change! Having this in mind, what

    shall we fear about changing our world?Amen.

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    Thief in the Night

    The last days of the world are coming about, and if one has not gotten right with Christ, it is now

    the time to do so. Too many of us in this world are concerned with living for whats right nowinstead of living so that Christ may show us favor in the end. Now is the time to pay attention toour surroundings and notice how the signs of the end to come are showing.

    Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man

    cometh (Matthew 25:13). None of us knows when that day is to come, but we must realize the

    Scriptures must be fulfilled before the end comes. Although we know not when that is to be, we doknow that these things must shortly come to pass as told in Revelation 1:1. Let us pay attention to

    what has been going on in this world in conjunction with whats written in the Scriptures.

    The Scriptures state that nation shall rise again nation, and kingdom against kingdom:

    and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places (Matthew 24:7). Isthat not going on right now? No matter where we are: this day and this hour, we can look around

    and see these things taking place and being fulfilled. Let us be ready for his return. Be ye

    therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not (Luke 12:40).

    He will come when we are least expecting him because he wants us to be ready at all timesand not to be ready just because we know he is coming. Thats just like saying, Oh, Jesus! I

    would have repented if I had known you were coming now. It is no good to repent only because

    we knew; we should have already been repenting of our sins even when we did not know he was


    A restaurant owner or employee should not clean up the restaurant just because he knows

    the inspectors are coming. The restaurant should be clean at all times. Thats the same with us. Get

    right with Christ now before it is too late. We all have to stand before God on judgment day, and

    none of the things weve done or possessed in this world will matter.

    Where is our faith? Have we been with Christ all along? Do we now want to act like we know him

    just because this is judgment day? This is what we need to concern ourselves with. The time is

    now. Get right with Christ. The time is near, and yes, he is coming. But the day of the Lord will

    come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and theelements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned

    up (2 Peter 3:10).2Amen

    Chapter 4

    2Suggested supplementary reading to support these words: Luke 12:35-48

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    Golden Opportunity

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    This is to all of us with dreams. Most of us have some type of goal or goals we want to achieve.

    This was written to let us know that our goals are not far-fetched. Our time is coming, and it is not

    far away. No matter how long it seems weve waited, our time is coming if we only believe and

    keep waiting. Isaiah 40:31 says, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they

    shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not


    It will come when we are least expecting it, but we will be prepared for it simply because

    weve waited and believed. Once it comes, it will be our reward for our patience and strong desire

    to have it.

    Never mind what people around us are saying. When they doubt us or try to discourage us,

    let us use that to our advantage, for it is a spark to our motivation. Dont give up on saying, Its

    about to happen, nor give up on believing that its about to happen. Despite the pain of enduring,

    never give up on dreaming, because we need to dream in order to keep the dream alive. Our dream

    is our hope. Our hope is our motivation, and our motivation equals to manifestation. As we see,

    without a dream, there is no hope, and without hope there is definitely no success. The equation is

    simple. It is only the endurance that makes it seem difficult.

    As we endure, Satan will attempt to dismantle our faith and patience. He knows we have a

    vision, and he will try anything to give us a tainted vision. Believe it not. We serve a rich God, and

    we have no reason to settle for less. All we have to do is wait. We can wait; God can wait, but the

    Devil cant wait. Thats why he is trying to tamper with us and make us stop believing. It is only a

    matter of time. Be anxious for nothing, and do not be discouraged, no matter what!

    Those who dont believedont argue with them. Let them continue to not believe, for they will

    soon prove themselves wrong. The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I

    make thine enemies thy footstool (Psalms 110:1).Amen

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    Chapter 5

    Love & Morale

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    In The Midnight Hour

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    There are many people we have met, many we have fun with, and some we enjoy talking to, but

    very few, if any, that we know are our true friends. Everybody who smiles in our face and

    seemingly offers a helping hand is not necessarily our friend.

    There are some people who pretend to have an open ear to listen to our issues, but our

    words go through their ears with their having no intention of empathizing with us. Instead, our

    issues have now become everyone elses business. Instead of talking with us and keeping it

    between us, they have now talked against and about us.

    Weve all had some friends whom weve helped with anything in their time of need, but

    when we needed them, they fled the scene. Weve had some friends who abused our kindness,

    taking it for weakness, and they thought this was acceptable because they were our friends.

    Some of us may have had friends who became jealous of our accomplishments, and some

    who were jealous of the success we were trying to achieve. Some friends may have disrespected

    our relationships and marriages.

    There have been many treacherous things done to us by people who were supposedly our

    friends. Weve later discovered who our true friends were, and who those were who were

    pretending to be friends, but were the enemy within.

    Do not feel cast down, because we now can distinguish who is who because of what weve

    gone through with those who were claiming to be our friends. A true friend is there through the

    storm and also through the sunshine. True friends give us unconditional love, support, and comfort,

    and are always there for us.

    But such true friends can be counted on one hand.

    Luke 11:5-8 says, And he said unto them, which of you shall have a friend, and shall go

    unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves. For a friend of mine in his

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    journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him. And he from within shall answer and

    say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and

    give thee? I say unto you, though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet

    because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.Amen.

    Chapter 6

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    Personal Relationship

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    Every individual needs to experience God through Jesus Christ for himself. There are no

    exceptions and no exemptions. From the poorest person to the richest person, we need to

    experience God for ourselves. No matter who a person is; that person cant live his or her entire

    life off of other peoples personal testimonies or off of different preachers sermons.

    Luke 4:4 says, And Jesus answered him, saying, it is written, That man shall not live by

    bread alone, but by every word of God.

    We cant know what he can do for us if we never personally experience it. How can we tell

    someone what he will do for him or her if weve never experienced what hes done for us?

    Someone can tell us that God will get us through the storm, but if weve never sought him

    through a storm, how do we then know for ourselves that he will do it. Some of us may feel like

    we know God because weve attended every church service we possibly could. Thats not

    necessarily true. What good is it to hear all of those good things, and how can we comprehend if

    weve never experienced them? How can we sit in church and say, I know thats right, if we

    havent been a true living witness of Christ?

    This doesnt mean we have to go through the same exact thing another person goes through

    in order to understand Christ. This only means that once we ourselves have become living

    witnesses, we can relate to another persons testimony or sermon. We will never know until weve

    been tried! Even when weve been tried or will be tried, we will never know unless we askto


    Hes made himself known to us, but it is important for us to find it in ourselves to know

    him. Romans 1:20 says, For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly

    seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that

    they are without excuse: That lets us know there is no reason for us to not know of his existence.

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    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly

    dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).Amen.

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